HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-08Regui ~,r I._~e et i~<'
The regul~r monthly meetin~ of the Board of A?paals was held on
.... lO~? at th~' Town Building. Hembers i~eoent ~d
~'~,~on~ ~,, June ~, , ,.. -~ ~ -
votin were: Dm~iel T. O'Leary~ Chairman~ Ch~.rles Foster Jr.
Secr~-~ary, Hov~ard Gilm~n an· Associate ~,~e~bers Harold I~orley Jr.
and .filliam ~forton. ~r. 0'LearU designated ~,ir. !,~orley to sit in
place of ~.~r. L~d and ~Zr. Morton to sit in place of hr. Burke.
The meeting ',vas called to order at $:00 PI,[.
1st hearing. ~tonio Abate petitioned for a variance i~ order to
per,it t}~ erecl,ion of a single fa;~ily dwelling on Hig?:lanJ View
Ave-ue. i'[r. Ab?te '~ .... "- ~'
~elu.~o,ea a side line and lot size variance.
· ~tt~. ~aumo:~d oull~van, Counsel uPor Georg§ Cullen, an abbutter,
op osed bhe variance as ]~e stated all the lots in the area are
larcc becaBse ~ people h~.ve bcu,qht 'b~':o or three lots to keep the
houses nicely ~paced.
Daniel Long, Salvatcre Ciarci, i,~ary Cas~man and i',ir. Bo[mrader, sll
abbutters, opjosed the variance for the sm:~e reason }:r. Sullivan
},ir. Gilman moved to take the matter under advisement. ~gr. ~,.~orton
secoL~ded [,he motion. Unanimous vote.
2nd hearing. ~.~ir. 8~ i,~irs. Adrien Fortin. ~tty. Thomas L~tman appeared
as Counsel for the petltioners who sou~:hb a side line and fronta$1e
variance alt]ough the lot in ques.,ion contains over one acre of land.
The fronta~ie on the land is only 100 feet and bLe reiuirument is 1~0
fect. ?r. 2atman also asked for a 1~ fooh siJe llne variance. He
poi?.~,ed out the petitioners would li]:e to sell 'the land because of
fi~mmcial diffict~lties. The buyer is willing to pvu~chase the land
providin[ the? can built a 68 foot house on the lan6~ therefore a
side line variance is needed.
~{r. Oi!man stated the Board would need plans showin~ the proposed
buil ding.
~,,~r. Berry, an abbutter stated he would very much like to have a house
put om ills property -.~.nd st .ted lie did not oppose the !OO foot frontage.
Daniel Berr? also stated he woul~ llke to have this land used.
~. Foster moved to take the matter under advisement inasmuc~ as a
hearing has been held, providir4~i the Bo:~.rd is given a proper plan'
showing the propo.:ed building.
Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote.
Mr. O'Leary read a postcard from Town Counsel stating the legal notiee
for Art~ur Redmond was not in order· therefore~ a he,'ins could not
be held.
A disc'.~ssion washeld on what could be done to held ~,~r. Driscoll and
~C~r. Re~onJ. ~ae Board deci,fed an easement would help both parties
if it would be agreeable to I~{r. Rectmond.
k discussion was;held on the Edward Keeler applict~tion, k'r. 0'Leafy,
i~,~r. ?oster, iff. Gilt,an and i~[r. Morton took part in t is d~scussion.
~r. ~orton stated he thought more detailed plans should be received
by theBoard.
Mr. Gilman moved to gran-b tile petition subject to ~oproval of
elevation and floor plans. ~.ir. [~o~%on ~econded the motion.
Vote 3-1 ~h~. ~oster opposed. ~
~. Foster opposed t~e ~ranting of the pe~it because the present ......
plans did not conform to the reluire;~t~nt of "site plan re~iew",
thi~ is in an industrial area and ~.~. Foster feels the land should not
be Used for small businesses. Healso stated there is no h~dship on
~y one involved~ ~d that it was his personal feeling that better
use can .~e made of the land rath;;r than a car hop type restaur~t.
: ~;ir. O'Le~ ~r.~b ~,,~r. Burke, Mr. Gi~an an5 ~r. L~d took
part in the discussion on Bonnelli and Corradino's application.
~Mr. Lun5 asked if industry~would be interested in a lot containi~.
.' [~8~00 squ~e feet. He stated he could not see any in~stry w~ting
this size lob
~r. ?o~ter st~tea t~lere were quil,e a few gasoline stations in Town
anC t'_iis will give more competitions to the already existing station~
I,~r. 0~Leary stated he felt if plan~ and applications conform to the
law the Board must abide by them.
M-~. Gilman move! to grant the p.:r~it. ~dr. Lurid seconded themotion.
Vote 4-1. ~r. Foster opposed.
Mr. 0'Leafy brought up t]~;e i~ewell and Kennedy applications and read
a part of a letter from Town Counsel ste. ting they would have to have
the unanimous vote of the Plannin2 ,Bo~rd 'oefore the~ could come to
the Boa~d of Appeals again.
Mr. 0 Leafy also read a letter from tL, e Personnel Board regarding
~,~s. ~oherty. ~r. Burke moved to pa-y l~'irSo Doherty at the rate of
()1.7~ per ho~. ~ir. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote.
The applzc~m~on o£ A~tonio Abate was discussed by ~essrs. O'Laary~
Foster~ Gilmmn~ ~orton s. nd ~dorley.
i;:tr. Gilmam moved to deny tl~,e variance ~ecause it had insufficient area
and it v~ould derogate from ~.a~ c]~aracter of the neighborhood. ~r. Foster
sec n(~ea the motion. Unanimous vote,
A bill for :i!'.20.1g was s, mgnem ~or ~,,~= ~ Donerty.
~[r. Gilman moved the meeting adjour~ at
the motion. Unanimous ~o~e.
ton seconded