HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927 BY-LAWS TOWN OF MIDDLEBOROUGHPUBLIC SAFETY LAWS for the Town of Middleborough Approved 1927 GENERAL BY-LAWS PUBLIC SAFETY LAWS for the Town of Middleborough Al:proved 1927 B¥-LA~VS ADOPTED BY TOWN OF MIDDI,EBOROUGH, March 7th, 1927. GENERAL BY-LAWS. AI%TICLE 1. will do so upo[1 the deposit of one ($1 00) dollar being made to the dcpartmcnt. fuses to pay the water rates chargeable to said premises for more than fifteer~ days after the same are due and payable, the ~clcctmen shall proceed to collect said rates according to law, or they may cause the water to be shut off from said premises, and the water shall not be turned on again until said rates, and the further sum of one ($1) dollar and fifty (50) cents for shutting off and turning on the water are paid. Section 7. A charge of one ($1) doN- lar shall be i:[lade whenever the Select- off the water iii any service pipe. Section 8. No altei~ttion shall made in any of the pipe~ or £1xturcs serze~I by the town, except by persons a~thorized by the Water Commissioners. of the appropriations against which they are authorized to draw, to the end that no debt shall be contr,~cred or expendi- ture made in excess of such appropria- Al~TICLE 4, Seefion 4. No person shall tie a horse to a tree in any public street, public place or §round in the town. Section 5. No poi'son shall suffer at large in this to\vn, or to feed by the work. shall cause a bond for the faithful perforl~ance of tho provisions of said contract, to be cxecuted by sucl~ con- tractor and filed with tile TOWII Trcas- u~'er, if for any reason the said bo~ld sidewalk where no drive has been con- structed, within the territory known as the Old Fire District, without first ob- tainin~ from the ~electmen ~ written permit therefor. AI:tTiCLE 8. Litter. Section I, No person shall distribnt£ paper, circulars or advertisements through the public streets or public Section 2. Every keeper of a shop for the purchase, sale er bar,er of junk, old r~etals or second hand articles within the limits of the town, shall keep a book, in which shall be written, at the time of every purchase of any articles a description thereof, the name, age and residellce of the persoI1 froln %vho/~l ~rld the day and hour when such purchase hundred feet of any other buildii~g. ARTICLE 10. Contr,~cts by Town Officers. Section 1. [Every t~oard or officer in charge of a department may, witl% the approval of th~ Selectmen, sell any per- sonal property or material I1O~ required cer or conlmittee, and shall be ~ccoln- panied by a suitablc bond, cer%i~cd check or certificate of deposit for the fs. ithful performance of such proposal. Section 5. All contracts made by' any of~cer, board or COlilllli]-[ee of the tokvi1, for the do~ng of any ptlblic %'ork, Or for the construction of ~..lly public building, or for ~he purchase of property, other case den~ands and the security of the public allows; such permit in no case to be in forcc longer than ninety days, and to be on such conditions, and by furnishing such security, by bond or o~herwise for ~he observance and per- for~ance of the COnditions and for the protection of the town, as the Select- ~en n~ay require; and esp~cially in lng, lighted lanterns shall be so placed liability to injury. Public Safety Laws BYq~XWS RELATIVE TO PUBLIC SAFETY. At~TICLE 1. Requiremen£s for Firc-,qtopping for All Classes of Buildings. Floor Fire-Stoppitlg. Section 1. The spaces between floor ings shall be filled solid with brick or story, tu.'ing buildings within the old are dis- trict. fgtair-Partition Fh'~-stopping. Section 5, Where the base~nent or poses for two separate families, there shall be at les~st two independent and sufficient ways of egress, accessible qt r£zents. Sllch ways of egrcss shall con- sist of flights of stairs extending from the lowsst to the highest floor contain- ing more than two rooms, and no~ more than one Dight of stairs shall be placed in the same hallway. Ai~TICLE 3. Material ney. Supports through studs or wooden partitions of any kind, wllather the same are plas- tered or not, they shall be guarded by a doubled pipe with at leas5 two inches o~ air space with holes on the end for of the same thickness as thc partition. or by a casing of brick, with a face of chimney. I'ro~ision Section 15. Tile pro~'i$1oi1 of this ~r- AItTICLE 5. Steam Boilers Section 1, All stationary steam boilers used in hotels, laundries or public buildings, hereafter erected or converted for such use, shall be enclosed in a fire-