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Monday - April 15, 1968
e alar eet ng Hear'- s
The BOARD OF APPEALS held their regular meeting on Monday evening, April 15,
1968 at 7:30 P.M. in the To~n Office Building Meeting Room. The following members
were present and voting: James A. Deyo, Chairman; Arthvr Drua~ond, Secretary;
Donald J. Scott, D~-~el T. 0'Leafy and John J. Shields. Associate Member Rober~ J.
Burke was also present.
There were 22 people present for the hearings of the eve~.
Mr. Dr~..m~nd reed the legal notice in the appeal of William F. Brennan, Jr.
requesting a Special Permit under Section 4.7 and a variation of Sec. 4.73 ~e) of
the Zoning By-Law so as to permit the erection of a residential building cont~tng
four family units, on the premises, located at the north side of Saunders Street;
50 feet from the corner of Cleveland Street and known as 80 Saunders Street.
Mr. Brennan appeared on his own behalf and pleaded his case by citing a need for the
type of apartments he proposed; that the ~ was well suited to multiple family
Two abutters, Philip Miller and Walter Ma~xrenko, spoke tn opposition saying there
is no hardship involved and that there are limited parking facilities.
Mr. Shields ~de a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. 0~Leary
seco~led the motion and the vote was una-~ous.
2. J0~ P. SA~GERMAN0:
Mr. D~*..,ond read the legal notice in the appeal of ~ohn P. Sangermano
requesting a variation of Sec. 7.21 of the Zoning By-Law so as to permit the
addition of a fRm~ly room and garage on the premises, located at the north side
of Dale Street, known as No. 268 Dale Street.
Mr. Sangermano pleaded his own case by citing his need for the edditional room and
garage and the desireability of placing it on his lot as illustrated. The bui2~-~s
were skewed with respect to the lot line so that only one corner of the garage was
within the side yard l~ts.
There was no opposition to the petition.
Mr. O'Leary made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Shields
seconded the motion and the vote ~as uns~mous.
~r. Dx~=ond read the legal notice in the appeal of Jaw~_s Garon requesting a
variation of Sec. 6.31 and 7.23 of the Zoning By-Law so as to pe~t the division
of an existing lot of land into two parcels, both to be smaller in size tba~_B_ is
required under the ZoB~B~ By-Law, on the premises, located at the west side of
Lexington Street, at the corner of Concord Street, known as 24 Lexington Street.
April 15, 1968 - cont.
Mr. Garon represented ~4mself and stated his case by pleading that it was his desire
to split his lot into two parts so as to create a lot upon which his prospective
son-tn-law could build a house. He stated that he realized the lots were smaller
than permitted but that there were many in existence appro.~m~tely the same size as
those he proposed. He stated that the house to be built on the proposed lot would
be a credit to the neighborhood and would be an asset to the to~n. Salvatore Rosa,
the prospective son-in-law, also spoke.
There were several persons present at the hearing ~ith some registering opposition
to the .~,~11 size of the proposed lot and also to the added traffic on the street.
There were others present who were not too concerned over the proposal but did not
speak either in favor or against the petition. ~[r. Drr~wm~nd made a metiou to take
the petition under advisement. Mr. Scott seconded the motion and the vote was
Mr. Dr~.~nd read the legal notice in the appeal of Walker Realty Trust
re~,-esting a Special Permit u~der Sec. 4.7 of the Zo~-g By-Law so as to perm4t
the construction of six apartment buildings, to contain 12 units each, on the
premises located at tha~ north side of Chickering Road; approx. 600 feet from the
corner of Lund's Garden Center.
Atty. John J. Willis represented the petitioner, who ~as also present. The
principal points in his pleading were as follows: The six buildings proposed ~re
a logical extension of the existing five building co,lex. The petitioner
,~intain the roadway to the proposed b~fildings as a private way and would not
require to~n services other tb~_n the police and fire protection. There was a
continuing need for apartments in the town and the proposed complex would serve to
satisfy this need. It was also cited that the proposed buildings would he an asset
to the Town in the for~ of increased tax revenues. Atty. Willis also stated that a
strip of land, some forty-seven feet ~ide, which conceivably could have been used
as a second entrance would be given equally to the two abutters of the strip. In
addition a suitable screening fence would be erected along the rear property
of the same two abutters, Mr. Chadwick and Mr. Harvey.
Those abutters present at the meeting spoke in favor of the petition eit4~
other reasons that the area was a potential hazard to their property should a brush
or grass fire occur. Mr. Lurid, speaking as a member of the town's Board of Assessors,
stated that the complex would aid the teen's tax base.
Mr. Shields made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. O'Leary
seconded the motion and the vote was un~4mous.
Mr. Deyo stepped down and gave the Chairmanship to Mr. 0'Leafy who sat on the
original hearing. Associate Me,er Burke was also present to sit for this petition.
Roy Fart and Atty. Stephen LoPiano met agA4~ ~ith the Board and a discussion was
held as to the layout of the apar~aents and parking spaces and the division of the
lots. They agreed to ~ake the changes as recommended by the Board ~re.
April 15~ 1968 - Con~.
Mr. Drummond made a motion to table the petition ~mtil corrected plans are sub~itted.
Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was
Revised plans will be submitted at the meeting of May 13, 1968.
14e~:~i~ack Pay4-8 Corp. requested a renewal of their earth removal permit on land
on Boxford Street. Mr. O'Leary made a motion to grant the renewal subject to the
s~me conditions that applied on the original permit' Mr. Scott seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. O'Leary made a motion that Mr. Deyo be Chair~*,.
motion ,~.A,J~,,-~- .........
Mr. Shields seconded the
Mr. O'Leary made a motion that the nominations be closed. Mr. Shields seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
The Board then voted unanimously to elect Mr. Deyo as Chairman.
Mr. D~-w, ond was appointed as Secretary.
The Board then proceeded to discuss and vote on the petitions of the evening.
~tr. O'Leary made a motion to deny the petition. Mr. Shields seconded the motion.
After considerable discussion, Mr. O'Leary withdrew his motion. Mr. Shields made a
motion that the Board ~embers view the site, seconded by Mr. O'Leary and voted unani-
Mr. Shields made a motion to GRANT the variance.
and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Scott seconded the motion
The reasons for granting the variance are as follows:
1. To deny the petition would cause hardship, financial or Otherwise to the petitioner.
2. To the casual passer-by, there would be no readily discernible evidence of the
3. Granting the petition will not deviate from the intent and purpose of the Zoning
Mr. OtLearymade a motion to grant the petition. There was no second to the
motion. After discussion, Mr. Scott ~dea motion to defer action untiltheBoard
was able to see the Assessor's maps to compare the lot sizes in the area. Also,
any members that wished to do so could view the site. Mr. Shields seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
April 15, 1965 - Cont.
Mr. D~,,~nd made a motion to GRANT the petition, subject %0 certain stipulations.
Mr. Shields seconded the motion and the vote ~s una~3mous.
The principal reasons for granting the special permit and special conditions to which
this approval is subject are as follows:
1. Granting the special permit will not deviate from the intent and purpose of the
Zoning ~y-Lawe.
2. The proposed apartments are well situated and as an extension of an existing
complex will form a desireable area.
Special conditions:
1. The right of way from the petitioner's land to Prescott Street shall be divided
equ~ly and deeded to the two abutters, Mr. Chadwick and Mr. Harvey.
2. The roadway to the existing complex which will also service the proposed building
shall be kept and w~_intained as a private way. The m-~ntenance sb.ll include plowing~
street lighting, rubbish and garbage collections and that the Town acceptance of the
street shall not be sought.
3. There shall be a suitable screening fence erected on the property of the two
abutters, Mr. Harvey end Mr. Chadwick.
4. That on the land area to which this special permit is 'concerned there will never
be a petition to add additional apartment buildings.
5. It is to be understood also that the roadway, and in particular the circle at the
end of the roadway, meet the approval of the Fire Department as to any requirements
they feel necessary.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.