HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-11June 11, 1951
The meeting was called ~to. order by t~e Secre+~ry of the Board in the absence
of the Chairman at 8:15 P.M. in the ~own Building. This was a ~ub.lic 'Hearing.
Members present: Secretary, Richard G. Whipple, Andrew E. Alvino, Henry E.
Lund and Peter R[tchie who was appointed to replace~member I.rving. C. Howes.
Also present was associate member~$am DiMauro.
Motion was made and seconded and it was VOTED that Mr. Whipple, secretary of
the Board ~ct as Chairman in the absence of MrJ Mooradkan~an.
Application was received from Venerina Coco reuqesting a variance of the "Zoning
h-Laws so as to permit the erection of two dwellings on tw$ lots located at
1~4-168 Massachusetts Avenue. ~hese lots were established previous to Zoning
and do not meet the present requirements of the By-Laws. Mr. Charles Coco
acting for his mother, the applicant, informed the Board that they had owned
these lots since~1942~and his mother wished to deed one lot to another brother
so that he could build a home for himself and that they also planned to build
another house on the next lot at a later date. These lots $nly have 50 foot
frontages but extend 200 feet deep. The 15 foot side yards cannot be met and
thus the request for variance to allow 10 foe~ side yards. Mr. Coco also in-
formed the Board that at present there was a cement block building at th6 very
rear of the lots which is used for the m~ki~l~ of hand made brick. Thel~ was
no objection to this application. Motio~ was ~e and secomded a~d it was
voted te take the matter under advisement.
After disCus_-~ the above application, ~otion was ~ade and seconded amd it was
VOT~ to grant ~he application~ The vote was ~.
Application was received fr~ Steve Verda requesttag aa extension efa non-
oonfor~,~ use pe~it so as to alIow the ~ale and storing of used car~ and
~le and storing of Parts for sa~e. Mr. Yerda exp?_-~-ed to the ~ that he
had been~i~ the garage business ~ before s~g went ~to effect and ~t
he now wished to get a license to sell used care and parte. He also explained
th_~t the cars would be stored at the rear of the prcper~ and would be fenced
in so +~hat they would not be visible fro~ the street.
Mr, Verda was ~eo~ ~' the Board ~_h_~t Maey would not ~ancti~ a graveyard
for used ~ars and that i~ a permit ware to be graatod it would be on a year~
basis and that the renewal of this per, it would depend ~ what condition he
kept this storing place,
The Beard felt that a z~ber ef resideat~ ~hc were not actual abuttor~ to
~e 25 ~ set for t~ s~ci~ ~e~ ~d ~ w~ ~ ~n~ ~
M~tion was ~ade and seconded and it was V~T~D te edJoura at lO:~ P.M.