HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950 BY-LAWS TOWN OF ANDOVERMASSACHUSETTS BY-LAWS 1950 BY-LAWS Article I, Section 3. (Page 1 ) "After a motion has been made and seconded on an arti- March, i951 cle in the Town Warrant, a motion on the artlcle by ballot shall be in order, If such motion is passed by a majority of the voters present and voting, ballots approved by the Moderator as to form shall be used." Article IV, Section 13. (Page 3) ~p8 No person except an officer of the law in the performance March, 1952 of his duties shall enter upon the premises of another with the intention of peeping into thc windows of a house or spying upon in any manner any person or persons therein. Article I, Section 4. (Page 1) ~p 10 The number of voters necessary to constitute a quorum at March, 1952 any town meeting shall be three hundred and fifty register- ed voters, provided, that a number less than a quorum may from time to time adjour the same and provided also, that this by-law shall not apply to such parts of meetings as are devoted exclusively to the election of town officers. BUILDING CODE Article IX, Section 7, Paragraph 3 1953 Section 9 #9 1953 (Page 21) To eliminate Section 7, paragraph 3, of our building laws and substitute therefor the following: "All new ma- terials, methods of construction, devices, and equipment for use in buildings that are not covered by other provisions of this law may be approved by the Building Inspector after receiving approval of a committee of three members to be appointed by the Board o£ Selectmen." (Page 21) To add the following sentence to Section 9 of the build- lng code: "This section shall not apply to cases covered by Section 7. ZONING Section I11, Paragraph 3c (Page 7) ~ll VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing the 19.52 zoning of a portion of a parcel of land on the west side of Main Street from ~ sioglc Residence District to a Business District, described as follows Business Zone rear 85 Main Street Parking Area. Scction III, Paragraph 3d (Page 7) ~36 VOTED to amend thc zoning By-Laws by changing the 1952 zoning of a s~.ction of land at 13 Chestnut Street from a residential district to a business district described as fol- lows: Business Zone 13 Chestnnl Street connecting Parking lot rear 85 Main Street. Section III, Paragraph 3e (Page 7) ~:38 VOTED to amend thc zoning By-Laws by ~hanging the 1952. zoning of a tract of land at the corner of Lowell and Poor Streets, in Shawshccn Village, from a reside_qt~al district to a business district described as follows: Business Zone corner Lowell and Poor Streets. Section Xa t952 (Page VOTED that any structure for living accommodations which shall bc erected, placed or maintained in any district o£ the iowa shall have a lqrst floor area o£ at ]east 400 square feet. Section XII, Paragraph 4 1952 (Page 16) \OTED to amend thc Zoning By-Laws by strinking out settion -t of Section XlI and substituting therefor the fol- lowing: Paragraph 'i funily house existing at the time thi} By-l,aw is adopted BY-LAWS ARTICLE I S~c'~oN 1. The annual town meeting for the election of town o~cers, and for other purposes, shall be held on the first Monday of March. SeCT~O'4 2. The warrants for ali town meetings shall be directed to either of the Constablcs of the town, and notice of all meetings shall be given by posting attested copies of the warrant on the Town House, and on such other public places as the Se!ectmen may designate, and by publication in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the town, seven days at least before the day of meeting. ARTICLE 1I SI~cr[oN 1. The Selectmen have full authority as agents of the town, to institute and crosccute suits in the name of the town, and ti) appear and defend suits brought against it, unless it is otherwise specially ordered by a vote of the town. They may, with the advice of counsel, settle by compromise suits or claims where the settlement shall not call for payment of more than One Thousand Dollars. SECTION 2. \Vhenever it shall be necessary to execute any deed, or any other i~strumcnt required to carry into effect any vote of the Town, the same shall he executed by the Selectmen, or a majority of them, in the name and behali of the Town, un- less the Town shall otherwise vote in any special ease. S~:c*l/)s 3. Thc Sdectmen shall annua'_ly, at least four days before the mu:ual meeting, cause to be distributed among the taxpayers of the town, a detailed report, in print, of all money received into and paid out of the town treasury durin~ the pre' ceding financial year, which report shall be examined and ap, proved by the Accountant before it is printed. They shall also publish in said printed report, such info~rnation and recommen, d~tion ns they illa¥ dccill p~oper and such further information and recomi[:er:dttions as ~hal] bc approved by the Finance Corn. mitre% all co 10c presented m such form and detail its recom, me~-~ded by the Finmce Committee. The reports of the Treasurer :'r'd Col!ee~or. and such od~er town departments as may be approved by the Finance Committee shall be printed annually in the above report. ARTICLE SECTION- 1. The fiscal year of the town shall be from January 1 to December 31. ARTICLE IV SECTION 1. NO person shall suffer horses, grazing beasts, or swine, to run at large or feed by the roadside. SECI'ION 2 NO person shall behave m an indecent or dis- orderly manner, or use profane, indecent, or insulting language, in an,,, public place, or on any sidewalk or street in the town. S£c,rlo× Z. No r. erson shall by any noise, or other means wanton'.y or designedly frighten any horse m any street or other public place in the town. SEOTION 4. NO person shall continue to stand or re:hain alone or w/th o~hers near, on any sidew,dk or in ,my public place, in such manner as to obstruct a free passage {o~ travellers there- on, or ]oiler on any ~idcwa]k or street after having been re, quested by a Constable or Police Of Scer to move SECTION 5. No per>on shall put, place, or pile wood lumber, stones, or other materia'.s w/thin thc limit> of any p:,blic street or way within thc town. without w-itten permisaon of the Select- gECTION 6. NO person s~;dl .-prinkle. scxttcr, or ptxt upon any sidewalk, cross!r.g, or street, or upon thc rails, s,:~itches, or other applianccs of a street railway in any street, any salt or mixture of salt, except m accordance ~ith a ?c~m~t fro:~ the Selectmen SECTION V. No person sba]! make any bo?fire or other Ere, or kick football, <or pl~y a~ any game in v:hich a ball is used, or dwelling like vehicle in or upon any public sidewalk or street or way in the town except at such times, and in such places as may from time to time be designated by the Selectmen. SECTION 10. The Selectmen may grant a written license to an)' person to occupy or obstruct a sidewalk for a limited time for the more convenient erection, alteration, or repair of a building, and they shall require the person to whorn such license is given to furnish a satisfactory bond to the Town to hold it harmless from all claims for loss or damage ar/sing from such occupancy or obstruction. Whenever any sidewalk becomes obstructed under such license, the person doing the work or causing the same to be done shall place a good and convenient temporary walk around such obstructions when ordered to do so by the Selectmen or other ot~icia!s having charge of tee public streets. SUCTION ll. No person shall b.' allowed to throw posters, handbills, flyers, advertising sheets, waste or rubbish in the public streets or ways. SECT[ON 12 The S:lectmen may, as provided by Section 29 o£ Chapter 102 of th: Revised Laws of Massachusetts as amended by Section 18 of Chapter 291 of the Ge~era! Acts of 1918, license suitable persons to be collectors of, dealers in, or keepers of shops for the purchase, sale, or barter of iunk, old metals or second-bard articles. ARTICLE V FINANCE ~OMMITTE E Sz~::los 1. 3,[1 articles in any warrant involving the expendi- ture, appropriai',m, raising and borrowing of money, including all ~ecessary current expenses and all spec/al appropriations of ary sor~ whatsoever sh~di be referred to and considered by a '~Finance (3ormdttcc." This committee shall be constituted as follows: Seven ',o~:~s to be appointed By the Moderator upon ~he first day of the mnua] town meeting, none ot ~xhom shall hold any to~n o}~ce. Th~s comtuhtea shall have power to fill vacancies thtt occur m their number dining their term of o~ce and shall continue in or'ce for one year a*'d until their successors are S :r~ox 2. h ~hali bc ti~e duty of thc linance Committee to ~,f thc town, and rhcy shall recommend in derail thc amounts to be ;pp~opriatcd for each depalEment for the ensuin~ ycar. SEgr~otq 3. The Committee shall haYe authority to summon before it, for such information and investigation as it shall deem necessary, any of the town oflScials, and shall have authority to examine hox~ks and l:apers held by such o~cials, if such exam- ination shall be considered by it necessary to the proper dis- charge of its duties. SECTION 4. No town department shall perform service for another toxYn department unless a regular charge is made for the same, and all ouestior~s as to rights or responsibilities affecting the adjustment of any differences between different departments of the town, in which the expenditure of money is involved, shall be referred to the Finance Cor~mittee, whose decision shall be final ARTICLE VI SgCTIOX 1. ,A_ll owners a~nd drivers of public conveyances of all hinds tha~ may be used for public hire or for carrying express and baggage within the 1/m/rs of thc town shall be licensed by the Selectmen, under such conditions as tlxey may determine. S~cxrox 2. E~ery violazion of any of thc foregoing By-Laws shall be pumshed by a fine of not more ~han twenty dollars. ARTICLE VII PLANNING BOARD SBCTIO:': /. A board of' five members is he:thy created and established, to bc known as the Planmng Board. ~%t the annual toxv~t ntcctmg to be Ned in th= mourn of Ma~ch, 1926, there shall be elected one memlocr to scr~c tot one year. one me~-ber to serxe fc~r two yenrs, one member to serve for t~ree years, one in each year one member of such board to <eryc for the term of 5ve years. rnents, zoning, playgrounds and parks and sites for permanent school plants. The board shall meet at regular intervals. It may hold public meetings. It shall at all times have access to public documents or information in the possession of any town official or department. It shall examine the plans for the exterior of any public building, monument or similar feature, and for the development and treatment of the grounds about the same before the adoption thereof, and may make such recommendations there, on as it may deem needful. It may provide for public lectures and other educational work in connection with its recommenda- tions, lit may incur expenses necessary to the carryon§ on of its work within the amount of its annual appropriations. (Amended Chapter 211 Acts ef 1936). SECTION 4. All plans for laying out, extending, discontinuing or changing the limits of any way, street, public park or square, a*'~d ex, cry purchase of land for the sire of any public building, and all plans for the Iocation~ erection or alteration of public btsildings, shall be submitted to said board for its opinion at least two weeks in advance of action by the Board of Selectmen. SECTION 5. Such board shall niake a report to the town an- nually, giving information regarding the conditions of the town and any plans or proposals for the development of the town and cst/mates of the cost thereof. Such report shall be sent to the selectmen not later than such t/me in January in each year as tbs sdectrnen may prescribe or as may be prescribed by law in lores relative to reports, and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public '~Velfare. ARTICLE VIII Zoning By-Law SECTION By virtue O{ and pursuant to thc previsions o{ General Laws, Ch:pter 40 and 143, sections 2%33 of Char, tot 93, and Chapter 269 of the Ac~s og 1953 and any and ali a~nendmcnts and addi- tic}ns to a~l of ~a/d Chapters: the use, constr~mt~on, repair, altera, t/on, l:ei~:ht, location and :~re~ rof buildings and structures a~d the usc of >r~m~scs in the Town of Ardoxcr are hereby rc~ulated as ]aercin ~0:ov;ded: in t, rclcr ~<> r~romttc th: hc~dth, sa{sty, con~en- SECTION III USE REGULATIONS For the purpose of this By,Law, the Town o£ Andover is hereby divided into five types {of Districts designated as follows: 1. Single Residence Districts. g. Educational Districts. Amend. 2.a. It was voted to amend the Zoning By,Law by designating 1947 as an educational district the two large Farcels of land bounded and described as fellows: 2.b. (lst Parczl. North WesterJy corner cf Haverhill and Hig~ Street, 230' on High Street and 907,26 feet on Haverhill Street ) 2.c. Second Parcel (Southet']y side of Haverhill Street 1073.42' to Andcver~North Andover Linc.) 3, Bus/ness Districts. Amend. 3a. (Voted to amend the Zoning By,Laws extending northerly 1941 the business district on the easterly side of North Main Street a d/stance of 271 feet.) Amend. 3.b. (~t was ~otcd to amend thc Zoning By,Law by designating 1950 as a Business District the a:ea on the northerly side Essex Stree~ between Railroad Street on the east, tlxe Shawshcen River on tlxe west and boanded on the north by thc Indns~riaI District two hundred (200) ~eet north Essex 4. Industrial DisCricts. 5. Agricultural Di~ric:s The bound~tdcs of foitr districts a~e shown on a map entitled '~Zon/ng Map ol the Town of Andover, Mass. Dated Jan. 27, 1936:" siu:cd by the P[annin~ Board. and on file with thc To,~n Clerk: and ~aid map and all explanators, matter thereon are here. by made a p:lr~ of this By-Law. AgrictlJtnral Districts will be defined. 7he boundaries 1-etwccn thc districts are, unless otherwise in. dic~tcd, Cbc center lints ef st:ects, lverxucs or railroad riL:hts.of. ~hc ho.nciz~y linc, file hscation of such a line shall be determined ]:y tl~e I~specT>r o~ Buildings. Amend. 6. 1948 Multiple Residence District. (Expla'~atio*O x/oted to amend the %Zoning Map of the Town of Andover, Massachusetts, dated January 27, 1936" as signed by the Planning Board and on file with the Town Clerk to denominate the following area as a "Multiple Residence D/strict: (A certain parcel, of land in Andover with 413.90 feet frontage on the x,Vesterly side of Morton Street, being a distance of 120 feet southerly from Rogers Brook.) SECTION J.V SINGLE t>%I-SII)['N~!E DISTRICTS In Single R:.sidence Districts, except as herein otherwise pro, vided, no new building or structure and no alteration, enlarge, went or e×tension of an exist!ng Milding or ~trucrure shall be desi~r~ed, arranged or constructed, and no land, building, strut- tyre} or part th,,reof shaT1 be used, exccFt tot one or more of the 1. One family detached houses or dc;uble houses to conform to nei<hbodng residences 2. Thc takin< of boarders, of the leasing of rooms by a farmly rc?'ding cm thc prcmises, but ncr permissible to 3. Boarding and lod~mg houses, and hotels. SubNct to per- :n< b:' Board of Appeals as provided m S~CTrON XiII, Article 3. 4. Churches, schools, pktblic build/n?, public lfMaties, public 3. CcmctcE:s, hosptal0 sanitaria, phil,mthr,,pic ny Beard of ASpeals as provided m S~cFioN XIII, Article 3 1948 garage and that the design of the building is approved by the Planning Board in writing after being assured of its architectural harmony with the surrounding district. 9. Real estate signs, of not over six square feet in area advertising the sale or rental of only the premises on which they are located; lodging, hoarding houses and tourist signs of not over 2 sq. ft. and signs or bulletin 1;oards of not over 10 sq. ft. accessory to uses specified in Par's. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this Sec., and placed as Planning Board may direct, and not inconsistent with Sec. 29,33 inclusive, of Chap. 93 of the General Laws, or with rules and regtJaticms of the Division of Highways. i0. Railroad passenger stations or rights.of-way including custrm~[lfy accessory services ;here/r,; not including switch. lng, storage or ±reight yards or sidmgs. 11. Such accessory purposes as are customarily incident to thc foregoh~g purposes, and are not iniurious to a neigh- borhood as a plstce ~[ residence. Subiect to provisions of S~:crro× XL ~¥~I_'LFIPLE I{FsInENcE ~)ISTR[CTS In m~!kiple Residence Districts no building or s~rucmre shall be more than ~ ~.;~ stories in height and no building or structure shall be so arranged or designed to be used in any part except for one or m>rc cfi the following purposes: I. Any use permitted in Single Residence Districts. 2. Two or in(ore attached houses or an apartment building. 3. S~:cb accessory uses, includir~g recrcarionaI buildings, and heat/?, plants, as are customary irt connection w/th the uses SECTION V In L~dCtCatLiLlnll Districts ~ building or structure shall be so mo~c o~ ti:c folI~,~ing p~rpo~es: I. Any usc pe~rmtted h~ Single R~idence Districts. 2. Private school, college, academy, institute, or other use of an educational character. 3. Recreational buildings, amusement buildings, institution po~ver and heating plants. 4. Such accessory uses as are cnstomary in connection with the uses enumerated in clauses 1, 2. and 3. SECTION VJ 1. Any u~e permitted in a Single Residence or Educational District. ~ Apartment o~ tenement houses and hotels, subject to other by-laws. 3 ganldn~ houses or ot~icc buildings 4 Retail s~ores, and s~op~ {or custom work or the making atticle~ to be sold at ~fta[1 on the premises. Suh~ect to prows~ons of SECiION X~, .Article 4. 5 PNtces of amusement or assembly. 6 Restaurants and other places fer ~crvfng fo:~d 7. Oa~<)Iin~ ~i]mg sta~fon~ and oil stations. ~4arage repMr to pi,xfsions of S~(rNO~ XIV and permt by Board of AFpeals. /ncR:d/n< that of a ba~'ber cocker, clothes cleane~ SECTION VII INI)USTRIAL DISTRICTS 1. Any use permitted in Single Residence, Educational or Business Districts. 2. Lumber, fuel, feed, and ice establishments, and contractors yards. 3. Railroad yards, sheds, and roundhouses; but not including repair shop except as accessory to said uses. 4. Any industry or manufacturing which will not be seriously dettim, ental cr offc~sive to adjoining districts or tend to reduce property vaiues in said district or adjoining dis, triers by reason of dust, odor, fumes, smoke, gas, wastes, refuse matter, noise or excessive vibration or danger of explosion or fire: and st]b?ct to a permit from the Board of Appeals as provided under Suc:*Io~' XIII, Article 4. S~CTrOX V/fA No btti~ding or structure sha!l be so arranged, or designed to be used in any parr, except for c!'nc (II' more of the folloxving 1. Any usc pcrmkred in Single Residence Dis~rices. 2. Residence, Barns, Stables, Poultry or Pig Shelters, or any build ng used as an accessory to the conduct{ag of a farm. 3. R~:nd~ide stand pcrmks shall be graneed for the sale faro produce rafsed on ~he land or in the ne/ghborir~g 4. N~anu acrur!::z or Cidc~, Vinegar, Dairy Products, PouI. 5. Retail shop~ fur custot~ work to be produced and sold rettii on the premises. shops, upon thc ~,:ntJnf of a permit by thc Board of AnT-oak, vbcrc the Bo:lid hal/arcs that public convenience mci n~ 'ossify cic~rmd it. SubJeCt to c~nditions laid down by thc Board. 7. The removal of loam co be permitted to one-half (1/2.) of its depth only. 8. The Board of Appeals may grant a permit for a retaB store, where the Board is convinced that punic necessity and convenience demand. 9. Overnight camps not a11owed. 10. The removal of sand, gravel or quarried stone from land bordering on or within 250 feet of Dascomb Road, Lowell Street, or River Road, shM1 not be permitted, except by permit of Board of Appeals. 11. Signs as regulated by Town and State Law. SnCTION VIII HEIGHT REGULATIONS t'n Si?:gIe Resi&'nc~. ~nd Edt!catio'~ia[ Districts, the 1/mit of b-ight of buildings shall bo tze ~tr~d one,half (2~) stories, not to exceed thnty-fixc (35) feet m any pa~t measured :~bovc ~he top of the fou:~dation: except, that munidpat and school b~ldNss, dormitories and hotels, where per- ndtt:d ~:7 smd dJstrfcts may be three (3) stories m hefght not to exceed iortv fear, and further ~xceptin~: farm bui]din~s located on fa~:~s c)f n{;t less than ten acres fn area, which are not I/m/ted in height. be three (3) <tor/z~, nor to exceed f~:ty (40) feet, mcasured above the Np of thc foundation dwcllfn,zs shrill not exceed three (3) stories in height measured as s<'t forth above 12 Amend. 1. 1938 1940 ,4, m~nd. z. S!de i 940 Size of Lots. Land subdivided after the adoption of this By,Law shall provide for lot frontages of not less than 75 feet and for lot areas of not less than 8500 square feet, provided, however, that the Board o£ Appeals may permit land to be subdivided with lot frontages of less than seventy- five (75) feet and for lot areas of less than eighty,five hundred (8500) square feet if two or more dwellings were located on an ex/sting lot at the time this By,Law is adopted or if land is being subdivided for summer camp lots on or near the shores of a river, pond or lake. Existing Lots of Record. Lots duly recorded and/or shown on plans flied at the Registry of Deeds at the time this By-Law is adopted may be used provided that the yard requirements as set forth below are fulfilled. Front Yards. fa) No h;~ildin~ ~ structure or a]teration or addition thereto shall cxt~-d withit~ th/my feet of the street llne toward which it faces, except that open porches, small hays, and eaves be exempt from the above pro. vis~ons; bm: in no case sha]l such projections extend within twenty feet of said street line. (b) On cotrter lots the above provisions shall apply only to one side of the building or structure, and the othm' side shall not extend within twenty feet of the street Ime and no structure, fence, tree or shrub, shali ob, srr~sct thc tra~c ~isibility around the corner. (c) Exceptiones Where th re are other existing bui]ding~ w'th,'~ 200 feet on each side of the lot in question and within the same bhock and district, the structure may extend as near the street line as the average ahgnmt nt of said exisnng adjacent principal build- ings, exc, pt that where such buhdings are more than 30 feet frown said ~trcet line a new building shall rot extend nearer said 1/ne than the average setbacks of such existin~r buildings. T,x.ts At each side of every dwelling there shall be a side yard not less than 15 fe~t in clear width, between the side of thc h()use and the side lot line, except in specihc cases when ex/sting lots are less than the mini, nn~ .'idth prescribed in r}~fs Bv,L:~w. In st~ch cases a ddt ),:n,:l ~<,; less than ten fec~ nn width nq~y be per- ~7it~ d by d~e }5oa, d o[ &ppeals. On corner lots no part ~f a:w bui[d:~g shall extend wifl~in twenty feet of the s?reet ~!nc Amend. 5. Rear Yards. 1940 Behind every dwelling there shall be pro, vided a back yard between the rear line of the house and the rear lot line, not less than thirty feet in depth. A rear yard may contain accessory buildings not over one and one-half stories high and covering not over thirty percent of /ts area, provided, however, that on corner lots no buildings shall extend nearer than twenty (20) feet to the street line. 6. Yards For ,'q. on. Residential Buildings Any use, no~ resi. dential or accessory, permitted in a Single Residence or Educational District, shall observe all provisions of this By-Law ir~ regard re depth and width of yards as applied to dwdlit~gs. GENERAL PROVISIONS ~{IIt. A:t!clc 4, liltl: that such exists ~d t~cn ~?iv by pcr:m~ SECTION X[ ACCESSORY USES 1. Accessory uses shall be on the same lot with the buildings of the owner or lessee, and shall be suctx as do not alter the character of the premises on which they are located. 2. The housing of employees in Single Residence and Edu- cational Districts on the property of the owner shall be deemed an accessory use. 3 Thc use of a room o~ rootils in a dwelling as a professional oi~.cc or snldio or for customary home occupations by a person resident in the dwelling may be permitted and a small professional sign of not more than two square fee~ area may be used: but no public d~splay of goods shall be permitted. 4 Where ~t-anufacturin~ of any kind is permitted as an acccsso:v use, it sha!I be restricted to such ligh~ manu- facturing as is incidental to a permitted use and where the product is customarfly sold on the premfses by the prodc~cer to the consumer. 5. !n farm area, buildings incidentai to a farm requirement, shall be considered as accessory, and on lots of five acres or ove~, dm keeping of ridin~ or ddvfng horses, all subjec~ to Board of Health red,clarions. SECTION XII BOARD OF ~PPEALS Amend A Bo~rd or Appeals ut three rnembers to be appointed by the ]940 Board of Sdectn~en is hcrebs' created t:nder prox'isions of Chap, tcr 40 of thc Gene,a! Law~ and any and all amendments and additions t}~c~to, includin~ Section ~0 of Chapter 269 of thc Acts of 1933. nn'~ bors oF tlnc Bot~rd cl Ampeals for terms of such length as sba1! be dctcr:nfncd by the Board of 5c'.ectmen: and in case of ~t vacancy, inabilJLy to act or inLerest on the Fart of a menlbet of thc Boa { of Appeals, his place mir be taken by an associate tnes~be: dc:,,~.nattd hy the ~oa~d ot'5elcctrnen, ail in accord, :race ~, t}x thc prior,si(ns ~f C]~a~ter 40 of the General Laws as once to Ge following: 1, To adapt the requirements of this By,Law to irregular. narrow, or shallow lots or those unusual either in shape or topography, provided that the spirit and intent o£ this By,Law with regard to open spaces is preserved. 2. To permit a substitution for or an extension or alteration to an existing building whether conforming or non-con. forming in accordance with provisions on use. 3. To grant temporary and conditional perm/ts of limited duration for non-conforming uses and buildings incidental to development operations. Amend. 4, (Permit conversion of' a one-family or a two.family house 1941 ex~sting at the t/me this By. Law is adopted into a two. family or apartment house.) 5. The Board of Appeals may grant no variation which would amoont to an amendment of this By. Law, all such an:end- rnents to he made as provided in General Laws, Chapter 40, Sect/on 30, and additions or amendments thereto. SECTDN XIII PERMITS OF BOA~O OF ~PPEALS REQUIRED The Board of Appeals may nnder restrictions which will cazry our the pro~'is~ons of ~hls By-Law and tend to protect and improve the neighborhood issue thc lollowing perrcits: I. A ~oads~de stand for the sale nf the prodt;ce of the ]and of the ow?e~s, and of other land w/thin thc Town, or ~OJl]II]~[ ~O',~'US, provided that thc iront v~rd rsgulations, and all other conditions in, posed by thc Butrd of Appeals, are complied with. 2 The rcmovaI of loam, sand. etc. a~ set forth in StC;TIO~, X, Article 2 3. Boardinu or h>dfing houses, tea roms. c]u}4 or hotels, Board shall give not less than seven (7) days' public notice by publication in a newspaper and by mail to the applicant and to the owners of all property deemed by the Board as affected by such a permit, and shall hold a hearing and render a decision. The applicant shall show to the satisfaction of tile Board that the use of the premises for which application is made shall not cons, tltute a nuisance because of noise, vibration, smoke, gas, fumes, odor, dust or other objectionable features, and that such use shall not otherwise be injurious to the inhabitants of their property, or dangerous to thc public health or safety. ~;hen not so satisfied the Board she]! refuse a pertmt. \Vhen, in the opinion of the Board, such a permit may be greeted if accompanied by con- ditions specially designated to safeguard the district and the Town, it shall impose s,:ch conditmns and make them a cart of the decision, and they shall be made a part of the permit issued by the Building Inspector. No portion of the front or side ]ines of a pubEc garage, auto- mobhe repair shop. greasing stat{on, storage battery service sta- tion, or gasoline filIin< stat/on, or any of their appurtenances or acccs::ory uses, shall hereafter b: placed withi~ 50 feet of any ~e~dcnce district. No such premises shall have any driveway entrance c~r cxt for motor vehicles w~thin 300 feet of the prop, crt7 used by a"y public or urivate school public library, church, play,round or institution for the aged, ,lek or de~endent, or for children under t6 yea~s (;f ag. EYery filling station in a Bus- in~'ss D/strict shall hereafter be loop_red nor ]ese than ~5 feet ins/de thc bu~idfi]~ $~CTrON XV Ex FORCEMENT Tl~is BV-Ltv, she!! be administered by the Building inspector. He sh~I apl~ove no applicat~c:n of any kind, plans and speci- fic tic:cs and intended usc which are nc>t in all respects in con, lotmity with this By,Law. :Spi~Sc:tzo:~s for btt!ldin~ pcr:tti~s shall be accompanied by a di,~. :<f)ns o t[~? [>t and the exact location and size of thc hn!din~,s a3:cady upon thc Ici, and of the building or structure to hz elected, together with the streets alld alleys on and 17 jacent to the lot. A record of such applications and plats shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. SECTION xgl CONFLICT OF LAws In general this By-Law is supplementary to other By,Laws footing the use, height, area and location of huilditxgs and struc, tares and the use of premises. Where this By-Law imposes a greater restriction upon the use, height, area and location of buildings and structures or the use of premises than is imposed by other By-La,~ss: Ge provisions of this By,Law shall control. Szc~IOX XVII .~PPEA] S Any person aggrieved by the act/on of the Building Inspector, or by a decision or the Board of A~'p~'ds, may appeal under thc provis~t,ns of Chapter 40, of thc O~,nc~al Laws and amendments and z~dditions thereto. St CTrOX XVIJI TMs By,Law may be amcnded front time to rime as provided 'by i,av; The mvalidty of a~:ty >cctfon (r provision of this By-Law shall not inva]Jdat( any other section t~z proxiaon thereof. S~ CTIOX XX The Tntc~'x Zonfn~ !3vLaw ad pied by the [own au thc S~ crrc>x XXI ARTICLE ~X BUILDING LAWS TITLE Amend. SECTION 1. This By-Law shall be known and cited as the Adopted Building Law. 1950 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS SECTION 2. The Br)ard of Selectmen shall, within thirty days after the adoption of this By,Law and thereafter annually in April, appcin~ an Inspector of Buildings, who shaI1 hold ol~ce for the term Gl one year or until soch time as his successor is ap- pointed. His compensation shall be regulated by the Selectmen unless determined by a vote of the town at the annual March meeting preceding his appo~ntma, nt. He sha]l not be t~nancia/ly interested in any contract or in the furnishing c:f materials ior any building. The Board of Sdectmen shall have power to discharge the In- specter top failure to peri:Grin ]lis duties, and to ~ll any vacancy in thc olIicc. SEc:t':OX 3. The Inspector of Buildings may, so far as is necessary for the performance of his duties, enter any building or premises within the town at any reasonable hour. S~CTtO_N 4. He shall keep a ~ccord of ail business of the p:~.~tment, which record and a!J other books and papers relating to the transacnons of the department shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Seh-ermen, and he shall submit to them y~arly report en such business and such other reports as they may require. BCiLD[NL, S AFFECTED $PCTION 5. NO bc:ildin~ shall be constructed, demolished, h>caLcd, c)r altered cxcep: ir'~ conformity w/th the pro~iMons of tl~is By,La~, but nothing in this By-Law shall be construed apply to:~ (a) Br4d?s, quays~ wharves or buildh~gs or la:td owned or <~ccupicd by the Un/tod S;ateb or the Coinmtmwealth. (b) Small woeden buildings not to be used for habitable pur- pt~c:~, md n(;L n:orc than eight feet in length or breadth and seven ~ccL in height. 19 ~PPLICATION SEC]ION 6. ~AL person intending to erect, demolish, relocate, or make alterations in such building, or his duly authorized agent, shall file with the Inspector of Buildings on blank forms furnished by the said oficial, a notice in writing of his intentions, with plans and specifications, or a Rill written description of the structure to %e erected, in such form as may be approved by the Inspector. The ~nspector may also require, in his discretion, a sur~ey of the lot on which any proposed bui!ding is to be erected to bz filed with the application. Every application shall state the name and address of the owner, Dupl{ca~e~ of alt plans and sp d~cafions or written descriptions, when approved by the spector, shah be ke~t at the build~ng during the progress of the work, and shall be open to his inspection. $EClION 7. The Ins~ecto~ s]m]] not !ix'e a pc,'mit for the croa- t/on or a!tenttion of any building until h< shall have carefully inspected thc plans, spect~caqors and pre:al<s, a.d ascerr:dncd that th building as proposed v,'fll contorm to this By. Law. and detailed description arc M conformity w/th thio By-Law and the la',xs of the Con~ on~,aalth. I: shall be Bis duty :o app:oxc or reject any piths or dcscrJpt:ons f.L:d w/th hint, within ten often a> p:<ticablc, inspect all buildln<s in the cn:rse of con' corn 7I/t'd wfth. re:ned <:: ~{Jc:: 1:,: such :'cr::::t <::' ~p:cxa]. N':: :'::i:,l/:::: construction to the regulations of this By,Law. All new materials, methods of construction, devices and equip, ment /or use in buildings, prefabricated houses and trailers may be approved by the Building Inspector, when they are proved to be equal to the specific requirements of this law; or he may adopt the recommendations and approvals of the "Abridged Building Code" approved and adopted by Building O~cials Conference of America, Inc., September 16, i948, and as said Code may be revised and modified in the future. UNSAFE BUILDINGS SECTION 8. The Inspector of Buildings shall examine every buildin~ or other structure which he has reason re believe unsafe or dangerous, and if he finds it unsafe or dangerous he shall, in writing, notify the owner, agent or any person having an interest gherein, to remove it or make it safe and secure, and such person shall thercupou imn-tediately remove it er make it safe. APPEAL SECTION 9. In case the owner of any building or other struc. rare, or an applicant for a permit to erect or alter a building or other structure, is aggrieved by any order or decision of the lnspec, tot oJ Buhdings, he may file with the Inspector an objection in w~kin.% and thereupon thc matter shall be ~eferred to the Select- men v;ho, within ot~e week {rom said reference, shall hear the parties, and after taking such e×pe~t opinion as may seem to the Selectmen to be necessary, give their decision. ]n case the decision of the It~sp:'ctor of Buildings be attirmed, the expense of such expert opinion taken by the Selectmen shall be paid to tbc town by the owner or applicant on den.and, otherwise such expense s'~ai7 be borne by the town. StCTION 10, Ad)'oi~zi7g ©1,~uers. The owner or one of the owners td thc premises adjoining thoqe u~:dcr construction. z%k::~ic, n ~qny c]~t:-gc~ in or add/t/on to r build/nfl {s !cntcd. c[~cd, l~t or hired ont to bt' occupied or is occnpied or r.sidence of twr~ or mr~re fan/I/es, which families may consist of {one or m~r:' p?rsms !~vinu indc:pcndcntly of each other and haw {tag a common right in th halls, stan'w2ys, yards, courts, cella", sinks, toilets or any et tlxem. ~Vher~' :he occuptm~ of dwelling- houses contiguous, and vertically, dlvidcd, each occupied and 21 intended, arranged or designed to be occupied as the home or residence of one family or more have a ccymmon right in or use in common the halls, stairways, yards, cellars, sinks, toilets or any of them, such dwellings are apartment houses. Areas. Open spaces adiacent to buildings or the building line for lighting or ventilation. Attic. (See Story Half.) Basement, A lower story partly underground but which, in the average, is at least one half above the average level of the joining ground. Beari*~g Wall, Any wall which carries a~y load other than ks own weight. B~i~der. Any person employed to build or to execute work on a building or where no person ~s so employed, the owner of the building. Building, Wooden. A building o~ which the external w~ll constructed wholly or partly of wood. 5Vood frame~ covered with metal shaI[ be deemed to be wend contruction. Cellar. A story having more than one half of its height below Chirs**ey. Any permanent or fixed ~ues or passages built into any building for conveying away products of co:~busti~n iron furnaces, stoves, boilers, ranges, o~ t}rcp]accs. its dizcction prokidcd the interior angle does not exceed 120 degrees from ti:her street lire shall be treated as an inter/or front or rear ya::d il is au inner court. If it does ~xtand it is an O~*'~ Leuel. Ihe Icrc] of nn csmblished curb in thc front of thc lea[ R~r the p~rpc>~es of cMs By-Law. 22 DmelIi'ng,house. A house in which not more than two fanrflies dwell independently and in which no part is used for business purposes. External Wail Every outer wall or vertical enclosure of a building other than a party wall. Fiat Roof. A roof that pitches not more than four inches to the foot. Footing. That part of any masonry foundations resting direct- ly on the ground. Fore, clarion. That portion of wall below the level of the street curb, or where the wall is not on a street below the leveI of the highest ground next to the wail, and shall include ail piers below tl2e curb level or beluw the floor of the first story. ~¥o~t and Rear Lots. That boundary line which borders on the street is the front of the lo~. In casz of a corner lot the owner may elect by statement on his plans either street boundaw as the front. The rear of the 1o: is the s~de opposite the front. In case of triangular corner lot the rear shall be the side not bordering on a street. The d?t~ of a lot is the dimension measured from the front [o thc extreme rear line of the lot. In case of irre~ular shaped lots the mean depth shall be taken. Hc~g~t of a Bm~ding. The vertical d/stance of the highest po/nc of the roof above the mean ~rade of the curbs of all the sucets or tt:e mean ~radc of the natural ground adjomfng the btd]din~ if the said grade of the ground is not below the grade of the cnrh. HeU4ht o/ a X~a~[ The vertical distance from the mean ~rade r)f the ground adjoinin~ the wa]l to the highest point of the wall. [~zterior Lot. Any othm lot than a corner lot. Lo~yfuq,Jto~tsc A h~)sse or 5uildfn2 or par~ thereof in which s~x or n~e para,ms ;~'c harbored, received, or lodged for hire, or any hufldin?, or pa:t thereof which Js used as a sleeping-place or ud~m? for six or more persons not mc:nbers of the family L,eng~i~ ~:n~ ~¥'idti~ o~ B~nl~t'x~. The greatest linew dimension uf aT,' bulding is its on,th a~d the next ~yreatast linear dimension 23 Owner. Includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in com- mon or joint tenant of the whole or part of any building or land. Partitio'a Wail. Any interior wall of a building. Part,,, 'gv~aiI. A wall that separates two or more buildings and is used or adapted for use of more than one building. Public Hall A hall, corridor or passageway not within an apartment. ReDairs. The reconstruction or renewal of any existing part of a building or of its fixt~res or appurtenances by which the strength or fire risk is not affected or modrfied and no~ made for the purpose of ccmvertfn~ the building in whole ar in part to S~a/t. Includes exterior and inter,or shafts whether Zor air. lighL, clevato~, dumbwaiter, or any other p~rpose. S}yJ~gt]t. Any structure on or openm~ on a roof for the m~ssion of light ports. St~zir Hail. Includes the stMr. stair landings and those portions of thc public hals through which {t ~s nec,-s<ary to pass in ?o/n~ Story o~ a Bm/dfl~g. That part of a buildin~ between thc top any floor beams and thc ~op of roof bc~r:~s ncx~ al;u,c. basement or celiar Sto~7, ~aI). Is a >tory in ~ ~]opMg reef. Tar& A:7 open unocc.:picd sp~tcc o:1 thc sa:nc 1~: 2Jth a buSd- lire : fix: b:Jldir,: axd thc i:::r ii-z,- ~: th,: I t .~ -idc x:t~c] ix an ouch unoccupied $:'2c,' b. tv. cc C'c side 24 Outside stairways, fire escapes, porches, platforms, and other projections shall be considered as part of the buiJding and not part of the yards or courts or unoccupied spaces. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; in the masculine, the feminine and neuter; in the singular, the plural, and in the plural, the singular~ "shall" is always mandatory and not directory; occupied or used shall be construed as if followed by the words "or intended, arranged, designed, built, altered, con- verted to, rented, leased, let, hired out, to be used or occupied." When any word designating any building premises or lot is used, it shall be construed as if followed by the words '~or any part thereof." The provisions of these By-Laws shall be held to be the mini- mum requirements for the protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the community. REAR LOTS S~crtoN l 1. No portion of a building hereafter erected or al, tared for use as a dwelling.house shall be placed nearer the rear lot line than a distance equal to one-half its height; but in no event shall such distance be less than ten feet. PROXIMITY TO OTHER BUILDIN(;S SECTION 12. No portion of any wooden dwelling.house here, after erected shall be placed at less distance than ten feet from the side line of the lot upon which it is to be located or within ten feet of another wooden building except where a brick external wall of a thickness and built in the manner prescribed for' external walls of brick buildings is substituted for a wooden walh BASI M~N F AND ~ELLAR ROOMS SECTION ] 3. II~ apartment houses hereafter erected no room in the basement or cellar shall be constructed, altered, converted, or occupied for living purposes. [~',1 iARS, ~)AMP-PROOTING AND LIGHTING OE S!CIIOx, 14. E',O~y apartment b.~zse hereafter t, rccted sba1! z:~x? the walls bdow the g~ound lard. and the ccEzr tloor damp. prool. Al] cclhur, ~tnd bzsctn~nts in at,ch apirt:ncnt houses shall be p~oi>cr]5' ]i<htcd amd ',entilated and kcFt f:cc ~rt:~'~ d~mpness in all their parts to tine satisfaction of the Boa~d of Hc:dth. hail any story or ;:ny pat't thcrec~f above thc second story he 25 occupied or arranged for housekeeping independen~y cf the lower stories nor shall any provision be made for cooking nor shall any cooking be done above the second story. FOUNDATIONS SSCTm>,' 16. The foundations of all buildings for dwellings shall be wails and piers of masonry. All wooden buildings not more than 'cwo stories in height, may he built wholly or in part upon piers or posts of masonry or iron. The foundations of ali buildings mus'c rest on solid ground or leveled surfaces of solid rock, or on piles, concrete, or other solid substance. Such founda- tions, other than solid rock, must not be ex3:o~,ed less than three feet below the adjacent surlace of the ground. Piazzas and porches shall have suitabte foundatlops of stone, brick, iron, or concrete, built on solid bottoms, not less than three feet be!ow, and extending not less than three i~-chcs above the finished ~rade, Excavations for stone foundations sha]l be made at least six inches beyond the outs/de of foundation wails and shall not be hack,SIled' until inspected. Foundation walls of stone shall he at least sixteen inches th/ck. Foundation wa]ls of co~,crcte shall be poured with forms upon both sides and shall be well rammed into place. For houses two stories or more in height the thickness of the fuundation walls shall he at least ten inches a::d for one-stow houses the thickness shall be at least eight inches The concrete shall hc m/xed in the proportion cf one part Portland cemcrtt, two P!rts of clean sharp sand, and five parts of broken stone or well,screened gravel by Foundation walls of concrete bloc],: o~ brick shall be at least twelve i::chcs thick for tv.c~story houses and tt Icast eight inches thick for oncstory h<uscs. No concret~ ot other mason ,xork ssa!! bc erected d~rin7 freezlu< depth and proiectIng :it ]cast Nme izzclncs beyond the ',ali or ,~PARTMENT HOUSE }:IRE X~VALLS 26 between each apartment, consisting either of a brick wall, not less than eight inches thick, extending from the cellar bottom to the under side of the roof.boarding, or of a brick, concrete, or concrete block wall not less than eight inches thick, extending from the cellar bottom to the top side of the first floor timbers, and above that to the under side of the roof-boarding two by four.inch stud. ding, with the spaces between filled solid with bricks and mortar, or other fireproof material, not less than four inches thick, to make a smoke-tight barrier between the apartments. kVOODEN FRAME BUILDINGS SECTDN 19, All wooden frame buildings shall be built with sills, posts, girts, and plates. Ail buildings shall be braced in each story and in cross.partitions No wall or ceiling of any building shall be lathed or otherwise covered until the Inspector has beeh notified in writing that the bailding is ready for such work, and until he h~xs ~,ivcn written con3u, ix~ therefor. The Inspector shall act on snch not/cc w/thin forty.eight hours of its receipt. In al1 wooder~ buildings not exceeding three stories in height the p<t: o; ', hich exceed twenty,two feel in length, the sills shall be not ~es,, than six by six '~ches, and the posts and girts not less th?~ ~our by six inches: in a]l such buddings the posts of which are t :e:tty-tv, o f:t or !ess 5n ength, the sills shall be not less than four by six roches, laid flatwJse, and the posts and girts not less the ontside walls shall not be less than two by four inches, set no~; ~ o:c d n si-,:Tcn in:hcs on centres: in all ~*ooden bnildings the studdiTg in ali partf¢ions carrying ~oor tflnbers shall not be less than two !-v fou7 inch, s, set not more (hen sixteen itches on AJJ window studdlnj to be not less than three by fo'xr inches. lc&,er boards m~y be used m place of ?-ts ~n one and one.half story houses o:: in dv:dline, s where thc attic floor is below the plates, if the spaces back of t!te lzdhzer bo::rds between studdinz ~> to p~evcnt a dntft in case of ~ire. M^XlMU}{ Sp^NS ~oR FLOOR JOISTS 27 LUMBER SIZE MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN ~omfnal ActuaI Spacing Douglas Fir West Coast All Othe~ Center to Southern Hemlock, Softwoods Center Yellow Pine, Cypress, (Inches) Western Larch wood, Tamarack t 9'1" 8'6" 7'9" 16 10'0' 9'4" 8'7" 2by6 1 ~'/8 bY 5 ~/8 12 2byB 1~/8 by 3't/2 ~!6 12'1" 11'4" 10'4" 12 13'3" 12'5" 11'4" 3by8 2~/3 by 71/2 /16 14'0" 13'2" 12'1' llZ I5'4' 14'4" 13'2" 2bylO l~/k by 91/z /16 15't" 14'4" 13'1" '~12 16'8" 1 5'8" 14'4' 3bylO 25/a by 9l/2 ~16 t?'g" 16'9" 15'2" ~ 12 19'3" 18'1" 16'6" 2by12 15~ by 11~/2 f 16 15'5" 17'3" 15'I0" ~12 20'i" lg'lo" 17'I" Girders when of good, so'~2nd sprtlCC, fir, ~r equal, shall be not less than s~x by eight inches tinder main prtrtitions S~:mmer~ or floor timbers doubled, or their equivalent shall be used under ail cross partitions ~n the first floors ot al! dwdlin?s Headers and trimmers of all openings mc, re than four feet sqvare in the floors of dwellings shall be floor joists doubled or thzfr equivalent Beams under carrying partitions fn the ~rst floors shall be sup, ported on piers or cement titled iron posts, t~w la~c~ not le~s th;n three inches in diameter, or their equivalent, the same to be sba!1 be such as to gixe a supporting strength equivalent to thc above specifications lot ~?ruce. Floor limbers f~r any attic ~q~ethcr be ]ess than two by eight inches. All cutting of floor timbers for thc pas=age of pipes shall be on bc made ]note than th:'cc t,ct i"o:u t'.:c c::/::: pein[ of the timber Astir:ned Toted L~,c ~md Dckd [old 4{} (Clear span shall mean the distance measured hor/zontally from plate to a point directly beneath the ridge. The actual rafter length will depend on the roof slope and must be determined accordingly). FOlk ROOF WITH A MiNIMUM SLOPE OF 5 TO 12 LUMBER SIZE MAXIMUM CLEAR SPA~ ~ominal Actual Spacing Douglas Fir West Coast All Other Center Sot*them Hemlock Softwoods to Yellow Pine, Cypress, Red. Ce'~ter Western Larch wood, (Inches) Tamarack 2 by 4 l'~,'sx3S//s '~ 7'3"' 8'1" '7'4" 6'2" Il 2 9'4" 8'6" ?'2" 2 by 6 1 ~,~x ~s J'20 11'4" 10'5" 8'8" 16 12'6" 11'5" 9'6" I 12 14'2' 13' 1" l i'0" 2by8 I ~,5 x7 !,/iz ~0 15'2" 13'8" 6 16'7' 15'3" 12'1" I 12 18'4" 16'7" 14'3" C, ol!ar ties f<~r rafters not over sixteen feet long must be one inc!z by six inch and for rafters over sixteen feet long must be two inches by six inches: in both cases collar ties must be provided for at ]east alternate rafters. Sit:nON 22. Ail 5rick wails shall be built with proper bvnd and all inter,co,ions of ~t~s ~h:)]l be thoroughly bonded together ~itb brfck or tied to,tether with wrought iron straps as often as every eight feet in h~lhr. Floor beams shall be anchored to brick ,_:: Js on x,,h~ch tt-?y rest ired to c~ch other so ;is ¢o forn~ cont/nu, otis r~cs :cr,~ rl~ bt~i]d/n~ at least ex'cry ten feet. :Xl[ ~rick for more than twelve feet in height, above the foundation walls, shall be ~ot 1.ess than eight inches thick {or their entke ~e{ght; if ~'o stories and not more than twenty~five feet in height, they shall not be less than twelve inches thick t~ the top of the second floor, and not less than eight ~nches thick f*r the scramming bright; and ~f three stories and more than twenty~five feet in ~eight, t~ey skall be n~t les~ th~n twdve i~ches thick t~ the top of the thkd floor, and no~ less t~an eight ~ches thick 5or the remaining hd~ht. Masonry veneer shall consist of brick, stone, concrete, or other material approved by the Building Inspector. Masonry veneer shall be at least ~our inches thick: and shall not be permitted above two stones except for gab]es. Such ve:~eer shall rest directly upon a foundation wall or opo-- rmnforced concrete nr other approved masonry. I~ shall be secured to t~e wall at intervals of not mort than sixteen inchzs vertically, and twenty,four ~nchcs horizontally. In the case oi [rai:ic construction it ,hall be secured to approved sheathing combin~,d with a x~c~therq~zoof lining. Ail meeal ties or clamps used {or securing illasoBfy ~cnecr or ashier shall be sobs:ant/al ~nd o{ nlq approved non,corrodible recta5 S~c;~oN 24, The exter:tal ,:,'ails of ail brick buildin!:s, other than dwcIlin<-houses if not more than io!ty feet in bright, above the foundation wMls, shall be af the fo]lowiug thickness. Wails lor {ouc roches in thick~c s ~h~![ l,< ~cc :red '~oc c:ch t,,vcnty-[vc in h,/ght Provided ho,xexcr, that t}'e n~cthcd ]:nov;n as "Mi!} Con~[rt~ction" m:~y be u~cd, x~harcb;, the cxtcr:al ,,ails a~c approve, and of th,' thickness aSo~c pr scribed f<i ;he external mr:dm A]] {]<xsrs mr:st be suF?:t d ,:x t}:c :':c:~ and no FOr't{<m 30 SncrmN 25. Party walls and all partition walls of brick, in all buildings other than dwelling-houses with external walls not ex- ceed/ag forty feet in height, shall be not less than sixteen ind~es to the top of the second floor, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remaining height, and, in buildings having external wails exceedin~ forty feet in height, said walls shall be not less than twenty inches thick to the top of the second floor, nor less than sixteen inches thick to the top of the third floor, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remaining height. DOORWAYS SneTIOX 26. No opening or doorway she11 be cut throogh or formed in a party partition wall of any building without a permit from the Inspector of Buildings, and every such doorway shall be provided with approved automatic or self-closing fire doors on both sides o± the wall. PIERS AND COLUMNS S~CTIOX 27. All brick piers shall be bmlt of the best quality of good, welbb..mt, hard brick, laid in cement and sand mortar and well wet wt¥-n laid in warm weather. Brick piers under linteIs. ghders or columns of b'ick buildings shall have a properly pro- portioned cai3 of cast iron or steel the full size of the pier. Brick pict's and buttresses shal! be bonded w/th through courses, leveled and bzdd~d each course, and where their foundations rest upon piles a sure/erst mm~bcr shall be driven to insure a proper support. C14IMNhY$. FLUES AND FIRI'PL:\CES SECTION 28. NO chin'~ey shall be corbelled from a wall more than rh~' thickne<s of the wall, nor be hung from a wSt less than Escry chimney <hall rest on a ¢~opcr foot/n% of approved the chimney on ~dI ~idcs, ;~nd shall be at least eight inches thick. 31 cotta, stone, iron or cement, Every chimney shah extend at least three feet ~bove the highest point at ,x, hich it comes in contact with a roof of the building and at least two feet higher than any roof surface within ten feet in a horizontal line. No woodwork shall be within one inch of any chimney. If any chimney, flue, or heating apparatus shall, in the opinion of the Inspector, be unsafe, he shall at once notify in writing th,: owner, ,~ho, upon receix, ing said notice, shall make the same safe to the satisfaction of the Inspector. SECTrON 29. The jambs and backs of all fireplaces shall be of masonry, not less than eight inches thick (including both the rough and finished work) if of brick, and n~t less than twelve inches, if wholly or partly of stone. B~ckwork o~ stonework oxer l~replaces or shadli~ openings shall be supported by proper i*on bars or by brick or stone arches. Al/ portieres of chimneys or firep]aces so constructed as to recefve a lateral thrt~st, not taken care of by iron members thor- ou~hly anchored to the masonry, shaJ1 be at lo:st eight inches thick. No fireplace flue shall be less than 8"x!2", and ~n all cases the area of the fine shall be at least 1/10 the area of the firep!ace opening. The interior c)f M1 fireplace throats shall be thoroughly covered with a coat of cement mortar, caTried up to a solid connection xv~d~ thc flue lining, and every rake in thc chimney shall be plastered w/th a good thick coat of cement mortar on boti~ tee outs{de and the inside. All hearths ~ha!l be laid on n~aborlry trnnmcr arches, or ~m bar< of ~ron supportfn~ a yroper bcd of masonr5 or on a refnforced concrctu sld~ and shall extend at least eight inchco beyond each side of the finished firep]ace opening They shall haxe a u::iforn: width of at least twcut~ inches in front af thc fini hod jambs and fireplace. a naif bc dffcctcd b'~ the ~n Footer. ~t:~d d! 'e.o~d,.~erk inside o~ sucx wells or shaJts he bncd wi~h mctab full depth of floor and roof' f~an:ing ;ti each floc)~ level and b?- 32 tween the ceiling of the top story and the roof space. Two inches of material with tight joints shall be used for such fire stopping. In masonry buildings, the space between the furring on the outside walls, or masonry partit/ona, shall be filled flush with mortar for a space of flue inches in widths above and below the floor beanas of each story. Where basement or other flights of stairs are enclosed by parti- tions of brick or wood, the space between the studs or wail furring shall be so fire,stopped with brick or mortar as to effectually pre- vent any fire [rom passing up between snch studs or furring back of the stair stringers. All flights of stairs between txvo floors shall have a smoke,stop built between the stringers and properly constructed. A space of at least one inch shall be left between all wood-work and the chimneys, also around ail hot,air and steam pipes; these spaces around ~himneys and pipes where they pass through the floors shall be stopped with metal or other ~[reproo{ materiai~ smoke tight. The space around all metal or brick ventilating ducts shall be fire~stopl~ed at each floor with a metal or fireproof material as approved by the Inspector. Where a building is occupied above the first floor for apart, ments or a lodging,house, and the lower story is occupied for stores and other p~_~rposes not connected w/th thc upper ih>ors, the stairways leading to sucfl upper floors shall be enclosed with brick walls or wooden partitions; said partitions slxall be covered with metal lath and plaster or other fireproof material. ELECTRIC WIRING SECTION 31. All ne~v electric w/ring and ali alterations or ex, tensions to ex/sting wiring systems m buildings and structures shall compiy w/th the approved rules of the National Electrical Code as pubbshed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (The \Vire Inspector is in charge of permits and supervision under th'-s sect/on.) SiCTION 32. Heat p:oducing appliances and systems shall be instafled i~ accorda:~cc x~qth the "B~fidit~g Code Standards of the Natit~nal B<~ard of Phc Unclerw-'iters for the Installation of Heat 33 PLUMBING SEC~rION 33~ All plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the regulat£ons of the local Board o{ Health. LIGHT AND VENTILATION' SECTION 34. In every apartment house, d~velling or place where people are employed, hereafter erected, every room shall have at least one window opening directly upon the street or upon the yard, or court, except that kitchenettes, pantries, toilets, and bath-rooms may have such windows opening upon a Iight.well or may be ventilated by fans, ducts, or ventilated skylights with the approval of the Building Inspector. Ail windows shall be so located as to properly light ail parts of such rooms. No light.well than twelve square {cot lot one story, and must tc ircrcased slx square feet in area {or each additicmal story, ~d the walls of such light-well shall be constructed of incombustible matedah ~2qAFiS AND ~OUB. TS SICTION 35. in every apartment house hereafter erected there shall be, at the bottom of every shaft a:xt court, a door g~v~ng suf. ficient access to such shale or cour~ to eoabie i~ to be p~op~rly dear. ed. SECTION 36. In ali rooms used for resiJeace purposes hereafter erected, the total wiodcw area in ..<h room, includ ::g todets and bathrooms, siiall he at leas~ one.eighth of thc floor arco of thc room. The above wlndo,3 measurements sh:dl be taken bctwcerq 34 ACCESS TO I~LAT ROOFS S~CTION 39. Every building over two stories high and having a fiat roof shall have permanent access to the roof, £rom the inside o£ the building, through an opening at least two feet by three feet, with fixed step-ladder or stair. Such opening shall have direct access frona a public corridor or a stair hall and shall be fastened in such a manner so that it may be opened from the in, side without a key. PENT HOUSES SECTION 40. No pent houses shall be constructed on any build, ing above the highest level permitted for the roof. except over stairs, tanks, elevators and elevator machinery, and such houses sha!l be no larger' than is necessary to serve properly their purpose, and as approved. PARAPETS SEC:?~O× 4!. No part of any parapet on a roof shall be more than six feet above the highest level permitted for the roof S2CT~O'; 42. All sky!igbts o:. ~oofs of buildings other than d,,veiiin~ houses shall be metal and wire glass, and shall not be at any point hifner th;m six feet above the h~ghcst level permitted Szc;n0N 43, No parts of a buildfl~g other than those mentioned in this d/v/s/on, sbM1 !~roject (,ver any street, square or public way. C[)~n~c2:s rely p:o~ecL a d/stance equal to one,twenLieth of the tht'y in ;tnv i-a't Frojcct more th0n thrcv feet. IVindow caps ~nnd ~]]s, string touT'sos ~uuc[ o~her prcject~ong of the xxz]] on which they occur. ~!,: IoN 44 ]<(> ~oof shd be ~o a:r~mged a~; to discbanze cc ot s:o~ u?~n t! public way or adjoinin~ property. 35 EXCEPTIONS SECTION 45. Temporary buildings may be erected for the use of builders ~x, ithin the limits of the lots whereon buildings are in course of erection, or on adioining vacant lots, and other tempo- rary structures including platforms, stands, election booths, and tents may be erected upon permits issued by the Inspector and may be maintained for the period of time stated in the permit. No obseruation stand shall be constructed or maintained except in accordance with plans approved by the Inspector. ]~ILLBOARDS SECTION 46. No billboards or signboards shall be erected or placed upon any building or structure or the roof thereof or upon the ground, unless the same be safely supported and securely fastened thereto. ROOF~NS MATERIALS SJ'f;TION 4~. The roof of every building hereafter erected or recovered in whole or in part and the top of every wood cornice, the top of every dormer window and every other project,on from such ro¢f, shall be covered w/th fire-res/sting natenal F~reqesisting material spcci~ed aboxc, shall include slate, tile, asbestos, cement, tar and gravel, plastic slate, copper, tin, asphalt.felt shingles of which the exposed surface is composed slate ch~ps or gravel, and such other incombustible material as may be approved m writing by the rnspectOr Of Bzildings. The Inspector of Buildings may permit the use of wood sblngles for repairing rosfs already wood shingled, and upon ap- plication, in specie] cases, may permit wood shingles for new construction or remodelling. ENFORCEMENT Sr, r;IION 45. The (}bi*z! o{ Pokicc upon application of the In, spector of Buildings shall cause complaint tc be ~rade before the p~oper court for any violation of any 2rovis~on (ftMs B?Lav~. The Board of Selectmen upon th[' [Wptic;ttion of the Inspector of Buildings may institute proceedings to enforce this By,Law and to enjoin the erection, conttnnance or ot-cupation ol any buddin~ in violation of the provisions o~ this By,Law. 36 PENALTY SECTION 49. Whoever violates any provision of this By,Law shall be punished by a tine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense to be paid into the treasury of the Town of Andover. ARTiCLE X SECTION 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Town Meeting; an article or articles for that purpose having been inserted in the warrant for such meetings. SECTION 2. These By-Laws shall take effect on their approval and publication as required by law, and all By,Laws heretofore adopted by the town are hereby repealed on the date of such approval and publication. A true copy, Attest: GEORGE H. WINSLOW, Town Clerk. The foregoing By-Laws are approved by the Attorney,General as required by law. Revised 1950 Attest: GEORGE H. WINSLOW, Town Clerk. 37 TOWN PRINTING COMPANY 4 PARK STREET AN DOVER. MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BY-LAWS 1950 BY-LAWS - Article I, Section $. (Page 1) "After a motion has been made and seconded on an artl- March, 1951 cle in the Town Warrant, a motion on the article by ballot shall be in order. If such motion is passed by a majority of the voters present and voting, ballots approved by the Moderator as to form shall be used." Article IV, Section 13. (Page 3) :ff:8 No person except an officer of the law in the performance March, 1952 of his duties shall enter upon the premises of another with the intention of peeping into the windows of a house or spying upon in any manner any person or persons therein. Article I, Section 4. (Page 1 ) ~ i0 The nmnber of voters necessary to constitute a quorum at March, 1952 any town meeting shall be three hundred and fifty register- ed voters, provided, that a number less than a quorum may from time to time adjour the same and provided ~lso, that this by-law shall not apply to such parts of meetings as are devoted exclusively to ttxe election of town officers. BUILDING CODE Article IX, Section 7, Paragraph 1953 Section 9 1953 (Page 21) To eliminate Section 7, paragraph 3, of our building laws and substitute therefor the following: "All new ma- terlals, methods of construction, cleric(s, and equipmeat for use in buildings that are not covered by other provisions o£ this lave may be approved by the Building Iaspector after lccclviog approval o£ a committee of three members to be appointed by thc Board of Selectmen." (Page 2I) To add the following sentence to Section 9 of the build- lng code: "This section shall not apply to cases covered by Section 7. ZONING Section III, Paragraph 3c (Page 7) ~p 11 VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law hy changing the 1952 zoning of a portion of a t~arcel of land on the west side of Main Street from a singl~ Residence District to a Business District, described as follows Business Zone rear 85 Main Street Parking Area. Section III, Paragraph 3d (Page 7) ,~36 VOTED to amend the zoning By-Laws by changing the !952 zoning of a section of land at I3 Chestnut Street from a residential district to a business district described as roi- Business Zone 13 Chestnut Street connecting Parking lot rear fl5 Main Street. Section lIl, Paragraph 3e (Page 7) ~38 VOTED to amend the zoning By-Laws by changing the 1952 zoning of a tract of land at the corner of l.owel] and Poor Streets, in Shawsheen Village, from a residential district to a husincss district described as follows: Bus/ness Zone co,ncr Lowell and Poor Streets. Section Xa 1952 ( }'age 14) VOTED that rmy structure for living acc©mmodations which shall be erected, placed or mainrMncd in any district of the town ~hali have a first floor area of at ]east 400 sqm~re feet. Section XII, Paragraph 4 1952 (Page 16) V()TtLD to a~n2end the Zonin~ By-l,aws by strinking out section f of Scctiorl XIi and substituting therefor the fol- lowing: Paragraph 4 fan:ily hous[, cx[stin~ at the time this By-Law is adopted BY-LAWS ARTICLE I SECTION l. The annual town meeting {or the election of town officers, and for other purposes, shall he held on the tlrst Monday of March. SECTION 2. Th: warrants for all town meetings shall be directed to either o{ the Constables of the town, and notice of all meetings shall be given by posting attested copies of the warrant on the Town House, and on such other public places as the Selectmen may designate, and by publication in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the town, seven days at least be{ore the day of meeting. ARTICLE II SECTION 1. The Selectmen have full authority as agents of the town, to institute and prosecute suits in the name of the town, and to appear and defend suits brough~ against it, unless it is otherwise specially ordered by a vote of the town. They may, with the advice of counsel, settle by con:promise suits or cl:~ims where the seCt/ement shall not call for payment of more than One Thousand Dollars. SECTION 2. \Vhcnevcr it shall be necessary to execute any deed, or any other inst~umcut required to carry into effect any v{~te of the Town, the same shall be executed by the Selectmen, or a na~iority of titan., in the name and behalf of the Town, un. Ices the Town shall otherwise vote in any special case. SecTioN' 3. The Selectmen shall annually, at least lo,ir days before the annual meeting, cause to be distributed among the taxpayers of the town, a detailed report, in print, of all money received into and paid ou~ of the town treasury during the pre. cedit~r financial year, which report shall be exam/ned and ap- l~roved by the Accountant before it is printed. They shall also publish irt said printed report, such information and recomme~x. dali<ms as they may deem proper and such further information and r¢contmcndz/t{r>ns as shall be app~o~'ed by the Finance Com~ mlte¥ :all to h~ presented in such form and detail as return. mended by thc Finmce Committee. The reports of the Treasurer nnd Colle~¢or, and such other town departIncnts as may be approved by the Finance Committee shall be printed annually in the above report. ARTICLE III Secr~o_'q 1, The fiscal year of the town shall be from January 1 to December 31. ARTICLE IV SECTION 1. 'No person shall suffer horses, grazing Beasts, or swine, to run at large or feed by the roadside. SECTION 2. No person shall b~have in an indecent or dis- orderly manner, or use profarae, indecent, or insulting language, in any pL~b]ic place, or o~ any s~dewalic or s~eet in the town. SEC'lION g NO person shall by any ~oise, or other means wantonly or designedly frighten any horse m any street or other public place m the rowrx. 8ECTION 4 NO person shall connnue to stand or remain alone or with others near, on any sidewalk or in any public place, in such manner as to obstruct a {rca passage for travellers there, on, or loiter or: any si&-,~.,:dk or s~rcct attar ha~'ing ~een re- quested by a Constable or Police O~tio'r to move on. S~crrox 5. No person shall put, place, or pile wood lumber, stones, or other naateriaU w/thin thc li~its oi any pt~blic street or way within thc town, witho,it written permission of the Select. men. SECTION 6. NO parson shall sprin[~!e, scatter, o~ put upon any sidexxalk, crossing, or street, or upon the raiis, switches, or other appliances of a stree~ railway in any street, a~ay salt or m~xture of sak, exccp[ i~x accordance with a permit {rom the Selectn~en. SECTION 7. XO person seal', make any bonfire or other fire, or ki& footba], or play ~t ~my g~nc ~ which a ball is t~sad, or silos, in ::ny pt~blic street or way in the town. llke vehicle in or upon any public sidewalk or street ur way in the town except at such times, and in such places as may {rom t. ime to time be designated by the Selectmen. SECTION 10. The Selectmen may grant a written license to any person to occupy or obstruct a sidewalk for a limited time for the more convenient erection, alteration, or repair of a building, and they shall require the person to whore such license is given to furnish a satisfactory bond to the Town to hold it harmless from all claims for los~ or damage arising from such occupancy or obstruct/on. Whenever any sidewalk becomes obstructed under such Hcense, the person doing the work or causing the same tn he done shall place a good a~d convenient temporary walk around such obstructions xvhen ordered to do so by the Selectmen or other officials having charge of the public streets. SECTION 11. No person shall bv allowed to throw posters, handbills, flyers, advertising sheets, waste or rubbisk in the public SeCTiON 12. The Selectmen may, as provided by Section 29 of Chapter 102 ~f the Revised Laws cf Massachusetts as amended by Section 18 of ChaFfer 292 of the General Acts nf 19~8, license suitable persons to be collectors of dealers in, or keepers of shops for thc purchase, sale, or barter of funk, old metals or second-hand articles. ARTICLE V FINANCE ~OMMITTEE S~.¢n~o~ ~. All articles in any warrant involving the expend9 rure, approprianon, raising and borrowing of money, including aU necessary current expenses and all special appropriations of any sort whatsoever shall be ~efcrred to and considered by a "Finance Committee/' This committee shall be constituted as follows: Sc,'~'n '~tc~s to he appointed by tbe Moderator upon the first day of thc :mnuaI town nicotine, none of whom shall hold any town niece. This comn~ittee shall have pox~er to fii1 vacancies that occur m their number during their term of office and shall continue in o5icc for one year and until their successors are chusen. Sr~:r~o>; 2. It ~ball bc th,, duty of the Finance Committee to in,.csd ate the c~;st of maintenance of the different deuartments ~f Ibc town, and the;, sh;dI recommend in detail the a~ounts ¢o be ap?top,fated lot e~ch department for the ensuing year. SF, crIoN 3. The Comnfittee shall have authority to summon before it, for such information and investigation as it shall deem necessary, any' of the town officials, and shall have authority to examine books and papers held by such oi~cials, if such exam- ination shall be considered by it necessary to the proper dis- charge of its duties. SECTION 4, No town department shall perform service for auother town department unless a regular charge is made for the same, and all questions as to rights or responsibilities affecting the adjustment of an3' differences~ between different departments of the town, ia which the expenditure of money is involved, shall be referred to the Finance Committee, whose decision shall be final ARTICLE VI SECTION J.. 'Alt owners and drivers of public conveyances of all kinds that ma5' be used for public hire or for carrying express and baglzap' within the limits of the town shall be licensed by the Selectmen, under such conditions as they may determine. SECTION 2 E,eery violation of any of the foregoing By-Laws shall be punished by a fine of nor more than twenty dollars. ARTICLE VII PLANNING BOARD SECFION 1. A board of five men:hers is hereby created and established, to be bnown as the Planning Board. At the annual town meeting to be held in the month of March, 1926, there shall be elected one member to scrxe for one year, one member to serve for two years, one member to serve for three years, one years, and thereafter tbere sb, al2 t'e dotted at the annual meeting in each year one member of such beard to serve for the term of SECT[ON 2 'krlCYnCios o:currin~ in the board shall be filled as p~o','idcd i:' General Laws, Chaptc~ ;:!, Section 11 Snc~lox 3. iht d~tie~ o: s::ch board shall be such as art dpai ir-!pr/R'omtnrs ckhe: at thc it,Ncr o{ other ofllcia!s of tee ments, zoning, playgrounds and parks and sites for permanent school plants. The board shall meet at regular intervals. It may hold public meetings. ~t shall at all times have access to public documents or information in the possession of any town official or department. It shall examine the plans for the exterior of any punic building, mo~umcnt or similar feature, and for the development and treatment cf the grounds abo;lt the same before the adoption thereof, and may make such recommendations there, on as it may deem needful. It may provide for public lectures and other educational work in connection with /ts recommenda, tions. It may incur expenses necessary to the carrying on of its work within the amount ef ~ts annual appropriations. (Amended Chapter 211 Acts of 1936). SECT[ON 4. All plans for laying out, extending, discontinuing or changing the lhnits of any way, street, public park or square, a~d every purchase: 0£ land for the site of any public building, and all plans for the location, erection or alteration of public buildings, shall be submitted to said bo;trd for its opinion at least t. wo weeks in advance of action by the Board of Selectmen. SECTION 5. Snch board shall make a report to the town an- nually, giving information regarding the cond tons of the town and any plans or proposals for the'development of the town and csumates of the cost thereof. Such report shall be sent to the selectmen not later than such time in Jatxuary in each year as the selectmen may prescribe or as may be p~escribed by law in force relative to reports, and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Massacht~setts Department of Public Welfare. ARTICLE VIII Zoning By-Law SECTION I PREAMBLE By virtue of and pursuant to the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 40 and 143~ sections 29-33 ol Chapter 93, and Chapter 269 of the Acts of 1933 and any and all amendments and addi, tions to al1 of said Chapters: the use. construct{on, repair, altera- tion, height, location and area of buildSngs ar, d structures and the use of p~emises in thc Town of Ar, d~vcr ~re hereby ~egulated as hereto provided: in ordc~ to promote the health, safety, conven, ience, morak and gem. al welfarc of the inhabitants, to lessen the danger fror~ lire and to improve ;md beautify the Town. S.tyr~o'< Il another u>e of ]ayqd or a building. ~. L,t ~ th< ~-c~ .t i ~,1 d-c::bcd h~ ~m application for a S~c~o~ III USE REGULATIONS For the purpose of this By-Law, the Town of Ando~er is hereby divided into five types of Districts designated as follows: 1. Single Residence Districts. 2. Educational Districts. ~Amend. 2.a. It was voted to amend the Zoning By-Law by designating 1947 as an educational district the two large parcels of land bounded and described as follows: 2.b. (lst Parcel. North Westerly corner of Haverhill and High Street, 230' on High Street and 907.26 feet on Haverhill Street.) 2.c. Second Parcel (Southerly side of Haverhill Street 1073.42' to Andover. North Andover Line.) 3. Busi~ess Districts. Amend. 3a (Voted to amend the Zoning By. Laws extending northerly 1941 the business district on the easterly side of Norttx Main Street a distance of 271 feet.) [Amend. 3.b. (It was voted to a~nend the Zomr, g By-Law by designating 1950 as a Bus/ness District the area o~ the northerly side of Essex Street between Railroad Street on the east, the Shawshee~,~ River on tine west and hounded on the north by the lndktstrial District two hundred (200) feet north of Essex Street,) 4. Irdustriai Districts. 5. Agricultural Districts, Tl7e boundari s of four districts are shown on a map entitled "Zoning Map of the 'I'own o± Andover, Mass. Dated Jan. 27, 1936," si?,ned by the Planning Board, and on file with the Town Clerk; and said map and all explanatory matter thereon are here. by made a part of this By-Law. Agricultural Districts will be defined. 'The boundaries hrtwccn thc distrScts arc, unless otherwise dicer, cl. thc teeter li;lcs of streets, avem:es or vaihoad ~ights-of. way. 'Cv'~e-evcr any unceltalnty exists :ts ti) the exact location of thc botmdiry linc, the location of s~ch a line shall be determined by thc inspector of Bu/id/ngs. Amend. 6. Multiple Residence District. 1948 (Explanation) Voted to amend the "Zoning Map of the Town of Andover, Massachusetts, dated January 2'/, 1936" as signed by the Planning Board and on file with the Town Clerk to denominate the following area as a '~Multiple Residence District: (A certain parcel of land in Andover with 413.90 feet frontage on the Westerly side of Morton Street, being a distance of 120 feet southerly from Rogers Brook.) SECTION IV SINGLE P,.ESiDENCE DISTRICTS In Single Residence Districts, except as herein otherwise pro- vided, no new building oi structure and no alteration, enlarge- ment o~ extension of an existing bui!ding or structure shall be designed, arranged or constructed, and no land, building, struc~ ture, or part thereof shall be used, except for one or more of the following purposes: 1. One faro{fy detached houses or double houses to conform to neighboring residences. 2. Ft~e taking of boa:dots, or the leasing of rooms by a family :csiding on :he ~remises, bzt not permissible to 3 Boardm~ and lodging house~, md hotels. Subject to per- rut by Board of Appeals as provided in SECTION XIH, Air,cie 3. 4. Churches, schools, public buildings, public libraries, pubI~c museums and parish houses. 5. Cemeteries, hospitals, sanitaria, philanth~o>ic inst~tution~, and airport~ xxith esstntial accessories. Su~}ecr to ~err~it by Board of Ap?ds as provided in SECT/ON Xlll, Article 3 6. P:/v;tc clt~[, not co::fittctcfl i :' prcAm subject to Fermit by Bo:nd o :kppeals as provided m SEc:IroN XIII, .{ri c!c 7 Pn}~lc pr~rl<<, plr, 3;rounds. :, crcarion;d bc~ildim'.s, water garage and that the design of the building is approved by the Planning Board in writing after being assured of its architectural harmony with the surrounding district. 9. Real estate signs, of not over six square feet in area advert/stag the sale or rental of only the premises on whch they are located; lodging, boarding houses and tourist signs of not over 2 sq. ft. and signs or bulletin boards of not over 10 sq. ft. accessory to uses specified in Pat's. 4, 5, 6 and ? of this Sec., and placed as Planning Board may direct, and not inconsistent with Sec. 29-33 inclusive, of Chap. 93 of the General Laws, or with rules and regulations of the Division of Highways, 10. Railroad passenger stations or rights,of-way including customary accessory services therein; uot including switch- ing~ storage or freight yards or sidings. 11. Such accessory purposes as are customarily incident to thc foregoing purposes, and are not injurious to a neigl~- borhood as a place of residence. Subject to provisions of 8ECTiON XI. S ~:~:TION IV-A ~A~inend MULTIPLE RESIDFNCE DISTRICTS In multiple Residence Districts no building or structure shall ~948 be more ~han 2{~5 scoriss in height and no ~ilding or structure ~hall be so arranged or designed to be used in any pa~ except for one or more of thc fol!oMng purposes: 1. Any use permitted in Single Residence Districts. 2 Two o~ more attached houses or an apartment building. 3. St'ch accessory uses, including recreational buildings, and heating pYants, as are cu:~tomary in connect/on with the uses In Edt~cation~l Districts no building or structure shall be so arranged ot designed to be used in any part except for one or more of the !t)llowing ptu'poses: 1 Any us[- pc:mitred in Single Residence Districts. 2. PriYate school, college, academy, institute, or other use of an educational character. 3. Recreational buildings, amusement buildings, institution power and heating plants. 4. Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the uses enumerated in clauses 1, 2, and 3. SECTION BUSINESS DIS I'RiCTS 1. Any use permitted m a Single Residence or Educational Distdct. 2 Apartment or tenement houses and hotels, subject to other bydaws, 3 Banking houses or o~cc bnild~ngs 4 RetaiI stores, and shops (or custom work or ~he making of articles to be so~d at retail on the premises. Subject to prov~s/ons of SEC'rrOX XI. Article 4. 5, P]accs of amusement or assembly 6 R~s~aurants and othc' places f(r serx'ing food 7, Gasoline fiiling stet[OhS and oil stations, garage repair shops, sales room~ for motor x:hfc]es and stab]es. Subject to prrwJslfms of SECTION XIX; and permit by Board of Appeals. 8 Any budding u~ed for comr:~crclaI o~ bus/ness purposes htchtclm~ that o[ a bad, er, caterer, dotbcs cleaner and florist, furrier, hair dresser, hand 1;undry, mamcurist. undc~r;kc:': :md )t a Nac~i:fith, b&cr, buildcn VII INDUSTRI^L DISTRICTS 1. Any use permitted in Single Residence, Bducational or Business Districts. 2. kumber, fuel, feed, and ice establishments, and contractors yards. 3. Railroad yards, sheds, and roundhouses; but not including repair shop except as accessory to said uses. 4. Any industry or manufacturing which will not be seriously detrimental or otrcnsi'~e to adjoining districts or tend to reduce 1;ropert¥ values in said district or adjoining dis- triers by reason of dust, odor, fumes, smoke, gas, wastes, refuse matter, noise or excessive ¥ibration or danger of explosion or i~re; and subject to a permit £rom the Board o£ Appeals as provided under S~C:TION XIII, Article 4. S~cT~o~ VIPA No building or srructure sba!I be so arrar:ged, or designed to be used in any part, except for one or lcore of the following pur- poses: 1. Any use pcrmffted in Single Residence Districts. 2. Residence. Barns. Stables. Peultrv or Pig Shelters, or any building used as an accessory to ~he conducting of a farm. 3 Roads/de stand ptrmits shall be granted for the sale of famx produce raised on the land ~r in the neighbor/n< towns, Stands rmst be set hack frorn street line 30 feet. 4 Manufacturim: oi (}/der, Vinegar, Dairy Products, Poub try. Say: Mills, Gravel Products. 5 Retail shoos for custom work to be produced and sold ;< retail on the premises. 6. Qasobnc fil}/n~ stati(ms and oil stat~on~, garage repair shops, ups- t~e granting{ of a pcrmi[ by thc Board of Appca[s, where the Borud believes that public convenience ard necessity de~:tTtd it Subject to conditions laid down by thc Board. 11 % The removal of loam to be permitted to one.half ("/2.) of its depth only. 8. The Board of Appeals may grant a permit for a retail. store, where the Board is convinced that public necessity and convenience demand. 9. Overnight camps not allowed. 10. The removal of sand, gravel or quarried stone from land bordering on or within 250 feet cf Dascomb Road, Lowell Street, or River Road, shall not be permitted, except by permit of Board of Appeals. 11. Signs as regulated by Town and State Law. SECZION VIII HEIGHT REGULATIONS 1. I~ Si~agle Res{de,ce ~'qd Edttcatio'rtal Districts, the Im~it of height of buildings sh;d{ be two and one.half (2~) stones, not to exceed th{~ty.five (35) feet i,' any part measured above the top of the foundatio-q: except, that municipal and 3ehool buqldin~s, dormitnres and hotels, where per- m~tkd ~n said distr~cts may be three (3) stories in heigh~ not to exceed forty leer, and forthcv except92g fatn b~ld~ngs located on fa~trs of not ]ess than ten acres in area~ ~vh~ch are not limited in height. 2. In 8ttsincss Dis~cts the limit of he{~ht of buildings shall be three ~3) stones, not to exceed forty (40) feet, measured above thc top of thc foundation. 3. in N~d~,.st~iz! Distrfcts. the Ii:nit of bright of buildings shall bc f)ur (4) stories, not to exceed sixty (60) feet mca~:rcd :,5,ye thc top of thc foundation: except that dv'e]Imc¢ shall not cxcc'd three (3) stor{e, in height measured as set forth akox-c. In $flk'lc R sidcncc and EdLlCZ~cic>na/ Di wicts. 12 Amend. 1938 194© Size of Lots. Land subdivided after the adoption of this By,Law shall provide for lot frontages of not less than 75 feet and for lot areas of not less than 8500 square feet, provided, however, that the Board of Appeals may permit land to be subdivided with lot frontages of less than seventy, five (75) feet and for lot areas of less than eighty,five hundred (8500) square feet if two or more dwellings were located on an existing lot at the time this By-Law is adopted or if land is being subdi-;ided for summer camp lots on or near the shores of a river, pond or lake. Existing Lots of Reco~d. Lots duly recorded and/or shown on plans filed at ;he Registry of Deeds at the time th~s By-Law is adopted may be used provided that the yard requirements as set forth below are fulfilled Front T~rds. (~) No building r:r structure or alteration or addition thereto shall extend within thirty feet of the street line to,yard which ~t faces, except that open porches, small ba~'s, and caves be exempt from the above pro- wsions: ~ut in no case shall such projections extend with{n twenty feet of said street linc. (b) On corner ]ors th? above provisions shall apply only to one side of the building or structure, and the other s~dc sb~i! not extend within twenty feet of the s~reet I/ne and no structurs, lent:, tree er shrub, shall ob- struct the t~af{c visibility around the co,ncr. (c) Excc,'-t~o~:z Where there are other existin~ ~uild~ngs w[hln 200 L:et on each side of the lot in quzst[on a~Td ~ith]n ~he s2me block and district, thc structure may cx~end as ne:~r [be street hne as the average ahgnm:nt of ~aid ex~sdng adjacent principal build, ings, ¢xc;?t d~at where such bui]dings are more than 50 feet from sfid street line a new budding shall not ,'xtend n ar~'r said line than the ax'era~?e setbacks of such cxistinq buildings. a side yard not les than 15 feet m dear width, between [be side of tine house arid the side lot line, except specific c~scs when existing lots are less than the mini, 4d 5~;cI not less th n ten lcc~ in wfclth m:zv be Tnftt, d bi' th Board of Appcds. On corner lo(s no ~art cl a::7 bniklin;: ~ha]l extend wifl~in twenty feet of the 1)40 Amend. 5. Rear Yards. Behind every dwelling there shall be pro' 1940 vided a back yard between the rear line of the house and the rear lot line, not less than thirty feet in depth. A rear yard may contain accessory buildings not over one and one-half stories high and covering not over thirty percent of its area, provided, howeYer, that on corner lots no buildings shall extend nearer than twenty (20) feet to the street line. 6. Yards For Non,Residential Buildings. Any use, not resi- dential or accessory, permitted in a Single Residence or Educational District, shall observe all provisions of this By-Law in regard to depth and width of yards as applied to dwellings. GENERAL PROVISIONS SE/:TION X .~oN,C, oNFORMi N G [~SE5 1. EXisti'ag Emld:'~Zs Av~v building or part of a building wblcb at the time oi th~ adoption of the Andover Zoning By,Law was and still is being put to a non,contorming or swuctu-a]]y altered: but. no such buildln~ if deswoyed to the extent of 100% of its assessed value shall be b~fi!t unless thc Doazd cf Appcds after a public hearing the district in x~blch ~t exists a~d then only by permit from the Board ti .Sppeds :nd <;t}:crx, ise subject to thc terms of the proxis:ons set forth 2 I~'mot'~ ,~ Ec~d:, ere Thc te:noxaI for sale of loam, SECTION ACCESSORY UsEs l. Accessory uses shall be on the same lot with the buildings of the owner or lessee, and shall be such as do not alter the character of the premises on which they are located. 2. The housing of employees in Single Residence and Edu- cational Districts on the property of the owner shall he deemed an accessory use. 3. The use of a room or rooms in a dwelling as a professional o/rice or stud/t) or for customary home occupations by a peIson resident in the dwelling may be permitted and a small professional sign of not more than two square feet area may be used but no pubIic display of goods shall be permitted. 4. X~hcrc manufacturin~ of any kind is permitted as an accessory use, it shall he restricted to such light manu- factm-ing as is incidental to a permitted use and where the product is customarily sold on the premises by the producer to the constzmer. 5. In far~',~ area, buildings incidental to a farm re<~uirement, shall be considered as accessory, and on lots of We acres or over, the keeping of riding or drivin~ horses, all subiect to Board of Health regulations. SECTION XII BOARD OF zA. PPEALS Amend. A Board of Appeals of three members to be appointed by the 1940 Board of Selectrr~en is hereby created under provisions of Chap, ter 40 of' the General Laws and any and ali amendment~ and additions thereto, inclt~dln~ Section 30 of Chapter 269 of thc Acts of 1933. Thc Bo[~rd of Selectmen may appoint one or more associate m~:~r'bc~s of the Board of Appeals for terms of such length as shall be dete~mir, ed hy the Board of Selectmen; and in case of a vacancy, inabdity to act or interest on the part c>f a member ol the Board of Appe ls. his piece may be taken by an associate men:her designated by the Board of Selectmen, ail in accord, ante with the prr)v~sions of Chapter 40 of the General Laws as amended f[om time to tree; to assume the duties and powers gfve~ to said Board hereinbefo_,e stated particularly with refer- enee to the foIlox~ing: 15 1. To adapt the requirements of this By-Law to irregular, narrow, or shallow lots or those unusual either in shape or topography, provided that the spirit and intent of this By-Law with regard to open spaces is preserved. 2. To permit a substitution for or an extension or alteration to, an existing building whether conforming or non,con- forming Jn accordance with provisions on use. 3. To grant temporary and conditional permits of [[mited duration for non,conforming uses and buildings incidental to development operations. Amend. 4. (Permit conversion of a one,family or a two,family house 1941 existing at the t/me this By,Law is adopted into a two- fa~nily or apartment house.) % The Board of Appeals may ~rant no variation which would amount to an amendment of thi~ By-Law, all such amend' ,T:en~s to be :~pdc as pro,,ided in Oe~eral Laws, Chapter 413, Sectic~n 30, and addit!ons or amendments thereto. SECTION XIII The Board of ,4, pFeals may ~-mder ~cstricrior~s ',,.'h~ch v~'ill carry our thc provisions o( th~s By,l aw and tend to ?otect and nnprove the ne~ghborlnood issue t~e follc~w5:~ permits: 1 A roadside sta;'d f r the sa]o of tl'e prc~dnce of the land ot the o',~rcrs, and of other I:~d w/thin thc Town, or arqd MI cth'r conditions ~mFo~cd by thc Board of Appeds, are complied with, X, Ar0clc 2 Board shall give not less than seven (7) days' public notice by publication in a newspaper and by mail to the applicant and to the owners of all property deemed by the Board as atfected by such a permit, and shall hold a hearing and render a decision. The applicant shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that the use of the premises for which application is made shall not cons, titute a nuisance because of noise, vibration, smoke, gas, fumes, odor, dust or other objectionable features, and that such use shall not otherwise be injurious to the inhabitants of their property, or dangerous to the public health or safety. When not so satisfied the Board shall ref~Jse a permit. When, it: the opinion of the Board, such a permit may be granted if accompanied by con- d/tions specially designated to safeguard the district and fl~c' Town, it shall impose such conditions and make them a part o~ the decision, and they shall be made a part of the permit issued by the Building Inspector. S~cYqox XIV LOCAl ION O} _A,¥TOMOBILI SERVI/iFS No po~fim ot thc front o:' side lines of a public garage, auto~ mobde repair sho*~. ~reasfn,j station, storage battery service sta- tion, or ~asolina filiin;! staticm, or any oi their appurtenances or accessory ttsc% sbdl hereafter be placed w/Chin 50 feet of any residence disp-ict No such premises shall have any dr/vewa5 emrance or exit f)r motor vehicles within 300 feet of the prop. e(t~ used by any publ{c or private school, 7ublic library church playground or ~stitution tor the a~ed, sick ot dc~:cnden¢, or for childzcn undo: 16 years (1 age. Every filling station in a Bug- /ness District sha]l heJeattc~ be ]r~cated not less than 15 feet /ns/de ;he build/n< 1/ne SkCTIOX XV /'his B,..kaw <hal be t~dmiristcrcd b': thc Building Inspector. ~'~C 5}1111 itppiovc tlr) ~pp]ication Of ar~V k/nd. plans and si>em- fo~miry wifl~ this By-Law. b~lidin<b already npo:n :lxe lot, a:td o1 the buildl-g or structure bc crccmd, together w/t}~ the streets and alleys on and ad, 17 jacent to the lot. A record of such applications and plats shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. $~CTION XVI CONFLICT OF LAWS In general this By-Law is supplementary to other By-Laws af- fecting the use, height, area and location of buildings and strut, tures and the use of premises. Where this By,Law imposes a greater restriction upon the use, height, area and location cf buildings and structures or the use of premises than is imposed by other By-Laws, the provismns of this By-Law shall control. S~mIO× XVII A, PPEALS &nv ?erson ag~!riexed by thc ac~on o~' tl~e Building InspccLor, or bv' a decision of the Botrd of .Sppcals. mW appeal under the provisions o{ Chapter .I0, of thc G, ncra' Ltws, and arncndx.cnts and additions thereto. Slcno'~ XVII] by Law. thc Town at cbc ARTICLE IX BUILDING LAWS TITLE Amend. $~c:7'~o~x- 1. This By-Law shall be known and cited as the Adopted Building Law. 1950 SnclION g. The Board of Selectmen shall, wkhin thirty days aker thc adoption of [his BwLaw and thereafter annually April, appein¢ an IaspccWr of Buildings, who shall hold o~c~ for the term of one yca~ or until suc~ tm~e as h~s successor is ap- pointed. His compensation shall he regulated by the Selectmen unless derermfixcd by a vote oi the to~n ar the annual March meeting preceding his appointm~,rr, He shaii not be financially ~nterested in any contract or in thc lurn/~hing of materials for ar~y buildmg. The Board of Selectmen si]al have power ~o discharge the In- spector for faiiure to perform his duties, and to fill any vacancy m the necessary for the performance of his duties, eater any building or premises wkEin the Cown at ao~ n'asonable hour S~cr~ox 4. He shall keep a record of ail business of the par~mcnt, which r,c>rd and ~11 other books and papers relating the rransacrio~xs of tbe deparr~ent sbai] be open at ail trines to the inspection o[ the Selectmen, and he shall submit to them a yearly report on such bus/ness and such other reports as they may S:C;Tr(I× '. No bcfildin;! s¼al] be constructed, demolished, located, (>r altered except in conformity with the plovisions of this By-L~w, but nothitag in th~s BwLaw shall be construed apply to: ia) B~idgcs, quays, wharves or bc:ild/ngs or land o~vned or occupied by the United S~; tc, s or thc {b) Small wooden b~/hiinqs not to be t~sed for habitable pre- fect m height. 19 APPLICATION SECTION 6, .~. person intending to erect, demolish, relocate, or make akcrations in such building, or his duly authorized agent, shall file w/th thc Inspector of Buildings on blank farms furnished by the said ofScial, a not/ce in writing of his intentions, with plans and speciilsations, or a fall written description of thc structure to be erected, in such form as may be approved by the Inspector The lnspecto~ may also require, in his discretion, a survey of the lot on which any proposed building is to be erected to be filed with the application. Every application shall state th,' name and address of thc owner. Duplicates of ail plans and specifications or written de~,criptions, ~hen approved by the In- spector, shaE bc kept at thc building dur~n,< the progress of thc work, and shall i~e o?¢n to his inspection don or aitc-ation ot any building until hc ~-hall bays carefully m~pecred thc p~ans, spec:f~c~tions and prcmi~ s, and ascertained tha; the buildin~ as proposed v.i] co~o:m to dtis By. Law He and dctq!cd description arc in ConQrnnty w~th this By. Law and tee law< ~f the (Lom~ ,onwcahh Ir sbd! be hi~ dray to app:o~e or relcct any plins or dc~crfpt:ono flied xkh him. ~xithin ten days con:piled ? construction to the regulations of this By,Law. All new mater/als, methods of construction, devices and equip- ment for use in buildings, prefabricated houses and trailers may be approved by the Building Inspector, when they are proved to be equal to the specific requirements of this law; or he may adopt the recommendations arid approvals of the "Abridged B::ilding Code" approved and adopted by Building O~cials Conference of America, Inc., September 16, 1948, and as said Code may be revised and modified in the futt~re. UNSAFP BUILDINGS SECTION 8. The Inspector of Build{lags shall examine e,Jery building or other structure which he has reason to believe unsafe or da::gereus, and if he finds it unsafe or dangerous he shall, in writing, not/fy the owner, agent or any person havin~ an o:nterest there/n, to remove [t or make it safe and secure, and such person shall thereupon i:nmedia[ely remove it or make it safe. APPEAL ~ECTION 9. II1 C~SC thc owner of any building or other struc- ture, or an appllcal~t lo~ a permit, to erect or alter a building o~ other structme, is aggrieved by any ordc~ or decision of the Inspec. tor of Bu~ldi:gs, he rr~ay rite w/dx the ILsp~ctor an object/on in writing, ;~:d dqercupon tl~ matter shal~ be referred to the Select- men who, within one week from said reference, shall hear the pretties, ard after talm~g such expert opm/on as may seem to thc Selectmen to be ncccs<ary, ~;~ve their dec/s/on. ~n case the decision of the lrqspcctor of Buildh~gs be afl~rmed, the expense of such expert opinion raker: bv the Selectmer~ shall be paid :o the tow:: by tl~e owner or :~pp]"c m' urn demand, <)~hcrwise such expense snell be bur:nc b7 thc tov. n. [:<u-cs cotati:uot:s. ;tnd vertically, d ldo'd, ,.ich )coupled and 21 intended, arranged or designed to be occupied as the home or residence of one family or more have a common right in or use in common the halls, stairways, yards, cellars, sinks, toilets or any of them, such dwelNngs are apartment houses. Area& Open spaces adjacent to buildings or the building line for lighting or ventilation. Attic. (See Story Half.) Basement. A lower story partly underground but which, in the average, is at Ieast one half above the average level of the ad. joining ground. 13earing Vv~alh Any wall which can~es any load other than its own weight, Builder Any person employed to build or to execute work building or where no person is so employed, the ewner of the building. Budding, %Voode~. A building of which the external ~all constructed wholly or partly o5 wood. tYood lrames cove~ed me~al shall be deemed to be wood conh uction. CeNar A story having more than o~e half of its height below the curb level, or belew thc average lexc[ of the adjoining groun'J Chi*nnev A~ty permanent or fixed flues or passages buih into any building for convc}mg ay. ay products ot cmtbus~ion {rom degrees f~om ti[her street line shall he treated a> an interior lot. Cit,b LctcI. Thc level ot an c>tab]J>lted curb in the trent of 22 Dmelli~ng-ho~se. A house in which not more than two families dweI1 independently and in which no part is used for bus/ness purposes. Exte'rnal Wail. Every outer wall or vertical enclosure of a building other than a party w'alh Fiat Roof. A roof that pitches not more than four inches to the foot. Footing. That part of any masonry foundations resting direct- ly on the grmmd. Founda'~io.,~. That portion ol wall below the level of the street curb, or where the wall is not on a street below the level of the highest ground next to the wall, and shall include all piers below the curb level or below the floor of the first story. Frmzt m*d Reaz Lots. That boundary line which borders the street is thc front of the lot. In case of a co-ncr lot the nwner may elect by statement on his plans akher street boundary linc as the front. The rear of the lot ~s the side opposite the front. In case of a tria~ygnlar corner lot the rer:r shall be the side not bordering on a street. The depth of a lot is the dimension mcasctred from the front to the extreme rear l~ne o~ the ]oL In t'asc o~ hrc~ular .shaped lots tht ~can dcpih ~ha]] be taken. Ik'i?ht oj ~ t3mldi~zg, qbe vertical distance of the highest pofnt of the too[ above the mcan grade of ~t'e curbs of al~ the str'ct or thc mca~ ~tade of tl, e nature! ground adjoinin~ the build rtc~ ~f the said ~rade of the ~round is not below the ~rade of thc c~wb. o! the 2~rourtd adjoiniug thc wall to tiaa highest po/ar of the wall. a~:y bu/]dh:g o~ pa~t thereof x,h/ch is used as a slcepink,,-placc It,c,aine ~or six ,m' moe pcrsons not members of the family oi auv ['t,ilding {s its ]engdx and the next ~catcst !incar dimen>ion 23 Owner. Includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in com- mon or joint tenant of the whole or part of any building or land. Part{tio'r~ 'vValL .Any interior wall of a building. Party Wall, A wall that separates two or more buildings and is used or adapted for use of more than one building. Public Hall. A hail, corridor or ~assageway not within an apartment. Rel>~i'rs. The recmlstruction or renewal of any existing part of a building or of its fixtures or appurtenances by which the strength or fire risk is not affected or modified and not made for the purpose of conve:ti::g the building in whole or in part to a Shaft. Includes exterior and ~tcrmr shafts whether for lifzht, plevator, dun:bwa~tor, or any other purpose mission of Sp~n~ of Bea,~. Thc di,tmcc ftc>n, center to cente~ of its sup. ports Stair Hall Includes :he stair,, start ~andings and those portia:q* of the Ttmb:ic halls tlTough which it i~ nec ssarv to pa~s tn Star' of a Bt,:Jdi,g it:ti p;nt :,f a building between ~he top of ~c:n :i::c of the Outside stairways, tire escapes, porches, platforms, and other projections shall be considered as part of the building and not part of the yards or courts or unoccupied spaces. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; in the masculine, the feminine and neuter; in the singular, the plural, and in the plural, the singular; %hall" is always mandatory and not directory; occupied or used shall be construed as if followed by the words "or intended, arranged, designed, built, altered, con- verted to, rented, leased, let, hired out, to be used er occupied." When any word designating any Building premises or lot is used, it shall be construed as if folhowed by the words "or any part thereof." The provisions of these By-Laws shall be held to be the mini, mum requirements for the protect/on of the health, welfare, and safety of the community. i~.EAR LOTS S~C:TiON 11. No port/o:: of a building hereafter erected or al, tered for use as a dwelling-house shall be placed nearer the rear let line lhan a distance equal to one,half its height; but in no event shall such distance be ]ess than ten feet. PROXIM£TY ro OTHER BUIIDi~NGS gECTION 12. Nc) pornon of any wooden dwelling,house here- after erected shaI1 be placed at less distance than ten feet from thc side 1/ne of the lot 'ak, on which i~ is to be located or w/thin t~n feet of anofl~er wooden buildin~ except where a brick external wall of a thickness and bnilt in the manner prescribed for external walls of brick buildings is substituted for a wooden walh BASEMENT AND CELLAR ROOMS SECTION 13. In apart!l:otlt llOl. lSeS he, cartel erected no room in the basement or cc:itr sh~ll be constructed, altered, converted, or occupied for livin,g purposes ,~:i :i/ON i4 E',cry pa~tnq:n/ ~'OUSe i-e'-e~'fter erected shall h:ve th,- v.'al:s hdow tlw !,,;outqd level, and the cellar ~oor damp- pr:c>[. 331 cell:rs ::tad basenqczats nn such ~par:::ent houses shall be occupied or arranged for housekeeping independently of the lower stories nor shall any provision be made for cooking nor shall any cooking be done above the second stm~. FOUNDATIONS S~CTIO~q 16. The foundations of all buildings for dwe!lings shall be walls and piers of masonry. All wooden buildings not more than two stories in height, may be built wholly or in part upon piers or posts of masonry or iron. The foundations of all buildings must rest on solid ground or leveled surfaces of solid rock, or on piles, concrete, or other solid substance. Such founda- tions, other than solid rock, must not he exposed less than three feet Below the adjacent surface of the grotmd. Piazzas and porches shall have su{table foundations of stone, brick, iron, or concrete, built on solid bottoms, not less than three feet below, and extending not less than three inches abo'.'e the finished grade. ExcaYatfons for stone foundations shall be n~ade at least six inches beyond the outs/de of foundation walls and shall not bz back-filled until inspected. Foundation walls of stone shall be at least sixteen inches thick. Foundation x'~alls of concrete shall be poured with forms opon both sides and shall be well rammed into place. For houses two stories or more in height the thickness of the foundation walls shall be at least ten inches and for one-story houses the thickness shall be ~t least eight inches. The concrete shall be mixed in the proportion of one part Portland cern:hr, two parts of clean sharp sand, and five parts of broken stone or well-screened gravel by volume. Foundation walls (~f concrete bhJck or brick shal] be at least twelve inches thick for t,:to-st('ry houses and at least eight inches tt~ick for one-story houses. No concrete or other mason work shall be erected during freezing.~ ~EC',TION 17 .Ali foundation walls ar'd t, iers of concrete, con- crete block or brick sha]l haxe footings ar~ least eight inet{es in depth and projecting at least fo~ inches beyond the wall or pier on each s/dc. ~qPARTMENT tiOUSE }:IRE WALLS 18. .4.11 house< a~rans:¢d l~>r the occupancy side by s~de 2~ between each apartment, consisting either of a brick wall, not less than eight inches thick, extending from the cellar bottom to the der side of the roof.boarding, or of a brick, concrete~ or concrete bIock waIi not less than eight inches thick, extending from the ceIlar bottom to the top side of the first floor timbers, and above that to the under side of the roof-boarding two by four.inch stud- ding, with the spaces between fiIled solid w~th bricks and mortar, or other fireproof material, not less than four inches thick, to make a smoke.tight barrier bet.,eon the apartments. WOODEN FRUMP, BUILDII','O$ SECYION 19. All wooden frame buildings shall be built with sills, posts, girts, and plates. All buildh~gs shall be braced in each story and in cross-partitions. No wall or ceiling of any building shall be lathed or otherwise covered until the Inspector has been not~fied i~ writing that the building 5s ready ~or such work, and u:~tfl he has given written cot~sent therefor. The Inspector shall act on such ~otice within forty.eight hours of its receipt, In all wooden buildings not exceeding three stories in height the posts of which exceed twenty-two feet in length, tl~e sills shall be not less than six by six inches, and t~g posts and girts net less d~an four by six ~nches; in all such buildi~:gs the posts of which are tv, enty.two feet or !ess h~ length, the sills shall be not less than four by six inches, laid flatwise, arid the posts a~d girts not less than four by six i~ches; in all wooden bt~ildfnffs the studding of the outside walls shall not be less than two by four inches, set not more than sixteen J-eNos on ce~:tres: in all wooden buildiz~gs the studding i~ ali p~rtitions carrying floor timbers shall i~ot be less than two by fcmr {'~ches, set not more than sixteen {ncl~es on c~.ntres, and resting on girders not less than six by eight inc',nes. Ail vdndo~v studding to be ~ot less than three by four inches. Ledger boards may be t.sed in place of girts in one and one.half story houses or in dv:el]h~gs where the attic floor is be]ow the plates, if dxe spaces b~clc of the led?er boards between studd/n~ shall be filled with ~oists of same size as wall.studs, cut in tight so ~s to prevent a draft in case o; fire. ~KeiAXIMI:M SPANS [-OR ~LOOR JoisTs 20. A~sumcd liw load, 40 pounds per s~a~c foot: !0 po~:nds p.'r s</uare foot. 27 LUMBER SIZE MAX[MUM CLEAR SPAN Nominal Actual Spacing Douglas Fzr West Coast All Other Center to Southern Hemlock, Softwoods Center Yellow Pine, Cypress, Red- (Inches) Western Larch wood, Ta*n~rack 2by6 1~/8 by 5% fl6 9'1" 8'6" 7'9" '~ 12 l 0'0' 9'4' 8'7" 2by8 ly8 by ?i/2 t16 12'1" 11'4" 10'4' '~12 13'3" 12'? 11'4" 3by8 25/8by71/~ {~6 14'0" 13'2" 12'V' '~12 15'4" 14'4" 13'2" 2byl0 1 ~/s by 91/7 ~6 173" 14'4" 13'i' '~ 12 16'8' 15'8" 14'4" 3byl0 27s by 9~/'2 (16 17'8' 16'9" 15'2" ~12 19'3" 18'1" 16'6" zby12 15'~ by 11~,/2 f I6 18'5" 17'5" 15'10" ~ q 2 20'i" 18'10" 17'3" Girders when of ~ood, sound spruce, fir. or ecual, shall be not less than six by eight inches mac!er !':zin partitions. Su:nrners or floor timbers doubled, or their equivalent shall be used under all cross partitmns fn the first floors u[ dI dwellings. Headers and of dwcilin~s ~]ml] be floor joi<s d J>lcd or their equivalenL Beams under carry:ng pa r~tons in thc first t[oors shall be sup, ported on p~crs or cement fi]lcd ~rcm p)s>, thc latzc~ not Ices :hah t"xree mch(s in d~cmctcr, or their cquixalcnt, the same to be rural steel or ha:d p/u: bcat~s a~e used thc sTacmg of the posts be ]ess than two 3,5' c[~ht inches. All cutting of fhxr tbubcrs 1or t~c lassage of p~pes shall be on and A<~h !t ShinCe R<~)f.-. (Raftc:s [;c:d I,>ad 415 !h, per sq ft (Clear span shall mean the distance measured horizontally from plate to a point directIy beneath the ridge. The actnal rafter length will depend on the roof sIope and must be determined accordingIy) ~ FOR ROOF WITH A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 5 TO 1~ LUMBER SIZE MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN Nominal Actual Spacing Douglas Fir West Coast Ali Other Center Southern Hemlock So[tweeds to Yellow Pine, Cypress, Red. Center Western Larch wood, (Inches) Tamarack 2 by 4 15~sx3Y/s [20 '7'3" 6U' 5'6" 4 16 8'1" 7'4" 6'2" [12 9'4" 8'6" 7'2" 2 by 6 i 78x578 ~20 11'4" 10'5" 8'8" 416 12'6" 11'5" 9'6" Il2 14'2' 1,T' 1,'0' [ 12 18'4" 16'7" 14'3" Cell;ir tics for rafters not o"er sixteen feet long must be one inch by six inch and for ~aftc~s over sixteen feet long must be two inches by six inches: in both cases collar ties must be provided for at least alternate rafters. BRICK BUILDINGS, BOND Si~CTION 22. Ail brick walls shall be bui!t w/th proper bond and all intersections (If wal'.s shall be thoroughly bo~ded together with brick or ~iad together with wrought iron straps as often as every eigh~ ~cct in height. Floor beams shall be anchored to brick ~dls on which they ~cst and to cac~ other so ::s to form continu. oti~' nos across the btiildlng at least cve:y ten feet. Ail b:ick for exterior work and strtTctural pic:s shall be hard burned, water ~:rL:ck. or sand strt:ck clay brick. Bi*riCK I~WFI.i lNG'HOt SES, TtqfTCKNESS OF WALLS SIiCTI!)N 23. E>:tern~d walls of brick dwelling-houses, if not 2~ more than twelve feet in height, above the foundation walls, shall be not less than eight inches thick for their entire height; if two stories and not more than twenty,fi,,'e feet in height, they shall not be less than twelve inches thick to the top of the second floor, and not less than eight inches thick for the remaining height; and if three stories and more than twenty,five feet in height, they shall be not !ess than txvelve inches thick to the top of the third floor, and not less than eight inches thick for the remairdtxg height. Masonry veneer shall consist of brick, stone, concrete, or other material approved by the Building Inspector. Masonry '~eneer shall be at least four inches thick; aod shall not be permitted above two stories except fur gables, Such veneer shall rest directly upon a foundation wall or upon reinforced concrete or other approved masonry. It shall be secured to the wail at inter,;als of not more than sixteen inches vertically, and twenty-four inches horizontally. In the cas~ of frame construction it shall be securad to approx'ed sheathing combined with a weather-?~oof lining. Al! metal ties or clamps used for securing masonw x~encer or ashler shaII h~ substantial and of an approved nco,corrodible metal. ~XTERNAL YVALLS OF BUILDIN(;S OTIIER THAN S~C',~iON 24. The external walls of ali brick buildings, other than dwelling,houses, if not more than forty feet in height, above the txx o topmost stories shall be at lza~t tweLxc inches in thickness; for the next two stories, rcckoni~g downward, at 2cast sixteen inches in thickness, ,*nd for all sub~equ nt s~ories an inc~caoe four inches ~72 thickness shall be secured for ead~ tecenty-fivc feet in height. Pro~idcd. however, that ~he ntcd~od known as st~uct def a series of :qcrs. o{ sue! width as thc Inspector may approve, and (f th) rl~ic-:nc~s aboxc prescribed for the ex~ernM ~al]. Said ¢ier> to he ccuuccted b~ tv-tam wa]I< Said curzain an area in 'cxccs~ of eight hu:~dr.'~l sq~ are feet, wfth external walls 3O $~SCT~O~ 25. Party walls and all partition walls of brick, in all buildings other than dwelling-houses with external walls not ex- ceeding forty feet in height, shall be not less than sixteen inches to the top of the second floor, and not less than twetve inches thick for the remaining height, and, in buildings having external walls exceedin~ forty feet in height, said walls shall be not less than twenty inches thick to the top of the second floor, nor less than sixteen inches thick to the top of the third floor, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remain/ag height. DOORWA¥8 S~CT~ON 26. No opening or doorway shall be cut through et formed in a party partition wail of any building without a permit from the l-nspector of Buildings, and e~very such doorway shall be provided with approved automatic cr self<losing fire doors on both sides of the wall. SECTION 27. All brick piers shall be built of the best quality of good, well-burnt, hard brick, laid in cement and sand mortar and well wet wben laid in warm weather. Brick piers under lintels, ?.irders or columns of brick buildings shall have a properly pro, vortioned cap of cast ~ron or steel the full size of the pier. Brick ~icrs and buttresses shall be bonded with through courses, leveled and b dded each course, and where their foundations rest upon plies a sufficient number shall be driven to insure a proper suppore. S~CTIOV 2g. No chimney shall be corbelled from a wail more than the thickness of the wall, nor be hung from a wall less than twelve inches thick. Every chimney shall rest cna proper footi'ng of :~pproved sonry. Concrete fovtings shah be at least fcur inches wider than the chimney on al' sides, and shale be at least eight inches th/ck. A'l chi~nneks sl~dt 1oe bui]t of brick {0r other incombustible iila- tc'r~aT, bid up in th~ bee. t lime or cement mortar. to t]~;' top (f the chin-per, except chin~[teys e~gh: inches or :note th/cl. The end< of such linin~ pnocs shall be made to fit close The ctS,n;d at:ca of every chimney must he at lcas~ equal to Excry chi:nncy shd! }>e topped out or cappt, d v, itn brick, 31 cotta, stone, iron or cement. Every chimney shall extend at least three £eet above the highest point at which it comes in contact with a roof of the buikling and at least two feet higher than any roof surface within ten feet in a horizontal line. No woodwork shall be within one inch of any chimney. If any chimney, flue, or heating apparatus shall, in the opinion of the Inspector, be unsafe, he shall at once notify in writing the owner, who, upon receiving said notice, shall make the same safe to the satisfaction of the Inspector. FIREPLACES AND ~IEAP, TPIS SECTION 29. The jambs and hacks of ail fireplaces shall he of masonry, not less than eight inches thick (including both the rough and finished work) if of brick, and not less than twelve inches, if wholly or partly of stone. Brickwork or stonework over' fireplaces or similar openings shalI be supported by proper iron bars or by brick or stone arches. All portions of chimneys or fireplaces so constructed as to receive a lateral thrust, not taken care of by iron members thor- oughly anchored to the masonry, shalI be at least eight inches th/ck. No fireplace fine shall be tess than 8"x12', and in all cases the area of the flue shall be at least 1/10 the area of the fireplace opening. The interior of al! fireplace throats shall be thoroughly covered with a coat of cement mortar, carried up to a solid connection w/th the fine lining, and every rake in the chimney shall be plastered with a good thick coat of cement nortar on both the cutside and the inside. Al1 hearths si:all be laid on masonry tv:miner arches, or on bars of ~ron supporting a proper bed of masonry or on at reinforced concrete slab and shall cxzend at Iea>t eight inches beyond each side of the finished fireplace opening. They ~ha]l have a uniform width of at least twenty inches in lront of the fin/shed jambs and fireplace. SICTION 30. Ii2 all holdings oth<r than dwelling houses, elexator walls, clothes CtXllti?s. and !i~hr shafts, unless built of brick shall be filled 4n flush between the wooden studs w/th fire- such wells oz shells be lined widt mctel. All wood stud walls and pa-t:t~ons shall be firestopped for the full depth of floor and roof framing at each floor level and bo 32 tween the ceiling of the top story and the roof space. Two inches of material with tight ioints shall be used for such fire stopping. In masonry buildings, the space between the furring on the outside walls, or masonry partitions, shall be filled flush with mortar for a space of five inches in widths above and below the floor beams o{ each story. Where basement or other flights o{ stairs are enclosed by part/, lions of brick or wood, the space between the studs or wail furring shall be so fire,stopped with brick or mortar as to effectually pre- vent any fire from passing up between such studs or furring back of the stair stringers. Ali flights of stairs between two floors shall have a smoke-stop built between the stringers and properly constructed. A space of at least one inch shall be left between all wood,work and the chimneys, also around ail hot,air and steam pipes; these **paces around chimneys and pipes where they pass through the floors shall be stopped with metal or other fireproof matezial, smoke tight. The space around all metal or brick ventilating ducts shall be fire,stopped at each floor with a metal or fireproof material as approved by the Inspecton Where a building is occupied above the first floor for apart- ments or a lodging,house, and the Iower story is occupied for stores and other purposes not connected with the npper floors, the stairways leading to such upper floors shall be enclosed with brick walls or wooden partitions; said partitions shall be covered with metal lath and plaster or other ~reproof material. ELECTRIC WIRING St~CT~ON 31. Ali new electrie wiring and alt alterations or ex- tensions to ex/sting wiring systems in buildings and stroctures shall compIy with the approved rules of the National Electrical Code as published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (The xX~ire Inspector is in charge of permits and supervision under this section.) HEATING S~:6:~/ON 32. Heat producing appliances and systems shall be installed in accordance w/th the "Building Code Standards of the National Board of Fire Underw~iter~ for the !instalLation of Heat Producin;~ App]ia-ces, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, 13Iower, and Exhaust Systens.' 33 PLUMBING S~CTION 33. All plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the regulations of the local Board of Health. LIGHT AND VENTILATION SECTION 34. In every apartment house, dwelling or place where people are employed, hereafter erected, every room shall have at least one window opening directly upon the street or upon the yard, or court, except that kitchenettes, pantries, toilets, and hath,rooms may have such windows opening upon a light,well or may be ventilated by fans, ducts, or Yencilated skylights with the approval of the Building rnspector. All windows shall be so located as to properly light all parts of such rooms, No ligkt-well sha!l be less than three feet ~z its leas[ dimension nor less in area than twelve square feet for one story, and must be increased six square feet in area for each additional story, and the wails of such lighc-weJ1 shall be constructed of incombustible material. SHAFTS AND COURTS SECTION 35. In eYery apartme:~t house 5ereafter erected there shall be, at the bottom of every shaft and court, a door giving suf- ficlent access to such shaft or court co en~tble it to ~e properly cleaned. SEC:rION 36. In ali ~ooms used for residence purposes hereafter erects'd, the total window an'a m each ro()m, including toilets and Bathrooms, shall be at least one,eighth of thc floor area of the room. The above window n'easuremcnts shall be taken between thc stop-beads. P~vacY SECTION ~7, ~n every apartment ~n any apartment house here, akcr erected, accpss to excry livin?ro)m and bedroom attd to at icast one toilet shall be kad without passing through any bed- .fitCCESS TO FLAT ROOFS SEC'nON 39. Every building over two stories high and having a flat roof shall have permanent access to the roof, from the inside of the building, through an opening at least two feet by three feet, with fixed step.ladder or stair. Such opening shall have direct access from a public corridor or a stair halt and shall be fastened in such a manner so that it may be opened from the in, side without a key. PENT HOUSES S~;cnoN 40. No pent houses shall be constructed on any build- ~ng above the highest level permitted for the roof, except over stairs, tanks, elevators and elevator machinery, and such houses shall be no larger than is necessary to serve properly their purpose, and as approved. PARAPETS SECTION 41. No part of any parapet on a roof shall be more than six feet above the highest level permitted for the roof. SECTION 42. Ail skylights on roofs of buildings other than d~velling houses shall be metal and wire glass, and shall not be at any point higher than six feet above the highest level permitted for the roof except with special approval. BAYS, BALCONIgS, PORCttE$, ~ORNICES~ AND OTHER PROJECTIONS StC~iON 43. No parts of a building other than those mentioned in this division, shall project over any street, square or public way. Cortices may project a distance equal to one.txventieth et the width of the pubJc way; provided, however, that in no case shall they tn any part proiect rnore thlm three feet. 5Vindow caps and sills, string courses and other projections may project one-quarter of thc projection allowed for a co~nice of the wa]2 on whic~ they occur. Gutter !cadets and conductor= shall eot project more than S/jns and n~-.u~ses shMI he allowed, if approved by the IMa:'d of Selcctnxen 44. Nc> roof shall be so arranged as to discharge water, upm a public way or adjoining property. 35 EXCEPTIONS SECTION 45. Temporary buildings may be erected for the use of builders witlxin the limits of the lots whereon buildings are in course of erection, or on adjoining vacant lots, and other tempo, rary structures including platforms, stands, election booths, and tents may be erected upon permits issued by the Inspector and may be maintained for the period of t/me stated in the permit. No observation stand shall be constructed or maintained except in accordance with plans approved by the Inspector. BILLBOARDS SeCTiOn- 46. No billboards or signboards shall be erected or placed upon any building or structure or the roof thereof or upon the grotmd, unless the same be safely supported and securely fastened thereto. ROOFING M^TERI^LS SEeTrON 47. The roof of every bmlding hereafter erected or recovered in whole or in part and the top of every wood cornice, the top of every dormer window and ever3' other proiection from such roof, shall be covered with fire-rcs/sting mater/al. Fire-res/sting material specified abe,'e, shall include s]ate, tile, asbestos, cement, tar and gravel, plastic slate, copper, tin, heaxy asphalt-felt shingles of which the expnsed surface is composed of slate chips or gravel, and such other incombustible material as may be approved in ~vritin~ by the Ir~spector of Buildiz~gs. The Inspector of Buildings may permit the use of wood shingles for repairing roofs already uood shingled, and upon pi/cat/on, in special cases, may permit wood shingles for new construction or remodelling. ENFORCEMENT SFCTrON 48. The Chief roi Pobcc upon application of the In- spector of Buildings shall cause complaint to be made before the proper court for any violation of any prevision of this By,Law. The Board of Selectmen upon the app'ication of the Inspector of Buildings may ~nstitute proceedings to enfc~rce this By-Law and to en:oin the erection, continuance or occupation of any building in violation of the provisions o£ this By. Law. PENALTY SECTION 49. Whoever violates any provision of this By,Law shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense to be paid into the treasury of the Town of Andover. ARTICLE X SECTION 1. These By,Laws may be amended at any Annual Town Meeting; an article or articles for that purpose having been inserted in the warrant for such meetings. SEeTIO~ 2. These By, Laws sba11 take effect on their approYal and publication as required by law, a~d all By,Laws heretofore adopted by the town are hereby repealed on the date of such approval and publication. A true copy, Attest: GEORGE H. WINSLOW. Town Clefk. The £oregoi~g By-Laws are approved by the Attorney-General as required by law. Revised 1950 Attest: GEORGE H. WINSLOW, Town Clerk. TOWN PRINTING COMPANY 4 PARK STREET ANDOVER~ MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS BY-LAWS 1950 BY-LAWS ARTICLE I S~c~oN I. The annual town meeting for the election of town officers, and for other purposes, shall be held on the first Monday of March. SECTION- 2. The warrants for ail town meetings shall be directed to either of the Constables of the town, and notice of all meetings shall be given hy postin~ attested copies of the warrant on the Town House, and on si{ch other public places as the Selectraen may designate, and 10y publication in at Ieast one newspaper of general circulation within the town, seven days at least before the day of meeting. ARTICLE 1I S~CTDN ~. The Selectmen have £ull authority as agents of the town, to institute and ~rosecute suits in the name o£ the town, and ~o app~.ar and dc)end suits brought against it, unless k is o~herwdse specially ordered by a vote of the town. They ntay, ~ith the advice of counsel, settle by compromise suits or claims where the settlement shall not call for paymen~ of more tharq One Thousand Dollars. SECTION 2. Whenever k shall be necessa~ to execute any deed, or any o:hcr insrr[imcnt required to carry into effect any vote o~ thc To~n, thc s:tme shall be execrated by the Selectmen, or a ~r~a~o~i[y of them, in the name and behalf of the Town, less the Towp~ shall otherwise vote in any special case. SECTION 3. Tl~e Sdccn:~c~ shall ammalh:~ a~ Ieas~ four days ]qefore the a~mual meeting, cause to be d/s~rihuted among the ttxoayers of the town. a detailed report, in print, of all money received into a~qd paid ou~ of the town treasury durng the :~oxcd by cbc Accotmtant before k is printed. They shall also publish in said p~irxcd reDort, sud~ infor~nation and recommcn. d~ti,~s as they r~ay decin proper ai~d such {~lrthcr information ~{r!c~., al/ to ;~e ?rcsc::tcd i:~ such fo~m and detail as mended by thc Finance Comrqittee. The ,'eports of the Treasurer aad (h>llcctot. a:~d ak:ch o[her town departments as may be approved by the Finance Committee shall be printed annually in the above report. ARTICLE SECTION 1. The fiscal year of the town shall be from January I to December 31. ARTICLE IV SECTION 1. NO person shall sager horses, grazing beasts, or swine, to run at large or feed by the roadside. SECTION 2 No pmson shall behave in an indecent or dis' orderly manner, or use profane, ir~decent, or insulting language, in any punic piece, or on any sidewall-: or street in the town. SECTION 3. No uerson shall by any noise, or other means wantonly or designedly frighten any horse in any street or other public place in the town. SECT]ON 4. NO person s'.qal continue to stand or remain alone or w~th others near, on any sidewalk or in any public place. in such manner ag to ob<ruer a free passage for wave]lets there, o;~. or loiter on any ~idcwalk or street after having been quested by ~ Constable or Police OGccr to move on. SECTION 5. NO person shall put, [,]ace, or pile wood lumber, stones, or other nT~terfaL, within the 15nits of any public street or way w/thin thc town, withou[ written permission of the Select. men. ~zCt'rOX 6. ~o person sh:d/ sprinkle, scatter, or put upon any side,,~alk, croqsmg, or street, or tlpon the rails, ~witchcs, or other appliances of ;t street raj]way in any >erect, any salt or mixture of salt, except in accordance with a permit from the Selectmen. Suction 7. No pe~bon shall ~nake any bonfire or other 5re. or kick $r)otha!t. ot pay ar any game ~q wE/ch a bail is used, ~'~ silos, m any public street or way in the town. like vehicle in or upon any public sidewalk or street or way in the town except at such times, and in such places as may {rom time to time be designated by the Selectmen. $~CTION ~-0. The Selectmeu may grant a written license to any person to occupy or obstruct a sidewalk for a limited time for fl~e more convenient erection, alteration, or repair of a building, and they shall require the person to whom such license is given to furnish a satisfactory bond to the Town to hold it harmless from all claims for loss or damage ar/sing from such occupancy or obstruction. Whenever any sidewalk becomes obstructed under such llccnse, the person doin~ the work or causing the same to be done shall place a good and convenient temporary walk around such obstructions when urdered to do so by the Selectmen or other o~ticials having cha~ge o[ the public streets. S~CT~ON Ii. NO person shall he allowed to throw posters, handbills, ~yers ~dvertising sheets, waste or rubbish in thc public SntrtoN 12. The S.l¢ctmen may, as provided by Section 29 of Chapter 102 of the Revised Laws of Massachusetts as amended by Sectio:~ 'tS of Chapter 291 of the General Acts o~: 1918, license suitable per~ons t¢ be collectors of, dealers in, or keepers of shops for the purchase, sale, or barter o~ junk, old metals or secon&hand a~ticles. ARTICLE V FrNANCE COMMITTEE SECTION ~. All erticlcs in any warra.'~t involving tee expendi, t~/re, appropriation, raising and borrowing of money, including all necessary current expenses and a]~ special appropriations any sort whatsoe~er shall be referred to and considered by a "Fina~ce Committee." This cc)mm~tree s}~a]] be constituted as Yollows: Seven votc~'s to be appoiutcd by the Moderator upon the first day uf thc ~nnual town n:cctfl~, mine of whom shall hold any tow: ~>~ficc. This com~nlttcc shall have pm¥c~ to fill vacancies th[t occtn ~n t[xe~r nu:uo~ r during their term oz ogee and shall ::t':-~tf ~tc tl~e cost of maintenance of thc different departments *f ~h: town, ;md theV shall recommend in detail thc amounts be appropti~[ed ~or each dcpa~t~cnt for thc ensuing year. Sgcrlo~ 3. The Committee shall have authority to summon before it, for such information and investigation as it shall deem necessary, any of the town officials, and shall have authority to examine books and papers held by such officials, if such exam, ination shall be considered by it necessary to the proper dis, charge of its duties. S~c"rtoN 4. No town department shall perform service for another town department unless a regular charge is made for the same, and all questions as to rights or responsibilities affecting the adjustment of any differences between different dep~ztments of the town, in which the expenditure of money ~s invoDed, shall be rc£erred to the Fine. nee Committee, whose decision shall be final. ARTICLE VI S~c:',.~o>,- 1. ~All owners a~d driver~ of public conveyances of all kinds that may be used for public hire or for carrying express and hag<age' within the limits of the town shall be licensed by the Selectmen, under such conditions as they may determine. S~!C;TION 2. Every ¥ioIation of any o{ the foregoing By. La~x's shall be punished by a line of not more than twenty dollars. ARTICLE VII ]~I.ANNIN G ~OARD S:~C?IO",' 1. A board of five members is hereby created and established, to bc known as the Planning Board. At the annual town meeting to be be!d in the month of March, 1926, there shall he elected olqe member to serve for one year, one meruher to ser~c for two v~ars~ one ine:nber to serve ~or three years, one yea:s, and tbcreaftcr there ~hal] 10c elected at the arqr, ual meeting ~n each year one member of such board to serve for ~he term of five years. S=C:TiLSN- ~. ~;aC'~CiCS occurr::~Z m the board shall be ~/Icd as p~o~dcd i~ Goner:! Laws (hhzptcr 41. Section lt. ments, zoning, playgrounds and parks and sites for permanent school plants. The board shall meet at regular intervals. It may hold public meetings. It shall at all times have access to public documents or information in the possession of any town official or department. It shall examine the plans for the exterior of any public building, monument or similar feature, and for the development and treatment of the grounds about the same Before the adoption thereof, and may make such recommendations there, on as it may deem needful. It may provide for public lectures and other educational work in connection w/th its recommenda, tions. It may incur expenses necessary to the carrying on of its work within the amount of its annual appropriations. (Amended Chapter 21I Acts of I936). SECTION 4. Ali plans for laying out, extending, discontinuing or changing the limits of any way, street, public park or square, ant] every purchase of land l-or the site Our~ any public buiJding, and all plans for the location, erection ' a1~eration of pubIic buldings, shall be submitted to said board for its opinion at least two weeks in advance of action by the Board of Selectmen'. SECTION 5. $k:ch board shall make a report to the town an. nually, giving information regarding the conditions of the town and any plans or proposals for the deveIopment of the town and estimates of the cost thereof. Such report shall be sent to the selectmen not 1;~te~ than such time irt January in each year as the s¢lectr~cn may p~cscribe or as may be prescribed by law m force rclatixe t{> reports, ar:d a copy thereof shall be flied with the Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare. ARTICLE VIII Zoning By-Law SECTION I By virtue of and putstiant to thc provisions of General Laws, Chapter 40 and 1~3, sections 29,33 of Chapter 93, ai~d Chapter 269 of the ~rcts of 1933 and any and all amendments and addi- tigris to all of said Chapters: the ese construction, repair, alte:a, tio~:, hei,zht, location and arco of b~ildir-,gs and strt~ctures and the usc o[ p~c~ises ~n thc To'::r. of .knd~',"r ;~c [tercby renu!areal as berth: p~orfdcd in order to pt-o,~qo~c [hr i:calth, stfety, conven- Sacz~o~ III USE REGULATIONS For the purpose of this By,Law, the Town o£ Andover is hereby divided into five types of Districts designated as follows: 1. Single Residence Districts. 2. Educational Districts. Amend, 2.a. It was voted to amend the Zoning By-Law by designating 1947 as an educational district the ~'o large parce/s of land boundrd and described as follows: 2.b. (Is[ Parcel. North ~Vestedy corner of Haverhill and High Street, 230' on High Street and 907.16 feet on Haverhill Street.) l.c Second Parcel (Southerly side of Haverhill Street 1073.42~ to Andover~North Annoyer Line.) 3. Bns;ness D~stricts. ~mcnd 3a. (Voted to amend ~hc Zonin~ By-laws extending northery ~' 1941 ' the busirmss district orr thc easterly side of North Main , Street a distant: of 271 iect.) kmend. 3.b (It was x'oted t{~ amend the Zoning By. Law by designating 1950 as a Business I)fstrfct the area on the northerly side of Essex St:cc~ between ~ailroad Street on the ca~t, the Shawshecn River on the west a~d bounded on the nor[h by thc Iudustrial Distr~ct two hundred (200) feet north of Essex Street.) 4. Industria~ Districts. 5. A~r/cultnrai Districts. The bound r ~?s of lout districts are shown on a map entitled "Zoning Ma? ,z,f thc iow:: of Andover, Mass. Dated Jan. 27, 1936," sJ~zncd bp' the Planning Board, and on file with thc Town /Ih:ri,: arid sa4d map and all cxp2anatory rn~.ttcr thereon are here. hv made a par~ of this Bv-La~v ,~r~ct~ltural Districts will be The bou,-d~zzies betv, c~n the dlstEcts arc, unless otberwise ~n. d~c;red, d2c cc;ntcr ]ins ~f stree[s, axcnuc~ or railroad rights-of, thc boundrrv 1/ne. thc It>cat/on'of stlch a linc shall be determined by tI~e inspector of Amend. 6. 1948 Multiple Residence District. (Explanation) Voted tu amend the "Zoning Map of the Town of AndoYer, Massachusetts, dated January 2.7, 1936" as signed by the Planning Board and on file with the Town Clerk to denominate the following area as a "Multiple Residence District: (A certain parcel of land in Andover with 413.90 {eet frontage on the Westerly side of Morton Street, being a distance of 120 feet southerly from Rogers Brook.) SECTION ~[V In Single Residence Districts, except as herein otherwise pro, vided, no new building or s'aucture and no alteration, enlarge, ment or extension of an existini~ building or structure shall be designed, ~:r,tngcd or co:.~tructed, asd no land, buildio~, ture, or part, thereof shall be used, except for one or mo:e of the followin~ pm pose=: 1. One family detacbcd houses or doub]e houses to conform to nc~zhSoring residences. 2 Thc taking of boarders, or thc leasing of rooms by a fapnly rcsi:lfnt! on the p~cnuscs, but not permissible 3 B<ardin~ and lodgin~ ho~se% ~nd hotels. Sub:eot to per, n,~t h¥ Board of Appeal~ ~s l'r<~x'ided in S~(:T~ON XIII, Article 3. 4. Churcbe~, schools, public buildings, public libraries, public and :urports with cs,cntia[ acc~,~orics Subject to permit hy Board of AlpCd~ as proxidcd m S:CTrON XllI, Article 3. garage aud that the design of the building is approved by the Planning Board in writing after being assured of its architectural harmony ~'ith the surrounding district. 9. Real estate signs, of not over six square feet Jn area advertising the sale or rental of only the premises which they are located; lodging, boa=ding houses and touris~ signs of not over 2 sq. {t. and signs or bulletin hoards of not over i0 sq. ft. accessory to uses specified in Pat's. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this Sec., and placed as Planning Board may direct, and i:ot inconsistent with Sec. 29.33 inclusive, of Chap. 93 of the General Laws, or with rules Li!d regulations of the Division of Highways. 10. Railroad passenge~ stations or rights-of-way including ct:sto'.nary accessory serwces therein; not inc]ndmg switch.- rog, sto~agc or freight yards or sidings. ll. Such acossor¥ purposes as are customarily incident to the fore~ro[ng purposes, ap.d arc not in{urious to a neigh- borhood'as a place o£ residence. Sub/e~t to provisions of SECTION XI Amend. 1948 S~c~'~o'~- IV,A. Mt!If: IPIE RISIDENCE DISTRICTS In multiple Residence Districts no building or structure shall be more tixan 2~5 stories in height and no building or structure shall be so at'tanged or designed to be used in any part except: l~or ()ne or mote Gl thc [o'dov:ing p~rposes: l. A~:y use pcru~itted in Single Residence Districts 2 Two or :nL, re ~[~tached houses or an apartment building. 3 Such accessory uses, including recreational buildi~gs, and heatft>~ phmts, is a~e c/ist:)msry in connection w/th ~he uses !~ gd:tcatkm~i Dis~uct> ~o b~iilding o~' st ucture shall be so 1. A~y use permitted in Single Rgsidence Districts. 2, Private school, college, academy, institute, or other use of au cducatfonal character. 3. Recreational buildings, amusernent buildings, institution powcr and heating plants. 4. Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the uses enumerated in clauses 1. 2, and 3. 13USIN ESS DISTF, ICTS Any use permitted in a Single Residence or Educational District 2. Apartment or tenement houses and hotels, subj'ect to other bydaws. 3. Braking houses or ofSce buildi~n~s, z Retail stores, and shops tot custom work or the making of articles to be s<)d lc[ rot.El tJn the pren'ises Subject to ?FOViSiODS (f SEC'lION XI, ~rticle 4 5. Places of amusement cr assembly. 6. Restaurants and other places for serving lood. 7 Gaso!me filIing stanons and oi! stations, garage repair shops, sales rooms for motor x'hiclcs and stables Subject to pro,,bions ol SFtT[ON X~V a[xd perrnit by Board nf AppcaI>. 8. Any build{rig u~ed for co2m~crc~al or business purposes i:'cb2dfn~ thtt of a b.w*'e, c, tcrcr, clothes cleaner and {]orisL fu:ricr, bdr dresser. },:md laundry, manicuris5. S~CTmN VII INDUSTXlAL DISTRICTS 1. Any use permitted in Single Residence, Educational or Business Districts. 2. Lumber, fuel, feed, and ice establishments, a~d contractors yards. 3. Railread yards, sheds, and roundhouses: but nor ~ncluding repair shop except as accessory to said ~ses. 4. :~n7 industry or manufacmrin~ which will not be seriously detrimental t~r oJcn~ve to adjoining districts or tend to reduce p.operty xalues in s~id district or adfolning dis- tricts by =eason of dust, odor', fumes, smoke, ~as, wastes, refuse matter, noise or excessive 5dbration or danger of explosio- or fire: and sub:eot :oa penmt f~om the Board ~f Appeals as provided under S~CrlOX XIII, Article 4. S~C*iON VII.A AGRICI 7LT[TRAL DISTRICI'S No building or structor¢ shall be so arranged, or designed to be used in any part, except for one o, more of the following put- poses: ]. 2. 3. 4. Any t~sc ycrtnitred in Smgh Residence Districts. Residznct'. Barns Stabes, Poultry or Pig Shelters, or any building used as :tn accessory to the conducting of a farm. Roadside s~and perm/ts sba]i be granted for d~e sale of fa:m produc raised on [hc land or in the neighboring t)v::,, Stands :utist be set back from street line 30 feet. M;m~JacR;~im~ o~ Cider'~ Vh~eSr. Dairy Products. Po~d, R-',ad <bops for ctlstom work to be produced and sold at ret;g] on tnt premises. sBop:, upon th: gr:mting el a pc:mit by the Board of A:~pc:~ls, vher~. :be Bo~rd believes thai public c~mvenience u:d uc ess/tx dc~rand {t Suhjcct to conditions ]aid down by tl~c Bo~rd. !1 7. The removal of loam to be permitted to one,half (1/2) of /ts depth only. B. The Board o{ Appeals may grant a permit for a retail store, where the Board is convinced that public necessity and convenience demand. 9. Overnight camps not allowed. 10. The removal of sand, gravel or quarried stone frmn land bordering on or within 250 feet of Dascomb Road, Lowell Street, or River Road, shall not be perrnitted, except by permit of Board of Appeals. 11. Signs as regulated by Town and State Law. SEC'nON VIII 1 b~ Srngle Reside*qce ~nd Educat~r:a~ Districts, the limit of height of buildings s}n:dl %0 txvew and one.half (2~5) stones, not to exceed tl~irth.fise (35} feet i:: any par[ measured ;~bove th:: try of the foundatio::: except, that municipal and ~chooI bcdlding=, dorrnitorie~ and hotels, where per. nTit~cd in said d~st~icts may be three (3) stories m height not to exceed forty fee~, and fu-ther excepting farm area, which are not Hm~ted Jn height. 1. I~t B~{si~sss Df~e.'icts. the Ii~.dt of height of bt~iJdin~s sha!I be t~t*'cc (3) sto~ cs. not to cx~ed forty (zO) feet. n~castire~ ~tbovc ttxe top of thc four,clarion shall b" (o:r {4) <tor~cs not r~ exceed s~xty (60) Jcec d,.x,.lln~ ~httll rt,)t cxcc:~d ti:,c (3) ~tmfcs in height An:end. 1. 1938 1940 An:cud. 4. S~de 1940 Size of Lots. Land subdivided after the adoption of this By,Law shall provide for lot frontages of not less than ?5 feet and for lot areas of not less than 8500 square feet, provided, however, that the Board of Appeals n{ay permit land to he subdivided with lot frontages of less than seventy- five (75) feet and for lot areas of less than eighty-five hundred (8500) square feet if two or more dweIlings were located on an ex/sting 1or at the time this By-Law is adopted or if land is being subdivided for summer camp lots on or near the shores of a river, pond or lake. Existing Lots of Record. Lots duly recorded and/or shown on plans filed at the Registry of Deeds a~ the t/me this By. Law is adopted may be used provided that the yard requirements as set forth below are fulfilled. Fro~ Tards. (a) No bu~Idin~ or structure or altcraCioa or addition thereto shall extend within thi~y fee[ of the street line toward which it faces, e-:cept that open porches, small hays, and eaves be exempt from the above pro- visions: b::t in no case shall such projections extend w~d~in twenty feet of said street line. (b) O: corner lots the above pr~vfsions shall apply only to one side of the building or structure, and the oflmr side sh4II not extend w/thin twenty feet o( the street line and no strncttre, fence, tree or shrub, shall ob. struct thc tragic ¥isibility around the corner (c) Excerptions' Where there arc other existing buildings w/thin 200 leer on each side of the ]or in ~uestion and -'ithin thc stme block and district, the s~ructure rt~ay c:crend as near the street Erin as the average aE,~r,~ncnt of said exfsnng adjacent principal build- /rigs. exc, pt t:iat where such bui:dings are more than 30 feet fronq said ~treet line a new building shall ::([ :xtcn:i ~warcr smd line than the average setbacks of such cx~stin2z buddings. 3~r~ds Ac ,'ach side of evcrv dwelhng there shall be ~ side yle-d not less than 15 feet' in clear width, bet,~*cen the s/dr: of thc 5oust and thc side lot line, except in spcciiic c:~scs when existing ]o;s a~e less than the mini, t:~n:~ width ptcsL:]bud in this Ev. Lazv, In st:chcases a tn:oecd b'., thc [:oa:'d al Appeals. O:: corner lots no part of any b.:ild/n:! shall extend within twenty feet of the street line. 13 Amend. 5. Rear Yards. 1940 Behind every dwelling there shall be pro. vided a back yard between the rear line of the house and the rear lot line, not less than thirty feet in depth. A rear yard may contain accessory buildings not oYer one and one-half stories high and covering net over thirty percent of its area, provided, however, that on corner lots no buildings shall extend nearer than twenty (20) feet to the street line. 6, Tards For Non. Residential BuiIdings. Any use, not resi- dential or accessory, permitted in a Single Residence or Edt~cational District, shall observe ~]1 provisions of this By,Law in regard to depth and width of yards as applied to dwellings. GENERAL PROVISIONS v, hich at t!~c ti~ ¢ of .}w' adopt/or of tbz Andovcr Zoning '~v,[,aw was and :till ~. behzg put to a non,coztformmg ,: st'ucvural'c :* :c, 1-{~t. n. such bui}dmg i{ 3csu'~yed tr thc c'xtcr:~ ~/ 100% o{ ~ts assessed value shall bc re. 14 SECTION ACCESSORY USES 1. Accessory uses shall be on the same lot with the buildings of the owner or lessee, and shall be such as do not alter the character cf the premises on which they are located. 2 The housing of employees in Single Residence and cational D~str~cts on the property of the owner shall be deemed an accessory use. 3. Th~ use cf a room or rooms in a dwelling as a professional off, ce or studio or for customary home occupatfons by person reMdcn~ in thc dwellin~ may be permitted and a smaff pro{essiona[ sign o( not more than two square feet area may be used: hut no public display of goods shall be permitted. 4. Where manufacturing c~f any kind is permitted as an acc~'ssory use. i~ shall be restmcted to such light manu- facturing as is /nc/dental to a permitted use and where the product is customarily sold on the premises by the producer to the consumer. ~. I~ farm area. buildings incidental to a [arm requirement, shall be considered as accessory, and on lots of five acres o: oscr, the keeping of ~idhxg or driving horses, all sub,eot to Board of Health regulations. S~C~tON Xlr BOARD OF APPEALS Anlclld. ~5 Board o~ ~ippea]s of three :nCirlhcrs to be appointed by the 1940 Board of Selectmen is h:rebv created under provisior-s of Chap- ter 40 of the Ge[~cral Law~ and any and ail amendments and additions thereto, iacludin~ Sectior 30 o{ Chapter 269 of thc Acts of ~933. ln~:~}~cr-s of the Board of Ap~ca~s [or terms of such length as shall he d tcrIni~]cd hv the Board of Scle:ctmen: and in case a xacancy, inabiJty to act o,' /mtezcst on thc part of a member of thc Bo:rd of Appeals, his place may he taken by an associate m~:~bc[ dcs~nared By the Board of Selectmen. ail m accord. ~!vcn ro sa~d Board hcr,:/nbefo~c stated particularly w/th refer- c~cc to the 15 1. To adapt the requirements of this By-Law to irregular, narrow, or sba!Iow lots or those unusual either in shape or topography, provided that the spirit and intent of this By-Law with regard to open spaces is preserved. 2. 7'0 permit a substitution for or an extension or alteration to an existing building whether conforming or non-con- forming in accordance with provisions on use, 3. To grant temporary and conditional permits of limited duration for non-conforming uses and buildings incidental to development operations. I Amend. 4. (Permit conversion of a one-family or a two,family house 1941 existing at the t/me this By-Law is adopted into a two, family or apartment house.) 5. The Board of Appeals may grant no variation which would amount to an amendment of this By-Law, all such amend, nents to he m~de a~ provided in General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 30, and additions o: amendments thereto. S~CTrON XIII PERMITS OF BOARD Of ?kPIaEALS REQUIRED The Board of Appeals may under restrictions which wdl ca~ry out thc p~ovis~ons of d~b By-Law and :end to F~otect and ~mprove the neighborhood ibue tw f(;llo,,v n~ permits: 1. A ~oadsidc >rand lot the sale of the p~oduce of the lard of the owrTers, and ~f other land ~xkhin thc Toxxn~ or ad- ;md all other c<~oditions imFoscd by the B~)ard of Appeals, arc complied with, X, A r4c]c 2 Board shall give not less than seven (7) days' public notice by publication in a newspaper and by mail to the applicant and to the owners of ail property deemed by the Board as affected by such a permit, and 'shall hold a bearing and render a decision. The applicant shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that the use of the premises for which application is made shall not cons- titute a nuisance because of noise, ~ibration, smoke, gas, fumes, odor, dust or other objectionable features, and that stlch use shall not otherveise be injurious to the inhabitants of their property, or dangerous to the public hcalth or safety. XL'hen not so satisfied the Board shall refuse a permit. When, in the opinion of the Board. such a permit may be granted if accompanied by con. ditions spec/ally desi~rnated to safeguard the d~strict and the Town, it sha!l impose such conditions and make them a part of the dec/sion, and the,,, shall be made a part of the permit issued by the Building Inspector. SECTION X]LV LOCATION OF AUTOMOBILE SERVICES No port/of of the front or side linc-s of a public garage, auto- mobile repair shop. greasing stat/on, storage battery service sta- tion, or gasoline filling station, ~r any of their appurtenances or accessmy uses, shMI hereafter be placed within 50 feet of any residence dist,/ct. No such premises sha!I haYe any drivewa.(' entrance or t'xit for mo[or veb, ic]es within 300 feet of the prop- erty used by any public or pr{rate school, public 1/braty, church, play,round or restitution for the a~ed, sick or dependent, or for children under 16 years of ag,z. Every filling station in a Bus. ~ness District shall hereafter be located not less than 15 feet inside the b~nld/n~ lint,. SrCTION XV ~N FORCEMEN'T This Jiy-[,!w shall bt' ad:nfnistercd by thc Bt:ilding Inspector. ![~: ~h:t]] approve no application of a/~v k/nd, plans and spcci- fic;ttlons and intended ~.sc, which are no~ fn al] respects in con. infinity w/th this By-Law. 'xppic<tio:~s f(~ buiding pc:mits shalI be accotnpani~d by F!yt )f thc lot i:x d~,piicat,, dra<m to s:ale, shoJ~n< tee actttaI bt:/]din<s already upon the lot. and of the building or structure to bc cicctcd, t~gcthc'r w/th the strccls it:id alleys on and 17 iacent to the lot. A record o{ such applications and plats shall be kept en file in the off'ce o{ the Building Inspector. SECTION XVI CONFLICT OF LAWS In general this By. Law is supplementary to other By-Laws af- fecting the use, height, area and location of buildings and struc- tures and the use o{ premises, kVbcr¢ t~is By. Law imposes a greater restriction upon the usc, height, area and location o~ buildings and structures or the use of premises than is imposed by other By-Laws, the previsions of th~s By-Law shall control. SECTION XVII ,~PPE%L$ ,A_ny person aggrieved by tee action cf tine BL ding Inspector, o~ bva clecisior', of the Board of App~s, may appeal t:nder the provi~ions~ of Cl:apter 40. of the General Laws, and amendments and additions theicto. Si,(:: ~>: XVIII This By-Law may be amended from time to time as provided by Law. S~:' ilox The i:-,,-Tdiditv of any s~,cr~c>:~ or pro'c'-~>r~ o{ this By. Law not i~va~kiatc a~v other scc~k,n or p~oxis:,m thereof. Si Ct]ON XX ann~:! mc :~::z : N]a:d~ o} 1917 ]~c:-},} :cpcaled. '.:, t C ~ Ii;, .x ARTICLE '~X BUILDING LAWS TITLE Amend. S~crtoN 1. This By,Law shall be known and cited as the Adopted Building Law, 1950 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS SEC'~ION 2. The Board of Selectmen shall, within thirty days after the adoption of this BwLaw and thereafter ammally in April, appoint an Inspector of 13uildings, who shall hold office for the term of one year or until such t/me as his stlccessor is ap, pointed. His compensation shall be refzulated by the Selectmen unless determined by a vote of the town at the annual March meeting preceding his appointment. He shall not be financially interested in any contract or in the lurnishing of materials for any building. The Board of Selectmen she1! have power to discharge the In- spector for fai!u~e to perform his duties, and to fill any vacancy in the once. SECI'ION 3. The Inspector of Buildings may, so far as is necessary for the perfmmance of his duties, enter any building or premises within the town at any reasonable hour. SECTION 4. He shall keep a record of ali business of the de- partment, which record and all other books and papers relating to the transactions of rbe deparntTcnt shall be open at ail times to m~peonon o~ th~ SeI~ctmon, and be shall submit to them a yearly nport on such business and such other reports as they may B(HLI)INGS Y~.F ~' EGTED S/;CTI/O× ? Nc) build/nj., shalJ be }t:catcd, or altered except m conformity with the provisions of ~hi~ b?Lav:, but nothi:~g ir, this By-Law ~hall be construed to apply to: (a) BEdges, quays~ wharves or buildmgs or land owned or )coupled by the Umt:d Sateb or thc Commonwealth. (b) Small wooden bnfId~::gs not to he tised for habitable pur- p,),,c~, znd rxo~ more than eight feet in length or breadtk and seven 19 APPLICATION S~CTIOX 6. A person intending to erect, demolish, relocate, or make alterations in such building, or his duly authorized agent, shall file with the Inspector of Buildings on blank forms furnished by the said official, a notice ia writing of his intentions, with plans and specifications, or a full written description of the structure to be erected, in such form as may be approved by the Inspector. The Inspector may also require, in his discretion, a survey of the lot on which any proposed building is to be erected to be filed with the application. Every application shall state thc name and address of the owner. Duplicates of all plans and specificatmns or written descriptions, whet. approved by the In- spector, shall be kept at the building during the progress of thc work, and shall be open to his inspechon. SECTION T. The In<pector S~a]! not ,4ixe a perImt fo~ the erec- tion or altprat!on of any buildin< ontll ha shall have carefully insoccted the plans, spec~ficanons and premises, and ascertained the} the b~llldins~ as proposed win corm.m to t~is By-Law He shall grant perm)ts for such crec:imL or altcratiom wbe~ the plans a~d detailed description are i:: conformity with this BpLaw and No wodc sh;dl bc com:nen~ed until a pc:mit iS issu,'d He shall, as often as practicable, respect all bui!din~s in the cour*e of con. i~ the Iin>pcct)'. {]nds that tho term~ (J a pc:mqt ale being x:o, pc;mit vas is}ned, order thc v. boa or ;~ park of thc work, which cr>m plied with. construction to the regulations of this By-Law. All new materials, methods of construction, devices and equip- ment for use in buildings, prefabricated houses and trailers may be approved by the Building Inspector, when they are proved to be equal to the specific requirements of this law; or he may adopt the recommendations and approvals of the "Abridged Building Code" approved and adopted by Building Of!icials Conference of America, Inc., September 16, 1948, and as said Code may be revised and modified in the future. UNSAFE BUILDINGS SECTION 8. The Inspector of Buildings shalI examine every building or other structure which he has reason to bM/eve unsafe or dangerous, and if he z~nds it unsafe or dan~ferous he shall, in writing, notify the owner, agent or any person having an interest therein, to remove it or make it safe and secure, and such person shall thereupon immediately remove it or make it safe, APPEAL SECTION 9. In case the owner of auy boilding er other struc- ture, or an applicant for a permit to erect or alter a building or o~her structure, is aggrieved by any order or dec/sion of the Inspec, tot of Buildim.~s, he may file with the Inspector an objection ~n w~itin~, and d~ereupon the matter shaI1 be referred to the Select- n'.en who, within one week from said reference, shall hear the parties, and after takin!,~ such expert oran{on as may seem to the Selectmen to be necessary, ~ive their decision. In case the decision of th: IzispJctc~F of Buildings be a~rmed the expense of such expert opimon taken by the Selectmen shall be paid to the town by the ov,u'.er or applicant on demand, otherwise such expense sha]l be bozne by the town. DEFINITIONS SECTION ]0. Ac~onlilU~ O~vners. The owne~ or one of the ' intended. :wznnzed. <,r dzsum:d to h? c, ccup[ed as the home or tcsfdtt~cc o[ two cr more fa'nfl{es, which families may consist of cue .,. nyse pcr~,:,ns 7r,'ine fndz'pcnde-ytly o{ e~ch oth'~r and hay- sinks, todcts c>~ ~my d {hc]n. WNerc the occupants of dwellfn~,.- houses contf~nous, and vettica!ly, diGded, each occupied and 21 intended, arranged or designed to be occupied as the home or residence of one family or more have a common right in or use in common the halls, stairways, yards, cellars, sinks, toilets or any of there, such dwellings are apartment houses. Areas. Open spaces adjacent to buildings or the building line for lighting or ventilation. Amc. (See Story Half.) Basement. A lower story partly undergrou~d but whi&, in the average, is at least one hal{ above the average level of the joining ground. Bearing Wall Any wall which carries any load other than its Btd~der. Any person employed to build or to execute work on buiiding or where no person is se employed, the owner of the building. Building, lVoodem A building of which ~he external wall is constructed wholly or partly of wood. Wood frames covered with metal shall be deemed to be wood coutruction. Coiner. A story having mote than oc~ half of its height below the curb ~ex'el, or beiow the average level of the adjoining ground C}im*teY. Ary permanent or fixed th:es or passages built rote a~y building for conueymg axtay products of combustio~ from furnaces, s[oxes, boilers, ranges, or ~rcp]aces. Corner Lot. A lot shtmted at thc intersecnon of two or more streets or at the ~unction o~ t,:,o streets or where a street changes its direction prokidcd thc in:e~{o~ an~lc docs not exceed 120 dc~rces. ~%nv norticn of a corner Io; distant more '.ban seventy feet f-om ~t~er street line ~h:~i be treated as an interior Iot. Cot~,t. .An open, unoccupied space oth~r than a yard on the same lot with a dwelling If {: doc~ nuL tx:end to :he street frort or rear yard it ~s :n inner court If it docs extend it is an OUter cotlrt. ()x~b Lcvc~ Thc icxcI of xn established curb in the front of the bu{lding a~ thc center of thc fron~, x,Vhc~c no curb bas bee~ lent fo- the purp>sc< el this I~v. La,x. Dme,lling.hou.~e. A house in which not more than two families dwell independently and in which no part is used for business purposes. External 'tVelL Every outer wall or vertical enclosure of a building other than a party wail. Flat Roof. A roof that pitches not more than ~our inches to the foot. Footing. That part of any masonry foundations resting direct- ly on the ground. Fm~d~tio,a. That portion of wall below the level of the street curb, nr where the wall is not on a street below the level of the highest ground next to the wall, and shall ~nclude all piers below the curb Ieve] or below the floor of the firs~ story, Fro~t ~nd Rear Lots. That boundary line which borders on the street is the front Qf the lot. In case of a corner lo~ the owner may elect b7 statement on his plans either street boundary line as the front. The ~ear of thc lot ~s the side opposite die front. In case of a triangula' corn:r lot the rear shall be the side not bordering on a street. The depth of a lot is the dime~sion measured from the front !o th: extreme rear line of the lot In case of irregular shaped lots th~: mean depth shall be taken. izTeigJ~t of ~t Bt,:iJding. The vertical distance of the highest point of the roof above the mean grade of the curbs of a]] the streets or the mean grade of the natural ground adjoining the buihIing if the said grade of the ground is not below the grade of t}te curb, ' Hei:z~t~ of a [Vail. The reft/c41 distance [iota the mean grade of t~e g~omd adjoining tbe wall to the highest point of the wall, I~zteqor Lot. Any othc~ lot than a corner lot. any building or paTt thereof which is used as a slcemng,place oi therein ' L :Lqth a*~d tVf:J~/~ of B~ildi',~, The gre;ttest linear dimension nt any build/ag is its ]c¥lt~ and the next greatest linear dimension frs w~drh. 23 Owner. Includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in eom- mort or joint tenant of the whole or part of any buildir~g or land. Partition WaIL Any ~termr wail cf a building. Pa~v Wall. A wM1 that separate~ ~'o or mor~ buildings and is use~ or adapted for use of more than one building. Public Hail. A hall, corridor or passageway not within an apartment. Repairs. The reconstruction or renewal of any eMsting part of a building or of its fixtures or appurtenances by which the strength or fire risk ~s not affected or modified and not made for the purpose of conYert~ng the building in whole o~ in part to a Shaft. includes exterior and interior shafts whether for air, light, elevator, dumbwaker, or any other purpose. Sk3light Any str~cture on o~ opening on a roof for the mission of light. Span of Bcatn. The d~stanc¢ from center to center of its sup- ports, St~ir HaH. Includes the stak,, stair hmdings and those portim~s of the public hans fl~ough which k is necessary to pass in goin~ between the enttarce floo~ and thc roof. Stor'; of ~ ~u/~ng. That part of a btiid n~ between the top of any floor b~ams and tlxe top ~f roof bea:~s i~ext basement or cellar. Sro?',' Sc:'ceid. The story next [~bove thc first story. S~c, rx, tt~l}~. Is a story m a sloping 24 Outside stairways, fire escapes, porches, platforms, and other proiections shall be considered as part of the building and not part of the yards or courts or unoccupied spaces. Words used in the present tense shall include the ~uture; in the masculine, the feminine and neuter; in the singular, the plural, and in the plural, the singular; "shall" is always mandatory and not directory; occupied or used shall be construed as if followed by the words "or intended, arranged, designed, built, altered, con- vetted to, rented, leased, let, hired out, to be used or occupied." When any word designating any building premises or lot is used, it shall be construed as if followed by the words %r any part thereof." The provisions of these By-Laws shall be held to be the mini. mum rem~irements for the protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the community. ~xEAR LOTS SECTION 11, No port/on efa building hereafter erected or al- tered ~or use as a dwelling-house shall be placed nearer the rear lot line than a d/stance equal to one.half its height; but in no event shall such distance be [ess than ten feet. PROXIMII'Y TO OTHER BUILDINGS SECnOX 12. No portion of any wooden dwelling~house here~ after erected shall be placed at less distance than ten feet from t}~e side !ine o£ the lot upon which it ~s to be located or within ten ~eet of another woc~den b.ildmg except where a brick external wall of a tMckness and ~milt in the manner prescribed for external walls of brick buildings is substituted for a wooden wall. ~A~/3MINT AND CELLAR i[~OOMS Skf;liON [3 ][n apmment honscs bcreafter erected no room occupied ~o:- livin~ purpt~ses. p~r~pcrl7 h,lhted ~5c[ ventilated ancl Lcpt free froin dampness in 25 occupied or arranged for honsekeeplng independently of the lower stories nor shall any provision be made for cooking ::or shall any cooking be done above the second stoP/. FOUNDATION8 SECTION 16, The foundations of all buildings for dwellinps shall be walls and piers of masonry. All wooden buildings not more than two stories m height, may be built wholly or in part upon piers or posts of masonry or iron. Th: foundations o{ ali buildings must rest on solid ground or leveled surfaces of solid rock, or on piles, concrete, or other solid substance. Such founda- tions, other than solid rock, must not he exposed less than three feet bvlov; the adjacent surZace of the ground Piazzas and porches shall have suitable foundations of stone, brick, iron, or concrete, built on solid bottoms, not less than three feet below, and extending not less than three inches above the {~nished grade. Excavations for stone foundations sha/i be made at least six inches beyond the outs/de of foundati>n xvalls and shall no~ be back-fli]ed until inspected. Foundation walls of stone shall be at least sixteen inches thick. Foundation walls of concrete shall 'pc poured with forms upon both sides and shah be wall rammed into place. For houses two stories or more in height the thlckne~s of the foundation walls shall be at least ten inches and for one-story houses the thickness shall be at least eight inches The concrete shall be mixed in the proportion of one [>art Portland cea-cut, two parts of cleat: sharp sand. and five parts of broken stone or well-screened gravel by Foundation wans ~:f concrete block <r briek shall be at Icas~ twelve inches thick for two-sto[y houses and ~t least eight inches thick fo~ onc-st, ory houses ~qECTJI)N ]? )dj Jound~tion wall* ~pd p[ets of concrete, cch- depth and projccdm: at ]cd>t four ii,ch.'< h~'yond tile vidl or pict o:: etd: side. ,Z~P~RI'MENF iiOUSE FIRE ~,VALLS than t?.o tam/I/c< <}ali ha',c a iircproot Fart:non 26 between each apartment, consisting either of a brick wall, not less than eight inches thick, extending from the cellar bottom to the under side of the roof.boarding, or of a brick, concrete, or concrete block wall not less than eight inches thick, extending from the cellar bottom to the top side of the first floor timbers, and above that to the under side of the roof.boarding two by four.inch stud, ding, with the spaces between filled solid with bricks and mortar, or other fireproof material, not less than four inches thick, to make a smoke-tight barrier between the apartments. WOODEN FPO. ME BUiLDINt]S SZCTIO.',; 19. All wooden frame buildings shall be built with sills, posts, girts, and plates. Ali buildings shall be braced in each story and in cross-partitions. No wail or ceiling of any building sN,~J be ~ath~d cr otherx~ise covered until the Inspector has been notified in wntmg that dee building is ready for such work, and until he P~s gw~,a writtc:~ consent therefor. The Inspector snell ecl on such notfec xxithin forty-eight hours of its receipt, ~n all wooden buildinf,s Tq~C exceediPg three storms in height thc posts of which axcc<fi tv,'c::tv-two Feet in length, the sills shall '.~c not {cos t'~itn 5:'x by six inchc~, and ~he posts and gires no~ less thin four by six inches: in ail st]cb buildings the posts of which are four by six inches, laid flatwisc, and t]ae pos~s and ~fits not !ess th n f[~:r b7 ~h inch:s: 5: rill wooden hui',dfi~s th~ studdin~ of the outside wans sha]~ not be less ehan two by four inches, set not studding in alt p:wt/rinns carrying ~oo: timbers shall not be lcs~ crt tics. ;tnd rest:n~ :;n ~'rdcrs nor !ess teen six by eight inch:s. All ,,dndov, s'.udd:7,z to k' not less titan three bv four inches. st(ny houxes ot in dv, eI!n,zs where th? attic floor is below thc plates, if tlao spree, b;ct of the ledger hoards herr:con studding shall be f]]cd wit}q mists ,>f same size as wall,stnds, cut in tight so d d l>:d. Ir) 'ouxd:i I '1 '< uale fooh 27 LUMBER SIZE MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN Nor~inal Actual Sparing Douglas Fir West Coast All Othe* Center to Southern Hemlock, Softwoods Center Yellow Pine, Cypress, Red, (Inches) Wester~ Larch wood, Tamarack 2by6 l~/a by 5s~ ~'16 9'1" 8'6" ~ 12 10'0" 9'4" 8'7" 2byg t 5/s by 7l/z {16 12'1" 11'4" 10'4" ~12 13'3" 12'5" 11'4' 3by8 2%s by ?t,4 1~6 14'0" 13'2" 12'l" ~ 12 1.5'4" 14'4" 1 2b¥10 1.~/s by 9~/z 1~6 15'3" 14'4" ~.12 16'8" 15'8" 14'4" 3by10 2,/8 by 9~/k ~16 1 ?'g" 16'9" 15'2" ~12 19'5" 18'1" 16'6" 2byl2 ix,4 by llt,4 t16 18'? 17'3" 15'10" ~ 12 20'1" 18'10" 17'3" Girders when of good, sound spruce, fir, or equal, shall 'be not less than six by ei~tht inches under I/END pa~ntions Summers or floor t!mbers doubled, or their equivalc~nt shzil be used under al/ cross p~rdCk, ns in the fi~st 5oors of rd[ dwellings. Headers and trimmers of ail opcn:ng~ m(~re than tour feet squrwe in thc of dwellings ~ha]l be floor ~d~ts dctble~ or their equivalent. ported on piers or'cement filled jr,a>:7 p(sts, thc lat~cr not Icss tha:: t'oral ~tcc[ o: hztrd Nn~ beams ;~n' t~scd thc sracmg of the Fosts shall be such as t*3 ~xc ti supportm~ 4trclgth equivalent to the aboxe ~pcciicalirn~ for ~ptuce Fl~or tir~bcr> to~ any atuc xxbcthcr AIl cuttin~ of ¢loor ti:nbc::> for thc Fa~ssage of pipes shall be on As u:nad lc>:d Li~c md Dc~td -o::d 40 lb~. Far ~q ft. 25 (Clear span shall mean the distance measured horizontally from plate to a point directly beneath the ridge. The actual rafter length will depend on the roof slope and must be determined accordingly). FOR ROOF WITI~ A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 5 TO 12 LUMBER SIZE MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN I Normnal Actual Spacing Douglas Fir West Coast Al1 Other Center Southern Hemlock to Yellow Pine. Cspress, Red, Center Western Larch wood, (Inches) Tamarack Softwoods 2 by 4 l~x3~/s I20 7'3" 6'7" 5'6" 16 8'1" 7'4" 6'2' 12 9'4" 8'6" 2 by 6 l'~,/s×5?/s ['20 11'4" 10'5" 8'8" } ~ 16 12%' 11'5' 9~6' t 12 14'2" 13'1' 11'©' 2 by 8 l ?,'~x?~/5 fhO 15'2" 13'8" 11'0" .{i6 16'7" 15'3~' 12'1" I i2 18'4'/ I6'7' I4'3" Collar ties for faf rets not over sixteen feet long must be one inch by six inch and for rafters over sixteen feet long moist be two inches by six inches: in both cases collar ties mL:st be provided for at ]east alternate xafteis. BRICK BUILDINGS, BOND S~c::ioN 22. All hr/el< walls shall be built with proper bond and ali intersections ot walls shrdl be thorot~gh[y bonded together wi~h brick or tied to,dethcr w/th wroufzht iron straps as often as every eight feet in heioht Floor beams shall be anchored to brick wd[s on whcb '~h-y r<t~t and to 'ach c~thcr so as to form continu- r>~s tics ~czoss thc 1oufld/ng at least every ten feet. All brick for Nti'LlCl<, or sa"d struck clay brick. SI;(:IlON 23 E::ternal walls c,f blic< d'e:cll~'g-Ivr, uses, if not 29 more than twelve feet in height, above the foundation walls, shall be not less than eight inches thick for their entire height; if tx,:o stories and not more than t~.enty.f:ve feat in height, they shalI not be less than tw¢Ive inches thick to the top of the second floor, and not less than e'gnt inches thick for the remaining height; and if three stories and more than tx~enty,O,k'e feet in height, they shall be not less ~han twelve inches thick to the top of the third floor, and n~t less than eight inches tbick for the remaining height. }~lasonry veneer shall consist of brick, stone, concrete, oz other material approved by the Building inspector. Masonry veneer shall be a~ Ieas~ four inches thick: and shall no: be ~ermitted above two stories except for gables. Suck veneer shall :est directly upon a foundation wall or upon reinforced concrete or other approved masonW. [t skall be secured not more than sixteen 5nchcs vcrt calbg~ and t~xenty-four inches horizontally. ]n the case of frame construction nt shall E~ sec,:red to approh'ed sh~atking cc,~,xh, ined with a wca'2~er-proof lining. All metal ties or clamps used lot securing m sonry x. eneer or ashle~ shall be substantial and of StlCTION 24. 'Ihe external walls of all brick buildings, other than dwdlin~-ho':ses, if not more than terry feet in height, abo~e inches in tbickne>~, and 1o: all sub~cqu:nt sx)ncs an ~ncr asa of 30 Stereos 25. Party walk and all partition walls of brick, in ali buildings other than dwellinphouses with external walls not ex- ceeding forty feet in height, shall be not less than sixteen inches to the top of the second floor, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remaining height, and, in buildings haying external wails exceeding forty feet in height said wails shall be not less than twenty notes thick to the top of the second floor, nor less than sixteen inches thick to the top of the third floor, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remaining height. DOORWAYS SectION 26. No opening or doorway shall be cut through or formed m a party partkion wall of any building without a permit from the ]insFector of Buildings, and every such doorway shall be provided with approved automatic or self,closing fire doors on both sides of the wall. Szer~¢x 27. All brick pic~s shall be bnik ef the best quality of ~ood, wall&urns, hard brick, laid in cement and sand mortar and well wet when laid m warm weather. Btick p~ers under ghdcrs or columns of brick buildh~s shall have a properly pro~ por~bned cap of case ~ron or steel the ftdI ~ize o~ ~he pier. Brick pie~s and bum'esses shall be bonded wkh [trough courses, leveled Files a suffrdcnt number shall be driven to insure a pro,er support. CHIMNEYS FLUES AND i'IREPLACE8 SZeT~ON 28. No chimney shall be corbdled from a wall more thru the ~hickness of the wall, nor be hung from a wa[1 less than twcRe inches thick. Evry chimney shd! rest an a proper footing of approved ~onry Concrek f¢o[ings shall be at le[~st four inches w~der than the chh~ncy on (ii skies, and shall be at !east eight inches thick. tm'm], hqd up m the best linde cr cement mortar. to th top (ftb ch/tmc7~ cxo:pt chimncy~ eiRht h~chcs or more thc c~mbm d xca of all smoke flues entenng it. Exult chin:ney ~:h;dl hc t(ppcd out t)t cplcd w/th brick, tcwa cotta, stone, iron or cement. Every chimney shall extend at least three feet above the highest point at which it comes in contact with a roof of the building and at least two feet higher than any roof surface within ten feet in a horizontal line. No woodwork shall be within one inch of any chimney. If any chimney, floe, or heating apparatus shall, in the opinion of the Inspector, be unsafe, he shall at once notifg in ~vriting th~: owner, who, upon receiving said notice, shall make the same safe to the satisfaction of the Inspector. FIREPLACES AND I-~EARTHS SECTION 29. The jambs and backs of all fireplaces shall be of masonry, not less than eight inches thick (including both the rough and finished work) if cf brick, and not less than twelve inches, if wholly or partly of stone. Brickwork ar stonework oxer fireplaces or similar operants shall be supported by proper iron bar~ or by brick or stone arches. All portions of chnnneys or fireplaces so constructed as to receive a lateral thrust, nor taken care of by iron members thor. ou~tdy anchored to the masonry, shall be at least eight inches fl~ick. No fireplace flue shall be less than 8'x12', and in all cases the area of the flue shall be at least 1/10 the area of the fireplace opening. The interior of a!l firephce throats shall be thoroughly covered with a coat of cement mortar, carried up to a solid connection v:ith the flue ]inlng, and evc-y rake in thc chimney shall be plastered with a good thfcL coat of cement morLar on both thc outs/de and the inside All hea~ths sbal be laid on ii:itsonry [rimrqcr arches, or on bars of ~ron suppor~inT a pro¢cr bcd of masonry or on a reinforced concrete slab and shMl ~xccnd at least eight /nclncs beyond ~'ach side ef the t:'ishcd 5rClqZCe openin~ They shall haxe a uniform width of at ]<asu ~,.~cnty inches m ~r~nr of the finished ~ambs and fireplace, c]cxz~tor wc]!$, chthe- chucs, and lilac shift~, ~rl,zss hudt of ftdl deFth off floor and rooi lram/:/g it each flexor level and be- 32 tween the ceiling of the top story and the roof space. Two inches of material with tight iolnts shall be used for such fire stopping. In masonry buildings, the space between the furring on the outs/de walls, or masonry partitions, shall be filled flush with mortar for a space of five inches in widths above and below the floor beams of each story. Where basement ur other flights of stairs are enclosed by patti, tions of brick or wuod, the space between the studs or wall furring shall be so fire-stopped with brick or mortar as to effectually pre, vent any fire from passing up between such studs or furring back of the stair stringers. All flights of stairs between two floors shall have a smoke-stop built between the stringers and properly constructed. A space of at least one inch shall be left between ail wood,work and the chimneys, also around all hot,air and steam pipes; these spaces around chimneys and pipes where they pass through the floors shall be stopped with metal or other fireproof material, smoke tight. The space around ali met;d or brick ventilating ducts shall be fire-stopped at each floor with a metal or fireproof material as approved by the Inspector. ¥¥here a building is occupied above the first floor for apart- monte or a lodging-house, and the lower story is occupied for stores and other purposes not connected with the upper floors, the stairways Ieadin~ to such upper floors shall be enclosed with brick walls or wooden partitions: said parntions shall be covered with mete] lath and plaster ot o~her tireproof material. ELECTRIC WIRING SECTION 31. All new electric wiring and all alterations or ex- tec~sions to ex/sting w/ring systen~s in buildings and strnctt~res shal! comply with the approved rules of the National Electrical Code as published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (The \Vi:e inspector is in charge of permits and supervision under this section.) HEATING S~(:n'IO~ 32. J~at producing appliances and systems shall be inst~ lcd in ~ccordance v:ith the "Building Code Stand,~rds of the Nttiond Buard of Fire 17:ndcrwriters for the Installation of Heat Pr,<h~cin,~ App]i~nccs. Hc~tinf~, Ventilating, ,'M~ Conditioning, 33 PLUMBING SECTION 33. All plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the regulations of the local Board of Health. LIGHT AND VENTILATION SECTION 34. In e'eery apartment house, dwelling or place where people are employed, hereafter erected, every room shall have at least one window opening directly upon the street or upon the yard, or court, except that kitchenettes, pantries, toilets, and bath-rooms may have such windows opening upon a light-well or may be ventilated by ~ans, ducts, or ventilated skylights with the approval of ~he Building Inspector. Alt windows shall be so located as to properly light all parrs o~ such rooms. No Iight-weli shall be less than three feet in its least ditnens'.on nor less in area than txvelve square feet {or one sro:y, and must be increased six square feet in area for each additiona! story, and the ~alls of such tight.welt shall be constructed of incombustible mater~al. ~HAFFS AND ~.0URTS $t-CTION 35, II1 every apartment house hereafter erected there shall be, at the bottom of esery shi~fs and court, a door giving ficmnt access to st:ch shaft or court to enable it to be properly cleaned. SEC:~ON 36. In ali rcon:s used {o- rcsidc::cc purposes hereafter erected, tluc total wir~dow atca in e~ch -oc>m, including toilct~ and bathroor~s, shal[ he at least one-c~rziqth of thc rioter ;wee of room. The above window n~easurcments shall be taken between thc a{tcr erected, ~ccc<~ to ~vcry li~5~-roo~r: tr.d bedroom and to at 34 ACCESS TO FLAT RooFs SECTION 39. Every building over two st~rles high and having a tlat roo£ shall have permanent access to the roof, from the inside of the building, through an opening at least two feet by three feet, with fixed stepdadder or stair. Such opening shall have direct access from a public corridor or a stair hall and shall be fastened in such a manner so that it may be opened from the in, side without a key. PENT HOUSES SECTION 40. NO pent houses shall be constructed on any build- ing above the highest level permitted for the roof, except: over stairs, tanks, elevators and elevator machinery, and such houses shall be no larger than is necessary to serve properly their purpose, and as approved. PARAPETS $~CT-,'ON 41. NO part of any parapet on [: roof shall be more than six fcc[ above the h/gl, est level pcrm2ted for the roof. S~c'-Io>' 42, Ali sky!ights o!z roofs ol buildings other than dwc-'~hng ho~ses shall be metal and wire glass, and shall ~ot be at ltlty pofnt bighor t]ltn six feet above the highest level permitted !or the roof except x, ith special approval. ~ECIION a3 NO parts of a building other than those mentioned in ~hi~ div4sion, shall project over any street, square or public way. (1ornio's m:~y prolect a c[isatnce ~qual to one-twentieth of the wchi ol thc public v'ay p~oxided, however, that in no c~se shall V/mdow ca;os arid s/lis, string co r;es and other pro~ections mty project oze-qua~ter of thc projection allowed for a corn/ce of dxc wdl on which thuy t~ccur. Oktttc'r ic~dcts and ~onductors shall not p-oject mo~e than S '.:7K~ 4,t. No roof sh;dl hc sc> arlanged as to di=charge water, fcc or sn,x,, trp.n a ptd>]ic wry or adjominq property. 35 [~XCBPTIONS SEC'nON 45. Temporary buildings may be erected for the use of builders within the 1/mits of the lots whereon buildings are in course of erection, or on adiolning vacant lots, and other tempo- rary structures including platforms, stands, election booths, and tents may be erected upon permits issued by the Inspector and may be maintained for the period of time stated in the permit. No observation stand shall be constructed or maintained except in accordance with plans approved by thc Inspector. BILLBOARDS 8~.CTION 46. No billboards or signboards shall, be erected or placed upon any budding or structure or thc reef thereof or upon thc g~ound unless the same be safel? supported and securdy fastened thereto. ROOFING ~[ATERI ~LS SECTION 47 '2-lq(' roof o! cve~y building hereafter erected or ~ecovcred m whole or in p~trt and thc top of excry wood cornice, the mp of every dormer window ard rvcry otbe~ pro~ectio~ from such roof. sba]] be covered with 5rc-rcsi<ing material Fire.resisting mate:ia] specified abex,. ~halI i~:c]ude slate, tile, asbestos, ceme::t, tar and grase], plasUc Aate, copper, t:r., heavy asphalt-felt s~in~le~ of which thc cxp,>cd su, face is composed of slate chips or frrasd, and sudi othc~ incombustible material as :nay be apFroved m '.~rkm~ by ~he Insycctor of Buildings. shin~lcs ];r rcpairm~ roofs already v,x,)d shin,!cd, and ]]po" ap' wi/camm, in speci:d case<, may Fcn:~t xxood shing/c~ for new ~onstruction or rcmo&l~irTg. SEC~;ON 48. Thc Ch/cf of P)]ic~ upm ap?lication cf thc <peet ~ :;f Buhdings hall c :<e c: Fl :u 7> :'c :uadc before thc 36 PENALTY SECTION 49. Whoever violates any provision of this By, Law ~hall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense to be paid into the treasury of the Town of Andover. ARTICLE X $nCTmN 1. These By, Laws may be amended at any Annum Town Meeting; an article or articles for that purpose having been inserted in the warrant for such meetings. SECTION 2. These By-Laws shall take effect on their approval and publication as required by law, and all By,Laws heretofore adopted by the town are hereby repealed on the date of such approval and publication. z~ true copy, Attest: GEORGE H, WINSLOW, To~'n CIerlC. The tore~oing By-Laws are approved by the Attorney,General as required by law. Revised 1950 Attest: GEORGE ~-I. WINSLO\V, Town Clefk. :}7 TOWN pRtNT~NG COMPANY 4 PA~K STREET ANDOVE~, M~S~ACHUSETT~