HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-11~onday, ~¥~ay 11, 1959
The' r~-:gular monthly meeting of the Board of Ap~eals was helo on
Lone ay, [~ay 11~ 1,,79 at the Town ~uzldzng. },~embers present and
votin~C were: Daniel T. O'Leary, Chairman~ Ch~.rl~s Foster, Jr.
oee:etary, Ro~ezt Bur~ce~ Ho~:~.ara Gilm~_~.n. The meetin,~as called to
order at ?:!!~g ~,~,
1st hearing. Bonnelli and Corradino. Atty. Vincent Curcio appeared
for t':za petitioners w}'to were seeking a special permit for the erection
of a Filling stztion .on 0sgood Street. [~r. Curcio presented plans to
the Board show;.ng the station, set back, lighting, .etc. He also stated
the State contr.:~ls the lighting and entrances and exits etc. He pointed
out the petitioners will conforl to all rules set by the Tow~ and State.
Atty. ~nald Sullivan a?pe~red for ~r. & ~,~rs. 'Jilliam Chepulis, abbutters
who were opposin~ the petition.
Mr. gull va~ stated he f.~lt a variance should be sought under $.~1 and
not under 1...[i].!. as advertised. He also stated he felt the permit should
not be issued becaus~ of the traffic situation in the area. Photos
sho'.'~ing .the area were presem~;ed to the Board.
~,~r. Sullivan called attenblon to the f~ct that the Zoning By Law re-
quires an open front of 3~ feet for ptnnps and the plan appeared to
have less.
~Jr. C~mrcio informed the Board the petitioners would be willing to set
the pu~?~ps back if the[.~ so desired.
Y~. Sullivan also brou?ht out the fact that the land is lock, ted in an
industrial area and felt the Tov~n ~ould keep the area for such purposes.
He said this area is turnin~,~ into "gasoline alley" as there are several
other stations located nearby.
~r. Burke moved to i~akethe matter und,.~r advisement. ~ir. Lund seconded
the ~otion. Unanimous vote.
2nd hearing. Rose Filetti, 209 Chickering Road petitioned for a special
per~:;it for the erection of a 3~ unit motel.
Atty. ~ichael Stella appeared for t~e petitioner ~nd presented plans
w~ic)~ conformed to all sp,~ciflcations set by the Board of Public ?~orks,
and Board of Health regarding water, sewerage, drainage etc.
There was no opposition present. Y~r. Lund asked the s~a of the
bathrooms and were tol~-~ they 'were 6'~,]' x ~'6".
~r. Gilman moved to take the matter under advisement. I~. Lund
seconded the motion. Unanimous vote.
Atty. ~Mathony 2andazzo appeared before the Board in the interest of
Carmelo l~arino whose application had been denied. Atty. Randazzo
asked ~.at could possibly be done to help ~[r. ~arino.
The Board told Mr. Randazzo as far as the? knew nothing f~ther
could be done. ~r. O'Leary ~t~%ed ]~e felt tile Board ' - ' have
fumt'~er advice £rom Town Counsel ~-~d~m~ ~,ir. ~,Ia~ino.
Mr. Foster moved that ills maLter be tumned oyez~ to Town Co~sel.
Mr Gihnan seconded the .... Unanimous w~te.
Atty. Alfred Daniels oresented mo~e detailed plans to the Board
for Edward Keeler and'told tl~e ~rd would like be~ter plans of
the proposed building.
A di~;cussion was held on ,~.hat c nstltutes a restaur.~mnt ~d site
O '
pland review.
It was decided Tovaa Counsel shoul~ be as?.e~[ what constitutes site
plan review and ~taurant
Attz. John ~,fillis appeared before the Board in the interest of
Newall and Kermedy petitions which ..had previously been denied.
~ir. Gilman moved Town Counsel be ~ ~- '
::s,~em if further action should be
taken on these a~Dlications, i,~r. :~urke seconded o~e motion.
Vote !i-1. ~,[r. ~oster opfosed.
A disc-~ssion was l',eld on the Jonnel!i',fc Carradino apolication.
~,Ir. ]u~'~k~ ~'!oved t6
..... ~a~.,e t~e ma~er under advisement until the next
regular meetin~r.
~.~-. ~un~ secona~ed the motion. Un~imous vote.
Mr. Gilman moved to sif~h
o~ Filett; plans as they v/ere suo~z,~ted.
Mr. Foster seconde~ t)~e motion. Un~am,o~s vo~:e.
:~ajo ....n at ?:[~ 2~. },Ir. iBt~mke seconded
the - ..... '
~o ~ 10i7, ~ l i!]iOU, s vote.
Cha irm an