HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-16 ZONING BY-LAWS NORTH ANDOVERO~ICE OF ~HE ~OWN CLERK. NORTH ANDOV~, NASS. At the Annual Adjourned T , ' own ~eeting held in the Veterans Auditorium of the ~orth *~ndover )iigh School on Saturday afternoon, March 16, 1957 at l:00 P.i¢., the following articles appeared in the Warrant: ~TICLE 1!. To see if the ~own of North .~ndover will vote to ~mend the Zoning i~y-Law by changing from Village ~¢sidential To Dusiness, the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land located on the sou~westerly s~de of ~ain Str~e bounded and described as follows: ~egirning at a point in the easterly side of ?irst ~treet distant 210 feet more or ~ ss from the southwestc~ly boundary of' ~ain Street; thence running ~ong land now or formerly of Vernile in a south- easterly d~rection 210 feet, more or less, to a poiot; thence turning ~nd running southwesterly along land of the said Vernile ll7 feet more or le~s, t o a point; thence turning and ru~min~ northwesterly to ?irst Street 210 feet, more or l~ss, along land of said Ve~ile; thence turning and running southwesterly ~ cng First Street 150 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turnin~ and ruffling south- easterly 270 feet, more cr less, to a point; thence turning and running along land now or late of ~obinson in a northeasterly diredtion 120 feet, more or less, to apoint; thence turning and running more or less southeasterly to Second Street 240 feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly side of Second Street; thence turning and runnin~ a!on' said northwesterly side of Second Street 200 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and rtun~in~ northwesterly 50 feet, more or less, to a point; thence running northwesterly along a line parallel to and 224 feet distant from the center line of ~ain Street 105 feet, more or less, to a point in the southeasterly side of School Street; thence Burning and running southwesterly along the southeasterly side of School Street l[~ feet, more or lass, to a point; thence turning, and runnin~ across the end of School Street in a northwesterly direction 40 feet, me, or less, to a point; thence t~rning and running in a northwesterly direction alon~ ssid School Street 1~2 feet more or less, to a point in the northwesterly side of School ~treet distant ~2~ feet from the center line of ~ain Otre~t; thence turning and running northwesterly along a line parallel to and 22~ feet distant from the center line of Flain Street 500 feet, more or less, to a point in the easterly side of First Street; thence turning and running southwesterly ~ong the easterly side of ~'irst Street 16 feet, mcr or less, to the point of beginning. Petition of Louis H. ~cAloon and others. Under the aforesaid Article ll, thc following wes voted: V0qi'!D to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residential to losiness, the following described parcel of land: A parcel of l~nd located on the southwesterly side of ~ain Street in the To~wn of ~orth kndover, County of Essex and Co~muonwealth of ?iassachusetts, bounded ~nd described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of }~ain ~trcet with the southerly line of >'irst Street; thence sm~thwesterly, by the southerly line of First btreet, about 210.0 feet to land of one Venile; thence southeasterly, by land of ternile 210 feet to the most easterly point of the Vernile property; thence southwesterly, still by said Vernile property, 210.0 feet to First ~treet; thence southwesterly, by the southerly line of First otreet, 150.0 feet to a stone bound at land now or formerly of Elizabeth Hyan ~eirs; thence southeasterly 21.50 feet to a stone bound of land of one i:{obinson; thence again southeasterly, by ].an~ of said Robinson, 56.50 feet to a stone bound; thence northeasterly, by land of said Robinson, 109.57 feet to a point; thence southeasterly, by land of said Robinson 247.94 feet to a point in the northerly line of Second Str~et, 200.6~ feet to an iron pipe at land of William A. i~'!rmeran; thence northwestez'ly, by land of said Finneran, 160.54 feet to the southerly line of School 4trcet; thence south- westerly, by the southerly line of Ochool Street, 160.)[7. feet to a stone bound at thewesterly end of said southerly line of School oo.~et, thence north- westerly, by the westerly end of School Street, 40.0 feet to a stone bound; thence northeasterly, by the northerly line of School °treet, 162.28 feet to a stone bovmd, thence again northeasterly, by the northerly line of 5chool'Street, 83.16 feet to a-stone bound; thence still again northeasterly, by the northerly ~ rr~bound mark~n~ the intersectmon of line of School Street, 95.~1 feet to a s~o ~" ~ . ' ~ the northerly line of School otreet with the westerly l~ne of ?ia~n Street; thence northwesterly, by the westerly line of Main Street, 62.~6 feet to a stone bound marking an angle in the said westerly line of ~ain Street; thence again north- westerly, by the westerly line of ~ain Street 258.25 feet, more or less to the point of begirm, ing. The vote was unanimous and so declared. OFFICE O~~ TOWN CL!~!-~t[. NOi:[TH ANDOVE~, ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the no~thwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so Ghat said paragraph so amended shall read as fo/lows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike'Street center line." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Un .er the aforesaid article 12 thc following; was voted: VOTED to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follo~vs: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center line," The vote was unanimous and so declared. OFFICE 0F TOWN CLEftS. NO,~t: '~'DOVER, ]~/~SS. .~::TICT.~: 14. To see if the Town v~ 11 vote to insert in the !,!orth ,~ndover Zoning Dy-Law words describing a segment, now missing, of the i:oun.d,,ry of the Oeneral Business zone in the northerly corner of the intersection of Turnpike Street and hillsid~e Street-Kent Property- set forth in paragraph 3.75 by strikiny off the terminal boundary-describing clause thereof as voted June 30, 1956, to wit "ThBnce northwesterly 91.5 feet to a point of beginning," and by thereof the corresponding words as originally printed in paragraph 3.8~ of the warrant for ~he June )0, 1956 Town [eeting, to wit "thence northwesterly 91.~ feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to the point of begimning. Petition of l'.~orth andover Planning Board, Nicholas ?. }ficetta, Chairman. Un~ier the s.£oresaid article the following was voted: ¥OTED to insert in the ~orth Annoyer Zoning Oy~law words describing s segr~ent, now raissing, of the boundary of the Reneral Lusiness zone in the northerly corner of the intersection of Turnpike Street and ~illsiSe ~treet-Kent Prope?~ty- set · or~ ~ p~--._~.ph P.75 ,-,,~ s~r~k..n~, off the te,minal ~ot~mdary-doscribing clause thereof as voted June 30, 1956, ~c~'~n }~eting, to wit "thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to thc ~otnt of begirning." The vote was unanf, mo~.~s ~:d so declared. Ai-;T!CLE 15. To see if the Town w_~ 1! vote to amend the ¥zl.~.~e kesidencc Zoning District bcundayr description set forth in paragraph ~.51 ss voted June 30, 1956, to correct a wron~:~ st~'~,et name, to st~ike out a mistake and superflous street name, .t~::z~tkm~:~xaxmi~k~x~xx~ to state clearly the compass direction of a l'o,mnd, ary segment, anm to extend, adjust ~d re-locate other bounderU segments to cor?ospond with changes in the *fain Street General :~us~ness Zone boundary set forth in paragraph 3.71, by taking all or some of the several actiors specified hcreun ~r as to se. id paragr~h ~.51 by striking out in the seventh segment the nar~,e "Sutton _~treet" and by inserting In place t]~ereof the name "Second Street"; by striking] out in thc ninth bo~,mding segment the first occ~rr- once of the words "and i~!m Street"; by correcting the first letter of the first word of the t~vonty-first bounding segment so that the word shall re~:d "south- w~ster!y"; by strik.lnj~ out the sixth bounding segment description ~'~d inserting in place thereof the followJm~:: three segment descriptions ?smely: ]asterly by a !ir~e parallel to and 150' weste~ly f?om the center line cf Street betv~cen ~ay Str~et and Waver!ow Load; Southeasterly ~-? a short portion of Waverley Aced cer~ter line: l[ortheasterly by a line parslle! to and 22 westerly from l.[a!n ~treet center line. Petition cf ~[orth "ndovar Planning Board, :',.~c._o~:s ='. i!icetta, ~ha~r~n. Under the ~o'.'esaid article the followipg was voted: VOT>i~ to amend tho %il!age 2{esidence Zoning ~istrict Boundary :~.escription set Cort}~ in paragr~h 3.51 as voted June 50~ 1956, to correct a wron.z street name, to strike out a mistake and superflous street name, to st~te clearly the compass direction of a boundary segment, and to extend, adjust an~ re-locate other bounrlary segments to corresoomdcnce with changes in the ~,~ain Otreet Oeneral ~siness Zome boe. nd~.ry set forth' ~ paragraph 5.71, by taking all or some of the several actions, spedi- fled heroun~;er as to said paragraph 3.51 by striking out in the seventh boundary segment the name "Sutton Street" and by insertin[] in place thereof the name "Second Street"; by striking out in the ninth boundS, nS segmer~t the f~rst occu~rence of the words "and Elm Street"; by correcting the first letter of the first word of the twenty-firSt bounding segment so that the word shall read "southwesterly"; striking out the sixth boundJn~ segment description and inserting in place tho followi~ three segment descriptions namely: lasterty by a line parallel to and 150~ westerly, from the center line of i~[ain Street between ~'~sy street ~d l~'iaverley koad; Southeasterly by a.short portion of '~',avcrley Road center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 225' westerly from l~iain Street center line. t'he vote was unanimous and so declared. AP, TICLE 16. To sec if the Town will vote to amend the North ~,ndover Zoning By-law by classifying as Neighborhood Business the property k. nown as Hilton~ s Var!sty; described ~m paragraph 3-74 (~5) as voted June 30, 1956., adjoining other proper, ty zoned Neighborhood Buszness described in paragrap$ 3.65 as voted June p0, 1~56, and to accomplish that purpose amending and enlarging the area described in paragraoh 5.6~, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: ~5.65 'Neighborhood Business: An area of land at the northwesterly intersection of ~[iddlesex Street and Waverley Road bounded: Easterly by the westerly sideline of ;~averley Road; Southeasterly and Southerly by the northerly sideline of tliddlesex Street between the westerly sidel_ine of Waverley Road and a point on said Waverley Road sideline: Westerly by a line at a right angle to Said ~iddleses ~treet sideline: Northerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet ~ northerly from said ?[iddlesex Street northerly sideline." Con! t. O~'ICE OF TO;'TN CLE~.K. N0?~TE ANDO\~i~, ~T. 16, Con't. And by str!kinj out the above-cieed sub paragraph (~5) of Petition of ~.~orth Andover Pla~Ing ~o~rd, ~icholas ~'. l'[icetta, ~-ha!rman. Under the aforesa%d article the following was voted: v?/l~ to a~end the North Andovor Zoning By-Law by classifying as ~.eighborhood Dusine~s the property kno~ as Hilton~s ~ariety, desoribefi in oaragraoh (55) ss voted June 50, 1956, adJoinl~ other property zored Ls]_~hborhoa, d ~usiness descrioed in paragraph 5.6~ hs voted June 50, 1956, and to acco~]~pl!sh that p~- pose a~enai~:] an~ enlarging the area described in paragraph ).6) so that said para~raph so amendes shall read as follows: ~).b5 ~e~ghborhood Eusiness; An area of !and at ~he northwesterly intersectiOn ~.daacse~ ~trect ~d ~'~averley ~oad ~unded: Easterly by the westerly si~e- line of ?~averley ~oad; Southeasterly a~ Southerly by the uo~therly s~deline of )~iddlesex Street between thc westerly sideline of '~awrley ~oad and a point on sa~d ~iddlesex Street sideline l~) feet westerly from said ¥~'averley ~ioad sideline; ~esterl~y by a line at a r~.ght a~le to said ?~id~se~ ~Ztreet s'de!ine: !~ortherly by a line parallel to and 100 feet northerly from said i~.iddlesex otroet northerly s~_deline." And by strikin5 out the a~ove-cited sub-paragraph (~5) of p~ragraph .74- Th~ vote was ~nanimous and so declared: ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- lng, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all or most of the premises specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28,) (29) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956, striking them out and amending so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 3ff W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- easter!y from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection of Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by ~I line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and Merrimack Street; Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line; O~:i~'ICE OF TOWN CLE~K 17. Con' t. NOLTH AND0¥EI~. Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and south- er]y by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center line and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to and $0 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North Main Stree! to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nieetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- ing, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all or most of the premises specially designated General Business in sub°paragraphs (28,) (29) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956, striking them out and amending 3.TI so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 30' W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- easterly from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection o[ Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and M~rrimack Street; Con,t -previous sheet Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to.and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between gut. ton Street center line and a point $0 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northe,'ly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North Main Street ~o the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street cente,' line; Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the forme~' Salem Railroad." The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned ar~a described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; ~asterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line arid a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; OFFICE Of' TH~ Ai,~T. 20. Con't -previous sheet. TOWN CLt i:~K. NO. ANDOV~I Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndike Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; ~outherly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary.'' Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: . "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; ,? OPFICW. OF T~E TOWN ,,::4~_~ - NORTH -~T. 20 Con't - previous sheet. Southeasterly and Soutberly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Metbuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndike Street center line and said line extended between a poiht 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to.and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill--North Andover boun- dary.'' The vote was unanimous and so declared. A,.'~±6-L~,, 2'. ~ee if the Town will vote to further attend Section 9 of North Anchoret ' ~onin,-, Dy-Law as amended and adopted by the S~ cial Town Aeetin~ of J'~ue 50, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentence thsreof as amended an~ adopted June 50, 1956, a co~a instead of the perfod and b~' addi~ after such comma the followi~ additional clause: "fu~ther ~r ovided that two of said Board of Appeals i{embers and one of said Associate Nembers s~l! be appointed fr~ ~ong the 'Members of the ,,o~ ~n Ando,.-er Pla~uing ;:card." So that the whole of Section 9 so amended and divided into two paragraphs shall then read: "SEC!I0~[ 9: BOA:rD OP APPEZsLS, !TS POi~i2'~S A~D DUTIES. 9.1 The?e shall be a Soard of Appeals of five members and not more than three ~is~oc~.ate Lembers~ which shall have and exercise all the powers pPo'zided under C-.L. Chapter 40A as anaended, and which shall hear ~d decide all ~natters specifically referPed to the Board of Appeals by the North · ~o~,:r Zoni~ Ey-Law and other matters referred to such 2oar~ by statute The Eo~Pd of ~' ~ ' tho * ~ .~ppea].s':,~embers and Associate l~'~e~oers shall be appointed by ~electmen in the manner provided by statute, further provided that of said Doa:~d of Appeals' l,iembers and one of said Associate ~,,c~bers shall be appointed fz. om among the [.~embers of the No~th ~ndover Planning ~osrd. 9.2 On each appeal arising under the North Ando~cr Zcning Z:]~-Law, the Board of Appeals ~shall hold a public hearing of which notic~ shall be given by ~ .... !zc~tlon in a newsp~er of general circulation in Xorth Andover twelve (12) ~ays at least before the date such hearin~. ~e Los. rd shall also notif-y by registered mail all owners of pro~r~y within three hunSred (500) OPFICE OP THE TOWN CLoaK - NORTH AIr'DOVER ART. 22 Con't. feet of the boundaries of each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such owners at the addresses appearing for them lu the most recent town tax listing of said owners. Petition of North Andover Plam~ing Board, ~[icholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: VOTED to further amend Section 9 of the North Ando~er Zoning Dy-Law amended and adopted by the Special Town i\.ieeting of June 30, 1956, by sertin~ at the end of the second sentence thereof as amended and adopted June 30, 1956, a co~a instead of the period and by adding after such the following additional clause: "further~pr 6vided that two of said Board of Appeals Members shall be appoinbed from among the ~embers of the North Andover Ptam:~.r~ ~oard." ~o that the whole of Section 9 ~so amended and divided into two paragraphs shall then read: "SECTION 9: B0.£~P~D OF APP!!iLS, ITS PO',',!RS AND D~TIt~$'' 9.1 There shall be a boa~d of Appeals of five members and not more than three Associate ~,',embers, which shal 1 have an~ ezercise all the powers provided under G.L. Chapter [[0A as a~,~ended, and which shall hear smd decide'all matters specifically referred to thc ~oerd of Appeals by the Nooth Andover Z'oning l~y-Law and other matters referred to suc$ Board by Statute. ~e ~oard of Appeals' Nembers and Associate ?,'!embers shall be appointed by the Selectmen Rn the manner provided by sN~tute, further provided that two of said Board of Appeals~ ~embers shall be appointed froF. among the }';embers of the HoPth ~indover Plam~ins ~oard. 9.2 On each appeal arisi~{~ under the FIorth Andover ZoninE l!y-Law, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of which notice shall be siYen by publication ina newspaper of general circulation in ~ndover twelve (12) days at least before the date of such hearing. The Board shal~ also notify by registered ma1 I all owners of Property within three hu~.dred ~500) feet of the lo~mdarics of each lot or lots in'.,olved. Such notices shall be mailed to such owns.rs at the addresses appearing for them in the most recent tovCn tax listir~ of said owners." The vote w~s AFFiPJ:S!~II~ 257 iEGATIVE 6~ Certified to be a true copy: North Andover, Mass. gul 5, 1757. A true copy, ATTEST. Boston, Mass., Jane 28, 1957 The foregoing amendments to zoning by-law a~e hereby approved. /;,' .! Z O~'iOE Of' THE TOWN CLEhK. N0kTH ANDOV~, MASS. At the Annual Adjourned Town ~,~eeting held in the Veterans Audito~!um of the !~orth antic v~r '~ ~ oh School on Saturday afternoon, ~arch 16, 1957 s.t l:00 P '~, the following articles appeared in the ~arrant: Mt'i'ICLE ll. To see if the '~'own of i~ortb ,~ndoYer will vote to amend the Zoning ~'!~y-Law by changing from Villa~;e ~esidential ~.[o ~usiness, the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land located on the southwesterly s:!~e of ~.!ain Str~e' bornded and described as follows: l~egimning at a point in the eas~rl.y side of First 3trcet dists~.t 210 feet more or ]e ss from the southweste~'ly boundary of l~iain Street; thence running al cng land now or formerly of Vernile in a south- easte~'ly direction 210 feet, more or ~ess, to a po_~.nt; thence turnf, mg mud ru~ning south~esterly along land of the said '¥ernile ll? feet moro or lc:s, t o a point; thence turning and rurminf~ northwesterly to ~irst Street 210 feet, more or less, along land of said Ven~ile; thence tu~ni~ and r~nning southwesterly al cng First Street 150 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running south- easterly 270 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running along land now or late of ~lobinson in a northeasterly diredtion 120 feet, more or less, to apoint; thence turningl and running more or less southeasterly to Second Street 240 feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly '~ ~ " s_~e of Second Street; thence turni~.g and'running aloni' said northwesterly side of Second Street 200 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 50 feet, more or less, to a point; thence running northwesterl~ along a line parallel to and 22~ feet d~stant from the center line of Hain Street l05 feet, more or less, to a point in the southeasterly side of School Straet; t~ence ~ ~ ~reet ~urning and running south¥~esterly along the southeasterly side o~ School ~' ~' 1~,~2 feet, more or loss, to a point; thence turning and r~nir4~ across the end of School Street in a northwesterly direction ~.0 feet, mo~eor less, to a point; thence t~rning and running in a northwesterly direction alo~ said School Street 142 feet more or less, to a point in the northwesterly side of School Otreet distant ~24 feet from the center line of l~ain Street; thence turnm..g and running northwesterly along a line parallel to and 224 fe~t d~stant from the center line of ~dain Street ~00 feet, more or les~, to a point in the easterly side of First Street; thence turning and running southwesterly ~ong the easterly side of ~'irst Stre~-t 16 feet, mcr or less, to the point of beginning. Petition of Louis H. ~.lcAloon and others. Under the aforesaid Article ll, thc following was voted: VOTLD to amend the Zoning By-Law blf chang:~_ng from Village i!esf, dential to !!usine.~s, the fc!low~.ng described ps. reel of land: A parcel of l~nd located on the southwesterly side of Main Street in the Town of ~o?_,th kndover, County of Essex and Conmuonwealth of Hassaohuset'ts, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the wcster.ly line of ,';~mn Street with the southerly line of First Street; thence southweste~ly, by the southerly line of First Street, about 210.0 feet to land of one Venile; thence southeasterly, by land of ~ernile 210 feet to the most.easterly point of the Yernile property; thence southwesterly, still by said Vern~le property, 210.0 feet to First ~treet; thence southwesterly, by the southerly line of First Otreet, 150.0 feet to a stone bound at land now or formerly of Elizabeth Ryan ±~ei~,s; thence southeasterly 21.50 feet to a stone bound of land of one i~obinson; thence again southeasterly, b~ ].and of sa~d ~obinson, 56.50 feet to a stone bound; thence northeasterly, by land of said ~obinson, 10~.57 feet to a point; thence southeasterly, by laod of said ~obinson 247.94 feet to a point -in the northerly line of Second Street, 200.6~ feet to an iron pipe at land of William A. i:!nneran; thence northwesterly, by lmud of said Finneran, 160.~ feet to the southerly line of School ~trcet; thence south- westerly, by the southerly line of Ochool Street, 160.}~7 feet to a stone bound at thewesterly end of said southerly line of School Street; thence north- westerly, by the westerly end of School Street, ~0.0 feet to s stone bound; thence northeasterly, by the northerly line of School Otreet, 162.28 feet to a stone boumd, thence again northeasterly, by the no'~-t½erly line of ~chool'Street, 85o16 feet to a~stone bound; thence still again northeasterly, by the northerly line of School Street, 95.~1 feet to a stone bound marking the intersection of ~the northerly line of School Otreet with the westerly l~no of Hain Street; thence northwesterly, by the westerly line of ]',~ain Street, ~2.86 feet to a stone bound marking an angle in the said westerly line of l¥Iain Street; thence again north- westerly, by the westerly line of ~'iain Street 258.25 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. The vote was unanimous and so dec!~red. OFFICE Ol;~ TOWN CI',t:~L'.K. NO~iTH ANDOVF_~t, ?ASS. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so ~hat said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with ThorndikeStreet center line." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Un ,er the aforesaid article 12 tho following ~.~as voted: VOTED to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center line." The vote was unanimous and so declared. OPFICE 0F TOWN CLE?2{. NO.;iL ~]DOVER, }~SS. .~iTICT,~ i[F. TO see if the Town ~ 11 vote to insert in the North ~ndo~er Zoning Dy-Law words describing a segment, now missing, of the l~ound~.ry of the Oeneral Business zone in the northerly corner of the intersection of ~i~rnpike Street and hillsid,/e Street-Kent Prcperty- set forth in paragraph 3-75 by strikinj~ off the tormin~l boundary-describing clause thereof as voted June ~0, 1956, to w~..t "Thence northwesterly 91.~ feet to a point of beginning," and by subst~t~ting. ~ · . in ~!e. ce~ thereof the corresponding words as originally printed in paragraph 3.8[F cz .... e warrant for '~he June 50, 1956 Town I~eeting, to wit thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of ~orth Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: VOTED to insert in the North Andovcr Zoning Oy-law words describing a segment, now missing, of the boundary of the J~encral Lu.~iness zone in the northerly cermet of the intersection of Turnpike Street and Hillside °treat-Kent Property- set forth in .oa~ragraph 5.75 by strikin~ off the terminal boundary-~oseribing clsuse thereof a4 voted Juno ~0, 1956, ~oi~a L'eetlng, to wit "thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to thc ~oint of beginning." The vote was ~nanimo~s ~:d so declared.. AkT!CL~,: 15. To see if the Town w_~ll vote 2o a,~end the ¥il.~oe kesidence Zoning District bcundayr description set forth in paragraph 3.51 ss voted June ~0, 1956, to correct a wrong st~eot name, to str!ke out a mistake and superflous street name, ~zi~ik~.'~xmi~k~xxx~ to state cl~arly the compsss direction el a bo,mndary segment, and to extend, adjust ~d re-locate other~ovn~'~_ _-~.~- ...... ~ ~,~n*~ to co_zospona u'!th changes in the ]~[s. in Street Genorsl ~us~ness gone boundary set a'~ by ~ak~ns all or some of the several actions specified forth in p _~oraph ~.7!, hcreun[~er as to said par~z~h~ ~ ~.51 by striking out in the seventh 'b~,~r~rv ...... segment the name "Sutton ~treet" and by inserting in place thereof the name ~econ.~ Street"; by strlkfn:~ out in th~ ,~.nth bou~ding ~o~ment the first occurr- ence of the words "and ~lm Street"; by correcting the first letter of the word of the tv~onty-first bound!~; segment so that the word shall re~::d "south- westerl?r; by strlklr~C out the sixth bounding segment description ~:'~d inserting in place t!~ereof the follower three segment descr~ptlons ~:amely: ~'asterly by a line parallel ~o and 150~ westerly from the center line cf Street be~,~' , _ ~. ,~ ..... v ~'-,y short portion ~,een ~iay at'~et and Waverley t-icad; ~ou~.~ .....terl~ . a of YJaverley r, cad center line: l~ortheasterly by a line parslle! to and 225~ · ~om ~ Otreet center line. Petition cf l[erth" ~ -~ ~lan.~ Umder the ~o;z'esaid srt!cle the following was voted: VOT~d~ to am na tho Village i~esidence Zon!n~ ~!strlct Boundary :~.escription set in paragr~h ~.51 as voted June 50, 1956, to correct a wron;E street name, to ~trikc out a mistake and superflous street name, to state clearly the compass direction of a ooundary segment, snd to extend, adjust an5 re-locate other boundary sediments to correspomdcnce w~th changes i~ the ~,Tain ~treet Oeneral ~siness Zone boand~ry set forth ~ ~,~r~ .... ph 5.71, by taking all or some of the seversl actzons, spedi- fled hereun~or as to said paragraph 3.51 by striking out in the sov~oth boundary segment the ~sme "Sutton ~treet" and by !nsertin[~ in place thereof the name "Second Street"; by ~,~k!no out in the ninth bounding segment the ~'~rst occurrence of the words "and Elm Street"; by correcting the first letter of the first word of the twenty-firSt bounding segment so that the word shall read "southwesterly"; by striking out the sixth oouno..n;" segment ~escription and inserting In place thereof the following three segment descriptions namely: ?asterly by a line parallel to and 15O' westerly from the center line of Btreet between ~'~ay street ~d ~averloy ~.oad; Southeasterly by a short portion of ~avcrley Head center llne; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 225.' westerly from I~.iain Street center line. :_ ~ vot~ WaS uns~imo~.s and so declared. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to emend the North Z~ndover Zoning By-law by classifying as Neighborhood Business the property known as Hilton~ s variety, described ~ ~ara~rmh.,~ . ~.?~'.~ (~) as voted June 30, 1956, adjoining ot,:er~ proper~ y as voted June 0 l~ 6 zoned Neighborhood Business described in paragrap~ 3.65 ~ , ~5 , and to accomplish that purpose amending and enlsrging the area described in parag~rap~ 3.6~, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: ~.6~ ~-~eighborhood Business: An area of land at the northwesterly intersection of ~.~iddlesex Street and Waverley Road bounded: Easterly by the westerly sideline of ~'~averley Road; Southeasterly and Southerly by the northerly sideline of liiddlesex Street between the westerly sidel.~ne of Waverley ~oad end a point on said have. lay Road sideline: Westerly by a line at a ri?ht angle to Said ~iddleses Street sideline: Northerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet northerly from said ~/[iddles~x Street northerly sideline." Con' t. OFFICE OF TO',9'N CLE}~K. N0!~TIT ANDOUE!:~, i',iA~S. ~ ~T, 16. Con't. And by striking out the above-cited sub paragraph (55) of Pe. ra~raph 5.74. Pc-tition of North Andover Planning Board, ~ficholas l,. i'I!cetta, '~hair~_an. Under the aforesaid article ~e following was voted: ¥0~ to amend the North Andov0r Zoning By-Law by classifying as ?.eighborhood Dusiness the property known as Hilton's %~ariety,' described in oaragraph 5-7~ (55) s.s voted June 30, 1956, adJoini~ other property zoned i~e~_~hbor?ood =asiness descri0ed in paragraph 5-~5 hs voted June 50, 1956, and to acco[~pl!sn that pur- pose ........ ~ =~.~en~mn~ and enlarging the area described, in paragraph ~.6~ so that said paragraph so a~nended shall read as follows: "3.65 l~eighborhood ~usiness; An area of land at the northv~esterly intersection of l~iddlese~- ~treet ~d ~:'averley ~oad bounded: t~aster!y by the v~esterly side- line of Waverley ~oad; Southes. sterly a~ Southerly by the northerly s~.deline of }[iddlesex Street between the westerly sideline of -~averley f~o~:d and a point on s~.id i~iddlesex Street sideline l~ feet westerly from., said ¥~'aw~rley P~oad sideline; ~Jesterl~-y by a line at a.r~.ght a~le to said ?[id~sex Street s:~do!ine: !~ortherly by a line parallel to and lO0 feet northerly from said },~iddlesex otrcet northerly sideline." And by strikin~ out '~he aDove-cited sub-par~graph (55) of p~:~ragraph 5.74- Th~ vote ws.s unanimous and so declared: ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- ing, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all or moSt of the premises specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28,) (29) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956, striking them out and amending so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 3ff W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet~north- easter.ly from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection ot Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by ~ line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and Merrimack Street; Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line; O~t,'ICE OF TO'f~N CLE~ ~%T. 17. Con't. NOATH A NbOYEli. Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center line and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North Main Streel to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- ing, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all or mtmt of the premises specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28,) (29) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956, striking them out and amending 3.Ti so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 30' W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- easterly from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection of Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm St~:eet center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and Morrimack Street; Con'~ -previous sheet Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south* westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center line and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North Main Streel to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center line of Main Street betwee. Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad." The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned ar~a described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly, from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line arid a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; OFFICE OF ART. 20. Con't -previous sheet. TOWN CLIU:iK. NO. ANDOV~ Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndike Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; ~outherly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line bet~veen Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street, center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point $0 feet southerly from Ash]and Street and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- ~vester]y from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center Iine; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill--North Andover boun- dary.'' Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: · "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary bet~veen the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street', Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; ART. 20 Con't - previous sheet. Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndike Street center line and said tine extended between a poiht 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center tine and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ash]and Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line paraIlel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill--North Andover boun- dary.'' The vote was unanimous and so declared. A.:~TiCLE' ~. To see if the Town will vote to further a~end Section 9 of !.~ior.t.h An~?o_ver Zonin~ By-Law as amended and adopted by the Spe cial Town ~,'~eet~n2~ off' Jm~e 30, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentence thereof as amended and adopted June ~0~ 1956, a co,sa instead of the po?lcd and by adding after such co~a the following additional clause: "further pr ovided that two of said Board of Appeals i¥[embers and one of said Associate ~embcrs shall be appointed f~om ~ong the Mem0ers of the North Ando-.:er Plamulng ioard." So that the whole of Section 9 so amended and divided into two paragraphs shall then read: "SEC .~I(,~{ 9: ~O~D 0F APPt~LS, ITS POW!ihS A~ DUTILS. 9.1 The~'~e shall be a ~.osrd of ;~ppeals of five members and not more than three Associate [.iembers, which shall have and exercise all the powers pro'~ided under O.L, ~w ~-spter 40A as amended, and which sh~ll hear ~d decide all matters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the North Amdov~r Zoning ~y-Law and other matters referred to such Boar8 by statute. The Board of Appea]s'?iembers and Associate ~embers shall be appointed by the Selectmen in the ma~er proviSed by statute, further provided that of said Board of Appeals~ ~,~embers and one of said Associate ~c~bers shall be appointed from amom~ the Members of the ~[orth Andover Planning 9.2 0n each appeal arising under the North Ando~er Zoning _.y L~w, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public heari~ of which notice shall be ~ziven by [ub]~ication in a newsp~er of general circulation in ~?orth ~ndover twelve 12) days at least before the date such hearing. ~e Losrd shall also notify by registered mail all owners of pro~r~y within three hundred (300) 0PFICE 0F THE TOWN CLE~{K - NOETH AIr, OVER ART. P2 Con't. 9' feet of the boundaries of each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such owners at the addresses a'oaearinj for them in.the most recent town tax listing of said owners. Petition of North Andover Plam~ing Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairm~n. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: VOTED to further amend Section 9 of the North Ando~er Zoning By-Law as amended and adopted by the Special Town ~.[eeting of June 50, 1956, by in- serting at the end of the second sentence thereof as amended and adopted June 30~ 1956, a corm instead of the period and b~ ~ ~ , ~ ~do._ng after such co~a the following additional clause: "further..or 6vided that two of said Board of ~-ppeals ~embers shall be appointed from among the }.~embers of the North Andover Planning Board." So that the whole of Section 9 ~so amended and divided into two paragraphs shall then read: "SECTION 9: BOA_RD OF APPEALS, ITS P0¥~iLS AYD Dr~TILS'' 9.1 There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members and not more than three Associate Members, which shall have an5 ezercise all the powers provided under G.L. Chapter 4cA as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically referred to thc Hoard of Appeals by the :[orth Andover Zoning i~y-Law and other matters referred to suc~ o~rd by Statute. '?se Board of Appeals~ iJsmbcrs and Associate },':embers sha!l~be appointed by the Selectmen An the manner provided by statute, further provided that two of said Board of Appeals~ ~.embers .shall be appointed from s~..ong the }~embers of the North !~ndover Plarming ~oard. 9.2 On each appeal aris_!m~E under the North Andover Zoning iiy-Law, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing o~ which notice shall be given by publication ina newspaper of general circulation in North ~ndover tnetve (12) days at least before the date of such hearing. _~ne Board shall, also notify by registered ma1 1 all owners of property within three hu~.dred (~00) feet of the !oundaries of each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be raailed to such ownors at the addresses appearing for them in the most recent town tax listi~<j of said owners," The vote w~s A~FTi~"~m~I'~Nr~~-~-~ ~ 257 iEGATIVE 6.1~ Certified to be a true copy: ~/~~ ~} ATTEST: North Andover, Mass. July ~, 1957, A true copy, ATTEST. Boston, Mass., J~e 28, 1957 foregoing amendments to zoning by-law ape hereby approved. y ~nera% Z ~ ~ ' 0~5'I¢E 0F THE TOWN CLEi-~K. NOi~TH AHDOVER, NASS. 1.. At the Annual Adjourned Town i~ooting held in the Vete~.~ans Auditorium of the !'[orth ~.ndover liigh School on Saturday afternoon, ~iarch 16, 1957 s.t l:O0 P."~..~., the following articles appea~ed in the ~t'i'ICLE ll. To see if the 'a'o~ of North ~ndover will vote to sr~cnd the Zoning :'~y-Law by cha~.ging from Village ~csidential ';~o ~usiness, the following described ~;.~e L~ain Str~e parcel of land. A parcel of land located on the southwesterly bo~,nded and described as follows: ~egirning at a point in the east~rl.y side of First ~trcet dis~r.~t 210 feet more or ~ ss from the southweste~.ly boundary of' l~ain Street; thence ru~iKg ~ cng l~d now or formerly of Vernile in a south- easterly d~rection 210 feet, more or less, to a poiot; thence turn!~; and running southwesterly along land of the said Vernile ll7 feet more or !e~:s, t o a point; thence turning and ru~in~ northwesterly to ~irst Street 210 feet, more or l~ss, alon5 land of said Ve~ile; thence turning and rh~ing southwesterly i cng First Street 150 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turnin~ and ru~ing south- easterly 270 feet, more er less, to a point; thence turning a~ running along land now or late of ~binson in a northeasterly diredtion 120 feet, more or less, to apoint; thence turning.' and running more or less southeasterly to Second Street 240 feet, more or ~ess, to a point in the northwesterly side of a;econd Street; thence ~rning and ~ ~ runn_n<, alon~ said northwesterly s~.de of Second Street 200 feet, r~ore or less, to a point; thence tu~ing and r~ning northwesterly feet s p~,rallel to and 224 d! taut from ~e t, more or less, to a point in the southeasterly side of School Street; thence ~urning and ruling southwesterly alon~g the southeasterly side of 5choc! ttreet l[~ feet, more or less, to a point; thence turni~ aod running across t~ie end of School Street in a northwesterly direction hO feet, mo~eor less, to a point; thence taming and r~ing in a northwesterly direction alo~ said School Street l[12 feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly side of School ~treet distant 224 feet from the center line o~' iv~ain Otre~t; thence turning and rurming northwesterly along a line parallel to and 224 fer~t dfstant from the oentor line of ~'~ain Street ~00 feet, more or less, to a point in the easterly side of First Street; thence ~rning ~d ruling southwesterly ~.ong the easterly side of First 5trc~.t 16 feet, mcr or less, to the point of beginning. Petition of Louis H. l~cAloon and others. T~ ~ p. , ~ ~n~er th~ aforesaid Article 11, thc follow~n~ w~s vo~d: ¥O~.~?~D to a~:~ond the Zoning By-Law by changing from Village F. es!dential to ~usiuess, the fo!lowing described p~.rcel of land: A parcel of land located on the southwesterly side of hain Street In the To~ of ]~o~.th kndover, County of Essex and Co.~onv~ealth of t~assachusetts, %ounded and described as follows: Be~mnnino at the intersection '~' ~treet with the southerly linc of First btreet; of the westerly line of .... zn thence southwesterly, by the southerly line of Fmrst 5tr~et, about 210.0 feet to land of one Venile; theuce southeasterly, by land of ~.ernile 210 feet to the most easterly point of the Ve~ile property; thence southwesterly, still by said Vernile property, 210.0 feet to First ~treet; thence southwesterly, by the southerly line of First Otreet, 150.0 feet to a stone bound at land now or formerly of Elizabeth Ryan ~e~rs; thence southeasterly 21.50 fe~t to a stone bound of land of one l~obinson; thence again southeasterly, b~-l~n~, of said }iobinson, 56.50 feet to a stone hound~ thence northeasterly, by land of said kobinson, 109.57 foot to a point; thence southeastc~ly, by l~nd of said ~[obinson 247.94 feet to a point in the northe~ly line of Second btr~et, 200.64 feet to an ' ~ iron pipe at land of ~illiam ~. · i.~eran; thence north~este~31y, by l~d of Finneran, 180.54 feet to ~e southerly line of School ~trcet; thence south- westerly, by the southerly line of Ochool Street, 160.~[7 feet to a stone bo~d at thewesterly end of said southerly line of School ~et, thence north- westerly, by the westerly end of School Street, 40.0 feet-to a stone bound; thence northeasterly, by the northerly line of ~chool ~treet, 162.28 feet to a stone bound, thence again northeasterly, by the no~thcrly line of Ochool'Street, 83.16 feet to a-stone bo~d; thence still ag~n northeasterly, by the northerly line of School Street, ~95.41 feet to a stone bound marking the intersection of the northerly line of School otreet with the westerly line of ?~ain Street; thence northwesterly, by the westerly line of ]~lain Street, ~2.86 feet to a stone bo~d marking an angle in the said westerly line of l~Jain Street; thence again north- westerly, by the westerly line of ~ain Street 258.25 feet, more or less to ~e point of begin, lng. The vote was Unanimous and so declared. OFFICE OF TOWN CLE?]f. NOi~TE ANDOVEn, i~ASS. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so ~hat said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 Ieet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike'Street center line." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Un .er the aforesaid article 12 the followin~u was voted: VOTED to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center linc and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center line." e vote was unanimous and so declared. OFFICE OF TOWN CLESJ~. NORTH ASiDOVER, }~&SS, .~TICLE !!~. To see if the Town ~ ll vote to insert in the !,!orth ,~ndover Zoning Dy-Law wo_~ds describing a segment, now missing, of the ~:ound~ry of the ~-eneral 'Business zone in the northerly corner of the ~ntersection of Turnpike Street and hil. lsid, ie Street-Kent Property- set forth in paragraph ~-75 by striking off the terminal boundary-describing clause thereof as voted June ~0, 1956, to wit "TB~nce northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point of beginning," and by substit~'tin~ in ~lace thereof the corresponding words as originally printed in paragraph ~'~84 cz the warrant for ~he June ~0, 1956 Town t,leeting, to wit "thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Eorth &ndover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Ur:der the aforesaid article the following was voted: ¥0TED to insert in the North ;,ndovor Zoning Oy'law words describing s. segment, now missing, of the boundary of the ~encral LuSiness zone in the northerly corner of the intersection of Turnpike Street and HillsiSo Otreet-Kent Property- set forth in paragraph 3.75 by strik!nc off tb, e terminal bounds, ry-Sescrioing clause 1:hereof as voted June 30, 195~, Fc¥~n ~[eeting, to wit "thence northwesterly,' 91.3 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to thc ~oint of begiDuing.' The vote was una~ir~o?s ~_~. so declared. A>/?!CLE 15. To see if the Town w_4 ].1 vote to amend the ¥'illage ?.~sidenec Zoning District bcundayr description sot forth in paragraph 3.51 ss voted June ~0, 1956, to correct a wron~ st~eet name, to stz,f_ke out a mistake and superflous straot name, ~xl~ikm?~x~xmi~k~xx~Rx~ to state cl~arly the compass direction ~ ..... ~ segment, and to extend, adjust ~d re-locate other '~ ~ ...... g~= ~ to correspond with chan3es in the ;'aim Street General :~us~ness Zone boundary set ~'~ ..... l by taking all or some of the several actions' specified forth in p~_~oraoh 3.7!, hereunder as to sa¢.d paragra,¢h 3.51 by striking out in the seventh 'bc~mdsry segment the name "Sutton ,.treet" and by inserting in place t)~ereof the name "Second Street"; by striking] out in the ninth boumding segment the first occ~rr- once of the words "and l~lm Street"; by correcting the first letter of the first word of the twenty-first bounding segraent so that the word shall reed "south- ' ,_ounain~ segment description ~'~d inserting wcst6rl?"; a.y strik~_nC out the sixth b , ' ,,. in place thereof the follow,m; three segment descriptions namely: :~asterly by a line pars!icl to and 150~ weste:"ly f:4Qm the center line cf ?aim Street betv~en Hay Str(;et and Waver!ow ?;cad; Southeasterly ]"? a short portion of ¥~averley Load center line: ~7ortheasterly by a line p~rstlo! to and 225' ~ westerly from ?;~.¢_n otreet center line. Petition cf ;~orth "ndover Planning lJcard, ~'[icholc:s ~'. ~!icetta, Uha~rman. UDder thc ~o:,esa~d article the follow!rS was voted: YOT}3D to amend the Village ;{esidence Zoning ~!strict Bot~ndary ~cscription set fortl~ In paragr~h 3.51 as voted June 30, 1956, to correct a wrong street name, to strike out a mistake and superflous street name, to state clearly the compass direction of a ooundary segment, smd to extend, adjust and re-locate other boundary segments to correspomSence with ohand~os in the ~,~ain btreet General ~>asiness Zone boa;~d~ry set forth ~ parag~,aph 3.71, by taking all or some of the several actions, spedi- fled hereun;;er as to said paragraph 3.51 by striking out in the s~'?oth boundary segment the name "Sutton Street" and by insertin[i in place thereof the name "Second Street"; by strlking out in the ninth bounding segment the f~rst occur'ronco of the words "and Elm Street"; by correcting the first letter of the fi-~st word of the twenty-first boun~ing segment so that the word shall read "southwesterly"; by striking out the sixth bound'~n~i segment description and inserting in place thereof the following three segment descriptions namely: ]ssterty by a line parallel to and 150' westerly from the center line of l,'[ain Street between ~sy street and Waverley Road; Southeasterly by a.short portion of V~avcrley Road center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 225.' westerly from I~iain Street center line. '~he vote was unanimous and so declared. A~TICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to sm~end the North ~,ndover Zoning By-law by classifying as Neighborhood Business the property k, nown as Hilton's Variety: described im paragr~a 3-7~ (35) as voted June ~0, 1956, adjoining other property zoned Neighborhood Business described in paragrap$ ~.65 as voted June pO, 1956, and to accomplish that purpose amending and enlarging thc area described, in paragrap~ 5.65, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as. fo~lo~.~[ersection ~.65 Neighborhood BusineSs: An area of land at the northwester-y of i'~iddlescx Street and 'Waverley Road bounded: Easterly by the westerly sideline of '.'~averley Head; Southeasterly and Southe~,~ly by the northerly sideline of I.~iddlesex Street between the westerly sldel.~ne of ¥;averley Road and a point on said Waverley Road sideline: Westerly by a llne at a right angle to said ~iddleses Street sideline: Northerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet northerly from said ::.~iddles~x Street northerly sideline." ConI to OFFICE OF TOWN CLERE. N01tTH AtTDO~iER, i,iA.~SS. ~T. 16. Con't. And by strikin~ out th~ above-cited sub paragraph (~5) of Para~raph ~.7~. · ct~t~on of North Andover ~lanning Eoard, Nicholas ~ Nlcetta, Under the aforesaid article ~e following .was voted: ¥OT~ to amend the North Andovcr Zoning By-Law by classifying as Nei~hborhood Dusinecs the property known as Hilton~s Yariety,'described in paragraph (55) as voted June 30, 19~6, adJoini~ other property zoned Neishbor~o~d ~usiness descriOed in paragraph ~.65 hs voted June ~O, 1956, and to accomplish that pur- pose amenai~ and enlarging the area described in paragy~aph 5.63 so that said paragraph so mnende8 shall read as follows: "3.65 ~eighborhood Business; An area of land at ~he northwesterly intersection of ~B. dm~ese.~ ~treet ~d ~averley ~oad ~ounded: Easterl by the westerly s~- line of Waverley head; Southeasterly a~ Southerly by the no~therly s~deliDe of Niddlesex Street between the westerly sideline of ~".avorley koad and a point on sa~_d ~liddlesex Street sideline 1~5 feet westerly from said Uaw~rley koad sideline; ~?esterlay by a line at a rSght a~le to said Nid~scx Stree~t sJ~de!ine: !ortherly by a line parallel to and lO0 feet ~ortherly from said !iddlesex Otroet Dortherly sideline." And by strikins out thc a~ove-citcd sub-parajPaph (55) of p~ragraph Thc vote ws_s ~z~animous and so declared: ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- ing, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all or most of the premises specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28,) (29) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956, striking them out and amending 3.71 so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 30' W and about N 45° O' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- easterly from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection ot Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by g: line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and Merrimack Street; Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line; O~'~'~ICE OP TO¥~N CLE~{ ~T. 17. Con't. !{0PLTH A NDOl;Eii. Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center line and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ash]and Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North Main Streel lo the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- ing, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all or most of the premises specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28,) (29) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956, striking them out and amending 3.T1 so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saund~rs Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 30' W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- easterly from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection oi Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of~ Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and M~rrimack Street; O?FICE O? (iH2 TOWN Con't -previous sheet NO,,z~t ANi)O~.,Eil. Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center line and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to and $0 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the cenler line of North Main Stree! to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad." ..6, The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer o[ a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line a~d a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; OFFICE 02 TH~L TOWN CLt,]W~K. A,qT. 20. Con't -previous sheet. NO. AND OVii~ Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndike Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; ~outherly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the HaverhilD-North Andover boun- dary.'' Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: · "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick 'water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; ART. 20 Con't - previous sheet. Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northea.sterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndik~ Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ash/and Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill--North Andover boun- dary.'' The vote was unanimous and so declared. A,?iCL~ ~_~-. To ~ee if the Town will vote to further a~end Section 9 of ~orth AnsWerer Zoning ~y-Law as amended and adopted by the Special Town Leetinj of ?~ae 50, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentence thereof as men per~od and ~ ~ ~nd adopted June 30, 1956, a co~a ~nstead of the ~y amm~ng after such co~ma the following additional clause: "fu~%her pr ovi~ed that two of said Board of Appeals ~embers and one of ssAd Associate bombers a~ll be appointed from ~ong the l~e~oers of the ~orth ~ ac-er Plaoning ~oard." So that Oho whole of Section 9 so amended mm~mea into two paragraphs shall then read~ "S~]C [EC, 5[ Q: BOk~,~D 0~' APP~LS, ITS PO~LS A~FD DUTIES. _Le.~e shall be a ~oard of Appeals of five members and not more than thrac ~s~oc!ate ~.~cmbers~ which shall hav~ and exercise all the powers P~o~ided under C..L. Chapter 40A as amended~ and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically refcr~ed to the Board of Appeals by the North A~dov~.r Zoning ~y-Law and other matters referred to such Board by statute, The Board of Appeals'?~embers and Associate ~e~oers shall be appointe8 by thc Selectman in t ~ ~ ~ - he ma~e~ proviaem oy statute, ~rther provided that of said ~oard of ~ , '~ '~ Appeals ,~embers and one of said Associate ~e~bers shall be appointed from among the ]dembers of the ]?o~th Andover Planning Dosrd. 9.2 0n each appeal arising under the North Andower Zoning Zy-Law, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hesri~ of which notice shall be ;ziven by oua...!cation in a newsp~er of general circulation in ~ ~rtn :.m~o~or twelve ~22) days at least before the date such hearin~. ~e Zosrd shall notify by ~.ogzstered mail all owners of pro~r~y within three hundred (~00) OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLE~K - NORTH AI~qDOVER ART. 22 Con't. ¸9. feet of the boundaries of each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such owners at the addresses a~e~rins for them in the most recent town tax listing of said owners. Petition of North Andover Plam~ing Board,,Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: VOT~ to further amend Section 9 of the ~ ~ ~ - · .,orth An~.o.~er Zoning ~y Law =s amended and adopted by the Special Town ~.,~eeting of June 50, !756, by in- serting at the end of the second sentence thereof as amended and adopted June ~0, 1956, a contra instead of the period and by adding after such the following additional clause: "further.pr6vided that two of said Board of Appeals ~embers shall be appointed from among the Eembers of the North Andover Planning Board." So that the whole of Section 9 ~so amended and divided into two paragraphs sha~then read: ~SECTZON 9: E0~ED OF APPEALS, !TS POtFUlS AFD ~Ti~S" 9.1 There shall be a board of Appeals of five members and not more than three Associate ~embors, which sh~l have and ezercise all the pov,~ers provided under G.L. Chapter 40A as amended, and which shall hear sad decide all matters specifically referred to thc Board of Appeals by the ~orth Andover ~oning i}y-Law and other matters referred to sues Board by Statute. ~e 5oard of Appeals' idembers and Assocx=te ?[embers shall bo appointed by the Selectmen ~n the manner provided by statute, further provided that two of said Board of Appeals~ ~embers sha].l be appointed from among the ~!embers of the North ~;ndover P!am]inf~ ~oard. 9.2 On each appeal arlsinz under the !,[orth Andover Zoning l~y-Law,, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of which notice shall be given by publication ina newspaper of general circulation in ~orth ~ndover twelve (12) days at least before the date of such hearing. ~ne Board shal~ also notify by registered m~ i all owners of property within three htuqdred (~00) feet of the ~o~.darics cf each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such ownc.rs at the addresses ~pearing for them in the most recent town tax listing of said owners." The vote w~s A~'FI~.~.'~'!'I~'E Certified tc be a true copy: North Andover, ~'m,~ass. July 5, 1957o A true copy, ATTEST. Boston, Mass., June 28, 1957 The foregoing amendments to zoning by-law a~e hereby approved. ~y General / OFFICE OF ~ TOWN CLk]iK. 1/OHTtt Ah'DOg, Ell, MASS. At the ~1 ~Jou~ed T~ Mee~ held in ~e veterans A~o~I~ of the Andove~ H~ S~ool ~ 5at.da7 af~e~oon, ~ch 16~ 1957 at 1~00 P.M., ~e followi~ articles appeared in ~e ~TICT~B ~ TO see if ~e T~ of Nor~ ~over will vote to amend ~e Zoni~ By-Law by c~gi~ fr~ Vill~e Hea[dential 'i'o Business, the foll~ described parcel of l~d. A parcel of l~nd located on the sou~westerly side of Main bounded and described aa follows~ ~g~g at a point in ~e easterly side of First Street dist~t 210 feet more o~ ~ ss fr~ the sout~esterly ~o~a~ of M~in St~eet~ thence ~i~ ~o~ l~d now or fo~e~ly o~e~t~ ~ a south- easterly direcYion 210 feet. more or less, to a point~ thence ~ing ~d sou~h~ves~erlu alo~ la~ of ~e said Ve~ile 117 feet more or less, t o a point~ ~hence ~rnln~ and ~l~ nom~weste~ly to First St~e$ 210 feet, more or less, alo~ l~nd of said Ve~ile~ thence ~rni~ ~d ~ seut~esterly ~ o~ Street 1~0 feet, more or less, to a poin~ ~enee ~ng ~d ~i~ south- easterly 2T0 feeY~ more o~ less, to a poln~ ~ence t~ni~ a~ r~in~ ~o~ l~d now or la~e of ~blnson in a not.easterly di~dtion 120 feet, more or less~ ~o aport; thence 2u~ni~ ~d ~i~ more or less sou~easterlu ~o Second Street ~0 feet, more or less, to a point in ~e not.westerly side of Second Stree~ ~ence ~rnin~ a~ ~i~ alon~ said northwesterly side of S.cond 200 feet, more or ~ss~ to a polnt~ ~ence tu~i~ ~d ~i~ not.westerly ~0 feet, more or lpss, to ~ point; thence ~f~ nor~weste~l~ ~ o~ a line p~allel to and 2~ f~e~ dis~ from ~e center line of ~in treet 10~ feet, more or less, to a point in ~e southeasterly side of School Street~ ~enoe ~ni~ a~ ~ing s~thv~este~'ly alo~ ~e sou~easterly side of Sch~l S~reet ].~ feet~ mo~e or loss, to a point; ~ence turn~ ~d ~i~ across ~e end of School Street in a northwesterly direction ~0 feet, mo~ or less. ~o a point; thence t~n~g a~ r~ in a nor~westerl2 di~ction alo~ said School Stree2 1~ feet. more or less, to a point in ~e northwesterly side of School Street dist~t ~ feet fr~ the center l~e of ~tn Street; ~ence t~n~ ~d northwesYerl2 alo~ a llne parallel to ~d ~ feet ~s~nt from the cen~er line of Main Street ~00 feet, more o~ less, to m point in the easterly side of First Street~ thence ~i~ ~d ~in~j southwesterly ~o~ t~ easterly side of ~i;'st Street 16 feet, mcr or less, to the point of ~gi~i~. Petition of Louis H. ~cAloon a~ o~ers. Under ~e aforesaid ~ticle 11~ ~e foll~in~ was ~d~ .VOT~ to amend ~e Zoni~ By-Law by e~ngi~ from Villagc h~s!dential ~o Bus.ess, ~e followin~ described p~oel of ~ A p~cel of 1~ located on the southwesterly side of Main Street ~ ~e To~ of ~,,o~ th ~ove~, County of Essex and Co~c~eal~ of ~saae~setts, b~ded ~d de~c~bed as follows~ ~gl~i~ at ~he in~erae~tlon of the westerly l~e of ~ Street wi~ ~e s~erly llne of Firs~ thence s~*~wes~ly, by ~e sou~erly line of First S~e~, about 210.0 fee~ to l~d of one ~enile~ ~ence southeasterly, bU land of Ve~lle 210 feet to most easterly po~t of ~he ~e~ile pro~er~ ~enoe southwesterly, still by said Ve~ile proper~ 210.0 feet to First ~eet~ ~ence sou~es~erly~ by ~e s~erly line of First ~tree~, ~0.0 feet 2o a stone b~d at land now or fo~erly of ~izabe~ R~n Heirs; thence son.easterly 21.~0 feet to a s~one bo~d of la~ of one Rob~s~ ~ence aga~ sou~easterly, by land of said Robinson, ~6.~0 feet ~o a s~ne b~d~ t~nce nor~e~sterly~ b~ la~ of said RobUst' 109.~7 feet to a po~t~ ~enoe s~theasterly, b~ Aana of s~id ~7.9~ feet to a point ~ the northerly ~e of Second Street, 200.~ feet ~o iron pipe at land of ~illi~ A. Pi~er~ ~ence' nor~wesYerly, b2 l~d of said F~er~. 1~.~ feet to ~e southerly line of StOol Street~ thence south- westerly, by the sou~e~ly lino of ~chool Street. 160.~7 feet to a stone bo~d at ~ewes~erly end of said southerly line of School S~ee~ thence north- wes~rly, by ~e ~s~rl2 end of S~ool Steer. ~0.0 feet to a stye bo~d~ ~enoe northeasterly, by the norYherl2 l~e of School ~treet. 1~.28 feet to a stone bo~d, thence ~n nort~asterly, by the northerly l~e of School 8~.16 feet to a s~e bo~ thence still ~n northeasterly, by t~ northerly llne of School S~et, 9~.~ fee~ to a s~ne b~ ~r~ ~e ~tersectl~ of 2he nor~erl2 l~e of School otreet wi~ the wes~rl~ line of Main ~treet; no~thwemterly~ ~ the ~sterly line of ~in S~ee~ 62.86 feet to a stone ~o~d ~rking ~ ~.gle In ~e said westerly l~e of H~ Street~ thence aga~ no~th- westerly, bU ~e westerly l~e of Ma~ Street 2~8.2~ feet~ more or less ~o ~e point of begi~i~. ~vote was ~ni~ and ac decl~ed. OFFICE 0P TO~N CLFI~Ko NORTH ANDOVERs MASS, ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to insert m the North Andover Zoning By-Law words specifying northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30. 1956, so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street. embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Stree! between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line: Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300/ feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center line." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta. Chairman. Undo~ the aforesaid a~tole 12 the following wa~ votedl VOTB~ to insert -i~' the North ~ndo-~ve~Zoning By-Law wo~rds~specifyin~ northeasterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries of the Village Residence zone along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street, identified in paragraph 3.54 as voted June 30, 1956, so tha~ said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street. embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and tbe line or Thorndike Street extended, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (7501 feet northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said center line 300 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line: Southwesterly by a line at a righi angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center line." vote was ~B and Bo deolar~d~ OFFICE OF TOWN CLE~. NO~{ ~2~DCVER, MASS. ARTICLE 14. TO see if the Town ~A ll ve~ ~ ~ae~ in ~e No~ A~p By-~w wo~a desc~ib~ a se~ent, now missiS, of t~ be~ary of ~e ~siness zone ~ ~e n~erly co.er of the intersection of ~~ Hillsidde StPeet-~ent P~o~rty- set forth ~ parag~a~ ~.75 by st~ ~ ~e te~l bo~ dese~ib~ clause the~of as voted J~e ~0, 1956, ~o wi~ "~ not.westerly 91.~ feet to a point of begi~i~," ~d by s~stitutt~ ~ p~ee thereof ~e ooPrespondi~ wo~ds as o~igi~lly printed in paragra~ w~r~t for ~e J~e ~0, 1956 Town Meeti~q, to wit "~ence northwesterly ~1.~ feet ~o a point$ thence southwesterly 100 feet to ~e point of begi~. Petition of North Andover Pla~i~ Board, Nicholas F~ Nicetta, Ch~ne Unde~ the ~oresaid a~tiole the follo~ was vo~ed: V0~ to insert in the ~orth Andover Zon~ ~-law wo~s desoribi~ a ae~ent, now ~ssi~, of ~he bo~da~ of ~e ~ Bus.ess zone ~ the of t~ ~tersection of ~~e Street ~d Hillside ttreet~Xen~ Pr~er~ forth ~ paragra~ ~.75 bY s~t~ off ~e ~e~l bo~-desorib~ ola~e ~e~eof as vgtea ~e ~0, 1956, ~ Mee~t~, to ~ "~enee nor~hwea~l~ 91.5 zest to a poxnt$ ~nee sou~es~erly 100 feet ~o ~ ~oin~ of beg~ The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 1~, To see if the Town will vote to amend the Village Residence Zoning ~is~rict ~ounda,w~ description set forth in paragraph 5.51 as voted 4uno30~1956, ~o correc~ a w~ong street name~ to strike ~t a mistake and superflous street hams, ~axa~a~iJ~axamAxa~tmt-b--_=~_~=~?~_~.~__ to state clea~ly the compass direction of a bour~az'y segment, and to extend, adjust and re-locate other boundary segment to correspond with changes in the Main Street General ~usiness Zone boundary set forth in paragraph 5.71, by taking all or some of the several actions specified hereunder as to seai~d para~,,rsph ~.51 by strt~!~ug out !~ the seventh boundary se~men~ the ~a~me Sutton Street" and by inse~ting in place ~hereof the name "Seoon~ Street"$ b~ striking out in the ninth bo~ing segment the first occurr- ence of the words and Elm Street"$ by correcting the first letter of the first word of the twenty-first bounding segment so that the word shall read "south- we~,terly"; by striking out the sixth bounding segment description and inserting in place thereof the followin.~ three segment descriptions namely: H~stsrly by a line parallel to a~r~ 150, westerly from the center line of Main Street between May Street and Waverley Road$ Southeasterly by a short portion of Naverley Road center line: Northeasterly by a line parallel to and westerly from Ma~Street center line. Petition of North~ndover Planning Board, Nicholas ~. NiCetta, ~airman~ Under the~oresaid article the following was voted: VOTED to amend the Village Hesidenee ZoningDistrlot Bounda~ydeseription set for~ in paragr~h 5.51 as voted June 30, 1~56, to ec~eet a w~ong street name, to st~t~ out a mistake and superflous street name~ to state clearly the compass direction of a ooundarysegment, a~ to extend, adjust and re-locate other boundary segments to co~respondence ~ith changes in the Main Street General ~uslness Zone boundax~. set forth in paragraph 3.71, by taking all or some of the several ao~ions, apedi fled hereunder as_to said paragraph ~.51 by striking out Iht he seventh boundary ~egraent the na~_e "Sutton Street" and by inserting in place thereof the name "Second Stree~"; by striking_out in the ninth boundlng segment the first ocourrano~ of the words "and ~ Str~et"j by correcting the first letter of the first word of the twenty-first bounding segment so that the word shall read "southwesterly"! by striking out the sixth bounding segment description and inserting in place thereof the following three segment descriptions t~sterlyby a line parallel to and 150~ westerly from the center llne of Main Street between May street and Waverley Heads Southeasterly by a short portion of Waverley Road center llnej Northeasterly by a line parallel to and westerly fromMain Street center lines ~he vote was unanimous and so deolared~ ARTICLE 1~. To see if the Town will vote to mnend the North Andover Zor~ B~-law by classifying as Neighb.o~hood Business the proper~y .know~ as Hilton~s Variety. described in paragra;h ~.7~ (~5) as voted ~une ~O~ 195~, adjoining other p~ope~ty zoned Neighborhood Business described in pal-a_gral~ ~.~as voted JUne 30, 1955, and to accomplish th~ purpose amending and enlarging the area described in p~ra~raph ~.6~, so that said ~aragraph so amended shall read as follower ~.65 Neighborhood Business. An area of land at the northwesterly intersection of Eiddlesex Street andWaverley Road bounded: Easterly by the westerly sideline of ~'averley Road;Sou-'~neasterly and Southerly by the northerly sideline of Middlesex Street between the westerly sideline of Waverley Road and a point on said ¥'averleY Road sideline: Westerly by a line at a right angle to said Middleaes Street sideline: Northerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet no:~therly frc~ said ~Iddlesex Street northerly sideline." Contt, OFFICI~ OF TOWN And by s2rikln~ ou~ the above-cited sub paragraph {~5) of Paragraph o7b . Petition of North Andover Planning Board~ Nicho!n.s~". Ntcet~v Chairman. Under ~e aforesaid article the followin~ was voted: VOTED to amend ~he North Andove~ Zoning ..By-Law by olassiPying as ~eighbo~hopd Business ~e p~operty kn~ as Hilton~s ~ariety, described (~) as vo~d ~e ~0, 1~6, adJoi~ o~ p~op~rty z~ed ~ei~o~h~d described ~ ~a~ph ~.~ as voted ~,~e ~0~ 1956~ and to aoo~ll~ ~t p~ pose ~nd~g a~ enlar~t~ ~e a~a described in parag~ph ~.6~ so ~t said p~ag~ so ~e~ ~11 read as follows: "~.6~ Neigh~~ ~ainess; ~ area of land at the not,westerly of Middlesex St~et ~d ~averley ~oad bo~ed~ ~sterly Dy ~e weevily side- line of Wa~ley hoad~ S~t~as~rly a~ Sou~erl~ ~y ~e horsefly aidel~ of Middlesex Street between ~e westerly sldel~e cz ~a~rley Road ~d a po~t on said Mid~esex Steer sidel~ ~ fees westerly f~ maid Waverley R~d sidelines Westerley by a ll~ at a rl~t a~le to said MidSsex 8treet sideline: Nor~erly by a li~ parallel to ~ 100 feet next, fly f~m ~ld ~ddlesex Street horsefly sldeline~' ~ by striking ~t ~e a~ve-~lted sub'paragraph (55) of ~aph ~.7~. The vote was ~=o~ ~d so deela~d~ ARTICLE 17. To see ~f the Town will vo~e to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing s~a]) southeasterly bounding se~men~ by correcting by one digit a typographical error ~n a d~mens~o~, and by alter- ~nE, adjustin~ and extending the boundaries of the norther~ end of the Main Street General Bnsiness Zone se~ forth paragraph 3.V1 as voted June 30. 1956. to ~nclude all or mos~ of the premises specially designated General B~siness sub-paragraphs (~,) ,29~ and (J0) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30. 1956~ striking them ou~ a~d amending so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shah read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Siree~ and of Water Stree~ more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a port~on o[ the former Salem Railroad location line: Easterly by a Hne ~arallel to and 16~ feet easterly ~rom Ma~n Street center line between ~he former Salem Railroad ~ocation Hne and Saunders Street; ~ortherly by a small portion of Saunders Street cen~er ]~ne; ~or~heasterly by a Hne parallel to and 1~5 feet westerly from the cen~er line of that portion of Saunders Stree~ ~hat trends ~n ~wo courses abo~t W ~4~ S0' W and abrupt N45 0' W: Southeasterly by a short portion of the Brads~ree~ Schoo~ southeasterly lot Northeasterly by a Hne ~arallel ~o and 1S0 feet north- easterly from ~ain Street center line, and extending 700 feet or more ~n length between said Bradstree~ southeasterly lot line and a point om the shore of ~toM ~il] Pond EenerHlly southeasterly of the intersection o~. Second. Main and WHter Streets: ~ortheas~erly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton ~Hl Pond: Southeasterly by a line at a right an~e to Water een~er line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street: Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street. be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm ~tree~; Southeasterly by Elm Stree~ cen~er Hne: Southwesterly by a Hne parallel ~o and 225 feet south~ westerly from Water Street center line between Elm S~reet and ~errimack Street; NorthWesterly by a short port,on of Merrimack Street een~er line: Southwesterly by ~ater gtreet center line between ~errimack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a Hne parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Second Street center line: O~FICE OF TO%%'N CLE~ A?':T. 17, Con~ t, Southwest;ri~ b~ a lille l~aralle'l-~o ~nd ~25 fe~e~-sout~- - w~sterly from Main Street center line. between a point feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road: Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south~ westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line. and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center line and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line: 27 Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ash land Street center line to the center line of North Main Street: Northeasterly by the cenler line of North Main Street to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line: Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad" Petition of North Andover Planning Board. Nicholas Nicetta, Chairman. the al'O: ~ sai(t_ az, title tahe ~'ollowin~'xas ~Oted~ ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by alter- ing, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of the Main Street Genera] Business Zone set forth in paragraph 3.71 as voted June 30, 1956. to include all or most of the premises specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28,) 129) and (30) of paragraph 3.74 as voted June 30, 1956. striking them out and amending 3.5'1 so that said paragraph 3.71 so amended shall read: "3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street; Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from the center line of that portion of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about W 24° 30' W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line: Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- easterly from Main Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection or Second. Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line; South~vesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and Merrimack Street; OFFICE OF TH5 TO~;N CL~<~iio NOt, TH ANDOVE~. Oon!~ -Drevlous ~eet Northwesterly by a shor~ por~on of ~err~mack S~ree~ center line: Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street: Southeasterly by a line parallel to and ~00 feet south- easterly from Second Street cen~er line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line. between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of Waverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line. and south- erly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line: Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between Sut- ton Street center linc and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line: Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street: Northeasterly by the center line of North Main Streel In the center line of Sutton Street: Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line: Easterly by the center line of Main Street between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad." The vote was unantmous and so deola~ed, ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer ot a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956. and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded (etc," a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerlv of Osgood Street; · Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook: Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Blidge Brook and Sutton Street: Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street cen;e~ line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line: ~..T. 20. Con~ t -prevlous sheet. Southwesterly by a line parallel to and-125 feet south: westerly from Thorn dike Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line: Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Streel; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street: Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill--North Andover boun- dary.'' Petition of North Andove/~ ~lal~ning Board, Nicholas F. Nieetta, Chairman. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the transfer or a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said des- cription; and by inserting before the words "more parti- cularly bounded {etc)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: "3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochiehewick water- shed divide line as more particularly bounded and des- cribed below, except such portions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly de- clared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boun- dary between the Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook: Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street: OFFICE OF ~iE ~,N CL~tK - NOIiTH ANDOVER. -. ~HT. 2O Con't - prevloue sheet. southeasterly and Southerls~-~ythat po~'tion of Sutton Street center line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersec- tion with Methuen Avenue center line: Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet north- easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line bet~veen a point thereon 300 feel northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a poin~ on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from Thorndike Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line: Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line: Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line: Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a tine parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North Main Street center line between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center tine of Sutton Street: Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south- westerly from Main Street center line betwen Sutton Street and May Street: Southerly by May Street center line: Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Bel- mont Street: Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover to~vn line in the Merrimack River between the fool of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill--North Andover boun- dary.'' The v~te was unanimous and so declared. ^.:.TICLE ~a~, To see if the Town will vote to fure_~,r amend Section ~ of !~orth Andover Zoning By-_Law as ~mended and adopted by the ~p~ otal Town ~eeting of June ~0, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentence thereof as amended and adopted June ~0, 1956, a comma instead of the period and 07 adding afte~ such co-~_ a the following additional clausel "further pr ovided that two of said Board of Appeals MemDe~s and one of said Associate Eembers shall be appointed from among the Members ~f the :~orth Ando~er Planning Board." So that the whole of Section 9 so amended :md divided into two paragraphs shall then readl "SEC2~'ON 9: BOA~ OF APPEALS, ITS P~'~'EHS AND DUTIE.q. 9.1 There shall be a board of ~ppeals of five members and not more than three Associate Nemoers, which shall have and exercise all ~h~ powe~e p~ovided under O.L. Chapter ~OA as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the No~th ~ndovel· Zonip~g By-Law and othe~ matte~e referred to such Board by statute. ,tho Boa~d of Appeals ~ Members and Associate Members shall be appointed Dy the Selectmen in the manner provided by statute, further provided that ~wo o~. said Boa::~d of Appeals' ;'iembers and one of said Associate ,~,lembers shall :.o ~ppointed f:-i~ r~'~on '~h~ em., rs of the North z,~ndoveP Planning Board. ;.2 ~:-. ~,-.'~-~1 ar~s:~n ~'n(~er the :~orth Andover Zoning By-Law, the Board ~ ~':.,ia c.:a!l hol.5 aou iic .hearin~ of which notice shall be given by lieatio:~ in [: n~,~,ws:,~aoer of x"ene~al circulation in :forth ?,ndover twelve ~12) ~':ays ag least beige-re the date such he~rin~. '2~e Doard shall also .:,'~-~y by re~_~;i~tered m~il all o'.nets of property wY ~hin three hunCred (500) Ot;'FICE OF THY. T'O?,N CLEi<K - NOL'YH AI'YDOYE~ f~ot of thc .:oun~a~'ies o~ each lot or lo ~s involved. Such notices shall be mailed :~o ~uch ovmers ~t the ~ddresses accosting for them in tbs most recent town t~x llstin~ of said owners. ~etltton oi ~:orth .~ndover Pla~ming Do~'-~d, Eicholss F. Eicet~a, Chairman. Jnder the aforesaid article ~he followinq ~as voted: VOTED to further amend ~eetlon 9 of th~ ~orth An~o~.~r Zoning ~yT~w as a~nded and adop~d ~y the ~pecial To~n ~eeting of J~ ~0, 1956, by in- serting at the end o~ the second sentence ~ereof as amended ~d adopted J~e ~0~ 1956, a co~A instead of ~e peri~ ~d by addi~ ~ter such the following additi~l ~laume: "~er ~ovided ~at two of said Boa~ of Ap~al~ ~ers a~ll be appo~d fr~ ~o~ ~o Members of ~e Nor~ ~dove~ Pl~i~ Boarde" So ~t ~e whole of Sectl~ 9 so e.~ed a~ divided ~to ~o ~ragraphs ~ then read: "$~TION ~ BO~D OF ~P~, ITS P~E~ Ah~ 9.1 ~e~ s~ll be a Boa~ of Appeals of five mo~e~s a~ no~ more than t~ee Assoola~ M~be~.a. ~ioh s~ 1 ~ a~ exercise all the powers provided ~der O.L. Chapter 40A as a~ed. and which a~ll hear ~d decide a~ mat~e~s specifically referred to the B~rd of Appeals by ~e Nor~ ~dover Zo~ By-Law ~d ot~ ~tters ~fer~ to sues B~rd by S~te. ~e ~ard of Appeals~ MembePs and Associate Me,ers s~ll be appointed by the Seleo~ An ~ ~r ~gvided ~w s~tute~ ~er p~ovided t~t ~wo of said Boa~ of Appeals ~mbe~s ~11 be appoln~d fr~ ~o~ ~he ~embers of ~e Nor~ Ando~P P~l~ Boa~. 9.2 ~ each appeal arisinE under the North A~o~ Z~ By-Law. ~ F~avd of Appeals s~ll hold a public he~ing of which notice a~ll be given by publiea~ion ina newspaper of gener~ circulation in Eorth ~dover ~welve (~) ~ys at least before ~e ~ of such hea~i~. ~e Board ~1 also notify by registe~d ~1 all ~ners of property wi~ thee h~ed (~00) feet of ~e ~ries of each lot or lots involved. ~ueh notices s~ll be ~iled tO such ow~%ers a~ ~e ad, eases ~e~l~ for th~ in ~e most recent ~ t~ listi~ of ~he vo~e was ~~TIVE 2~7 ~ATI~ Cer~ifie~ ~o be a ~e oopy~ ATT~T: T~N C~