HomeMy WebLinkAboutELMCREST ESTATES f r p , all 004 u AS i 1 Ida I** %r aw • v. � h p mw_" man 1 DOW IIS' PVADD[DG DD DD A TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Zt rpaatb4; 1855 f. • CHti�f s March 2, 1959 To John J. Lyons, Town Clerk Noe Andover, Mass, Dear Mr. Lyons: The North Andover Planning Board unanimously approved the sub division of land bounded by Davis, Main and Elm Streets, the former Davis Field siteAow known as the Elmcrest Estates, Inc. John Shea, Clerk, 143 Rote Street, Melrose, Mass. Very truly yours, JAMBS M. BANNAN, Chairman, No. Andover Planning Board. I� Maro1 20 � To, John Je Dans, T e oeri 'Clerk NO* Andover., Masse DearMr a Lyons s The North Andover: and unanimously approved the sub division bound by Davis, Main and Elm streets,, the forme v s Field site know known as the Elmcrest Lste.tes, Shea,, Clerks ]�3 ;Rowe Street, Melrose, Masa. yours, BA�1AId� Chair�a€t dower Plamdng Board*: TWN Op NOR DOVER BOARD OFAPEAIS rH� L85s :y. I8s5...', ' NOTI" , October 17, 1960 Notice is hereby given that the Board - of Appeals will Rive a hearing at.the Town Building North Andover, on Monday the 14th day of November 1960 at 7:45P.M. &'clock, to all parties .interested in the appeal of John Isfeca. requesting a variation of the Zoning �By lajv so as to permit the erection of an apartment development on the premises, located at North East side of Main Street at the corner of Allen and Russell Streets. By Order ofe Board of ApPeals. DANIEL T. O'LEARY E.T—Oct 24; Nov. 4, 1966 TOVVIC OF NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD Feb. 6, x1959 a*0- Notice is itereiby; €,Sven that the Plan-rung Board of North �i`tAndover will hold A xm7n a public hearing on '' 1865 TuaadaS, Feb. 24, f•. 1959 at 7:30 P.M., in the Town Build- jog with all parties interested in the ap- plication of Sohn J. Shea of the John T. Shea Construction Co.. Inc., re- nuestinie approval as a subdivision un- der the requirements of the Subdivision .Control Law and the Rules and Regu- lations governing the subdivision of Rhe '.Planning Board in the Toum of North Andover. The location of the Wand beginning at a stake in the east- erly side of Elm Street at Mand now pr Sarmerly of Donning, thence running along .the said easterly side of Elm Street. in a SPUtberly direction 60.48 feet .to a. stake in the said easterly side of Elm Street; thence turning on an angle of 1760 21' and running along the said easterly .side of Elm Street, Stitt ina southerly direction ]22..25 deet to 'a stake in the said easterly side of SEIm Street: thence turning on an angle of lfi9°22' and running along the said easterly side of Elm Street, still in a southerly direction 164.46 feet 4o a stake in the said easterly side of Elm Street, thence turning on an angle of 159° and running still along the said easterly side of Elm Street in a south-erly dhWtion 709.31 feet to a stake at the junction o8 Elm and blain Streets; thence turning on an angle of 167'29' and running along the northerly side of Main Streetin a southeasterly di- rection 7.87.35 feet to a drill hole in the northerly side of blain Street: thence turning on an angle of 174' IT and running atone .the said northerlc side of Alain Street in an easterly direc- tion 332,75 feet to a stake at the junction of Main Street and Davis Street.; then turning on an angle of 1180 52' and running along the wester- ly side of Davis Street in a northeast- erly direction 1061.25 feet to a stone abound at other land of the party of the first mart: thence turning on An angle of 63'28' and running in a more or less nonttwesterly direction along said other land of the party of the Cost part 430.34 feetto a point: thence turniniz on an angle or 7311 07' and continuing a'.ong said other land of the pasty of the first oart in a more or less westorly direction 733.40 feet to a paint atland now or formerh' of Dnwnine: thence turning on an andlo of 9.4'03' and running along said Downing land in a more or to,, south- westerly direction 162.02 feet to an iron bolt: there, turning on an angio of 3661 28' and .running along said Downing 'and in a more or less west- erly direc'lon 260.76 fort to the point of beginning. Per Ord,r of the Planning Board. JA�bTF.S lf. RANNAN. Chairman T.-Feh. 9. 1959. Oversized Maps on file with the Town