HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-10M~mday - December 10, 1962 Regttlar Meeting & Hearing The ~ of Appeals held their regular meeting on Monday evening, December 10, 1962et 7:30 P.M. in the To~n ~uilding. The following members were present and voting: D~-~el T. 0'Leery, Chairm~_~; Robert J. Burke, Secretary; Howard Gilman, William Morten a~d Aesociate Member ~ Drummond who sat in place of ~anry L~d. 1. HEARING: ~atthias V. ~ridgee. ~r. 0'Leery read t~ 1~ ~tice in t~ a~ of ~t~s V. ~es ~s~ a ~ati~ of Sec. 7, P~. 7.23 of Dr. ~ridges was present a~d said that the plans were self--tory and there was nothing more that he could add. There were no abutters present and there was no opposition. Mr. Cd~_~, made a ~otien to take the petition under adviSeme~_t. ~r. ~urke seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mm. Gilman then made a ~otion to GRANT the variance. ~r. ~urke seec~ded the ~otic~ and the vote was ~. The ~oard signed the plans. The Board signed the following $40.00 CHAISES MAT~E~ ~ New plans were submitted %o the Board as was req~este4. The members looked t_~_} over and discussed them. Mr. O'Leary read the minutes of the previous meeting and hearing to re-acquaint the ~ with the ~ase. The building is 50 feet fr~a the road. Mr. }{ox~cc~ questioned the am~nmt of land beh~-~ the building. Only 12 feet are shown on the ~ and at least 30 feet are required. A lot of 25,000 sq. ft. should be required. Mr. O'Lear~ called Atty. Morley on the phc~_~e and asked +~m to elarify the distance in the rear. Mr. Morley explained that to the ba~k of the bldg. is a 20-aere lot and that the building is Just be'L"5 leased. The ~ar4 then discussed further, saying that sce~one should have bee~ present to represent and answer am~ of the Board's questions. The petitioner doesn't state what he is asking the varianee for. ~r. 14often says there still ian't enough info,ration, that the dotted lines sho~-~ the ~ear lane don,t mean anything. Mr. Drummond made a motion to ask for more information. Mr. {)~'}w~,,,, ~ ~. Mortoa had a diseussion as to the type and size of building as shown on the plans. ~r. Morton made a metion to reJeet the petition until proper plans c~inoide. The Bc~rd then decided that a letter w{ll be sent to Atty. l~c~ley asking him to state Just ~at he wants the vax~_~e fo~ ~mder Seeti~n 7. That the plans should sh~ at leaat a 25,000 sq. ft. lot for th-_ station since there is a subetantial amount of land available for that purpose. The land should be designated for this ~peeifie use. The ~eeting adJe~r~l at 9=00 P.M. '' ~ / ~ AD Clerk