............. ..N..O..g.T.~...~.~.~.R,...~.~.~g.~.~ ........
......... 9~.ah~.~....,.~ .................
with the provisions of Ohapter one h~dred ~d
ten, Sec%ion five of the General Laws, as amended, the undersigned
hereby declare(s) that a business under the title of..T~[~a..&~ .......
Demoulas and George A. Demoulas, as they are T~ustees of Demoulas
............ ~ ......... ~; ...... ,; ........... ~~;j .................................................... ~;-.;.; .................
Real y Tr t, /b/a An~d6 r
............................................................................................................................................................... is/conauc~
.9.~..~gE~..~.~..~P.~....A~...~P. Yg~n..~a~.g.~ ..........................................................
by the following named Dersonso
*Telemachus A. Demoulas, Trustee 29 Marquilla Street, Lowell, Mass.
* G.~.e.9.r..g..e...~.A..:~.D.~.e.~.°...u..~.~.a~.s..~.~.T...r..u..s...t..e.~e. .............. .8..~.~~~.T..~.`.t?.~.a~.n.~~~.R.9..a..d..:~~..D.~.r..a..°.~.u..t.~~.~~~.M...a..s..s.~: ......
*sa±a Telemacbus A. DemouZas and geor~.e A. Demo~Zas are Trustees unaer an
..r ~'ii'~ i~i~"'~}'"}}'ii'~'"6'i iT ii'ii'"~2~8'il a s "~'6'iI'(~"'~ ~ii i'"8'i'~it" ~'~ ~'6T~B'ii" '2 l';'
and recorae8 in Middlesex No. District Reg. o~ Deeas in Book 1586, ~age
Middlesex Lowell, October 16 1967
................................................................... SS, ........................................................... , ........
Personally appeared before me the above-named ....... ~e~eme~u~.A....JDe_moallas,
,'~"~ cL~.~,: ~:'~* October 16~ 1967
::.::,'~.)~':'))~:.''~ conformit~ with the provisions of Chapter one h~dred ~d
ten, Section five of the General Laws, as amended, the undersigned
hereby declare(s) that a business under the title 0f..T.~.!Dm~h~..A~ .......
Demoulas and George A. Demoulas, as they are T~ustees of Demoulas
....... j ....... j .......... : .......... ~..~.~:~ ..... ~ ..................................................... ~-;...~.~ .................
Re ty ust, d/b/ ~n~a6ver al .....
............................................................................................................................................................... is/concuc%~c a
~ ....~imtahr.~p.. A~.e/]~c .. ~n ~.~a~¢~L..H~ ~..~..~ ~ ~ ~ig~..~.~x~=
of Route 495~ North Andover~ Massachusetts
by the foll0~in~ namsd DePs0ns.
*Telemachus A. Demoulas, Trustee 29 Marquilla Street, Lowell, Mass.
*Said Telemachus A. Demoulas and George A. Demo~las are Trustees under an
~6~.~...~..~.~.~.~{~.~.5~3~5~as..~.&.~..T~..aA.£~.D~.~b~...2~.;. 1962
and recorded in Middlesex No. District Reg. of Deeds in Book 1586, Page
gned _~ · ~,~
,,~ e o~ e~Q~mG~ A~.,~ Tru~uee
Middlesex Lowell,October 16 196.7_':::'
................................................................... S5 .............................................................
Personallu appeared before me the above-named ...... ~lemauhus..A......II~mo.ulas,
Tr. us.~.e.e ...a s....ai.~ ~.S.~i.~..a~...G.c.Q.r..~ .e._..A.~.....D...e...m_o.P...1...a...s.. ,......T...r..u...s...t...e..~...~_s......9.~..o..~ ..e..s..9..i...d. ......
North Andover, Massacnuse[ts
Re: DSM Realty, Inc.-North Andover Mall
Dear Sir:
As you know, we represent DSM Realty, Inc., of
288 Ct~elmsford Street, Chelmsford, Mass., the legal
succ~r;:;or, in ti. tie, to Te[om,~chu:~ A. Dem~ulas and
Goorcjc A. Demoulas, Tfi~l'.3t(:c:;, ])~m,~las Rc city Tr/~Bt
of the name address.
Please be advise~] that the p~ ~perty .ocated ~t
Winhl~rop Avenue ano~ Waver~y Road z Route 114 ne~ z the
Lntc~r~octior o~ Route 495 ~n Nort' Andove , Mass where
a shq~]~ing c:e~Ler ~ ~ bo opeca~ ] by DS~ Realt' , Inc.,
and ~,: ~ch sl}ol'.p~ng c-, or wa:- cai ~c] Andc 'er Mal that
:;ai,I ::,~ppj}:g <,onrc. r ,t] 1 ~'l~', f rth be :ailed 3rth
Ami,,,, ~' Mai
COml;,~ , :Tare wi t Il mc.
,nk vo.~ ~or x,c,~t- courtesy ~d coo~ rakion
\for\' Lrhl ' yours
'-.1 ]',ii,