HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-06-0912, 1952-Continued.
Mr. Roland B. Has~ond~ Jr. 9 Bradstreet Road was present before the Board
requesting informati~n~_as to the procedure for making application for a
non-conforming use permit so as to permit the purchase, repair and ~ale
of antiques on the premises at 169 Andover Street, Mr. Hammond was informed
as to. this procedure and a date ~t for a Public Hearing on June 9~ 1952.
Motion was made and seconded and it was VOT~ to adjourn the ~eting at
9:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at §510 P.M. in the Town
Building. This was a Public Hearing.
Members presents Chaiz,~an~ Gregory Mooradkaniam~ tecretary~ Richard
Whipplel Peter ~itchie~ Henry E. Lund~ Andrew E. Alvino and a~sociate
member Sam DiMaure. ·
App~cation was received from John F. Sawyer requesting ~e renewal of a
non-conforming use permit for the erection and maintenance of a gasoline
filling station and a dairy bar. Origi~mlperm~ was issued 'June 12~ 1950.
There was no objection to the renewal of this peA~it. Mr. Sawyer was
present at this meeting and explained to the Board tb~t although he h~_d had
his permit for two years he had not as yet star~ed the building of the filling
station~ but that he intended to start on it in the very near ~uture~ and this
was the reason he was askihg for a renewal. He also stated that he did not
think that he would build the dairy bar but since the original application
includes it he also included it in the request for rene~val.
The above ~tter was discussed by the Board and motion was made -and seconded
and it was unanimously VOTED to grar~t the renewal for another year.
Whipple was not present at the ti~e end Mr. DiMauro voted in his place.
App~ica%ion was received from Walter Me Steele~ Jr. requesting a variance
from the zoning by-laws so as to permit the erection of a garage for his own
use~ the side yards of which woul~ not meet the present requirements of the
by-laws, as there would b~ only 11 feet at the sides in place of the required
15 feet. Mr. St~ele was present and explained that he could place the garage
back 65 feet and the~ come within five feet of the lot ~ne without a variance
but that he ~ished to keep i~ in ~ ne with the house and thereby would need a
variance. There was no objection to this application' This hearing was adver-
tised in the Evening Tribune on Ma~ 31, 1952.
The above m~tter was discussed by the Board and motion was made and seconded
and it was ,.r~m~usly VOTED to grant the variance in accordance with the plans
as presented to the Board.
June 9, 1952-Continued.
Application was received from Roland B. Hammond, Jre, 9 Bradstreet R~e re-
questing the granting efa non-conforming use permit fer the purchase~
and sale of antiques o~ the prem~ ~es at 169 Andover ttreete This application
was advertised in the ~vening Tribune on May 31, 1952e
Mr. Hammond was present and he explained to the Board that he owned the property
at 169 Andover Street and wished to conduct an Amtique business there. This pro-
perty ~ad been used in previous years as a' w~odworking sh~p~ but Mr. Hammom~ stated
that all his work would be done by hand and that there would be mc machinery used
in this process and that there would' be no noise~ or dust. He also stated that there
was ample parkin~ space for his customers and that this ~ of business would mot
bring a great number of people together at ar~r one time. He stated that he wished
to use the barn which is co~ected with the house for this p~pose and that he would
also use the top floor of the bam~. There would be no change in the exterior of
the property but there would be some change in the inside of the second floor of
the ~
The folloing persop~ were present an~ objected to the granting of this permit on
~he-grounds that it would' lower .the value of the surrounding properties to have a
business there and that it also would create a traffi~ hazard~ since the drive was
a ~l~ro~ one®
Mrs. John Ooolidge 1~7 Andover Street
Miss Mabel Rostron 15'W'ood Lane
Mr. Daniel Connally 183. Andover Street
Mr. William Deigb~ Wood Lane. ~ '
Miss Rostron stated that %he space planned for parking would bring the cars very
close to her bedroom window and she felt that this would be a ra~tsance.
Mrs. Coolidge stated that Andover Street always had bee~ a residential area and
she would like to see it kept it that way a~ not have ar~ business there. She
owns most of the surrounding land and she also stated that Wood Lane was very narrow and
she felt that having cars using it for traffic would create a hazard.
Mr. Connal~y. and Mr. Deigb=~ both stated that Wood Lane was a very narrow drive and
they felt that if there were csrs parked there i~ would be dangerouse
Mr. Brasseur was present at the meeting and he explained to the ~oard that Wood ~e
was about 12 feet wide at the present time~ but this was because the a~joining l~wne
had overgrow~ onto the Lane ar~ had made it ~ch marrower tha~ the regulation street,
Motion was made amd seCOnded and'it was VOTED to take the ~tter under advisemente
The above matter was further discussed by the Board and a motion was made and seconded
that the Board would go in a body to view the property in question and bold a special
meeting for a votee This meeting to be called .at the discre~A~m~of the C~airm~-c
Motion was made and secomded and it was voted to adjourn at 9:25 P,~.