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GENERAL BY-LAWS NORTH ANDOVER Essex Count¥~ A~assachusett~ Harold: TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ]~LECTION DEPARTMENT TOWN' NOI~I~ A~I~DOV~i. 0otobeP 1, 1970 Would you make the following changes on the attached and make up about a dozen copies on letter size paper. Front page. O.K. Page 5. Section U, leave out first word "That". Page 4. Section 9, second line, "raise cna appropriate" small ~ and a. line 5 of same right after word ~y leave our "a" and put in word "proper", along same line after Town Treasury le ave out small "a" Article Il, Sec 2, 6th line down Town Meeting ~ ~ small "s" after Meeting. Page b, Pag~ Page A~TICLE III. Section 1 is out and Section 6 is out Add new Section ~, as follows. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon an portion of a way open to public travel for the safe maintenance of which the Town is responsible, except by Town Employees acting in proper performance of t heir duties. This provision shall not prohibit an occupant or premises abutting upon such a way from clearing snow or ice from a sidewalk in front of such premises, or from that part of any driveway or other means of access from such ~emises to the way, provided that such clearing does not result in a narrowing of the travelled portion of the way as definea by prior snow removal procedu~'es pe~ormed by Town Empl oye ~ s · ARTICLE IV. Section ia out ou= in place put "RepealeG ~ndt~r Article CO, of 1~4 Annual Town Meeting. Still IHT IV, Sec 15, last line, make the word "the" their. ARTICLE IX. Section 2."ADD'.' New Section 2. as follows: SECTION 2. EXENPTIONS: This by-law shall not apply to signs or other devices in or ever public ways, described in Section l, 2, or ~, of Chapter ~5 General Laws, or to signs or other devices on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structures of or used by common carriers, except advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutments thereof. It also shall not apply to any advertising device legally permitted and maintained on t~e d ate of the taking effect of this by-law, t~til one Near after the first day of July nextfollowing said date. Section ~. D~INITI~IS. rest O.K.. Page 12. AHTIC~ XI. 1st llne after word cause 'itc should be or" last ine after word each insert word "such" TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOIIN .1~ I,YONN. Town Clerk. E~.~:c ~'~ON DT~PaRTM,.:NT TO W'i'~ BUILDII~G I~ORTH A. NDOVI~I~, M&~. Harold: Page 12. ARTICLE XII-A. second line correct spelling in word "prescribed" Page 15. ARTICI~I~: XIII. Section 5. make 19~l?- 1970 (Srd line) next line right after 195~ add "and amendments thereto" next line, January 1, 1963 make October 50, 1970 Page 7. Section 12A. present one is out. New Section 12A. SECTION 12A. There is hereby established an unpaid committee to be known as the Capital Budget Committee, composed c~ one member of the Advisory ~Committee, appointed by and from it, one member of the Pl~uning Board appoLuted by and from it, the Town Aeeountant, ex-officio, and four additional members to be appointed by the Selectmen. The members from the Advisory Committee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms, The other members shall originally be appointed for te~ms of one, two, three and four years, and thereafter for four year terms. The terms of appointive members shall e$ire on March 51 of the appropriate year. Vacancies shallb e fil~ d for the unexpired te~ms and in the ~uner of the original appointments. The committee shall annually prepare a Capital Budget Program for use by the Advisory ~ Committee, the Planning Board, the voters and other Town Board and Officials in their ~eliberations. The ~ommittee shall publish such ~eport or a summary thereof in a suitable manner, deposit the original with the Town Clerk and present it to each Annual Town Mee~ing for its action. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. T,YONS, Town Clerk EL~CT~ON TOW~,, BUILDING NORT~ ANDOV~a, MASS. 0184§ December 4, 1970 To Whom It ~ay Concern: I have this date posted true and attested copies of amendment to the General By-Laws adopted under Article 6 of the Warrant at the Special Town Meeting held June 15, 1970 with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Also, amendment to the Zoning By-Laws adopted under Article l, of the Warrant of the Special Town Meeting held August 2[~, 1970 with the approval of the Attorney Gmneral endorsed thereon. Amendments posted at the following locations: Town Office Building. Bonellis Package Store NcAloons Package Store Cantys Market & Kitchen Center Village Store Cumbererland Farms Store Fire Station 1. " " 2. Filettis Barber Shop. Finnerans D~ug Store Neagans Drug Store. Ncr th Andover Pharmacy Freds Variety Store. Hay Scales Store Hollis Super Service Highway Grocery Middlesex Pharmacy Messina s Market Phelans Yariety Store Richdale Dairy Store Val's Eestaurant. V.F.W. Home. Tromblys Brothers ATTEST: THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 December 1, 1970 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Main Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 of the warrant at the special town meeting held June 15, 1970, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. I also enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under Article 1 o£ the warrant at the special town meeting held August 24, 1970, t0~ether with the map relating thereto with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, CARTER Assistant Attorney General CL:cav Enclosures TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~.~.EG?ION DEPAHTMEi'Cr N 01~1~ .A.I,,TD OVEH, September 1, 1970 To Whom It I~ay Concern: At the Special Town ~v~eeting in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Nonday the 15th day of June 1970 at 8:00 P.M., the following Article appeared in the Warrant: Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 12A of Article IV of its General By*Laws to read as follows: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid committee to be tauown as the Capital Budget Committee, comp~ ed of one member of the Advisory Committee appointed by and from it, one member of the Planning Board appointed by and from it, The Town Accountant andjfour additional members to be appointed by the Selectmen. The Town Accountant and the members from the ~dvisory gommittee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members shall be appointed for four year terms such that one will e~pire each year. Vacancies shall be Gilled for the unexpired terms and in the manner of the original appointments. The committee shall annually prepare a Capital Budget Program for use by the Advisory Committee, the Planning Board,'the voters and other Town Boards and officials in their deliberabions. The Committee shall publish such repo~t or a sunm.~ar~ thereof in a suitable manner, deposit the original with the Town Clerk and presen~ it to each Annual Town Neeting for its action. Petition of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid article it ~as VOTED that Section 12A of Article IV of the Town's General By-Laws be amended to read as follows: Section 12A. There is hereby established an unpaid committee to be known as the Caoital Budget Committee, compamed of one member of the Advisory C~mmittee appointed by and from it, one member of the Planning Board appointed by and from it, the Town Accountant, ex-officio, and four additional members to be appointed by the Selectmen. The members from the Advisory Committee and the Pla nning board shall ~e appointed for or~ year terms, the other members ahall originally be appointed for terms of one, two, three and Tour years, and thereafter for four years terms. The terms of appointive members shall expire on Narch 51, of the apDropriate year. Vacancies shall be filled for the un- expired terms and in the manner of the original appointments. The Committee shall annually prepare a Capital Budget Program for use by the Advisory Committee, the Planning Board, the voters and other Town Board and officials in their deliberations. The Committee shall publish such report or a summary thereof in a suitable manner, deoosit the original with the Town Clerk and Present it to each ~nnual Town ~eeting for its action. The vote was ~r LTNAN_MOUS and~s~ declared. Boston, Mass. December 1, 1970 The foregoing amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 is approved. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER i~onorable Eobert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, ~fass. TOW-~ ~BUILDING i~om~ A~)OV~R, ~SS, 018$5 August 27, 1970 Dear Sir: At our Special Town 1~eting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School on ~onday Evening August 211, 1970 at 8:00 P.E., the following article ap~ ared in the Warrant: ARTICLE I. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By- Laws by changing from General Business to Country Residence the following parcel of land: Beginning at an Essex County Bound on the Northerly side of Salem Turnpike and running N~ theasterly 114.8 feet by a curve with a radius of 70 feet to an Essex County bound on the Southerly side of Peters ~treet; then running North 60° 57' 30" east 446.09 feet by the Southerl line of Peters Street to a point; thence running Southerly ~6° 36' 40" East 13.36 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of North A ndover; thence running South 31o 52' 20" east 26.~0 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover; thence running South 26° 26' 00" cast 159.10 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover: thence running South 29° 39' 20" East 4.20 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover, thence running South 3l° 54' 24" East 282.84 feet by land of Ethel ~. Freeman; thence running ~est 62° 58' 12" 86.57 f~et by land now or formerly of Freeman; thence running South 50~ 55' 39" 2~9.09 feet by land new or formerly of Freeman to the Salem Turnpike; thence running North 32° 30' 00~' ~est 215.79 feet by the Easterly side line of the Salem Turnpike to the point of beginning. Containing 3.1 acres more or less. Petition of Richard L. Kort, 14 °rewster St., and others. Under the aforesaid Article it was ¥05~]D to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from General Business to Country Residence as follows: by striking therfrom Section ~.77 ~.7), and .by adding thereto the following new Section: Section 3- (Description as in Article.) The vote was AFFIR~TIVE 310. NEGATIVE 55. A two-thirds majority. 362 duly registered voters were checked and present. ~geeting opered at 8:00 P.B., and adjourned at $:~0 P.~l. true copy: THE COMMOI~,~WEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTM~E ,.T Of THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STA-I HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 December 1, 1970 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Main Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 nf the warrant at the special town meeting held June 15, ]';70, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. I also .~nclose the amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under Article 1 of the warrant at the special town meeting held August 24, 1970, %~ether with the map relating thereto with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, CARTER LEE Assistant Attorney General CL:cav Enclosures TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ,JOHN .]. I,YON$, Town ~ierk NORTH A.~DOVER, MA88. September 1, 1970 To ~',i?,om It I,',a: at tile Sncci~l f.,,n i-~eeZing in the Veteran~s Auditorium of our Nort~ .'u~do~e~,' High School on l~onday the 15th day of J~e 1970 at b:0C P.l:., the following Arti~le appeared In the '~Var rant: Articl~ 6. To [,~-~ i~ the Town ~ill ~ote to amend ~eotlon i~A of ~rticle IV its G~neral By*Laws to read as follows: ~ect~on 1~: -~cre is hereby established an ~oaid co~,~ittee to ce i~own a'. th~~ Capital Budget Committee, comp~ ed of one metal_er of the ..dvisory Committee appointed by and from it, one men,leer of the Planui~ Board appointed by and from it, The Town ~cce-~ntant and:fo~ additional members to be appoinved oy the ~elcc~men. ~he Town Accountant and the members from the A~visory Committee ~nd the Planing ooard shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members shall be aopointed for four :e~r t~rms m~ch that one will e~Ire each year. ~'acancies shall be filled lot the ~expired corms and in the manner of ~e origln~l ac:ointments. The co~ittee shall annually prepare a Capital Su~::et Program for use by the Advisory ~ommittee, the Plznz~ing ~.~rc, the voters and other Town Boards and officials in their C.sliberations. The Committee shall publish such re~ort or su~z.:ary thereof in a suitable manner, deposit the or~gin:l -'~lth thc Town Clerk and oresent it to each annual Town l~ectlng for !ts action. Petition of the Selectmen. Un,~er the aforesaid article it ':as Vb'~ t~at Section l~ of Article IV of tl~e Town's ~eneral By-Laws be amended to read as follows: Section 12A. There is hereby established an ~mpaid commissure to ae k~own a~ the Caoital Budget Co~Ittee, composed of one ~ember of the Advisory C~mmit~ee appointed by and from it, one me-~oer ~f the Plarmlng Bo~rd appointed by and ~rom it, the Town >co,rant, ex-officio, and four additional members to be app~i~'~-~ed by the Selectmen. ~h~ memoers from the Advisory Co~!~ ~ee a~d the Pla ~I~ ~oard ~hall ~e appointed for o~year ~erm~, the other m~m[~crs ahall originally be appoinned for ~erms of :.~, ~wo, three and four ~ars, a~d ~hereatter for fo~' years vcrr:. 2he ocrma of appointive members s~ll expire on ~,larcn 31, o~ ' ~e ~:~propria~e y~-~ar. ~am~ncies shall be filled for the ~- e~< ,!'~':~o norms and in thc manner cf the original appointments. Tho L ommitt~e shall ar~nually prepare a Capital Budget Program for .~ ~ ~y the Advisory Co~altt~e, the Planing ~r~, the voters and ~u~a~ ~ov~n Doard ~:] ~ff!~i~l~ ~n their deli:>erations. ~e j~m:ittoe shall publl~ ~:~n r.:o~rt or ~ summ~ry thereof in a ~.uita~.!e manner, dc-_~ l~ ~ or~!~ ~al with the Town Clerk and Pres-~:t it to eaci~ ~. ~k ?~n ,k~!n~ for its activin. Boston, Mass. December 1, 1970 The foregoing amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under Article 1 is approved. ROBERT H, QUINN THE COMMONWEALTH 'OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERA]. STATE: HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 ~ecember 1, 19"/0 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Main Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 of the warrant at the special town meeting held June 15, 1970, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. I also enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under Article 1 of the warrant at the special town meeting held August. 24, 1970, ~3ether with the map relating thereto with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, CARTER LEE Assistant Attorney General CL~cav Eric losures TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. I,YO,~:S, Town Clerk TOWN BUILDING Non~q~ A.w~)OWr~. MASS, 0154~5 August 27, 1970 pc:ar Sir: .t ou.r Zf~eci'~l Tc'..~ -., ~.til!S held in the Veteran~ s Auditori~ of our i'.orth :~ndover ~. ~ch~ol on onday Eveni~ August 2~, 1970 -~t [,:UO" f,~.., ~h,~. ~' ~o',.'~,~-" articl~ ap~ a~'ed~ in the Larrant~ .... · -~ .... !. 'fo ,:.:~ ~' t.ac £'u.'~'z~ ,:~ill vote to amel~d i~s ~onin~ L;..ws by ui~ali.ziL.; i'.' ~i Get-oral musiness zo Col~tr~' ,,esidence the fo!]owi~ ~:rcel ~. land: .... ~:.']i~nin~-i ..,t an Essex Co~ty ~o~.d on ~ne Lorf).er!y s.~ of ~.~].c.,~ 2,~'npike and rmnin6 ~{~theasterly 117~.8 fe,;t !~f a ,~ rye with :~ ~'adius of ~?0 feet to an Essex Co~ty r;cun,a ~.n the Sou" _er, l'~ sz,~c of Pe~:ers Street; then r~ning b'? ~'7, 50" ~ ~sz. d:~,C,) feet b;; the SoutherlN line of P~ters ~troet zoa goi .; thence r,~u~ing Southerly 66© 35' 40" Bast re~t by land n · cr formerlT~ of the Town of North .,nomver; thence rurml:~:. South ~2' 20" east 26.40 feet by land Trow or formerly' . of t}w~ ~ovm o:' .~orth :.ndover; thence r~mning South 26© 26' 00" ~-:~?,t 159.1~ '~' u [-~ land nor or 2'ormerll- of the Town of North ' ' ~ 'o':~ 39' East .20 feet by,land an.~o*'er .... ~e~ ,.-e rm~nir~ ~,.~h 29© 20" now er fo'tree "].y of the To~':n cf ~.or~h ., ,~n~o ~er, thence r~ning 'South.*'~ ~e .... ' l':md of Ethel ,,:. :foeman; thence ?unning West : - ~o' 12" S6.57 i'~et by t?nd now o: formerly of Fre~:.~; ~her - r~_~:i~ South ~0~ 55' 30" ~9.09 fort bv land n~ or fcrmer!v ?f !~'reeman to thc Salem T~rn~ike; thence running North 32© ~0' 00~' -:- ~15.79 feet by the Easterly side line of the Salem Zurn,~ike to *:'- r. ci~.v of be,ii,ming. Containing 5.1 acres more or less. Pet~*-'~ c:: ~Lich-,,'d L. Kort, lk ~rewster St., and others. -'n~,er t?.e ,fc?asa.E.u .rtlcle it Y/as ¥'Ozt~D to amend tko Zoning By-Law b-- c:,.:.z~ 'i~_.; om _,uc~.~a= sl~:o:~s to Country ?{esidense :,s follows: by strikin::: orfrom Uection ~,,7 (17) and by adding thereto the follov:in~ i~e': :~:ct:Eon: oecd:on ).J~. (Description as in Article.) ~'~.(: vot~ was ..~'~ ~ .... ~ 510. .,E~,~ ~5. ~, two-thir, ds ma. Jol~ty.' ~ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN 3, LYoxs, Town Clerk ~ OI~'H AI~'DOV~R, September l, lg?O - '-~'- S~eci~,! ke'~:n .:eezfin~ in the Veteran's Auditorium of our ;opth ~.na..,,-~r Eigh School on ~{onday the 15th day of J~e 1970 ~t o:OO P.~., the following Article appeared in the ~rti le 6. T~ see Iz' the Town will vote to amend bection i~A GL' ..t_cle IV )f its General By*Laws to read as follows: Sect~en 12A: 2:--~ is hereby established ~ ~mpaid committee · ~o be known a~ %nc~ Caoital Budget Co~ittee, comp~ ed of one m~rS ~.~? of the ~'~dvisory Committee appointed by and from one ~.~mber of u~.~e Planning Board appointed by and from it, the L own ~cc~-ntant and :four additional members to be appoint, ed ay ,.~e Select-~en. Thc Town Accountant and the members from the ~t~ nd the Pl~nin~ ooard shall be appointed ~cvis Ory CO~:,'~ for zne year ~:=~rms. The other members shall be aopotnted for fo~ '~ear ter"~.; such theft one will e~ire each year. Vacancies skall be f~il] ~d~-'~r~.. the unexolred terms and in the manner of ~e ori'~'.n~l appointments. The co~uittee shall annually prepare a Cu%~h~l Judge~ Prcgr.~m for use by the ~dvisory Committee, the Pl~:n~ ins ooa~ , the vetoers an~] other To~mn =~oa.~s ~md officials ~ tLei:~ del' ~ .... tions. The Committee shall publish such .... oft or . s ..... ~.., ther~.~of in a au%table manner, deposit the ori?Inal witk the ~own Clerk ~nd oresenz it to each Anno. al Town ~,~n~ for ~ action. Petition of the Selectmen. ~h~.]er the a,.~e~,aid arc-?l- VgUED that Section l~ of :',rtlcle PY o: the Town's ~enoral By-Lav~s be amended to read as =~ li~¥s:.'~'~'~':~,,,~,_.~, l~A. i'hare ~s hereby established an ~mpaid ~:o~'~'.l~ee t,) ~e k~cv~'n a~ th~ ~,~-~t-~ ~ Budget Oo~m~ittee, composed of one member of the Advisory C4~it5ee ~ppointed by and from it, one :~ember of t~e Plarmip, g Do~rd appoin5ed by and from it, the ~[mov~ ~ =cco~n ~.~]t ~ -~. ex-ofl'ieio, an~ z'our ad,~itlonal members to be ao~-inted b-~ ti~e ~elec ~ ,~n fh~ memr.~ers z'rom the Advisory Cc:::~:~itt~e ~,: .~ ~e Pla yzni~:j ~oard ab, all ~e appcin~od for o~ year - ,~'~ one o~ae~ ..... ,-~ ahall originally be a~opointed for terms tS eno, tv~o, tn~,-.~. .-.n~ four years, and ti~ereaI'ter I or four years ~L..mS 'ih{ ;.~rms .% '~' ooin~ive m~mbers shall exi3ire on ~Jarcn 51, o~ 7 le appi'3 :,Pi re: ,r'.ar.:.., . ,ac:~ncles sttall be filled for the ~xi~ired 5ei,}:J ,.~':%~I iD t.~:c manner of the oz'igina! appointments. Thc Co:anitt, e sba li an~ually-?repare a Capital Budget Program for '~.ze ay the Advisor,~~ompdv~ .... , tl~e Planning o~rd, the voters and o~':or Town a~f,r(1 af~d r. _'[ i._ ~n ti~eir de!i:erations. The Sommittoe shall oubli'z: ..... . ~.~ ~ ~'t )r a summar~ thereof in a suitable manner, de _.:~ta~.l with the Town Clork and i~resent it to eac]'7 n e,~!rl~: for its action. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 September 1, 1970 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I am happy to enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 of the warrant at the special town meeting held June 15, 1970, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, ~CONNELL, J~ Assistant Attorney General HFO'C:cav Enclosure ....... ~' : ~'~' O; e '~':~' ~"~ 03~' ~'~"~ '~ ' '~ ~ Boston, Mass. ,, September 1, 1970 The foregoing amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 is approved. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVEil J'OHN .]'. LYONS, Town Clerk :EnEcrro~ D~.PAa~E~,rr TOWN BUILDING NORTH ANDOV~H, MASS. September 8, 1970 To Whom It May Concexm: I have this date posted true and attested copies of amendments to general by-~awe adopted under Article 6 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Monday evening June 15, 1970 at 8 o'clock P.M., with the approval of the Attorney General under date of September 1, 1970 endorsed thereon. Amendments posted at twenty-two (22) at four or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. TOWN OF NORTH ^NDOVER AiTLCLC 6. To se,~ if the Tm,~'n wi]lv~,te ~.o a:~e~"l ,~ction 12A r~f Article iV of its Genera]. By-L,.'~:s to read as follows: Sec~flon ]2A: There is hereby established ,m ,~puid c~ittee to be ~o~ as '.he Cani'tal ~.idget Co~mmitte~, composed of o~ie meml<:r of the Advlso~ ~ .....''- ~ - "~, te'~ by and from it, c~e member of the Flann~g Boa~d appoln- ~a,~ .... t~e apcoi.~ ,] , , a;,m fou~ additional member] to be ted by and from it, the Town ~ ccom~ta[.t appointed b:f the Selectmen. The Yown ~cccuT:ta~t ~u the me,feets from the Adv~.sory Co~Fm~ittee and the Pla~Ing Board shall be appointe~ for one year terms. The other members shall be appointed for four )-ears terms such tm.~ o~e w~li expire each year. Vacancfies shall be f~lled for the pired terms aged !n the manner of the original appointments. The s;~,~ .... u,~l~- pr~par~ a Capital budget Program for u~e ~y the Advisory Committee. the Planning Bo.~rd, the voters and other to~ boards and cfi'Ica, als in their deliberations. The Committee shall publish such report or a sum~arv thereof in a suitable manner, deposit the orig~al with the Town Clerk ~nd present it to each /~,nual To~ Hooting for action. Petition of the Se!ectme~. UN,~ TUb AF,,')'{ESAID At~TICLE IT '.iAS VOTED that of the To~'s General By-La~'s be amended to read as follows: bectio~ 12A. There is hereby established an ~paid co~Ittee to be as the Capital ~dget Co~Ittee, composed of o;.e member of the Advisory Committee, appointed by and from it, one member of the Pla~Ing Board app- ointed by and from it, the To~ Acceptant, ex-officio, and four addition- al members to be appointed by the Selectmen. The members from the Advisory Committee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members shallorlginally be appointed for terms or one, two, t~ee ~nd four years, and thereafter for four year terms. The terms of appointive members shall expire on ~,¢arch 51 of the appropri~,te year. Vacar:cies shall be filled for the unexoired terms and in the mau~ or of the orlg~al appoin$- merits. The com~Ittee ~hall a~nually ~epare a Capital L~dget Program for use hy S~e Advisory Committee, the Planning ~o~ra, the voters anu other Town Boards and Officials in their deliberatio~':s. The Committee s~ll publish s~'ch report or ?~ su~mnary thereof in a suitable m~mer, deposit the original wJ_th the Town Clerk ~d oresent ~t to each Annual Tc'~ i~Ieet~g for its ant~on. Tis vote was b~,~II;.0do and so declared. OF NC)RTH ANDOVER T,~wr. i'~eeting held In the Vetersm's Auditori~tm of our ,~:orth ~ckool on :~o~day e~en Lh ~,ine -5, m.. at O o'clock article a~:aeared in the Warrant: ~J:i~:'LE 6. T~ see ~e the ~own wi]lvote t:~. amend ~;ection 12A of article _J o~' frs Oe:~cral By-L,_,,,s to read as follows: ~,e:;.,~on 12A: There is hereby established an ~paid co~ittee to be ~om~ as ,~.~e Capital .~dget ~cmm=ttee, composed of one member of the Advisory 2e~m!~:,~ae appoint, ed by and from~It, cne ~cember of the Plann~g Board appoin- ted by and from it, t~e Town ;~c,~o~tant and four additional memoers to be ~ppolnted by the Selectmen. The Town ~ccou~tan= ~d the members from the Advisory Co~mittee and the Pla~ing Board shall be appeared for one year terms. The other members shall be appointed for four years terms such ti~t one will expire each year, Vacancies shall be filled for the ~ex- pired terms and In the manner of the original appo~tments. The Committee shall annually prepare a Capital Budget Program for uso ~y the Advisory Committee, the Planing Board, the voters and other to~ boards and officials in their deliberations. The Committee shall publish such report or ~ sugary thereof in a suitable maimer, deposit the orig~al with the Town Clerk and oresent it to each ~nual To~ Meet~g for action. Petition of the Selectmen. Ui,i0F~ THE AFOkESAID A!~TICLE iT WAS VOTED that Section 12A of Article I~ of the Town's General By-Laws be amended to read as follows: ~Section 12A. There is hereby established an ~paid committee to be lmo~ as the Capital ~dget Co~ittee, composed of one member of the Advisory Committee, appointed by and from it, one member of the Pla~g Board app- ointed by and from it, t~e To~ Acceptant, ex-officio, and four addition- al members to be appeared by the selectmen. The members from the Advisory Committee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other mercers shalloriginally be appointed for terms of one, two, t~ee and four years, and thereafter for four year terms. The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year. Vacancies shall be filled for the ~mexpired terms and In the manner of the orlg~al appoint- ments. The co~ittee shall annually ~epare a Capital ~dget Program for use hy the Advisory Committee, the Planning Board, the voters and other Town Boards and Officials in their deliberations. Th~ C~ittee s~ll publish such report or a s~ary thereof in a suitable ma:met, deposit the original with the To~ Clerk ~d present It to each ~nual Tm~ Meet~g for its action. The vote was Ui~ANIMOUS ~d so declared. A tm~e copy: ATilT: ~~~ ,. Ju~,e 2}, 1~70 held In the Veteran' s AuditQriu~ of ou~ North :~on~:].:~¥ evenir,.~ J'~e 15, lg?O at 0 o'clock~ P.N~., -,e..d _~.~,~ tho Warrant: -- ,. ~. ::'~ .... ,: :wn ,,,~u~-~*~ to amend ?,ectlon 12A of Article -~" -: '~ e.~ai'if.,: ed :~n unpaid c o~r~ittee to be ~'~ow~ .... 'P- ,; " ' ~;~; . ~ _T_,'' OS 3]- '[ tlC'i i C1 f)'ie ,.~' '.'' ..... ~ " ¢0 iED ..... ' - : i". 4:'.; '~" [ .... -.i' ~ ' "'..J'~.f'" .'.'-_' ' ',.1~' ~oDr , ,':J. -- -r':_ 'L September I, 1970 ~":Ar~ld H. Salisbury, TC~A COu2~Oel of Hor~h Andover ~e, ~ssachusetts 01840 ~r ~ld, ~ r~ords o[ this office I~ that Attorney ~eral ~ul A. ~ver approv~ a ~rth ~do~er by- law r~ulati~ a~rtisi~ si~s and bill b~f~s on ~y 22, 1~9. ~ encl~e a ~static copy of the by-l~ and acuo~nying a~roval. Very truly yours, CL~c&v · nc losure ~ay £g 19 59. ~r. Joseph A. To¥~ Cierk~ North Ando~er~ Dear Sir: I enclose h~rewith by-la~ adopted'by th~ to~ North ~udover on ~arch 18~ 1939~ with the approval of the Attorney General noted thereon. Very' truly yours~ EDWARD ~cPARTLiN ~sistant Attorney General. TOWN CLERK NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS To ~om It May Concern:- I~ Joseph Ao Duncan, Town Clerk of North Andover, Massachusetts, hereby certify that the following By-Law was ttuanimously adopted by the voters at the AdjoUrned Annual Meeting of North'Andover held ~arch 18, 1939. Witness my hand and the seal of th~ Town of North Andover, Massachusetts this Town B~_--Law,. Article N,mmb__e_r. Nine R~e~ulation of Advertisin~ Siffns and Billboards /. Section ~. Statu. tory'Auth.~rit_~v. In pursuance of the authority granted to vowns in Section ~o9 of Chapt~ 93 of 'the General Laws, and pursuant to all other ~trovisioms of law, and without relaxinff any restrictions now ~posed on outdoor advertising devices by Sections ~ to 33 inclusive of said cha~ter or by any lawful state regulation th~re~der, such devices are hereby further rost~mct~a in 4he To'.n of ......... ~ove~- a~s [.,~,o~a~ in ~i~ l~ollowing sections Section ~. ~em~t~ons. This by-law shall not apply t~ signs or other devices in or over pu~imc ways, described in Sections 1, ~ or 8, of Chapter 85, Oenera! Laws, or to signs or other devices on or in the .rolling stock, stations, subways or structz~res of or used by common carriers, except advert~ ~' ~ ~ ' _~mn~= aevmces on bridFes or viaducts or abutments thereof. It also shall not apply to any amv~rtzsing device legally permitted and maintained on the date of the taking effect of this by-law, ~til one year after the first day of July next foilowinE said date. Section 3, Definitions : "Advertising Devices" shall mean billboards, painted bulletins, poster panels, signs, placards and other outdoor ~nits designed to call public attention to the ~atter displayed thereon. "Advertising Si~n" or "sign" shall mean any outdoor advertising device. "Sign-board" shall-mean any structure designed for displaying an outdoor advertisement. ~ "~fghway" or "street" shall mean any public way twenty feet or more in width. "Public ~ark" shall mean a piece of public land of at least five thousand square feet set apart for beauty and public enjoyment. "Public Reservation" shall mean a piece of public land set apart for recreational use, as a state or mmuicipal forest, as a protection to public water supply, as a memorial or cemetery, or as a place of tuausual scenic or historical interest. "Permitted" shall mean authorized by an official permit. "Display'! shall mean to make or maintain visible from any highway, public park or reservation. "Area" o~ a. sign or sign-board shall mean the area of the face view of the entire ~v~ includin~ all attachments except suoports and latice at the base thereof~ - - ~ "Residential district" shall mean any area zoned as residential. "Non-conformin~ business" shall mean a business located in a residential or rural distric~,other than such rural business as farming or the raising and sale on the smme premises of farm, garden or orchard products. "Lawful sign" shall mean any outdoor ~dvertisin~ device not prohibited by any provision of law or by any lawful state regulation. "Accessory si~n" shall mean any outdoor advertisin~ device which carries only advertisements strictly incidental and subordinate to a principal use of the premises on which it is located, inci~ding signs indicating business transacted or ~oods sold or produced on the premises or an occupant thereof~ but not in~ludin~ any si~n which is rented or controlled by any party except the owner or occupant o£ the premises. "Sign on a wa~l" shall mean a sign closely attached throughout to and facing with the wall, or on a window or door therein. ~'Lot" shall mean a plot of ground contai~in~ and devoted to the purposes of a building, or laid out to contain a building, with all required ope~ spaces; or a tract of unbuilt, undivided land under one ovauershipo Section ~. Prohibitions. No person, firm, association or corporation, except the o~wner or a tenant occupant of the premises, shall be permitted or allowed to erect, display or maintain any billboard or other outdoor advertising device thereon except in pursuance of written authority from such owner or tenant and unless either the name and address of the party holdin~ such authority or a lawful permit number from the state licensing. authority be displayed on such device No billboard or other outdoor advertising device shall be erected, displa~ed or maintained: (a) Upon any rock, tree fence or pole; (b) Within one hundred feet of any church,public building, mont~ment or memorial, or within three hundred feet of any public park, playground or public reservation, if within View £?om any portion thereof; except that ~I~ provi~ion shall n~b apply ~ a¢~sso~.y si~:~s on the walls of buildings; e ' (c) If it contains any obsc ne~ indecent or immoral matter. (d) Unless all parts and attachments and the ground about the base thereof are kept in neat and safe condition. Section 5. General Restrictions. No advertising sign or signboard shall be permitted or allowed to be so located as to obstruct a view between any points on connecting streets within fifty feet of a corner of the rights of way; or extend more than twenty feet above the surface on which it stands$ or to obstruct any door, window or fire escape on a building; or, if on a roof or'wall of a building, to extend above the legal limit, of height for such building or wall; or in a residential district, to extend not more than six inches nearer to any boundry of the lot or premises on which it is located than it wQ~ld be lawful to maintain a building~ except as provided in paragraph (c) of section 6. Section 6. Restrictions in Residential Districts. No person, firm, association or corpo~'atio~ shall erect, display or maintain or allow to be displayed or maintained on his et its property, in a residential district, any billboard or other advertising device, except, devices specified in paragraphs (a) (b) (c) and (d) of this section. (a) ~y lawful accessory si~n or signs not exceeding five square feet in aggregate area on any one building or lot;or any lawful si~n or signs advertising only the sale or rental of the premises, not exceeding a total area of ten square feet; or, on the premises of any public building,public recreation ~ro~d, farm ~arden, tree-nursery or forest, an~ lawful accessory signs no~ exceeding all together fifteen square feet in area within the limits of said premises; or any lawful accessory signs on the front wall of any building occupied by a non-conforming business. (b) Any lawrful sJ~n displayed by the town, or any sign displayed by the United Stat~s, the state or county relative to government business. (e) At any bo~undary line of the town a lawful sign not exceeding five square feet in area indicating the meetings of any civic organizations located therein. (d) On property owned or principally occupied by a religiou~, civic or charitable organization, association of war veterans or the like, any' lawful accessory sign displayed by written permission of the Selectmen, with approval of the inspector or buildings if any, for a limited period not exceeding sixty days. Section ~. Administration . V~enever notice'of an application to a stat~ authority ~ ~ ~ ............ ~ ....... displayed in th~ town is received by the To~,~ Clerk or any other town official, he shall immediately transmit to the Inspector of Buildings;or other officer charged with the administration of this by-law. Such officer, or, in the lack ; of other responsible officer, the Town Clerk, shall thereupon make an examination of the case and, as promptly as possible, within thirty days of the receipt of the ~pplication by the town, shall send written notice to the state authority to whom the application is addressed, stating whether or not the proposed advertising device would violate any provisions of thls and, if he finds such violation, specify what provisioms would be violated. In case of such violation, he shall send like notice also to the applicamt and to the owner or tenant of' the proposed location of t~e device. Any person deslring to erect a sign in the town may file a description thereof and of its' ~roDosed location with the officer char~ed with the enforcement o~ this oy-1aw, who shall thereupon mak~ an examination of the cas~ and shall give written notice to the applicant whether or not the proposed advertising device would violate any provision of this by-law, and if so, what provision. Said officer shall preserve for record all descriptions, notices of applications, letters and other papers received by him and coples o.f all notices issued and letters sent by him relating to outdoor advertising. Section 8. Penalties and Enforcement. The Selectmen or any other officer charged with the"ehforcemen~ of t--h-~ by-law, shall give written notice of any violation of Sections 4, 5 or 6 of this by-law to the party violating the same andre the owner or tenant of the property concerned, with orders to remove promptly any'device in violation thereof, and shall cause any party who continues such violation for fifteen days after such notice to be prosecuted; shall pursue appropriate legal processes to restrain the erection or maintenance of devices in violation of this by-law and to cause their removal or abatement in accordance with Chapter 93, Sections ~, 31 and 33; and shall also notify the state regulatory authority of outdoor advertising of any known violations of lawful state regulations that come to his notice. Section 9. If any provision of this by-law is declared unconstitutional or illegal by any court, the validity of the remaining provisions shall. not be afI'ected thereby Section 10. No provision of this by-law shall be construed in such a manner as to be inconsistent with the rules and regulations now or hereafter in force, concerning outdoor advertising, of any .state authority having' jurisdiction. This is to certify that the foregoinM is a true copy of the By-Law adopted by the voters of the Town of North Andover at their adjourned annual town meeting held ~arch 18, 1939. Witness my hand and the seal of the Town of North Andover this sixth day of April A. D. 1939. Boston, ~ass~, May 22, 1939. The foregoing by-law is hereby approved. Attorney Gener REPORT OF THE CO.~.~MITTEE ON REVISION OF THE TOWN BYmLAWS Pursuant to a vote of the Town at the 1965 Annual Town Meeting, a Committee was appointed by the Moderator to study and recommend re- vision of the Town By-Laws. Your Committee has been active and has met various times to con- sider all aspects of the Town By-Laws with a view to recommending a revision and consolidation of existing Laws. Immediately upon its organization, the Committee communicated in writing with all Town Departm~ts, Boards and Committees, and invited the submission to it of any suggestions and comments for consideration by the Committee. Several suggestions and comments have bee~ received and have been considered by the Committee. ~ome of these have been felt to be of some immediate importance and action by the Committee on these has resulted in the insertion in the Warrant for this Annual Town Meeting of Articles 80 through 8~, inclusive, and the Committee's explanation and recommendation of these Articles is contained in this Report. Because of the work involved in the task of this Committee, it was found impossible to submit a final report and proposed draft of a re- vision of the By-Laws to this meeting. Furthermore, the importance of s revision is such that your Ccemmittee feels that it should be the subject matter for a Special Town Meeting to be called f~r the purpose when full consideration can be given to this subject alone. We respectfully recommend that the Co~nittee be continmed to complete its work and that it be instructed to report to a Special Town Meeting to be called for the purpose of considering its Report and to take such action as the Town shall see fit with respect thereto. For the purpose of explaining the insertion in the Warrant and the recommendation of the Committee for the adoption of Articles 80 to 8~, the Committee respectfully submits the following for your consideration: ARTICLE 80. Section 7 of Article IV as presently appearing in the General By-Law is recommended striken by this Article. It currently pro- rides for a "Finance Committee". The Function of such Committee is simply a duplication of the function of your Advisory Board~and appears to the Committee to be unnecessary. ARTICLE 81. Section 2 of Article II requires the insertion in the Annual Town Report by the Selectmen o£ a report of the Selectmen's doings, s report of the School Committee, and of such other officers, boards and committees as are required to make reports, of a list of jurors, a report of all town meetings since the publication of the last Annual Town Report, and the regulations of the Board of Health, Water Co~missioners, and also requires the insertion in the Report of the By-Laws of the Town. The work in compiling and printing of the Town Report and the expense involved seems to the Committee such that considerable time and effort, and also unnecessary expense, can be saved by the adoption of Article 81. The effect of the adoption of Article 81 would be to sllow the Selectmen to designate, other than a report of their own doings and those of the School Committee which would still be required, what ~eports of departments, officers and boards and committees would be required to be printed in the Report. It would also eliminate the insertion in the Report of the list of jurors, of the Board of Health and Water Commissioners Regulations, and of the By-Laws of the Town, all of which are readily available to anyone who may have need to consult them. ARTICLE 82. This Article is intended to provide for the fixing of fees of the Inspector of Wires. No provision or authority apparently presently exists in the By-Laws for the fixing of such fees, and the Committee respectfully submits that this is a matter which required im- mediate attention. ARTICLE 83. This Article is the result of suggestions of various departmont~ and of other interested townspeople. There is presently no authority, except by vote at an Annual or Special Town Meeting, for the sale of personal property in any department which has become obsolete and which is no longer required. It is a cumbersome and expensive procedure ~ich requires the calling of a Town Meeting to authorize disposal of articles of personal property, the value of which is sometimes less than the cost of calling a Town Meeting. The Committee has in mind the possibX~tty of abuses in the matter of sales by departments and has thus rec~m~enAed a proviso that approval of any sale rest with the Selectmen upon request of the department head, and that the records of the Selectmen show fully the reasons for approval of any such request. The Committee is of the opinion that with these latter safeguards, the best interests of the To~n will be served by the adoption of this Article. ARTICLE 84. The Committee has inserted hhis Article in the ~arrant for the reasons which appear within the wording of the Article. The convenience of the public is of prime importance and must be considered at all times. Citizens in the process of building new homes, builders and contractors, and possibly industrialists interested in locating and building in North Andover should be able to consult with the Building Inspector at reasonable times. I~ is not possible for one Building Inspector to be available at all hours since the duties of his private business require his attention as well. The Committee also has in mind the possibility of some interest on the part of a Building Inspector in various applications and other matters upon which he may be called to act in his official capacity. For these reasons, the Committee recommends favorable action upon Attic le. We wish to thank all Town officials and private citizens for their cooperatdon with the Committee end once again invite any sug§estions and comments which any maywish ~o make to the Cor~nittee for i2s consideration. Respectfully submitted, Committee for Revision of the By-Laws Town By-Laws: Article 3, Sec 1. is out. " 3 " 6 " " Art 29, 1970 A.T.~. Renumber Article 3, sections 1 to 8. Article 3, Sec 9. ADD: New Section: Section $. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any portion of a way open to public traveler the safe maintenance of which the Town is responsible, except by Town Employees acting in the proper performance of their duties. This provision shall not prohibit an occupant or premises abutting upon such a way from clearing snow or ice from a sidewalk in front of such ~r emises, or from that part of any driveway or other means of access from such ~remises to the way, provided that such clearing does not result in a narrowing of the travelled portion of the way as defined by prior snow removal procedures performed by Town Employees. (ART.28 197© A.T.N.) Article 4, Sec 7, is out. Art. 80. 1964 A.T.N. Renumber Art 4, Sec 7 to 15 inclusive. In Art ~, Sec 10, leave out words also & may. " 4 " 13, make word "the-their'k Check ART 84 of 1964 AT~ to see if should be in By-La~s. ART 9. Sec 2. (left out) Should read as follows: SECTION ~. EXEMPTIONS: This by-law shall not apply to signs or other devices in or over public ways, described in Section l, 2, or 8, of Chapter 85 General Laws, or to signs or other device~on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structures of or used by common carrie~s, except advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutments thereof. It also shall not apply to any advertising device legally permitted and maintained on the date of the taking effect of this by-law, until one year after the first day of July next following said date. Section 3. should be DEFINITIONS. 'Town By-Laws: Article 3, Sec 1. is out. Art 29, 1970 A.T.N. ~ Renumber Article 3, sections 1 to 8. Article 3, Sec 9. ADD: New Section: Section 9. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any portion of a way open to public trave~or the safe maintenance of which the Town is responsible, except by Town Employees acting in the proper performance of their duties. This provision shall not prohibit an occupant or premises abutting upon such a way from clearing snow or ice from a sidewalk in Front of such ~r cruises, or from that part of any driveway or other means of access from such premises to the way, provided that such clearing does not result in a narrowing of the travelled portion of the way as defined by prior snow removal procedures performed by Tow~ Employees. (ART.28 1970 A.T.M.) Article 4, Sec 7, is out. Art. 80. 1964 A.T.M. Renumber Art 4, Sec 7 to 15 inclusive. In Art ~. Sec 10, leave out words also & may. " 4 " 13, make word "the-their" Check ART 84 of 1964 ATN to see if should be in By-Laws. ART 9. Sec 2. (left out) Should read as follows: SECTION 2. EXE~PTIONS: This by-law shall not apply to signs or other devices in or over public ways, described in Section l, 2, or 8, of Chapter 85 General Laws, or to signs or other devtce~on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structures of or used by common carrie~s, except advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutme~ts thereof. It also shall not apply to any advertising device legally permitted and maintained on the date of the taking effect of this by-law, until one year after the first day of July next following said date. Section 3. should be DEFINITIONS. · Town By-Laws: Article 5, Sec 1. is out. Art 29, 1970 A.T,M. .~ Renumber ~rtic]e 5, sections i to 8. Article 5, ~ec 9. ADD: New Section: Sectio~ 9. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any portion of a way open to public trave~or the safe maintenance of which the Town is responsible, except by Town Employees acting in the proper performsmce of their duties. This provision shall not prohibit an occupant or premises abutting upon such a way from clearing snow. or ice frcm a sidewalk in Front of such lr cruises, or from that part of any driveway or other means of access from such p~emises to the way, provided that such clearing does not result in a narrowing of the travelled portion of the way as defined by prior snow removal procedures performed by Town ~mployees. (ART.28 197O A.T.M. ) Article 4, Sec 7,. is out. Art. 80. 196~ A.T.M. Renumber Art 4, Sec 7 to 15 inclusive. In Art ~. Sec 10, leave out words also & may. " 4 " 15, make word "the-their" Check ART 84 of 196[~ ATM to see if should be in By-Lax~s. ART 9. Sec 2. (left out) Should read as follows: SECTION ~. EXEMPTIONS: This by-law shall not apply to signs or other devices in or over public ways, described in Section 1, 2, or 8, of Chapter 85 General Laws, or to signs or other device~on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structure~ of or used by common carrie~s, except advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutments thereof. It also shall not apply to any advertising device legally permitted and maintained on the date of the tmking effect of this by-law, until one year after the first day of July next following said date. Section 5. should be DEFINITIONS. · ~own By-~aws: Article 3, Sec 1. is out. Art 29, 1970 A.T~M. . Renumber Article 3, sections 1 to 8. Article 3, Sec 9. ADD: New Sectic~: Section 9. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any portion of a way open to public trave~or the safe maintenance of which the Town is responsible, except by Town Employees acting in the proper performance of their duties. This provlsic~ shall not prohibit ~n occupant or premises abutting upon such $ way from clearing snow or ice from a sidewalk in front of such ~r cruises, or from that part of any driveway or other means of access from such p~emlses to the way, provided that such clearing does not result in a narrowing of the travelled portion of the way as defined by prior snow removal procedures performed by Town k~mployees. (ART.28 1970 A.T.M.) Article 4, Sec 7, is out. Art. 80. 1964 A.T.M. Renumber Art 4, Sec 7 to 15 inclusive. In Art ~-Sec 10, leave out words also & may. " 4 " 13, make word "the-their" Check ART 84 of 1964 ATM to see if should be in By-Laws. ART 9. Sec 2. (left out) Should read aa follews~ SECTION ~. EXEMPTIONS~ This by-law shall not apply to signs or other devices in or over public ways, described in Section 1, 2, 9r 8, of Chapter 85 General Laws, or to signs or other device~ou or in the rolling stock, stations, subways er structures of or used by common carriess, except advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutments thereof. It also shall not apply to any advertising device legally per~itte~ and maintained on the date of the taking effect of this by-law, until one year after the first day of July next following said date. Section 3. should be DEFINITIONS. '~own B~-Laws: Article 3, Sec 1. is out. Art 29, 1970 A.T.M. ~ " 3 " 6 " " " " .. Renumber Article 3, sections 1 to 8. Article 3, Sec 9. ADD: New Section: Section 9. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any portion of a way open to public travel~or the safe maintenance of which the Town is responsible, except by Town Employees acting in the proper performance of their duties. This provision shall not prohibit an occupant or premises abutting upon such a way from clearing snow or ice from a sidewalk in front of such ~r cruises, or from that part of any driveway or other means of access from such p~emises to the way, provided that such clearing does not result in a narrowing of the travelled portion of the way as defined by Prior snow removal procedures performed by Town k~mployees. (ART.28 1970 A.T.M.) Article ~, Sec 7, is out. Art. 80. 196~ A.T.M. Renumber Art 4, Sec 7 to 15. inclusive. In Art ~. Sec 10, leave out.words also & may. " ~ " 13, make word "the-their" Check ART 8~ of 196[~ ATM to see if should be in By-LarJs. ART 9. Sec 2. (left out) Should read as foll.ows: SECTION ~. EXF~PTIONSI This by-law shall not apply to signs or other devices in or over public ways, desaribed in Section 1, 2, or 8, of Chapter 85 General Laws, or to signs or other devlce~on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structures of or used by common carrie~s, except advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutments thereof. It also shall not apply to any advertising device legally permitted and maintained on the date of the taking effect of this by-law, until one year after the first day of July next following said date. Section 3. should be DEFINITIONS. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk Honorable Robert H. quinn Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. TOWN June 25, 1970 Dear Sir: At our Snecial Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditcri,u~ of ouz' North Andover ~tgh School on Monday evening June 15, 1970 at 6 o clock P.M., the following article appeared in the Warrant: ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town willvote to amend Section 12A of Article IV of its General By-Laws to read as follows: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid committee to be known as the Capital Budget Committee, composed of one member of the Advisory Committee appointed by and from it, one member of the Planning Board appoin- ted by and ~rc~ it, the Town Accountant and four additional members to be appointed by the Selectmen. The Town Aocountant and the members from the Advisory COmmittee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members shall be appointed for four years terms such that one will expire each year. Vacancies shall be filled for the unex- pired terms and in the manner of the original appointments. The Commit'.ee hall annually mrepare a Capital Budggt Program for use By the Advisory ommittee, the Planning Board, the voters and other town boards and officials in their deliberations. The Committee shall publish such report or a m3mmary thereof tn a suitable manner, deposit the origLual with the Town Clerk and present it t~ each Annual Town Meeting for action. Petitic~ of the ~electmen. UNDER THE AFORESAID ARTICLE IT NAS V(~ that Section 12A of Article IV of the Tow~'s General By-Laws be amended to read as follows: Section 12A. There is herebyestabliahed unpaid committee to be known as the Capital Budget Committee, composed ~f one member of the Advisory Committee, appointed by and from it, one member ~.t~e Plann~n$ Board 'app- ointed by and from it, the Town Accountant, ex-orrmomo, and four addition- al members to be appointed by the Selectmen. The members from the Advisory Committee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members shalloriginally be appointed for terms of one, two, three and four years, and thereafter for four year:-terms. The terms of appointive members shall expire on March ~1 of the appropriate year. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired te~ms and in the manner of t~,~ ori~inal appoint- for uso monte. The commit~ee shall annually ~repare a Capital Budget rrogram ' hy the Advisory Committee, the Planning Board, the voters and other Town Boards and Officials in their deliberations. The Co~mlttee shall publish such report or a summary thereof in a suitable manner, deposit the original with the Town Clerk and present it to each Annual Town Meeting for its act$on. The vote was UNANIMOUS and so declared. A tm~ue oopy~ ATTE~T~ Boston, Mass. ., September 1, 1970 The foregoing amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 6 is approved. ThE COmMONWEaLTH Of MaSSaCHUSeTTS DEPARTMENT OF" THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 December 1, 1970 John O. Lyons Clerk ',ia ]_ n Street ,Icj'th Andover, Massachusetts 01845 · ear Mr. Lyons: [ enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted ,.l~der Article 6 of the warrant at the special town meeting h% !d June 15, 1970, with the approval of the Attorney General en-]orsed thereon. I also enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws ad~:pted under Article 1 of the warrant at the special town men, ting held August 24, 1970, ~ogether with the map relating the~-eto wi~h the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, CARTER LEE Assistant Attorney General CL:cs% Enc lo:~ ~ares TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ]~I.ECTI ON DEPARTMI:NT TOWN' BUILDING N'ORTH A~DOVER. M~ss. September 1, 1970 T:~ ~,~hom It I~{ay C;~ncern: ~ the Spe¢i~l Town :.leering in the Veterants Auditorium of ov~ North Ando~er High School on ~[onday the l~th day of 19n0 a~ c:OO P.I~., th~ following Article appeared in the Wa .' :'an~: art~clo 6. 2o se~ i~ 5ho Town will vote to amend oection i~A of Article IV of its General By*Laws to read as follows: Sec~[on 12A: There is hereby established an ~paid comities to L~ known as %he Capital Budget Co~ittee, comp~ ed of one mem~r of the Advisory Co~nittee appointed ~y and from it, one ~mber of the Planni~ Board appointed by and from it, The T~wn ~ccountant and ~four additional members to be appclnUed by ~n~ Selectmen. ~he Town Acco~tant and the members from the A~vis~ry Co~ittee and the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members shall be appointed for four ~ar terms such that one will e~ire each year. ~acancies shall ~ f~illcd for the ~expired terms and tn the :~nner of origin.~l appointments. The co~ittee shall annually prepare a Ca~itai Budget Program for use by the Advisory bommittee, the Plan~i~4~ Ooard, the vo~ers and other Town Boards and officials in their ~eliberations. The Committee shall publish such report nr ~ su~arw thereof in a suitable manner, deposit the original with the Town Clerk and presen~ it to each ~nual Town ~.~eeting ~for its action. Petition of the Selectmen. Under th~ aforesaid article it was VOiD that Section 12A of Article ~ of the Town's General By-Laws be amended to read as follows: Section 12A. There is hereby established az~ ~paid committee to be ~own as the Caoital ~udge~ Co~ittoe, compmsed of one mmu.er of Uhe Advisory Co~ittee appcinted by and from it, one member of the Pla~ing Board appointed by and from it, the Town Accountant, ex-officio, and four additional members to be appointed >v ~ne Selectmen. The members from the Advisory 0cr~ittee ~m ~ne Pla ~i~ ooard shall ~e appointed for o~ year terms, tke ~tner m~mocrs ahall originally be appointed for terms of one, tw~., thr~o and four years, and vherearter for four years terms, th~ t~rms of appointive members shall expire on ~larch 51~ of the a~ysop~iate year. %acancies shall be filled for the expired u~rrm, a and in the manner of the original appointments. The Com'~tt~e shall annually prepare a Capital Budget Program for use oy ~f~e Advisory Co~nittee, the Planning ~rd, the voters ~d other Town Board ~d officl~ls In their deliberations. Committ..e shall publish suck re:~ort or a sugary thereof in a suitall=~ manner, deriv.-it ~b, or'i~!nal with the Town Clerk and Present it to each kn~i -o-'~ ~Jeet!n;~ for its action. Th~ VOte was b~A:~ZMO'~ ~ and ~.) ~r~,_ copy: A~'~ST: ./~..." ,// TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk JUSTICE OF THE PEACE August 27, 1970 Attorney dehe~'al of ~' : Common, wealth State He, se Boston, ~,[a s s. Dear Sir: At our Special Tov,,n ..metiz,g held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our ~orth Andover ' '~h ,~chool on !;ionday Evening August 2~, 1970 at C:00 P.~f., thc -,~l.iowind article appeared in the ¥~arrant: M~TICLL t. To se. if the Town will vcte to amend its Zoning By- Laws by cha~in~ L'.~om General business ~o Co,miry nesidence the fel].owiz,;~ ~rcel of land: ~mginning ac an Essex Co~ty Bo~d on the ?~;ortherly ~ ~ ~ of . s~c:~. Salem 2~.rnpike and r~ning N~theasterly ll4.$ feet by ~ c ,rye with ~ radius of 70 feet to an Essex Co~ty bc=zd on the Sou';:':~rly side of Peters Street; then r~ning North 60o 57' 30" east ~+6.09 feet by the Southerly line of P~ters Street to a ocli,..; ~honce r~ning Southerly 86° 35' h0" East feet by land no;', or formerly of the To~ of North =ndover; thence ruling South 3)° 52' 20" east 28.~0 feet by land now or formerly of the To-~ of Yorth Andover; thence r~ning South 26° 26' 00" east 159.10 feet by land now or formerly of the To~ of North Andover: thm~ce r~ni~q South 29° 59' 20" East ~.20 feet by land now or former!'~' of the To~m of i.~orth andover, thence r~ning South 3lc 54' 24" k- ~,t 2~2'.84 feet by land of Ethel ~,[. ~'reem~; thence ~ning West t~2'.° q6' 12" 86.57 f~et by land now or formerly of ~re~man; thor, c,, r(:rni~ South 50~ 55' 39" ~9.09 feet by land n~ or formerly of i~reeman to the Salem ~rnpike; thence r~ning North 32° 30' 00" ';:c~t 215.79 feet by the Easterly side line of the Salem T~rnpike tc th, poi~:t of begirming. Containing 3.1 acres more or less. Petitlc.; cz' iLich:_rd L. Kerr, 14 °rewster St., and othe~s. Under the afo~ ~:;aia Article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law b~ changin~ fr~m Get.oral Business to Country Residence as followS: by striking ti:!.~rfrom ',)ection 3.77 (17), and by adding thereto the following ~ew ~ect!on: Section 3-4~. (Description as in Article.) The vote was ,,~',-ih,;~,~VE 5!0. ~huATz¥,. 55. A two-thirds majority. duly reL;istered voters were chcc~ed and present. ?eet!.~ ,; c, pe~n! at ~-;:00 P.!,L, ~nd adjourned at ZONING, V� u toxo 500 ¢ tope 4000 3600 .Otos SCALA 1N FEST too 4 / ss 27.1?v ejH J. YONS TOWN CLERK NO. ANDOVER. MASS. I?UtZAL QesloENCe Lo -r SI?G = 150 F, X Q,Q.,000 Atz�a COUNTRY RestO NC9 LoT StLB• 1�5 F. X 25,000 + AcZGA VILLAGC- f2C-110 --NCC Lot �t28 tOOt X 12,500 A2�A GENSPAL 13USINC—SG NC-ZGN00121 tO0O 13�51NE$� �.oT Stze � tis` �. x a�,000; Aaec► 1 N Du�'Tf2y L o -r gtze - 150'R x 50,000, kae& fes. Boston,�Mass. December 1, 1970 The within zoning map is approved. (Article 1) , �c torney Ggl& �..•�-�""'' ZZ L ---j _ ll e2e�.o Bore t« 2 S,res-i- P o rr l s1- 1 1 '\\ ' 111 oom 1 �\ IN 10st .y I MC)OSE MAMTcN 43 FetC(Cy ST. NAveautu.,Msss. MA i; t• Axa f L ---j _ ll e2e�.o Bore t« 2 S,res-i- P o rr l s1- 1 1 '\\ ' 111 oom 1 �\ IN 10st .y I MC)OSE MAMTcN 43 FetC(Cy ST. NAveautu.,Msss. MA i; t• Axa