HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-14December 14, 1953
The meeting was called to order by the Chairm~ at 7:30 P.M. in the
Town Building. This was a Public Hearinge
Members presents Richard. G. Whipple, Chairman, Nicholas Nicettas
Henry E. ~ and Associate members Benedict Perrone and Jn~s J. Eegane
Since the five regular members were not all presents the Chairma~ of the
~ ~eaignated assooiate ~ember perrone to vote in ~the aheence of member
Alvino and associate ~ember Began to vote in in the absence of member Ritchie.
Mr. Ed~ F. Laland, 3rd, of Chestnut Street, North Andover came bef~rs the
Board requesting information as to whether or ~ot he needed a special permit
te but, sell and. repair antique firear~s. Mr. Leland told the Board that he
expecte& to store his mterial and have his workshop in a sm~l building on
Marb~ridge R~a~e Since he is required by law to have a license to ~dle
~,~ an~ firearms he felt that he should also clear wi+~h the Board of Appeals
although he is going to ~e this rather as. a hobby rather than a business.
~e was informed by ~be Board that he woul~ be protecting himself by requesting
a non-conforming use permit frem the Board and have a pub~ ~ c hearing on the
m-tter. Mr. Leland was pro~ided with the usual for~ and when this for~ has been
returned to the clerk with the proper informations it will be advertised and a
h~aring held. Mr. I~land was informed that the ~ext regular ~eeting of the Board
would be held on January ~.., 1954 and he expected that he would get the form back in
t~me te have the hearing on ~hat date.
An application was received fr~ M.T.Stevens & Sons Co. requesting variances en
l~te known as 38-40 and 57-~9 Phillips Court and 310 Pleasant Street, so as te
permit the ~ivision of land to ,~e pessibls the sale of t~dividual dwelling
units. This Application was advertised on December 5s 1~53.
Mr. Ralph B. Brasseurs C.E. rep~sented the Stevens Co. and. informed the Board
that these lots were cut as near~v as possible to the present req,,i.~emente
that one of the lots was shox~, on the side yards and ~e other two w~re short
en the rear yards. Plans were presented to the Board and these were e~2~_tned
by the members.
M~ti~n was.made by Mi'. Nicetta, seconded by ~r, Lurid and it was u~=~*mousl~
v~ted that this matter be taken under advisement.
After discussion the above matter further~ a motion was rode. by Mr.
seco~ed by Mr. ~ '~.~ and it was ~sl~ voted to grant the variances
te.M.T. Stevens in accordance with plans presented to the Boarde
An application was received fr~m Charlotte S. Gallaher requesti~ variances
eh. lots known as 32-34 Johnson Street, 2~4. Salem Street, 475-477 and 479-481
Stevens Street~ so as to ~ermit division of land to set up lots to accompany
ev~ting houses. This application was advertised in the Eve.~ Tribune on
December 5, 1953~
Mr. Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E. re~resented the applicant and ~nformed the Board
that there were 5 houses involved which Mrs. C~llaher hopes te sell individually.
The let ~ Steve~ $~reet ~as short on side yards and also the lots en Johnson
Street an~ Salem Street~ but these were old lots and nothing c~uld be done about
them at this datee
Mrs. Clara Allport, an abutter was present a~M stated that she did not object te
the proper~ being sold, but she informed the Board that a very bad condition
existed in that area in that her back property was c~ntimmlly wet ground and she
was under the ~mnression that it ~ight be overfl~w from cess ~ols or septic ta~s
which was causin~ this condition~ She was not sure that this was actually the
cause but felt that this was the time to find out as it w~ld be ~ easier te
atte~m~ te remedy the situation with only one owner involved rather than wait
~util the property had been sold t~ several different owners where it would
be so roach more c~mplicated, Mrs. Allport felt that it w~uld ~be to the
interest ef all concerned if it could be found out just what the cause
ef this cenditian was and if there was a possibility of it being remedied
she felt that it should be done hOWe
Motion was w~e b~ Mr. Nicetta~ seconded by Mr. Lund and it was unani,
mousl~ voted %e take this matter under consideration.
After discussing the above matter~ a motion ~s made by Mr,
seconded by Mr. Lund and it was unanimously voted as followss The
B~ard of Appeals ~ w~.$~,, d~ci~o~-~n~.~_~ff_- ~pplica~c~ ~)~rs~ Gallaher,
plan ef S~evens and Salem Streets, drawn by Ralph B. Bras~eur~ C.E.
dated 11/28/53, !m~i~ .such' tSme ~.a~ ~. the ~e~r~- ef.~eaIth ~. o~bJ~th ~Ando~er ,gives
its approval ef sewerage and sanitation facilities for each of the designated
imdividual lots shown en the plane A letter te this effect will be sent
the applicant~ the abutters and to the Board of Health.
A motion was rode by Mr. Perrone, seconded by Mr. Nicetta a~ it.was voted
that Mr. Lund act a s secretary ~f the Board for this meeting in the absence
cf Mr. Alvino~ and that Mr. Lund read the w~-ntes of the previous meeting.
Motion was made by Mr~ Nicetta, seconded by Mr. Perrone and it was
mousl¥ voted that the w~nutes be approved as read,
Application for the renewal of a non-conforming use permit was received
fre~ George and David Rennie~ to continue the operation ~d ~intenence
efa 2ruit and. vegetable stand at 200 Chick~ring Road for the sale el.
fruit and vegetables raised on the premises. There were ~ ebjectore
te this renewals
M~tion was made by Mr. Regan, seconded by Mr. Nicetta and it was unani-
mously voted %~ renew the no~-conform~n~ use per, it for George and David
Rennie for another year and that Mr. Rennie be re~_ded that-the required
set back for fruit stands is 30 feet from the street as per Article II~
section 4, paragraph (c) of the Zoning By-Laws of the. Town ~f ~. ~mdover.
The budget for 195~ was then discussed. Motion was made by Mr. Lund~
· ec~nded, by Mr. Nicetta and it was ,,~-tm~usly voted that the Board request
$500.00 for the 1954 appropriation~ due to the increase~activity Of the
Board and the possibility of legal advise being needed fr~m time to t~me.
Mo~ion was made by Mr. ~egan, seconded by Mr. Perrone and it was voted to
adjourn the meeting at 10=4~ P.M. This was the last meeting of fhe year.