HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-05-16The meeting was called to order by the chairman at
8~00 P.M.
Members present= John F. Alter, Chairman, Gregory
Mooradkanian, Sexretary, James T. Poor, Irving ¢,
Howes and associate member ~ahto Di~auro.
An Application was received from Eamett Shes of
Lincoln Street requesting a renewal of a non-
conforming use permit which was granted last year.
Mr. Shes was present and explained that he wished to
continue to run the variety store on Lincoln Street.
There was no objection to this application and a
motion was made and seconded and it was unanimously
vote d to grant the. variance for another year.
An application was received from James J. Yelverton
reuqesting a renewal for a non-confirming use, to
continue to maintain an ice cream stand on Salem
Turnpike. This permit was granted last year. Mr.
Yelverton was present and expalined that he had
spent a considerable sum of money to erect this
stand and that he wished to continue to maintain it.
There was no objection to this application. A motion
was mad e and seconded and it was unanimously voted to
grant the variance for another year.
An application was received from Mrs. ~abel Sracionc
requesting a variance of the Zoning By-Laws so as. to
permit the use of the premises located at 404 A-dover
Street for a sandwitch shop. The advertised notice was
-read by the Secretary. ~Mrs. Sarcione was present and
explained that she had done business there ~or the pa~t
twenty years until the death ~f her husband in 19Z6. Now
that her son had returned from the service, she wished to
re-open this stand which has been closed for these years.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lewis, who live near-by but who are not
abutters were present and objected to the granting of-this
variance on the grounds that there was considerable noise
and disturbance as this stand catered to late crowds and
was opened late at night. Mr. Henry~ E. L,,~ stated that
Mr. Ralph Monahan had called him and wished to go on
record as objecting to. the granting of the variance on the
same grounds. Mrs. Sarcione explained that she had opened
the stand from May 30 to July 4, 1946 but that it had been
closed since. Motion was made and seconded and it was
voted to take the ~atter under advisement.
After considerable discussion of Mrs. Sarcione's application,
a question of the last date on which a Common Victualler's
License had been~anted and a motion was made and seconded and
it was voted that the clerk of the board be instructed to check
with the office of the Board of Selectmen on this license. This
matter was then held over until May 23, 1949 when a special
meeting would be held and a decision would be rendered.
16, 1949-Continued
An application was received from John B. Johnson of,12 R~chardson Avsnue,
requesting a varianc~ to the Zoning By~ws of the own of North Andover,
ao aa to permit the sub-division of three existing, lots looated at
Richardson Avenue, into two lots of larger sise, this land is used for
a garden at the present tima and the adjoining owner wishes to purchase
the lot indicated on the plans for a garden and also to protect his
present holdings. ~ fir. Ralph Brasssur was present in the interest of fir, Johnson
and explained that the middle lot was very s~all, that the present owner would
retain part of it and sell the remainder to the adJoAming owner for a garden
for the present, in any. event i~proving this lot in size although it still
does not conform to the present By-Laws for sixe. There was no objection
to this application and motion was madee and seconded and it was unanimously
voted to take the matter under advisement.
After considering the above application, the Board voted unanimously to
grant the varianc, to Mr. Johnson.
An application was received from Attorney Charles W. Trombly, representing
the Heirs-at-law of Thoaas and Margaret Finn, requesting a variance of the
Zoning By-Law, so as to permit the sub-division of three existing Iota
having 50 foot frontage into two lots having 75 foo~ frontage and being
92 feet deep, more or less, the resulting- area of each lot being less then
the r~quired 7500 square feet. These lots are located at 140,141 and 142
Beacon hill Boulevard, North Andovar. Mr. Brasseur explained the situation
to the Board regarding the depth of these Iota and nothing wan be done about
it. There was no objection to this application and a motion was made and
seconded and it was voted to take the matter under advisement.
After considering the above application, the Board voted ,,-=-%~ously to
grant the variance.
Motion was made and seconded and it was voto~ to adjourn the meeting until
the following Monday evening, May 23, 1949 to consider the application of
Mrs. Mabel Sarcione.
Ueeting was adjourned at 10~30 P.M. Sign ~/~
-~ / Secretary /
Signed ~~ ~ ~
This was a special meeting and was called to order By the chairman at 8:15
Membex's present~ John F. Alter, Chairman, Gregory Mooradkanian, Secretary,
Ja~es T. Poor, and ~ssociate members James ~egan and Santo Dimauro.
Further discussion of the application of Mabel ~arcione was held. Having
checked 'with the Board of Select~en's Office for records of the last date
that a Oo~mon Victualler's license had been g ranted, it was found that
this was on April 14, 1943' It was also brought out that if firs. Sarcione
had conducted business at this stand sines that date it had been done without
a license and that under the circ,,m_-tanoes, it would be necessary to find that
the stand had not been officially opened within the three years prior to this
application. Being a non-conf&r~ing use, in accordance with Article V, Section 1,
Paragraph (d), a non-conforming use which ha? .been discontinued for three years
shall not be resumed. Motion was ~ade and seconded and it was voted to den~ the
variance on this application, and firs. Mabel ~aroione was so notified.
Meeting was dajourned at 9:30 P.M.