HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 ZONING GENERAL BY-LAWSMarch 21, 1972
Mnnorable Robert H. 0uinn
Attorney ~eneral of T~e Commonwealth
State rouse
Boston, Mass. ~2133
Oear Sir:
I submit herewith and request aporoval of the amendment to
our General By-Law~ adoeted under Article 64 of the Warrant
for the Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's
Auditorium of our North Audover HiMh School on Ssturday
March 18, 1972 at 1:30 ~.W.
The following documents are enclosed to prove that all
orocedural requirements for the .adoption of such General
Py-E~w has been complied with.
Very truly yours,
~arch 24, 1972
Honorable Robert B. ouinn
Attorney General of The Commonwealth
S~ste House
Boston, Mass. 02133
Pear Sir:
I ~ubmtt herewith and request a~prov~l of the amendments to
our Zoning By-Laws under Articles ~9, 62 and 63 of the Warrant
for o~r Annual Adjourned Town ~eeting held in the Veteran's
Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Saturday March
18, 1972 at 1:30 ~.~.
~he followin~ documents are enclosed to prove ~hat all. procedural
mequirements fo~= the adoption of such ~onin8 ~y-Laws have been
comnlied with.
Very truly yours,
To amend the Zoning By-Law by oha~ from Village Residence to
General Business a parcel of land ~ ~a~sachus®tts Avenue at the
corner of Danvers Street near ~e~te ~95. (Petitio~ of Narren J.
O'Brien and others)
action recommended by a vote of ~-O. ~he reasons are a~ follows:
There is already heavy traffic in the area and this type of
business would create more of a traffic hazard,
The expansion of business should not be ~ll~ed in that areal
it is not suitable for further cee~ercial develo~ent.
Joh~ Brown's recommendations should be followed in keeping that
area residential.
It would not be in the best interests of the town to re-zone
that area for business.
To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residenee to
Industrial "L# a parcel of land at Belmont and Marblehead Streets.
(Petition of Edward J. Phel~n and others)
FAHORABI.~, action recommended by a vote of ~-0. The reasons are as follows:
1. Land is similarl~ zoned directly across the street and this would
be an extension of an ,,l~,eady existing zone.
2. This type of zoning would not be detrimental to the area since
this type of use has existed in this particular area for many year,,
To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Country Residence to
Industrial "S" a parcel of land on the easterly side of High Street
and Prescott Street. (Petition of Davis & Furber Machine Do.)
UNFAVORABLE action recommended by a vote of ~-O. The reasons are as follow
1. Potential industry could develop a serious traffic and trans-
portation problem if this area is re-zoned.
Nme.& ,l~ 19'72
ANIMAL ~ l,mC'~l~ - ~ .:1~, 1.9~:~ .. .
To amend the Zoning By-Law by cha~ frma Village Residence to
General Business a parcel of land e~ Massachusetts Avenue at the
corner of Danvers Street, near ~emte ~95- (Petitio~ of Warrea J.
O'Brien and others)
UNFAVORABLE action recommended by a vote of ~-O. ~he reasons are sa follows:
1. There is alread~ heavy traffic in the area sad this type of
business would create more of a traffic hazard.
2. The expansion of business should not be allo~ed in that area;
it is not suitable for further commercial development.
3. John Brown's recommendations shomld be followed in keeping that
area residential.
It would not be in the best interests of the to~n to re-zone
that area for business.
~TICLE 59:
To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residence to
Industrial "L" a parcel of land at Belmont and Marblehead Streets.
(Petition of Edward J. Phelan and others)
F,,A. VORABLE action recommended by a vote of ~-O. The reasons are as follies:
1. Land is similarly zoned directly across the street and this would
be an extension of an already existing zone.
2. This type of zoning ~muld not be detrimental to the area since
this type of use has existed in this particular area for many years.
To amend the Zoning By-Lawby changing from Country Reaidence to
Industrial "S" a parcel of land on the easterly side of High Street
and Prescott Street. (Petition of Davis & Furber Machine Co.)
UNFAVORABLE action recommended by a vote of ~-O. The reasons are as follows:
1. Potential industry could develop a serious traffic and trans-
portation problem if this area is re-zoned.
2. This area is basically residential - there are alot of homes
in the area.
3. John Brown has recommended this area to be residential and his
recommendations should be followed.
4. It would not be in the best interests of the town to re-zone
this area for industrial use.
To amend the Zorning By-Law by c~fromVillageResidence to
Industrial "S" a parcel of land on the westerly side of High Street.
(Petition of Davis & Furber Machine Co.)
action recommended by ay ore ef &-O. The reasons are as follows:
Potential industry could develop a serious traffic and trans-
portation problem if this area is re-zoned.
This area is basically residential - there are alot of homes in
the area.
3. John Brownhas recommended this area to be residentialand his
recommendations should be fmllowed.
It would not be in the best interests of the town to re-zone
this area for industrial use.
ART~CL$ 6~:
To amend the Zoning By-Law by ch.~,~g from General Business to
Village Residence a parcel of land at the corner of Water and Church
Streets. (Petiti°n of Davis &Furber Machine Co.)
FAVORABLE action recommended by s vote of ~-O, The reasons are as follows:
The Board feels that because that side of the street is mainly
residential and there are several homes on this parcel of land,
it would benefit the to,nan d the townspeople to zone this area
for residential use.
To amend the Zoni~ By-Law by changir~ from Industrial "S" to
Village Residence a parcel of land on Water and Clarer~ion Streets.
(Petition of Dav-ls & ~h~rber Machine Co.)
FAV~..R~J~ action recommended by a vote of ~-~. The reasons are as follows
The Board feels this is proper zoz~tng for this area and is in kee,
with the recommendations of John Brown and the Master Plan. Res~~
dential zoning would protect the people residing in the area sin,
these houses have existed there for many years.
JO]IN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Mort. Robert ~w. Quinn.
NORTH AN:DO'Vga, MASS. 01845
March 21, 1972
All requirements of Zoning By-Laws on Articles 59, 62 and 63 were
complied with.
Pour hundred and seventy-two (~72) duly registered voters were
checked at the meeting.
Bo~ :o.~, Mass. June o laT~
The foregoing amendments to Zoning By-law adopted under
Articles ~ ~2 and ~3 are approved
/d~- - ~,t~o~'ney Gene a
June 9, 1972
i ;nc!r.~c ?he ~.n~;ndment to S~neral By-laws adopted
un.'?er ~rt[cle :4 o? the warrant and the amendments
~o ~lonlr,: BS'-iaw adopted under Articles 59, 62, and
57 nf zhe warrant at the adiourned session of the
~nnual kswn meeting hel~, March 18, 1972, together
w[~h the map relating to Articles 59, 62, and 63,
with the approval of the Attorney General endorse~
Very truly yours,
Carter Lee
Assistant Attorney General
~onoe~le Robe~ H. Qutnn ~ ~ ~ Mm~oh 21, 197Z
State ~ou~e
Boston, ~ass. 021~)
oear sir~
At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our North Andover High School on Satu~lay March 18, 1972 at 1:30' P.M.,
tbs following General By-taw Article appeared in the Warrant and was
voted upon is herewith submitted for your approval:
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws
by adding the following new A~icle:
A. The dog officer may cause a dog to be impounded for the following
1) If found without a proper license.
2) If found at large or out of control outside of the bounds of
the property of the owner of the dog.
B. An impounded dog shall be released to its owner or keeper upon
payment of the pound fees and on the following additional conditions:
1) In the case of a dog impounded under paragraph A (1) above, upon
upon the obtaining of a license as r~quired by law.
2) In the case of a dog that has damage~ other persons private
property, only after the owner has compensated the person(s)
whose property has been damaged By the dog.
C. Dogs impounded andunclaimed by the owner or keeper after a ten day
per~od, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
MasSachusetts General Laws, Chapter 1~0, Section 15lA.
D. The dog officer may order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain.
1) A dog that has been impounded twice for the reason specified in'~;~
paragraph A(2), above.
2) The dog officer, in his discretion, may remove an order of
restraint if the owner of the dog satisfies him that the dog
is unlikely to repeat its offense.
Petition of Geraldine E. Fyfe and others.
.Under the aforesaid article it was VOLTS AM~lD the General By-Laws
of the ~own by adding thereto the follewin~ new Article:
The dog officer shall .cause a dog te be impounded if it be found
without a proper license, or found at la,ge er out of control outside
of the bounds of tbs property of its owner or keeper. An impounded
dog shall be released to its owner or keeper upon payment of the pound
fees (as established by the Selectmen) and, if neceeea~, upon its
being properly licensed.
dOZeN J. L¥O.~S, Town Clerk
Yon. Robert
March 21, 1972
A dog impounded and unclaimed by i~s owner or keeper after a ten
day period, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions
of Massachusetts General Lews, Chapter 140, Section 15lA.
The dog officer may order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain
it if it h~s been impounded twice; he may remove such an order of
restraint if satisfied that the dog is unlikely to repeat its
offense. Any person who fails to comply with any outstanding order
of restraint shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this
By-Law, and shall be punished therefore by a fine of not more than
ten dollars.
The vote was 1 5 5 AFF;R~ATIVE. 1 0 8 NEGATIVE. Majority Vote.
A true copy: ATTEST:
All requirements of General By-Laws were complied with.
Wour Wundred and ~e~
seventy-two ed were checked at
the meeting.
Boston, Mass. June 9, 1972
The foregoing amendment to General By-laws adopted under
Article 64 is approved.
JOlIN J. I,¥ONS, Town Clerk
· · ~"a'r'cb 2l, 1972
Attorney General of The Co~cnwealth~ ,?~ '~r .... [i,
State Youse , ';
Boston, Mass. 02133
Dear Sir:
At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Vetena.'s Auditorium
of our
the following ~oning Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted
upon is herewith submitted for your approval:
ARTICLE ga. mo see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Low By
reclassifying the following described oarcel of land from Village
Residence to Industrial L: A certain tract of land sitnated on the
e~ster!y side of ~arblehe~d SSreet, in North ~ndover, Essex County,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and bounded and described as follows:
~e~inning at tbs northwesterly corner of the granted ~remises, at
point in tbs eqsterly line of Marblehead Street, Pow or formerly marked
by a stone bound set in the ground, by land now or for~er~y of ~scar M.
Godfrey, aeorge L. Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell, trnstees of the Village
Land Company, reserved for a way or street and called ~elmont Street and
having a wldtb of aporoxim~tely fifty (~0) feet; Thence running some-
what northeasterly by said land now or formerly of oscar M. ~odfre~r, Qeorge
L. ~.milton and Henry P. Rockwell, Trustees of the Vil!sge I~nd Comnsoy,
reserved for such woy or street two hundred eighty-n]~
(2S9.6~ feet: mhenceTurnin~ at an interior angle of ~0n C~l' 30" and
running southerly by ].and now or formerly of Oscar ~. ~odfrey, George L.
~a~ilton and }{enry D. Rockwell, mrustees of
thr,e bund,ed twenty-two and ~7/100 (322.~7) feet. The~ce turning at
an ~nterior angle of 90° and runnin~ westerly by lan~ fo~r-~w]y of George
P. Cutler and now or formerly of Mrs. L.A. Re~d eighteen and 97/100
I]a. OT) feet. Thence turninE at an interior an!~le of ~20° ~4' and
running northwesterly alou~ tbs line of an old wall and ?roject~on of
tbs same by ].ands now or formerly of Head S.P. ~{ainsworth, ~. '?ruland and
H. Jewett two hundred seventy-three and 69/]~0 (273.49) feet: Thence
turu~ng at an interior angle of 239° 26' and runnin!z wes+~erly by land now
or formerly of s~id Jewett one hundred twenty-alight and 92/~O0 (128.92)
feet to the easterly line of Marblehead Street; 2ner~ce turnin.~ at an
~nterior angle of 90° and running northerly by sueb street lir, e forty and
76/100 ([~0.76) feet to the point of beg~n~ing~ to,ether w~th all the
Grantors' right, title and interests, ~f any, in ar~ to so much of said
~rblehead Street to the center line thereof as abuts tbs granted ?re~ises.
Petition of Edward J. Phelsn and others.
Tinder the aforesaid article it was 'VO~mD to .Rmend che Zoning W,y-T, sw by
adding thereto the following new section: ].8'? "L~,du,~tr~s] L" Distr~ct
description as in Article.
The vote was: AF%~I~MA~IVE 2 7 C.. NE?.a.~i'/::; l r. 2/3rc] majority.
Jon.w J. LYo.~s. Town Clerk
Won. Robert H. Qutnn.
Nolqrtl ANDO%'£R, ~,{A~qg, 01S~
~arch 2[, 1972
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to amend its ~:onin~; by-Law by
changing from General Business District to VillaTe R~s:dence District
the following described parcel of land: Peginnir,~ ~t ,~ point on the
'Southerly side of Water Street at the intersection wit~ ~he Westerly
l~ne of Church Street; ~ Thence running 113.13 f~et a]~n ~ the said
Westerly line of Church S~reet to a Dassageway ~t ],~d now or fo~erly
of ~ollen; Thence tu~ng and running by said passa;~ew~v and said
Eollen land 8~.37 feet to land now or formerly of %,fly; Thence
turning and runnin~ by said land of Dully and Willis 103.~2 feet to
the Southerly line of Water Street; Thence turned8 an~ running by
the Southerly line of Water Street, 82.50 feet to tbs point of beginning.
Petition of Helen L. Martin and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOT~ to amend the Z'm~u~ W~y-L~w by
adding thereto the following new section: 3.g9, descr~ot~cD as i~ Article.
Tbs vote was u~animous and so declared.
~TIC~E 63. To see if tbs Town will vote to amend ~s ~'o~ing Py-Law by
changin~ from Industrial "S" District to VillaEe ~esid~r~e o~e following
described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bo~md ~t ~.e intersection
of the Northerly side of W, ter Street and the Northerly v~de of C~arendon
Street, ~bence running Northwesterly ~82 feet by the ~ort}~er]y side of
Water Street to land of Davis ~ Furber Machine Company. ~he~ce turnin~
an interior angle of 92° h9' 48'' and ~nuing Northeasterly k~' to land of
Davis ~- Furber. ~ence tu~in~ an interior angle of c,~o Io, ~O" and
running 220' Southeasterly to land of ~vis ~ ~rber. D,~ce turning
an e~terior angle of 94° 0~' 42'' and running 27.29' ~orSh~terly to land
of Davis & Murber. Thence tu~ing an interior angl~~ of ~.o C~' 00" and
ruDning 273.20' Southeasterly to laud of D~vis ~ Furbe-. '~ence turning
su exterior angle of 89° 26' 27" and runninM 173' Nortbe,~ly to land of
Davis & Fnrber. Thence turning an interior angle of q" ~ 26' 27" and
running 80' to lsnd of Davis & Fnrber. Thence t~.~rninE ~r exterior an~.le
of ~9° 26' 27" and running 83' more or less Northeaster]~ to s division
line 7~' from the center of Cochichewick Brook. mhe~,(e ~,~r~in~ and
~nning 100' more or less Southeasterly on a division line ~' from the
center of Cochickewick Brook to land of Douglas and Wathe~i?~ l~ilson.~
Thence turning and running in a Southwesterly directior 1~ more or less
by land of Wilson to t~e Northerly side of East ~ster F~r~e~:. Thence
turnims an~ interior angle of 108° Ol' 47" and runninq j~.7~' iD a stooe
bound at the intersection of the Northerly side of Pss~ ~.~t,~'~ Street and
tbs Northerly side of Clarendon Street. ~hence tu~i~ '~n.-' r,~o~ng in
a Southwesterly direction 21~.77' by the Northerly side
Street to the ooiut of beginning. Petition of ~rry R. ~,w 3:~, and others.
T~der the ~resaid article it was VOTED to amend *~e~, 1 ' ~On~ '[ .; ~ v-L~w~, by
add~ng thereto the following new sention ~.C~A descr~ptioq a~ ~n Article.
~he vot~ w~s ~,nsntmous and so~-l~r~.
JO J.'
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
~n. Robert ~. Quinn.
March 21 , 1972
~11 requirements of Zoning By-Laws on Articles ~9, 62 add 63 were
complied with.
~our hundred and seventy-two (472) duly registered voters were
checked st the meeting.
The foregoing amendments to Zor, ing By-law ~]:~7 ~pte,~ ~n:]~~'
Arti. c~es ~9, 62, an~ ~ are appr~ea,.
JOHN J. LYONS, '[own Clerk
June 20, 1972
Honorable Rbbert'H. Quinn
Attorney General of The Commonwealth
State House
Boston. Ness. 02133
Dear Sirs
! submit herewith and request approval of the amendments
to our General By-Laws under Article 10, and our Zoning
By-Laws under Articles 11A and llB of our Speeial Town
Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North
Andover High School on Monday even£ng June 5, 1972 at ~
?~30 P.M.
The attached documents are enclosed to prove that all
procedural requirements for the adoption of euoh General
By-Laws and Zoning By-Laws have been complied with.
Very truly yours,
Jo~N J. L¥o.~s, Town Clerk
NO~ ANDO~R, ~SS. 01845
CR~ES ~R~ STO~ ~
CANe'S KITO~N '¢~/ 14
HOL~S VAR~ STO~ y I-' -.
~ ~~ STO~ ~
~,~SSINA' S ~R~T.
JUN 15 M72
june 9, 1977
John Lfons
JUN ].& i97Z x~
TOWN CLEi~K .,~ ~
.. enclose .......,~:. amendment
..~'"~:~er Article .~ o~ the warrant an~ ~he amendments
'o Zoning B2~'-law adopted under Articles 59, ~2, and
~ of the warramt at '~he a~urned session of the
nnual town :.leering hel~ March 18, 1972, together
~ ihh ~he ~,ap rela~ing ~o Articles 59, '5~, and ~3,
~.~[_kk the approval of ~he At~orney General endorse~
Uery gruly yours,
Carter Lee
Assist. ant Attorney General
,*,-'-'".' TOWN OF
.... '~:~ J~ JUN 1~ i972
J. Tow, aerk
%~,,~'~.~ ~?~'~," ~Ec~o~ D~*Am~T ~ JOHN J. LYONS
/ 5~ ~TH AN DOVER~/
Attorney Geue~.l o~ The Commonwealth
State Mouse
~oston, ~ass. 021~
TOWN BUrr,r~l~G
Ma~ch 21, 1972
Dear Sir:
~t our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our North Andover High School on Saturday March 18, 1972 at 1:30 P
the following General By-Lsw Article appeared in the Warrant and was
voted upon is herewith submitted for your approval:
ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Law:
by adding the foil_owing new Article:
A. The dog officer may cause a dog to be impounded for the following
l) If found without a proper license.
2) If found at large or o~t of control outside of the bounds of
the property of the owner of the dog.
B. An impounded dog shall be released to its owner or keeper upon
osyment of the pound fees and on the following additional conditio
1) In the case of a dog i~pounded under paragraph A (1) above, upo
upon the obtaining of a license as required by law.
2) Iu the case of a dog that has damaged other persons private
property, Duly after the owner has compensated the person(s)
whose property has been damaged by the dog.
C. Dogs impounded andUnclsi~ed by the owner or keeper after a ten day
per~od, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 140, Section 15lA.
D. The dog officer may order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain
1) A dog that has been impounded twice for the reason specified in
paragraph A(2), above.
2) The dog officer, in his discretion, may remove an order of
restraint if the owner of the dog satisfies him that the dog
is unlikely to repeat its offense.
Petition of Geraldine E. Fyfe and others.
?nder the aforesaid article it was VOTED TO AMEND the General By-Laws
of the Town by adding thereto the following new Article:
The dog officer shall cause a dog to be impounded if it be found
without a proper license, or found at large or out of control outside
of the bounds of the property of its owner or keeper. An impounded
dog shall be released to its owner or keeper upon payment of the pound
fees (as established by the Se!ect~en) and, if necessary, upon its
being properly licensed.
Jo][~ J. LYos~s, Town Clerk
Eon. Robert H. Quinn. (art-64) 2.
March 21, 1972
A dog impounded and unclaimed by its owner or keeper aften a ten
day period, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions
of Massachusetts General L~ws, Chapter 140, Section I~IA.
The dog officer may order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain
it if it b~s been impounded twice; he may remove such an order of
restraint if satisfied that the dog is unlikely to repeat its
offense. Any person who fails to comply with any outstanding order
of restraint shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this
By-Law, and shall be punished therefore by a fine of not more than
ten dollars.
The vote was 1 5 5 AFFIRMATIVE. 1 0 8 NEGATIVE. Majority Vote.
true copy: A?TEST:
All requirements of General By-Laws were complied with.
~our Vuudred and seventy-two (47~duly, r~&~istered
the meeting, ~//~, '~-~
AmmEST: ~~
were checked at
June 9, 1972
The foregoing amendment to General By-laws adopte~ under
Article ad is approved.
Atto~uey Geue~al of The Co,r~,~ouwealth
Boston, ~ss. 021~3
~ear Sir:
~oR'rlt A.~DOV~R, MAss. 01845
March 21, 1972
At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our Mortb Audover High School on Saturday March 18, 1972 at 1:30 P.M.,
the following Zoning Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted
upon is herewith submitted for your approval:
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
reclassifying the following described parcel of land from Village
Residence to Industrial L: A certain tract of land situated on the
easterly side of Marblehead SSreet, iu North Andover, Essex County,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the northwesterly corner of the granted premises, at a
point in the easterly line of Marblehead Street, now or formerly marked
by a stone bound set iu the ground, by land now or formerly of Oscar M.
Godfrey, George L. Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell, trustees of the Village
~and Company, reserved for a way or street and called Belmont Street and
having a width of approximately fifty (50) feet: Thence running some-
what northeasterly by said land now or formerly of Oscar M. Godfrey, George
L. Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell, T~ustees of the Village L~nd Company,
reserved for such way or street two hundred eighty-nine and 68/100
(289.68) feet: ThenceTuruing at an interior angle of 80° ~l' 30" and
running southerly by land now or formerly of 0acar M. Godfrey, George L.
Hamilton and Henry D. Rockwell, Trustees of the Village Land Company,
three hundred twenty-two and ~7/100 (322.57) feet. Thence turning at
an ~nterior angle of 90° and running westerly by land form~erly of George
P. Cutler and now or formerly of Mrs. L.A. Read eighteen and 97/100
(18.97) feet. Thence turning at an interior angle of 120° 34' and
running northwesterly along the line of an old wall and projection of
the same by lands now or formerly of Read S.P. Hainsworth, K. Truland and
~. Jewett two hundred seventy-three and 69/100 (273.69) feet: Thence
turning at an interior angle of 239° 26' and running westerly by l~nd ~ow
or for,,~erly of said Jewett one hundred twenty-eight and 92/100 (126.92)
feet to the easterly lime of Marblehead S~reet: Thence turning at an
interior angle of 90° and running northerly by such street line forty and
76/100 (h0.76) feet to the point of beginning: together with all the
Grantors' right, title.and interests, if any, in and to so much of said
Marblehead Street to the center line thereof as abuts the granted premises.
Petition of Edward J. ~helan and others.
f~der the aforessid article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: 3.87 "Industrial L" District
description as in Article.
The vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 2 7 5. NEGATIVE I ~. 2/3rd majority.
~on. Robert H. Quinn.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
NO~'rH ANDOV~R, MASS. 0'~ 84C,
~arch 21~ 1972
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
changing from General Business District to Village Residence District
the following described p~rcel of land: Beginning at a point on the
Southerly side of Water Street at the intersection with the Westerly
line of Church Street; ~ Thence running 113.13 feet along the said
Westerly line of Church Street to a passageway st land now or fox-zr~erly
of Kollen; Thence turning and running by said passageway and said
Kollen land 8~.37 feet to land now or formerly of Dully; Thence
turning and running by said land of Duffy and Willis 103.02 feet to
the Southerly line of Water Street; Thence turning and running by
the Southerly line of Water Street, 82.50 feet to the point of beginning.
?etitiou of Helen L. Martin and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: 3.59, description as in Article.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
changing from Industrial "S" District to Village Residence the following
described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound at bhe intersection
of the Northerly side of Water Street and the Northerly side of. Clarendon
Street, Thence running Northwesterly ~82 feet by the Northerly side of
~ter Street to land of Davis ~ Furber Machine Company. Thence turning
an interior angle of 92° hg' ~8" and running Northeasterly ~3' to land of
Davis ~ Furber. Thence tur~ning an interior angle of 9~° 10' 00" and
r~nning 220' Southeasterly bo land of Davis & Purber. Thence turning
an exterior angle of 94° 04' 48" and running 27.29' Northeasterly to land
of Davis & Furber. Thence turning an interior angle of 87° 05' 00" and
ru~ning 273.20' Southeastemly to land of D~vis ~ Furber. Thence turning
an exterior angle of 89° 26' 27" and running 173' Northeasterly to land of
Davis & Furber. Thence turning an interior angle of 89° 26' 27" and
running 80' to land of Davis & Furber. Thence turning an exterior angle
of 89° 26' 27" and running 83' more or less Northeasterly to a division
line 7~' from the center of Cochtchewick Brook. Thence turning and
r~nning 100' more or less Southeasterly on a division line 75' from the
center of Cochickewick Brook to land of Douglas and Katherine Wilson.
Thence turning and running in a Southwesterly direction 133' more or less
by land of Wilson to the Northerly side of East Water Street. Thence
turning an~ interior angle of 108° 01' 47" and running 38.75' to a stone
bound at the intersection of the Northerly side of East Water Street and
the Northerly side of Clarendon Street. Thence tur~ning and running in
a Southwesterly direction 215.77' by the Northerly side of Clarendon
Street to the point of beginning. Petition of Harry R. Dow 3d, and others.
the aforesaid article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section 3.59A description as in Article.
June 9, 1972
,]ze .-,mer'dment !:o 3-meral By-l~ws adopted
-r-~-:,--~ r hhe warrant and the amendments
war-ar? a~ 'he addourned session o? the
~.own mc~-~inq he!~ ?4arch ltl, 1~72, together
~*~g r.p].atJn%j '.3 Articles 59, 'r52, and 63,
approval of the Attorney General endorse~
Very truly yours,
~.~[~tane AtSorney General
" ° JU
JOHN J'. LYONS, Town CJerk
',~.~_~,~' ~'"c~o~tAm'~.,,? ~ JOHNJ. LYONS ~
State Mouse
Boston, w~ss. 02!~3
,%esr Sir:
No~ A_~o~m, M~ss. 01845
March 2l, 3.972
At m~r AnnuAl Adjourned mown Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our North Andover High School on Saturday March 18, 1972 at i:30'P.M.,
the following GenerAl By-Law Article appeared in the Warrant end was
voted upon is herewith submitted for your approval:
ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws
by adding the following new Article:
A. The dog officer may cause a dog to be impounded for the following
1) If found without a orooer license.
2) If found at larRe o~ o~t of control outside of the bounds of
the property of the owner of the dog.
B. An i~oounded dog shall be released to its owner or keeper upon
Oe~ent of the pound fees and on the following additional conditions:
]) Iu the c~se o~ ~ dog impounded under paragraph A (1) above, upon
upon the obtaining of a license as required by law.
2t !u the case of a dog that has damaged other persons private
property, only after the owner has compensated the person(s)
whose property has been damaged by the dog.
C. Do~s i~pounded andunclAimed by tbs owner or keeper after a ten day
period, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
MASsAchusetts General Laws, Chapter l~O, Section l~lA.
D. ~he dog officer ~ay order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain.
l) A dog that has been impounded twice for the reason specified in
paragraph A(2), above.
2) The doE officer, in his discretion, may remove an order of
restraint if the owner of the dog satisfies him that the dog
is unlikely to repeat its offense.
Petition of Geraldine E. Pyre and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED TO AMEND the General By-Laws
oi' the Town by adding thereto the following new Article:
The dog officer shall cause a dog to be impounded if it be found
without a proper license, or found at large, or out of control outside
of the hounds of the property of its owner or keeper. An impounded
dog shal~ be released to its owner or keeper upon payment of the pound
fees (ss established by the Selectmen) and, if necessary, upon its
being oroperly licensed.
Jon',w J. Lt'o",'s, Town Clerk
Won. Robert ~T. O.uinn. (art-64) 2.
Nowr~ ANDOVER, MASS, 01845
March 21, 1972
A dog impounded and unclaimed by its owner or keeper after a ten
d~y period, shall be disoo~ed of in accordance with the provisions
of Massachusetts Gener~l~L~ws, Chapter 1~0, Section I~IA.
The dog officer may order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain
it if ~t b~s been impounded twice; he may remove such an order of
restraint if satisfied that the dog is unlikely to repeat its
offense. Any'person who fails to comply with any outstanding order
of restr~int shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this
By-Law, and shall be punished therefore by a fine of not more than
ten dollars.
The vote was l 5 ~ AFFTRWATTVE. 1 0 8 NEGATIVE. Majority Vote.
A true ccoy: A=~EST:
Ail requirements of Oeneral By-Laws were complied with.
~our ~undred and seventy-two (47~2)~duly rSg~stered were checked at
the meeting.~/~// ·
Boston, Ma~. June 9, 1972
.~he ~ore<~'o~n~ amen,~ent to General By-laws adopter] under
Article Sd ~ approved.
=onorable Robert
State Pouse
~osto~, ~ass. 02133
near Sir:
NO.~,l-,u ANDo~rI~II. MASS. 01845
March 21, 1972
At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our North Andover ~igh School on Saturday March 18, 1972 at 1:30 P.M.,
the following Zoning Articles apoeared in the Warrant and was voted
upon is herewith submitted for y~ur approval:
ARTICLE 59. mo see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
reclassifying the following described parcel of land from Village
Residence to Industrial L: A certain tract of land situated on the
easterly side of ~arblebeed SSreet, in North Andover, Essex County,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the northwesterly corner of the grauted oremises, at a
point in the easterly line of Marblehead Street, now or formerly marked
by a stone bound set ~n the ground, by land now or formerly of Oscar M.
Godfrey, ~eorge ~. H~milton and Merry D. Rockwell, trustees of the Village
~an8 Company, reserved for a way or street and called Belmont Btreet and
having a width of aporoxim,tely fifty (50) feetJ Thence running some-
what northeasterly by said land uow or formerly of Oscar M. Godfrey, George
~. M,milton and Henry D. Rockwell, Trustees of the Village Land Company,
reserved for such way or street two hundred eighty-nine aud 68/100
(289.681 feet: ~heuceTuruiug at au iuterior angle of 80o ~1' 30" and
ruuning southerly by lau~ uow or formerly of Oscar M. Godfrey, George L.
Mamilton and Merry g. Rockwell, ~rustees of the Village ~and Company,
three huudre8 twenty-two aud ~7/100 (322.57) feet. Thence turniug at
an interior angle of 90° and runnin~ westerly by land formerly of George
P. Cutler and now or formerly of Mrs. L.A. Read eighteen and 97/100
(1B.97) feet. Thence t~rnin~ at an interior angle of 120° 3~' and
running northwesterly alon~ th~ line of an old wall and projection of
the same by lands now or f~mnerly of Read S.P. Hainsworth, K. Truland and
H. Jewett two hundred seventy-three and 69/100 (273.69) feet: Thence
turn~ng at an interior ansle of 239° 26' and running westerly by land now
or formerly of ssid Jewett one hundred twenty-eight and 92/100 (128.92)
feet to the easterly line of Marblehead S~reet: Thence turning at an
interior angle of 90° and running northerly by such street line forty and
76/100 (k0.76) feet to the point of beginning: together with all the
Grantors, right, title and interests, if any, in and to so much of said
M, rblehead Street to the center line thereof as abuts the granted premises.
Petition of Edward J. ~helen and others.
l;nder the aforesaid article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: 3.87 "Industrial L" District
description as in Article.
The vote was: AFFI~MA~¥VE 2 7 5. NEGATIVE 1 g. 2/3~d majority.
JOIIN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Won. Bobert bi. ~uinn.
NO~TH A~OV~, MASS. 01845
March 21, 1972
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
changing from General Business District to Village Residence District
the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a point on the
Southerly side of Water Street at the intersection with the Westerly
line of Church Street; Thence running 113.13 feet along the said
Westerly line of Church Street to a passageway at land now or formerly
of Kollen; Thence turn{ng and running by said passageway and said
Kollen land 8~.37 feet to land now or formerly of Puffy; Thence
turning and running by said land of Duffy and Willis 103.02 feet to
the Southerly line of Water Street; Thence turning and running by
the Southerly line of Water Street, 82.50 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Helen L. Martin and others.
Under the sforesaid article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: 3.59, description as in Article.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
changing from Industrial "S" District to Village Residence the following
described psrcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound at the intersection
of the Northerly side of W, ter ~treet and the Northerly side of Clarendon
Street, Thence running Northwesberly ~82 feet by the Northerly side of
Water Street to land of Davis ~ Furber Machine Company. Thence turning
an interior angle of 92° hg' ~8" and ~unning Northeasterly ~3' to land of
Davis ~ F~rbero Thence turning an interior angle of 94° 10' 00" and
r~nning 220' Southeasterly to land of Davis & ~urber. Thence turning
an e~terior angle of 94° O~' 4~" and running 27.29' Northeasterly to land
of ~avis & Furber. Thence turning an interior angle of 87° 05' 00" and
running 273.20' Southeasterly to land of D vis & Furber. Thence turning
~n exterior angle of 89° 26' 27" and running 173' Northeasterly to land of
Davis & Furber. Thence turning an interior angle of 89° 26' 27" and
running 80' to land of Davis & Furber. Th. ence turning an exterior angle
of R9° 26' 27" and runninK 83' more or less Northeasterly to a division
line 7~' from the center of Cochicbewick Brook. Thence turning and
m~uning 100' more or less Southeasterly on a division line 7~' from the
center of Cochickewick Brook to land of Douglas and Katherine Wilson.
Thence turning and ru~ning~in a Southwesterly direction 133' more or less
by land of Wilson to the Northerly side of East Water Street. Thence
turninE an~ interior angle of 108° Ol' 47" and running 38.75' to a stone
bound at the intersection of the Northerly side of East Water Street and'
the Northerly side of Clarendon Street. Thence turning and running in
a Southwesterly direction 21C.77' by the Northerly side of Clarendon
Street to the ooint of beginning. Petition of Marry R. Dow 3d, and others.
TT~der the aforesai~ article it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
a~d~ug thereto the ~ollowiug new section 3.~9A description as in Article.
JOtIN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Pon. Robert ~, Quinn.
March 21, 1972
~11 requirements of Zoning Py-L.ws on Articles 59, 62 and 63 were
complied with.
Four hundred end seventy-two (;~72) duly registered voters were
checked ~t the meeting.
Boston, ~la~s. June q, 1979
The foregoing amendments to Zoning By-law adopted under
Articles 59, 5~, and 63 are approved.
-2.- ~arch 3~+, 1972
This area is basically residential - there are alot of homes
in the area.
3. John Brown has recommended this area to be residential a~ his
recommendations should be followed.
It would not be in the beet interests of the town to re-zone
this area for industrial use.
To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from V~llage Residence to
Industrial "S" a parcel of land en the westerly side of High Street.
(Petition of Davis & Furber Machine Co.)
action recommended by a vote of &-O. The reasons are as follows:
Potential industry could develop a serious traffic and trans-
portation problem if this area is re-zoned.
This area is basiceqqy residential - there are alot of homes in
the area.
3. John Brown has recommended this area to be residential and hie
recommendations should be followed.
It would not be in the best interests of the town to re-zone
this area for industrial use.
To amend the Zoning By-Law by changi~ from General Business to
Village Residence a parcel of land at the corner of Water and Church
Streets. (Petition of Davis & Furber Machine Co.)
FAVORABLE action recommended by a vote of ~-O. The reasons are as follows:
The Board feels that because that side of the street is mainly
residential and there are several homes on this parcel of land,
it would benefit the town and theto~nspeople to zone this area
for residential use.
To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Industrial "S" to
Village Residence a parcel of land on Water and Clarendon Streets.
(Petition of Davis & Furber Machine Co.)
FAVORABLE action recommended by a vote of ~-O. The reasons are as follows:
'The Board feels this is proper zoning for this area and is in keeping
with the recommendations of John Brown and the Master Plan. Resi-
dential zoning would protect the people residing in the area since
these houses have existed there for many years.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Hon. Robert H. Quinn.
1Vo~T~:t ~w'~ov~, MASS. 01045
March 21, 1972
All requirements of Zoning By-Laws on Articles 59, 62 and 63 were
complied with.
?our hundred and seventy-two (~72) duly registered voters were
checked at the meeting. ~ ~ ~/~
Bo n, Mass. June ~, 1~72
The foregoing amendments to Zoning By-law a~opte~ under
Articles 99, ~2 and ~
~ , ~_ are approved.