J I�
4. ` LPA
[ie Board Of Cpl ''h' r u Yr a
c E:,
Appeals nam spesd�f� pnrdt' tan
cV zoning district, but only ft be satisfied that Nab aswlapYsnt Vin
fn= to the permitted names and regulations set forth in Section Aw'* and
!.,',I In to far as they may be fit., Abs pnftdaes of Section 4.$ tkvu& .4,A inow
& µ+e, shall apply to anpr application for a special permit ceder Section 4.7.
ft tur�nttsd psssi
cA) 44I.tiple ':�r gr'-Qp ftV111ngs paenrldsd tout tbWe don %* apt Seen bean
•—el ve I-orlling earns per Rract*re.
4h accesso". neer as aro ceastol ry in connection with the permitted
4r 1 9: rU"*t ' except that profeiseloasl offices and how aoaupations
lfi !a]Iy emluded.
' ,� it`�.c �.egalatiaaea
To structure shall exceed tiro and oa*4wlf (2*) stories or thirty-five
(35) feet fame boight, measured abuse the top of the fovadations.
B? 10 stn°ketures, wmept ono-at.ory garages or carpwU, or vapieread wale
. ,;" r*x1 imrtial structures shall be nearw to each ethw then the sure of
tbe lssi.Ws of their two oppposing exterior walls, aeastrrad above the top
Df" the fou ndatiam
(C J ?Dere sboll be a lot area of at U*at 3,500 sgnass f0st tom' snob dvalliag
unit in suMpl.e-dvaliing sUsetars, in addition, to the Ut area, if an,►,
xwgi red for utbsr permitted naso.
'Da`, grrse < wblo floor area of all principal and accessary otaructures
shall iwst ed of the groan area of the lot.
N) strwtwe+ shall be built vitbis 30 fest of Abs " ltsiu of any pablie
street rat. VWT and no structure or parking ape* shall. tie hilt or ,talar
tained vi.tl n ?0 foot of aW otba r estsrior properW liar.
'F '
` There shall be provided at least avis paved off-wtree?t parking spaao, or
Qr,w,se ir: ganga or carport, for aaoh dwalliag omit, add space to be not
more than 261 ,Post from the vutdtle entrames to smh wit, No space shall
be considered evailable for parking which re&wos the stfsative width of a
dP ivies pr. viding camas to mora them came dwelling Volt to low than L? feet.
There shall bo: a paved driveaW. or paved wlk adoquOA- to aooamaodate
userge ser "W.olte, idtida 50 lhst of the outside amtfadstM io emb dwelling
i C'?
or drOmy wevItAftgs4adpal sesow its 6 �'sm 408a34M Vaits
or 8 or mono paair#ag spaces' dWl oaearm to ap;paraparl Provisions of the
® streeto
subdivision segNlatLY as if ifr twsr a stisse
Bafore issuing say perdZs, the board of Appeals sMU %%qw st a rspoart
frm the Jr1awdog Soared as tii 0640 of M64 oomthsilfto
�a 1
x'k1 yam`
S S_
n �e,ini err ` Ghali be granted under a5oc+'.on 4.7 ualep t?M Board of Arc 3a
" �.he t i p]armed K:71 not be detrisratal to the ne.t t;bor+
In u';! h ;t 1.s to hw e-ic '.'.ta; the ''own Caa roaao®ably provii*
h� ro;�ca�d cir;rl laseat �rtth all 1,00638,4, -y Utilities and facilities.
r �
7 s APA f:"thEl1'1 D ` qil
she Board cf Appeals may gre a Postdt
arty zoning dfstrict, but only if it be joitiafied tbA such � 1 mon
1--n "
. *c the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Sibtion 4 ?2 and
4 fay #.ay they may be. apt,, the provisions of Section 4.5 through 4.54 in..
shell apply to any anplication for a special permit voder Section 4.
ra rzrit't ad 'Osest
(A) ?`hale i.pl.e or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more t..Iv-L
t,m l ue dwelling units per structure.
i Su.-h accessory uses as are anataasary in connection with the permitted
, rincipel uses, exospt that professional offices and hose ooaopaticns
' Clfically exaaluded.
t►o f',ruotiu°e shall eieeeed two mad one-half (2+ ) stones or thirty-fives
E's feet in height, measured above the top of the foundations.
(p N<, r :ructures, except one-story garages or carport&, or vapierced war: f:
,v[drntiial structures sball be nearer to each other thea the sun of
`1eights of their tura opposing exterior walls, measured above the top
f ;..•�a foundations.
Tlvtri shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 quare feet for each dwelling
UDIt, La ssaltiple-dwelling otracture, in addition to the lot arca, if any,
r+':. red for other permitted uses.
;rose usable floor area of all principal 'and accessary structures
sha;L.i not snood 30% of the gross area of the lot.
No structure shell be bdIt witUn 30 feet of Us gift lime of any public
,;t.r of or wax and no structure or parking space awn be belt or main-
t.°'.p d within 20 feet of any other exterior property lies.
; '!"ne r" shall be provided at least nae paved off-4treet paa'ting space- or
spacm !n garage or carport,, for each dwelling vent, said optoe to be not
mare; than 200 feet from the outride entrance to such vaalt. No space shall
be consiisred available for parking which reduces the effective width or P
tri, -,.Ay providing access to sore than We dwelling V to less than 12 fart-
�" ' *h.±.ro shall be a paved driveeway, or paved walk adequate to accommodate
s+mn geney vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside antrsaoe to each dwel"'Ing
Asp road or driveway providing principal acoess to 6 ar sore dwelling units
-r - or more parking speoes shalt coeform to appmpa,i U Wavisious of the
,ab,i,rision control ragalatioos as if it wars a asitsor retideatial street.
T',wr-re issuing &W permits, the Hoard of Appeals shell 7040 it a report
#roar, -the naming Hoard an tba extent of sysoh ooatfars!'hy.
ncte1 noredt shall be granted under Section 4.7 vnlass the Board of Ar 1 ;
n,� the Lhe development as planned will not be detrimontal to the neighbor-
ho'Xi in whi^.h it to to he 1ccatei, and tout the Town can reasonably provide
the -,reposed development with an nmwesary utilittes and feeilities.
hoard Of sly Pl r :i ]A it
jpp�l# Ay R �t, <. Peso" ,' 27
aqy aging district, but GWY if tt %W Otisf ed thktt was t con-
fore to the permitted Uses and spesi!'ie regUlatioms set feed" in Seetioa 4.W ^.t•:d
'1 In so far as thq say be apt., tb pe+aeisiaas of Seetiae 4.'S tb vMb 4.54 in,.
clue ive "hall a to ar
+ atmos or a
pai.,� �r for epaeil paedt wa"d"e 9e8tion 4.7.
kut-jztted t"ser
(A) *I'Itiple or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more
dwelling units per structure.
.<sts +aooeeso uses as are customary toaaary is cow.--ction with the permitted
S.;Peel U-Mes, except haat professional offices and hone oocu nticna
;.^ifically excluded.
I �F�rl.r.,., �•�ulatioatr
.k� �+ FP's„4,ctL'"e shall excv-IA tw- anhP one-half (24) stories or thirty-five
t"et is teeight, measured above the to, o: the foundations.
!F1 Esc rtructures, except ow-story garages or carport*, or uaplaread wall?u
""ti Aintisl structures shall be nearer to each other the, the am of
t.h4 ",. "elite of their twee opposing oxterior walls, measured above the top
TNAre shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 •quays feat rbr each dwelling
swim. 'It ssultipls-dwalling struatw%, in ade3itian to the lot area, if armee,
ry jLJ- A for other permitted uses.
I'm KrCse unable flour area of all principal sad aoeessory structures
she]' not sXDW 3(% of the gross area of the lot.
.B ,o rtT4aeture shall to built Within 30 feet of the side lim of any public
telt"*#t or may and no structure or parking space shall be built or Baia-
tziml Vithic 20 feet of any other exterior property line.
shall be prided ai least one paved off-street par W aPxin., or
+e r, n garRgs or car,o-*, for each dwelling unit, said space to be ii<:t
ea>r? t!an 200 feet from the outside entrance to such unit. No space Steell
{ c >sMersd available for parking which rechwes the effectiae wiit�a
dr. ;^,. =a} providing access to pore than one dwelling unit to less than l.'. Not.
11,mra shall be a p&vW d.rivrway, or paved walk adequate to *000smodate
:-fX"F vehicles, within 50 f of of the outilds entranoe to each dw-'l i-
!,v rid or driveway providing principal acnes* to 6 or more dwelling unit:.
M or more parking spaces shall eonfora to appropriate provisi(as of t!Y
-3,"AMArision control regulations as if it were a minor residential •trent.
> e i*suinsg OV Permits, the .'ioard. of Appeals shall rec(mat a report
`0'"`-1 .'.we PlusninW 9oard on Vw extent of suoh conformity,
Frait ehall be granted under Section 4.7 tailaN the Board of A i
'.emlopment as punned will not be '.etrimental to the ra
.e t„ 1:.:at,ri, q-c ':s.' the TO can reasonably r,rt,v; !!
deoelc•pwnt with all nr,oe3as.y utilittee snt Iscilitiee.
i 9k
r.'. P«Erb
lard or iceMEW
. _. w
OW coning dl strict, Wt ady It it lea
form to the permitted ave. and $poem* r galstiaw ..t l+e���iuld,t+tl►�+L.T2 and
4 �: In so 'far as they slag be apt., the pra+ridoas of ftetioa ;:$ tbaWq* 4.0 in.
cluslvr, stall apply to any application for a speeial pwmit mar Section 4.7.
reraitt*d Ueest
(A) Multiple or Vr np dwellings pro*iaW that there dull bs bs girt more than
t mel" dwellim units per s�0turrs.
"t aJCh aoaessory nue® as are onstawury in cORneCtl*C With the permitted
pr9n-ipal. Uses, except that prof "lorsal offices and bow oeA101; tions
_ Cifically exacluded
x apgeific lcl*ulstioast
(1) po strufktwre shall sicced two and one-,pelf (2*) stories or thirty-f ere
051 fnet- in bright, measured above the top of the feumdatioas.
(D) Po etrracturve, s=ept are-story praps or oarports, or uspiersed walls
a.r rw a id mti.as strttcturee shall be seem to esah vow! thea the sus of
the h>eidrts at their two opposiag exterior w6l1s, mearaoN above the top
of tbs foeadatiass,
('70 TbRro aball bs a lot area of at least 393Q0 sgsars fWA fear each dwelling
+Mit is nrtttlpls-dwallisg sUvatais, is addition to tie lot area, it any,
nviLirmd for other permitted uses.
(0) The cross usable floor arena of all principal and accessory structures
shall not rxeeed 3% of the gross area of the lot.
.1 No ctrraoWre shall be Wilt vithis 30 foot of thea sift Use of my public
etmtt or may and no structure or parr space won to bdlt our mala•
tainod within 20 feet of any other exterior property ].tae.
(hf) ""fere shall be provided at least aw paved o!!-cRreR space, or
more th,ang20000 taut fDarr thee outside "todsuchto be mot
adt.So q" shall
be considered available for porkigg which red nes the effective width of
drivnwsy providing scones to none three aec dwaljag trait to less than 12 fret.
( T vorr 0*11 be a pawed driveway, or paves walk adequate to asecaaodate
' 'rvnic7' vehicles, within !So foot of the ostaide entrance to each dwelling
(R) M':9road or driveway providing principal aaoese to 6 or more dwellint unit.q
or 8 or roves parking apaoos shall conform to appropriate provisions of the
ais'hdivislon control regulation& as if it vara a minor residential street..
p,sfr:rr !4vaiag may peralts, tbo Board of Appeals shall request a report
from, tho FlanaLU premed are the extent of such oonformitr.
i I
No aCcrt^.y s,Prait shall be granted Vader Section 4.7 anleae the 3mrd of Appea'
.eralopment as planned will not be detrimatel to the neighbor—
i �crl 11 Whish it is tO b' loCnted, ,nd t',at the Town caa reaeoaably provide
lrve'_opment v?'. S ill neoessn^y utilities ani facilities.
P A rd of Appeals my int a petrdt f ► at •pat�srat at sr e,
aby sowing district, but only it it be s Uafted that smeh dswl1 coa-
fO m to the lwrmitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Uetrion 4.72 ant!
In so far au they way be apt., the provisions of Section 4j tkvugb 4.54 in-
clusiea, shIM apply to any applioatift for a spacial per It wader Section 4.".
Permitted Daces
(A) Multiple or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more than
twelve dwelling units per structure.
5�Iita accessory uses as are customary in connect5.on with the permitted
isa�ipyaY uR:s, except that professiorial offices and boas ocaupeticne
- ,i fically excluried.
;,;�cific .c;t�7xtioasr
l) No stmOmrs shall exceed Uaj amu ones-half (?}) stories or thirty-five
:35 ) f' *t: in Might, measured above the top cf the foundations.
'B) r,; stmxlA+tres, except one-story garages or carports, or unpierced we:'
residential structures shall be nearer to each other thea the sus of
the Whits of their twc opposing exterior wells, reasured above the Up
Of the f<auadatious.
(C) There shall be a lot area sf at least 31,500 square feet for each dwelling
unit +:r rssitiple-dwlliru structure, in addition to the lot arse, if any,
re quirrO for other permitted uses,
(D) The Mas Usable floor area of an principal sed asossaogy structures
shall not exceed 30% of the gross area of the lot.
No mtruoUx" shall be built vitbft 30 feet of the side Use of any public
st'ret or way ami no structure or parting space shall be built or sain-
talned Athin 20 foot of any other erxterior Property Une•
t?'} -IA4re skull be provided at least one paved off-street parking space, r11"
t ce 3n garage (r car,+ort, for each dwelling unit, said space to be not
im)rv, then 200 feet from the outside entrance to such unit. bo apses shall
t.+ considered eyailable for parking which reJuces the effective width c i
' -,,t-ky ,roviding access to more than one dwelling unit to less thnn 1? f-�t.
V)" a pa-•tc; , er paved walk adequate to acenrmodRte
r,cx rgency vehicles, vithdn 50 feet of the outa4de entrance to each d", 11
(13) MW road or driveway progWag principal aces" to 6 or mora dwelling unit,;
or 9 or mm* parking s ahall conform to appropriate provisions of t110
subdivisisa control "
tiaras " if it ars a Rimes' resiiatial street,
r:�afore issuing am Pa a, the Board of Appeals shall regrset a report
t ran the Planning board dun the e=vent of such oonformity.
+f Fill R
r »
i t! s^9SlD S 1
I M ��'.
1 rI
::o specirl remit shill be granted under 3ection 4.7 mle" the Board of A;;rN.' it
>'.q that 411e :evslopgaent as planned will not be detrimmetal to the neiph?Mr -
hood in which it is to M located, and that the Town can reasonably prvvide
the proposod development with all necessary utilities and facilities,
,,Prnit eha 2 be granted under Section 4.7 mless the Board of Appeal
"C'miopownt as planned will not be cletrimatal to the r♦eigh5or-
� ♦<s4 in it is to hm located, and that the Torn ma reasonably Protide
the 1,rc—Need development, with all nswssarf utilities and facilities.
Bcrrd of Aprwtls any grant a apeeii Por■tit
a� a:ar.inF,, district, but only if it be satisfiai that we> develwz..
`wild' c7
Earns tr t Ypf• ;� r swii t.te use a xnd sp ^itic t °,;Matt. na set forth In tica 4.T" !^rl
44 ^1.
71 Ir. if, "'ar a they may he apt. , the provisions of Section 4.5 through.4.54 in-
elusivuu, 0*11 apply to any n-plication fcr a special permit under Section 4.7.
fel-S.I tted Pseaa
(A) MtZtipla or group dwellings, ptavided that there shall be not nose thea
twelve dwalling units per straeturs.
(93 .wish rocsssory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted
principal usva, except that professional offices and home occupations
awl" 31 eci flCally excluded.
'..'�? _'pectf'fc Rrtgulationst
A No fft-,vesture shell exc,•gd two am'. ons-half (A,) stogies or thirty-frve
(25) ''"set i;t height, measured obc7s the tcp of the foundations.
(E) Po etrructums, exrept one-story garages or carports, or unpierced we a
K ` x-=lidentia2 structures shall be nearer to each other than the sum of
t1he hri,&.ts of their two opposing exterior walls, measured above the top
r'?' t"s foundat.tons.
(0) Thorn shall be a lot area of at least :3,500 square test for each dwelling
un t !.n multiple-dwa?ling strvature, in addition to the lot area, if any,
realazred for other permitted uses.
(0) 'Pura fro" usable floor Rrea of all principal and accessory structures
sha11. not eoaeeed 3% of the gross area of the lot.
;E) No strurcture shall be built withia 30 feet of the side Uns of eny public
street or way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maia-
tsizutd within 20 fat of any other exterior property line.
(P) 'ham, shall be provided at least ons paved off-street parking spas•, or
axec" in garage or car,ort, for each dwelling wait, said space to be not
mcro than 200 feet from the outside entrance to such v ait. No spree shall
be, considered avai�' abie for parking which reduces the effective width of a
Irl, ,Away providing access to no. than one dwelling trait to less than L? feet,
(C) Toro shall be a pavve drivevey, or paved walk adequate to swombodate
er*�rrrnoy vehicles, within 50 fs«t of the outside entrance to each dwelling,
trni t,
(N) Any road or driveway providing principal aeoess to 6 at more dwelling units
or 8 or sans parking speoea shall oonform. to appropriate provisions of tho
subtUrision ccamtral regulatiass as if it were a minae residential street.
Before issuing any per-alta, the Board of Appeals shall ngmst a report
from the Planning lward an the extant of mush conforNOW.
i w �
do speclRl peridt shall be granted under Section, L7 valess the Board of tppea'_ v
r''ads th6t the development as planned All tat be detrlumrtal to the neighbor-.
haat in vhiah it is to be loeatedp and that the ?omr can riseem bly provids
the proposed dsriloymeat vith all seosssary utilities and tasiliti,ses
. d of Appeals � grafs� a spate 'per !#� •a
ciy soring district, but only It it be SoUsfied t?at l con. sada
r-r •.c the permitted uses mad specific regulations set forth1h in Suction ,t.'12 rrd e
s(: far c,s they may be apt., the provisions of Section 4.5 through 4.,4 in-
cic at?.a11 a3ply to any a^plication for a special permit ander Section 4.
gena tied twit
? s'.ti le or group dwellings, provided that there &ball be not more thi-L
+ v� duelling units per structure.
{ . a^cessorr uses as are matonary in connection with the permitted
u,x s, ex^eut that professional offices and ham occupations
�3firally amluded.
' _,Ilni�rnsa
1; --ur,t,ire shall exck"ue + and'' one-half (? ) stories or thirty-Nve
ct t height, :.*aeurel atY)vo the tcl ,f the f(--undations.
'tam- . ;, e;;cet t garages or carports, or unpierced u-
i c.jvr.tial atrurtirrws steal be hearer to each other than the r= if
t;,:hts of their 'tr-- of i<,+:ng exterior walls' veasur9d above the top
shnll to a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet for each due:.line
, it !,, 7n tipl"wel l ing structure, in addition to the lot area, if any,
tw,:ztul:od for other permitted uses.
Usable floor area of all principal and acosssaary structure*
n—t exceed 3C% of the gross area of the lot.
;ct;iws shell be built within 30 feet of the side line of any puhlie,
3t.r.,0 ,r way anti nc n tore or parking space @ball be built or mein-
tdilnv, ,Athin 'r feet of ary other exterior property line.
" shall be providre a: cent c::c= pared c"-street pari,ing si- .� , r
-e F.Rrnge or car,-art, for each duelling unit, said-Spun tv be not
:Pen nr ?eat from the outside entrance tc vch ;nit. No space j�w:)
�:;r,eidcred avai'.able for parking which red+ices the effeotive width
,�; ;,roviding access to more than one duelling unit to less than. V fe, t
-r &tAll its a paved c'r'_vewar, or paved walk adequate to aaeommodate
vehicle@, Within 50 fAet of the outside entrance to each duelling
I` A,v rr++:. or driveway providing principal access to b or more dwelling, unity
cr ' nr nore parking spaces shall conform to appropriate provisions of t:r_
i,i'Mi l-i sl en .ontrol regulations as if it Mars a minor residential street.
,'ire i@xait any endta, tho tloari of Appeals shall request a report
f,,,-va %he Planning Hoard on the extent of such conformity.
=;r pros-in-. T*rmit shall be granted under Section 4.7 unlew tho Board of
"-i ' he 'evrlopmnt as p3enned will nr+t be 4etria+ental to ther -
In. u ;ich it is tr 1w ltIcmkt p ind t♦4.1 L!io Town can reasonaL'.j
ed lo"I pwnt vi'h ,c`1 n�ce�snr; OTIMen gm! fa( ili#ire.
The Board of Appeals mag grant a special permit for an apartment development in
any zoning district, but only if it be satisfied that such development will con-
form to the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Section 4.72 and
4.71 In so far as they nay be apt., the provisions of Section 4.5 through 4.54 in-
clusive, shall apply to any application for a special permit tinder Section 4.7.
4.72 Permitted Uses:
(A) Multiple or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more than
twelve dwelling units per structure.
(B) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted
principal uses, except that professional offices and home occupations
are specifically excluded.
4.73 Specific Regulations:
(A) No stracturo-shall exceed two and oft-half (2j-) stories or thirty-five f
(35) feet in height, measured above the top of the foundations.
(1i) No structures, except one-story garages or carports, or unpierced walls
of residential structures shall be nearer to each other than the sum of
the heights of their two opposing exterior walls, measured above the top
of the foundations,
(C) There shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet for each dwauing
unit in multiple-dwelling stracture, in addition to the lot area, if army,
required for other permitted uses,
(D) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures
shall not exceed 30% of the gross area of the lot.
(E) No structure shall be built within 30 feet of the side lines of any public
street or may and no structure or parking space shall be built or main-
tained within 20 feet of any other exterior property line.
(10) There shall be provided at least one paved off-street perking space, or
space in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be not
more than 200 feet fr m the outuide entrance to such unit. No space shall
be considered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a
driveway providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet.
(G) There shall be a paved driveway, or paved walk adequate to accommodate
emergency vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling
(9) Any road or driveway providing principal access to 6 or more dwelling cuts
or S or more parking spaces shall conform to appropriate provisions of the
subdivision control regulations as if it were a minor residential street.
Before issuing,ammy permits, the Board of Appeals shall request a report
from the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity.
rpxr�ning di ortriet
`^ * tie permitted uses and spaci!!s Gatti ns set
?t !off is ofi. 'oa 49?2 anl
lr. ;i. isr they sty be apt.9 the p4'"mg of 3000cn 4.5 through 4.54 in-
11,31-jr, ,shall "Ply to MW apg7.ieatiaa fcer a special psrdt esdar Section 4.'.
A ?.`.i p f e or group dwellings, provided that there shell be not mere
y" n dwattt g units per structure,
i aka a0aessory Vass as aro onatcssVy is coa rection with the permitted,
uses, eXeept that professional offices and hoar ocoupaticna
e:[ff tally excluded.
"' sulationst
"-Ic'tluv shall exceed two and one4half' (2}) stories or thirty-f _ve
fiat in height, measured above the tap of the foundations.
Yo ;Ptractures, except one-atony garages or carports, or unpierced va"
. ,'dmrtial structures shall be nearer to each other than the sun of
'be heights of their two opposing exterior walls, rasured above the tip
i' the foundations.
} T" re shall be a lot area of at least %500 &gouts f"t flat each dwelling
$001tillo-dwalling ttrwturs, in addition to the lot am if any,
requir,,d for otter permitted uses.
"".':<: usable floor area of all principal end aoos"=7 structures
:t*ll not umaed )% of the gross area of the lot.
r Nr structure shall be built withia 30 foot of the alas lin» of any public
s' ;-,,1,,t or way and no structure or parking space sball be built or rain-
'A nes -within 20 feat Of any other exterior property line.
J shall be provided at least Daus paved off-atrmd parking apace, <)r,
n garage or carport, for saoh dwelling unit, said space to be not
,;&zi 200 feet from the outride entranos to such vett. No space Wil?
L : ^eltl I <iered available for parking which reduces the effective width
�. providing access to more than oras dwelling unit to lees than L? Nr*
l ,f+ra iha►ll be a pared drive%W, or paved walk adequate to scoommodate
"8 ,?�1ZIr vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside entrance to sash dwelling
kry reed or driveway paroviang principal access to 6 or enure dwelling uri.t9
or r.' or mors parking spaces &bell oaniorm to appropriate provisions of '.?ri
}.:h�iv;.salon central regulations as if it mere a minor residential street,
;4 ef�,rw Isavui% &3V peradts, the Board of Appeals shall rest a report
fr t'le Plameiag Board as the extent of sash oantbrsait r.
ioard of
any Sonia# di
fom to the permitted Is" asd regslat CIES sat tae is as 4.12 and
4, 71 In w far as they aq be apt., the provisions of 9ectioa 4.5 through ,4.54 ia-
clucive, shall apply to any appiiaatioa for a Special permit ==ler Section 4.
ierrxitted Uses&
(A) Ahiltipl.e or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more
twolve dwelling units per strueturs.
(b) doh sooss&M VMS as are oWstomery in oeadneetion With the permitted
prlrO.pal uses, except that professional offices and home occupation,
��. .)eci.fi^slly excluded.
� .'.,. 73 rpet-.11'10 R.sgtilatioeaf
,A) xo stracture sball exosed two and owe-halt (a}) ■ eri" or thirty-five
(33) feet in height, measured ebm the top of the foundations.
(S) No atmos o oosj*il wataay garages or carports or aapleraed walls
of r*sideatiai strw Wres shelf be seater to Bash oh7w V= the am of
the harts of their two opposing exterior wall#, measured above the toj
of the foundations.
(C) There shall be a lot area of at least 3,400 sgvara feet for each dweul.ing
unit In Matiple-dwellize struature, in addition to the lot area, if any,
zv,quirsd for other permitted uses.
(D) Tbs gross usable floor area at all prisaipal and aeoeescry structures
shall not w=eed 3% of the prase area of the lot.
ii.) No structure shall be built withd,a 30 feet of the Side line of any publltt
street or Way and no structure or parking apace @ball be built or main—
tained vitlia 20 beet of any other exterior Pa'operty line.
(F) There shall be provided at least one pared oft-stMt parking spec., Ir
os in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be not
more than 200 feet from the outside entrasoe to snob wait. No space shat'
be considered available for parking which redness the effective viith :-7 R
driveuay proviang seam to aaare than one dwell3W u Sit to less than 12 feet.
(0) There spall be a .pavad drivaray, or paved Walt adg0te to accommodate
maergesey vehiale#, wittda 50 feet of the outaide aa►tM" to saoh dwells a9
Bmf t.
(1i} kxT road or drivesay peV►lding principal aacess to 6 or more dwellink unit-
a or more parting spaoea shall conform to apprepriste provisions of "
,ratr,5ivitian acatral regWiatioe# as if it Wets a @lbw residential street,
pefriTs issuing any pewits, the Hoards of Appeals shall request a repor4.
rrae the neamiag board as tie e+xteat of such 000toaaity.
Filof ipp int *6"W'r' WWV AW
spy soning district, bet � dl�it it to alld tart
rbrm to the perstitted uses and "scute rrgulatioss set faeti U Ssetias 4.72 and '
In ac far a they may be apt., the psovisims of Seetioo through 4.54 in-
nluaive, shill apply to any at+plicatiom for a special permit tidal Section 4.7.
S�^:Ititterd Qsxast
"4t%?t.1 I a or group dwesllings, provided that there ahall be art more thr,;.
or d�,Rlling units per structure.
i aa,cesaory uses as are customs" in connect.ioa with the permitted
nrie -lpal uses, except that professiorzal offices and !toms occupations
' cifically omluded.
"" r;r�ci.ffc '*fg-ulationst
(A) p'o strtaertare shall emceed two and one-halt (2}) stories or thirty-fire
(15 ) 4 -ot in height, seawitled above the top of the foundations.
B) No strsictur-es, except one-Otory garages or carporte, or vgAerced wallc
C rr,m'4'deerttixl structures shall be nearer to each other than the sue of
the hi.°.ghts of their two opposing exterior wells, seeatred above the tap
i=f �he f(navdationa.
' !,"re -ihrtll be a lot area of at lea,t 3,500 aqua" feet for each dwelling
=it. ! i ;;multiple-dwelling structure, in addition to the lot area, if any,
rr�:t i ,d for other ;vrYAtted uses.
The gromis usable floor area of all principal and sooessory structures
X11 not exceed 30% of the gross area of the lot.
No str:xcturs shoal be built within 30 feet of the side lies of any public
.tr"t or way and no structure or parking spaoe shall be built or mair-
Lairted within 20 feet of any other exterior property lime.
kP) There shall be provided at least ons paved off-street peening spat•, or'
laa,a,ra in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said apses to be not
more titan 200 feat from the outside entrance to such unit, No apses shall
1v f:ansiiorod available for parking which reduces the effective width of
�fY f. relay providing access to mora than oar dwelling unit to less than 12 .*apt.
'r) T'.fere &ball be a paved driveway, or paved walk odegttmte to accommodate
*Ae+z-gtrsoy •ehiolas, within 50 feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling
taxa i:.
rgp rtod or driveway pmovidiat± principal *coos@ to 6 of more dvellirg unit
ar 3 or more parking specos shall confors to appropriate provisions of t'>•- �
P.:,>Llrlsion control regulations as if it were a minor residential streut.
, �'-�re issttimg any wraits, the Hoard of Appeals shall request a report
i-;-% '.!ten Planning Board on the extent of such aonforemity.
"!c a vi5`t Permit shall be granted under Section 4.7 unlOW the Hoard of Appor' F
.°-s .?erelapment as planed will not be detriawtal to the neiph!x r_
h("! i.r ah+,Rh it is to be locatod, and that the Toren 0" reasonably provide
p ,-,l ogntl development with all. necessary utiltttie am futilities,
I j
The 10&3d a any
foray to tats psrstitted I Am set In on 4.72 ural
4.71. In so tar as thsy aq be apt., the provisions of Section /#j Urough 4.54 10-
clusiw0 aball apply to any application for a special permit ander Section 4.
,. , i a�stit:Led Usest
(A1 WItiple or group dwellings, provided that there shell be not sore
twelve dwelling units per structure.
c, wash awmasory uses as are omstomary in connection with the permitted
prineipal uses, except that professional offices and ham ocoupaticuo
m! ipecifically excluded.
73 SpAr.ifto RegulatIce t
_ ) oto structure shall s oceed two and one-amlf (20 stones or thirty-five
(35) feet is beight, mama ed obare the 'top of the foundations.
(E} ltc strnasbe<tres, except oo-st*1T laragea or oaspoords p' "pierced tin li u
of reoidential structures shall be nearer to sash a�6s them the atm of
the hsig x of their two opposing exterior walls, measured above the t c
of the foundations.
(C) Tbere aball be a lot area of at least 99500 mgssro feat for each dw6lling
unit in matiple-dwelling ttsaatuare, is addition to the lot ares, it any,
required for other permitted moo.
(D) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures
shall not exceed 3% of the gross arse of the lot.
M) NO structure shall, be built within 30 fort of the side line of any Pur>`9
street or way and no structure or parkIM spaoo shall be built or mina-
tained vithtis 20 het of any other exterior property line.
g? ?lore shall be provided at least ane paved off-oftvot parking span". )r
epace in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space tc% be not
more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to such unit. Aho 9FAce sW ''.
be considered available for parking which reduces the effective wiith '
driveway providing &aces to taste tlso ate dvallisg trait to less then V foe ,
(D) 'There shall be a .povied driv"W, or paved atlh o4wote to accommodate
eaurgency veh1 clos, witads 50 feet of the ontsids ontrsAce to each dnelli z:
Arg road or drivesay pfc7saing principal access to 6 or sore dwelling unit-
or S or more parking spaces shall conform to apprcpadate provision$ Of ""
mabdivision control reglations as if it were a sdNW zvsidsntial •tract.,
®fore 1"ming appy permits, the Board of Appeals shall request a re,ox-1
from the hlosxd as tale exteat of rush oomforadty.
j �
3- � f
r 't'
er-cta permit ebAO1 be grwted under Section 4.? unless the Bofird of , ;f
n ' 4V-, ho '.evrlopr*nt as planned will net be detrimental to the ne:en:r
a-Ach it to t.-,� 1� 1;1C1t91p if'd t.-,jt the Town c" reaeonaLly ^rt
•`. �d �ew1 met al'.h all nce,qsa,-y �,t.i?.ttiea le faciliti�ae.
K+i s v try ryyam. .
rd r f Appeals May i rd tt a spear mit It
Y z 11 strict, but only if it be soUaried that saaoh dov4aoFW*' tt wi?
"• `u i rmitted uses and specific requlatirna set forth in ;kcation 4.
they my be apt., the provisims of Soction 165 through, a.�.4 If!-
91 M rr.011 e?ply to any n plication for a special permit under Section
i Ste a k
or :roup dwellings, provided that tlsere shall be not more
dwelling units per structure.
s :.t h neoeasory uses as are Motamary in connection with the permitted
s, except that profeaaienal offices and hone oocunotit:..
finally o znluded.
£.' 'f- ttirt.;t� ehnll fFXCvy`] ilji. c x-calf ;'4) dories thirty-fled
°•,et '.n heljrht, measured above. Luk t.,: . ° the foundations.
F 1 ""r r?4:•r ctureg, exrett one--story garages or carports, or unpiereeR
4'd•r.tin) stru^Lure+► shall be nearer to each other than the s= �,f
t 'te!phts of their tun; o, }c,ritkt rxterikir walls, measured above the t.r. ;
`,r f•:•unent lens.
',� e,r a O-ol' Ix -if ;it len <t 3,5X square feet for eeeh due'1 1-:,,
' n '!Stl'_`,i}-'' i--,tN,.l t.:nd it2'U^f.117't'T it. F',. li' ion to the lot area, if
rev!. fc r her mA ttcl kwen.
Ty„ ^ate nanble r of all prinei;Al eui aeoessory strv: !turee
I"F,:. : ncit ex"e 10% of thn gr.-,as ea of thk lot.
vlmicture shall be built within 30 feet of the side Lime of any tvbIle
nr way anvi ne a'ructure or parking space shall be built or mnlm-
1a0.r- 0 'within %0 feet of am other exterior property lino. i
I� ;shall be provided at least one paved off-street parking spec«, >r
afee 'in garage or car,:nrt, for each dwelling await, said gpaoe to be not i
>. * tk*n :'.X; feet from the outxide entrance to such unit. No space 34,W I
r :nsidered evai able for parking which reduces the effective ulitn
` Al" :;roviding aeries to wra than one dwelling unit to leas thy,-.
e s`>x'. 1 be v !4-rec: ''.-_veway, or paved walk adequate to aaccmzno s tp
n 'y • e."ICV veh'_01e49 within 54 Mat of the outst:ie ek trance to each
or drirsway providing prinrt.,el ^r Rig to 5 or vwrt,3 dw_'
rnre ; r 4 ing specrs Fhtall conform to appropriate iruiriglors
71:1iivislon .,'ont -ol regulations as it it were a minor residential stye ;t.�
"cry is;tulmi any permits, the Board of Appeals shall request a report
the Planning Hoard on the extent of svah conformity.
-rmdt shall to granted vxAer Section 4.7 unless the Board of Arp.�=�' ,
fin" t * ;,e 3eve'opment as planned will not be detrimatal to the nelghber-
n;P^° t, r., 10:.1t,1, +r.� :wt the Towm can reasonably prciv13e
Ievel, pmert with 911 weassa-y utilities Yad facilities.