HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-06-02 BY-LAWS TOWN OF READINGgY-LAWS - OF THE - Town of Reading Revised June '2, 1949 BY-LAWS OF 'fHE TOWN OF READING ARTICLE I Section 1, The annual town meet- ing shall be held un the first l~londay of March each year, upon which day ali Town Officers required to be elected by ballot shall be chosen; and a vote taken upon the question of grantinK licenses for' the sale of in[oxicating liquors, as required by statute. Votes may also be taken upon any quos{ion that the Town at a previous meeting may have re£erred to the next annual meeting to be decided by lot. Upon completin,~ the election and counting the votes and declaring the result the"eo~, the meeting shall stand adjouined until the third Monday of Mar'et',. at such time as the Selectmen stroll n3me ]n ttne wmrant calling the meeting for 1he transaelion of ail othe~ business that may be properly broup.'ht before the meeting. Section 2. Notice of every Toxvn Meeti?, shall be ~iven by posiing an thc same, in at least three public plao:.,s in each precinct of the Town no/ less than seven days prior Io each meeting, and by causing' such attested 1 copy to be published in some news- paper in the Town one day, at least, prior to the time of holding such meet- ing. The Officer serving the warrant shall in his turn designate the places where copies wer~ posted~ the name of the paper, and the date of pub]ication in which the same was published. ~o- r~ce of every adjourned town meeting before which any proposed reconsid~ oration is to come shaI1 be posted by ~he Town Ci~rk in two conspicuous pablic phces in each precinct of the Town as soon as possible after ad- jotunraent, and he shall, if pr:~ctir'abl~ l~UbNSh such notice in some nexvspa- ot:e (lax before the time of said ad- jotuNo({ mootin~. $:,bt -,c:~'c slta]l include a notfce of Board of Public Welfare, the Chairman of the Trustees of the Public Library, the Chairman of Board of Assessors, the Chairman of the Planning Board, the Chairman of the Board of Ceme- tery Trustees, the Chairman of the E-oard o~ Health, the To~vn Accountant, the To~vn Counsel and the Town Treasurer, Section 3. In the conduct of all meetings held by the Town the fei- lowing lules shall be observed: Rule 71. The Moderator shall decide all questions of order subject to appeal to the meeting, the question on which appeal shall be taken before any other. Rule 2. The Moderator shall declare all votes; and whenever a vote is doubted by seven voters a count shall be had which shall be by tellers ap- pointed by tile Moderator, and the tellers .~flmll ~eport to the Moderator only. Rule 3. All original questions shall be put in the order in which they are moved, ul~lcss, as in the case of amend- merits, the subsequent motion be pre- vious ill its natme; except that tile largest sum and the longest time shall be ina mst, except as is provided in the arlicle of the by laws relating to ihe Firmnce Committee. Rule t. E~ery person speaking stroll rise and stand 11 ncover¢,d; shall re- speelfuily address the chair or Mod- crater; shah P. ot speak unti] recognized by the chair or Moderator; shall con- f]nc himself to the question under de- hate, add avoid all personalities, Rule 5. No person shatl be privi- leged to speak, or make a motion, un* 3 less assent has been given by the Moderator. Rule 6. No person shall speak on any question morc than ten minutes ~vithout obtaining leave of the meet- lng; nor more than once on any ques- tion till others ~vho desire to speak have spoken. Rule 7. No person shall be inter- rupted but by a call to order. Rule 8. No motion shah be received and put until it is seconded; but no motion made and seconded shall be witbdr:twn if any voter objects, and no amendment not germane to the subject proposed in the orq~bml mo- tion shall be entertained. All motions shaJ/ be reduced to ~z'itJn~, by the per- son makins them. wbeu so requested by the Moderator of Town ~ Rule 9. When a question is undo: but To adjourn 1o lay on the 1able or pass ox-or, 1o postFonc f,. 3 ce~'tain pone indefinitch- or to fix a lime fo' lo~nin~lin!T de~)al(~ a;~d t;~l<in~ the bate on the main question shall be suspended. If the previous question be adopted the sense of the meeting shaII immediately be taken upon any pending amendments, in the order in. verse to that in which they were moved, and finally upon the main question. Rule 12. On the previous question no person sitall speak more than once without leave of the meeting; and all questions of order which may arise while a motion for the previous ques- tion is pending shall be decided with- out debate. Rule 13. All committees shall be appointed by the Moderator unless otherwise directed by the meeting; and in nominations at large, no person shall norzlind.[e 1T~ore than one mem- ber of a committee. Rule 14. When the report of a eom- mittee is placed in the hands of the Moderator it shall be deemed to be received and a vote to accept the same shall discharge the committee, out shall not be equivalent to a vote to adopt it. I~uie 15. The duties of the Moder. ator and methods of proceedings at meelings, not prescribed by the stat- utcs, or by the foref,,'oing hules, shall be determined b!' the rules of practice contained in "Cushing's Manual", so far ;ts tbe~ may be adapted to town meetings, ARTICLE II. S~t of lhe Town Section 1. Except as otherwise pro- vided by statute, all deeds and other iegM insh'uments requiring a seal 5 which may hereafter be executed in behalf of the Town, pursuant to a vote of the Town or otherwise, shall be sealed with such seal. subscribed by a majority of the Board of Selectmen for the time being, or by the Board or Committee thereto authorized by the To,va. Section 2, The Town Clerk shall keep a record in a book (to be kept for the purpose) of all deeds or other instru- ments executed by the Selectmen or other officers in accordance with the provisions of this by law. ARTICLE III. Pov,'ers crud Duties of Town Officers not Prescribed by Statutes, Section 1, No person who is t mem- ber of the Board of Selectmen. or ~my board of e!ec~R'e officer's, s:h l! hold any feint]negative effice by virtue of Section 3, The Board of I'ublic Section 4. The Board of Survey shall establish a system for the numbering of all buildings on or near the line of public or pr:.vate ways and shall prescribe by suitable rules and regu- lations the method in which such num- bering simll be done. Section 5. ](o person shall neglect or refuse to affix to any building own- ed by him the street number desig- nated for such building by the Board of Survey or by the Building Inspector, as provided f?r in the Building Laws of the Town, nor shall any person af- fix to or sulier to ~emaln on any build. lng owned or occupied by him, a street number other than thc one designated for such bnilding by said Board of Survey or by said Building Inspector. Section 3. Owners shall be allowed ten days after written notice to comply with the provisions of Section 5 of this A~tic]e and any person violating any of the provisions of said Section 5, shall be punistmd by a fine of not more than $10.00 £or each offense. Section 7. The Collector of Taxes shall collect, under the title of To~¥n Collector, ail accounts due the Town whict: are committed to him. Sec'lion 8. Every department of the Town shall deliver to the Town Ac- a separate statement of each account due 1he Town arising through any trans~et[on with such department. Upon 2eeeipt of such statemenls of accounis the Town Accountant shai1 Collec;:or for collection. This seeiion si~al! not apply to taxes and special assessments, licenses and permits is. sued or granted by the various depart- ments o£ the Town nor to costs and fees char~md by said departments, nor to intcrcsl on investments of sinking or trtist funds, nor to accounts due the Mnnicipal Light Department. Sccti:n 9, Any account COlnmitted by tho Tos~n Accountan~ ~vhich the ~own Collector is nnable to collect by ordinary efforts may be referred by the Town Collector to the Town Accountant or TOy:il Cotins~'l f(r inst~ucthm as procodqre. So rat as pezlmit~e,] b) law abated by th{~ department in wltich ACC~}LiI~IL ~]t shall be notified in writing of the abatemcnt of any suc]l mitt(d accaum or portion thereof. Sez~ion la. The To,.~ u Co!lector shall. btm duriud thc i reeedin2: week o~ tess- icipal Light Board, School Committee, Board of Health, Board of Public Wel- fare, and Assessors, acting jointly, shall constitute and be the Law Com- mittee of the Town and the Chairman of the Board cf Selectmen shall be the Chairman of the Committee. Such Law Committee shall hereafter annually on or before the fifteenth day of April, al]d whenever a vacancy shall exist, choose some competent lawyer to act as Town Counsel, who shall receive such compensation as the Town shall (]eterlnil~e at an annual or special meeting. SectZon 2. The Chairman of the Se- lectmen shall call a convention of said officers ~or the purpose aforesaid and shai[ give notice in writit~g to t~e sev- eral officers entitled to vote therein, seven da:.zs at leas[ before said meet- ing. Set:itoh 3. The said Law Committee slmil h~,ve authority to prosecate and defend through the Town Counsel all litigation to which the Tow~ is a parly, rind ~o employ special counsel when. ever in their judgment necessity there. Section 4. The term of office of said T~)v:n Counsel shall begin on the !Sth ~1 April of each ve*~r atilt shill] con- tinue until the elc;~tion ami accepiance el his successor'. Se~xtion 5. When any suit at law or in equil?, or o!her leg:~l proeeedina is instilu~ed a~fainst the Town and thcre be taken i~ the same to brin~ the mat- ret before the Towt], tim Law C~m mittec shall have authority to appear in, and answer in such suit, through the Town Counsel, and shall have au- thcrity to settle all suits involving the ~ayment of not more than five hun- []red dollars ($5{)0.00); but in all other csses before the trial or final dispo- sition of the same, a town meeting shall be called to act on the matter. ARTICLE V, Town Counsel. Section 1. The Town Counsel shah draft all konds, deeds, leases, obliga- tions, *,nd other legal instruments, and do every professional act which may be required of him by vote of the Town o:- any Board of to,,xn officers. Also when roquired by said boards or any committee of the Town, he zball fur nlsh a written opinion on any legal question that may be subrq~tted to h~It~ in :egard to any matter v,%i(h con- inff the opitfiot~, and he ska[t at all cu by xirtue of his off'ice. Section 3. The Town Counsel shall not make final settlement of any liti- gation to which the Town is a part~, except in accordance with the prom- sions of Section 5 of Article 4 of these by-la,vs. Se~tizn 4. Immediately upon being notified by the Chief of Police, Select- men, Town Clerk, or any other officer of thc Town, of injury to the person or property under circumstances which give rise to a claim for damages a- g'ainst the Town, the Town Counsel shall make a careful and complete investigation of all the facts relative thereto, and in case of injuries to a person he shall, if it seems practicable, immediately cause a physical exam- ination o£ the injured person to be made by a reputable physician and stroh other examinations as he sees fit. Within ten days after the claim for damages for any cause has been received by the Town Counsel he shall make a written report to the Law Committee of lbe nature and ciream- stances of the claim, together with such recommendations re2'arding the same as ho deems advisable. Section 5. The Town Counsel shall p:'oset'ute in the local distrivt court all eases for tlxe violation of the by- laws of the Town. Section 6. IIe shall annually make a written report to the Law Committee concerning the professional services ten, toted by him during the preceding year; said report shall contain a state- settled, tried, or otherwise disposed of by him during the year', and also a 11 statement of each case which is still pending and the status of tile same togefller with such other information and recommendations as he may deem advisable. ARTICLE VI. Power~- and Duties of Finance Committee. Section 1. There shall be a Finance Commin~e consisting of ~fteen voters , ~ Town, no one of ~horn shall be a To,xn Officer oi a n2emb~r of a de partnwx, t recdving a salary, bnt no (If Sll(h (ommittce frou holdinj{ office for'nh r,f ilcprt:;cntatNe To~ll i']nane, ('omI2illoo shall ;:e ap- their duties, and at this meeting the Committee shall choose its Chairman. Se:tion 3. The Finance Committee, or its duly authorized agents, shall have atlthority at any time, and upon the petition of thirty citizens they shall at once investigate the books, accounts, racords and management of any office or department of the Town, and said committee may employ such assistance as it may deem advisable for that purpose but shall have no power to incur any expense payable by the Tmxn without authority for such ex- pense h;tving first been ob[ained from the Board of Selectmen, Sectien 4. The Finance Ccmmittee in making tis repm't upon sny subject referred to it shall arrsnge the report in clear and compact form, and shall di'~idc it into sepaiate propositions whonevcr in its judgment such divi- Mons may be desirable. The eom- mittee shMI attach to each p~'oposition ~ts oxxn recommendation. Section 5. If there be amajor~tyand a mino~dty report of the Finance Com- nd~h'e the mimrily report shall have mend lhe reporl of lhe majority and sha[l be xoled upon before any o!hor amendment is considered. ARTICLE VIL ~'~'-~ Town Clerk. 'y' Section 1. Thc Toxin Clerk shali kept for such purposes alone) of ali lbo Selectmen or })y any other person er committee authorized by the Tt~wil. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk fo see that every con- veyance to the Town of any interest in land, and any plan thereof, is pro- perly recorded in the Registry of Deeds. Section 3. The To~vn Clerk shall fur- nish all boards, committees and offL cers with a copy of all votes affecting them. Section 4. Whenever any report of any board or committee is presented to the Town the Town Clerk shall cause to be e~tered upon the regular record of thc meeting such portions of the report only, if any, as may be neces- sary for the undenqandin~ of thc ac- tion taken by the Town. and he shall cause the repor~ to be entered in full in a bod.~ provided for that purpose which shall be cnlled thc "Book of Reports'. But if the report is in ~)rint, The "E~ok of Ronorts' shall be duly and fnN} indexed, The re~orts shall in the order of Iheir presentatiou and Section 5, Tim Te,',n (llP'k. of office, also issue a written or print- ed notice to all persons ~vho have been elected to any other office or chosen to serve on any committee, stating that office to which such person has been elected, or the duties which such committee ~vas chosen to perform. ARTICLE VIII. Financkxl Affairs, Section 1. The Treasurer shah be the Collector of ail sums o£ money payable to the Town not otherwise special~y provided for by the statutes o; by these by-laws. ~TICLE Con~racis by Town Officers. Section I. The officers o~ the differ- ent Town departments shall cali ~or bids on all tabor or material to be fn,nished to the ~own, and on ail counts to be ~iven out by the Town, wtnere the labor or mMerJal to be so furnished, or where ~he estimated a- moimt under the contract so to be given out exceeds the sum of two thousand (ZOO0) dollars; said cml loc bids shalt be advertised by publishing the same in the local ne,vsp~.per~ and by post- in2 notices of tho same in three or more public places in lhe Town, or by m:blishin~ the same in two Boston ]iail5 newspapers, x~hicb shall not have ioss than three h~sertfons in each, at interx als of two days; lbo last publk trion to [,e at least t';o days be?~re the ol}on~n~Z of the bi~s. reo, ui.'e each propc: al Io b~, s~ v, led and properly designated, and shall an- nounce the place, day and hour at which they will be opened. The bids as received shall be deposited in a box securely locked, and at the time and place named shall be publicly opened in the presence ofa majority of the Board of Selectmen, or other of- fleers authorized by the Town to make the contract. No b~dsshall bereceived afte,' the time advertised for opening. Section 8. The annual report of all Tov,-n boards, officers and committees shall include a list and the amounts thereof of ail unpaid bills. ARTICLE X. $!ree+~s and }iighways. Secticn l. No person shall pJace or cause to be placed in an5 street, pub- ~[c plRoo, o: p~iv~Io way iii tho TO',V~, in.~ grotnd for the deposi~ of :~shes, g:u'ba~e, cartiere, filet:, offal. ~r any icind of ~abbish. except in su<:h ])laces, by thc S~q(wt:nen. Section 2. No person shall f,a'm or conduct any paradein tnystrecq side- ~a[k o:' public ¥.ay within the Town. Section 3. No person shall give an.y public address, speech or harangue m any street public square or public park within the Town, without a written permit from the Chief of Police. Section 4. No person or persons shall sell or offer fer sale any toy balloons, whisdes or other annoying or noise- making toys or appliances on Memorial Day. Section 5. The Superintendent of the B~:arct of Public Works, for the purpose of removing or plowing snow or removing ic~~ [rom any v/ay within the limits of the Town, may remove or cause to be removed to some public ~arazc or other convenient place, any vehklle parked u~Km s,.tch hig'hway st.ch a marine:' ~'~ as to intel'fa e ~ith and mhar csst of such remoxal be borne and pMd by the ow~ter of the vehirle. Sectien 6, Any person violatin~ any be nun~sh~d by a fine o[ not n:o:e tvcntN di~l!a rs. ARTiCLFi XL th*) Po2ee Offiee:s slid Constables roi,oil in writin,~, annuu!!y, to thc 17 Section 3. The Selectmen may li- cence suitable persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the pur- pose, sale or ba~ter of junk, old met- als and second-hand articles. Secti:n 4. Every keeper of such shop shall put in some suitable and conspicuous place in his shop a sign having his name and occultation leg- ibly inscribed thereon in large letters. Section 5. Every keeper of a shop for the purchase, sale or b&rter of junk, old metals or s~-cond-han.d articles, within the limits of the Town, shall keep a book, in whieh shall be writ. ten, at the time of every purchase of any such article, a description thereof, the name, age and residence of the t~er'sou f~om whom, and the day and hour when such purchase was mxde. Such book shall at all times be open te the in~;! ec~ion of the Selectmen or any person ay them authorized to make such inspection. Section 8. No beeper of such shop and t~s junk co!lector shall directly or indi~'ectly, either purchase or ~eceive n~ o. kaving any reason to believe hhn to be such. Section 7. )(o keeper of such s}ml] sell or permit to be sotd any article purchase,[ or receh ed [,y him until at oas[ tt~irty (ht}s f:'om lhe date Seclisn 8. No keeper of such shop rise and nine o'clock in the evening of any week day. Section 9. The Selectmen may also license suitable persons as junk col- lectors, to collect, by purchase or other- wise, junk, old metals and second- hand articles from place to place with- in the town. Section 10. Any person who intends to erect, repair or take down, any build- ing abutting on any ~va.y which the town is obliged to keep m repair and desires to make use of any portion of said way for the purpose of placing thereon building materials or rubbish, shMi give notice thcreef to the Board of Selectmen and thereupon the Board of Selectmen may grant a permit to occupy such portion of said way, to be used for such purpose as in their judgment the necessity of the case demands and thc security of the public allows; such permit in no case to be in fo'ce longer than ninety days and to be on such conditions as the Board of Selectmen may require; and espec- iaNy in every case upon condition, lhat dmin~ the whole of eve~'y night, from twilight in the everfing until sun- rise in the morning,, lighted lanterns shall be placed so effectually as to secure all travellers from liability of comin.a in contact with such building material or rubbish. Section 11. No person shall distrib- ~o nc'ate a dishn'bance or litter. Section 12, Noperson shall stand on [0 ()~tSii'!lC~ ~l ~Iie p~?'~C ~Cl' pedes [t~ans Section 13. No person shall erect or maintain any canopy, a~vning, shade, shade frame or shade curtain, in any public street at a height less than seven feet from the sidewalk, and then only by permission of the Board of Se- lectmen. Section 13a. No person except the duly authorized agents and employees of [he Town. shall carry in or through any of the pub!lc streets or way of this Town any house-dirt, rubbish, ashes, garbage, or house offal, either animal or vegetable, or any grease or bones, or any refuse substances, or the contents of ally sink, cesspool or privy, unless the pUl'SOD SO carrying the same shall have seem'ed a permit therefor from the Eoard of Selectmen, ,xhich ?rmit may be issued by said Board upon Such torres and conditions as it may detc rmine. Section 14. Whoever violates any of the pl'okisions of this Article .4hall bo punished by a fine not exceeding tv, enty dollars for each offense. ARTICLE XII, Job and Express Waqons, Section 1. The Botrd of >;e]cclmen th~ Town of Iteading shall ram oul iic~nses as x~i.'i equal the 20 the year for which the license is sued. Such license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April of each year, and may be revoked at the pleasure of the Selectmen. Se¢iion 2. No person shall engage in the business of transporting for hire, goodm wares, furniture or rubbish as specified in Section I of this Artlde without first obtaining a license or licenses therefor as above set £orth. Section 3. Every person licensed un- der the provisions of this Article shall canae his name and the nnmber of his license to be printed or p]aced in plain lefdb~e words and figures in a conspic- uous place on the outside of each hide used in exercising said license. Section 4. Whoever violates any of the provisions of th~s Article shall be subject to a fine of not more than ten dollars for each offense. ARTICLE XlII. Se*tieg ], No person shall hawk pchtle any of ~he ar'tic!es e,umerated in Chapte~ 345 cfi tho ?~ts ef 1906, or any acts fr, addition thereto, or in rmmrhncnt thnreof, until he has re- cot dod his name and resi,qenco wflh the ha',( printed on i[ of at~a :hod {hexto in a cenz:picuouf place, in ]ottc~s or iodd, lhu[ an,: arti}'le~ referred ~o Se,tkn i st-,a]~ my his wares to the disturbance of the peace and comfort of the inhabitants of the Town. Section 3. No hawker or peddler shall carry or convey any article re- ferred to in Section 1 in any manner or otherwise than in vehicles and re- ceptacles which arc neat and clean. Section 4. ~{o hawker or peddler shall throw any refuse or waste mat- ter on any street, highway or park of said Town of Heading, Seciion 5. No number shall be as- signed to any hawker or peddler un- less he presents t~ the Chief of Police a receipt from the Sealer of Weights and Measures showing that the weights and measures used by him have been properiy inspected, rested and sealed. Section B. Any person violating any of the p~ovisions of !his Article shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars. A~TICLE XIV. ~ l~nning Board. 9ection 1. The~e shallbe a Planning Board consisting of five voters of the pr~$cribed ill Chapler 494 of thp Acts of 1913, ,r.{l]d all acts that have been mernhc~s of this Board sba]l be duly nxeettn~z in 5[areh, 19!7: two men:bets 22 term of one year. At each annual meeting thereafter, one or two mem- bers of said Board shall be elected for the term of three years as the term of office of one or two members expire. ARTICLI~. Section 1. 5Io person shall turn on or off thc water at any water main, service pipe, hydrant, water pest, drinking fountain er other fixture er appurtenance connected with the Reading Water Works, or make any opening into or connection therewith without authority from the Superin- tendent of the Water Department, ex- cepting that hydrants may be used by firemen in the discharge of their dutv. Section 2. No person shall drive any horse, autornobi!e or other vehicle upon or over any hose pipe lawfully placed in a street, or in use at a fire. Section 3. No person shall gamble, or keep, use or have in his possession any spiiituous or intoxicating liquor in any building or room owned or oc- cupi:-d by the Town. AETiCLE XVL Bill- Bo~'rd poraiien shall erect, display, or main- ~aiN a billuoard, si~'n: or elbe. oul- door atLertisins device in Pea{ling, ex:opt those exempte t by las1 para~?aph of ih) and the ~ourth pa"au"~ Fh of (ii el} this by-h w: (~} V.'ig~in fifty (50i feet of any 23 (b) Within three hundred (300) feet of any public park, playground or other public grounds, if within view of any porfion of tl~e same. (c) Nearer than fifty (50) feet any other such billboard, sign or other advertising device, unless such bill. boards, signs or other advertising de- vices arc placed back to back. (d) On any location at the corner of any public ways and within a radius e[ one hundred and fifty (150~ ~eet from the point where the center lines of such ways intersect. (e) Nearer than one hundred feet to any public way, if wkhin view oi any portion of ~he same, if such bqlboard, sign, or other advertising de- vice shall exceed a length of eiaht (~) iee~ or a heigh; o~ iour (4) feet. (f) Noa~'er lhan three hundred (SOO) ie~i ~o an5 Im. bNc ~ay, il withiu view of any poniou of U~e same. if such billboard, si~n, or other adver- tisinF device droll ex, ced a length twenD: fh'o (25~ feet or a hei~fltt lwel o (12t foot [g, in ~n[,' event if such billboard. si2n. or othm tdvertisin~ device shall exceed a length of rift}' (50~ fee: or a h(]~,,hl (~t' tt.eive ,12) feet; e::eep~ that )tin icky fine of ann public wa>. t!l} }',o billboard. S iR Il I Or oth(r ad- ~:~,tisin deticc sh~i: be e:ected dis- 24 which one-half of the buildings on beth sides of the street are used exclusively for residential purposes; except that this provision shah not apply if writ- ten consent of the owners of a majority of the residcntia] and vacant frontage on both sides of the street in such block is first obtained and is filed with the Board of Selectmen, together with the application for a permit for such billboard, sign, or other advertising device. Provided, however, that the fore- going provisions (a) to (h), both in- clusive shall not apply to districts which the Board of Selectmen may de. termine are of a business character. (i) No bi!]board, sign or other ad- vertising device shall bc crec!cd, dis- played, or maintained until a permit therefor has been issued by the Board of Selectmen, pursuant to the ~ollow- inf~ provisions. An applicaut for a permit to erect a billboard si~n, or other advertising device shail file with the Board of Se leclmen, a written application [here- for, together ~ith a sketch shoxxing ~he exect ]ocat on ant the written con- sent of the owner of ~be property LlpCU which such bihboard, si~n, or other a~vertisJn;~ device is proposed lo be erected, dis?'q~cd, or mt~Jniaincd, ac- S2, i ?,n ~ceil)[ of ~hc fo'cq ~ir:g. the and upon the holding of such hearing, the Board of Selectmen shall within ten days thereafter grant or refuse such permit. All permits granted under this Sec- tion shall expire June 30 of the cal- endar year following the date of the application. Application for the re- newal of the permit granted under this Section shall be ri:adc not later than thirty days prior to the expiration of such permit and shall be accom. panied by a fee of $2. 1o be known as the renewal fee, and within two weeks of the date of the filing of such renewal application, the Board of Selectmen shall l~ost notice of such appiicalion in three or more punic places in said Town o~ lleadin~. Every permit ~rant- ed under this Sec[ion for tl:e mection or maintenance of an adveltisins de- ~{ee shall be conditioned by its terms t~pon the (lompliance by The pe mfttee municibal zeguJations applb ing there- [0. This bydaw does not apply to sis'ns or other de, ices on or in the ~oliing oI' nldi(~No oither ~ho porsotl los the p~emises in Question or ~ho {isa the inop(rt} i~soif or an} part the Attorney General, until one year from the first day of July following such approval. Whoever violates any of the provi- sions of this by-law shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hun- dred dollars ($100) and whoever after conviction for such violation unlaw- fully maintains such billboards, sign, or other advertising device for twenty days thereafter shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). If any provision of this by-law is declared unconstitutional or illegal by final judgment, order or decree of the Supreme Judicial Court of the Com- monwealth, the validity of the remain- ing provisions of this by-law shall not be affected thereby. AtiTICLIE XVIL Enforsement of By-Loews, Section 1. Whoever violates any provision of these By-Lsws. shall, in c~scs net otherwise provided for, for- feb and pay for each offense a fine not exccedinf~ ton dollars. A.~TiCLE XV!IL Sect!e:? I Th£'~t' V.y-La".~; and the