HomeMy WebLinkAboutVILLAGE LAND COMPANY VILLAGE LAND COMPANY 6 Elm Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 P&CORD~D Mr. John J. Lyons Town Cie rk Town of North Andover Town Building North Andover, Massachusetts Dear Sir: 1975 01845 POOK MISC. #2 PAGE 326 As a trustee of the Village Land Company, I file with you herewith pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 182, Section Z, additional changes in trustees subsequent to the date of our last notification. These copies are from the Registry of Deeds book and have been attested. Yours very truly, VILLAGE LAND COMPANY Arthur C. Morrow Trustee cab Enclosures (16) ESSEX :~ORTH ~-~'~ ,,~',:-,a~ RY OF DEEDS A TRLE COPY: ATTEST: - ;".-"-;,: ?£ ./"--" 2// !ESSEX NoRtH R_G.$TRY~ 1 OF DEEDS L~AWRENCE, ~ASS' · :'x--~]~.'~. '~, .q ici b g~ ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF' DEEOS LAWrenCe-. ~:ASS_, '? ~ ~:': ~',_. i ~ i: h~ TRUE C:OP¥~..~-~,~A' --~'". ~ , ESSEX NORTH" REGISTRY OF DEEDS ' A TR~E COPY: A~E~" :~ ~ ~SSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDA ~WR-NC--. ~,!~SS -~J~£: . '.'1 I ~-i l~ L~ TRUE CO?Y: ATTEST: ESSEX ~'~ORTH Rr_.,~,aIRy OF DEEDS A TRUE COPY: AI--FE~t-: ~';o~.t ce of E~milton Oscar .~. Godfrey, and 8amael ~. Rockwell. both of Norgh Andover. Ea sex County. and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Trustees of the Village ~and Company, a Massachusetts Realty Trust, established by deed of trust dated January 8th, 1914. and recorded in Northern Essex Registry of Deeds.ih book 338, page ~5, ar~l by amendments thereto, hereby certi fy az follows: That on '~ay 15th. 1926 at North Andover, ~esachusetts George 5. Eanilton. one of the original Trustees of said Village Land Company died, being a Trustee of said Village land Company, at the WITheS3 our hands and seals this 1st day of June {seal (seai) date of his death. 1925 ...... ) Oscar M. Godfrey Commonwealth of 'Massachusetts. Es- ) Samuel P, Rockwell sex s's,- Then personally appeared ) Trustees of the Village ) the above named Oscar M. Godfrey, ) Land 0ompany an~ 2~el ~, Rockwell. h~th well. know~ to me as Trustees of the lags Zend Company, ar~ mmda o~h that the statemen~ by them abov~ sub~' scribed is true. ~rano[s N. ~ockwell, ~r,. Notary Public. sion expires ~y l?th. 1929. (Notaria] Essex ss. Reeeive~ June 2,1926 at 40m pas~ 1OA.M. Reeorded and ~maned gS'EX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS A ia, w=_ COPY: Al'TEST: ~1 ' · ,u.,ih, REGISTRY OF DEEDS ESSEX NOPTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS g TRU~ COPY: A~[ST:~} ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS LAWRENCE, MASS · ~.~,'~'~'~"~ 0 lq ~[~ A TRUE COPY: A'I-t'EST:~'~ " DECLARATION June 14, 1963 183muel F. Rockwell, one o[ the present ,Trustees o[ the Village Lan(1 Comp,uny trust (~ated January 8, 1914, and recorde(~ in the North Essex Registry of DeeCls in Book 338, lC~ge 35, hereby certi[y that one o[ the original subscribers thereto, Henry D. Rockwell o[ North Anaover, is still alive as o[ this ~ate. S tare of County of Essex June 14, 1963 Then personally appeared Samuel F. Rockwo}l and swore to the truth o[ the above statement; ... Essex,ss. Recorded J~e 18, 1963 at 1Om past l~.bI. ~612 ESSEX i~;ORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS LA~'~,~NC~. ~,ASS._- (l~'~/ O, i~,b ~/' A TRUE COPY: AI~'EST:~ ' , ' Recorded in Book 1019, page 163 I, the undersignmd S~mu~l F. Rockwell. one of the Trustaes of Village Land Company under tr~st instrument datad January 8, 1914 r~corded in Essex ~orth Registry of Deeds, BOOk 33a, Page 35, as h~retofor~ amended, h~ret~f r~sign from such trusteeship. In wit~ss wi~ere~f I hav~ h~reunto set my signa ute and seat this 28th day of $~pt~mber, 1964. ..s/ Samuel .F.~ogkwell Co~_~o. nwealtb of ~smachusettm S~ptemb~r 28, 1964 Personal~y appeared the above-named Sa~aml F. RoW~ell and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his fr~ act and d~edo Befor~ ~e, ~o~ary Public exp~es. July 20, 1967 (notarial seal) Recorded in Book 1019, page 164 ~a~ J~ B, 1914 ~ ~1 ~ 2~th William ~P. Rockwell David 8~ WZlie _ =~ion ~ir~$ July 20, 1967 ~notarial~ seal) NOW ALL MEN ~ Y THESE Recorded in Book 1019 page 164 Reference is made to a Declaration of Trust dated January 8, 1914, recorded with Essex North District Deeds, Book 338, Page 35, as most recently amended by amendment dated September 28, 1964, establishing the Village Land Company. WHEREAS, Samuel F. Rockwell and William P. Rockwell resigned as t=ustees of said Trust by instrument dated September 28, 1964, recorded with said Deeds, and WHEREAS~ by Article III, Section 1, of said~Declaration of Trust.it is provided that: "There shall at all times be three Trustees, and, .if and whenever the number of.TrUstees shall become, less than three, a vacancy or vacancies i~%aid office shall be deemed ~o exist. Each vacancy in the office of Trustee shall be filled by instrument in writing setting forth (a) the appointment of a natural person to act as Trustee, signed'and acknowledged (in the manner required for the recordinq of deeds in the Commonwealth of MaSsachusetts) by the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per cent of the then outstanding shares, and (b) the acceptance of such appointment, signed and so acknowledged by such.person. Such instrument shall become effective upon the recording. thereof with t-he Essex North District Registry of Deeds, and such person shall then be and become a Trustee and shall be vested with title to the trust property, jointly with the remaining or surviving Trustees or Trustee, without the necessity of any act of transfer or conveyance.~ NOW, THEB~WORE, we, the undersigned being registered.holderS of no= less than fifty-one per cent of the outstanding shares of the beneficial interest in said trust do hereby designate and appoint Charles P. Rimmer,Jr. of Groton , Middlesex County, Massachusetts, as a trustee of said Trust to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of said samuel F.-Rockwell.. WITNESS our hands and sea~ t_his 28th day of September, 1964. s/ walter T Putnam l/ Arthur W. Reynolds s/ Frank W. Reynolds II s/ A Forbes Reynolds.Jr s/ Samuel F Rockwell s/ William P. Rockwell s/ Samuel F Rockwell ) s/ Ralph G. Boyd ) s/ Charles p.. Rioter, Jr.} Trustees under the will of George D. Davis COMmONWeALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS all of Then personally appeared before me/the above-named shareholders ' and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be ~heir. free ac= and deed. September 2~ 1964 s/ David A. Wylie Notary Public ~ My co~mission expires~ 7/20/67 (notarial seal) I, the undersigned Charles P. Ri~u~er,J~. ~ereinbefore designated as trustee of the aforementioned trus~, do hereby accept said appointmen= as trustee. Witness my hand. and seal this September, 1964. 28th day of s/ Charles P. Ri,,~.er, Jr. CO14M0~TH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex, ss. September 28, 1964 Then personally appeared before me the above-named Charles P.Rim-~er,Jr. , successor trustee of the said Village Land Company, and acknowledged the foregoing instrumen~ to he his free act and ~eed as successor ~rustee as aforesaid. s/ David A. wy%ie Notary Public My commission expires: 7/20/67 ' '(notarial Seal) - 2- we certify that the persons who signed the foregoing instrument are the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per cent of the outstanding shares of the beneficial interest in said trust. s/ Samuel F Rockwell Samuel F. Rockwell, Trustee s/ Arthur W. Reynolds Arthur W. Reynolds· Trustee s/ William p. ROckwell William P. Rockwell, Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex, ss. September 28 Subscribed and sworn to,before me · 1964 s/ David A. Wylie Notary Public My commission expires: 7/20/67 (notarial seal) - 3 - Reco.u~ed In Book 1019, p~ge 166 PRESENTS ~eference is made to a Declaration of Trust dated Janua~ · 8, 1914, recorded witk Essa>: ~orth District Deeds, Book 33S, Page 35. as r. ost recently amended by amendment dated September 28, 1964, establishing uke Village Land Company. %2~~ED~, Samuel F. Rock-well and ~illiamP. Rock, ell resigned as t_~s~ees of s~id Trust by instrument dated September 28, 1964, recorded witk said Deeds, and ~..~E~, by Article IIZ, Section 1, of said Declaration of T~ast.i~ is provided that: '~here shall at all times be three Trustees, .and, .~.f and whenever the number of ~rustees shall become less than three, a vacancy or vacancies in said offiae shall be deemed to exist. Each vacancy i~n the office of ~rus~ee shall be filled by instrument in w~iting setting forth (a) th~ appointment of a n~tural person to act as TL~stee, signed and acknowledged (in the manner required for the recording of deeds in the Commonwealth of ~assachusetts) by the registered holders of not le~:5 than fifty-one per cent of the then outstanding sha~es, and (b) the ~cceptance of such appointment, signed and so ac~owledged by such person. Such instrument shs!! become effective upon the recording. thereof with the Essex ~orth District Registry of Deeds, and such person shall then be and become a Truste~ and shall be vested with title to the trust property, jointly with the remaining or surviving ~asteas or Trustee, without the necessity of any act of transfer or conveymnceo'' ~OW. Ti-?~R~PO~, we, the undersigned being registered.holders of not !ess uhan fifty-one per cent of the outstanding shares of the D~..e__c_al interes~ in said trust do hereby ~esign~te and appoint ~a!ph G. Boyd of Boston , Suffolk County, !~assachusetts, as a trustee of said. Trust to fill the vacancy cause~ by the resignation of said william P. Rockwell. WZT~SS our hands and seals this 28th day of' September, s/ walter T Putnam S/ Arthur W Reynolds s/ Frank W. Reynolds II s/ A Forbes Rockwell Jr. s/ Samuel F Rockwell s/ William P. R~ckwell s/ Sam~el'F Rockwell ) s/ Ralph G Boyd ) s/ Charles P. Rimmer, Jr.)- Trustees under'the will of · George D. Davis all of Then personally appeared before me./the above-named shareholders , , and acknowledged ~he foregoing instrument to be th~i~ free ack ~nd deed. CO~V~hD~LTH OP MASSACHUSETTS September 28, 1964 s/ David A. Wvlie .... Notary Public My commission expires: 7/20/67 (no%ariel seal) i, the undersigned Ralph G. Boyd , hereinbefore designated as trustee of the aforementioned trust, do hereby accept said appointment as trustee. Witness my hand and seal this Sept~,~bar, 1964. 28th day ~f s/ Ral~h...G Boyd CO~L%[055.~ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex, ss. September 28, 1964 Then p~rsona!!y appeared before me the above-named Ralph G. Boyd , successor trustee of the said Village.Land Cor, pany, and acknowledged the foregoing instrumen~ to be his free act and dee~ as successor trustee as aforesaid. s~ David A. wvlie ~otary Public My commission expires: 7/20/67 (notarial seal) - 2 - We certi~! that the persons who signed the fore- going in3tru'~ent are the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per cent of the outstanding shares of the beneficial interest in said trust. s/ Ssmuel F Rockwell Samuel F. Roc~wmll, Trustee s/ Arth~W. Revno~ds Arthur.W. Reynolds, Trustee s/ William P. Rock~ell William P. Rockwell, Trustee COMM~F~TH OF MASSACHUSETTS ~eptember 28, 1964 Subscribed and sworn to, before me _.S/. Da__vid A. wv~ie __ Notary Public My commission expires: July 20, 196~ - 3 - P~r to enter ira. to cont~ac~o for repairm or tho t~ua pre?arty; _ s/~A_rthur W. Reyn_o~lds _ --__ ~.~:0h G. Doyd, Tru~o~ =-~. s~.~C_h_ar~ 13~s__~P ~ _Ri~ .mm. er_~ Jr. ___ September 28 , 196~ .,o,o,y Public ~y con~i~mion o.xpirus~ July 20,1967 VILLAGE LAND COMPANY 6 Elm Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 ~une 10, 1975 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Cie rk Town of North Andover T own B uilding North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Sir: As a trustee of the Village Land Company, I file wi~h you herewith pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 182, Section 2, copies of changes in trustees subsequent to the date of our last notification. cab Enclosures Yours very truly, VILLAGE LAND COMPANY Arthur C. Morrow Trustee RECORDED JUNE 13, 1975 Book Misc.#2 Page 310 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Reference is made to a Declaration of Trust dated January 8, 1914, recorded with Essex North Registry of Deeds, Book 338, Page 35, as most recently amended by instrument dated September 28, 1964, recorded with said Registry, Book 1019, Page 156, establishing the Village Land Company. WHEREAS, Ralph G. ~oyd, a trustee of said trust, has died~ and WHEREAS, by Article III, Section 1, of said Declara- tion of Trust it is provided that= ~The=es~hall at all times be three Trustees, and, if and whenever the number of Trustees shall become less than three, a vacancy or vacancies in said office shall be deemed to exist. Each vacancy in-the office of Trustee shall be filled by instrument in writing setting forth (a) the appointment of a natural person to act a~ Trustee, signed and acknowledged (in the manner required for the recording of deeds in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) by the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per cent of the then outstanding shares, and (b) the acceptance of such appointment, signed and so acknowl- edged by such person. Such instrument shall become effective upon the recording thereof ~ with the Essex North Registry of Deeds, and such person shall then be and become a Trustee and shall be vested with title to the trust property, jointly with khe remaining or surviving Trustees or Trustee, without the necessity of any act of transfer or conveyance." NOW, T~REFOP. E, we, the undersigned, being the registered holders of all of the outstanding shares of the beneficial interest in said trust do hereby designate and appoint William T. Kemble, of Tucker's Town, in the British Colony of Bermuda, as a trustee of said trust to fill the vacancy caused by the death of said Ralph G. Boy~. Recorded Jm~e 13, 1975 Book Misc.#2 Page 310 June 11, 1975, Certified to be true copies: Attest: · / ( ,~'adford L. swim "'" No~.ary Public MY commission Expires September 25, 1981 · 1972. of the Will of George G. Davis '31,5 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex , ss. October 16, , 1972 Then personally appeared the above-named Charles P. Rimmer, Jr., and acknowledged the foregoing ment to be his free act a d .,, '~ n deed, _ ,]~h~ for e me, My co ~on e~=es~b. I, the undersigned William T. Kemble, hereinbefore designated as trustee of said Village Land Company, do hereby accept said appointment as trustee. ~ W~.TNES$ my hand and seal this /~ day of nCOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSE~S ,ss, , 19,2 personally appeared the above-named William T. Kemble and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed· Before me, ~ v ' ~ ..... - ~ ~tary Public / "/'-- "- Y exmir ~' "'-"' .... '; "' ~ ..... --_: j~-; -,~y. commzsszo es: '.'. -,-2..,~, NATI4A~ NE',¥BUR¥ IM /::?'~.:,(,/~';-:~.~':-;.-". ,-.'-',: NOTARY PUBLIC ' '~:~:~! -2- MY' COMMI$SIO~ #10301 E)IPJRES NOVEIdBEIi ~Z, 197e Reoorded Nov.13,1972 at 12:44PN ;:)lJSUq YFtA tO'.4 IVutter, McClennen & Fish Counsellors at Law 75 Feds[al ~,t,, ~T&O- o y 816 VILLAGE LAND COMPANY RESIGNATION OF ARTHUR W. REYNOLDS AS ONE OP THE TRUSTEES I, the undersigned Arthur W. Reynolds, one of the trustees of Village Land Company under Declaza- tion of Trust dated January 8, 1914, recorded in Essex North Registry of Deeds, Book 338, Page 35, as most recently amended by instrument dated September 28, 1964, recorded with said Registry, Book 1019, Page 156, hereby resign from such trusteeship. Witness my hand and seal this twenty-fifth day of October, 1972. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex , ss. October Z5 , 1972 Then personally appeared the above-named Arthur W. Reynolds and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, .~' .~.~{~ t ~.,~/.. ,. Before me, Notary .~bl~c · My co~xss~on eXpf~O~:'~.'~..,' e. ~- Recorded Nov,13,1972 at June 11, 1975, Certified to be tru~]~~TTES T: ~j Commis.~o~ 5xp~res September 2;5, 1981' OU~O '$SVPi 'NO.I, S08 .I.3'a B.tS '!¥~3(]3.'1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Reference is made to a Declaration of Trust dated January 8, 1914, recorded with Essex North Registry of Deeds, Book 338, Page 35, as most recently amended by instrument dated September 28, 1964, recorded with said Registry, Book 1019, Page 156, establishing the Village Land Company. WHERF2%S, Arthur W. Reynolds fhas resigned as a trustee of said trust by instrument dated October 25, 1972, recorded with said Registry; and WHEREAS, by Article III, Section 1, of said Declaration of Trust it is provided that: "There shall at all times be three Trustees, and, if and whenever the number of Trustees shall become less than three, a vacancy or vacancies in said office shall be deemed to exist. Each vacancy in the office of Trustee shall be filled by instrument in writing setting forth (a) the appointment of a natural person to act as Trustee, signed and acknowledged (in the manner required for the recording of deeds in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) by the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per. cent of the then Outstanding shares, and (b) the acceptance of such appointment, signed and so acknowledged by such person. Such instru- ment shall become effective upon the recording thereof with the Essex North Registry of Deeds, and such person shall then be and become a Trustee and shall be vested with title to the trust property, jointly with the remaining or surviving Trustees or Trustee, without the necessity of any act of transfer or conveyance." NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, being the re- gistered holders of all of the outstanding shares of the beneficial interest in said trust do hereby designate and appoint Arthur C. Morrow, of Groveland, Essex County, Massachusetts, as a trustee of said trust to fill the' vacancy caused by the resignation of said Arthur W. Reynolds. June 11, 1975, Certified to be true copies: ATTEST: ~¥ GOmm~ss~O~ E~p~reS September 25, 1951 318  WIT~SS OUr hands and seals this ~ day of , 1972. Trustees under Article Third of the Will o~ George G. Davis COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex , ss. November 2, , 1972 Then personally appeared the above-named Charl~ P. Rimmer, J~.., and · ·" ~'- ' ..~'~" ~.~ acknowledged the foregozng z.n.s~.xu~ ment to be hzs free act and deed, ,. ~'~.',-"? ¥( ~' Before me, Ny =~saon exhales= Feb. ~,- I, the undersigned Arthur C. Morrow, hereinbefore designated as trustee of said Village Land Company, do hereby accept said appointment as trustee. WITNESS my hand and seal this ~ ~- day of COMMO~EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ~ , ss. ~~ ~, , 1972 Then personally appeared the above-named Arthur C. Morrow and acknowledged the foregoing instrument; to be his free act and deed, - M~ ';c~iss~on -2- KAI~4ERINE C. O.~Q4X), of llorth An4over, ~YTON O~X30, of tlld t~rth Andover, ~#J~41IN C. O~, all4) ef ladd N~rth Anclover, the Orilil~el Trueteee hereunder. MIEREA~, limultenee~lly with the' execution hereof, enid Trugreen h~e received, ~d ~ hold, the I~ of S~, ~d h~l i~fld to issue ther~ NOW, THEREFORE, aaid Trustees keraby declare end lgree thee they will hold ~d ~inlst~ N ~e f~d ilid ~ to~th~ with ~y reel or pe~el pr~erty h~eefter Kquired ky thm In ~itl~ thereto, IN T~ST, for the uses ~d p~ h~ein~ft~ 8et f~th. ARTICLE I. Nmie lad Prin¢i~ll Office All thlnga relating to this Trust may be done under the name of OLD NORTH AFl)OVER REALTY TRUST° The principal office of the Trust ahell be 17g O~good Street, t~rth Andover,/Amsa~chu~etts, or* such other place ee the Trusteea n~/ fram time to tlme nelect, ARTICLE II. I Beneficial InterastlJ Sh.eree.~nd. Cert.lficatea. I, The boneflclal interest of this Truat ahall be in the hold- ere from time to time of 8haraa of beneficial interest without par value, end such shl~ea shell constitute peraonll property. 2. There ere hereby authorized ~30 shares of oenefic;al Interest ~ the initial number ef ahm'e$o Additional shares may be authorized from time to time Dy the unanimoua vote of the Trusteea. 5. The~Truateee shall forthwith issue three such sharea in accordance with their agreement set out above. -I- 4. /~t~erlzed ~heree shell be issued only en provided in the fore- ping pars~r~h end nn fsi lei, l: Is! Shares ~my hereafter Im ieeuee frm time to time I~y vote ef · majority of the Trustees in exchange for c~h or my pragerty, reel or per~enslt st a pries ~ ~ere st leust equal to the fair value per eher~ of the ~aren then lee,eS md e~tetmding ne determined l~y vote of at leant · majority of the Tr~teee In office. lb) Sl~ree m~ #e~eofter I~e lu.ed fram time to time by ~te of I majority of the Trustees, m ~he~e dividends or for the purpose of ~plittlng up outstanding l~ree. No frKtionsl shares shall be i Illmd. ~5o Each euthorlze¢l ~hare I~len¢l end ~tstendlng shall be entitled to a~e vote ~nd to the same rights eno benefits under this Trust en each other ouch ~hare end on s parity therec, ith. 6. Each shareholder's interest ~ell be represented by · certi- ficate or certificates In ~uch form end signed ne the Trustees may from ~time to tlme determines evidencing the a~ner~hlp of shares. The Trustees may iuus ne~ certs ficatee to replace lees or mutl Isted certi ricers& on such cendltions ss they may determine. 7. A register Shell be kept by the Trusteel st the principal of- fice of the Trust ~hich Ihall 1~ the names of shareholders, their e~- dre$1ee e~ furnJ~l~ed by them, the somber of shares held by each and Ill transfers of shares. 8. Shares shall be transferable on thio register by the holder thereof of record on such regiseer, in per~n or by attorney/ at the principal office ef the Trust, in accordance with and subject to such rules ~ may fram time to time be entabll~ed for that purpose by the Trustees, and upon surrender end cancellation of the certiflcete or certiflcatee therefor duly endorsed or ~lgned for transfer. Upon such transfer, the Trustees shall cause to ~e delivered to the transferee or transferees · certificate or certlflcstes representing the shares ed) transferred an~ to the transferor · certificate or certiflcstes repre- senting the shares, if any, not so transferred and represented by the certificate surrendered. The Trustees may treat the registered hol~er for ell purposel as the owner of the share or shares registered tn his nm~e end shall not be effected by any notice or knowledge to the con- trery. Any notice to or approval or consent of t~e registered holde~ of any ~hares shall bind all future holders of the same shares or shares issued in place thereof or upon transfer~ thereof o~ any of them and all those succeeding in any way to the interests of such holder. For the purpose of determining the holders of shares entltlea to any dividend or to any rights or to any notice or to give any c~naent or for any other proper purpose~ the Trustees may close the transfer books -2- fc~' a period not exceeding forty days st a time, dm-lng ~ich no fers ~11 ~ m~e~ oF m~; In lieu of ¢l~lng the trmnfer b~n efor~eid, fix In ~v~ce · re~d date not exceedtng forty ee~ ce~lng the date on ~ch ~u~ eivi~nd ~ p~able ~ I~ ri~te dietrl~ utable ~ such notice o~ con~nt ia to be glv~ o~ is to be off.tire only the hol~ of re.rd ~ .u~ record date ~ell be ~tltled calve ~ dlvl~d or l~ch rl~ti ~ lu~ notice ~ te gi~ ouch c~ient, no~ithitandlng ~y trm~fer of my t~ on tel4 regllter after eu~ record ~ete fixed I~ eforellld. ARTICLE III. SubJect to the provisions of this Article, hol~era of Ibm-el shall be entitled to divldende, ~en, ee and If declm-ed by the Tru~t~ fr~ time to ti~ in their discretion end p~able et ~y date fixes by the Trustees, o.t of the net profit~ or su~lul {~ethe~ pli~ln or other- wise) of this Trust, in c~h or property, includlng, without my limi- tation upon the generality of the fore. lng, securities of thi~ Trust, ~d for that purpose the Trustees may authorize the lllu~cl of certi- flcatea ~d IcFip and ney c~italize ~11 or ~y p~t of the surplus and may dateline the n~ber of ~llerl per ~are ~ c~italized; but no sherehol~r shall have ~y ri~t to ~y dlvl~nd~, ~ethe~ pr~erty or securities of thil Trust, except ~en ~d . such dividends shell be p~id or notice shell have been given to ell the ~o ~e to receive eu~ dividends that the s~ have been ~cl~ed eforeelid, ~d then only upon the te~ that the I~ ere declared the Trust~; ~d no ~hereholder, Trustee or a~nt of thio Trust shell be liable personally for any .u~ elvldend, ~e every shut.older en- titled thereto shell I~k only to the Trust estate for the pe~t of ~y ~u~ dividend. In the abaence of fraud, the determination of the Trustees aa to net prolite and surplus, and aa to any revaluation, or any other matter in connection with the payment of dividends shell be final and conclusive. ARTICLE IV. Truatees, I. There ahall be three Truatees hereunder, who may but need not be holders of sharea hereunder. Each Trustee shill hold office until his death, resignation or removal. 2. No TruItee shall be obliged to give any bond or other aecurity for the performance ef any of his duties, $, Any TruItea may reaign without intervention of court, by a -3- office of the Trmt, ~l~i~ reeilnetle~ ~efl t~e effect t~ drays after being me eepoelte4 er q~m the e~l'ller eeeeptmce thereof by the rw~eln- lng Trustm. ¢. Any Tr~tee ~o, In tl~e eplnle, ef the other Trust#s, h. b~ Tr~t~ ~ ~it~ et the prin¢ip~l ~ffl~ of the Trot. A ~y of · uch ~lting ~ell ~ p~tly glv~ te ~e Trot, ~ing ~ Trutt~ ~lll ~ithin thirty ee~ ~lnt my ellgi~le per~, natural or cor~rate, te f j I I the v~y. effective m ,~ ~ the ~oZn~nt, e~d ~y the r~eining Truest, me the ecc~tm~, ~i~ ~4 ~1~ by the ~ Trust~, .hell h~e b~ ~lt~ in the principal effl~ ef the Trot. 7. If thee ~e I~e th~ ~r~ T~t~I in office for a period of three ~fh~ or ~e, my Tr~t~ ~ ~l~r may petition a Court h~tng ~uriaeicti~ te fill my ~cy ~ ~ci~ th~ ~leting so that the~ ~ell fheFeaft~ ~ thr~ Tr~t~ In elfin. 8. A certiflcate ~ith ~t to the r~l~etl~, r~vel or ~ath of ~y Truat~ ~e gith r~p~t to the ~elnt~t ~4 ~cept~ce of any ~uccel~ Truer., liDN ~d ~k~lH~d by the Secretary for the time being in office, Ihell be r~ In I~ ~gilt~y of Deed~ in ~ich thia Decla~ati~ ia re~r~e. ~r~ ~allng mith the Truer may rely ~ the rtcordl of lue ~gilt~ of ~ ~ te the Trulteea then in offi~. The origlnale of all e~ c~tlflcetee ~al~ be attached to ~d k~t m~th thio Oecl~etl~ m~ ~tee in the principal office of the Trust. g. Title to the truer property shell elamye veet in the Trustees for the time being in office, end ne con~eyanee or transfer between Trustees Shall be neceseery ~het~ · Trustee dias, r~i~s or or ~en · n~ Tr~t~ c~ into effl~, bat the Tr~tee~ ~d ~y four Trustee, or hie ~ their legal ~rt.ntltivel, ~all, if refluelfed~ execute, ackn~l~ ~ ~liver to the TF~te~ then in office such confi~etory 4eliverie~ ~ inatr~nt~ of c~vey~ce, tryster ~d ~ig~nt ae the TF~t~ in effl~ or my lirable. ARTICLE ¥. C_ertain Po~erl of the Trustee- The Truatees shell have p~lr: (al To manege and improve the trust property in any manner deemed by them beneficial to this Trust md the I~areholders theremf, free fram Ky control er dominion by the ~hareholdere, (b) To nc. quire by purch~e, partition, lease, release, gift, of, ~d to m~. ~trKtn with r~pact to, ~y reel ~ p~.l pr~ty er ~y int~flt thesis. (c) To retain, invest end reinvest in my prel~erty, reel llnclud- lng vacant land) er per~ll, of ~et~er ~t~ ~ ~t, md ~ether er not Inc~ pr~ucing ~ ~tlng, ~i~ the Tr~t~s ~eider d~lr~le, ~d my inve~t~nt m~e ~ retained by th~ In ~ filth Kill H prier ~ thou~ in the ~ce of thla e~rm auth~lty 'au~ inv~tmnt ml~t not be prier. Id} To hol~l any reel er personal property in the name of this TrueS, er in the n~me ef one or more of the Trustees or in the name of s naminee or nemJnee~, in each ce~e without indication Of ~ty trust. la) To vote directly or by proxy with er without stltution and with or without discretionary pmmr, give consents, and take other action wlth respect to the affairs of any cerperition, Trust or ergenizstion ~ose securities may be held by thil Trult; to m:t in such manner as the Trustees seem preper in any reergenizatlon, merger or conso lidstien affecting such securities; to eepoelt securities in any voting trust or with any protective or like ceemittee or Trustee, or with depositaries designated thereby end pay eeseemmets on such secu- rities; e~d to emend or terminate any other TruSt or organization in ~hich this Trust is interested es beneficiary or othen~iss. (f) To decide t~hat is inceme or principal, and ell questions between income and principal, e~ they think fair and reasonable In each ca~e as it arises, end notwithstanding any ruled of l e~ that in the absence of this expreu pcmer might be appl;cable thereto. in dispute or against (h) tracts and To cc~oromlse or submit to arbitration any claim or matter affecting the trust property, whether asserted by the Trustees them or the Trust pro~srty o~ any thereof. To execute and deliver all necessary and proper ~eeds, con- other instruments incident to any of their p°~ers. (i) To ~ell, lease, let to tenants st will or exchange any or all of the personal property, real estate or interests therein held by this Trust, in such manner, to such persons, for such cash, securities or other considerations, and upon such terms as to credit or otherwise es the Trustees may determine at public or private sale, and to execute acknowledge and deliver such deeds, leases, bills of sale or other struments as they deem necessary or advisable, to make allowances to and errungements with tenants and others end to accept surrenders of lea~es end tenancies; and to make such agreements with c~ners of adjoining property in regard to easements of every sort and description, boundary llnes~ party wells or other like subjects of agreement as they may deem necee~r-), of- coevenlent for- the purpolee bettor; ~d ~ tr~f~ ~all Iff fo the ~pltcltl~ ~i~; md Iwlth~ut lim~ti.ag the ~erl~Ity of the pr~lmi~8 of ~tlcle ~ ex~m~, ~ithltmdlng the fKt that they ~ ~y If the ~ bm, et the tim of ~ ~vey~ ~ trmtf~ direct Inter, p~el ~ oth~i~, i~ the tr~f~ ~ Im ~ in the m~, result, ~ effect of m~Ing ~ conv~m~ ~ trmsf~. ~y ~le ~ ot~r dl~lti~ of pr~orty m~r this ~tl~ with the t~lnetl~ of this Trot of ~ Bey be m~ f~ my oth~ re~. ~ ~elf of the Trite Mill H veil4 elt~ it may or m~ ~t ext~d be~d the t~Inetl~ of thio Trot. l J! To improve my pm't of the trust reel eetete end te deetrey or- alter any emi ell bel idlng4 ce- ether etructures et my time tl~ereen, md to conetruct, erect or belle In lieu thereof m~, other helldln~B er etructures; end te employ ell ouch pereont Md m~l<e ell ~ec~ contracts Ind do ell such other thingl Il they may consider neceseer'y or conveolent for ~ ouch pulepole. dR} TO reqteir, ~'el)ul Id c~' restore my bul Idlng8 or' other' strut- tm'es ~n~ed ~ ~troyed by fire or ether (1~ To c~ ~ ~ ~erlte my ~I~ ~ ~y oth~ ~terprJ~B ~ Ktivitlfl ~I~ ~t my tim ~11 ~peor to the Trite ~4uclve to t~ prot~tJ~ ~ ~ef[t of the T~t, md ~elly in m~tterB to ~tl with the trot pretty me to mma~ ~d ~ct the ~n~ of the Trot, subject only to the ~eciflc limitations c~telne~ th[~ Decl~atl~ ~ full~ ~ if the Trustee ere t~e ~lute ~ere the trot pr~erty. Ira) Ts dietri0ute any of the truer prope~'ty .moflg the ers ~elly ~ p~tielly in c~ or in kind me to ~11 for etltributl~ mit~ p~ to trmmfer lnv~t~ ~ to ~vey re~l pr~erty or Inter~te therela, ~ether ~ate or ~eivl~d, ~ tmglble p~ty, m p~t or the ~ole of the ~e of my per~, with out tr~ferrlng or c~ying slmll~ pretty to my other pe~, et eu~ veluet~l ~ they shell ~ ~ult, ~ valuetlonl, ~en in g~d f~th~ ~11 be (hi To lelte ouch offices end employ luch counsel, manegerl, igents or clerlcei of' other mlet~nti es they ~hell think proper for the e&le or menegd.aent of ~ny of the tryst property, or for conducting the bueineee of the Trust, a~d to pay reesene~31e ca~pensetlen therefor; to give any person, firm, ~esocietlon or corporation, ee agent, written authority to m~nege ell or any of the reel e~tete of the Treat md to authorize ouch agent to execute teoenclee at wi II end oleo to execute leNee of ouch real estate o~ behalf of the Truetmm for any term Gf years end upon euc~ other terme end condTtions that laid management agent may eeo fi.t to extend, terminate, modify or mend tenancies et will leeee~ of ouch reel estate, ell upon such term8 end eubject to the limi- tations impoeecl by said written authority. lei Ti pay minim to Itrokers or etherl in reelmct of the put- akin er #la ef prtgerty or in procuring ?ene~f8 or othemlle, Ip) Te berr~ money end te illue bead~, lltll ..1 ot~ ~1~ ef l~t~ of this Trot, f~ ~ perl~, et ~ rmt~ of Int~t to pled~ my ~el p~ty ef thli t~t ~ te ~tg~ my real ~ of ~le~ ~ ~y ~ ~, ~t~ ~ o~ ~1~ ef i~bte~ ~ of thit Trmt, md My eu~ p~ of ~le~ ~ell ~ valid Iltheu~ they ~ my ef t~ ~ell ~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~ e~cl~ In ~le ~ ~n p~t after the t~lnetim of tkl8 Trot. (ql Te retired, dlleber~e, pm/ off, refill, repine or exteld ese or imrs m~es, netll er other ffi~cel sf i~ll~telnm IIIted er held by the Trust, or .ny gee er mm'a pledgee or mlrtgagll mede er held by the Trust. Ir) To presets, le~d mene~, credit or preperty ts, er salaam ebli- gatlene of, emi to 81d In my ot~ m~ my p~, TrHt ~ c~my, ~d to ~mt~, ~d to ~e by ~tg~ ~ oth~ I IM ~ el ! ~ ~y part of the trot ~tete, the pe~t of principal, Iflter~t md dlvl~d8 ~ ~y ~itl~ ef ~ the perf~ of my oth~ ~trKt v ~llg~ (s) To deposit My funds ef this Trust in any blnk or Tryst Ccmpeny, arid entrust to such beak er trset ¢eqeny, or to a safe 4et~oelt campmy for safe-keeping, any of the eKuritlel, mill, em=its md pal, era belonging te er relatlng to the trust fred. It) Te eetebll.~ c~tingent or linking fund~ er beth, "nd for such purpolel to let Ntde periodically fr~ the I~ of the Trot ~ey m they ~n their dfecretl~ may ~ prier, ~d to in~st inv~t su~ lu) To conltrve Iny of the provlslona of this Declaration of Trult, mad to eot en may such construction, md their conltructlon of the lame md any ectlen tlleelt In geed faith pursuant ther~te thrall be final end conclusive on ell parties In Interest. 2. in eddltion to the pcmers exprmly granted in this Declaration, the Trestles shall have all pcme~e end discretions granted by l al~ich are consistent heremltho 3. The Trustees may exercise all their pe~era fram time to tlme in their discretion, not only during the period ef the Trust but alee after the termination thereof for purposes of dletributl~, ~t the Tr~t~ ~ell h~ ~ ~ ~ ~th~lty te ~ ~ the ~edlt, ~ on b~elf, of the ~ol~rl or ~y ef th~, to m~e ~y ~trBct, Incur my ll~ bllity~ ~r ~t~r Into ~y Un~rt~king In their ~lf or In bth~lf ~f ~y of th~ p~lJly. -7- ARTICLE ¥t. Tru~tm' md ~h~r~t~l#r·' Actl~ ~l~d /lettings. I. Except e~ otherllen expressly provided la this I)ecleretlon, · 11 action taken by vote ef · maJority of the Tnmtm, at · meetleg duil celled end held, Ihlll hm the lame for~e md validity en if taken I)y the Trmeteel the~ in office, · 1. The Treltm may act wll~eet Imldlnt · meeting, ex~e~t in cedes ~ore · mmetlnl ii exprel~ly r~qulrml by this I~clle'etloa, p~ovlem~l that ell the Trusteed the~ i# office derail ei~ a ele-tiflcete of ~ action; md &Il ectlo~ ~o certified I~all #eve the emma fei'et end validity e~ if takes I~ those sene Tr,eteel et · melting duly ellld end held. :5. Any Treated mm,/ by ~rltten Inetrm~ont delegate ell or any of hi· pol~f'l end dlecretlene te em of the other Trmte# Ior to t~o or mm-e Tr~mteee Jointly, Jelntly m~ de,orally, m' m~ccelelvely) for a period not excoeell#g ode year, may in like manner renew ·uo~ delegation from time to tlme md may rlmeke any euclq d~lelletlon. Suc~ delegetlon may confer pomme- to eulmtitute one or more other Tr~eteee ee the delegat- ing Truetee'· reprementetlvee. 4. In determining hem many Trulteee hive Joined in may act or in my In·trmaent, each Trustee Joinlng therein by himlelf or throu~ one or more repreee~tetlve· el provided in pm'agreph :~ of thll Article mhsll be Included in tho count. A Ttletee Joining in my act or Instrument, am evidenced by hie vote, signature or otherwime, and holding delegated sutho~ity from another Trustee to Jain theroln on behalf of that Trustee · hall; in the sbeence of evidence to the contra'y, be deomed to Join therein both for hlmlelf and for the Trustee mbam he represent·. 5. 11~e Trultl# may make by-lenl, ruled and regulations conslltent herewith fo~', among other thlngl tel·ted to the Truet~ the calling, giving notlce~ holding and conduct of meetlngl end other proceeding· of the Trust- ees end of the thareholder·, and ~hlll cause a record of all such proceed? Ingl to be kept by the Secreta~'y. 6. Shareholders, in $o far en action by them I· required or autho- riaed~ may act with or without a meeting, an~ may vote, give coneent·~ give melvers .nd otherwise sct either perm)nelly or througl~ their agent· or proxies or through their guardians or other legal representative·. 7. The Trustee· mhell~ et le#t al often e~ ennusllyt make · writ- ten ~eport and accounting to the shareholders containing, in addition to a statement of the adler· end liabilities m~d of the operations of the Trust, · smmar7 of such action a~ the Trustees have taken during the past year and consider taking in the future. The Trustees shall ·t all times hereafter keep on deposit with bank · eton not less than One Hundred Dollars I$100l. I. Intingl of ehereheldore mst be esl led by eny INN ef the ~ti~ sensing the tim, pl~ Md p~ of t~ rating ~all be t~ ell ~1~ of ~n Im Md ~tetmding md mtltlfl ts vote ~tt~ ref~ te IB ~ Nti~ et lent m e~e ~f~e such mt- Inl by tM ~l cai linI ~ rating. lO. Ilotlce~ or ce~imlcitione to er fram my thsrehelder~ required ~ p~l~ f~ In this ~l~etim ~ltl N ~11~ in p~ ~ mt by mtl, ~tn~ pr~eld, ~ relearn. 5~ ~tlm ~ ~iciti~ te m ~o1~ ~ill ~ ~ te him ~ ~e ~ ~Ifl~ In the lng. ~e fell~e ef my M~I~ te re~l~ I mtl~ mt te him m p~i~ h~1n ~ell ~t ef~t the validity ef ~ ~tJ~, ~ of ~ ~tl~ t~ p~mt th~te. ~e ~rtlfleate ef t~ ~ ~ pete glvlag a~ ~tl~ ~ tolectin ~ell H aufflcl~t ~i~nce thief ~tlficete. ~y ~el~ m~ ~ive ~y II. ~erever native ar other ee...nicetle, il r~ulr~ by this ~clmeti~ te ~ glv~ te ~m~l~, Bu~ ~tl. er ether tl~ ~ell ~ ~ to h~e ~ gi~n ~ the d~ It I~ ~li~ree or ~t N if~Id. ~e~ ~tice ~ ether ~i.tl~ il r~ulr~ to ~ gi~ to the Tr~tm, lu~ Ntlct ~ eth~ m~lcetl~ ~all ~ ~ to hm M lim K the d~ it i8 ~i~ at the eff[~ of the Trot, 12. The Trustees ~hel I elect · Secretary (who Ney but need not be a Trv~tN or ~ireheldorl Mm ~ell k~p · r~d of the proc~dlngs ef the Trmtm ~d ~r~ol~, ~k~le4~ c~tlflcet~ . herein p~ viM, md h~ e~ oth~ ~ ~4 dutl~ net In~ititent with thls ~lvltlon ~ the T~t.l Kill ~rm tim to tim ~l~ete, Tr~tm mw el~t l~ ether offl~ 4~o Ney but need ~t be Trust~s ~ ~m~ot~) ~ the Tr~t~a ne fr= tim to tl~ ~ ~pr~riate. Exit ~ oth~l~ provl~d by the Tr~tm, e~ offl~ shell hold office d~ing the ple~ure of the Tru, t~e. ARTICLE VII. ~xecutlon of Instr~nentu I. All lnstrm~ents (Incl~llng, but not limited to, deeds, leelel, centrects, rlllliel~ notes, checks, drlftl, securitiel, ailJgnmentl, en- der~ements and proxies} executed by authority of the Trusteed and ·i geed on bah·If of thil Trust by · majority of the Trustees or by such one or mere Trustees or agents N the Trustm ~hell fram time to time authorize generally or ~oecific&lly, ~hell he~e the lame force and validity aa if Si g~e4 by ell the Truetee~. 2. The Trustees may fram time to time edopt and use a form of ·esl for this Trust. Such seal m~y be affixed to any instrument by any Trustee, or by e~y such officer or ·gent e~ the Trustees shall fram time to time ~therize le~ersIly er q~eciflcally. The recital of ·sesI In any In- ltrmmat executed ~ ~llf of thll Trot ~ · r~it.I thlt It ~111 t~e eff~t m · ml~ Inetr~t, ~,11 give It t~ em ~ md validity ~ If the ~1 of this Trot, if ~y, ~ effi~ Shasta. :S. Any lnetrmaa~t, certificate er ether paler slimes by er en be~elf of the Trustees ~Ic~ is te be recereed m~/ be ~m~ledged by my eno of the elgeere, 4. Ack~e#l#lameats reflulrsd by this Dtellrltim shall, unlace othef~iae reqelred 1~ lame, be made in the manner fram time to tlme pre- e~rlbe4 by the lee sf /le$~ech~metts for the ackne~ledgememt of deed~ of therein. ARTICLE I~11 I. Pre, faction of Peree~.. Dealing with Treat !. I~'ch#ers, transfer age~tl Kd other pareses dealing with this Trust ~ with ~y Tr~t~ ~ell ~t ~ ~ulr~ to ex~lne into the trUltl h~l~r ~ to ~ to the ~pltcetl~ ef ~y ~ey or pr~ ~ty plid ~ tr~f~ to my Tr~t~, md m~ ~el wlth the trust pr~erty m if the Trusts ~re the ~l thief free of all fruits. 2. A certlflcete sllned by the Secretary for the time being in office as to Idea ~s Tr~tas, or aa te· change of Trustees, or aa to any actlee by the Trustees er ~harshol~ere, er ee to any other f~ct af- fecting this Trust or street(rig the validity of any action hereunder, may be trested ee conclusive evidence thereof by persons dealing with th I s Trust. 5. Any Trustee, shareholder, officer or agent of thle Trust or any firm, TrueS, corporation, coflcern or estate in which he is Interelt- ed eea member, tr'uetee, dlroctoe-, officer, benefictary, shareholder, e-. gdmt, fiduciary, or' otherwise, may, shaft acting in geed faith, sell or' lease to, buy or Isles frs, co, tract with and otherwise deal with this Trust ~l freely and effectually aa though no interest of' ficluciary rela- tion existed; and the Trustees hereander shall have paler to exercise or' coflcur in exercising all powers and discretions given to th~n heraLmder or by lit, nofwithstancllng that they or any of them may have a direct or Indirect interest, per~onally or otherl~ise, in the mode~ result or affect of exercising such powers or discretions. 4. Without limiting the generality or effect of the foregoing paragraphs of this Arti¢la~ it is hereby provided that if a conveyance or transfer of the trust property or any part thereof is made by the Trustees to theamelvee or to any transferee who is in any way interest- ed In this Trust or In whom my Trustee is interested, directly or in- directly, it lhall be conclusively preemaed in favor of all persons (other than the Trusts and such transferee) dealing with the property no conveyed or transferred or claiming uacler sucA conveyance or transfer that the neme hen been mede ia g~ed leith, for odequote conniderstlon, end In oc4=ordmce ulth the pmmrn oontslned In thin lnntrLfnent, end in In el I ~eepectl vel id er~d propor. ARTICLE IX Protecti~e. of Tc.~teeq ent~ I. A Trust, m4 eot · pertnermAIp In creeteel by thin Declaration. The relatlonnhlp of the .hereholdern te the Tru~tee4 In .elely that ef c~metull ,un tr'tmteet, me neither the .tmre~olcler~ nee- the Trusteee ere pnrtner~. 2. Ne ~herel~olcl~r mhall be per. easily Ilmbln for my obllgntion or liability Incurred Ivy thin Trust er by the Tr,eteem, me the Trustees ehall h~we no rl~t of Ineemmlty 'or exoneration egslnnt the .hm'eholelere In reepect thereof. 2. Ne Truetee .i~nll be personally liable for any obligation er Ilabllfty incurred I~y thin Tr~mt or by t#e Trunteee within the scope ef their ~thority, and eecl~ Truetee ~hall be entitle4 te reimburnement md exoneration out of the Trust notate for his reeeonable expenses, ann te be Indemntfie~l for er egainet any end ell le~$ end llablllty, Incurre4 in geed faith or sufferell by him in the execution ef thin Trust. a,. The Trust notate elaine mhnll be liable for the pe,/ment or satisfaction of ell obligatlonn end Ilabllltlee Incurre4 in carrying on the affairs of this Trust. 5. The Tru~teee end agcmts of thin Trust end each of them ~all be entitled to rely .pon the opinion of advice of, or any statement or computation by, .ny ceuneel, .ppraiser, surveyor, engineer, broker, auctioneer, ~ccountant, or other per.on ree~oneely d~emed by them ~e be campetent, whether or net dlntntere~ted or a Truetee or agent of th;n Trust. 6. Money may ~n pole end.property elelivernd to any duly authorized agent of thin Trust ,ko may receipt therefor on behalf of this Trust, end no person dealing in geed faith with any duly authorized agent shell be bound to nee to the "pplication of any moneys so paid or property so I i vel'ed. 7. F't'eceedinga ngatnnt thin Trust m~/ be beou~ht against the Trusteee ~ trustees hereunder but not per~onal ly. The Trustees shell be pram'tine thereto only in ~e far ~ necessary to enable Such obliga- tion or liability to be enforced ngalnet the trust estate. In ouch pro- ceedlng~, ~ervica of proce~ upon one of the Trustees shall be sufficient. B. Ne Tru. tee ~hall be liable to thin Trutt or the shareholders except for hie ~mm wllfui misconduct, knowingly end intentionally committed. -II- 9, Trult#l shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for their lervicelo ARTICLE X. Re-acquisition of Shares Io The TrustHI shell have poker on behalf of this Trust to purck~e any ~harel thereof et a price not exceeding the fair value thereof a~ determined by the Trustee~, and to re-acquire any shares of thlt Trust by glft~ bequest, devise, or otherwise. 2. Shares of this Trust re-acquired by the Trustees on behalf of thla Trust in any manner shall be held in the treasuryt and any such shares may frolll time to time be ~old at such prices and for such con- ai derations not les8 than the fair value thereof at the time of such asia aa deten'nined by the Trustees. 5. Such re-acquired shares while held in the Treasury shall not be entitled tc any voting or other rights or benefits, and shall not be deemed outstanding ;n computing pro@orr;oas or percentages of ~harea or shareholders, ARTICLE Ter~nination and Amendment I, Unlesl sooner terminated es provided in paragraph 2 of this Article, this Truer ehall ter'm;nate upon the expiretion of fifty yeara frc~., the date of this Declaration. 2. The terms of this Declaration may from time to time be amended, added to or rescinded in any particular whatsoever, or this Trust may be ter-minafed, in each case by the unanimods vote of the Trustees~ with the written consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the shares ~ssued and outstanding and entitled to vote. Such termination or any amendment or addition to~ or rescission of, this Trust shall take effect w'nen a certificate with respect to the foregoing action C)' the Trustees and con- sent :y the shareholders $hall have been signed and acknowledge~ by the Secretary and such a certificate shall have been either {al reccrded in each Re§istry of Deeds ;n which this Declaration has been records:, if this Deciarat;cn has been recorded; or (D) deposited :n the print;pal office of the Trust, and attached to and kept wift~ the executed copy of thil Declarer;on therein deposited. 3. ~;pon the termination of this Trust the Trustees shall sell all the propert? of the trust and divide th~ proceeds amon~ the shareholders ratably acccrdin~ to their respective hcld;ngs of Such shares. 4. t{o shareholder shall be entitled to put an end to this Trust, to require a division cf any of the trust estate or to possess, use or -12- ARTICLE Xll · _looel I Ineeue I. The construction ~nd uperatlee of thta Trot by the I m of the ~lth of thl~ Decl~etl~ ~e in~rte4 f~ ~venlence ~ly, ~ no p~t of thl~ inet~nt, md ~ell ~t be ~el~ee in the ~.tr~tlm hermf. 2. In eelditlon to the deflnltlone c~tainee elae~here he~eln, the follemlng mr~l~ m~el phre~ee alhes'e~er ueeel In thle I)eclaratles~ ~ell have the roi I~Ing meanlnge unlace the context other~iee requlree: "Trueteee,' ohall mean the pereone fo~' the tim. being In office het'eunder a~ Tr~t~l, ~ether ~lglnel ~ I~; the ~d ~all inclu~ any ~loy~ ef the Truet~; the ~ "thle noting perle ~.11 Inclu~ fi~ ~cletl~e, tr~fa, Jelnt ~tock cl~e the other' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, laid O~iglnal Trueteee have hereunto eot their h~nde end seall upon the date firet above.rOtten: COIR~(~ALTH OF I/IASSACHUSETT$ December I · 1964 Then persona/Iy appeared all of the above-no'ned Oe'~glnal Trustees of OLD N(~TH ANDOVER REALTY TRUST· nnd of them ackno~le, each ~,__...,,..~ Inltrument a~ and to ba his free act ~nd dee¢l~ NUTT~R, McCLENNE1V & FISH Bosrox, ~fxssXC;rUS~TTS o2JJo July 2, 1965 Town Clerk of Andover 20 Main Street Andover, Massachusetts Dear Sir: Re: Village Land Company On behalf of the Trustees of the Village Land Company, we file with you herewith pursuant to the provi- sions of Chapter 182, Section 2, a form of Amendment of the Declaration of Trust of Village Land Company. Very truly yours Em/fld Enclosures Edward F. McHUgh, Jr. TOWN ~ The undersi~ed Trustees of the Village Land Company under Declaration~of Trust dated January 8, 1914, ~ecorded with Essex North District Deeds, Book 338, page 35, as heretofore amended, hereby certify that, by vote of the holders of a majority of the entire nun~er of shares outstanding under said Declaration of Trust, at a meeting called for the purpose, duly notified and held, said Declaration of Trust was further amended as set forth in the following vote duly adopted at said meeting,~ which was held on September 28, 1964: VOTED: That the Declaration of Trust dated January. 8, 1914 recorded with Essex North District Deeds, Book 338, 'page 35, as heretofore amonded, is hereby further amended by deleting that portion thereof beginning immediately after the sentence: "Know All Men By These presents that we, Oscar M. Godfrey, George L Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell, all of North Andover, being about to purchase the above-described premises, declare that we will hold said premises and the money paid to us by the purchasers of the shares hereinafter des- cribed in trust on the terms herein stated for the benefit of the owners of said shares." and ending immediately before the sentence, where it las~ appears, following: "In testimony whereof we have hereunto sub- scribed our names and set our seals the day and year first above written." and substituting therefor the provisions entitled Arti- cle I to Article )[VI, inclusive, as included in the form of Declaration of Trust submitted to this meeting. The undersigned Trustees of the Village Land Company hereby further certify that the form of Declaration of Trust attached hereto is in the form submitted to said meeting and referred to in the foregoing vote. WITNESS our signatures this 28th day of September 1964. s/ Samuel F Rockwell Samuel F. Rockwell, Trustee s/ Arthur W Reynolds Arthur W. Reynolds, Trustee William P. Rockwell William P. Rockwell, Trustee COMM~ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 'September 28 ~1964 ~ssex, ss. Then personally appeared the above-named Samuel F. Rockwell, Arthur W. Reynolds and William P. Rockwell and acknowledged the fore- going instrument to be their free act and deed as trustees as aforesaid. Before me, . s/ David A. Wylie Notary Public · My commission expires:July202~ Dcdaratlon of Trust made this eighth day of January 1914, relating to the purchase, improvement, holding, management and disposition of certain parcels of land situated in North Andover in the County o£ F. ssex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded mad described as follows: A certain tract o[ land lying betweeu Uuion Street and the Boston & Maine Railroad locatlon and east of Marblehead Street in .q',id North Andovcr, and as surveyed and planned hy I¢.. A, I-Isle, C.g. iix 1897 and is hounded hy beginning on the easterly line of Marblehead Street at an iron bolt at land of the Maverick Oil Company; thence running hy said Marblehead Street line southerly 91.4 feet to an iron bolt at land :iow or formerly of one Jewett; thence tnrniiig at an angle of 90° and running easterly by said Jewett land 128.92 feet to an iron bolt; thence turning at an angle of 120°34, and running southeasterly 310,99 feet to a stone bound; thence running further south as the fence stands 332.17 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle o£ 90* and running westerly as the fence now stands 96.95 feet to an iron bound at land of one Reeves; thence turning at an angle of 91011' and running southerly as the fence stands 232.62 feet to a ston6 bound ' at the line of Union Street; thence turning at an angle o( 101°34~ and running easterly by said Union Street 201.27 feet to a stone bound; thence turning at an angle of 90° and running northerly as per plan 124.89 feet to a stone bound; thence turning at an angle of 110°31~ and running northeasterly by land o{ one Regan and Dooley and as per plan, and as the wall stands 450.24 feet to a stone bound at land of one Stone; thence turning and running northerly by said Stone land 361.54 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 90* and running westerly 285.40 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 191 ° and rmming northwesterly $1 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 169° and rnnning northerly 100 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 90~ and running southwesterly 149.8 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 80'52' and running northerly 253.51 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 99°8t and running easterly 404.73 feet to an iron bound at land of said Stone; thence turning at an angle of 90° and running northerly by said Stone land 60.06 feet to a stone bound; thence turning and running northeasterly by said Stone land 70.08 feet to a stone bound; thence turning and running northerly by said Stone land 322.2 feet by said Stone land to Boston & Maine Rail- road location Essex branch; thence turni~'~g and running southwesterly by said location line 499.26 feet to an iron bound at land of the Maverick Oil Company; thence turning and running southerly by said Oil Company's land 150.41 feet to an iron bouud; and thence running southwesterly by said Oil Company's land and as now fenced 300.23 feet to the point of beginning. A certain parcel of land with all the buildings thereon situated on the southwesterly side o£ Main Street in said North Andover, and is bounded by beginning on said Main Street, at land of one Carleton; thence runuing northwesterly by said Main Street 82.1 feet to a stone bound at land now or formerly of one Perley; thence running southwesterly by said Perley land as the fence now stands 1~0.12 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at about right angles and running northwesterly by land now or formerly of one Perley and Kelley and Wall 267.75 feet to a stone bound at l:rirst Street; thence turning at an angle of 91°33~' and running southwesterly by said ~'irst Street 310 feet to a stone bound at land of the heirs of Margaret Ryan; thence turning at an angle of 89°11Y and running southeasterly by said Ryan land 267 feet to a stone bound at land now or formerly of one Grogan; thence turning at an angle of 92020, and running northeasterly by the Grogan land as the fence now stands 149.58 feet to an iron bound; thence turning at an angle of 90°$6, and. running southeasterly by the Grogan land and as the fence stands 247.97 feet to Second Street; thence turning at an angle of 91°26' and running northeasterly by said Second Street 160.63 feet to an iron bound at land of one Carleton; thence turning at an angle of 88o45' and running northwesterly by said Carleton land 164.95 feet to a stone bound; and thence turning at an angle of 90040' and running north- easterly by said C_.arleton land about 182 feet to the point of beginning. I{now all men by these presents that we, Oscar Iv[. Godfrey, George L. Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell, all of North Andover, being about to purchase the above described premises, declare that we will hold said premises and the money paid to us by thc purchasers of the shares hereinafter described in trust on the terms herein stated {or the benefit of the owners of said shares. ARTICLE I. NA~E OF TRUST. The trust created under this Declaration of Trust shall he known as Village Land Company and under that name, $o far as legal, convenient and practicable, shall all business carried on by the Trustee~ be conducted and shall all instruments in writing by the Trustees be executed. ARTICLE II. Sv..CTXO~¢ 1. With respect to the period after this provision is iucorporated in this Declaration of Trust, the term "trust property" shall be deemed to mean the premises above described in this Declara- tion of Trust to the exteut not disposed of hy the Trustees hy instruments recorded witb Essex North Registry of Deeds before such incorporation of this provision, and all other property, real or personal, held by the Trustees at the time of such incorporation of this provision or conveyed or transferred to the Trustees thereafter, and the income and proceeds of any o{ the foregoing. The Trustees shall hold the trust property, as joint tenauts with right of survivorship as Trustees of this trust, iu trust, to manage, admiuister aud dispose of the same for the benefit of the holders of record (hereinafter called the "share- holders") from time to time of the certificates representink shares of the beneficial interest in the Trust issued and to he issued hereunder, according to the nmnber of such shares held hy them respectively, and with the powers aud subject to the limitations and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained concerning the same. S~crlo~¢ 2. It is hereby expressly declared that a trust and not a partnership has been created and that the shareholders are cestuis que trustent; and not partners or associates nor in any other relation whatever between themselves with respect to the trust property, and hold no relation to the Trustees other than that of cestuis que trustent, with only such rights as are conferred upon them as such cestuis que trustent hereunder. ARTICLE III. THE TRUSTEES. S~-¢TION' 1. The term "Trustees" and any pronoun referring thereto shall be deemed to include the original Trustees under this Declaratiou e~ Trust and their successors in trust hereunder (the Trus- tees at the time this provision is incorporated in this Declaration of Trust being hereby confirmed as being Samuel F. Rockwell, Arthur W. Reynolds and William P. Rockwell), and to meau the Trustee or Trus- tees for tile time being hereunder, wherever tl~e context so permits. There shall at all times be three Trustees, and, if and whenever the munber of Trustees shall become less than three, a vacancy or vacan- cies' in said office shall be deemed to' exist. Each vacancy in the office of Trustee shall be filled by instru- ment in writing setting forth (a) the appointment of a natural person to act as Trustee, signed and acknowledged (in the mariner required for the recording of deeds in the Commonweakh of Massachu- setts) by the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per cent of the then outstanding shares, and (b) the acceptauce of such appointment, slgued and so acknoxvledged by such person. Such instrument shall become effective upon the recording thereof with the Essex North Registry of Deeds, and such person shall then be and become Trustee and shall be vested with tide to the trust property, jointly with the remaiuiug or surviving Trustees or Trustee, without the necessity of any act of transfer or conveyance. If for any reason any vacancy in the office of Trustee shall continue for more than sixty days and shall at the end of that time rcmaiu nnfilled, a Trustee or Trustees to fill each such vacancy may be appointed hy any court of competent jurisdiction upon the application of any Trustee, shareholder or other interested party or parties and notice to all shareholders and to such other, if any, parties in interest to whom the court may direct that uotice be given. Tile foregoing provisious of this Section I to the contrary notwith- standing, despite any vacancy in the office of Trustee, however caused and for whatever duration, the remaining or surviving Trustees, subject to tile provisions of the immediately following Section 2, shall continue to exercise and discharge all of thc powers, discrctioos and duties hereby confcrrcd or imposed upon the Trustees, other than for the sale or other disposition of real estate. Sr:c'rxo~ 2. In any matters relating to the administration of the trust hereunder and the exercise of the powers hereby conferred, the Trustees ,nay act by a majority of their number, provided, however, that in no event shall said majority consist of less than two Trustees, and, if and whenever the number of Trustees shall become less than two, the then remaining or surviving Trustee, if any, shall have no power or authority whatsoever to act with respect to the administration of the trust hereunder or to exercise any of the powers hereby conferred. The Trustees may act with or without a meeting; provided, however, that with respect to action without a meeting concurrence in the action by all Trustees at the time in office shall be required. SIgc'rio~- 3. Any Trustee h~ay res;gu at any time by instrument in writing signed and acknowledged (in the manner required for the recording of deeds in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts), and such resignation shall take effect upou the recording of such instrument with said Registry of Deeds. S~:CTrO~ 4. No Trustee named or appointed as he~:einhefore provided; wbether as original Trustee or as successor to or as substitute for another, shall be obliged to give any bond or surety or other security for the performance of any of his duties hereunder, provided, .however, that the registered holders of not less than fifty-one per cent of the then outstanding shares may at any time by instrument in writing signed by them and delivered to the Trustee or Trustees affected require that any one or more of the Trustees shall give bond in such amount and with such sureties as shall be specified in such instrument. All expenses incident to any such bond shall be charged as an expense of the trust. S~c'r~o~ 5. Each Trustee shall be entitled to such reasonable remuneration for his services and also additional reasonable remuneration for extraordinary or unusual services, legal or otherwise, rendered by him in connection with the trusts hereof, all as shall be from time to time fixed and determined by the Trustees. S~:c'rxo,-,- 6. Any Trustee may acquire, hold and sell shares in the trust on his personal account, in his individual name, or in a fiduciary capacity or jointly with other persons, or as a member of a firm or association or otherwise, without being thereby disqualified as a Trustee, and while so holding any shares on his personal account shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as other shareholders. Sec~xoh' 7. No Trustee hereinbefore named or appointed as hereinbefore provided shall under any circumstances or in any event be held liable or accouritable out of his personal assets or be deprived of compensation by reason of any action taken, suffered or omitted in good faith or be so liable or account- able for more money or other property than he actually receives, or for allowing one or more of the other Trustees to have possession of the trust books or property, or be so liable, accountable or deprived by reason of honest errors of judgment or mistakes of fact or law or by reason of the existence of any personal or adverse interest or by reasolx of anything except his own personal and wilful malfeasance and defaults. S~c~r:o~ 8. No Trustee shall be disqualified by his office (because of his interest individually or the Trustees' or his interest or any shareholder's interest in any corporation, firm, trust or other organiza- tion connected with such contracting or dealing or because of any other reason) from contracting or deal-. lng with the Trustees, or with one or more shareholders (whether directly or indirectly) as vendor, · purchaser or othcrwlse, no 11 any such dealing or contract entered into in respect of this trust in which any Trustee shall be in any way interested be avoided by reason of such interest, nor shall any Trustce so dealing or contracting or being so interested be liable to account for any profit realized by any such dealing, or contract, by reason of such Trustee's holding office or of the fiduciary relation hereby e~tab- llshed; provided the Trustee shall act in good hitb and shall disclose the nature of his interest before the dealing, or contract is entered into. SI~.cx~o~ 9. Neither the Trustcc~ nor any of them shall be entitled to look to the sharcholders per- sonally for indemnity against any liability incurred by them or any of them in the administration of thc trust heretmder or to call upon the shareboklers for tile payment of any sum of money or any assessment whatsoever, but the Trustees shall be entitled to indemnity out of the trust property against any and all liabilities so incurred by them or any of them in good faith, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, liabilities in contract and in tort and liabilities for damages, penalties and fines. Nothing in this Section 9 contained shall be deemed, however, to limit in any respect the powers granted to the Trustees in this instrument. ARTICLE IV. POWERS OF THE TRUSTEES. Tile Trustees shall have all and tile same powers of management, disposition and control of the trust property as ii they were the absolute owners thereof (free from the control of the shareholders), subject only to their obligation and liability to account therefor and to the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth. Subject as aforesaid, such powers shall include, without hereby restricting the generality of the foregoing language, power at any time and from time to time in their reasonable discretion: (i) To retain the trust property, or auy part or parts thereof, in the same form or forms of investment in which received or acquired by them so far and so long as they shall think fit, without liability for any loss resulting therefrom. (ii) To sell, assign, convey, transfer, exchange, and otherwise deal with or dispose of, the trust property, or any part or parts thereof, free and discharged of any and all trusts, at public or private sale, to any person or persons, for cash or on credit, and in such manner, on such terms and for such considerations and subject to such restrictions, stipulations, agreements and reservations as they shall deem proper, including the power to take back mortgages to secure the whole or any part of the purchase price of any of the trust property sold or transferred by them, and to execute and deliver any deed or other instrument in conuection with the foregoing. (iii) To purchase or otherwise acquire title to, and to rent, lease or hire from others for terms which may extend beyond the termination of this trust any property or rights to property, real or personal, and to own, manage, use and hold such property and such rights. (iv) To borrow or iu any other manner raise such sum or sums of money or other property as they shall deem advisable in any manner and on any terms, and to evidence the same by notes, bonds, securities or other evidences of indebtedness, which may mature at any time or times, even beyond the . possible duration of this trust, and to execute and deliver any mortgage, pledge, or other instrument to secure any such borrowing. (v) To enter into any arrangement for the use or ocupation of the trust property, or ally part or parts thereof, including, without thereby limiting the generality of the foregoing, leases, subleases, easements, licenses, or concessions, upon such terms and conditions and with such stipulations and agreements as they shall deem desirable, even if the same extend beyond the possible duration o£ this trust. (vi) To invest and reinvest the trust property, or any part or parts thereof, and from time to time and as often as they shall see fit to change investments, including power to invest in all types of securities and other property, of whatsoever nature and however ~ominated, all to such extent as to them shall seem proper, and without liability for loss, even though such property or such investn~ents shall be of a character or in an amount not customarily cousidered proper for the invest- ment of trnst funds or which does or may not produce income. (vii) To incur such liabilities, ohligatlons aud expenses, and to pay from file principal or the income of tile trust property in their hands all such sums, as they shall deem necessary or proper for the furtherauce of the purposes of the trust. (viii) To dctermlue iii their reasonable discretion as to all sums of money and other things Of value received by them, whether and tO what extent tile same sball be deemed to be and shall be accounted for as principal or as inco~ne, and as to all charges or expenses paid by tbcm, whether and to what extent tile same shall be charged against principal or against iucome, including, without hereby limiting the generality of tbe foregoing, power to apportion any receipt or expense between principal and income, and power to determine what portion, if any, of the actual income receiv'ed upon any asset purchased or acquired at a premium or any wasting investment shall be added to priucipal to prevent a diminution thereof upon the maturity or exhaustion of such asset or investment. (ix) To vote in such manner as they shall think fit any or all shares in any corporation or trust which shall be comprised in the trust property, and for that purpose to give proxies, to any person or persons or to one or more of their number, to vote, waive any notice or otherwise act in respect of any such shares. (x) To buy in or otherwise acquire for this trust shares in this trust, any shares so purchased or acquired to be retired and cancelled and no longer considered to be outstanding. (xl) To guarantee performance of the obligations of others in any class where they shall deem that it is to the advantage of this trust that they give such' guaranty. (xil) To maintain such offices and other places of business as they shall deem necessary or proper and to engage in business in ~assachusetts or elsewhere. (xlii) To employ, appoint and remove such agents, managers, officers, board of managers, brokers, employees, servants, assistants and counsel (which counsel may be a firm of which one or more of the Trustees are members) as they shall deem proper, for the purchase, sale or management of the trust property, or any part or parts thereof, or for conducting the business of the trust, and to define their respective duties and fix and pay their compensation, and the Trustees shall not be answerable for the acts and defaults of any such person. The Trustees may delegate to any such agent, manager, officer, board, broker, employee, servant, assistant or counsel any or all of their powers (including discretionary powers, except that the power to join in amending, altering, adding to, terminating or changing this Declaration of Trust and the trust hereby created shall not be dele- gated) all for such times and purposes as they shall deem proper. (xiv) Generally, in all matters not herein otherwise specified, to control, manage and dispose of the trust property as if the Trustees were the absolute owners thereof (but subject, always, to obligation and liability to account therefor) and to do any and all acts, including the execution of any instruments, which by their performance thereof shall be shown to be in their judgment for the best interests of the shareholders. PR0¥IDED ALWAYS, that the Trustees shall have no power or authority, by virtue of any provision anywhere in this instrument contained or otherwise, to borrow money on the credit or on behalf of the shareholders or any of them personally or to make any contract on behalf of, or binding, the shareholders or any oi them personally or to incur any liability whatever on behalf o~, or binding, the shareholders or any o£ them personally or otherwise to bind the shareholders or any of them personally. All the foregoing powers may be exercised by the Trustees without the necessity oi applying to any court or to the shareholders hereunder ior leave to do so. ARTICLE V. '['{ENEFIClARIES AND TIlE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN' TIlE TRUST. SECTm,W 1. The cestuls que tmstent or beneficiaries shall be the holders of record (hereh~ called the "shareholders") for the time being to whom from thne to time are issued the certificates representing shares of thc beneficial interest iu the trust created under this declaration. Sv. cTxox 2. The beneficial {,:retest in the trust hereunder shall be divided into two thousand two hundred eighty-two shares of the par value of one hundred dollars ~ch, subject to reduction by retire- ment and cancellation of shares purchased or otherwise acquired by the Trustees as provided in part (x) o[ Article IV hereof. All o£ said shares shall be fully paid and non-assessable. S~CTXOX 3. The ownership of any share or any security or obligation issued hereunder in accord- ance with the provisions hereo[ shall not entitle such owner to any title in or to the trust property whatso- ever or to any right to terminate the trust hereby created, lie shall have no right to require any distribuo tion or partition of the trust property, or any part or parts thereof, other than in accordance with the terms and provisions hereo£ Shares in the trust shall be personal property, shall be assignable and transferable in the manner herein provided and shall entitle the holders thereof only to such rights and to such inter- ests in the money or other personal property to arise from the operation or sale or other disposition of the trust property as are set forth herein. No transfer by death, bankruptcy or otherwise by operation of law or under process of any court of the interest of a shareholder during the continuance of this trust shall operate to terminate the trust nor shall it entitle the legal representatives or successors in interest of such shareholder to an accounting or to take any action in the courts or otherwise against the trust or the Trustees, but any person becoming entitled to any share or shares in such manner shall be registered on the bo, oks of the Trustees as the holder of said shares and shall receive a new certificate for the same, upon production of such evidence thereof as may be prescribed by the Trustees and upon surrender of the exist- ing certificate to the Trustees, all subject to the provisions of Article VII hereof. ARTICLE VI. PROVISIONS RELATIN.G TO CERTIFICATES. SECTION 1. Each shareholder shall be entitled to a certificate or certificates representing in the aggregate the shares held by him. A full and accurate record concerning the outstanding shares in the trust shall be kept by or under the direction of the Trustees on certificate stubs, or by such other adequate means as they may from time to time determine, which record shall contain the names and addresses of the shareholders and the number of shares held by them respectively and all transfers thereof. SEcxtmv 2. Certificates representing shares of the trust shall be in such form as the Trustees may from time to time determine. SECTm~ 3. The Trustees and the shareholders may treat the registered holder of any outstanding certificate representing shares of beneficial interest as the owner for all purposes of the certificate and of the shares represented thereby and shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other claim to or inter- est in or unrecorded transfer of such share or shares on the part of any person or be affected by any notice to the contrary or be under obligation to make any inquiry except as otherwise expressly provided by law. And the receipt of the person in whose name any share is registered or, if such share is registered in the names of more than one person, the receipt of any one of such persons shall be a sufficient discharge /or all distributions and other moneys payable in respect of such share and/rom all liability to see to the application thereof. SgczIo~ 4. If any certificate is worn out, mutilated or defaced, the Trustees may upon surrender thereof for cancellation issue a new'certificate in place thereof and, upon evidence satisfactory to the Trus- tees that a certificate has been lost or destroyed, and upon receiving indemnity satisfactory to the Trustees against loss to them, the Trustees may issue in place thereof a new certificate; and any such new certificate shall take for all purposes the place of the certificate so worn out, mutilated, defaced, lost or destroyed. ARTICLE VII. RF-~TRICTION$ UPON THE TRANSFER OF SI{ARES. Shares of this trust shall be transferahle, so as to affect the Trustees and any determination of who ,are the slm~cholders hereunder, only by transfer recorded on the records of the Trustees, in person or by duly authorized attorney, and upon the surrender of the certificates duly endorsed or assigned. ARTICLE VIII. I)IVIDEND$, DISTRIBUTIONS, AND RESERVES. Shareholders shall be entitled to receive such dividends from net income, whether currently earned or held in surplus, reserve or contingent funds, as shall from time to time be declared by the Trustees. And the Trustees may at any time or times distribute to the shareholders all or any of the trust property then held hy them eveu if such distributions have not beeu earned, and may charge the whole or any part of such distributions against tile capital account or otherwise as they may deem advisable. All dividends and other distributions from the trnst property among tile shareholders shall be according to the number of sh;.'(,s h,ld by them r.sp(.,ctively and, cxc(!l)t as otherwise provided herein, they shall have no right to any divideuds or other distrlhutions except when and as declared by the Trustees. The Trustees may set aside as surplus, reserve or contingent funds, and may use for~ improvement of or addition to properties of the Trust or for reduction of mortgage or other indebtedness/or for any other capital purpose, the net income or any part or parts thereof, from time to time received by them, all to such extent as they shall deem advisable. ARTICLE IX. INSPECTION OF ]~OOKS AND REPORTS TO SHAREHOLDERS. Books, accounts and records of the Trustees shall be open to inspection to any one or more of the Trustees at all times. The Trustees shall from time to time in their reasonable discretion determine whether and to what extent, at what times and places and under what conditions and regulations the books, accounts and records of the Trustees or any of them shall be open to the inspection o£ tile shareholders; and no shareholder shall have any right of inspecting any book, account or record of the Trustees except as authorized by law or by the Trustees, The Trustees shall, however, as soon as reasonably possible after the close of eacl~ fiscal year, or oftener if convenient to them, mail to the shareholders by registered mail, at their respective addresses as they appear upon the records of the Trustees, a report of the opera- tions of the Trustees {or such year which shall include a pro~t and loss statement, an analysis of surplus changes during the year and a balance sheet as of the close of such year, all in such summary form and only in such detail as the Trustees shall deem proper, Any person to whom such a report shall have been so mailed and who shall have failed to object thereto by notice in writing to the Trustees given by registered mail within a period of six months after the date o£ such mailing of such report to him shall be' deemed to have assented thereto. ARTICLE X. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Checks, notes, drafts and other instruments for tile payment of money drawn or endorsed in the names o£ the Trustees or of the trust may be signed by any two or more Trustees, or by any person or per- sons, to whom such power may at any time or from time to time be delegated by the Trustees. ARTICLE XL NOTICES 'fO SHAR~'-IIOLDERS, Every notice to any sharehohler reqnired under the provlslous hereof, or which may be deemed by the Trustees necessary or desirable i. c.nnccti.n with the ;ulmi.islratinn of thc tm;st c;'eated hereby or which may he ordered in a.y jndiclal proceeding shall be dcem~l su~cient and binding if a written or prlntcd copy of snch notice shall be ~ven hy one or more of the Trustees to such shareholder by leaving such notice with such shareholder at his residence or usual place of business, or by mailing it, postage prepaid, and addressed to such shareholder at his address as it uppers upon the records of the Trustees, at least seven days prior to the date fixed for the happening of the matter, thing or ~vent of which sucl~ notic~ ia glvcn. ARTICLE XII. SF_.AL, The seal of the Trustees shall be circular iu form, bearing the inscription -- VILLAGE LAND COMPANY -- A MASSACHUSETTS TRUST -- 1914 -- but such seal may be altered by the Trustees at pleasure, and the Trustees may, at any time or from time to time, at their option adopt a common or wafer seal which shall be valid for all purposes. ARTICLE XIII. FISCAL YEA~. The fiscal year of the trust shall be the year ending with the last day of December or such other date a.~ may from time to time be determined by the Trustees. ARTICLE XIV. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THIRD PARTIES DEALING WTIH THE TRUSTEES. S~cTw,w 1. No purchaser, mortgagee, lender or other person dealing with the Trustees as they then appear of record in said Registry of Deeds shall be bound to ascertain or inquire further as to thc persons who are then Trustees hereunder, and such record shall be conclusive evidence of the identity of said Trustees and o£ any changes therein. The receipts of the Trustees for moneys or things paid or delivered to them shall be effectual discharges therefrom to the persons paying or delivering the same and no person from whom the Trustees shall receive any money, property or other credit shall be required. to see to the application thereof. No purchaser, mortgagee, lender, transfer agent or other person dealing with the Trustees or with any real or personal property which then is or formerly was trust property shall be bound to ascertain or inquire as to the existence or occurrence of any event or purpose in or for which a sale, mortgage, pledge or charge is herein authorized or directed, or otherwise as to the purpose or regularity of any of the acts of the Trustees purporting to be done in pursuance of any of the provisions or powers herein contained, or as to the regularity of the resignation or appointment of any Trustee, and any instrument of appointment of a new Trustee or of an old Trustee purporting to be executed by the shareholders or other persons herein required to execute the same shall be conclusive evidence in favor of any such purchaser or other person in good faith dealing with the Trustees of the matters therein recited relating to such resignation or appointment or the occasion thereof. SEc?~o:¢ 2. No corporation, company, trust, association, body politic or other body having out- standing shares, bonds or other securities shall be affected by notice that any of its shares or bonds or other securities are subject to this trust or be bound to see to the execution hereof or to ascertain or inquire whether any transfer of any such shares, bonds or other securities by the Trustees is authorized, notwlth- standing such authority may be disputed by some other person. 8 SgcTxo,'q 3. No recourse shall at any time be had under or upon any note, bond, contract, order, instrnmcnt, certificate, undertaking, obligation, covenant, or agreement, whether oral or written, made, issued, or executed by the Trustees or hy any agent or employee of the Trustees, or by reason of any- thing done or omitted to be done by or on behalf of them or auy of them, against the Trustees individually, or against any such agent or employee or against any shareholder or the holder of any security issued by the Trustees either directly or indirectly, by legal or equitable proceeding, or hy virtue of any suit or other- wise. All persons extending credit to, contracting with or having any claim against the Trustees shall look o~fly to the tru~e'proper~y/or payment under m~ch credit, contract or cia/m, or for the payment of any debt, damage, judgment or decree, or of any money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the Trustees, so that nclthcr thc Trustees nor the shareholders or hoklers of such other securities, prcscut or futurc~ slmlI bc personally liable thcrcfor. S~c'r~oN 4. ~vcry note, bond, coutract, order, instrument~ certificate, undertgking, oblig~tlon, cove- nant or agreement, whether oral or written, made, issued or executed by the Trustees, or by any agent or employee of the Trustees, shall he deemed to have ~en entered into subj~t to the terms, coudi- tlons, provisions and restrictions hereof, whether or not so stated therein and whether or not express refcreuce shall have been made to this instrument. Sgczxo~ 5. ~hls Declaration of Trust and any amendments hereto and any certificate herein required .to be recoMed and any other certifi~zte or paper signed by said Trustees which it ~ay be deemed desirahlc to record flmll be recorded with said Registry of Deeds; and all persons dealing in any manner whatsoever with thc Trustees, the trust property or any shareholder thereunder shall be held to have notice of any alteration or amendment of this Declaration of Trust, or change of Trustee or Trustees, when the same shall be recorded with said Regist~ of Deeds. Any certificate, signed by the Trustees in office at the time, setting forth the existence of any facts affecting the trust (including', without limitation, state- meats as to who are the shareholders, or as to what action has been ~ken by the shareholders, or ~e existence of any facts the ~istence o~ which is necessary or proper to amhorlze the execution of any ~nstrument or the taking o~ any action by the Trustees) shall, as to fll persons acting in good faith in reliance thereon, be condnsive evidence of the truth of the statements made in su~ certificate and of the .~istence of the facts therein stated to exist. ARTICLE XV. TERI~ilNATION AND AMENDMENTS. S:c'r~oN 1. The Trustees, with the consent in writing of the registered holders of not less than fifty- one per cent of all of the then outstanding shares, may at any time and from time to time amend, alter, add to, or change this Declaration of Trust in any manner or to any extent or may, with like consent, terminate the trust hereby created, the Trustees first, however, being duly indemnified to their reasonable satisfaction against outstanding obligations and liabilities; provided always, however, that no such amend- ment, alteration, addition, change or termination according to the purport of which the proportion of the aggregate bea~eficial interest hereunder represented by each such share would be altered or in any manner or to any extent whatsoever modified or affected, shall be valid or effective. Any amendment, alteration, addition, change or termination pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall become effec- tive upon the recording with said Registry of Deeds of an instrument of amendment, alteration, addition, change or termination, as the case may be, signed, sealed and acknowledged in the manner required in l~assachnsetts for the acknowledgment of deeds, by the Trustees, setting forth in full the amendment, alteration, addition, change or termination and reciting the consent of the shareholders herein required to consent thereto· Such instrument, so executed and recorded, shall be conclusive evidence of the existence o£ all facts and of compliance with all prerequisites to the validity of such amendment, alteration, addition, change or termination, whether or not stated in such instrument, upon all questions as to title or affecting the rights of third persons and for all other purposes. Nothing in this paragraph contained shall be con- strued as making it obligatory upon the Trustees to amend, alter, add to, change or terminate the Declara- tion of Trust upon obtaining the necessary consent as hereinbefore provided. SECTXOX 2. The trust hereby created shall, unless soouer terminated pursuant to other provisions hereof, tcrmMate at the expiration of tile period of twenty years from and after the death of the last sur- vivor of Oscar M. Godfrey, George L. I-Iamilton and Henry D. Rockwell (being the persons who executed this Declaration of Trust in its original form), and He,~ry D. Rockwell, j'r., Ruth W. Rockwell and Robert S, Rockwell (heing children of said I-Ienry D. Rockwell who were living ou January 8, 1914), and L~lia Dustin Webster and Ruth FI. Redman (beiug children of said George L. Hamilton who were living on January 8, 1914). SECTION 3. Upou the terminatlou of this trnst, the Trnstees may sell and convert iuto money the whole of the trust property, or auy part or parts thereof, and, after paying or retiring all known liabilities and obligations of the Trustees and prov~dlng for indemnity agaln~t any other outstanding liabilities aud obligations, shall divide the money included in the trust property among, and distribute in kind, at valua- tions made by them reasonably and in accordance with recognized methods of valuing prope~y which valuations shall be conclnsNe, all other assets then included in the trust property to, the registered shareholders ratably according to the respective number of shares held by them. And in making any sale under this provision the Trustees shall have power to sell by public auction or private contract and to buy in or rescind or vary any contract of sale and to resell without being answerable for loss and, for said purposes, to do all things, including the execution and delivery of instruments, as may by their performance thereof be showu to be in their jud~aent n~essary or desirable in connection therewith. The powers of sale and all other powers herein given to the Trustees shall continue as to all property at any time remainlug in their hands or ownership, even though all times herein fixed for distribution of trust property may have passed. ~ ARTICLE XVI. CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION, In the construction hereof, whether or not so expressed, words used in the singular or in the plural respectively iuclude both the plural and singular, words denoting males include females and words denof iug persons iuclnde individuals, firms, associations, companies (joint stock or otherwise), trusts and corporations, unless a contrary intention is to be inferred from or required by the subject matter or con- text. All the trusts, powers and provisions herein contained shall take effect and be con~trued according to the law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names and set our seals the day and year first above written. OSCAR M. GovF~¥ (SEAL) G~o. L. HAMILTON ( SEAL ) HENRY D. ROCXWF. Lr- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACIIUSETTS ]7-.SSEX, January 8, 1914 Then personally appeared the above named Oscar M. Godfrey, George L Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell and acknowledged the foregoing instrmnent to be their free act and deed, before me, FRANX W. FxxsurE, Notary P~blic 10 KNOW ALL W ~ THESE PP~SENTB that we, CAROLINE $ HOGEHB, F~NOIS B. KITTREDGE and U0~ B. OS~OOD, all of North Andover in the County of Essex, 0ommo~wealth of do herebF for ourselves and our successors, Trances here- under, declare and agree that we will hold title to all real estate herea~er conveyed to us as Trustees herevader and proper~y derived there£rom or otherwise acquired ~der the provisions hereof, IN TRUST, upon and for the uses and purposes hereinafter set out. 1. The name of this Trust shall be CENTER ~MLTf TRUST OF NaRTH A~DOVER and any property conveyed or transferred to the Trustees un_4er that designation shall be held by them as Trustees hereunder. Moneys of the Trust shall be invested in such real and personal property (which may include shares of this Trust) as the Trustees may determine. 2. The Trustees shall have absolute management and control over and disposition of all property and mo~eys held by the Trust at any time hereunder to the same extent as if the Trustees were the sole owners thereof in their own right, sub- Ject only to the limitations herein expressly stated. With- out in any mann_er limiting the generality of the foregoing, such power shall include the right to let, lease or hire for a term extending beyond the possible term~mation of the Trust or for a lesser term; to buy or sell for cash or on credit at either public or private sale; to Borrow money for the purposes of the Trust and to mortgage or pledge trust property with or without power of sale; to convey, exchange, transfer, release, partition or otherwise deal with and dispose of all proper~y, Received and entePed in Office of the Town of North Book Misc.#l Page 1 /22 real and personal, at any ti~e held her~u~er, All ~ersons dealing with the Trustees sh~l look so~ely to the a~ f~s ef the T~ for the ~a~t off any de~ er ~her obliEat[on of the ~st or the ~stees a~ neither the Trustees n~r ~he sh~eholders sh~l ever ~ perso~y l~able therefor. ~ ~1 de~s, leases, ~~es, a~ other l~ke instr~ents ~de ~ the ~stees reference s~l be ~de t~s A~reeme~ ~d Decimation of ~. No ~chaser sh~l be b~ to see to the application of the ~ney or ~ney le~t. The te~ ~T~ees. as used ~n ~s sh~l mean the ~stees here~er for the t~ 3. The ori~nal capital of the ~st s~ll eo~ist of 1000 sh~es w~thout par v~ue a~ the T~ees shs~] cert~ieates therefor in such form a~ for such consideration as they sB~]l dete~ne. ~ch ee~icates sh~l be by the T~stees. T~st upen s~re~er of the ce~ieate er ee~ifieatea there- for properly e~orsed a~d a new cer~iea~e or ce~ifiea~es shall be isled to the transferee, wh~ sh~l thereupoa bece~ subject ~ the ~erms of this A~eemen~ ~ Declarati~m ef T~s~. The ~e in which sh~es are r~o~ on the of the ~ees shall be eoaclusive evidence of ~he ~ership thereof. The intere~ of ~he $~eholders sh~l be deemed to be equitable ~y entitli~ them te propo~io~te sh~es -2- all distributions of pr~ncipal or income according to the terms of this instrument. They shall have no other imterest in the t~st property itself, whether real er persomal, a~ no right to call for any partitiom or to exercise a~y-control over property of the ~st during the continuance of the Trust, and the death of any shareholder during the contimmnce of the Trust sha].l not determine the Trust, nor entitle the legal representatives of such deceased shareholder to an account or to any rights in the property or against the Trustees, except as successors to the rights of such deceased shareholder, and pursuant to the terms of this instrument. No assessment shall ever be made upon shareholders. 5, The Trustees may from tiao to time declare an~ pay dividends but the amount and payment thereof shall be wholly in the discretion of the Trustees. The Trustees shall have the right to pay divideDMs out of current or accrued net earn- ings or capital gains even though the liquidating v~lue of all the shares of the Trust may be less than the amount received by the Trust therefor and even though the Book value ef the assets of the Trust may be less than the sum of the liabilities and the proceeds of the sale of its shares; the intent of this paragraph being that the Trustees shall not be prevented from paying dividends out of current earnings or capital gains by reason of the impairment ef capital through realized or un- realized losses which may have resulted from the depreciation of the market value of any property of the Trust. 6. The Trustees may from time to time hire suitable offices for the transaction of the business of the Trust and may appoint such servants and agents as they deem necessary an~ fix their compensation and define their duties. ~he ~u~ees, sad eaeh ef them, aa~ each employee or-re~esen~aCive ef ~he ~stees ~h~l ~ e~led to re~eme~ ~ ~f the ~s~ e~a~e fer ~he~ ~ ~asonable e~enses ~ outlays ~ s~l ~ ~e~fled re~b~S~ fer a~ perso~l liab~ity, l~ss, e~st~, e~e~e or d~e ~ them or ~m iae~ er ~fer~ ~ the istratioa ef the t~ e,~a~e ~r ~ ~ue~i~ ~ or perfe~ ~ act a~th~iz~ or pe~t~ ~ this ~eel~a- tien of ~st or ~y ~e~mea$ thereto, ~t a=ch ~e~ty er reim~se~ sh~l be li~ted ~o the t~ e~ate, ~ s~eholder ~1 be perso~ly or ~ivid~ly lisle ~here- for to any e~e~. ~e ~eea ~y appoi~ ~y ~ ef their ~er er any other person, corporation or o~~tien te ~ the ~u~ prope~y a~ ve~ ~ him or it ~ch ~a ~ d~ie. ~ iaeo~i~ent ~th the ~e~sio~ hereof aa the2 ~ ~eter- ~ne (i~l~i~ the ri~t to ~ke eo~ee~ie~ ~ ia the e~ co~se of ~siness), ~ ~ ~atee sB=~i ever be liable fer ~lowia~ sueh ~er or ~y ~her T~ee have possesaloa of the T~a~ ~eka, ~neya ~r see~itiea. netes, ehecks or ether obl~ations for ~he pa~at ef ~y out of the ~at e~ate sh~l be sigaed ~ ~ ~ of the ~ees or ~ ~eh ~er ~ so au~herized ~ the ~eea. 7. ~e T~ateea ~y eharge b~kera~ ~ ~a~ ~asions to eapit~ or income ia their diacretioa~ they b~ need ~t, p~vide f~r depr~ia~ien er for ceatt~eat or si~ ~s; ~ these a~ ~1 other ~tters ~he~ decialen as to wha~ eon~itutes or a~ll be ch~ged to capi~ or sha~ be final ~ bi~i~ on ~1 perso~ then or there~er ~tere~ here~er. 10. The Trustees ~ay at any time, with the written consent of the holders of at least three-quarters (3/$) of the outstanding shares, alter or amend this Agreemen~ _~?d Declaration of Trust, or terminate this Tr~st, and if it seems to them Judicious so to do they ~ay, with like consent, convey the trust property to new or other Tru~ees under a new Declaration of Trust, or to a corporation, being first duly indemnified against any outstanding obligations or liabilities. Such consent ~ay be in any number of eoncurre~ instruments of similar tenor, and a certificate signed amd acknowledged by the T~matees and recorded in the Essex Northern District Registry of Deeds setting forth such consent and stating that the same has been signed by the holders of at least three-quarters (3/$) of~ the outstanding sh_~_res shall be final aM conclusive as to third persons relying thereon. After any conveyance as aforesaid the Trustees shall be trader no further liability. No alteration or a~e_~_~ment of this Agreement amd Declaration of Trust or appointment of Trustees shall affect any person not having actual notice thereof until recorded in the Essex Northern District Registry of Deeds, nor shall any alteration or amendment or other action affect rights previously acquired by third persons. Any person, corporation or other organization dealing with-the trust property or with the Trustees may always rely on a certificate signed By any person appearing from the records of said Registry of Deeds to be a Trustee, as to who are the Trustees or as to absence er illness of a co-trustee or as to the existence or nonexis~aace 'of any fact or facts which constitute conditions precedent to action by the Trustees or are in any manner germane to the affairs of the Trust. ll. ?his Trust shall eoatimae for (20) years after the death o~ ~he ~a~ ~iv~ off the 1~3, HO~GE ~AT~ ~S, 3~, ~ A~ 18, ~V~S, ~rn Apr~ 22, 1953, ~D~ S~S, ~ra ~y 10, children of ~oraee ~. S~evens, Jr. of said No~h ~ the eve~ ~he T~ s~l exp~ s~t to this p~aph or a~l ~ ~e~ted, the ~ees ~.y li~date the asse~s of the T~ust then held bY ~hem a~, a~ p~nt of or p~vision for debts ~ di~de the process rata~y ~o~ the s~ehold~a, hah li~atien ~ di~rib~ien sh~ be cool,ed ~B~n a reaso~e time a~ the ~steea sh~ be e~itl~ reasonable e~e~ation ~herefor. 12. The ~stees sh~t ~ ~ liable for error Of J~~ or for ~ loss ~isi~ e~ of ~y act or o~salo~ in the ~ee~io~ of this ~ se 1~ as ~hey act ~ go~ faith~ ~r $~ they ~ perse~ly liable for the a~ts or o~ssio~ ef each other or for the acts · ~ssio~ of ~ officer, ~t or se~ elected or appointed ~ or a~ for them, ~ theF sh~ o~iged to gi~ ~ be~ to sec~e the due perf~ee ef this ~ by them. Any ~ee ~ o~, p~e~se or ac~e sh~es in the ~st ~d ~y de~ ~th it i~ivid~lly or -7- in any fiduciary capacity in all respects as if he were not a Trustee. IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our h_amis and sepia thin thirteenth day.~f January, 1959.~ COM~3N~EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Suffolk , ss, January 13 , Then personally appeared the above named Caroline Rogers, Francis B. Kittredge and John B. Osgeod and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed. Before me, AGREEMENT and DECLARATION OF TRUST CAROLINE S. ROGERS, FRANCIS B. KITTREDGE and JOHN B. OSGOOD, Trust ee s. CENTER REALTY TRUST OF NORTH ANDOVER TYLER & REYNOLDS COUNSELLORS AT LAW