North Andover, Hassachusetts
~NDE,X .
I. Authortty ..................................................
II. General
General Requirements for the Subdivision of Land
Plan Believed Not to Require Approval Under the Subdivision
Control Law
III. Procedure for the Submission and Approval of Plens 7
Preliminary Plan
1. General
2. Contents
3. Procedure
Definitive Plan
1. Submission
2'. Notice to 'Town Clerk
3. Form and Contents
Distribution of Plans
C. Performance Guarantee
1. Final Approval wil~h Bonds or Surety
2. Final Approval with Covenant
Review by Board of Health as to Suitability of the Land
Verification, Approvals, an~ Special Requirements of Town Agencies
Requirement as to Number of Buildings for Dwellings
Public Hearing
Final Approval of Definitive Plan
Evidence of Satisfactory Performance
Conveyance of Improvements
Section VI.
1. Location
2. Wtdth
3. Grade
4. Dead End
Side Slopes
Open Space
Design Standards ....................................... 20
and Alignment
Protection of Natural Features
V. Required Improvements ................................... 23
Streets and Roadways
Side Slopes
Water Facilities
Sanitary Sewer Facilities
Fire Alarm
Street Trees
Street Signs
(Adopted under the Subdivision Control Law
Sections 81-K to 81-GG Inclusive, Chapter 41 $.L.)
PURPOSE (Section 8~-M of Chapter 41G.L.)
"The Subdivision Control Law has been enacted for the purpose of pro-
retting the safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the
cities and towns tn which it is;, or may hereafter be, put in effect
by regulating the laying out aad construction of ways in subdivisions
providing access Co the severe] lots therein, but which have not be-
come public ways, and~ensuring sanitary conditions in subdivisions,
and in proper cases, parks and open areas. The powers of a Planning
Board and of a Board of Appeal under the Subdivision Control Law she1!
be exercised with due regard for the provision of adequate access to
all of the lots tn a subdivision by ways. that will be safe and con-
venient for travel: for lessening congestion tn such ways and in the
adjacent public wayS; for reductng danger to life and limb tn the
operation of motor vehicles; for securtng safety tn the case of
fire, flood, panic and other emergencies; for tnsurtn9 compliance
with the applicable zoning ordinances or by-laws: for securing ade-
quate provision for water, sewerage, drainage, and other requirements
where necessary tn a subdtvtston~ and for co~ordlnating the ~ays in
a subdivision with each other and ~ith the public ways tn the city
or town in whtch ~t ts located and with the ways tn neighboring sub-
divisions. It is the intent of the Subdivision Control Law that any*
Subdivision plan ftled with the Planning Board shall receive the approv~l
of such Board if said plan conforms to the recommendation of the Board
of Health and to the reasonable Rules and Regulations of the Planning
Board pertatninq to subdivisions of land~ provided, however, that such
Board may, when appropriate, waive, as provided for in Section 81-R,
Such portions of the Rules and Regulations as ts deemed advisable."
Under the authority vested in the Planning Board of the Town of North
Andover by Sectton 8[-q of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, said Board
hereby adopts these Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of
Land tn the Town of ~orth Andover. Such Rules and Regulations shall
be effective on and after December ZB, 1981.'
(See Chapter 41, Section 81-L)
The Planning Board of the Town of North Ando~er
{See Chapter 41, Section 81oL)
Pro'fessional Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor
registered to precttce in Massachusetts.
A person (as hereinafter defined) who develops
under a plen of a subdivision approved under
,Section ZII of these Rules and Regulations.
A means of vehicular access to a lo~, either
through the frontage or front streets adjacent
to the side ar rear lot lines. Each driveway
shall service no more than one lot, except for
multi-family dwellings.
A right acquired by public authority or other
person to use or control property for a utility
or other designated public purpose.
(Abbreviated G.L.) The General Laws of Massa-
chusetts. In_ case of a rearrangmment of the
General Laws, any citation or particular sections
of the G~neral Laws shall be &pp'licable to the
corresponding sections in the new codification.
.(See Chapter 41, Section 81-L).
(See Chapter ~1, Section 81-L)
As applied to real estate, the person holding
the ultimate fee simple title to a parcel, tract,
or lot of land, as shown by the record in'the
appropriate Land Registration Office, Registry
of Oeeds, or Registry of Probate.
An individual, or two or more individuals, or a
group or association of individuals, a partnership
or a corporation having common or undivided
interests in a tract of land.
PRELIMINARY PLAN (See Chapter 41, Section R1-L)
SUBDIVISION PLAN The plan of a subdivision as submitted (with
OR DEFIrIITIVE PLAN appropriate application) to the Board for approval,
to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds or filed
with the Land Court when approved by the Board,
and such plan when approved and recorded; all as
distinguished from a Preliminary Plan.
(See Chapter 41, Section 81-L)
(See Chapter 42, Section 82-L)
(See Chapter 41, Section 8I-L)
(See Chapter 4[, Section 81-L)
That portion of a way which is designed and
constructed for vehicular travel.
A public or private way etcher shown on a plan
approved tn accordance with the Subdivision
Control Law, or otherwise qualifying a lot for
frontage under the Subdivision Control Law.
A street whtch, tn the opinion of the Board, is
being used or wtll be used as a thorough-fare
~tthtn the Town of ~orth Andover, or ~hfch wiT1
otherwise, carry a heavy volume of traffic,
generally over 1,000 vehicles per day.
A street whfch, tn the opinion of the Board,
being used or wtll be used primarily to provide
access to abutttng lots and which wt11 not be
used for through traCftc, and wtll generally
carry less than 300 vehtcTes per day.
A street Intercepting one (1) or more minor
streets a~d which, tn the opinion of the Board,
ts used or w~lT be used to carry a substantta!
volume of trafftc, generally over 300 and under
1,000 vehtcles 'per day, from such minor street(s)
to a major street or community factlity~ and
normally tncludtn~ a principal entrance street
of a large subdtv~slon, or group of subdivisions,
and any principal circulation street within such
NO te:
In 'determining ~he number of'vehicles per
day that will travel over a residential
· street, the following criteria ~t11 be
Housing T,v~e
Vehicles per day
per dwel]in9 unit
Single-family,detached. 12
Group or to~nhouse 8
Garden apartment 6
(See Chapter 41, Sectton 81-L)
(See Chapter 41, Section 8I-L)
Shall be defined per Chapte~ 131, Section 40.
1. Every subd~vfder shall be bound by the provisions of these
regulations, and before preparing a subdivision plan, should
familiarize himself with these regulations and with any other
proposals for subdivision and extstfng subdivisions in the area
in which ne.proposed.a new subdivision.
2. No person shall make a subdivision w~t~ln the meaning of the
Subdivision Control Law of Shy land wtthln the to~m, or proceed
with the Improvement or sale of lots in a subdivision, or the
construction of ways, or the Installation of municipal services
theretn, unless and unttl a Definitive Plan of such subdtvtst.on
has been submitted to and approved by the Planntng Board as
hereinafter provided.
No land sh&ll be subdivided unless it ts of such character that
tt can be used for buildtng purposes w~thout danger of health
or safety. No land shall, be subdivided unless the subdivision
plan shall provtd· means of dretnage and santtary sewage disposal
adequate tn the optnton of the Board to fully protect the public
Each subdtvtsfon plan shell make such provision for water supply~
storm water drainage,' surface water drainage, santtary sewage
disposal, fire hydrants, utilities, curbs, sidewalks and other
Improvements as tn the optnton of the Board t5 proper and ada-
quate for the particular subdtvtstono and tn places deemed
proper by the Board', ~pen spaces for parks and playgrounds
shall be provfded.
Streets tn each subdivision shall be lafd out as to provide for
continuation of the principal streets adjoining or entering the
subdivision, especially tn regard to safe Intersections Wtth.
such streets, and so arranged and of such wtdths as to provide
an adequate and coflventent system for present and potential
Crafftc needs, and for the prnper projection of streets as'laid
out tn the proposed subdtvtst, on into adjoining land, on which
there a~e no extsttng streets, .
Proposed street names shall be subject ~o approval of the Board,
and shall be tndt. cated In pencil on any DefinitiVe Plan.
Honuments shell be set as. required by the Board. The subdivider
shell provide such monuments at his own expense.
Turnarounds wtll be allowed under the following conditlens:
a) Hhere the turnaround ts requtred for the development of rear
land. However, where the turnaround street exceeds
feet tn length, the express consent of the Board must be
granted. .
Vhere the turnaround ts a temporary solutton pending future
development. Zn which case, the key map must ShOW the
necessity for thts.
Residential streets shell not be'less than 50 feet ~n width.
~ider streets may be requtred tf the street is a continuation
of an approved street havtng a wtdth greater than 50 feet, or,
in the optnton of the Board, the trafftc system ts such that
wtder streets are necessary or greater wtdth ts desirable ~n
the fnterest of publlc safety and convenience. Zn commercial
and ~ndustrtal zones, the mlntmum street width shall be 60 feet.
Test holes, representative of a]l varying so~] conditions in the
proposed subdivision, shall be dug to determine conditions for
drainage. Percolation tests made 1n accordance with procedures
recommended b~ the North Andover Board of Health shall be
requtred Jn areas served b~ subsurface sewage disposal systems.
A statement showing th~ results of these tests and the soll
conditions, s~gned by a professional engtneer registered tn the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, shall be submitted in triplicate
with the subdtv~s(on plan. The locatton of all test holes must
be staked on the ground.
A minimum of one tes~ ptt for each three acres, or part thereof,
of land shall be dug and all test results up to the day of sub-
mission.shall be Included on the statement required above.
Before a subdivision plan shall recedve ftna] approval, a bond
ftled wlth surety, or covenant running wtth the land, and con-
dttions satisfactory to the Board, securing to the Town the
actual construction and installation to the satisfaction of
the Board of such tmprovements and utilities, wtthin a period
specified ~n the bond and satisfactory to the Board, w~ll be
The construction and Installation of streets and s~dewalks shall
be guaranteed to be done with quality materials free from defects
and with qualtty workmanship.
13. Zn addition to a11 other requirements hereunder, the Planning
Board will review all ~roposed subdivisions and all new con-
structton ~n accpeted subdivisions within any F~A flood hazard
areas as deslgnate.d on the FZA F~ood Hazard maps as. adopted
b~ the'Town to determine that ~11 such proposed subdivisions
are consistent wtth the need to minimize flood damaae b~ pro-
v~dina adequate drafnage so as to reduce exposure
hazards withln the subdivision and on adjacent land and
requiring that all utilities be located and constructed so as
to minimize or eliminate flood' damage.
Any person who wtshes tO cause to be recorded tn the Reglstry of
Deeds or to be filed wlth the Lan~ Court a plan of land and who
believes that his plan does not ~equtre approval under the Sub-
dtvtsion Control Law, may submit his ~lan and Application Form A
(See appendfx} to the Planning Board accompanied b~ the necessar~
evidence to show that the plan does not require approval. Sa~d
~erson shall file, by delivery, or registered mall, a nottce with
the Town Clerk statfng the date o~ submission for such determi-
nation and accompanied by a copy of sa~d a~pltcat~on.
Zf the Board determines that the plan does not require approval,
~t shall w~thout a pub~fc hear~ng and w~thin fourteen days of
submission, endorse on the plan the words "Planning Board Approva]
Under Subdivision Control Law Not Required." Said plan shall
be returned to the applicant and the Board shall not~f¥ the
To~n Clerk of Its action.
if the ~oard determines that the plan' does require approval
under the Subdivision Control Law, tt shall wtthtn fourteen
days of submission of sa~d plan so tnform the applicant and
return the plan. The Board shall also nottfy the Town Clerk
of 1tS determination.
Form A. Approvals - If lots h~ve been Previously approved as
Plans Not Requiring Approve. I, they shall not be submitted as
part of a defthtttve subdivision plan. If Form A's are shown
on a subdivision plan, and they have not been previously approved,
then such lots shall be considered as part of the subdivision.
5. Requi foments
Satd plan shall be legtbly drawn tn accordance wtth the Rules
and Regulations of the Regtstry o~ Peeds as amended pertaining
to plan stze, material, lettering, and related requirements,
and shall contain all requtred seals and signatures required
by the Regtstry of Deeds p~or to the recording of said plan.
In the event that the following requirements are not fully
complted w~th by the applicant, the submlttal shall be con-
s~dered null and void and returned for a future submittal:
The plan scale shall be forty feet (¢0') to the inch or suca
other scale as the Board may accept, and shall contain the
a) Identtflcatton of the plan by name' of owner of record
and locatton of the land ~n question, ;ncludtng the scale,
north polnt, date, and revJs?on date(s) 1f applicable.
b) A locus map at one to ftfteen hundred feet (1500') to the
~.nch. Locus must show at least one intersection of at
least two exlstlng town roads.
CONTROL LAW NOT REQUIRED" and sufflctent space for the date
and the Board signature.
d) Zon?ng classtf?catton and locatton of any zoning d~strlct
boundaries that may Itc wtthtn the locus of the plan.
e) In the case of the creation of a new lot, all the rems~ntng
land area and frontage on the land tn the ownership of the
appllcant shall be shown. In the event the remaining area
Is tn excess of two (2) acres and the rema?n~ng frontage
?s Jn excess of 150 feet, thfs ?nformatto= may be conveyed
as a note on the plan.
~otlce of any decisions by the ZonJng Board of Appeals, tn:
clud?ng but not l~mtted to variances and exceptions regarding
the land or any build?rigs thereon.
Pull and proper names of abutters from the most recent tax
ltst, unless the appl?cant has knowledge of any changes
subsequent to the latest available Assessor's records.
Names and status (prtvate or public) of streets and ways
shown on the plan, ~ncludtng the wtdth of such street or
Bearings and distances of all l~nes of the lot or lots
shown on the plan and the dtstance to the nearest permanent
monument or road, sufficient to establish all l~nes on the
ground. Frontage to each lot must be totalled.
j) Accurate location of all existing structures, including
wells, septic systems, surface and subsurface drainage, and
building setback, side yard and rear yard distances.
k) Location of all bounds, easements, and/or encumbrances.
1) Each submttta! must be accompanied by an origYnal and five
(5) coptes of the plan and a ftltng 'fee. Fee is: Fo~'ma~ion
of new ~o~s-S25 ~£1~a~g £ee & .$50/~o~. Bounda~.~ change, no
nme 1ot8 c~e&~ed $25.00.
1. General
a) Before submitting a definitive plan for approval, a pre-
ltminary plan shoul-d be submitted to the Board, and to the
Board of Health, and written notice shall be given to the
Town Clerk by delivery or by registered mail, of submission
of such a plan. If the notice is given by delivery, the
Town Clerk shall, ff requested, give a wrfttefl receipt
therefor, Form S (see appendix), gtthtn sixty (60) days
after submission of a preltmin~r~ plan the Board shall.
nottfy, by certified mail, the applicant and the Town
Clerk either.that the plan has been approved or that the
plan has been approved with modifications' suggested by the
Board or agreed upon by the subdivider, or that the plan
has been disapproved. In the case'of, disapproval, the
Board shall state in detail its reason therefor. No
qegtster of Deed wtll record a preliminary plan.
b) Application for tentative approval shall be made upon
application Form B (see appendix) to the Board, accompanied
by twelve (12) copies of the preliminary plan, prepared
hereinafter prescribed.
The preliminary plan may be drawn on tractng paper with
pencil aC a scale of forty feet (40') to the inch and
twelve (12) prints shall be ftled at the office of the
Board. Said preliminary plan should show sufficient tn-
formation about the subdivision to form a clear basis for
d~scusston of its problems and for the preparation of the
definitive plan. This plan will provide the fo]lowing
(~) The name of the applicant, owner or owners of record,
and designer, together with his or their addresses.
(2) The zoning d~strict Jn which the proposed subdivision
is located, Including the flood hazard areas as
determined by the Federal Insurance Administration,
tf available.
(3) The title under which the proposed subdivision Js to
be recorded with the Town Clerk, If approved.
(4) The names'and addresses of the owners Of property
adjoining the land included within the proposed sub~
division, as they appear in the most recent tax list,
submitted on Form E (see appendix).
(5) Boundaries, north potnt, date, scale, legend, and
title "Preliminary Plan".
(6) The extsttng streets and streets proposed to be
constructed, Identified by the proposed name for each~
together with curves, pavtng, width of right-of-way
and preliminary street profiles, tn a general manner.
(7) The approximate boundary Itnes of proposed lots, with
figures showtng the dimensions of each and wtth the
area of each shown in square feet. Plus and minus
figures may be used. Al1 lots will be designated
numerically and in sequence.
(8) Existing easements and proposed for utility lines,
walks,.and other rights-of-way, in a general manner.
(9) Existing and proposed drainage lines for both storm
water and surface water, Including adjacent existing
natural waterways, all in a general manner.
Topographic contours shall be shown at five (5) foot
Existing major site features,-such as existing boundary
stone walls and fences, buildings, swamps and water
bodies, in a general manner.
b) Key Hap - a locatton plan of the subdivision, at a scale
of 600 feet to the inch, showing exterior lines of all
proposed streets in the Subdivision and their location
tn re]~tton to one. or more exlsttng streets, or ~ortlons
thereof, shown and readtly identifiable as to locus o,
the 'Zoning Hap, ~orth Andover, Hassachusetts" as most
recently amended.
The Clerk of the 8oard shall forward one set of prints,
upon receipt, to the Ht~hway Surveyor, Superintendent of
Public Works, Tree Warden, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Building
Inspector, Conservation Commission, an~ the Board of Health
for comments and tentative approval. One copy will be retained
for Plannin9 Board files.
The Board will consider the application and advise the appli-
cant within 60 days of the action taken. One copy of the
Preliminary Plan shall be returned to the applicant with
one of the following remarks noted thereon:
(1) "Tentative Approval"
(2) ".Minor Hodtfications
ftcatlons noted.
(3) "Disapproved"
Required" with the required modi-
When the Preliminary Plan is returned to the applicant marked
"Minor Modifications Required", the applicant may make such
modifications and re-submit the plan, as modified, to the
Preliminary Approval shall lapse unless a Definitive Plan
is filed within one year from the date of tentative approval.
This shall not prevent the applicant from dividing his Pre-
liminary Plan into sections for final approval, providing
the first section must be submitted within one year from the
date of tentative approval.
~hen the Preliminary Plan is returned to the applicant marked
"Disapproved", specific reasons for disapproval will accompany
the plan.
Any person who subetts a Definitive Plan of a subdivision to the
Board for approval shall file with the Board the following:
An oriainal drawing of the Definitive Plan, prepared as
hereinafter prescribed, and twelve {12} black and white
prints thereof. One black and white print shall also be
submitted to the Board of Health.
b) A properly executed application on Form C (see appendix) and
a desioner's certificate on Form 0 (see appendix).
Key ~ap - a location plan of the subdivision, at a scale of
600 feet to the inch, showing exterior lines of all Aroposed
streets in the subdivision and their location in reqation
to one or more existing streets, or portions thereof, shown
and readily identifiable as to locus on the "Zoning Map,
~orth Andover, Massachusetts" as most recently amended.
(It is intended that this location plan be so drawn and
oriented as'to permit the later transfer of the new street
lines directly from said plan to the original copy of the
aforementioned ~ap of the Town.)
Seepage Test Data - in areas not served by Town sewers, data
shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of
Section II, B-lO of these Regulations and shall be in such
detail and form as may be required by the Board.
A drainaae analysis shall be prepared by a Registered Pro-
fessi.onal Engineer to substantiate all proposed drainage
sizes. Computations shall indicate existing as well as
proposed run-off peaks flows and volumes and shall be based
upon a tan (lO) year storm for all street drainage; a twenty-
five (PS) year storm for lot drainage, and a one hundred (lO0)
year storm for all major cross drainage and brooks, or in
other areas where in the opinion o~ the Planning Board such
run-off may be detrimental to the health, welfare, and well
being of the general public.
All drainage computations shall show the impact (increase
or decrease) of run-off peak flows and volumes at the point(s)
of outlet of the subdivision boundaries. The Board may re-
quire that the applicant or developer mitigate the run-off
to O~ increase in the rate of run-off.
Zf surface water drains'discharge onto adjacent existing
streets or onto adjacent properties- not owned by the appli-
cant, he shall present evidence to the Planning Board that
such discharge is satisfactory, permitted, and does not cause
any detrimental effects to public or private property.
Evidence of transfer of ownership, language of any easements,
covenants, or deed restrictions applying or proposed to apply
to the area being subdivided, rt;hts and easements obtained
for utilities or drainage outside of the subdivision.
In order to determine compliance with the requirements or
intent of this Regulation, the Board may, in its discretion,
require specialized engineering or environmental analyses
to be prepared at the exFense of the applicant (as per
Section Z[! 8 5).
A construction schedule, which specifically details the
various phases of construction, along with the proposed
dates when the phases will be completed.
t) Soll types based on U.S.D.A. Soils Study and location and
resUlts of soil percolation or subsurface tests.
Fees: $150 filing fee and $200/lot if complete preliminary
plan had been submitted and approved. $300 filing fee and
$300/lot if preliminary plan had not been submitted or approvec
0e~crtption of erosion and sediment control methods to be
employed, both during and after construction. In order to
er duce erosion accompanying any and all construction acti-.
vtttes and the resultant pollution of streams, wetlands,
and natural drainaee areas, the applicant shall submit an
Erosion and Sedtmeht.Control Plan~ including control methods'
such as berms, dikes, retention ponds, mulching, temporary
sodding, and hay bales.
The Oeftntttve Plan shall not be deemed to have been' sub-
mttted to the Board untt1 it and a11 the items required in
the foregoing sub-paragraphs (a) to (k), Inclusive, have
been delivered to the Board.
2. ,qottce to Town Clerk
As required by statute, the applicant shall give written notice
to the Town Clerk by deltvery or by registered mail, that he has
submitted the 0efinttive Plan to the Board. Such notice shall
descrtbe the land to whtch the plan relates sufficiently for
identification, and shall state the name and address of the owner
and of the aoplicant and the date when such plan was submitted.
If the notice is given by delivery, the Town Clerk shall, if
requested, give written receipt for same. Form S (see appendix).
3. Form and Contents
The Definitive Plan sha11 be prepared by a competent engineer
or surveyor, registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts',
and shall be clearly and leg~bly dra~n in black waterproof ink
upon tracing cloth. Final plans submitted for approval shall
be 24" by 36' in overall dimensions. A margin of I~" shall be
allowed on the left hand edge for binding. The other three
sides shall have ~" margins.
The plan shall be at a horizontal scale of one inch to each
forty feet. Where necessary, the plan may be on several sheets,
but in such case, matching linens and consecutive .numbering
shall be provided.
The Oefi~itive Plan shall contain the followinp information:
a) The name of the applicant, owner or owners of record, and
designer, together with his or their addresses.
The zone or zones in which the proposed subdivision is located.
The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be
recorded with the Town Clerk, if approved.
The names and addresses of the owners of property adjoining
the land included within the proposed subdivision, as they
appear o~ the most recent tax list, submitted on Form E
(see appendix).
:lorth point, date, scale, and legend.
Boundary survey, made and certified to by a lend.surveyor
.registered by the CommonweAlth of Massachusetts.
The existing streets and streets proposed to be constructed,
identified by the proposed name for each, together with
ststions, curves, paving, and width of right-of-way.
The proposed lots, with figures showtna the dimensions of
each and with the area of each shown in square feet. All
lots will be designated numerically and in sequence.
Existing easements and proposed e~sements for utility lines,
including g~s and electrical services, walks, and other
Existing'and Proposed drainage lines for both storm water and
surface water, including adjacent existing natural waterways,
in a general manner.
Topoar~phic contours - the Definitive Plan shall include a
grading plan showing existing and proposed countours at
two {2) foot intervals. All proposed chanoes in topography,
either due to Conservation Commission filing and excavation
and/or septic design grading, shall be incorporated into a
final topographic grading plan of the ~ubdtvtsion showtng
specifically the lot ~radtng so as to give the Planning
Board sufftclent Information to determine that surface
run-off from adjacent areas do not cause detrimental damage
to other lots and/or areas within or adjoining the subdivision
Sufficient'contours of adjacent land shall be shown to
determine the watershed affected by the storm dratnage
system. Where the watershed ts sufftciefltly large, a
supplemental plan may be submitted.
All cuts and ftlls shall be delineated on the topographic
plan showing by cross-hatching or other means which areas
are to be filled and which areas are to be excavated.
The edee of all wetland areas shall be delineated. Spot
elevations shall be shown on very flat areas.
£x!st~ng wooded areas, as indicated by foliage line.
Location of observation holes a~d percolation tests with
Ex~sttng major site features, such as existing stone walls,
fences, buildtnes, large trees, rock rtd~es and outcroppings
swamps and water bodtes, ~ncluding edge of ex~sting pavement
where such abuts the subdivision.
Sufficient data to accurately determine readtq¥ the location,
bearing, and length of every street and way lin~, lot line
and boundary 1the, and to reproduce same on ground. ~11
bearings shall be true, magnet~:, or grid, and the needle
as shown on the plan shall tnd~cate this clearly. Location
of all permanent monuments, properly Identified as to existing
or proposed.
Proftles of proposed streets, showing existing and proposed
~rades elon~ the center line and stde lines of each street,
to,ether with figures of elevation at the top and bottom of
all even grades and at twenty-five (g5) foot Intervals along
ali verttcal curves. The horizontal scale of the profiles
shall be fort~ feet to one tnch. The verttcal scale shall
be four feet to one 1rich. Proftles shall also show the
s~ze and locatton of all extsttng and proposed storm drains,
water maths, sewer mains, and appurtenances thereto. Lines
and ftgures ~ndtcattng extsttng conditions shall be in black
lines and f~gures Indicating proposed grades snal] be ~n red.
~11 survey data shall refer to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Surve~
bench marks or other duly recorded bench marks. The location
and elevation of the starting bench mark shall be indicated
on the layout plan.
Profiles shall also be provided showing ex~st~ng and proposed
grades Of sewer and drain fnstellation in proposed or existing!
The stattontna of all monumentation, water and drainage
facilities shall be shown on the plan and profile.
A permanent bench mark will be set and shown for each
separate profile sheet, wt(h its datum. All bench marks
will refer Co the same datum. Where another subdivision
and/or NGS bench mark exists within SO0 feet, the subdivision
will be connected into such.
Typical cross-section of the streets with paving, shoulders,
curbs or berm, and sidewalks, in sufficient detail to clearly
show construction features.
Suitable space to record the action of the Board and the
signatures of the members of the Board. Sufficient space
shall be provided to note any conditions of approval or
that approval is subject to a conditional approval contract
recorded therewith.
$) Location of any existing septic systems.
t) Adjoining land of the owner, developer, or applicant not
beln~ subdivided will be shown.
4. Distribution of Plans
Distribution shall be the same as that shown under Section III A-3.
The applicant shall also submit a Statement of Environmental
Impact. The Planning Board may waive any section, or sections,
of the Statement which it deems inapplicable to the proposed
project. The developer should discuss the requirements with
the Board prior to preparation of the Statement. preferably
prior to the submission of a Definitive Plan. The Statement
should include the following:
A set of plans at uniform scale shall be submitted in con-
junction with the Environmental Zmpact Statement, encompassing
the entire subdivision on a single sheet not larger than
42" by 60" showinq the following:
(1) Present and proposed topography at two (2) foot intervals,
with graphic drainage analysis, location of existing
structures, including fences and walls,
{2). Vegetative cover analysis, including identification
of general cover type, {wooded, cropland brush, wet-
land, etc.}, location of all major tree groupings, plus
other outstanding trees or other botanical features,
important wild)ifa habitats, and identification of
areas not to be disturbed by construction,
(3) Approximate surface and subsurface water level and
seasonal high ground water marks
(4) Soil types based on U.S.D.A. Soils study and location
of soil percolation tests.
Physic&i Environment
(1) Descrtbe the general phystcal conditions of the site,
Including amounts and varieties of vegetation, general
topography, unusual geologic, scenic, and historical
features, tratls and open space links and (ndigenous
(Z) Oescrtbe how project will affect these features,
(3)-Provtde a complete phystca.1 description of the project,
and relationship to surrounding area.
c) Surface, Water, and Sofls
(1) Descrtbe the location, extent, and type of extstlng
water and wetlands. ~ncludtng existtng surface drainage
characteristics, both within and &dJacent to the project;
(2) Describe the methods to be used during construction to
control erosion and sedimentation, ag., use of sediment
bas~ns and type of mulching, matting, or temporacy
vegetation, descrtbe approximate stza and location of land
" to be cleared at any g~van ttme and length of time and
exposure; covertng of so~l stockpiles; and other control
methods used. Evaluate'the effectiveness o~ proposed
methods on the stte and on the surrounding areas,
(3) ~escr~be the permanent methods to be used to control
eroston and sedimentation. Zncluda 'description of.
a. any areas subject to floodtng or pond~ng,
b. proposed surface drainage system,
c. proposed land gradtng and permanent vegetive cover;
d. methods to be used to protect extsting vegetation;
e. the relationship'of the development to the top-
f. any proposed alterations of shore 11nas, marshes,
or seasonal wet areas,
g. any ex~st~ng or proposed flood control or vetland
h. estimated increase of peak run-off caused by altered
surface conditions, and methods used to mitigate
and tmpact and/or return water to the
(~) Completely de~crtbe sewage dtsposa] methods. Evaluate
impact of dtsposal methods on surface water, sof~s, and
d) Subsurface Conditions
(1) Describe any l~mttattons on proposed project caused
by subsurface so~l and water conditions, and methods
to be used to overcome them;
(2) Describe procedures an~ ftndtngs of percolation tes~s
conducted on the stte;
(3) Eva~uate ~mpact of sewage d~sposal methods on quality
of subsurface water~
e) Town Services
(1) Describe estimated trafftc flow at peak perfods and
Proposed-circulation pattern;
(2) Describe locations and number of vehtc]es accomodated
~n parking areas,
(3) · Oescr~be effect of project on poltce and fire protection
(4) Describe effect of project on Public Works Oepartment
(S) Describe effect of project on e~ucational services;
(6) D~scrtbe effect of project on the town water supply
end distribution system~
(7) Describe effect of p~oJect on the town sewer system.
f) General Zmpact
fl) Summarize brtefly environmental tmpact off enttre town
with. support~np reasons.
Before endorsement of Board approval of a plan, construction of ways
and the tnstallation of municipal services s~alT .be secured by one,
or tn part by one and in part by the other, of the methods described
in the following Secttons ZZ! C-! and ZZ! C-Z, whtch methods may be
selected and from time to time varied by the applicant.
Final Approval wtth Bonds or Surety
Construction may be s~cured by a proper bond or a deposit of
money or negotiable securities, sufficient in the opinion of
the Board to secure performance of the construction of ways
and the installation of municipal servtces requtred for Tots
in the subdivision shown on the plan. Such bona or
If filed or deposited shall be approved as to form and manner
of execution b~ the Town Counsel, ~nd shaT1 be contingent on
the completion of such tmprnvements wtthin two (2) years of
the date of filin~ or deposit. Forms F~G,H,K,R (see appendix).
~. Final ApprovaT wtth ¢ovenan~
Instead of filing a bond or depositing surety, the subdivider
may request approval of his Definitive Plan on conditions that
no Tot In the subdivision shalT be conveyed, except by mortgage
deed, and no buildtna shall be ereeted thereon until the
p~ovements spectfled are constructed and Installed so as to serve
the lots adequateTy. Such conditions shaTT be secured by
covenant running wtth the land, referred to on the plan and
recorded tn the Registry of Deeds. ghen the subdivider hasacom-
pTeted the requtred improvements-specified for any ]ors fn ·
subdivision, he may request a release of the covenant for said
lots. If the Board determines that the ~mprovements have been
completed, the Board wilt reTease the covenant by appropriate
instrument, which shall be in form for recording in the Registry
of Deeds. Thereafter, the covenant relating to such lots and
so reTeased shall terminate. Fo~s Z, d (see appendix).
3. At the discretion of the Board, a time extension may be granted
for a period not to exceed one (~) year,'provided that such
an extension may be conditioned upon an i~crease tn the amount
of such bond or security as determined by the Board.
The Planning Board shall, wtthin ten (10) days after submission
of a plan to It, consult with the Board of Health. If the Board
of Health fs in doubt as to whether any of the land in the sub-
division can be used as building sites without injury to the
public health, it shall so notify the Planning Board in writing
within forty-five (45) days. Any approval of the plan by the
Planning Board shall then only be given on condition that the
lots or ]and as to which such doubts extst shall not be but]t
upon wtthout prior consent of the Board of Health, and shall
endorse on the plan such condition, specifying the lots or
land to which said condition applJes.
Any lot so located that it cannot be served by connection to
the municipal sewer system sha]] be provided with a sewage dis-
pose] system satisfactory to the Board of Health.
3. The 8oard of Health, should, in its review of subdivision plans,
make the Planning Board aware of the following information:
a} AccePtable percolation rstes throughout the subdivision;
b) Sufficient water table depths to provide minimum amounts
of ftl] over any proposed subsurface dtsposa) system;
c) Bedrock or impermeable soil within five (5) ~eet of the
surface where subsurface dJsDosal systems are to be installed;
Surface.water drainage from each lot whtch wtl] create a
health hazard on any abutting ]or or property, or surface
water draJnage o~to each lot which wt11 create a health
hazard to the future homeowner;
The potential for ground water pollution resultln~ from
development of a subdivision as well as requirements for
publlc safety during construction.
Z. The Planning Board shell obtain from the agency and for the
~aciltties ltsted below the following:
Htqhway Surveyor: for streets, roadways, shoulders, side
slopes, sidewalks, monuments, easements, and storm and sur-
face drainage facilities: verification of existing facilities
shown on the Oeftnitive Plan; approval of proposed facilities;
detailed specifications for performing the required work,
including any special construction requirements, approval of
cost estimates for performing said work; authorization for
any permitted deviations in improvement requirements.
Superintendent of Public Works: for water mains, fire hydrants
sanitary sewer mains, and related facilities; verification of
existing facilities shown on' the Definitive Plan; approval
of proposed facilities: detailed specifications for performing
the required work, including any special construction re-
requirements; approval of cost estimates for performino said
work; authorization for any permitted deviations in improvement
F?re Chfef: for any specfa] water supply facflft?es for
fire proc.cOlon where there ts to be no publtc water system~
f~re hydrants; and for ftre alarm facilities; approval of
p~posed factltttes~ construction specifications; approval
Of cost esttmates~ and approval of street layout and ~dth
for access by f~re apparatus.
Tree garden: for street trees; requirement as to s~ze, species,
location, and method of planting.
Board of Health: for the subdivision tn parc or as a whole;
tentative approval of the suitability of the land as build~ng
sttes; for Individual water supply and santtary facilities
where there ts to be no public water system; requirements for
tnsCallfng such facilities.
The vertffcaClon of ex~sttng facilities and the approval of pro-
posed facilities requtred above from any agency nay be ~ndicated
by appropriate sfgnatures on a copy of the Definitive Plan or =y
an appropriate statement form the agency addressed to the Board.
Cork specifications, ~nstallatton requirements, spectal construc-
tion requ~PemenCs, and any granted euthor~zatfon for deviation
tn Improvement requirements wtll be furnished to the Board by
the agency concerned tn a wrttten state;ent, suitable for attach-
ment to and tncorporatJon wtth the Oeftnitive Plan.
The &pencJes concerned may requtre, ~n connection ~th the con-
st~uctton or Installation of particular Improvements, wrttten
notification by the applicant when spectftc items are completed.
Zf' fnspecC~ons by C~e agency cannot be arranged, the subd~vfder
nay employ at hts own expense a registered en~neer to conduct
fteld Inspections of the work and to ~ssue Certificates of con-
form~ty. Such agency requtrements of notification and inspection
shall be set.forth ~n the written statements called for above.
A Check 1fsi of Inspection requirements wtll be provided to the
subdivider by the Board. Form*N (see appendix).
Not m°re than one butldtng designed for use or available for use for
dwelling purposes shall be erected or placed or converted to use as
such on any lot tn a subdivision, or elsewhere tn the town, wtthout
the' consent of the Board and such consent may be conditioned upon
the Providing of adequate ways furnishing access Co each stte for
such butldtng ~n the same manner as otherwise required for lots within
a subdivision.
~o such action shall take Place except at a regularly scheduled
Planning Board meeting.
Before approval, modification and aoproval, or dfsapproval of the
Definitive Plan ts g~ven, a publlc heartng shall be held by the
Planning Board. Not,ce of t~me and place of such hearing and of
subject matter, sufficient for Identification, shall be given by
the Planning Board, at the expense of the applicant, by advertisement
in a newspaper of general circulation tn the to~n of North Andover,
once in each of two successive weeks. The first publication shall
be not less than fourteen (~4) days prtor to the day of such hearing.
A copy of satd notice shall be matled to Ch, applicant and Co all
owners of ]and abutttng upon the subdivision as appearing ~n ~he most
recent tax 11st.
After the publlc heartn9, the Definitive Plan wt11 be studted
by th~ Board to determine its conformity with any tentatively
approved P~eltmtnary Plan, and 1ts compliance wtCh the dest~n
standards and other requirements of these Rules and Regulations.
Wtthtn stxty (60) days after the submission of such plan, the
Board wtll t~ke ftnaT actton thereon by aoprovlng) modifying
and approving, or disapproving such plan. Approval of the plan
shell not be deemed to be the lsytng out or acceptance by the
Town of any street shown thereon.
The action of the Board in respect to such plan shall be by
vote, Coptes Of whtch shall be certified and ftled with the
.Town Clerk, and sent by registered mat1 to the applicant. Zf
the Board modlffes or disapproves such plan, tt shall state
Jfl its vote the reasons for 1ts actton. Ftnal approval,
granted, shall be endorsed on the ortgtnal drawtn~ of the
eftntttve Plan by the signatures of a majortty of the Board,.
but not watt1 the Statutory twenty (20) day appeal parted has
elapsed follo~ring the ftltng of the certificate of tn, action
of the 6Bard with the ?ow~ Clerk. After the Definitive Plan
has been approved and endorsed, the applicant shall furnish]
the Board wtCh one r~produclble copy and six bl&ck and
prints thereof.
3. No plans shall be stgned other than at a meettno of the Planning
Board or at the Planntng Board Offtce after actTon of the 8Bard.
Any subdivision pTans passed with conditions and/or modifications
required wt11 not be stgned uriC11 corrected plans are provided
fo~ approval signatures, an~ such corrected plans shall be made
available no later than twenty (20) days (the 20-day appeal
period) from the day approval vote was taken.
Zn 1ts review of and actton on the Oeftntttve Plan, the Board
shall consider all Improvements and proposed destgn standards
as they satisfy the most exacttng requirement of the highest
use allowed in the zoning distrtct of the plan described In the
aPplicable Zoning By Law.
Zn the event that an approved Definitive Plan requtres modifi-
cation as a result of Conservation Commission or any othe~
appelace body's actton, the revised plans shall be forwarded
to the Planning Board for consideration as a modification to
the approved Definitive Plan.
Determination based upon the Statement of Environmental ~mpacc
(where required} that the subdtvtston~as.~es~gned
cause substantial an~ Irreversible damage to the environment,
if such damage coul~ be avoided or ameliorated through an
alternative development plan.
Recisston - failure of the developer to comply wttn the con-
structton scbedu]e Incorporated 1nCo the performance agreement
or unauthorized departure from any agreements made or
.submitted, whether or not at the direction of other public
agencies, she1] constitute reason for the Planning 8oard to
constder rectsston of such approval ~n accordance wtCh the
requirements and procedures of H.G.L. Ch. 4Z, Sec.
Deviations or requests for chanaes tn the ftna] plans and/or
proftles must be submitted tn w~tttng and ap;roved by She
Board after ftrst obtaining recommendation from the proper
agency having Jurisdiction over such.
Before the Board'wtl~ re]ease a surety bond or deposit, or ~n
the case of approva~ wtth covenant, tssue a certificate of per-
~ormance, t~e subdlvtde~ sha~ obtatn and submit to the Board
wrttten evtdence ChaC the requtred work has been completed ~rom
the-a~ency and for the fact]tOteS ]'tsted below:
~. Ht~hway Surveyor - for streets, roadways, sidewalks, shoulders,
side sl~ --
3pas, monuments, easements, and storm and surface drainage
Z. Superintendent of Public ~orks - for water mains, ~tre hydrants,
sanltary se~er mains, and re]ated fac~lJties.
3. Chief of F~re Oepartme~t - for any spec~l water facilities far
fire protection, fire hydeants, and for fire alarm ~acil~t~es.
4. Tree Warden - for street trees.
Before the Board wtl] release a surety bond or depos?t, or ~n
the case of approval w~th covenant, ~ssua a certificate of per-
formance, the applicant shall execute an Instrument, transferring
· to the town the ways and easements, with t~e exception of r~ghts,
easements of private utilities, such as gas and elecCrlcfty.
The dedication of satd ways and Installations to the town she;1
be subject Co acceptance by the governing bodies and officials
empowered by law ~o acceat such dedication. Fo~m ~ (see appendix).
[n accordance w~t~ the foregofng, the developer she?? hOC conve~
any ~ee or r~ght by deed ar otherwise, on any ways, easements,
or Jnstal~atfons, other than the right to pass and ~apass wit~
ethers ~avfng the same rtghC.
The conveyance called for in thts section sh~11 transfer to the
aPPrOpriate public corporation valtd unencumbered
ways and easements as shown on the subdivision plan and as
recorded tn the contra~ts of performance referred to ~n Section
~ZZ, C of Cnese.regu]aCtons,
-20 -
Before the Board wtll release a surety bond or deposit, or in
the case of approval with covenant, tssue a certificate of
perforlance, the subdivider Shall provide to the Board four
(4) sacs of black and whtte prtnts of as-butlt planso for use
tn preparing for hea~tngs and acceptaoc~ o~ the new streets.
The applicant shall submit As-Butlt plans drawn with Zndia
]flk on tracing cloth (or other method suitable for reproduction)
certified b~ hts engtneer to show the actual locations and
grades of a11 utilities (?ncludlng electric, telephone, and
gas underground ~nsCallatlons) and roadway profiles, Including
rim and Invert elevation po1 llghts, driveway cuts, pipe
sizes, hydrants, and gates, :~ all other Improvements, and
any changes authorized by 'the Planntng Board.
Location and alignment
a} ~11 streets tn the subdivision shall be designed $o that
tn the 9ptn~on of the Board, they will provide safe vehicular
travel. Our consideration shall also be given to the
a~tracttveness.of the street leyeu~ tn order to obtain
the maximum 11vabtltty and amenJ'ty of the subdivision.
b) The proposed streets shall conf~eu to a Master or'Study
Plan adopted tn whole or tn part by the Board.
c) Streets snell be continuous and in alignment with ex~sCing
streets, so far as Practicable, and shall provide a con-
ven~eflC system with connections adequate to Insure free
circulation of vehicular travel.
d) If adjoining property ts not subdivided but ts, In the
opinion of the Board, suttable for ulttmate development,
prov~ston shall be made for Proper pro~ecCton of streets
into such property by continuing appropriate streets within
the subdivision to the exterior boundary thereof.
e) Temporary dead-end streets, latd out to pe~mtC future pro-
Jectton, shall conform Co the provisions of alignment, w~dth,
and arade that would be applicable to such streets, Jf
Reserve strips prohibiting access to streets or ad~ointn~
property shall not be permitted except where, in the opinion
of the Board, such strtps shall be tn the public interest.
Street Jogs with centerltne off-sets of less than one hundred
twenty-five.(~2S) feet shall not be permitted.
The minimum centerllne radii of CUT'Wed streets shall be one
hundred (~00) feet. Greater radii may be required for prin-
cipal streets.
Streets sh&11 be laid DuC so as to intersect as nearly
es posstble et right angles. No street shall intersect
any other street at less than sixty (60) degrees.
The Intersection of street 1tries and the transition to
Curnarounds shell be aCCOlp]tshed bX means of a curve.
The complete curve data shall be shown on the Plans. The
minimum radtus at turflerounds shall be twenty (20) feet.
The mtntmum redtus et the street 11ne shall be as listed
tn the following table:
Intersecttnq Anqle (tn deqrees) Radius (tn feet)
86 - 90 ZO
76 - 86 2S
66 - 76 30
60 - 65 36
When the intersection of two streets varies more than
ten (20) degrees from a right angle, the radius of the
curve aC the obtuse angle shall be twenty (20) feet.
Residential Streets - In a11 residential zones the street
right-of-way width shall be fifty (50) feet. Greater width
shell be required by the ~oard when deemed necessary for
present and future vehicular travel.
b) 6ustness and Industrial Z~nes - Zn ali 8ustness and Indus°
trial zones, the street right-of*way width shall be a min-
imum of sixty (60) feet.
c)- The street r.ight-of-way at turnarounds shall be a minimum
of one hundred twenty (120) feet in diameter.
Grades of streets shall be not less than one percent
Grades shall be not more then stx percent {G.0%).
Where the grade of any street at the approach to an inter-
section exceeds four percent (4.0%), a levelling area shall
be provtded haviflp not gre~te~ then two percent (2.0%)
grade for a distance of twenty five feet (25'), measured
from the nearest exterior line o~ the intersecting street.
· - Oead-End Streets
a) Dead-end streets shall not be lander than five hundred feet
(SO0') unless, in the opinion of ~he Board, a greater length
is necessitated by topography ar'other local conditions.
b) Oead-end streets shall be provided at the closed end with a
turnaround having an outside property line diameter of at
least one hundred twenty feet (120').
S. Ovnersh~p of ~a~s and Easements
Acceptance of streets or footpaths. Approval by the 'Board
of a De¢tntCtye Subdivision Flirt shall not constitute the
Zaytng Out or acceptance of by the Town of any streets, b;ke-
ways, or footpaths vlth~n I subdivision.
O~nershtp of Hays and Easements. The ovner shall reCatn title
to the fee of each street, pith, or easement tn or appurtenant
to the subdivision untt1 conveyed tO the Torn and shall main-
Cain and repatr the roads and dratn~ge facilities ~n a
manner satisfactory to the Board durlng that per~od. Hota-
eton that fee ts'co be retntned shall be placed on the
Definitive Plan.
The-enCtre width between the extertor street lines shall be graded.
Stabilized shoulders shall be constructed on each s~de of the roadway.,
~n no CaSe shall stde slopes outside of Chi exterior street lines
steeper then C~o fcic (2') horizontal Co one fooc (~') vertical
be constructed except tn rock or ~ef?ntte ledge formatio,, Vhere
the maxtmun allovabla sTo~e shall be one foot (Z'] horizontal
to four feet (4') verCtca/ .These maxtmul slopes shall apply
Prom ~he street 11nas Co t~e ftntsl~ed grade of adjacent Tots.
Hhere maintenance of requtre~'slopes ts Impractical, retaining
walls may be constructed, ~tth approval of the Board, of a type
specified by the Htghway Surveyor.
~11 uCfltctes, such as electricity, telephone, ~aCer, gas. etc., shall
be Installed enttreTy underground, wtthtn the 11m~ts of the subdt-
visfOn. ~11 accessory equipment wtthtn the subdivision relative to
uCtllty servtce shall also be fnstalled enCtrely underground.
Adequate dratnaoe of all lots w111 be provided for. In no case wfll
the natural con'our of the land be changed to dtrect drainage onto.
ad~acen~ land. Oratnage f~om adjacent l~nd wtll be adequately
accommodated. The dratnage system from any subdivision ~11 not
create an adverse effect on any ocher person's land;
Easements for utilities and storm dratns across Io~$ o~ centered
on rear or s~de lot l~nes shall be provided where necessary and
--'"'-~71 he at 1east twenty feet (20') wtde.
Vhe~e a subdJv?ston ts traversed by a water course, ~rafnage
way, channel, or stream, the BOard may requtre that there be
provided a storm water or drainage easement of adequate wtdth
to conform substenttal.l.v to the 11nas of such water course,
drainage way, channel, or stream, and Co provtde for construc-
tion or other necessary purposes.
Uhere stde slopes outside of the. exterior street lines, steeper
than four feet (4') horizontal to one foot (1') vertical, are
to be constructed, the tnwn shall be granted and conveyed an
easement for m&tntenance of Chase slopes
AlI easements 11sCad tn Section ZV F (1, Z, and 3) and. any
other easement Chat the Planning Board deems necessary
be granted to the Town of North Andover. A copy of the written
easement along wtth a registered land surveyor's plan of the
easement: sha]~ be provtded to the Planning Board for
and, also, Co any end a]l departments or Boards affected
recorded tn th~ appropriate Pegtstry of ~eeds et ~he expense
o¢ the grantor.
All lots shown on the plan sh.~11 comply wtth the area, frontage,
and other ~equtrements of the Zoning By Law of the Town of No~th
Before approval of a p]an, the Board may a?so tn proper cases
qutre the plan Co show a park or parks suttab]y located for recrea-
tion purposes or for providing light and a~r. The park or parks
shall not be'unPessonable tn area tn relation to the land being
subdivided and Co the prospective uses of such land. The 8oa~
ma~ b~ aPPPOpP~ate endorsement on the plan ~equi~e ChaC no butld~n
be e~ected upon suc~ park oP parks fO~ a DeP~Od of not mo~e than
Due Pep~d sh~11 be sho~fl ~pP all nA~uPal features, such
epees, waCe~ courses, scenic potncs, historic spots, and sfmfla~
community assets, which, tf preserved, w~11 4dd attractiveness and
value ~o the subdivision, or to the Town.
Public bikeways or footpaths may be Pequtred by the Board to pro-
vide circulation or access to schools, recreaCfonal areas, shops,
sEc?Jori ¥. "EgU~RED ~PROVE~E~T$
All Improvements hereinafter specified shalT be constructed or
~nstalled by the subdivider tn accordance w~th these Ru~es and
Pegu~attons and in conformity w~th the approved Definitive P~an
and the soec~ftcatfons and other construction requirements of
Cna agencies concerned.
-Z4 -
As provtded In Sectton III, £-3 hereof, the agencies concerned
may requtre wrttten noCtce on the completion of specified 1tams
of construction, to make Inspection thereof. Zf such Inspection
cannot be arranged, the subdivider may provide Inspection thereof,
by a registered professional engtneer employed at the subd~v~der's
The enttre area wtthtn the exterlo~ lines of all streets tn the
Subdivision shall be cleared of a11 stumps, brush, roots, boulders
.11kc material, and a11 trees not Intended for preservation.
All loam and other y~eldtng matertal shall be removed from the
roadway area of each street o~ wa~ and replaced with suitable
roadways shall be constructed In compliance wlth specifica-
tions of the Highway Surveyor.
Roadways shall be constructed for the full length of all streets
tn the Subdivision, except In cases where provision has been
made for projection of a street to adjoining land. The center
11ne of such ~Oadways shall cotnctde wtCh the cenCe.r line of
the exterior street 11nas unless a deviation ts specifically
authorized by the Htghvay Surveyor. The mtntlum width of road-
ways between curb ltnes shall be as follows:
~estde'nttal Zones: Ha~or Street~ - th~rty feeC (30')
Secondary Streets - twenty-six feeC (26')
~lnor Streets - twenty-two feet (22')
~,~stfless or Industrial Zones: All Streets - fOrty feet
Greater wfdth shaT1 be requtred by the Planning Board where
deemed necessary for present and future vehicular travel.
The ~oadways tn approved turnarounds shall be paved over thet~
entire area Co an outstde dtameCer of aC la~st one hundred feet
All ~oadways shaT1 be brought Co a ftntshed ~rade as shown on
the proftles of the Definitive Plan wtth aC least the top four-
teen (14) inches consisting of etght (8) 1riches of good quality
hank run gravel w~th no stones larger than stx (B) inches and
stx (6) inches o~ Processed grsvel on Cop of Chts and shaT? be
ProYtded wttha ftnished surface for thetr full wtdth and length
as follows:
Residential Zones:
~a~or Streets - Four (4) inch bJtumfnous concrete, Type [,
consisting of a two and one-half (2~) 1nth
btnder coat and a one and one-half (1~) 1nth
wea~tng surface.
Secondary Streets - Three and one-half (3~) inch bituminous
concrete, Type Z, consisting of a two (2)
inch binder coat and a one and one-half
~Z½) 1nth weartng surf&ce.
~tnor Streets '- Three and one-half (3½) Inch. bituminous con-
crete, TyDe I, consisting of a two (2) inch
binder coat and a one and one-half (1½) inch
weartng surface.
Business and Industr. tal Zones:
All Streets - Four (4) inch bituminous concrete, Type [,
consisting of a Cwo and one-half (2~) inch
btnder coat end a one and one-half (1~) tnch
weartng surface.
When deemed necessary to protect the adjacent land from erosion
by the elements, bituminous concrete harms shall be constructed
along the sidelines of the roadway.
The intersection of roadway curb lines and the transition to
Curnereunds shall be accomplished by means of a curve. The
mtntmum radlus at the curb l~ne shall be as 11seed for street
Tines ~n Section
X. ~11 areas between the exterthr street lines and the curb lines
of the roadways thereon which are not occupied by sidewalks shall
be graded, loomed, and seeded with grass seed. The ~oam shall
be graded so that the surface at the exterior street li~es shall
be Cwo (2) inches hi,he? ChaC aC the curb lines of the ~oadways.
~. Hhere a driveway occurs in the shoulder area, the driveway snell
be l.atd so that there is a stratght grade from the exterior street
1the to the curb line of the roadway.
Sidewalks of hoc less than fnur (4) ~eet in width shall be con-
strutted on one or bath sides of the street in confor~nity with
specifications of the Highway Surveyor when, in the opinion of
the Board, such sidewalks are necessary.
2. A stx (6) inch laye~ of compacted gravel must be laid Under the
Sidewalk, wttha two (Z) inch bituminous concrete top layer.
The grade of th~ sidewalk shall conform to that specified in
Sections V, C-I and V, C-Z, concer~ing shoulders.
3. Bikeways and ~ootpat~s may or may not be part of ~he normal
sidewalk provisions and they may or may not be part of any
lot. They shall be desiqned with a minimum ten {~0) foot
right-of-way, six to eight (6 to 8) foot width, maximum gradient
of five percent (5~), except for short segments and a minimum
radius of twenty-five (~) feet.
AIl $1opes outside the exterior street lines shall be turfed
seeded with grass seed, except those in rock or ledge formations,
as soon after roadway construction as practical, as may be
tarmtned by the Htghway Surveyor, to prevent eroston.
Water maths, wtth hydrants, valves and fittings, shall be con-
strutted and installed wtthtn the subdivision as necessary to
p~ovtde to a14 lots theretn adequate water supply for domestic
and flee protection use. Calculations and certification shall
be submitted to prove that ftre protection is betng provided
in accordance with the National Fire Codes.
Connections with the extsttng water system shall be made by the
Board o~ Public Works at the expense of the developer. Where
Property adjacent to the subdivision ts not subdivided, provto
sion shall be lade for proper Protection of the syscom to ti~e
exterior boundaries of tho subdivision, at such size and grades
as will allow for the projection.
Water pipe shall bo ductile iron cement lined, seal coated
1aside, tar coated outstde, ANSZ specification AZI.S! and
~HWAC 1aZ tht.ckness class 5Z with a Itntmum stze of eiaht (8)
inches, excluding hydrant branches, whtch shall be a stx ($)
inch minimum. Gate valves shall be Muellor or aqua1AWWA
Spots. C500 and shall be Installed ~t street intersections
and on hydrant branches with division gates not more :hun
Z,O00 feet apart. Gate boxes shall be of the slldtng type
and marked 'WATER'. Ftre hydrants shaT1 be Eddy. type to
North Andover Board of Public Works or Fire Oepart~nt speci-
fications, and shall be one (~) foot outside the property
1the and located at every intersection, at the beginning of
and within the subdivision and with the intermediate hydrants
located where the dtStance between hydrants does not exceed
SO0 feet. A Cwo'and one-half (2~} foot diameter by two (2)
fooC drainage basin of screened scone wall $hall be prOvided
at hydrant bases,
4. Water 11nos shall be Installed ZS feet from the east or north
side of property 11ne on BO foot roadways at a minimum depth of
ftve (S) feet below finished grade of the street. Concrete
thrust blocks shall be Installed at all bends and tee's.
vents and blow offs shall be provided at htgh and low points
respective1/ if no hydrants are Installed at these locations.
$. Water lines shall be submitted to AWWA Pressure and leakage tests
in accordance with Section Z3-C600, and chlorinated in accor-
dance with AWWA
Service connections for'water ~rom the main structure in the
street to the exterior 1tries thereof shall be Installed for each
1oC shown on the Plan, whether or not there be a building thereon.
Location of.~uch servtce connections shall be recorded accurately,
to facilitate future connections. Water service locations shall
be f~1'ed with the office of the Board of Public Works.
-27 o
7. The water system shall be ]aid out and constructed in conformity
with the specifications of the Board of Public Works.
Where, in the opinion of the Board. of Public Works, reasonably
accessible water mains are not available and will not become
available within a reasonable time, and the Board of Public
Works so Informs the Planning Board, the Board may waive the
requirement of the construction of such mains. In such cases,
however, each lot shall be provided wttha source of domesCtc
water supply satisfactory to the Board of Health.
ta. ydrants shall bo Installed by the subdivider to the specifica-
tions of the Board of Public Works, and aC the locations approved
by t'he Ftre Chief. Wherever publlc water ser'Ytce is nBC to be
Installed, reservoirs for fire protection may be required, as'
recommended by the Fire Chief.
10. )t evePy street Intersection, there shall be Installed a water
gate, one on each lateral.
Sewer. pipes and related equipment, such as manholes and connecting
Y's, shall be constructed and installed within the subdivision
as necessqry to serve all lots adequately.
Z. Proper connections wtll be m~¢e vtth the existing sanitary
sever syscom. Where pcoperty adjacent Co the subdivision ts
nBC subdivided, provision shall be made for proper pro,action
of the system Co the extertor~boundaries of the subdivision, aC
such stz~ and Grades as will allow for the projection.
3. Sewer pipe shall be unglazed full strength vitrified clay and
shall conform to ASTM Designation' GZO0. Minimum sewer invert
depth shall be four an~ one-half (4~) ~eeC below finished grade.
Maximum distance between manholes shall be three hundred {300)
Mannoles shall conform to ASTM Oesignatio? C47B and meet the
follow~ng requirements: the wall thickness shall not be less
than five (ST inches. Sections shall have tongue and grooved
Joints ~tth an approved round or fin type rubber gasket or pre-
formed bttumasCtc sealant.
~anhole rings shall be aluminum AlloY 6061-T6. Pipe connec-
tions shall be of the neoprene boot with stainless steel clamp
type or approved equal. Manhole frames and covers shall be cast
iron, lettered "SEWER" an~ shall be eight (~) inches high.
Sewer lines shall be submitted to iow pressure air tests in
accordance with the Ramseier Procedure.
Service connections for sanitary sewers from the main structure
in the street to the exterior lines thereof shall be installed
for each lot shown on the plan, whe'ther or not there be a building
thereon. Location of such service connection shall be recorded
accurately, Co facilitate future connections. Sewer service lo-
cations shall-be filed with the office of the Board of Public
The santtary sewer s/stem shall be la?d out and cons'tructed tn
conformtt/ wtth the specifications of the Board of Public klorks.
Hhere, tn the optnton of the Board of Publtc Horks, re&sonably
accessible santtary sever maths are not available and wt11 not
become available wtthfn a reasonable ttme, and the Board of
Publlc Horks so tnforIs the Ptanntng Board, the Board ma/
watve the requirement of the construction of such mains. Zn
such cases, however, each lot shall be provtded w~th a sewage
dtsposal system satisfactory to the Board of Health.
Storm drains, culverts, and related facilities shall be destgned
to per. it the unimpeded flow of all natural water courses, to
ensure adequate dratnage at a11 lo. potnts tn streets, to con-
trol eroston, and to Intercept storm water run-off along streets
at Intervals reasonably related to the extent and grade of the
area Patna dratned. To the maxtmum extent feasible: 1) storm
water sha~l be recharged rather than piped to surface waters~
and, 2) peak flow rates at the boundaries Qf the development
shalT be no hlaher following development than prior to develop-
Catch Pastas shall be tnstalled on both stdes of the roadway
at all low potnts tn the road proftle, at a dtstance no greater
e~hafl four hundred (400) feet from the crest of s ummtt curves
and at'each muTttple of three hundred and ftfty (350) feet
thereafter, and prtor to at1 corners of Intersections, except
where the grade declines to th1 Intersection on both streets
tn whtch case the catch ba~tns shall be. located at the btsector
Of the curb. In the latter case, gutter proftles shall be sub-
mttted for apprnval to tndtcate the slope and loc~Cion of the
~utter grade.
A catch Pasta Co dratn manhole configuration shall be used. A
manhole shall be constructed aC all angle potnts, grade changes
of the pipe, or paints of entrance to the dratn s/stem by pipes
over three (3) inches tn diameter in difference. Dratn manholes
shall be constructed at a mtntmum of four hundred (400) feet
3. #eadwalls shall be constructed.at al1 tnlecs and outlets Co the
ptped dralnape system and shall be either:
1. For~ed and poured concrete with chamber edges
SCone and mortar
3. Pretest flared sections
A11 headwalls shall be of'good workmanship and finish. Con-
sCructfon details of any headwa11 to be used shall be submitted
to the Planning Board for approval and become part of the suP-
dtvtston plans. Headwalls shall conform to The following mint-
BUm specifications:
Cpflcrete Headva?ls:
a) foottngs shall be of concrete Co a depth of three (3) feet
-2g -
be]ow grade and a width' of Cwo (2) feet;
h) above g~ade, tC should be one (1) foot thick and the width
and length and taper (if required) would be dete nnined by
hetght of planned grade to be established;
c) if the footings are poured prior to top, 3/4 inch rods
shall be inserted 1nCo footings Co a depth of Cwo
feet and protrude two (2) feeC above;
d) concrete Co be of aC least Z,SO0 psi. and all work co
be of ~ood quality workmanship and finish.
Stone Headwalls
a) foottngs
half (2~)
shall be three (3) feet ~n depth and two and one-
feet in width of concrete;
b) stone laid in good quality cement mortar starting aC one
(Z) root below grade;
c) wtdth of wall shall be twenty(20) 1riches: hetght,'length.
and taper (ti any) to be determined by hetghc of planned
pride to be established:
d) scone shall be of one man stze and ali JotnCs to be flush
and soltd; all work Co be of good workmanship and finish.
Where an extsttn'g brook ts to be used as an ouCTet, the drainage
system shall'be piped to the brook. Should Chis outlet extend
beyond the subdivtder.'s property, an open dtCch of a Cy~e and
size approved by the Htghwa~ Surveyor may be used on the adjoining
property, after acquisition of the necessary easement including
a "Right to Out,et" the p~oposed size of pipe.
Any connection to the street drainage system by private lot or
cellar drain shall'be constructed In accordance with spect~to
caC~ons of the H~ghway SurveYOr and shall require written
a~p~oval of the Htghway Surveyor. Including-release of the To~n
of maintenance responsibility, Any Such connection s~all also
have the written approvaT oP the 8oard of Health if such pro-
posed drain was not shown on the subdivision plans.
adjacent sC.reefs or easements whi. ch prove adequate Co accomodate
the dratnaqe ¢low from the subdivision. In the absence of suc~
facilities'or tnadequac~ of the same. it shall be the responsi-
bility of the developer to extend dratns from the subdivision as
required to proper1~ dtspose of all drainage from the subdivi-
sion in a manner to be determined proper b~ the Board. Should
any such outlet extend onto adjoining privately owned proper~y,
the developer should obtain ali necessar7 easements running Co
the Town of North Andover fncluding a "~ight to Outlet" in a
manner approved by the 80ard. Any c~nnecCion to existing
eac~lities shall 4150 meet the requirements of the Highway
~here property adjacent to the subdivision ts not subdJvtded,
provision shall be made for proper protection of the drainage
system to the exterior boundaries o~ the subdivision aC such
size and grade as wtll allow for any such projection.
The storm drainage systel shall be Tatd out and constructed in'
cont'ormtty wtth the speclt'tcaCtons of the Highway Surveyor.
P.. In no use shall a catch bastn be constructed aC a drivewa~ curb
cuC o~ a d~YeWa~ cu~ CdC placed aC a catch b~stn location.
9. S~o~ dratns shall be destgned so as =o la?neath a mtnfmum
ve~oct~y o~ ~wo (Z) ~eeC pe~ second and a maxtmum veloct~ o~
ten (~0) feet per second ~n ptped secttons 'and a m~xtmum velocit~
of ftve (S) ~eeC per secon~ on open channe; sections.
10. All drain pipe shell be a lintmum of twelve (!2) inches, tn-
side diameter, lade of reinforced concrete conforming to
Massachusetts Department of Public Vorks specifications for
Class Il! ptpe, as such htgher class as lay be required
depth of coyer which shall be not less than thtrty (30) inches.
I1. Underdrains may be required if in the opinion of the 8oard,
water tab]es are sufffciently high and road cuts are severe.
~2. ~11 Catch basins and manholes sh&11 be four (4) feet in diameter
lnstde wttha thtrty (3D) inch mtntlul sump on CatCh basins and
sh&11 be constructed of pretest concrete units. Henhole frames
and ¢o¥1rs ~nd alt construction shaT1 be tn conformance with
the specifications of the Htohway Surveyoq'. Any brick used
sh)11 be clay b~tck. AT1 joints shaT1 be welt mortared with
'~ood orade cement mortar and etghC (8) inch barrell blocks
wtll be allowed tn p)~e courses only.
~3. A11 StOrm dretns, culverts, and related facilities shall be
letntatned.durtng construction tn accordance wtCh the require-
merits and specfftcaCtons of the Planntng Board and Ht~hway
Surveyor. -
Uttltty systems, such as electricity, telephone, and gas shall
be Installed eflttrely ufldergroun~, within the 11mits of the sub-
division. PTans of electric, telephone, and gas systems shall
be provided to the Board of Publtc Horks prior to ~nstallation.
Such uttTtCtes sha]T be Installed tn accordance wtCh safety
standards of the Board of Publlc Morks.
Utilttv systems wtTT be Installed so that service may be ex-
tended to each ]DC shown on the plan, whether or not there is
a building thereon, without need Co penetrate the Paved roadway
surface at such future time as the service extension may be made.
Fire alarm systems, with cable, fire alarm boxes and pedestals,
and other necessary fittings shall be constructed and installed
within the subdivision as necessary Co provide all lots therein
ready access to this means of emergency alarm.
2. 1ProPer provisions shall be made for connection Co the existing
ftre alarm system. Vhere p~operty adjacent to the subdivision
ts not subdivided, provision shall be made for proper Projections
of the system to the exterior boundaries of the subdivt'sion, aC
such size as wtll allow for the projection.
3. The fire &1&tm systel $hall be laid out and constructed in
conformity with the specifications of the Ftre Department.
4. Where, in the opinion of the Fire Department, reasonably access-
tble fire alarm system wires or cables are not available ,and
will noC become available wtChin a reasonable ~tme, and the
OeparCmenC So: informs the Planning $oard, the 8oard may waive
the requirement of the construction of such a system.
Street Crees, of a size and species approved by the Tree
Warden, shall be planted on each side of every street in the
subdivision wherever, in the opinion of the Tree Marden, existing
woodlands or suitable individual trees are not retained.
ExtsCtng trees standing wtthtn the extertor street lines which,
because of cheer location, species, and condition are suitable
for preservation, shall be shown on the subdivision plan and
shall be preserved by the subdivider.
flaw trees shall be at least two and one-half (2~) 1riches caliper
and shall be planted approximately six (6) feet outside the
exCeFior street lines, at Intervals of approximately fifty
feet, subject to the location of drivewaVs, street intersections,
or other subdivision features.
PreservatiOn of existing Crees and planCtng of new crees shall
be Such that they will not interfere with utility services or
sidewalk construction.
5. Preservation of existing trees and planting of new trees shall
be in conformity with ~he specifications of the Tree Warden.
Honument$ shall be set on the exterior street lines a~ all angle
points, at all points of change in direction of curvature, and
mt all street intersections.
Such monuments shall be set in bank gravel with their tops at
the proposed finished surface grade, unless the Highway Surveyor
directs otherwise. Monuments shall be of granite, not less than
four {4} feet long, and not less than six {~} inches square, with
the top surface hammer-dressed to a six {6) inch square area.
They shall be accurately set on the street lines. A drill hole
one-half(~) inch diameter by two (2) inches deep snell be placed
in the center of the top of each monument.
3. rlonuments will be in conformity with the specifications of the
Highway Surveyor.
-32 o
Street stgns and standards beartno the name of the street as
Indicated on the approved Oeftfl~t~ve Plan and the ~ntersecting
.s~reet shall be erected It a11 Intersections of streets in the
subdivision. At all pofnts at whtch a prtvate street wiCh~fl
the subdtvts?on tfltlrSeC~S wtth afl ex~sttng public way, there
sh~11 also be erected on the same standard and Immediately above
or below the street stgn, a stgn readtng 'Pr?rate Way'.
Street stgns and standards shall be of a destgn and mater~al,
and snell'be Installed tn conformity wtth the specifications
of ~he Ht~h~a~ Surveyor.
Strtct compliance wtth these Rules and Regulottons m~y be wa{ve~
when, tn the ~udgment of the Board, such actton is tn the pub11¢
interest and not Inconsistent vtth the Subdtvfstofl Cofltrol Caw.
For matters not covered by these Rules and Regulations, reference
ts Rode ~o Secttons 92~ to 82GG, Inclusive, of Chapter 4! of the
General La~s, and acts'tn a~endgent thereof, tn add,eton thereto, or
tn substitution therefor.
The foreqo~nq revtsed Rules and Regulatfons were adopted at a meeCJn9
of ~he Planning Board of the Town of North Andover duly held on
~uausc 4, 19P1.
These Rules & Rec]uZaC£on gevised a~ a PZann£ng Bo&~d meeCin~
heZd on June 16, 1986. Revised sec~ions~ Sec~£on ZZ,C,1} and
FO ~,:~ '~..
Application ~or Endorsement of Plan Believed Not
to Require Approval
Application for Approval aC Preliminary Plan
Application for Approval of Oeftntttve Plan
Oesigner's Cert*tftcate
List of Abutters
Performance Bond - Surety Como&ny
Performance Secured by Deposit of Money
Performance Secured by Bank PasSbOOk
Release Form
Performance Secured by Lender's Agreement
Referral Form
Conveyance of Easements and Utilities
Inspection Form
Control Form for Processing Subdivision Plan and
Certtftcmte of Completion and Release of ~unicipal
Interest in Subdivision Performance SeCurity
Certificate of Amendment, Modification, or Rescission
of Approval of Definitive Subdivision Plan
Performance Secured by Registered Negotiable Securities
Town Clerk's Certificate of Preliminary/Definitive Plan
Construction Schedule
Add the followfng to Section V of the Rules and Regulations
Governing the Subdivision of Land, Town of North Andover.
Any part of a subdivision located *within the Flood Plain
District established under the Zoning By Law shall comply
with the following:
Subdivision design shall be consistent With the need to
minimize ~ood damage within the flood prone area through
the use of:
I, open space, reservation
2. street profile and design
3. drainage systems shall be designed in consideration
of possible flooding to the Base Flood £1evation
4. all public utilities and facilities, such as sewer,
gas, electrical, and water systems shall be,located
and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage
3%ecor~ed June 17,17~) at 2:~9~,3