HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMMUNITY CENTER ,. 1 '54 ' +�'� �,a �9+�7 Rbturr�{x► & PURSER MACHINE CO. :WORTH ANDOVER, MASS. r s NNt.lr(1'�Jt Ir�`��ryVti" ` k i . C 1 t� L 63.=006 Lem 67696 III h r t k a 4 ' { l cc �V, "PRINTING THE MOTHER OF PROGRESS" 9fie, �. �. J( 67iavt Com#an� . . . PRINTERS . . . 483 Chickering Road NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 6"--4j ` p Q, po ^ �odcl �- K \ Jff * , � -- vnct U � r MASSACHUSETTS OA !L F. GLY CHAIRMAN WARD OF APPEALS ATTY,. OSEPH RALIA, BEC. THOMA . PE SON 0 201 CI ALL _1 ATE ER9 JOHN BE JAMES N. !FC F D Petit' n of---- ----- -----•-- ............... Ps of ted---- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------ ----------- Decision and of Ap s on the above case is as follows: V V Lam' uJ Q d �CI v15TClpl1i110E MASSACHUSETTS ., BOARD OF APPEALS CAN P G CHAIRMAN A PETRA[. SEC. PEARSON R 0 L ASSOCIA a _ \ JOHN JA KEEPE Notice:—This application must be typewritten; filed in duplicate; and accompanied by a plan of the affected premises, a copy of the refusal by the Building Inspector and receipt for advertising $3.00. APPLICATION FOR VARIATION FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE Applicant: -------- -- ................Address: ........................ ......................-•••-•--•-••••-•••--•••- TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Application is hereby made for a variation from the requirements of Section -_•------------- Paragraph-•-....._...... f the Zoning Ordinance. Premises affected are situated on the North....................South ......••East•---••-__•_-•_ West_________________ side of-----------------------------------Street; ...-------.....feet distant from the corner of-.......•................... Street and known as NUMBER..._....____....................._........................................Street. Description of (Proposed), (Existing) Building 1. Size of building:...............-........feet front_ ..........._------------feet deep. Height:--- ...........stories: ------ ----•- . _feet. 2. Occupancy or Use: (of each floor)...............................­.................................................................................. 3. loor)..............••-•---••---------•--._.------•----•--•-•---•--•--..__._......._..---•-•---•---•---••••.._...•---•••- 3. Zoning District:.................................. .....................4. Date of erection:•- 5. Type of Construction: (check one) I................ I•--••--• ........III............ .............................................. 6. Has there been a previous appeal, under zoning, on these premises:............................................. 7. Description of proposed work or use:...................................................................... -------------------- ---------•---•-----••--••-----•---••---•-•----• .................. ----------..___._.....--•-----.--.•.•-.-.--._..----_ ...................... - ------•-----------• ----•-------••------•--•----•--•---•-••--•----------------•-•-----•--•----....__.. .......... .......................... 8. The principal points upon which I base my application are as follows:......................................................... ------.-__.-•------- ---------- ........................................................... -----• --------•••---•..._..._.........._..__.....-•-•--••.._....-••••--•- - - - -------------•--------------- ------------------ .........--•--•--•'--•---_.__..__.._.._...-------••---•--•---..... -••••••-•••--•--••-•-••--••--•- •-------------•------•--------• ---....--•-•---._...--•-----------•---------••------•------------------------......•-•••-----•-..... ••-••----••••--••••••-• ................. -----.-..----•------------- - .............••........ ............................................................... .................................................. ..........................................................................._._..--••--•-•---.....__.._..-•-•••------•- .._.__-----..__.._.........-.-_..._••--•--••---..._-. -•-•---•--------------------------------•-•--._.-..-•-•-•-•••-••-•....-- .............. Signature of respon"e applicant Notices sent to: lames: ..........- .................................. .•--- Addresses: ----------- --------------- .............. -------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------- .............. --------------------------- .................. ---------------------- ........... ---------------------------- -------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- ..................... ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- .................. ---------------------- ........... -------I.................... ----------------------------------- ------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ................ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ... ----------------- ........... ------------------ .......... -----------------------•---• --------- ------- ........... ---- --- ------------- ........... -------------------- ................ -------------- ......••....-------------- --------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------- -------- ......................----- -------------------------- ----------- -------------------- ----------- ------ ---------------I---------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ....... ------------------------- .................. .................... -------------------------------------------------------------- ............ ---------- ---------------------- ----------------- ----------- --------------------------------- ------ --------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------- DANIEL F. GL AIRMAN A °ff MASSACHUSETTS Arrr. s RALIA, C. TH J. P RS BOARD OF APPEALS R, A IAT ERS DD 0• (44A� JOHN JA N. KEEFE NOTICE 19 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give a f :—!d( hearing at the Building Department, P4000�t &17 Hall, Lawrence, 19 , at_o'elock, to all parties interested in the appeal of requesting a variation of the Zoning Ordinance so as to permit on the premises, located at By Order of the Board of Appeals. MASSACHUSETTS BOARD O RD OF APPEALS DANIEL F. N. CHAIRMAN ATTY. J PH PETRALIA, SEC. THO J. PEARSON ASSOCI B J o' E J EB N. EFE NOTICE OF DECISION Date ........................................-.._._.. PetitionNo. ..... ........................................ Date of Hearing.---•------....•........................ Petition of -..•............................... Premises affected.•••••••.•••.- Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the........................................•... ..................... --•------•-- -----•------------•--•---...----••---•-•-------•-----•----.....-----•---•---•-•---•----•-•-•-.............................. ............•.. soas to permit---------------------------------------.:................................................................. ........ ---------------•-•- ----------.-_--------------------------------------------------------.... •-----•----------•--•---•--------•-•----•-....._................................. After a public hearing given on the above date, the Board of Appeals voted torte the................ ,(3,(ANK ------- --------------------------------------------------------------•------- and hereby authorize the Building Inspector to issue a permitto................................................••••................._........-- for the construction of the above work, based upon the following conditions: (C) If fter the issu nee of a ermi the opera ons authoriz thereunder are not ommenced within sixty (60) ays after d e of permi or ' after the co enceme operations the wor is discontinued for a period of hree (3) onths, such er it shall be oid,work a not again be comm ced until a new per- mit shall ha a been i ued as forth ori final work, d buildi terials and eq ' ment on the ground shall be rem ved o stored accords g the requ' menu of he dministrative fficer. SIGNED ..................................................................... Board of Appeals DANIEL F 7 _ RMAN MASSACHUSETTS ATTY. x` IA,' SEC. THO PE 3 BOARD OF APPEALS AMBERS so o CITY HALL H KEEFE NOTICE 19 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give a hearing at the Building Department, Room No. 201, City 1 Hall, Lawrence, 19 , at*�'n�o'clock,to all parties interested in the appeal of requesting a variation of the Zoning Ordinance so as to permit l I i on the premises, located at By Order of the Board of Appeals. October It I 11re Reay JjCjrd9, `3ecretelM Anrcver Board Of Appeals Tr erg He?I Andover., Mrsorchusettse Dear Sir,,$ I era •ori ting to yor in riy espe.city as secretary of the :North Andover borrd o? appeals. I lav" been requested to contact you In ordf-r that rre r3g.P.h1, obtain scene of your forms so that we, might be Ateiend in to Or action of ottr forms. I ',hr--e .ro f�rrence to all fords whatsoever, wiell as applioetion, notice, coT$,^ of decision, rules for application$ regulations to S nnc, =.,e are just organizing we reel that your forma will be invnIuable to us in establishing; our proeece=e. Ahankim lou, I remain; Yery truly yours .- :. .A, : �•yam--Rs-' .,w*ng, ��.%+ers'rt ._ y�'q b 51` �.:.. `s'� ���.ix.craP�i Qotober Is 1943 Atty, Jo^epb getralia, Sec. Board Of Appeals Room Poi City lith. Lawrsnog, �assanhasette, hear Sir: T aT-1 Vritisg. to you iagt m9 capacity* of secrets ry of the Horth Andover board of appee so The board voted to have me contact you rnd ob'L ~.n 1.,,am ,you copies of all rules anal regulations that your hoard enTiloys so that -re might be guided in the promlgati.on axed zelection of our rules and regulations. ,iiirc referarence to all rules and ivgulations, such as pertain to the i?unotion of the boarC and will assist the applicants in filing ,mif'orm applioations and plans, snco ,.;e are beginnJ= to organizo -m feel that your' forms and ra„malations !411 be invaluable to us in establishing our proosedural xvles and r.9r3ulations, ' haii:ciaj you, Z remain; very truly, yours III, .a III October* 1 143 . H G. saunaiegle, cleft, :lthmi . oaTd of APPkas City ^sachawtte, Dear Sir: s� -ritting to ywi in ny ea�aciL of secretary of the North ^zAove: board of appeal#. The board vctsd to have me ooatect you and obtainif "o.—iI tle, ca')ics of all rules and regulations that yTM,ur bo=-r,' 'to7s so that `7e might be guided: in the promulgation, -,d smIrction of our ra ec and rcgul.vatiowe •, vc �t: rx :nce to all rules and regulations, suoh Es pertain t thr, filnati: n of the board and will assist the applioants' Sit filing ur.ifo.r- s-°-°I ications and plans. Since --le are begliming to organize rare f oel, that your rales std rf4;u.l.atlons will be iii*aluable to us in establishing our rules and roMilatlons. tieni3t€5 you, Z ruin; Teary truly pours � • k" .. is October 1v 1943 Ma. Ti1.IL-im H. Buswell Secretary Terra rail Methuens, rAssachusetts„ Dear sirs I cr°: e,Mjting to you in my capacity of searetftT of the Rwth Aq3over board of appeals. The board voted to have me contact you in order t%:It ..fie might obtain scam of your rules and forms so that we night be rPuidPd in the prop lgation of our rules and th selection of our forms, I h^ma referrence to all prat forma and rules that mai' assist t=;s. SLAII s application* notioe, copies of decision, rales for the agaplicant etc. Since we are Just organizing we feel that your forms and reg*w lat4ons -,.•ill be iavelnable to us in establishing our proopedures Tla.ard.AiaC you, I remain; Very truly, yours G;Ttt RT i u Zky, t September. 300 I9+13 Bliscbet' T.L., KerlihyChalrma.n 21e � eeTlt.r 4.,vts •`state � ii'ming Board 11 Bei c csa �trc et Bo Mons 1asnnahllsetts. 1 . DerAr, Miss , �srlihy: I rr 'ruing to you in rrq eapaeity of :secretary of The Ndrth 1tI1C30V+0r Doard 0i' Appeals, I have been Q@1E4g9tt3d to f imd out the r ]ot3 e xs "n rc. to the vote of the tsoRrtt on matters 'coming be.?'osc it;. 1",c quAstion before us is wether the vote of each manber Is to ver; the existing zoning laws It would seen from thn Steele rstv.tnte and cases that each and every mWber must vote to grent a 1�riannce. Also bothering the beard is the point on the presence of all nr->berr, rand voting in order to vrr,- the exeting zoning lawe his also would secn to be a situation where all five members `;,ould have to be present and. vote concurringly in order too vLry tho 7.1resent, ,'Fill you please send me all information and literature per— tr icing to the vote of, the board of appeals? ThenTA", you I remain; Very truly yours C' "T:M T O t� ,I Septas>er Zt}* , 194 j i . Pearye III 7pon kindly submit bid for the prin.tiD; of the enelo �'owia ; o� •t11e North Andover Board Of Appeals, �`e .,,n,ld IIL-e b9r{r for enon 4'or'!'1, ( �1an nimb16red) ��,,en lots O'?.'1.:500 't iit7 '?0C�% 'All 5j'Oi1 please rcatuY'!1. he. tome o w �i(�.'ie.L•: .Y. ,'.44.�i�_i Aids. Very rt�}�' yours �'urs CT S-TIM t' t e9 f CITY OF LAWRENCE ° v MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS DANIEL F. GLYNN. CHAIRMAN ATTY. JOSEPH PETRALIA.,SEC. [� THOMAS J. PEARSON ROOM 201 CITY HALL ASSOCIATE MEMBERS JOHN BEE JAMES N. KEEFE NOTICE OF DECISION Date ......................... ------------------------------ Petition ---•------___-•--- --•---Petition No.•--•-••--- -•-•-•--- Date of Hearing ---..................................... Petition of ................. ---------------------------------------------------------------*-----------------------------------*----------•--.._.__.._._._. Premises affected............"•--_•................. .-------- Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the-......................_____________________ .._._.--••-----•-----------------------• .......... ------------------ ................._................................. .......... ........................._-....... soas to permit---------------------..................••-----•--.-.__.._..-----•---••--•--••---•---•-••--••............................................ .............. .................... -------------..............................--.._..--•----•--•--•-•-----..-___..._..---•-•.--••---............................ After a public hearing given on the above date,the Boat'd of Appeals voted that the petition be and it hereby is denied. SIGNED: I ......................................... a ...._.---••-.... ............. Board of Appeals f j CITY OF LAWRENCE MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS OANIEL F. GLYNN, CHAIRMAN ATTY. JOSEPH PETRALIA, SEC. THOMAS J. PEARSON ROOM 201 - CITY HALL ASSOCIATE MEMBERS JONM BEE JAMES N. KEEFE NOTICE OF DECISION Date ........ ........... ....... ....................... Petition No......................... - ................. Date of Hearing..............•_......_--.-------•->---- Petitionof ........ .......................-..............-.............-._.._... ------- ....... ....................-.-..-........-.................. Premises affected..................................... ......................... Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the--•.............. ..................•_--- z .......... ................... ..........•....................................................................................•...................................... soas to permit---------- ---•------- .................--...................................... ..............................----................ .._..•.•---•._.._ ...... After a public hearing given on the above date,the Board of Appeals voted that the petition be and A- hereby is denied. SIGNED: .� ...............................-:---•--:-- -: 1 Board of Appeals w; Olt '"vownrt BUILDING DEPARTMENT Certif.No.. .... I9••---. :, CERTIFICATE FOR .00CUPANCY In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code, this Department has made a "final inspection",of the building located and describedas follows:— . Owner--------- Permit No. added to This is to Certify that the:above building has been constructed in accordance altered with the provisions of the Building Code Zoning Ordinance and may now be oc- cupied. ............ ------ -------- ------- ---- Inspector of Buildings. _ _ J I 11 V [ [ lh ���. '•CtO.:� Ci T.h S6:, ,•�G ci..CC.^a.;v LQ OL14 —C)(ju UO 0001 L :�''+-Jj-.z�� ..:"A ;is G' � LU�} ciLt} U-qU r-u U`-F Civ_ •✓t_., i-i�: q.4 . B11HefIHatlBBVW '9JN8UMtll 13HN16�`OINO U •� '7[ RVIH[S 148 RV 5JLJLIO�JL 6 BLSV—131 9tl T" hliiH'Krv+ . ktlR,vA=.' x .. n ,k��w 4'F�4�is4 . :,. -Y ° '..a �.. . ._.. .. 1 i.i _.:� u,'F'2'.'Tr*A„• ,.Cl '.^^ #."'K."eFrz;,..n.ii'3 Commercial and Job Printing 1943 TEL. 21291 17 MARBLEHEAD STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. Oct. 2$ 1943 Town of North Andover North Andover Beard of Appeals North Andover, Maass. Att. Att.Charlea W Trembly Gentlemen: k7e are pleased to quote on 4 forme as follows- #1 - Letierhea;d 8t" x 11" 500 - X3.00 000 - 4.75 #2 - Application: U sides) , 500,- $6.00 ; 8 " x 11" �OOO - 8.50 #3 - Notice', 5 " x s'2" 500 - $3.00 1000 - 4. 25 #4 - Notice of Decision 800 - $3.75 8 " x 11" 1000 - 5650 These forms would be printed on Triton Ul sulphite bond) substance 20 . Prices subject to regular terms 2%o' - 10 We thank you for the opportunity of quoting and hope to be favored with your order. Yours truly THE NAIMAN PRESS (..(�Lt fin GL Ili• �4 Qo�YfiD A.TpkN , REED OCT 1943 WALTHAM -� CITY OF WALTHAM jeg ARp MASSACHUSETTS • BOARD OF APPEALS H. G. SAUMSIEGLE, CLERK October 7, 1943 Mr. Charles W. Trombly 523 Bay State Building Lawrence, Massachusetts ply dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith a copy of the rules and regulations adopted by the Waltham Board of Appeals, and also a complete set of the printed forms which we use in connection with the functions of the Board. I trust these will be of assistance to you in connection with the organization of your board in North Andover. If I can be of any further assistance in this connection, I will be very glad to assist. Very truly yours, Clerk of the Board of Appeals HGS:H Enc. WILLIAM H. BUSWELL OCT 43 21 CENTRAL STREET MAIL ADDRESS, P. O. BOX 601 METHUEN, MASS. October 8, 1943. Yr .Charles W.Trombly, Lawrence, Mass./ Dear Sir:- In reply to your letter let. I am mailing you under separate cover a copy of out printed By-laws. we have no other printed forms or rules. . Since these laws went into effect in March 1942 the Board of appeal have had but one case before them, and that has never come to a final decision for reason that the appellant did not carry out the necessary requirments. The party owned a 2 flat house,6 roods each which he had bought from Essex savings bank who had taken it over under foreclosure. House was on Riverside Drive and built shortly after last World war. Apparently the owner had made certain interior changes making it a three apartment and wished to make it a 4 apartment and applied to building commissionee naming verbally the changes but submitted no plan, The commissioner refused to grant the change and owner appealed to Board. The only outside change in building would be another door. The board held a hearing nad appelant was told that he would have to submit plans and an' advertised notice of hearing would have to be had and abuttors notified. All this under rirovisions of Chapter 40 G.L. ( see sectionXl of bur law. ) He never went any rurtner with it, Trusing you will find-lbeea laws of use I remain Yours truly, RECD OCT O 1943 ADDRESS F ` _ N QUOTATIONS MAIL& EXPRESS x v _ .:. � '+ :R 'M SUBJECT TO CHANGE NORTH ANDOVER,MASS. _. WITHOUT NOTICE Swal FREIGHT #a w - ALL AGREEMENTS MACH I NE SHOP MASS. ARE STRIKES, ACCIDENTS B_S M.R.R. � � STRIKE S,ACCIO ENTS TE LEGRAPM ` 2 ` INABILITY TO OBTAIN LAWRFNCE•MA55. 'I..' *. MATUSED GR MATTERS CAUSEDBYMATTERS TRENCENE y. ,.s. -- BEYOND OUR LAW RE NCE.MA55. REASONABLE CONTROL 7126 A"- :..R ESTABLISHED 1832 DAMS & FURBER MACHINE COMPANY TEXTILE MACHINERY AND CARD CLOTHING NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. October 61 1943 Charles W. Trombly, Secretary Board of Appeals Town Building North Andover, Mass. Dear Sir: We have your notice as to the hearing on the appeal of the Costello heirs, and thank you for sendiig it. We see no reason for our being represented at that meeting, and, therefore, will be satisfied with the decision of your board. Very truly yours., DAVIS p clrtonFu eentTrxx-� x) By SFR:HD CVI (J' l.p RECD OCT 8 1943 —aim, Authorized by Chapter 278 of the Acts of 1936to act jointly with commissions or individuals designated by other New England States and New York in formu- lating compads for the development and improvement of natural waterways common to any two or more of said states. Boston 8 ootober 50 1943 Mr. Charles If. Trombly 525 BayState Building Lawrence, Massachusetts "Dear Mr. Trombly: I am sending you under separate cover a copy of our July 1943 issue of "A planning Forum, " which is devoted entirely to a discussion of Boards of Appeals and I think it will answer the questions contained in your letter of September 30. I note by your atoning bylaw that you have a Board of Appeals of five membertj two of whom are members of the Planning Board. That is perfectly appropriate, but you will note, nearing the bottom: of Page 3 of the "Planning Foram" in the paragraph indicated "Membership of Board," provision is made for the appointment of associate members to act in case of a vacancy, inability to act, or interest on the part. of a member of the board. You will note further at the bottom of Page 5 the fact that the concurring vote of all of the members of the board shall be necessary to reverse any order or decision of your building inspector or to decide in case of any matter on which the board is required to pass. Again you will note, at the top of Page 4, the statement that the board shall Gauge to be made a detailed record of its proceedings, of the vote of each member upon each ques- tion, or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating such a fact. Copies of this record shall' be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and shall become a public record. All of these provisions tie together, i.e., there must be a oonourring vote on the part of the five members of the board upon each individual case in order to secure affirmative action. If one of the original appointees is away, or ill, or is an interested party, one of the associate members can function in his place. Since a detailed record of attendance, vote, etc. must be kept and made public, I think it is quite definite that five members must be present in each instance. Let me know if there is anything further we can say. Sincerely yours, (Miss) Elisabeth M. Herlihy EMH:M Chairman as u may; . a•� � . a: ' P— A-0 A THE BOOK is a volume of 260 pages. Publication has been made possible through the courtesy of the author, who receives no royalty or other M a . F compensation. The cost of printing and binding has been under qb££sem' q.iA1* ygvd, Ma" A t Rm "i. �axPTM" written the Federation one o its 1 members who itte by h F 'on aided by f oval m b h (b - prefers to remain anonymous. The Federation receives no profit. 64 sections of the Massachusetts Ufa-tutes are- discussed--im4-3W I ' y .. court decisions are cited. ea �.sx.,P..xssxr o£a.1Ni`1W p.s i x; t- ss q . Y' 1 YtYF Fa°`tiY W CiscuTHE CONTENTS include ad ssion o veers an f planning boards duties o m oa. s d .0 boards boards ofsurvey and the law of zoning, citing and in many ancases ... ° . :: AgT d9 L°R.N L tn! PAY ]<` ,kN{ ,^V„ver,• w, ®PPP ]Mpabstracting the court decisions on these subjects. The statutes and d . „ �,� ^!„; !L ;61 \,`, �" d e(° ,.P• Y� decisions of other American states and in some instances the cor- S °u dY. N }p 1 F .✓ l °a t )� x .erm`E An• - f. � ss4 Tb � , ]�; , w,• P^ ;, }.« Ra ,� ^= responding English decisions are cited in the Chapter on Problems 1` •W1 55 'abbe} ] ,v. <eo�lenb Vb }J"' ]5, \2�' Vea. - 9 Incidental to Planning. These include housing trailer camps, V-1 1101 U"o NY\Nr{•' ! \�-, QTR'° ... -„am w . s rehabilitation parking, billboards, f excess condemnation limited YaR W U t cur n Y b N2 ! A t ° - \ u•d ]1v access ways, municipal reserves and capital budgets. ]ym Y((o+` J ,- YW�AIv� .. .. q26 6�' AAd pPmY C`b a6. !�] td d8itid!`YNa \r^ ,,4• � Rte. badgd \M d. � �AqO 2a 6q Ad d < Atl JaQ Y^° < p.d ] pem, ,A6 y ` faeWr so•d\�AQ AR°S M1'ot 1�\l, b Vq'P,�[- AG {�. '1,• ' n ^ a 9..,^ 5. ,i^d.....t YPnT c -� ss ,s Aa^Pb(a ! a+� tv+"`w i. d•� . v }e+ '� ” �I L^JPAPP4d It {A4V ]9B A V d• b bay ] 1A 6' J, y'\ iN {^PP°}F • N qM , uoPe.,aP ♦N 5a ..� ql .. A ^}. R'UM, d 54° ] \ , t� t ,01 • b � � 4 A •l P° PP°` �tP n.n 9 F.aAb]�q! Y]sn t oa'Y d V` N .M -, !`+ 6e b1 0. `m .J•d AV P aed C d A�,� ^.\o" W. e ]o Tb , t Ibb{A m ;@vev !vdt• Yvas^ W •�. �ee°` l:. �yya b\b t\4A`^.n6yew'SYY°bN"• 30 .. �' � `.,a Al t d ( PQSF\ f'P� ] V \.I Al ... ].. ,ye. Y t YVo{S.,r cT Ro.d•, bd u. .;a eM1 \ d 1C:n » �--V V t 7 is. ai]J•O�N`-a Ty Ped , �`1. 54 AJ \ .P\^�•n hPx \ h d\l (<X,ate' ��. M1\} ]S6 }sa l V u A �Y\ "(]%c' M1T1] -Y•^ G ;:� Se 81. Y. 1 J f O A%P fo.YY T ^' _ q, {YS j, °dyad rw<°Td P Sd u+••GWe ° lU,bd6]a ad 4 N Y•si( C t `u` t iG VA a✓6 ]x .h,..Mme•,.+•d dYai^ynm davx w{ t en'da .. R`^ dY iee en as t Lsnd y.ypH M1]s of ,n It 4 bdb of AW, Wb� d RnyJ• y4a \, .x•a e -/9 U n.�m.. �rNINU ,, 9• Y.uM YA l.•" `s M1d A9Pe't e 4i 7P•n6 211 2, A "'.1 aeF; `,Y]y, • TAV= THE DISTRIBUTION T„e �, bW dRswnYt•^^ \«�\VR. Y•�`• ` `� �, `" -,° 1�` is intended primarily for local planning board members in the x 110.�{ye LZ fn!\'ad 20] YR°g4Nb'a G T Y] _ gba 1! `UaM �B6 aY. Oeq'b]b cndt t D D �• �gM11 W(T 1*F�lbYYeen ...- 0. 9 E. `�`\]']R ge• .OV ,.aa v<e e.lW t a ib Commonwealth of Massachusetts and for others directly concerned Y X W'y°ve � y b.Ybuca b t Vt Fl Q ]l] QqN.f. (',4 ape ]V °Ac+a• with planning and zoning activities. In keeping with the cooperative 1]6 Y�RllF oat Pdf` ]a'a 4 YS 39 b ",O Y R^J�J b1 C ] M1F.tY F^tW S,�ea.V T �� spirit which has characterized the preparation and publication of the 1q0 Tb^end Acct,ex^R,lb•.. d•e�o ;'A l 0. alyY Yo oM1 4 JW, d•R dol l� ,(;.P h V 4 qob, N{]d r 6 ]DA' �- n.�,n�, Yw]voePyoS °,P^",. �.�• volume throughout, however, the Federation has decided to make W „ » n `gam b� ° the material available to the general public at an expense estimated 49. .{µ.cVJaJ A• to be half the price that would normally be charged. THE SPONSORS The Massachusetts Federation of Planning Boards is a voluntary organization established in 1915 to "promote city and town planning , in Massachusetts." It arranges conferences, annual and regional, " issues bulletins, conducts legislative activities and provides informa- tional service. Annual dues are $15 for the larger boards and $10 " for boards in towns of less than 10,000 population. Individual membership is $2.00 per year. 4A as THE AUTHOR Philip Nichols, a widely known authority on problems of taxation and eminent domain, is equally well known in the field of planning and zoning. He has made a rich contribution to these as well as to t many other phases of civic activity. He served as Chairman of the Executive, Board from 1939-1943 and marked his retirement by the presentation of the material contained in the volume to the Feder- ation for the benefit of its constituents and for general distribution. Announcingk a New Booof DETACH HERErecti Z/'G �• (r / (est end -tremendous value to all who are interested in THE ORDER MR. FRANK H. MALLEY, secretary Massachusetts Federation of Planning Boards PL /� NNIN� Z0�T��T� 43 City Hall, Boston, Mass. .C�]1. L �`I j- V a12d 1 `� 1 � �-� Please send me ................ copies of "The Massachusetts Law of Planning and Zoning" at $2.75 per copy. I enclose money order for $......................... check Name ........................................ ............................... • '' complete in one volume and Member of Street .......................................................I...............: City or Town ................. indexed for ease reference ....................Postal District .................... State ............................ i 7v 4 C-A-,.I ,� no vn IV c--•-, P'44 p vow touo� 4,vau� $p� f �,.-7" VI V 1 1 -0.,1 -.p - o � A a] �--.�-, ��-�---� cwt-a-Y,-a-�• �,� —i �. -V--I 0 11 13 r - N December 23„ 1943 4'-'OF' 'reat z'ond Rood North Pondover, La.ssachusetts Dear Sirs This will ackncnvledge reaetkpt of your letter of November � 7th last t ith reg'r�rrnnce to a permit to oper%te a road side stand on =tour prep lyes. The boarl rtents you to Pill out the enolosnO c!lnllantion (Ind wibnit it to the board together tirdth the =efnx1l of tile, j3u:P.ldIM Inspector, T on ttl.e - cnint of this almlloation it will be considered and the proper action will be taken thereon. `eery truly yours, Charles 'i, Tromsbly, Clerk Board of Appeals i E ' j i � ' �� �� � � � � �- a �.,� ��. .,, �-y,,...�-. c� —� �-� - _ __ a FF k TO }Y` F NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF IOARD OF SELECTMEN August 26, 1943 Mr. John Alter 31 lv7arblehead Street North Andover, Massachusetts Dear ?"r. Alter; In reply to your recent request that the Board of Selectmen make a ruling on the lent--th of time that members of the Board of Appeal should serve, it was decided not to make a decision on this request until the matter had been looked into more thoroughly. It was decided, however, that the Board would consider small bills that came to . their attention for various expenses of the Appeal Board. Very truly yours, Board of Selectmen By- ¢.� Chairma 1 Y Y f �}j �< r G" r � �' _ „;1• � V--�- �:Lam-l/�-- Q I / i 1 Mr. Charles Trombly L t Na MASSACHU ETTS FEDERATION OF PLANNING BOARDS 1943 i' The Massachusetts Federation of Planning Boards takes pleasure in announcing that the volume which it is privileged to `sponsor, "The Massa- chusetts Law of Planning and Zoning" by Philip Nichols, is now ready for distribution. It is the first time that a treatise of this sort, devoted .exclusively to the legal aspects of plan- ning and zoning as they exist in this Commonwealth, has been attempted. Details with regard. to size.. text, distribution and other factors are presented herein, together with an order form for your con- venience, In sponsoring the publication of this book and its distribution, the Federation does so with a tx11 realization of its indebtedness particularly to Mr. Nichols for his generous contribution in the assembly and presentation of the material and to the financial aid received from an outstanding citizen who has ever been constant in his support of planning principles and practices, The Federation feels that it is honored in sharing with these gentlemen in making available to local EXECUTIVE BOARD planning board members and others interested in Cake. the work in this Commonwealth, and to the public JAMES A. BRITTON in general, at a price which represents only the Gaeelleld cost of publication, this comprehensive and authors- vk..Cadrow tative volume. HENRY V. HUBBARD Mlkoo ire"WIF ANGUS J. MeeNEIL 15 Abbott Roes J s A, Britton W.Il.dey Hub C irman snye,.ry FRANK H. MALLEY JAB/meh - Room 43,CBy Hell Bad" JOHN E. DRISCOLL - - Holyoke ELISABETH M.HERLIHY Bodo. ROBERT W. MAWNEY Attleboro September 306 1"3 The idsitvan k' 17 Irrb-lolwil Mot* Rloho-"d Smith Dear SI-n Will you kindly submit bids for the onolossc3 Tox°rs for the north Ando-vr,r �or.r(I Of Anneals. We mould 11i�e bid . for rf.001 -mil, Llso bids for 500 nand ,1000 lots, L mho forms to me with your bidsr Very trul 3r; "Urs pg.A TOWN of ANDOVEECD OCT 4 1943 R' r� OFFICE OF icfiv§ SELECTMEN, ASSESSORS, AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE ROY E. HARDY, CHAIRMAN J. EVERETT COLLINS, SECRETARY EDWARD P. HALL GEORGE H. WINSLOW, TowN CLERK ANDOVER, MASS.,_ ' October 2, 1943, Mr, Charles W. Trombly, 523 Bay State Building, Essex Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Dear Sir: We have no printed forma in connection with the Andover Board of Appeals. As secretary, I ask the appellant to put in writing as concisely as possible, any request that he may have. She then advertise it and send a notice to abutters whom we deem 'interested. We make a charge of three dollars to c6ver the advert tising and notifications . Our decisions have all been written by Mr. James S. Eastham, our chairman, a member of your profession, who was interested in the zoning law when it was first under discussion at the State House. If you care to look at any of the decisions., the Town Clerk or I would be pleased.-to show them to you. You s very trul , R Hardy, Secre ry, REH:B Board of Appeals, , k Maroh 14 , V"44Af ,a oL rd of <;Iectmen .,'ov.rt of ort a ,.nuov# r crth ¢^ .sv r, %'cage . Y.t t ;te 1€,st reCul.s.r mecting of.the north kiiaover Board of „ppc4>"t'. tile builuiri, inspector appeared before t?ie board, e t our re, at;ot , vAth rceurds to certain so cLlleu s�lacke off a..ot.44a �:ttr :;venue, in the T'oun "of I?orth tnu.ovt.r. Nic bol-ru sun .eaten tL t the builning inspector rt:port to tie rat ieuti._cn ;5nu AttAn froL, them, if pocoible, t uecesion s to t":C le; tlity of these ek;a.c :e . IL uovru feels thzA thc ::e shacks care unciChtly but there` Is a queetion .beth, r they t L in .vi'olotion of the 4crtinC t.bw , _. If the; Lxe in violation then ve are of the opinion that they clioulu bt oor.eetea. If they are not in violettion :ve rare agreed tkaz t tLe ._,-nin; �_av� should be omenued. It is for tLis reason t1ji,t , Q- ic. _ucF:t your cooperation vilth re&ar4s to thisi.iatter, ent,i e;e €,court you Ubt our board .ill aooperc,te fully vAth regarae Lo the Very truly yours„ Charles irombly, Clerk t; ,`flli i r. afrea lien i lro6 d %vomue orth .n-ovi�2, -::Arxsla . i e&r :'sir: "nQjO,Tca Sayre application biunkc for variation of t4Le :-ort;: ,.;,-over woaing lave. You chould uut:splete this cpplicL £ cn and r.ubiait it to me together lith your plans, of a vtwrmit froth the builaing ;nspectore . Very truly yours, Charles '+' . Troi;bly 'i 4YY 1 d rte. x $xx Ei Deember 23, 1943 r' Finance ccWrynten Selectmen's Office , 37orth Andover, Massachusetts Gentlemen,, The )onrd of Appeas at the last regular meeting-' Deoe nber 130 1943, vote, to ask the Finance Camittee to recco v pend ani: ga,onlr,)priet ion of one -11;mdred DnIlars (gplod,On) for the use of snid board. The board feels that this amount of money should be avail• table for the use of the board if the 000asion arises.- 4 The board of appeal® is a new board in the -own and it is r vorr hard `it this time t6 clearly any whatthe expenses will be F for the omsin(; year. 111 boards in other Tows and Cities are cor�aparatively now so that no measure of menses can be gained b e;onsi:C tiny; them. 'Let the looal board feels as thAugh an ap- propriation should be made and if at the end at the year it is s oi,.m that it cutis not necessary then it could be returned to the Town as not being spent. j Very truly yours, Board of Appeals Charles 17. Tv z fe VIA, a MIA,-� � ; 1944 � a —also, Authorized by Chapter 278 of the Acts of 1936 to act jointly with commissions or individuals designated by other New England Stoles and New York in forms- - lazing compacts far the devdopment and improvement of natural walerways common to any two or mare of said states. March 24, 1944 t ira Charles W. Trombly 523 Bay State Building Lawrence, Tiassachusetts Dear Mr. Trombly: We are very glad indeed to send you the two additional copies of the Board of Appeals issue of "A Plan- ning Forum. " This is the first time we have attempted to cover the board of appeal field and we would be glad to have any comments or criticisms from you in order that when circumstances permit, anoL-her issue of a similar nature may be more complete and satisfactory. Sincerely yours, (Miss) Elisabeth M. Herlihy V,di: Chairman f Larch 22, 1944 a xlze ',#U4.'Qu: sveulth of 4:+aosachusetts t t :'lr i.nirig Dotwya1rd TAXA4,' Cheirraun `street , Dear { .� Ux�v.sxctea to ins on CLtober 5, 1 .44 r: aaF:y of tr,e Ju 1, iv—!,ic of "r> 11rinnim'r -bruw" , c;::ich - tic ue4-ottu er,tirely y7 ,sin of .=ot-.rdw of -Teals and 1 found it most ai. _are t.-,c mc—b,.'rz Df the V t: .. rii o v,-r 7�u:. 01 ;.pT?Efals z-.» � for h, . rcfere , . .. ... ! ,il you pIe.L:.e ici :,€: r , c:; .L t;.o {ry} coni, -Df '' '"1 .'nninr b'orw" . t yoU in sav r.c i,: oar ;> couxxW:..• e; T gory truly yours, Chr:rlee w. ° rowbly fi ' yy r Augu®t IQ, 1943 sept. C. 13orn. & Taxation ' Dlv. or :°ics^ounte "t"'Itp '?ouse t3o� ton, ':�.�-E_aclivaetts, =y ;e r>t lemen; Ae c l.erfr of the north Andover Planning Hoard, Board Of Appeals I am writin3 for four '"unioipal Rullotine, Extracts from Gen. Lawes Ch, 33, 40, 41 and 44" . as ip'euec by your office, The boat* feels that these buil.etine will asaiat us in r rende ina proper decissiome In -the future. Yours very truly Clark, Hoar o Appea e. f-' C:---I,rhp. Boynton -(Y-C�mis PRINTING MERRIMAC STREET LAWRENCE, MASS. October 15 , 1943 "oma ;n.. of kppeGls `fib,,'r of : orth Andover :: asse ci�_us etts Ge rt le Lien: ?e are listing below quotations on the v�sipus :_tems of stationery and printed for--,is for your action. Letterheads 500 X3.00 1000 4.90 A plication 500 5.50 , aO—TX form 7.75 l ea rind; T,'ot is e 500 2.75 1000 4.25 Decision Aiotice 500 4.00 1000 6 .00 Sin cere_ly yours, 7-E '�`OMMITI PRESS hrb; eap 13 7/7� l RECD OCT V) 11043 MASSACHUSETTS 1 DANIEL F. GLYNN, CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS ATTY. JOSEPH PETRALIA, SEC. . THOMAS J. PEARSON ROOM 201 CITY HALL ASSOCIATE MEMBERS JOHN BEE JAMES N. KEEFE October IS; I943 8 i Charles N. Trombly, Esq. , Secretary North Andover Board of Appeals., 523 Bay Atate Buildings Lawrence, Mae seehusetts Dear Mr. `Tr-oty: Your letter, dated October I, 1943, addressed to me, was presented for consideration at the meeting of our Board of Appeals, on last Friday, October IS, I943. The Board voted that I furniab you with copies of our rules and forms used in carrying on our work. aball be pleased to meet you at your earliest convenience so that I may personally give you copies of the forms used by our Board,etc. Very truly yours , 2e erre tory No.................... --«._...._. BILLS PAYABLE .......................................Department ... ..................................I.................... 194--------- $------------ -------$-------------------------------------- --- A.D.Rozm6 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL BILLS PAYABLE To the Accounting Officer: The following-named bills of the ----_..............................................................................Department, amounting inthe aggregate to................------------------------------------------------- ................- ----_.....---- ---------...--.....-.......------------------------......------------------------- Dollars, shave been approved by the-_... __................................................................................................................... and you are requested to place them on a warrant for payment. ------------ -- ---------- _................................_-------------------I....... Date.............................................................194.......... ............................................................... (IU14 NAME ADDRESS AMOUNT TOTAL THH COMMONWRAI.TB OF MASSACHUSETTS,DRPARTMRRT OF CORPORATIONS AND TAXATION,DIVISION Of ACCOUNT& yybLL.A,y .i 3.`t'�01lPOR,�p�o sOG�r S i F: AMILpTM TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS HOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF DECISION Date•—Ita r h 37 1946 Petition No. 5- _ Date of Hearing ftbruary 12 .1945 Petition of 00=Malty Centers at NAL"tb Andover - the r _ Premises affected__ 33 Johnson Street Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the EL11 IIA Ordnance Artlale E- Seation 1G, so as to permie above address After a public hearing given,on the above date, the Board of Appeals voted to_—grant the - oe A ti an and hereby authorize the Building Inspector to issue a t permit to the Community Centers of North Andover , T33o for the construction of the above work, based upon the following conditions: Provided that the olub IS always Cond€aated in euah a Way an to meet the approval of the Board of Appeals. Signed: Board of Appeals �ykaaaa �'NORTy' •.L v �O•� • t F- AvRa7n+ .rb� + Vit• 1855 '� s ACutt3 a • V TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS { ...is Petition of the commmity Centers of North Andover* Inc** for a permit to oondurot a 'tam ity Center at 33 Johnson Street, said Town, as a Club not for profit, Ander Artiole go 3eation M, Decision: The Board foals that this is a reasonable request and that the al�owanoe of the pcUtIon will not derogate for the Intent of the said Zoning Law* PotPt3on allowed by'nne aimous `rote of the fl Ye nembearR of the Board upon the oondltlon that the Club is conducted to the saittsfaction of the Board of Appeals. WORTH ANDOM BOOR OF AP.PIALS BY er ee . x M r ex IF I 1 J February 7 , 1945 Copies of the Notice of Public Hearing were sent to each of the following individ- uals on February 7, 1945 . Gertirude E. and Catherine McDonnell 26 Andover Street , North Andover Annie J. Carty 23 Johnson Street , north Andover Clara Allport 18 Johnson Street , North Andover Charlene Galaher 45 "'ilk Street, North Andover Pearl F. Adams 89 Milk Street , North Andover Michael J. Donovan 12 Johnson Street , North Andover COMMUNITY G3ENTERS OF 72ORTH CINDOVER, INC. 33 JOHNSON STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS January 17, 1945 To The Board of Appeals Porth Andover , Nass . sentlemen: 'x!e hereby apply for a permit, under Article 2, Section 1-G, to operate the Cormunity Center at 3< Johnson Street, not for profit . Enclosed is a copy of the By-laws of our organization, ';herein the purposes of our undertaking are outlined, on Pa-e cr_e . We can say, moreover , that our Center has been operating for the past four months, and that activities therein have been and are: Girl Scouts , Co?nmunity Sports , branch service of Stevens Memorial library, gatherings of young people, movies for children, suppers , card parties . In other words , the Center is meant to be , and is, completely for the benefit of the people of the community, and especially the youngsters . Very truly yours , President i 7 9� a . y C> 0. IN. TROMBLY BRADS�'R-= T ROAD D NORTH Aiv DO Vr R, MASS . /�- -