HomeMy WebLinkAboutFood - Tavern on High - Inspection - 18 HIGH STREET 1/25/2024 (3) North Andover Health Department Food Establishment Inspection Report 120 Main Street, North Andover MA 01845 Tel. (978) 688-9540 Fax (978) 688-9542 Email: twoIfend(�ri@riortl)aridoverriia.gov ............ ......... ................ ....... Natne: Tavern on High Inspection Cate�01/25/2024 Number of P and PF Violations ....... ........ ........................ Address: 18 High Street T'irne In/Out: 04:30 pm 05:50 prn (IternS 1 thOUgh 29): 2 .................. Phone: 978-684-2264 Permit No.: 55C65 Number of Repeat P and PF Ernaii: Risk Category; HACCP� VuOafions(Iterns 1 though 29)�J,-.-2 ............. Owner: Ryan O'Connor Type of Operaflon: Food Service .... ...... Previous Inspection Date� Person-in-charge: Jonathan Diaz Type of Inspectiow Routine ........................ ....... Inspectm C.Lachendro Date of Re-Inspectiow 02/04/2024 or After ........... ............ FOODBORNE ILLNESS RISK FACTORS AND PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTIONS ........... ------ In 4)complaince out =carat compliance n/o not obse�rved n/a ootaplAicabie coS =corrected err site r =repeat violation r 4/0 C S r Cory i p I I anc e Status Compliance StatUS ........... �.�INO.6Y-WA NX)COS R___.L_ ........... -I—L ..A.--J— ........... Supervision Protection from Contamination 1 Person-In-Charge present, In 15 Food separated and protected In .................. . demonstrates knowledge, and 16 Food contact Surface; cleaned Out cos r performs duties and sanitized ------------- ............................. 2 Certified Food Protection Manager In 17 Proper disposition of returned, In Ernployee Health previously served, reconditioned 3Maraacleraaerat food emfadoyee a'n-d In and Unsafe food conditional employee; Knowledge, Tirrie/TerTiperature Control for Safety responsibilities, and reporting 18 Proper cooking time &temperature 1,1/0 ........... .............. ................................... 4 Proper use of restriction and exclusion In 19 Proper reheating procedures for hot We ............ 5 Procedures for responding to vomiting In holding ......................... sand diarrheal events 20 Proper cooling time and temperature n/o . ......—---------------------- --—------------- Good Hy,9jenic Practices 21 Proper hot holding temperature in 6 Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or In 22 Proper cold holding ternperature Out Ir tobacco use 23 Proper,date marking and disposition In ........... - ------------------------ ............................ 7 No discharges from eyes, nose and In 24 Time as a Public Health Control n/a ............. mouth Consumer Advisory Preventing Contamination by Hands 25 Consumer advisory provided for raw/ In 8 Hands clean and properly washed In under cooked food .............. ...... . .........--.1---- In --------- 9 No bare hand contact with RTE food Requirements for Hlg_!jy,Susce t le Po u ations ............... .......... 10 Adequate handwashing sinks properly 26 Pasteurized foods Used; prohibited supplied and ccessible foods not offered -17 ............. ............ Approved Source Food/Collor Additives and Toxic Substances --- -—------------------------- p ............ 11 Food obtained from source In 27 Food additives; approved arid n/a -.............11..................... . ........................................... 12 Food received at proper temperature n/o properly used .................................................... ........... ................................... 13 Food received in good condition, safe, In 28 Toxic Substances properly identified, In and unadulterated stored and used ........... ............... 14 Required records available, shellstock /a Conformance with Approved Procedures ........Approved- 29 Complli ance with variance/ outt FOFFICIAL ORDER FOR CORRECTION: &,,ised onan insjjectiorl pecialized process/HACCP plan kxiay,the iterns marked"OUT'indicated violations to 105 CIVIR 590 000 and applicabIe sections of 2013 FDA Food Code,This report,whwi signe4J below fay Board of Health inemilber or its agent constitutes an order of the Board of llealth. Failure to correct violations rJted in this report may result in suspension of,revocation of the food estaMshnient permit and Gessation of food establishment operations. If you are subject to a notice of suspension, or non-renewal pursuant to 105 CI' R 590.000 you may request zi hearing before the board of health in accordance with 105 CMR: 590,015(B). .......... . ..... ........ .... . .......... ——------ .............. —------------ ....... Page 1 of 4 Food Establishment Inspection Report MoJiNSOIL16 IS, r.LC; _.____._ _.. __ ___-_____ __________.w..._......_._ _.._ w_-. ... _. Establishment Tavern on High _ _ Date: 01/25/2024 Page 2 of 4 _. .. _...__.. GOOD RETAIL PRACTICES....... . ....._. _....... .....__.__w _....... _. ................ _.._.._. .._.... ...........-_w_ AND MASSACHUSETTS-ONLY SECTIONS ...._. _ ........ _.._... _.......... In cocorm7palauncc. Cut =66' CCIrlmpmla,�ace n/o -' no!observed n/a =riot applicable C,.os =corrected on-site r ..repeat violabon ...... . Compliance Status ire ciao a. N/A N/ca a cos rre Compliance Status, IN crur NIA raro COS r _........_......__.._-— .. _,_.,,,_... ..... ..-o.. ..l..... ..._.�.__ _.. ........ .... . ...w_. ...._. ........._ Safe food and Water 48 Warewashing facilities: installed, Out r 30 Pasteurized eggs used where n/a maintained, and used; test strips _.._......._._ ....- ____. _...w__..._._.,_ required 40 Non-food contact surfaces clean _. ...... ... ....__.. _.._._ . .... ........ww.w_._._ _.. _._.._.w. 31 Water and ice from source Physical Facilities _. . ...... ........ _..... .. ..... .... ... ....... ..__... .... _. _w..._......... 32 Variance obtained for specialized n/a 50 Hot and cold water available, processing methods adequate pressure _ _......_.......w�..._...____....__...... ... ............w_.._..�_.._..... . __ __w.._,._ __wa...... _.. _................_............................__ ..._.........._ _....._. ..._w. _......._. Food temperature control 51 Plumbing installed; proper 33 Proper cooling methods used; n/o backflow devices adequate equipment for 52 Sewage and waste water properly temperature control disposed _._. _... . ..... _._. . _ ............... ._. ....._ _.. ........ ............... ........... _.......... .... _ _....—._,.--- 34 Plant food properly cooked for Clot ra/o 53 Toilet features; properly, holding constructed supplied,and cleaned 35 Approved thawing methods rased n/o 54 Garbage and refuse properly ."36 -T'he n—nometer provided and accurate-_.__. ._... disposed„ facilities mairatairae,ct _.. _ ._......... ...... _.-.._._.,.. _._.... _. _. _,.......... ......... ._w..__ Food Identification 55 Physical facilities installed, ............ .0 os 37inal Food erly o _. .maintained, clean container 56cccuate ventilation _____._ _. ._._..._.. _......_..... and lighting; __........ ...._. ...www..w_......... Prevention of Food Contamination designated areas used ._............_._._._._. ________. ......... ........_-_. _. __......-.._,.... .. ....... 38 Insects, rodents„ and animals riot Massachusetts Re uirements _.-_............... _ .._.._. .... ._.._.... present M1 Anti-choking procedures in food 39 Contamination prevented during service establishment food prepa ration,storage and M2 Food allergen awareness In display M3 C,atearer 40 Personal cleanliness M4 Mobile Food Operation _-....._ _. ..._... .. _. ____..__.._ . _............ 41 Wiping cloths: properly used and M5 Temporary Food Establishment _-...__ - - ..... .w.__..... _... _._.._...... .... _ ......._.. __._.. _..-....._.._ __. stored M5 Public, Market; Farmers Market _ ... .. __.. ..... _............. .._ ..... ..__. .....__. __._... _ . _...__... _.. 42 Washing fruits and vegetables M7 Residential Kitchen; Bed-and- Proper Use of Utensils Breakfast Operation 43 In-rise utensils properly stored - M3 Residential Kitchen: Cottage Food _. _............. _..._ _.._... _. ......... _........... 44 Utensils, equipment and linens: Operation properly stored,dried, and handled MO School Kitchen; USDA Nutrition 45 Single-use/single-service articles: _ Program _.... _ .. _.. _, w._ ... . _w ..._. ......._. _._.... _._ . -. properly stored and used M10 eased Commercial Kitchen ......_... _ _ 46 Gloves used properly M11 InnovationOperation .._. _. _ Utensils, qu ment and Vendin w M12 Frozen Desert 47 Food and non-food contact surfacesµ) ww µY Local Re luirernents .. .._.... cleanable, properly designed, L1 I oc al law or regulation constructed and used L2 C;OVID-10 _. L"3 ...Reserved �....... .. . .......... Tavern on High Date: 01/25/2024 Page of 4 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION Fail Cade ........................... Repeat OBSERVATJON: PIC undblo La localo irreversible royintering temperavure indkcaLar at thmo of irinpection. PIC stalos intnnKon to purchase anothor dish plate thermometer . P REGULATION: it um 16 Food conracn surfane; 0eaned and vani i ! zed SanlYzing Hot War and Chnrntcal-Methnds, MrPM On St raga OBSERVATION: Observed bleach saritiyrr in labelpd hurkeL dl. Opyn wpon arrival I inspection via inspnclorls resting strips. PIC was able Lo correcl sanitizer's concentration during Lime of inspection. PIC Vu uv�a tosLing strips to ensure saniMer is umMained aL proper conceKiaLlon I(Mn I a. 4-501 . IL4 P KEGULATION: them 16 Food contam suiface; cleaned and sanitized Wa rewash-1 ng Chemi ca I Shn! Q za L i on-Teripe rat u r u, 10 Concent rat j an . ............. ............. Pepoat, OBSERVATION: Merved containers ol coleslaw and caramelized onions an icc� adjacent. Lo rook 'n line between 50-05"K observed ice non making cortact. wish convainers . PIC La add ice and monit-or tempnratures to enswim TM,. foods remain aL 41 "F or Mow. 3-h01 . I6 (A) (2) (H) + REGULATTON: II-em 22 Prop ur cold holding temperaLuro - - Holding TCS Food, Ml d ............ .............. ...... ....... ............ OBSERVATION: ()krverved cooked pu: lcd pork packaged in KOP in rahinet spoKinn of in- Ko ref­Kqeratcr 4 kitchen area. PLC states they do nor currvntly have m NAMP plan for such pdukagirg methods . PIC to contact heed orcice reqardinq C0rY1 ! dVU0 rosponsihMilem. Prc to cease and Moist packag4y fnnds in ROP Mil HACCP plan hHs boon appravod by health office. 8-201 . Ki REGUhATION: ] Lem 29 ComplLance wit-h variance specialized prncoss / HAMP plan -- HACCP Plan, When Required ............. .................. ................ . ......... ....... Repoal, 013 ,�'ERVA'TlOt'j: Observed expi red bleach and quaternary wani I izer test 4q strips at time of inspection. PIC Ko obtain new sonifizer testing stripw:� In accurately LusL concentration of sdnitizers. 4-302 . 14- Pt RRMLATION: Kvm 4B Warewashing far, ill ! ies : QsLallcd, maintained, mod uNud; test st- rips SarriLizing Snlut !ions, TesQnj Dvvjae,, Correct On Sinn OBSERVATION: observed unlaheled balk dry Qqredient cont,diners containing dry ingxedionks that PIC idaniMod an f' our and sugay . PIC labeled incliedient- containerm during Line of inspecLion. A-302M2 REGULATION: lium 3V Food properly laholud : oriqjrral conLainer Food Storage ConLainers iduntified QQ Common Name of Food ----- in Compliance 0I)s(averr pasta and con0d peppers and on' ons both in wAlk- ir. refrWeratui aL 411F, Observed conked chicken and sliced cherry 7omarocs buh in Lop section of in-line rKrYgeral-or a 40"Q . observed spinach dip in cahinet sn0ion of Nnih at 410F. observed s7lund torrat(as, coleslaw, and raw chicken all in wp section of additicnal- in line refrigerator M. 41 "F. Obsorved uncookod, egg iolls in rahinnt- section of unit at 410F. 01merved raw qrourci beetl paLtics and raw meak Lips both in two dtawur r0rigerator hKow grill at 4M. (bscrvud marinara waure and french onion soup both An tahle-Lnp hro- holding Hnit aL 156"IT and 1450' reNpe& i vet y. Uhserved high-tomperaturu warewashinq machines operating M IV3. 4'F and 162"F YuNpectivn! y old i rasp earor 's dish plat-e khermompler . observed foods in freezor units 'i n be frozen sull & .............. ............. -- . ..--1.......... .........................- ................... Tavern on High Date: 01/25/2024 Page 4 of 4 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION Fail Code Discussion Observed hood sticker in ccmpliance, next service due is March 2024. ......................-............ .............................. Closing Correct Priority at and Priority Foundation Item violations immediately; Core Item vLclMons within 10 days. Correct all violations in entirety and maintain. Train and supervise staff . Failure to correct all. violations and maintain corrections may result in administrative action and or fines. The texL in this report is an unofficial version of the state regulations. official version of the state regulations may be found at www.mass.gov/dph/fpp or by contacting the State House Book Store. .....................---...................................... .........................--- -,- ............... .................... .......... ...................