HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAWRENCE EAGLE TRIBUNE REALTY TRUSTt ~dBUN*. ~, aALT i~ TitUST V.,'e, I~in~ E. Rc~jers, h~ng E. 2'~s, Ir, R'~ha B, R~r~ and William F. L:~c~y, all ~ A~dover, ~:~ssachusett~ hereby ~lare fl~at we will hold any and all cropsrV of v:hataver eamc or nature that nmy ~e co~ey~ or othmxvtse tranafe~v~d to and acce3ted by us as treat.s render this Declaration of Trust, toy. e~aor wiCq the ~,rocecds and m;ofits thereof, In trust, to manat:e and ?'.-~--¥, of ~ ...... ~t~.~e ~1-~ ~-,~,e for ' ~ Of zh~ros i:~aacd hereunder, in ~a manner ~d s,~ject to C~e s~tpuh~tions herein- and their '- -~ ~o :,- -- -, ~. r~ o~cc~,s~zo in t,~i. c,Al~,~ capaci~, shall / a-?Sera aaa William F. Lucey, shall hold office until fi~e ~irst armual rneetinyj shareholders, or unri! C:cir s~:ccezsors arc duly el~t~ and The s~areholdc~cs entitled to vote shall, at eoch annual meeting, or t,h&reoi; el~t ~ast~ s~icient in n~zber to ~ke ~e place ~ ~e t~t~ wh~e term~ have explr~ by limt~tlon or ~h~vise, said newiy-el~t~ trus- tees to se~e for ~he teem of one y~r a~ ensuing, or until their are duly el~t~ a~ quali/i~. Ia ~a~ ~ent ~ ~e d~fl~, raaigmafion, r~al or'incapaci~, to act oi any of the ~st~, tl~e refining ~t~ or ~t~ shall fill a~y vac~ncie~ for the u~ex~r~2 term. Aa s~n as any ~.mtee or tr:.~stees ei~t~ D/~e i:haceholdera e~tItl~ t~ vom or by ~he remaking t=.,.., or r:-u:~tec:s to fill a v:ca?,cv .... v ...... ~,~d ~ruatee~, ia trr~t for C~e purpose herein contatacq, without any fur~er act or ARTICLE The ~-'"" -¸2- and wl~ roaI ~tate or any int2r~t ~reia, ,.~caine~, apear~t,~, and appliances ,.a every cl~uract~ a~ ~c~g~n ar~ ootlons therefor; to ~ecuto d~is, transfers, 1~ a~ o~ i~tm~m~ ~ a~ ki~; to ~orrmv moa%, aa~ to ~,,iv. m~es thereof ~lndtng t~e ~s~ of ~e W~t; to mortgag~ ei~qer wmq or vam~t ~wer ~ sai=; to im~ee or -" ' ' ~ .... ar~,.ol~zs or wczto~ may tnm:~ or o~cers of fi~ trus~ may ~ a ram~r, officer, ~racmr, mo, or In v;atch he or ~h~y may b~ ftnm~ially tn~r~t~, ~ea fi~;~ such p. ~t~a such firm, corporally, or orga~tlon; nor ~d fi~e ~s~at lnteras~ of any t~st~ oc officar aff~ file valIdlrf ~ any auch c~c~h~m, or ,.~qa~y such ~e~ or o~icar h~m v~Ing os ~ ~ct- ~{,_:~;r~r' '.. :,~.~ or.~ x.~:~=~n'. ~ ..... ~c',~'~"-~.,~.,~.x~..- any sba:es o~" which~_~ ..... bald ~y 1 -5- ~n ~e signature of on~ ~us~ee alone ~ ~ the signore of a~ ~u~r ~ ~ld ,,. ~.~. VI!! (a) The ~ust~s shall a~ all ~me,~ be ea~tt~ to ob~a~ a~ice of rei~wars~ for all proper e~ndit~es, ~& ...... and r~elve reason~le com~nsatlgn for heir semites as trust, s, apptl~n?; ,. ,.~.,~ .,. .t,~ ;l~ri~l ~ssist~ as i-ust and m~y cmsh~y ~c,,h~cal advisers, a~neys, b,~cers, cor~rat~ ~dac~arlez, d~i~ries, :~:r~ratioi~, ~ershi~ (inct~ing a p~irtncrshlp or corporation ~ which ~n¢ or more ~ ~o trus~s i~ a ;~mLer or ~i~otder) a~ iLx'-~l~ir duties, ~,~:r sole discr~on shall oae timo, iyy an tn~trumc~t in x,mitin,.; $i.sm~d ~ ~vl~ by him (h) The number of the trustees may be chang~ and their te~z of ~flce at any renT, tar me~xi~ af ~he s~are!:o~ers or a~ any spmiaI m~Iag for that purple. ART!CLE ~< a :ITIJ~ E SI Sabj~t re the rea~tctlons s~ forth in the follmving A~,lo XIII, ~o ~urpoae, which m~t ~ done fo~with neon r~zeipt ~ same. ~c-Vcance o2 ~he c~er, or the repo.-~ o~ the arbI~a rots as to the ~! ua oi ~he- .,,~a~,-. . ~, ~e ~t~ shall Mve ~i~ (39), ~ya ~vi~fl . .-,..,-,.-,:.~ ............ L .~: ~;'2::~i0 ~"" ~'' ~':'~'t~'''~ the ~ame or an accounting, aafln~ ~har~o~er ~hall have any fu~ ~ nor ~ o.~z~.~lae~s ulmtt ba ~rsoaaliy liable shall A ;, T!CLE *"'~ "'YC~'t ~ '" ' it! ~ .... ~"~t ' .... " ' .............. -'" ~Cy ' ' ' '"-'~ ~ ~= ''~ "~' valid a~':d ~'~cctlV~~:-" ' if t,~ ....... am~uat' m~'ing or at ~ s~ial m~tLng ~1I~ for ~e pu~ (m) Allison L (hi 5 n,:dra L,. ,,ole~rs of at ti at a meeting called for ~qat purpose, vxe to terminate this tru3t, and s,,.tch la aex:ompanied by hhe wrlttea c~se~ of a majori~ ~ ~e th~ ~rmanent existence for such farther, gerl~ om may ~ea ~ determin~ for the wiadL~g up tim afLairs of the ~mst and liquidating i~ a~s~s, ar~ hhe hhea tees shall coatinue in o/rice until sue~ duaes Mve ~a fully t ..... n, a~ ,,,~., shall T.,L E ~c!2rarion .-~ 'P ...,~,,.~ or alter~ In any ~..~ x~.,.etl~a from ~monal liabilitD~ ,~' the .... a ~mrc.a, durs, at any a:nmal or s~ciat ~ ~ . .n~-a..o of the ~ifl~d the a~eat o~ a m~joNty of the tr~mes h~eta is obtainS; and ~ ~e ~ alteration or ame~drnent, the same shall ~ aRnch~ to a~ ~de a ~rt th~ A~rce~ent, and a co~' th~rcg, with a ~tificate of the S~r~ as t.,-~, ,z..~o h~:;aund~zr may 13e enTaS~J i:~ "', ",~ sad ~itenever /