HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-29 Correspondence-Highway Surveyor DEF SUB Cis .1 .,� ►Wra`�� OFFICE of HIGHWAY SURVEYOR F. AFRILgn i ` 18b5 TOWN OF NORTH Ale ROVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 William A. Cyr Mb W<M- 0'r iWetWfk 'TELEPHONE 683-2234 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR I, March 30, 1973 Planning Board 120 Main Street North Andover. , Mass. Dear Sirs: Re: Preliminary Plans on Subdivision Appledore The only comments that 2 can matte at this time is that T don' t see the 25 ft. leveling off section at the intersection of circle and Sandra Lane. x also have questions on the nine degrees pitch and the culvert; sizes in sections affected. 1 would prefer to wait for a more definite plan before 1 make any further judgement. 1 feel that these preliminary plans lack much of the requirements necessary for me to matte any further comment at this time. 1 am planning to attend the meeting on Monday evening. Very truly yours, William A. Cyr, Highway Surveyor .r 4�yOnTy 7 z°�4aAT .aQ OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SURVEYOR o.•�' F• APhiL7P( h ;y: 18&6A q TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 r WiLUAM A. CYR TmLEPHoNE 683.2234 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR October 26, 1973 i i William Chepulis, Chairman Planning Board 120 Main Street North Andover, Mass. Re: Appledore Subdivision Dear Mr. Chepulis: 1. I would Like to have two additional catch basins added, approximately twenty feet north of where the new Sandra Lane ties in with the existing. 2. 1 would suggest that due to the fact that the bar type storm drain grates pose a problem of the possibility of bicycle wheels getting stuck in them and the possibility of someone getting hurt, I recommend the checker square typo be used. These are also much stronger. 3. All excavations should be given ample time to settle before any paving work is done. We have had many pavement sags in our new subdivisions and I would like to be sure that this needless problem is overcome. 4. The headwall is to be built according to the specifications of the Planning Board. 5. I would like to have the 4 inch crown scale changed to 3/8 of an inch. Very truly yours, 11t)�*-a��L-(11 , C- William A. Cyr, Highway Surveyor WAC/mp tzrt``'� y �' tier OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SURVEYOR (+i APHIL 7Y A •. 1855 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 ►y rr.+� WILUAM A. CYR TELEPHONE 683-2234 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR September 19, 1975 William Chepuli.s, Chairman. Planning Board 120 Main Street North Andover, Mass. Re: Appledore A Bond Dear Bi.l.l: At the request of the developer I am submitting this estimate for a bond. The sub--grading has been approved and the drainage is partially completed, with no apparent problems existing at this time. I believe $52,000.00 will' sufficient to complete the remainder of the work in this sub-di_vi.sion per- taining to my department. This amount includes, only work envolved within the limits of road work and does not include re- tension ponds. Very truly yours, William A. Cyr, Highway Surveyor VIAC/mp rYo4s"�4iT'X:rrL+r�r OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SURVEYOR APRIL'ff'1 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 gssACH-X y4 WIC,LIAM A. GYR TELEPHON K 683-2234 HIGHWAY SURVEYQR May 17, 1976 Mr. Fritz Ostherr, Chairman Planning Board. 120 Main. Street North Andover, Mass. Re: Appledore Dear I+'Ai-Lz I recommend that the amount of bond on the above subdivision be reduced by $25,000. leaving $2 7,000. The work that has been approved to da.Le on this subdivision is; Sub-grade, Sub-drainage and Gravel. Very truly. yours, William A. Cyr highway Surveyor WAC/mp y .o OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SURVEYOR Fi APPIL7t TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 r ACm? �.4 I WILLIAM A. CYFZ TELEPHONE 683-2234 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR June 7, 1. 76 Mr. Ij�ri-Lz 0 aiherr, 01ta.irrIlD4 Planning :hoard Town Building North Andover, 'Ma.ssa.chusetts Re: Appledore Requested by Victor Hatem Dear -Fritz; I would like to report that the finish coat of hot toll has been applied and that subdivision `,cork in general is shaping up qui to well. I would recorlrrrieiid you hold the a»iount of Ten Thousand Dollars. I would like to know at this tune who is responsible for approval and status of the work involved in retention ponds. )Very -truly yours, �iil,liarn A. Cyr 1 ghway Surveyor Y*►Q NoRry��*,,� OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SURVEYOR 7 F;`Arm7Ma,r~} 384 OSGOOD STREET y.. 1855 of` TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Acfiug� WILLIAM A.CYR TELEPHONE 685-0950 Highway Surveyor October 25, ':1..9'j6 Pl.atrniing Board 120 Main St. N. Andover, Mass. 1Ze: Sand:ra. Vane llequeot for Bond Release Deer The, reason I am so i,a:rdy on this report is that .1' had let the developers of AKpp l.edore Imov l.as . spring that: I would ro L con- semi: to a full. bond release vjn-Li.l. such time was given lt.o determine) wh.alt :i.'1 any, correctivo measures woul.,d have to be taken in a normal araour.it of ti_rne to :i.rl,ur,o f-u.l_l settl.ernent, and other cond:i.'Ams -i>ha't only, Lime and -weather can de t,ermin.e. I am g bmi_ttUng a copy of a. letter of June �. from .hppled.ore 4s,�ori.ai;es as a sarq)1e, of what I am talking about. I :i m armed. them at that Varna that I rroul.d not approve the fi.nish coat of hot-(,op on tbAs section of road.. They 'were i..nsi_s-€.ant that; i:lie-re would be no further sett;l.ement, so I told. there :it, would be necessary to assure me that, corrective measures would be taken if such problems arose. Under no c- rcimstancrs would I acpprove a bond, rel.ca.5o with such an agreeasaent pending. J' would still_ have had my report, ready only I figured I would submit it along ultb rrny- repo:r. t on the re€;ent,i.on ponds. 1. have made a reconi, i.nspect:i.on and find the following items yet to be clone. 1. Stone bounds are only par. L_i.ally completied. 2. Insuf l_'i.c:ienl, crown to the road. 3. Berm needed to contain drainage to road area i_n. four Local ions. I ird ll meot vr:it,la vepresen.t:i.ves of Appled.ore to ;how there why 8c wlaero. linou.nts to approx:imatol.y 1_80 Feet in. total.. Ba.s:l.ns ancl, dr.�aia-).age channels to be cleaned. 5. ]lead walls have no -Cou.ndations and depth be'l_.ow grade is insufficient. -2- 6. Erosion areas around pianmpint; station to be regraded and seeded.. 7. Drain pipe epptyi.rig iijto Salisbury Pond, to be enlarged or removed and a channol of KO rap , stone be cons truc Led.. 8. Better control of drive way and drainage entry into street area. All in all I :eel that this road has been done; in a good manner and, if we can protect; iiha,t ue have at prosent through the: house construction pease, wd thot).t doing any further damage to the street area we mill end up with, not only a well cons-twu.cted, but also a real good. :looking subdivision. Very tvU l-y- yours, 1 Nilliam A. Gy:r, HigbMay Surveyor !WI LMOBf_"RGH .,`Ji':.t6WV June 4, 1976 tU i r1UEN, DAAS5;. 0 l i144, Town of: North Andover Highyay Surveyor North Andover, Mass , Re : Sandra Lane Appledoxe Development; North Andover, Mass Dear Mr , Cyr: This .is to certify that Methuen Construction Co . Inc , and/or Appl.edore Associates will guarantee to make any corrective work necessar,; on the sewer trench between station 21+00 to 21v75 that may be required due to further settlement . This guarantee will be in effect for one year from the time of initial. paving. Very truly yours , NET"OEN CONSTAUCTION COMPANY, INC . .bon C. Asddoorian ,l LCA :in 1 � ++ Noary IP -Vr3 �Q'10" OFFICE OF MGIIWAY SURVEYOR Ate,,,r„ 384 OSGOOD STREET y. rasa �' TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 .44 WILLIAM A.CYR TELEPHONE 685-0950 Highway Surveyor October 25, 1976 l .l-ann-i.-ih,g Board. 120 fain 8t- North An.dovor, Mass. Re: Report on Salisbury' and Long .Pon.d. Dear Fri-t yz f After going over the site and checld-ng Work clone as cmii- pa.red to plans submitted., I submit the fo-l_:l.owhig report. Salisbury Pond: 1, Average dop ,h of pond one foot to eigh-L-ecrt i.xa.ches. 2. :La.rge aartoun.t o+' erosion and si.'l.tatio.n. J: sped a`.l l.y on the. west side. of the bond 1q.jje).,,c the dr.air€ pipe en i,er s from Sandra Lane. 1.1eason ro:c, ex�asio€x at this po_ixrti , I fee),' is because tb.e pipe enteri np the pond i_s of, i_xtata,a::i i..ei.en.c, 9-1 -e to h.athd Le dra.i nags OLttptkt f V0111 Sandra, Lane. p:i.pe is not show on 4 plan. . 3. Grading around pond is poorly done vti- li a Large number o:l' tree roots ano. stumps protrod-ing above gra.cle. 4. Ot7tfa.l..l. strtl.ctiiro not bu-ilt a.-, shown on p;l,an. `1.'}iei:r.° are several. omissions that have not been corap'j.Gted L?s spcci,xi ed. on p'f,G.n.s, such a.s: `I_. �ieasu.rc��tcrz i;s of the he str uc t;ur.e itself, da th.ot corrospond -W-tl.h pIa:ns. 2. Outa al..l_ ba.s-1,n not, as s'raoVTO. 3. Emergency spi.;l_'l.way not. cons timcte;d. Tong Pond: 1. Avei,age dep't.h. one .foot to ei_gh een inches 2. Ston-c' spi.l.l,rTa.;y is apProxi mately eigb.teeah inches to tmo feet tri..cle and an. average-, he-iglht of ;i_x i_taches oil, tY€e side waLl.s ahh.d appears to co€np'ly with. Plans. Con.crete bent has a bad hori_vontal., crack runt€-ing tlhroUgh it at a point, just; about, bot'Go)-0 of pipe grade. 2 O[Aier than what I have mentioned vill other work -ii.s according to subm:U-A,ed plans. I would, is' we get into such a situation agadn, 'like to got in on the grotmd floor axid see that work in the field was chocked axed ino�poctod during the actual const-viietion period. Unti.). you asked me. to make this repor-t I vms 1)nder the improsuion that the scope of all, work concerning tho ratention ponds came under the juxisdiction of the Conservation Omm-flission. Very truly yom-s, Willial-11 A. Cyr;' Highway Surveyox, WAG:jhm