HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-16TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
May 10, 1960
To Town Clerk
North Andover, Mass.
Dear Sir:
I have this date postea copies of the Zoning
By-Law Amendments of the Annual Town Meeting ant the
Special Town Meeting of March 16, 1960 all approved by
t~e Attorney,General. Also copies posted of the
Personnell Wage & Salary Administration Plan of the Town
of North Andover containing all amendments made at the
Annual Town Meeting of March 1960 at the following places:
Town Office Builaing.
Ftnneran's Dr. ag Store
Val' s Restaurant
Phelan's Variety & Flavorland Store.
Bonelli & Corradlno's
Pappalardo's Variety Store.
Messina's Super Market
Meagan's Drug Store.
Hilltop Variety Store.
Memorial Library
Campbellt s Market.
Elite Pharmacy.
Miadle sex Market.
Holltns Super Service Station
McAloons Package Stere.
Ve~era n of Foreign Wars,
Mac' s Country Store
Hay Scales Exchange.
Veny truly yours,~
· LLIAM I.~ CEY ~ ~
May 2, 1960
Mr. John J. Lyons
Town Clerk
North Andover, Mass.
Dear Sir:
I return herewith zoning by-laws
adopted by the Town of North Andover at the Annual
Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting held March 19 ,
1960, under Articles 1, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, ~83 and
85 of the warrant therefor, together with zoning map.
All of these zoning by-laws and the map
have been approved by the Attorney General.
Very truly yours,
Assistant Attorney General
ncs. (31
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Honorable Edward J. l.~cCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
Boston, ~ass.
Dear Sir:
April ~, 1960
At a Special Town Neeting held in th~-Veteran's
Auditorium oF our North Andover High School on Saturday
afternoon Narch 19, 1960 immediately after the Annual Town
Meeting, the following article appeared in the Warrant for
same, with the recorded vote hereon: all submitted for your
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning
By-Law by adding thereto the following new section:
5.79 A parcel of 3a nd on the southwesterly side of Nassachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,
at land now or formerly of W.H. Damren, thence running
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Damren about
377 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and running
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 535 feet by
said river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence turning and
running southeasterly by said southwesterly line of
Massachusetts Avenue about 251 feet to the point of
beginning. Containing about 81280 square feet.
Petition of David B. Hollis, 12 Hamilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article I it was VOTED that Section 3 of
the Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79($)
the following new paragraph: 3.79(5~ as described in the
The vote was AFFIR~L~TIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12.
Boston, Mass.
May 2, 1960
is hereby ~pp~
o~ney General
The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Law
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
April ~, 1960
Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
Boston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditor-
ium of our North Andover High School on Saturday afternoon,
~.rch 19, 1960 ~mmediately after the Annual Town Meeting, the fol-
lowing article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded
vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning
Law by adding thereto the following new section:
3.79 A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said ~ssachusetts Avenue,.
at land now or formerly of W. H. Damren, thence running
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Damren about
377 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and running
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 5~5 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence turning and ~,n~ing
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 241 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of David B.Hollls, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article 1 it was VOTED that Section 5 of the
Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(~) the
following new paragraph: 3.79(5) as described Lu the Artmcle.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12.
A true copy: ATTEST: ~ L~ON~
Boston, Mass. May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Law
is hereby
JOHN J. L¥0N$, Town Clerk
April 4, 1960
Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
BOston, ~ess.
Dear Sir:
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditor-
i~,m_ of our North Andover High School on Saturday afternoon,
March 19, 1960 ~mmediately after the Annual Town Meeting, the fol-
lowing article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded
vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
ARTICL~ 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning
Law by adding thereto the following new section:
3.79 A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,,
at land now or formerly of W. H. D~mren, thence ~m~g
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Dampen about
377 feet to the ~awsheen River; thence turning and running
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 535 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence turning ayd running
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 241 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of David B.Hollis, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article 1 it was VOTED that Section ~ of the
Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(4) the
following new paragraph: ~.79(5) as described in the Article.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12,
i true copy: A TTF~T:
Boston, Mass. May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Law
is hereby app~~.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
.Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Oommonwealth
State House
BOston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
April ~, 1960
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditor-
iu~ of our North Andover High School on Saturday afternoon,
March 19, 1960 immediately after the ~nnual Town Meeting, the fol-
lowing article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded
vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to e~end the Zoning ~y-
Law by adding thereto the following new section:
3.79 A parcel of la~d on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,.
at land now or formerly of W. H. Dampen, thence r~n~ng
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Damren about
377 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and mmning
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 535 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence turning and running
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 2~1 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of David B.Hollis, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article 1 it was VOTED that Section ~ of the
Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph ~.79(~) the
following new paragraph: 5.79(5) as described in the Article.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12.
i true copy: ATTEST: ~0~~ ~, ~t~Ol~l~~''~
Boston, Mass. May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Daw
is hereby ap~~
~' ~tt0~n'e~ Genera~ '
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
April ~, 1960
.Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
.Attorney General of the Commonwealth
~atate House
,BOston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditor-
i~m of our North Andover High School on Saturday afternoon,
~March 19, 1960 immediately after the Annual Town Meeting, the fol-
lowing article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the reoorded
vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
:ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-
Law by adding thereto the following new section:
A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,
at land now or formerly of W. H. Dem~en, thence running
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Damren about
377 feet to the 8hawsheen River; thence turning and
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 5~5 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence turning and mm~ing
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 2#1 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of Davxd B.Hollis, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article 1 it was VOTED that Section ~ of the
Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(~) the
following new paragraph: 3.79(5) as described in the Article.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12.
A true copy: ATTEST: -JO~~ ~, ~0~'~
Boston, Mass, N~-y 2, 1960
The foregoing ~men~ment to Zoning By-Law
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
April $, 1960
Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
Boston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditor-
ium of our North Andover High School on 8aturday afternoon,
March 19, 1960 !mmediately after the Annual Town Meeting, the fol-
lowing article appeare~ in the Warrant for same, with the recorded
vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town w ii1 vote to ~mend the Zoning
Law by adding thereto the following new section:
3.79 A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,
at land now or formerly of W. H. Damren, thence running
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Damren about
$77 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and ~nning
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 535 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence ~urning and running
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 2~1 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of David B.Hollis, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article 1 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the
Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(~) the
following new paragraph: $.79(5) as described in the Article.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIV~ 12.
A true copy: ATTEST: ~ D~ON~
Boston, Mass. May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Law
is hereby ap~~.
~ Attorney Genera~/~
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
April ~, 1960
Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
B~ston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteren's Auditor-
ium of our North Andover High School on Saturday afternoon,
~$_rch 19, 1960 ~mmediately after the Annual Town Meeting, the fol-
lowing article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded
vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-
Law by adding thereto the following new section:
3.79 A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,.
at land now or formerly of W. H. Damren, thence r~muing
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Dew-eh about
377 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and running
northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 535 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue; thence turning end running
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 241 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of David B.Hollls, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article t it was VOTED that Section 3 of the
Zoning By-Law be .~ended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(7) the
following new paragraph: 3.79(5) as described in the Artxcle.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 159. NEGATIVE 12.
i true copy: ATTEST: ~ L/~ON~
Boston, Mass. May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Law
is hereby app~~.~.~~~
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
'~Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
IBoston, Mass.
~Dear Sir:
April $, 1960
At a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditor-
~ium of our North Andover High School on ~aturday afternoon,
iMarch 19, 1960 !mm_ediately after the Annual Town Meeting, the roi-
flowing article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded
:vote hereon: all submitted for your approval.
iARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-
Yaw by addingthereto the following new section:
5.79 A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue,.
at land now or formerly of W. H. Damren, thence running
southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Dsm~en about
377 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and ru~ning
northwesterly, northerly and ~asterly about 535 feet by said
river to Massachusetts Avenue, thence turning and m~ing
southeasterly by said southwesterly line of Massachusetts
Avenue about 241 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
about 81280 square feet. Petition of David B.Hollis, 12 Ham-
ilton Road and others.
Under the aforesaid article 1 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the
Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after paragraph ~.79(~) the
following new paragraph: ].79(5) as described mn the Article.
The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12.
A true copy: ~/~_~ ~/~
Boston, Mass. May 2, 1960
The foregoing ~mendment to Zoning By-Law
is hereby ap~~
.~~ Attorney Genera~
JOHN J. LYON~. Town Clerk
Honorable Edward J, McCormack,
Attorney General of The Commonwealth
· ~tate House
Boston, Mass.
Dear ~ir:
April 4, 1960
At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of
our Morth Andover High School on Saturday, March 19, 1960 at 1:30 P. M.~ the follow-
ing articles appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded vote hereon: all
submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE ?8. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law of
the town to change Section 4.55 of the Zoning Laws dealing with Motels
such that said section will be amended by adding thereto sub-section J ~hich will read
as follows:
J. There shall be allowed in a Motel, a coffee shop or restaurant to be
used on conjunction with the operation Of a motel.
Under the aforesaid article it ~as voted as follows:
J. A coffee shop or restaurant may be operated as a part of the facilities
of any permitted motel.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto
the following new sections:
APARTMENT DEVELOPMENTS The Board of Appeals may grant a special permit for an
apartment development in any zoning district, but only if it be satisfied that
such development will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set
forth in sections 4.72 and 4,73.
4.71 In so far as they may be apt, the provisions of sections 4.5 through 4.~4 inclu-
sive, shall apply to any applicaticm for a special permit under section 4.7.
4,72 Permitted Uses:
(a) Multiple or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more than
twelve dwelling units per structure.
(b) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted prin-
cipal uses, except that professional offices and home occupations are speci-
fically excluded.
4,73 Specific Regulations:
(a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half (2~) stories of thirty-five (35)
feet, in height, measured above the top of the foundations.
(b) No structures, except one-story garages or carports, or unpierced walls of
residential structures shall be nearer to each other them the sum of the
heights of their two opposing exterior welles measured above the top of
the foundations,
Attorney General
- 2 - April 4, 1960
ARTICLE 79 Continued
4.73 (c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet for each dwelling
unit in multiple-dwelling structure, in addition to the lot area, if any,
required for other permitted uses.
(d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall
not exceed 30% of the gross area of the lot.
(e) No structure shall be built within 30 feet of the side line of any public
street or way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained
within 20 feet of any other exterior property line.
(f) There shall be provided at least one paved off-street parking space, or space
in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be not more than
200 feet from the outside entrance to such unit. No space shall be consid-
ered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a driveway
providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet.
(g) There shall be a paved driveway, or paved walk adequate to accommodate emer-
gency vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit.
(h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to 6 or more dwelling units
or 8 or more parking sPaces shall conform to appropriate provisions of the
subdivision control regulations as if it were a minor residential Street.
Before issuing any permit the Board of Appeals shall request a report from
the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity.
4.74 No special permit shall be granted under section 4.7 unless the Board of Appeals
finds that the development as planned will not be detrimental to the neighbor-
hood in which it is to be located, and that the Town can reasonably provide the
proposed development with all necessary utilities and facilities. Petition of
Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Industrial Development Committee.
The vote on the above ARTICLE 79 was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by
changing from Village Residential to General Business the following
described parcel of land:
A certain piece and parcel of land situated on Hodges Street, so called,
near Main Street, in said North Andover, the same being lots numbered 71, 72 and part
of lOtnumbered 70 as shown on plans of land of Eliza D. Sargent, said plan being re-
corded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds, Book 43, Page 600. Containing
10,1CO square feet, more or less. Petition of Joseph Giard and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 80 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Laws be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.78, the following new paragraph 3.79(1) as de-
scribed in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by
changing from Village Residential to General Business the following de-
scribed parcel of land:
Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of Franklin Street with
the Southerly line of Pleasant Street; thence Southeasterly by the Southern line of
Pleasant Street, 100 feet, thence Southwesterly, 100 feet, thence Southeasterly 130.80
feet; thence Southwesterly 160.45 feet to Avon Street: thence Northerly by the East-
erly line of Avon Street, 200 feet to Franklin Street thence Northeasterly by the East-
erly line of Franklin Street, 22 feet; thence again Northeasterly by a curve of 80.32
feet radius, 39.20 feet; thence Northeasterly still by the Easterly line of Franklin
Street, 88.43 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of William A. McAloon and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 81 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Laws be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(1) the following new paragraph 3.79(2) as de-
scribed in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Attorney General
- 3 - April 4, 1960
ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law and
the zoning map of the Town, by changing from Village Residential Zone to
General Business Zone the following described property:
Starting at a point on the Easterly side of Pleasant Street, at its intersec-
tion with Trenton Street, a private way; thence running along the Easterly
side of Pleasant Street in a Northerly direction 220 feet to a point; thence
turning and running in an Easterly direction by a stone wall by land now or
formerly of the Village Land Company 85 feet more or less to a point; thence
turning and running in a Southerly direction by land now or formerly of Fournier,
205.2 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Western direction along
the Northerly side of the aforementioned private way 80 feet to the point of
beginning. Petition of Loretta L. Willis and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 82 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the ZoningBy-Law be
amended by ~dding, after paragraph 3.79(2) the following new paragraph 3.79(3) as de-
scribed ink,he article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
-~.~ ~RTICLE 83~ To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law
and the Zoning Map of the Town by changing from Village Residential Zone
to General Business Zone the following:
iLot No. i "Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Bunkerhill Street at its
intersection with Concord Street thence running along the Northerly side
of Bunkerhill Street, 275 feet to a point; thence turning and running in
a Northerly direction along land now or formerly of Helbick, 80 feet to a
point; thence turning and running in an Easterly direction 275 feet to a
point on the Westerly side of Concord Street; thence turning and running
along the Westerly side of Concord Street in a Southerly direction $0 feet
to the point of beginning."
Lot No. 2 "Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Trenton Street at its inter-
section with Wayne Street thence running along the Northerly side of Tren-
ton Street, 290 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Norther-
ly direction by land of Domenic Mangano, 143.9 feet to a point; thence
turning and running Easterly, by land now or formerly of the Village Land
Company, 332.58 feet to a point on the Westerly side of Wayne Street;
thence turning and running along the Westerly side of Wayne Street, 99.31
feet to the point of beginning." Petition of Domenic Mangano and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 83 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the ZoningBy-Law be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(3) the following new paragraph 3.79(4) as
described in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
.ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law and
map of the Town by changing from Country Residential Zone to Village Res-
idential Zone the following described property:
Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Woodstock Street 76.61 feet
Easterly from its intersection with Wood Lane thence running by various courses North-
erly 926.75 feet more or less to a point on the Southerly side of Great Oak Street;
thence turning and running in an Easterly direction along said Great Oak Street 300
feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Southerly direction by various
courses 910 feet more or less to the Northerly side of Woodstock Street thence turning
~and running in a Westerly direction along Woodstock Street 226.21 feet more or less to
a point of beginning. Petition of John J. Willis and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Law be amend-
ed by adding, after paragraph 3,54, the following new paragraph 3.55 as described in
the above Article 85. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
447 Registered voters were present:
TO~N CLERK - No. Andover, Mass.
Boston, Mass,
May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendments to Zoning By-Laws are hereby approved.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Honorable Edward J. McCormack, Jr.
Attorney General of The Commonwealth
Stat~ House
BostOn, Mass.
Dear~ Sir:
April $, 1960
At our Annual Adjourned Town Nesting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of
our North Andover High School on Saturday, March 19, 1960 at 1:~0 P. M.~ the follow-
ing articles appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded vote hereon: all
submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE ?8. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law of
the town to change Section 4.~5 of the Zoning Laws dealing ~ith Motels
suchthat said section will be amended by adding thereto sub-section J which will read
as fellows:
!J. There shall be allowed in a Motel, a coffee shop or restaurant to be
used on conjunction with the operation of a motel.
Under the aforesaid article it was voted as follows:
J. A coffee shop or restaurant may be operated as a part of the facilities
of any permitted mctel.
The tote was un~!mous and so declared.
ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto
the following new sections:
:APARTMENT ~V~_,~OPMENTS The Board of Appeals may grant a special permit foran
apartment development in any zoning district, but only if it be satisfied that
such development will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set
forth in sections 4.72 and 4,73.
4.71In so far as they maybe apt, the provisions of sections 4.5 through 4.54 inclu-
sive, shall apply to any application for a special permit under section 4.7.
4.72iPermitted Uses:
(a) Multiple or groupdwellings, provided that there shall be not more them
twelve dwelling units perstructure.
(b) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted prin-
cipal uses, except that professional offices and home occupations are speci-
fically excluded.
4o731Specific Regulations:
(a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half (2~) stories of thirty-five (35)
feet, in height, measured ahove the top of the foundations.
(b) No structures, except one-story garages or carports, or unpieroed walls of
residential structures shall be nearer to each other than the sum of the
heights of their two opposing exterior walls, measured above the top of
the foundations.
Attorney General - 2 -
April 4, 1960
ARTIOLE 79 Continued
4.73 ~(c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet for each dwelling
unit in multiple-dwelling structure, in addition to the lot area, if any,
required for other permitted uses.
(d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall
not exceed 30% of the gross area of the lot.
(e) No structure shall be built within 30 feet of the side line of any public
street or way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained
within 20 feet of any other exterior property line.
(f) There shall be provided at least one paved off-street parking space, or space
in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said spaee to be not more than
200 feet from the outside entrance to such unit. No space shall be consid-
ered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a driveway
providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet.
(g) There shall be a paved driveway, or paved walk adequate to accommodate emer-
gency vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit.
(h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to 6 or more dwelling units
or $ or more parking spaces shall conform to appropriate provisions of the
subdivision control regulations as if it were a minor residential Street.
Before issuing any permit the Board of Appeals shall request a report from
the Planning Board on the extent of such eonformity.
4.74~ No special permit shall be granted under section 4.7 unless the Board of Appeals
finds that the development as planned will not be detrimental to the neighbor-
hood in which it is to be located, and that the Town can reasonably provide the
proposed development with all necessary utilities and facilities. Petition of
Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Industrial Development Committee.
The vote on the above ARTICLE 79 was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by
changing from Village Residential to General Business the following
described parcel of land:
A certain piece and parcel of land situated on Hedges Street, so called,
near Main Street, in said North Andover, the same being lots numbered 71, 72 and part
of lC~numbered 70 as shown on plans of land of Eliza D. Sargent, said plan being re-
corded in the Essex North District Registry cf Deeds, Book 43, Page 600. Containing
lO,lOC square feet, more or less. Petition of Joseph Giard and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 80 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Laws be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.78, the following new paragraph 3.79(1) as de-
scribed in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by
changing from Village Residential to General Business the following de-
scribed parcel of land:
Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of Franklin Street with
the ~outherly line of Pleasant Street; thence Southeasterly by the Southern line of
Pleasant Street, 100 feet, thence Southwesterly, 100 feet, thence Southeasterly 130.80
feetl thence Southwesterly 160.45 feet to Avon Street: thence Northerly by the East-
erly line of Avon Street, 200 feet to Franklin Street thence Northeasterly by the East-
erly line of Franklin Street, 22 feet; thence again Northeasterly by a curve of 80.32
feet radius, 39.20 feet; thence Northeasterly still by the Easterly line of Franklin
Street, 88.43 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of William A. McAloon and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 81 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Laws be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(1) the following new paragraph 3.79(2) as de-
scribed in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Attorney General
- 3 - April 4, 1960
ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law and
the zoning map of the Town, by changing from Village Reeidential Zone to
General Business Zone the following described property:
iStarting at a point on the Easterly side of Pleasant Street, at its intersec-
tion with Trenton Street, a private way; thence running along the Easterly
side of Pleasant Street in a Northerly direction 220 feet to a point; thence
.turning and running in an Easterly direction by a stone wall by land now or
formerly of the Village Land Company 85 feet more or less to a point; thence
turning and running in a Southerly direction by land now or formerly of Fournier,
205.2 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Western direction along
~the Northerly side of the aforementioned private way 80 feet to the point of
iheginning. Petition of Loretta L. Willis and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 82 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Law be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(2) the following new paragraph 3.79(3) as de-
scribed in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law
and the Zoning Map of the Town by changing from Village Residential Zone
to General Business Zone the following:
Lot No. 1 "Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Bu~kerhill Street at its
intersection with Concord Street thence running along the Northerly side
of Bunkerhill Street, 275 feet to a point; thence turning and running in
a Northerly direction along land now or formerly of Helbick, 80 feet to a
point; thence turning and running in an Easterly direction 275 feet to a
point on the Westerly side of Concord Street; thence turning and running
along the Westerly side of Concord Street in a Southerly direction 80 feet
to the point of beginning."
Lot No. 2 "Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Trenton Street at its inter-
section with Wayne Street thence running along the Northerly side of Tren-
ton Street, 290 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Norther-
ly direction by land of Demonic Mangano, 143.9 feet to a point; thence
turning and running Easterly, by land now or formerly of the Village Land
Company, 332.58 feet to a point on the Westerly side of Wayne Street;
thence turning and running along the Westerly side of Wayne Street, 99.31
feet to the point of beginning." Petition of Domenic Mangano and others.
Under the aforesaid ARTICLE 83 it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Law be
amended by adding, after paragraph 3.79(3) the following new paragraph 3.79(4) as
described in the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law and
map of the Town by changing from Country Residential Zone to Village Res-
idential Zone the following described property:
Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Woodstock Street 76.61 feet
Easterly from its intersection with Wood Lane thence running by various courses North-
erly 926.75 feet more or less to a point on the Southerly side of Great Oak Street;
thence turning and running in an Easterly direction along said Great Oak Street 300
feet to a point; thence turning and r,m~ing in a Southerly direction by various
courses 910 feet more or less to the Northerly side of Woodstock Street thence turning
and running in a Westerly direction along Woodstock Street 226.21 feet more or less to
a point of beginning. Petition of John J. Willis and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Law be amend-~
ed b~ adding, after paragraph 3,54, the following new paragraph 3.55 as described in
the above Article 85. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
447 Registered voters were present:
TO~N CLERK - No. Andover, Mass.
Boston, Mass, May 2, 1960
The foregoing amendments to Zoning By-Laws are hereby approved.
ADOPTED at the Special Town Meeting of July 22, 19~? (Article
AMENDED at the Annual Town Meeting of 19~8 (Article 16)
AMENDED at the Annual Town Meeting of
AMENDED at the Annual ?own Meeting of 1960 (Articles 20, 21,
22, 24, 2~, 26 and 27)
May I , 1960.
Office of the Town Clerk
Town Building
North Andover, Massachusetts
I, JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk of the Town of North Andover, hereby certify that copies
of this pamphlet (publishing the By-Law, as amended, above referred to) have this day
been posted in at least five public places in said Town, and in at least one public
place in each precinct thereof.
John J. Lyons
Town Olerk
~nt shall met up it~ o~ eohodu~o o~ workin~ hours and of
end luaoh tim~, mad shall poet maid Schedules within its
ooMp~ouou~ place. Wherever a Department ~s ~n continuous
Po~oe or Fire~ or, for whatever reaaon~ operetee mare thau
aormal work week~ .m deeoribed a~oze; shall apply to each shift.
this ]~-I~v ~a to bo construed a~ limiting the nunber of hours
or 1Lwitl~ &be n~ber of dey~ in the week, that an employee may
~t his Department Bead's direction, or at the direction of any
by hie Department Need, or at the direction of any properly con-
on ~ti~ ~lifl~ ~ ~ A.T.P. 8~d~e nor ~
2~fi~ ~o~1 for e~h ~ vo~ in a ~ek ~r forty~ight (~8)
~ ~ ia t~t ~ek p~ded t~ Mst ~n (10) of such ho~e co~d of
co~ou~l~ ~o~ of acti~ duty.
t~ ~~t ~l for ~ hc~ ~ork~d ~r
ffol'~:F (40) hem in tM week ~rk~ in ~ POLI~ DEPArt;
forty (40) ~ in t~ ~ek ~ed on ~ ooc~tion classified in t~
~quaA time off may be given in place of Overtime Payment at the discretion
Deper~aent Head with the agreement of the Personnel Board,
W!t~out exception, anyone or all of the foregoing Overtime Provisions may
the Board of Selec_~e__n by its own act in the event of special circ~n-
~uhlic emergency so declared by it.
~,~.Lo~ee8 on continuous processing Jobs so designated as aforesaid shall
~,r~ni~ pay for overtime.
each new full-time regular member of the Police or F~re Departments,
his rank, at the time that he enters upon his duties there shall be
~ · d o ars
~li ~ ~ #ti em O~ · d o ars O0
, ~on v, xm ~j, r~aon oz' m~, or the rolloei~ holiday,
New Yeare Day Columbus Day
~/ashington ~ s Birthday Veterans* Day
Decoration Day Thanksgiving Day
lndependenoe Day Christmas Day
Labor Day
or ~ ot~ holtda~ le~lly biadi~ upon the Town of North A~dover in tbs County
or bees.
Ney Years Day
Washington ~ e Birthday
Patriots Day
Deooratton Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans ' Day
mhell keep ~u~
pencoa o~
lc~e pay,
in the for~oi~ ot~r
~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~J~.
~~t ~, ~o~ ~t el~ble for ~i~ ~y ~
All el~xloyell Ire eat,itled to 'meati~ vit~h pay in aecol~ance with
- 7
~bAef Depa~t~nt,
m mb~ll keep
or pol~
or otbor~oe
the North
lo~e pay,
t~ Polioe Fire
in th~
of eT nature a~ to be knovn Ln &dvanoe that ~t
hol~da~ nm~d herein ~hall be paid ~or by Itra~bt-t~e pay
for the noa-e~t eaplo~oe on the Job.
Depart~ut N~ed~, e~ploye~ ~ot eligible for Holida~ pay aa deer
pam~-aph, ehall ~eoei~e half tl~e pay in their
ALl euployoee 8~o ont~tlod to vuoat~ono with pay in &ecordance v~th
following ~
1.. ~Loyeee i~ t~ full tim eeq~loyaent oF the Tc~n et- ~nb shall
b entitled to om wok'e vacation ~ith paS.
2. F,~l)lo~ in the Full ti~ eaplo~ent of the Taen one y~ar shall be
entitled t~ t~ veek~' v~oation with pay.
B~.o.y~e~ ~n the full t~e emplo3~ent of the Town for a oont.tnuotu
l~riod of fifteea years ehall be entitled to three wee~s' ~t~a
- 7 -
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"As to Sections 4.5 through 4.55 dealing with Motels,
the Massachusetts Supreme Court has ruled these Sections
Planning Board
Town of North Andover
)anies 11M. sxan
For the purposes set forth in Massachusetts General Laws,
Chapter 40A and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition
thereto and under the authority thereof and of theGeneral Laws
Chapter 143 and any other enabling laws the
inspection,ection ma-
terials, construction alteration and repair, height, area,
n h use of land through-
and use of buildings and structures and the u
a u
hereby regulated `as herein
he Town of North Andover are ere
out t Y
into districts as here-
the Town is hereby divided t
provided, y
designated, defined and described, and shown on an
official copy of the zoning -map, dated June 1956, as amended, on
file with the Town Clerk, which map is hereby made a part of
this Bylaw.
For theur oses of this Bylaw, the following words and
p P
terms as used herein shall have the meanings or limitations of
meanirg hereby defined, explained or assigned:
2.1 FAMILY. Any number of individuals living together in
one suite of rooms as a singlehousekeeping
sora unite ` and hav-
ing in
ing one principal cooking and food storage
common among them in such suite.
2.2 ONE -FAMILY DWELLING. A dwelling built singly and
apart from any other building and intended and designed
to be occupied and used exclusively for residential pur-
poses by one family.
2.3 TWO-FAMILY DWELLING. A free standing building in-
tended and designed to be occupied and used exclusively
for residentialoses ur b each of not more than two
P p Y
2.4 LOT. An area of land in one ownership with definite
boundaries ascertainable by recorded deed or plan and
used or set aside and available for use as the site of one or
more buildings or for any other definite purpose.
2.5 STREET. A public way, ora private way open to travel
by the general public, or a way shown on a plan of a sub-
division theretofore duly approved by the Planning Board,
2.6 BUILDING. The word `building" shall include the word
``structure", unless the context unequivocally indicates
2.7 ERECTED. The word "erected" shall include the words
"built" "constructed", "reconstructed''', "altered", "en-
larged", and "moved".
2.8 STORY. That portion of a building contained between
any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not in-
cluding the lowest portion so contained if more than one-
half of such portion vertically is below the mean finished
grade of the ground adjoining such building.
2.9 HALF STORY. A story directly under a sloping roof in
which the points of intersection of the bottom of the rafters
with the interior faces of the walls are less than three feet
above the floor level.
2,10 FRONT YARD. An open space extending across the entire
width of a lot between any building thereon and the street
lot line of the lot on which such building stands.
2.11 REAR YARD. An open space extending across the entire
width of a lot between the rear of any building thereon and
the rear lot line of the lot on which such building stands.
2.12 SIDE YARD. An open space between the side line of a
lot and the adjacent side of any building thereon, such open
space being understood to cover the entire extent between
the front yard and the rear yard on such a lot.
3.1 The Town of North Andover is hereby divided into zoning
rt y v t g
districts designated as follows:
3.2 In the event of any discrepancy between the boundaries of
the zoning districts as shown on the official map and as
hereinafter described or defined, the descriptions herein-
after set forth shall govern, as amended.
3.3 RURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS. Every part of the Town
of North Andover not otherwise hereinafter designated
Count` Residence Village Residence Neighborhood Bus-
iness, General Business or Industrial District is hereby
expressly declared to be in Rural Residence District.
3.41 That part of North Andover Township surrounding the
old colonial North Andover Center and extending beyond
to the particular boundaries recited below, except such
area within saidCountryResidence dence zonin
district bound-
aries a may subsequently be duly declared ec d to be in an
Y q Y Y Y
i g
other kind of zoning district:
Northeasterly and easterly by the thread of Stevens
Mill Pond beginning at Stevens Street;
Easterly and northeasterly by the location line of
the former railroad of right a
g way (in 1955, used as
an electric power line right of way) from its cross-
ing over the thread of water inflow to Stevens Pond
to a point on said location line 250 feet north-
westerly from Marbleridge Road center line;
Generally easterly by a line parallel to and 250 feet
westerly from the center line of Marbleridge Road
between said former railroad location line and a
point on the center line of Johnson Street, 250 feet
northwesterly from the center line of Marbleridge
Southerly by a straight line connecting the point
aforesaid on the center line of Johnson Street and a
point on the center line of Turnpike Street 250 feet
northwesterly from the center line of Hillside Road;
Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 250 feet
northwesterly from the center line of Hillside Road,
between Turnpike Street and the Andover Town
Southwesterly by the Andover -North Andover town
line between Hillside Road and Waverley Road;
Northwesterly and westerly by the various courses
of the North Andover Town line, from the Andover -
Lawrence -North Andover common boundary point
on or close to Waverley Road, to a point on the
North Andover town line about 150 feet southerly
from the center line of Greene Street;
Northerly and northeasterly by a line parallel to
and 150 feet southerly from the center line of
Greene Street, between the Lawrence -North An-
dover boundary and Linden Avenue;
Easterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet westerly
from the center line of Linden Avenue;
Northerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south-
erly from the center line of Woodstock Street and
said line extended tangent easterly to Massachusetts
Northeasterly by that portion of the center line of
Massachusetts Avenue between its intersection with
a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from Wood-
stock Street center line extended, and Chickering
Northwesterly by Chickering Road center line be-
tween Massachusetts Avenue and Phillips Brooks
Northerly by the center line of Phillips Brooks Road
between Massachusetts Avenue and Osgood Street;
Table of Contents
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Zoning Districts and Boundaries
Section 4:
Buildings and Uses Permitted and
Applications of Regulations
4.01 In All Districts
4.02 Lot partly in North Andover,
partly elsewhere
4.03 Lot partly in one zone, partly in another
4,04 Non -conforming Uses
4.05 Non -conforming Uses
4.06 Non -conforming Uses
4.1 All Residence Districts
4.2 Neighborhood Business Districts
4.3 General Business Districts
4.4 Industrial Districts
4.5 Motels
4.6 Outdoor Lighting
Section 5:
Earth Material Removal
Section 6:
Lot Areas and Lot Widths Required and
Specific Exceptions
Rural Residence
Country Residence
Village Residence
Neighborhood Business
General Business
Section 7:
Yard Spaces Required
Rural Residence
Country Residence
Village Residence
Neighborhood Business
General Business
Section 8:
Building Heights Permitted
Section 9:
Board of Appeals, Powers & Duties
Section 10:
Zoning Amendments
Section 11:
Section 12:
Conflict of Laws, Validity and Severability
Westerly by the center line of Osgood Street be-
tween Phillips Brooks Road and Bay State Road;
Northerly by a tangent extension easterly of the
center line of Bay State Road between Osgood
Street and Court Street;
Westerlyb h
y the center line of Court Street between
aid Ba
State Road center line extended and dh
'unction of PleasantStreet, Str t, Court Street, Osgood
Street and Parkree •
St t,
Northerly by the center line of Pleasant Street be-
tween the aforesaid 'unction anStevensd Stev Street;
Northwesterly by the center line of that short por-
tion of Stevens Street between its intersection with
Pleasant Street and its crossing over the outflow
thread of Stevens Mill Pond to the point of be-
3.¢ That part of North Andover township adjoining the wes-
terly side of Osgood Street between Sutton Street and
Chickering Road as more particularly bounded and des-
cribed below, except such portions of the area within said
Country Residence Zoning District boundaries as may sub-
sequently be duly declared to be in any other kind of
zoning district.
Northwesterly by Sutton Street center line;
Northeasterly by Osgood Street center line be-
tween Sutton Street and Chickering Road;
Southeasterly by Chickering Road center line be-
tween Osgood Street and the former Salem Railroad
at Chickering Road;
Southwesterly Y b a line parallel to and 200 feet
northeasterly from the location line of the former
Salem Railroad right of way between Chickering
Road and Prescott Street;
Northerly by Prescott Street center line;
Westerly by a line parallel to and 125 feet easterly
from Moody Street center line and said line ex-
tended across Chadwick Street from Prescott Street
to Sutton Street.
3.d That built-up northwesterly portion of North Andover,
mainly northerly of Greene Street and of Massachusetts
Avenue and mainly westerly of Chickering Road, more
aarticular) bounded and described below, except such
reas within said Village Residence zoning district bound-
aries as may subsequently be declared to be in any other
kind of zoning district.
Northerly by that portion of the North Andover
town line between the intersection of the Shawsheen
River with the Boston & Maine Railroad location
line at the City of Lawrence Boundary, and the in-
tersection of the North Andover town line with the
centerline of Marblehead Street extended;
Easterly by a portion of Marblehead Street center
Northerly by Belmont Street center line between
Marblehead Street and a point on Belmont Street
center line about 200 feet easterly along said line
from its intersection with the center line of Patriot
Westerly by a portion of a line parallel to and 200
feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between
Belmont Street and May Street;
Northerly by the center line of May Street;
Easterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet westerly
from the center line of Main Street between May
Street and Waverley Road;
Southeasterly by a short portion of Waverley Road
center line;
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet
westerly from Main Street center line;
Northwesterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet
southeasterly from Second Street center line;
Generally northeasterly by the center line of Water
Street between Second Street and Merrimack Street
and by a small portion of the center line of Merri-
mack Street and by a line parallel to and 225 feet
southwesterly from the center line of Water Street
between Merrimack Street and Elm Street and by a
portion of the center line of Elm Street;
Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street and
said line extended between Elm Street and Claren-
don Street, and by a portion of the center line of
Clarendon Street;
Northeasterly by the center line of East Water
Street between Clarendon Street and Chickering
Road b a r
tion of the center lin f hi
po e o C ckerin
, Y g
Road b the center line and the center line exten-
ded oby
t' e Street, so called, between Chickering
Road and Osgood Street;
Southeasterly by a portion of the center line of Os-
good Street between Wayne Street and a point on
Osgood Street center line 350 feet from its intersec-
tion with Phillips Court center line;
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 135 feet
northeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that
trends approximately S 35° 26' E, and such line ex-
tended to Osgood Street;
Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet
southeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that
trends approximately S 44° 33' W.
Southerly by the center'line of Pleasant Street be-
tween a point on said center line 120 feet southeast-
erly from its intersection with the center line of
Phillips Court to the intersection of center lines of
Pleasant Street and Court Street;
Southeasterlyb h
tween Pleasnt Streeteand the center lint of tBa r
State Road extended tangent easterly from Osgood
Street to Court Street;
Southerly by the center line of Bay State Road ex-
tended easterly between Court Street and Osgood
Easterly by the center line of Osgood Street be-
tween Bay State Road and Phillips Brooks Road;
Southerly by the center line of Phillips Brooks
Road between Osgood Street and Chickering Road;
Southeasterly by a portion of Chickering Road cen-
ter tine;
Southwesterly by that portion of the center line of
Massachusetts Avenue between Chickering Road
and a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from
Woodstock Street center line, extended;
Southerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south-
erly from the center line of Woodstock Street;
Westerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet westerly
from Linden Avenue center line;
Southerly by a line parallel to and .150 feet south-
erly from Greene Street center line;
Southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly by that
winding portion of the North Andover town line
between a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly
from Greene Street; and the intersection of the
Shawsheen River with the Boston & Maine Rail-
road location line at the City of Lawrence boundary.
3.52 A small area both sides of Saunders Street near Sutton
Pond, bounded:
Northerly by the northerly sideline of that portion
of Saunders Street that trends approximately E 7°
30' N and said line extended easterly to the shore
of Sutton Pond;
Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton
Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Saunders
Street center line at its southerly terminus;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet
northeasterly from Main Street center line between
the line across Saunders Street southerly terminus
and the southeasterly side line of the Town of
North Andover Bradstreet School lot;
Northwesterly by a short portion of said Bradstreet
School southeasterly lot line;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet
southwesterly from that portion of Saunders Street
center line that trends to two courses about N 45'
0' W and N 24' 30' W, between the aforesaid Brad-
street School southeasterly lot line and the afore-
said Saunders Street northerly sideline trending
E V 30' N.
Town .o5' North Andover Planniag Board 1958
0 164; 200' 400' boo' 000,
North Andover, Mass.
Jol-trt T Blackwell, Planner, Bo5-Von
M A R B L - E H E P,0
� n " C.
am Neighborhood Business
Areas not shaded ort tht19 map
G enera I Bu5lrteS5 are zoned mainly villo.ge_ r -es.,
see. po-ragr-npFx 3.74 see by- law � +own -wide- map.
_% -� ��\- Irtdustry
The boundaries of each tract zoned for business or indus+ry
oR this map are -stated In the 4oning by-law paragraph Of the
same number as on the map beside such +race; the numbers iR
parentheses are numbered sub -sections of paragv-aph 3.74.
�" a 'r-- f
4 ;•r
���` :y, i � m_
-3 T R E E -T
formerly of Longbottom, Desrosiers, Hennessy, Cal-
line of Salem Turnpike 719 feet to a point; thence
I Southwesterly by Pleasant Street center line to al
Renting a room or rooms in a dwelling for the office of one
abrese, Kamal and Hennessy, said line being 100
northeasterly by a stone wall, 34.05 feet to a point;
thence by the stone wall, 680.42 feet to a
point thereon 120 feet southeasterly from its inter-
section with Phillips Court center line;
professional person, provided there be no display or ad -
vertising on such dwelling or its lot other than a profes-
feet from and parallel to the southwesterly line of
Massachusetts Ave -nue, to a point 113 feet from the
point; thence southwesterly, 565 feet to a point;
Northwesterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet
sional name plate, or sign not to exceed six (6) inches by
westerly side of Beechwood Street; thence south-
thence southeasterly 200 feet to a point in the north-
southeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that
twenty-four (24) inches in size.
westerly with an interior angle of 90 degrees 300
erly line of Hillside Road; thence southwesterly by
the northerly line of Hillside Road,'100 feet to a
trends approximately S 44° 33'W;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 135 feet
Customary home occupations, provided there be no display
feet more or less to the Shawsheen River; thence
northwesterly by the Shawsheen River 280 feet
point which is 110.7 feet from the Salem Turnpike;
northeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that
. o
and no exterior advertising except an announcement sign
more or less to land now or formerly of Turner;
thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point; thence
100 feet to point of beginning.
3 26'E and such line ex-
trends approximately S 5
pp Y
tended northwesterly to Osgood Street;
x ix inches b went -four 24 inches and
not to teed s 6t
)( )
(Y Y
provided that in any dwelling, such customary home occu-
thence northeasterly by land now or formerly of
Turner, Williams, Towne, Fogerty and McDonough
southwesterly .the
Northeasterly by a portion of Osgood Street center
pations shall be carried on by not more than five persons
250 feet more or less to the point of beginning, con-
3.76 A parcel of land located on the southwesterly side of Main
11 line beginning at a point thereon 350 feet north-
easterly of its intersection with Phillips Court cen-
of whom at least one shall reside in such dwelling.
taining 74,000 square feet, more or less.
Street in the Town of North Andover, County of Essex
Commonwealth Massachusetts, bounded and de-
ter line and extending thence easterly to the center
Schools, libraries, museums, churches, hospitals and con -
Superceded and included within the description 3.71,
and of
scribed as follows:
line of Wayne Street, so 'called;
valescent and rest homes, local passenger stations, also
as amended. by vote of March 16, 1957.
Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of
Southwesterly by the center line of Wayne Street,
so called, between Osgood Street and Chickering
radio, radar, television or radio -telephone transmitting or
broadcasting towers but not their studios nor offices, and
Superceded and included within the description 3.71,
Main Street with the southerly line of First Street;
not veterinary or animal hospitals except as further pro -
as amended, by vote of March 16, 1957.
thence southwesterly, by the southerly line of First
Southeasterly by a short portion of Chickering
vided elsewhere in this bylaw.
Superceded and included within the descri tion 3.71,
Street, about 210.0 feet to land of one Vernile;
Road center line;
as amended, by vote of March 16, 1957.
thence southeasterly, by land of Vernile 210 feet to
Southwesterly by East Water Street center line;
Real estate signs not to exceed twenty-four (24) inches by
A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the
the most easterly point the Vernile property;
thence turning and running southwesterly along
Southeasterly by a short portion of Clarendon
Street center line;
thirty-six (36) inches in size which shall advertise only the
rental, lease or sale of the premises upon which they are
buildings thereon, presently known as the Veteran's
of Foreign Wars, Post 2104 bounded and described
land of the said Vernile 117.0 feet, more or less to
a thence northwesterly, still by said Vernile
Southwesterly by Water Street center line extended
as follows: Beginning at a point at the northerly in_
property, 210.0 feet First Street; thence south-
between Clarendon Street and a point on Water
Street center line about 105 feet southerly from
(a) Farming of field crops, and row crops; truck gar -
of Park Street and Chickering Road;
thence running northeasterly 1 feet along Chick-
westerly, e
the southerly line of First Street; ly of
feet to bound at land now or formerly of
Merrimack Street center line;
dens, orchards, plant nurseries, greenhouses and as
Bring Road to a point; thence turning and running
a stone
Elizabeth Ryan Heirs; thence southeasterly 210.50
Northwesterly by a line at a right angle to Water
Street center line and through a
provided below, stud farms, poultry batteries, fur
ranches and dairy farms;
easterly 75.1 feet to a point on the westerly side of
Avon Street; thence turning and running south-
feet to a stone bound of land of one Robinson;
thence again southeasterly, by land of said Robin-
passing point
thereon 105 feet southerly from Merrimack Street
( ) The keeping on any lot of not less than three (3)
easterly 192.24 feet to a point on the northerly side
son, 56.50 feet to a stone bound, thence northeast-
center line;
Southwesterly by a portion of the southwesterly
acres area in a Country Residence or a Rural Resi-
of Park Street; thence turning and running west-
erly,b land of said Robinson, 109.57 feet to a
short of the mill pond, and thence by a portion of a
dente District of a total of not more than three (3)
erly in two courses 102.89 feet and 59.79 feet along
point; thence southeasterly, by land of said Robin
line parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly from
of any kind or assortment of animals or birds in
Park Street to the point of beginning.
son 247.94 feet to a point in the northerly line of,'
Main Street center line;
addition to the household pets of the family living
A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the
Second Street; thence northeasterly along the north-
Northwesterly by a line at a right angle to Saunders
on such lot, but not the keeping of an animals or
birds or pets of persons other than thosee resident on
buildings thereon, now or formerly of Driver bound-
ed and described as follows: Beginning at a point
erly line of Second Street 200.64 feet to an iron pipe I
at land of William A. Finneran; thence northwest-
Street center line at the southerly terminus of
Saunders Street;
such lot, except as further provided below;
at the southwesterly intersection of Park Street and
erly, by land of said Finneran, 160.34 feet to the
Southwesterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton
(c) On any lot of not less than three (3) acres area and
Chickering Road; thence running in a southwesterly
southerly line of School Street; thence southwest-
Mill Pond between the aforesaid line at a right
situated in a not thickly settled part of a Country
direction 230 feet along Chickering Road; thence
erly, by the southerly line of School Street, 160.47
angle to Saunders Street center line at its southerly
Residence, a Rural Residence or an Industrial Dis-
turning and running southeasterly 84.7 feet to a
feet to a stone bound at the westerly end of said
terminus and the easterly extension of that north-
trict, but only on such lots in such parts of such
point; thence turning and running northeasterly 270
southerly line of School Street, thence northwest-
erly side line of Saunders Street that trends ap-
districts, veterinarians and others may keep more
feet to Park Street; thence turning and running
erly, by the westerly end of School Street, 40.0 feet i
proximately E 7° 30' N;
than three (3) animals or birds not necessarily
westerly 87.2 feet to the point of beginning.
to a stone bound; thence northeasterly, by the
Southerly by that northerly side line of Saunders
owned by the persons resident on such lot, provided
A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the
northerly line of School Street, 162.28 feet to a
stone bound, thence again northeasterly, by the
Street that trends approximately E
pp Y 7° 30' N and
said line extended easterly;
that on such lots there be no slau hterin
slaughtering, packing
or processing of meat, entrails, organs, skins;_ hides,
buildings thereon, presently known as Youngs Club
and the Dairy Queen, bounded and described as fol-
feet to a stone
northerly line of School Street, a
Westerly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly
pelts, fur, feathers or bones, and provided that
lows: Beginning at a point at the westerly inter-
bound; still again northeasterly, the,
northerly line of School Street, 95.41 feet to a stone'
from Main Street center line;
animal hospitals, kennels, poultry batteries, dairy
section of Park Street and Chickering Road; thence
bound marking the intersection of the northerly
Southerly by a portion of the former Salem Rail-
road location line;
barns, riding stables and animal auction lots are
specifically prohibited in all Village Residence Dis-
running southwesterly 180 feet along Chickering
Road to a point in Main Street; thence turning and
line of School Street with the westerly line of Main
Westerly by Main Street center line between the
tricts and in all thickly settled parts of Country
running northwesterly 250 feet to the intersection
Street; thence northweste�rly, by the westerly line
St Main Street6 rth feet ,stone bound marking'
former Salem Railroad location line and Sutton
Residence or of Rural Residence Districts.
of Park and Main Streets; thence turning and run-
ning easterly 220 feet along Park Street to the point
, i
an angle in the said westerly line of Main Street;
Any accessory use customarily incident to any of the
of beginning.
thence again northwesterly, by the westerly line of
Main Street 258.23 feet, more or less to the point
3,33 INDUSTRIAL °°L" DISTRICT. At Greene Street and the
Shawsheen River, being a certain parcel of land together
above permitted uses, provided that such accessory use
shall be not injurious, noxious, or offensive to the neigh -
A certain parcel of land located on High Street,
of beginning.
with the buildings thereon, presently known as Wipex
North Andover numbered Lot 44 on Assessors Plot
Incorporated, bounded and described as follows:
52, and with the buildings thereon, presently
known as Mann's Variety, bounded and described
3.77 Reclassified by vote of the March 29, 1958 annual Town
Meeting and included within the descriptions under Sec.
Beginning at an iron pipe in the southwest side of
Greene Street, North Andover in the northeast cor-
On any lot in any Residence District, garaging or off-street
parking, covered or open, of not more than four motor
as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwest-
erly side of High Street in the northeasterly corner
tions 3.3 and 3.41.
ner of the granted premises; thence running in a
vehicles, of which not more than two may be commerical
vehicles but not counting farm trucks nor motor -powered
g p
of the remises in question; thence running south
westerly direction in w arc 90.16 feet to a point;
thence running southwesterly along said Greene
agricultural implements of an agriculturally active farm
easter) 100 feet to a point; thence turning and run
y g
ning southwesterly 70.7 feet to a point; thence turn-
or orchard on which such vehicles are parked.
ing and running northwesterly 100 feet to a point;
3.81 INDUSTRIAL "L" DISTRICT. All that northernmost por-
and running in an irregular southwesterly direction
following along the Shawsheen River to an iron
thence turning and running northeasterly 69.59 feet
to the point of beginning.
tion of North Andover township north of the northerly
Lake Cochichewick watershed divide line as more particu-',
pipe; thence turning and running southeasterly
larly bounded and described below, except such portions'
along land now or formerly of Ivar L. Sjostrom,
Stores not exceeding fifteen hundred (1500) square feet
Reclassified by vote of March 16, 1957 annual Town
of the area within said Industrial "L" zoning district
Jr., 276.18 feet to an iron pipe; thence turning and
floor area s
per tore for the retail sale of food, drugs and
within the descri ti u
Meeting and includedp
boundaries as may be duly declared to be in any other
runnin northeaster) 135.42 feet to an iron
g Y o pipe;
other i
articles or commodities for use and consumption
ption in
kind of zoning district:
thence continuing to run in a northeasterly direc-
neighboring households, but not for the sale of alcoholic
A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the
Northeasterly by the Haverhill -North Andover I
tion 134.88 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing
to run in a northeaster) direction 208.6" feet
Y o et to ant
liquors in any form, whether on draft or in packages. No
Neighborhood Business Distri sh 1
District shall be more h
t three
buildings thereon, presently known as the Den Rock
Drive Theater, bounded and described as fol-
boundary between the Merrimack River and a point
iron pipe on the southwesterly side of Greene
(3) acres total land area, including off-street automobile
-In ,
lows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly side
southerly of Osgood Street;
Easter) and southeaster) by a line arallel to and
Street, the point of beginning.
parking spaces. In addition there may be permitted in a
of Winthrop Avenue 990 feet northwesterly from
500 feet easterly from that portion of Osgood Street
Neighborhood Business District an automobile lubricating
and gasoline filling station but only on
g g Y petition, subject
the intersection of Turnpike Street and Waverley
Road; thence running along Winthrop Avenue 815
center line between the Haverhill -North Andover
boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook;
to site plan review and approval by the Board of Appeals,
feet to a point; thence turning and running north-
Southeasterly by the thread of High Bridge Brook
after public hearing thereon with due notice given. Auto -
mobile repair garages and automobile sales places shall
easterly 700 feet to a point; thence turning and run-
ning southeaster) 66U feet to a point; thence turn-
g Y
to Osgood Street;
Southeasterly by that portioin of Osgood Street cen-
not be permitted in Neighborhood Business Districts.
ing and running easterly 261 feet more or less to a;
thence turning and running southwesterly
ter line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton'
4,01 In the zoningdistricts above specified and described, the
No loading platforms or receiving doors shall be located
g p g
596 feet more or less to the point of beginning.
Southeasterly and southerly by that portion of Sut-
following designated buildings and alterations and exten-
sions thereof and buildings accessory thereto and the fol-
on the street side of any retail stores or other commercial
building in a Neighborhood Business District.
A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the
ton Street center line between Osgood Street and a
lowing designated uses of land, buildings, or parts thereof
B buildingsthereon,
ed and described as follows: Begins
center with Methuen e 300 feet
center east
of its intoint on ersection Street
and uses accessory thereto are permitted. All other build-
ings and uses are hereby expressly prohibited, except those
Dwellings, subject to the same lot size, yard space and all
other restrictions and conditions as would apply if such
ning at a point at the westerly corner of Beverly
Southwester) b
y y a line parallel to and 300 feet
lawfully existing and actively in use on June 1, 1956,
dwellings were located in a Village Residence District,
and Union Streets and running westerly 155 feet
more or less by the northerly line of Union Street
northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; i
Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet north -
which by the operation of this provision became lawfully
non -conforming,
also churches, schools, libraries, museums, local passenger
stations and municipal or other public or civic buildings.
to a point; then running northerly 90 feet more or
erly from that portion of Sutton Street center line
less to a point; thence turning and running easterly
155 feet to a on the westerly side of Beverly
between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from
Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton
4.02 When a lot in one ownership is situated in part in the
Town North
Street; thence turning and running southeasterly
Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from
of Andover and in part in an adjacent town
or city, the provisions, regulations and restrictions of this
Retail stores and wholesale stores, salesrooms, funeral
90 feet more or less to point of beginning.
Thorndike Street center
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet
Bylaw shall be applied to that portion of such lot as lies in
parlors ,showrooms or places for any professional, artistic
A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line'
the Town of North Andover in the same manner as if the
or mercantile activity, not involving manufacturing, also
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
and said line extended between a point ler feet I
entire lot were situated therein.
retail bakeries or retail confectioneries in which not more
Robinson's Express Company, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the
northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point
4.03 When a zoning district boundary divides a lot in one
than five (5) persons are engaged in the manufacture and
sale on the premises of bakery or confectionery goods
northerlyside of Second Street, thence running
on Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly
from Thorndike Street center line;
ownership, all the zoning regulations set forth in this
there produced, including ice cream.
p g
northwesterly by land now or formerly of Stewart
Southerly by that portion of Sutton Street center
zoning bylaw applying to the greater part by area of such
300 feet to land now or formerly of Lawlor; thence
line between North Main Street and a point on Sut-
lot divided may also be deemed to apply and govern
Banks, offices and municipal, civic or public service build
turning and running northeasterly by said Lawlor
ton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike
at ann d beyond such zoning district boundary but only to
ings such as post office, telephone exchange, town offices,
land 58 and 45/100 feet to a point; thence turning
Street center line;
an extent not more than thirty (30) linear feet in depth
school, library, museum, church, local passenger station,
and running southeasterly 53 feet to a point; thence
Southwesterly by North Main Street center line be-
(at a right angle to such boundary) into the lesser part by
turning and running northeasterly 110 feet to a
tween Sutton Street center line and a point on
area of such lot so divided,
Hall, club, theatre or other place of amusement or assem-
point; thence turning and running southeasterly 142
North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from'
and 63/I00 feet to a point, the last three courses
Ashland Street center line;
4.04 Any lawfully non -conforming building or structure and
being by land now or formerly of the Village Land
Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly
any lawfully non conforming use of building or land may
Automobile service and filling stations, automobile storage
Company; thence turning and running southwest-
from Ashland Street center line;
be continued in the same kind and manner and to the
and repair garages including automobile body repairs and
erly by two courses 133 and 84/100 feet by land
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
same extent as at the time it became lawfully non -con-
painting, and automobile sale agencies for new and used
conveyed by me to George L. Newcomb et ux:
southwesterly from North Main Street center line
forming, but such building or use shall not at any time be
cars provided there be not displayed or stored outdoors
thence turning and running southeasterly by said
between a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland
changed, extended or enlarged except for a purpose per-
on such premises more than twenty-five (25) automobiles
Newcomb land 100 feet to Second Street; thence
Street and the center line of Sutton Street;
mitted in the zoning district in which such building or use
or other vehicles.
turning and running southwesterly by Second Street
Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center .
is situated, or except as may be permitted otherwise by the
40 feet to the point of beginning; containing 31,915
North Andover Board of Appeals.
Restaurant, dining room or lunch room.
square feet more or less; being shown as Lot "B' on
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet
` Plan of Land in North Andover, Mass. Owned by
Mary E. Robinson' recorded in the North District
southwester) from Main Street center line between
4.05 If any lawfully non -conforming building or use of a build -
Ing or land be at any time discontinued for a period of two
Any accessory use customarily incident to any of the above
of Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 2826, being
Sutton Street and May Street;
Souther) b May Street center line;
years or more, or if such use or building be changed to one
permitted uses, provided that such accessory use shall be
not injurious, noxious, or offensive to the neighborhood.
part of the premises conveyed to me by Daniel J.
Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly
conforming with the North Andover Zoning Bylaw in the
Grogan by deed dated December 9, 1929, recorded
from Patriot Street center line between May Street
district in which it is located, it shall thereafter continue
in said Registry of Deeds, book 550 page 38.
and Belmont Street;
to conform.
A certain parcel of land located in North Andover
on the northwesterly side of Osgood Street, being
Southerly by Belmont Street center line;
Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street
4.06 Any non -conforming building or structure destroyed or
Both in Industrial "S" Districts and in Industrial "L"
shown as lots numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Plan of
center line between Belmont Street and the Law
damaged by fire, flood, lightning, wind or otherwise to the
extent of sixty-five (65%) per cent or more of its repro-
Districts an manufacturing,
y e processing, wholesaling,
warehousing or other commercial non retail activity in -
Land in North Andover, Mass., owned by Stanley
and Mary Stefanowicz, trustees, Charles E. Cyr,
rence-North municipal boundary;
Northwesterly and northerly by the North Andover
duction cost at the time of such damage shall not be
volving only quiet processes, quiet machinery and quiet
Civil Engineer, dated December 1945, bounded and
town line in the Merrimack River between the foot
rebuilt, repaired, reconstructed nor altered except for a
in the zoning district in
motive power, and free from neighborhood disturbing
described as follows: Beginning ata stake at e wall
in the said northwesterly side of Osgood Street and
of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill North
Andover boundary.
purpose permitted which such
building is located, or except as may be permitted other-
factors such as noises, odors or other effects, and uses of
land and of buildings customarily accessory to such ac-
running more or less northwesterly along
bthe Board Appeals tid
wise y e oarof acng under G• L. Ch. 40A,
tivit y, including the business office of such activity, pro -
the northwester) side of Osgood Street three hun-
the g
� 3.82 INDUSTRIAL "S" DISTRICT. A finger of land in the
as amended.
vided that the applicant for a
pp ' permit to build, expand or
dred forty-seven and 3/10 feet to a County Bound
do the northwester) side of Osgood Street;
north central part of North Andover extending along parts
alter any manufacturing industry or other permitted ac -
tivity or any activity accessory thereto shall show by writ -
said Y
thence turning and running along land now of Leo
Mur li in a northwester) direction two hundred
p Y Y
of both sides of Stevens Mill Brook and the former Salem
Railroad location line between Sutton Street and Stevens .
Street at Stevens Pond, embracing the Sutton, Osgood,
4.11 Single, duplex or two-family dwellings and gardens, in-
ten statements or other exhibits attached to the application
for such that the
twenty-five feet, more or less, to a County Bound;
� I
Davis & Furber and Stevens Mills, within the boundaries
eluding the right to convert in accordance with the stand-
ards set forth below any one -family structure built prior
nactivity t
four, offensive or detrimental tthe
sive or to the
Town b reason of special danger of fire explosion, ollu-
thence turning and running more or less southwest-
erly along land now or late of Steinberg three
more particularly described and stated below, except such
portions of the area within said Industrial zoning bound-
to January 1, 1950, to accommodate not more than two
tion of waterwa s, emission of corrosive, tonic or noisome
hundred fifty-six and 5/10 feet to a County Bound
side of County Road, also
aries as may be duly declared to be in an other kind
families, or, if approved in accordance with the standards
hereunder the Board of Appeals after a public hearing
fumes, as, smoke, soot, obnoxious dust, disagreeable
odors, offensive noises or other objectionable characteris
in the northeaster) Y
as Clark Street; thence turning and running
of zoning district:
with due notice given, not more than four families, pro-
southeasterly along the said northeasterly side of
Northerly by Sutton Street center line;
Northeasterly a line parallel to and feet
Clark Street one hundred seventy-five feet to a
southwesterly from the center line of Thorndike
(a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not
Farming and accessory dairy activities as specified in para -
stake; thence turning and running forty-one and
Street, thence by a connecting line parallel to and
less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500)
graphs 4.17, 4.18 and 4.19; also farm dwellings on prem -
16/100 feet along a line having a radius of twenty-
200 feet northeasterly from that portion of the for -
I square feet, and the street frontage width of such
ises actively farmed; and poultry slaughtering, packing
thve feet to a stake, the point of beginning. Being
Salem alem Railroad right of way location line be-
lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet;
and processing but not other meat or animal slaughtering
the same premises purchased from Stanley and
Mary Stefanowicz by deed dated August 23, 1951,
District Essex Registry
t�veen a point near Thorndike Street and a point on
said line about 270 feet along it northwesterly from
(b) The existing structure be of such size as to afford
not less than seven hundred (700) square feet usable
or packing.
recorded with the North of
Deeds, Book 755, page 6.
High Street westerly side line;
Easterly by a line parallel to and approximately 211
floor area per dwelling unit after conversion, and
that the appearance and character of a one -family
Premises of a bank, ort office, telephone exchange or
p p g
telephone business office, local bus passenger station, air -
A certain parcel of land located in North An-
feet westerly from High Street westerly side line
dwelling shall be preserved;
dover, numbered 127-129-131 Marblehead Street,
North Andover, bounded and described as follows:
about 160 feet to a stone bound (being the stone
bound at the southerly back corner of land now or
(c) No major exterior structural changes shall be made
except such as may be required for safety by the
On petition, subject to site plan review and approval by
Beginning at the intersection of Marblehead Street
Middlesex Street as now laid out, thence west-
formerly of McQuesten);
Northerly by line from the bound
Andover bud ding bylaws or by Massachusetts
the Board of Appeals after a public hearing thereon with
erly by the northerly line of said Middlesex Street
a aforesaid stone
and at right angles to the aforesaid easterly bound-
General Laws, and that the whole cost of such al-
notice given, an automobile service and filling station,
a motel, a diner, a restaurant, a retail food store, but no
ndnety feet to land now or formerly of L. Green-
Ing line about 130 feet to a point;
trens shall not exceed fifty (50%) per cent n-
thehe reproduction cost of such dwelling in its co
other retail stores of any kind.
wood; thence northerly by said land now or for-
of said Greenwood; thence easterly ninety
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
northeaster) from the former Salem Railroad right
dition existing immediately prior to such conver-
sion; and
Expressly prohibited in Industrial districts are automobile
feet b land now or former) of Greenwood to the
of wa locatron line between a oint on said bou�d
Y p
junk yards, automobile outdoor dead storage yards and
1 line of Marblehead Street; thence south
westerly r
feet to Middlesex Street the
ing line distant approximately 90 feet along said
(d) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor
automobile, outdoor display, yards,
erly fifty and point of
bounding northwesterly from High Street west-
shall be enclosed within the exterior walls of the
beginning; and being the same premises conveyed
erly side line and the intersection of said bounding
to us by Ruby E, Blanchard, Conservator, by deed
line with Chickering Road center line;
recorded with the North District Essex Registry of
Southeasterly by a short portion of Chickering
4.12 Renting rooms for dwelling purposes or furnishing table
Motels shall be permitted in any zoning district but only
Road center line;
board to not more than four persons not members of the
in accordance with the standards set forth below and only
Northeasterly by the former Salem Railroad loca-
family resident in a dwelling so used, provided there be no
after a public hearing by the Planning Board with due
3.75 A parcel of land near the intersection of Turnpike Street
tion line between Chickering Road and Stevens
display or advertising on such dwelling or its iot other than
notice given on application for a motel building permit or
Hillside Road, bounded and described as follows:
a name plate or sign not to exceed six (6) inches by
for a building permit for a motel expansion or alteration
Beginning at a point in the easterly line of the
Easterly by Stevens Street center line between its
I twenty-four (24) inches in size, and further provided that'
costing more than $500 and only after site plan review and
Salem Turnpike, said point being 138 feet northerly
intersection with the aforesaid railroad location and
no dwelling shall be erected or altered primarily for such
approval by the Planning Board endorsed in writing on
from Hillside Road; thence northerly by the easterly
Pleasant Street;
the site plan with or without any conditions.
3.53 A small area along the southeasterly side of Sutton Street
embracing generally land near and between Thorndike
Street and Moody Street, more particularly bounded and
described as follows:
Northerly and northwesterly by
Street cen-
ter linebet�eer a pointthereon one hundred
twenty-five (125) feet westerly along said Sutton
Street center line from its intersection with Thorn-
dike Street center line and a point on Sutton Street
center line 125 feet along it northeasterly from the
point on Sutton Street center line that would be in-
tersected by Moody Street center line if extended
tangent all the way to Sutton Street;
Easterly by a line parallel to and one hundred
twenty-five (125) feet easterly from Moody Street
center line and said line extended all the way to
Sutton Street;
Southeasterly by Prescott Street center line;
Southwesterly by a short portion of a line parallel
to and 200 feet northeasterly from the former
Salem Railroad right of way location line to a point
90 feet northwesterly along said bounding line from
High Street westerly side line;
Southerly by a portion of a line between the afore-
said 90 foot point and a stone bound westerly
about 130 feet therefrom (being the stone bound at
the southerly back corner of land now or formerly
of McQuesten);
Westerly by a portion of a line trending north ap-
proximately one degree west and about 211 feet
westerly from High Street westerly side line, be-
tween the aforesaid stone bound and a point on said
westerly bounding line about 160 feet northerly
from said stone bound;
Southwesterly again by a portion of a line parallel
to and 200 feet northeasterly from the Salem Rail-
road right of way location line;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet
southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line to
the point where it intersects Sutton Street center
3.54 A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street,
embracing generally land between Methuen Avenue and
the line of Thorndike Street extended, more particularly
bounded and described as follows:
Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hun-
dred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from the center
line of Sutton Street between a point on said center
line 300 feet along it northeasterly from its inter-
section with Methuen Avenue center line and a
point on Sutton Street center line 125 feet along it
southwesterly from its intersection with Thorndike
Street center line;
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hun-
dred (300) feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue
center line;
Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center
Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton
Street center line beginning at a point on Sutton
Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from the
intersetion of said Sutton Street center line with
Thorndike Street center line.
the districts described below is hereby declared to be
Neighborhood Business Districts.
3.61 At North Andover Center, south of the Common, both
sides of Johnson Street, bounded:
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 90 feet
northeasterly from the northeasterly sideline of
Johnson Street;
Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
southeasterly from the southeasterly side line of
Andover Street and said side line extended tangent
all the way across Johnson Street between its west
and east side lines;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 75 feet
southwesterly from the southwesterly side line of
Johnson Street;
Northwesterly by that portion of the southeasterly
side line of Andover Street and said line extended
tangent all the way across Johnson Street between
a point on said Andover Street line approximately
75 feet westerly along it from its intersection with
the southwesterly side line of Johnson Street and a
point on said Andover Street line about 90 feet
northeasterly along it from its intersection with the
northeasterly side line of Johnson Street.
3.62 Land in North Andover with the buildings thereon boun-
ded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of
Middlesex Street, in the northeasterly corner of the
premises in question; thence running southwesterly
180 feet to a point at the intersection of Waverley
Road and Harold Street; thence turning and run-
ning southwesterly 80 feet to a point; thence turn-
ing and running northwesterly 200 feet to a point
in the south side of Middlesex Street; thence turning
and running northeasterly 66.5 feet to a point;
thence running in an easterly direction along the
southwesterly side of Middlesex Street 94.95 feet
to the point of beginning.
3.63 An area of land at the northwesterly intersection of
Middlesex Street and Waverley Road bounded:
Easterly by the westerly sideline of Waverley Road;
Southeasterly and Southerly by the northerly side-
line of Middlesex Street between the westerly side-
line of Waverley Road and a point on said Middle-
sex Street sideline 193 feet westerly from said Wa-
verley Road sideline;
Westerly by a line at a right angle to said Middlesex
Street sideline;
Northerly by a line•parallel to and 100 feet north-
erly from said Middlesex Street northerly sideline,
3.71 Portions of both sides of Main Street and of Water Street
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Rail-
road location line;
Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly
from Main Street center line between the former
Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street;
Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street
center line;
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet
southwesterly from the center line of that portion of
Saunders Street that trends in two courses about
N 24* 30' W and about N 45' 0' W;
Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet
School southeasterly lot line;
Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet
northeasterly from Main Street center line, and ex-
tending some 700 feet or more in length between
said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a
point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally
southeasterly of the intersection of Second, Main,
and Water Streets;
Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton
Mill Pond;
Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Water
Street center line and passing through a point
thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center
line of Merrimack Street;
Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street,
between Merrimack Street and Elm Street;
Southeasterly by Elm Street center line;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet
southwesterly from Water Street center line be-
tween Elm Street and Merrimack Street;
Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack
Street center line;
Southwesterly by Water Street center line between
Merrimack Street and Main Street;
Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet
southeasterly from Second Street center line;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet
southwesterly from Main Street center line, be-
tween aoint 100 feet southeasterly of Second
Street andWaverleyRoad;
Westerly by a short portion of Waverley Road cen-
ter line;
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet
southwesterly from Main Street center line between
Waverley Road center line and Sutton Street center
line, and southerly by a very short portion of Sut-
ton Street center line.
Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
southwesterly from North Main Street center line
between Sutton Street center line and a point 80
feet southerly from Ashland Street center line;
Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly
from Ashland Street center line to the center line of
North Main Street;
Northeasterly by the center line of North Main
Street to the center line of Sutton Street;
Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center
Easterly by the center line of Main Street between
Sutton Street center line and the location line of
the former Salem Railroad.
3.72 In the northerly sector of the intersection of Turnpike
Street and Andover Street the following two parcels of
(1) The parcel of land with buildings thereon pres-
ently known as Thom son's Restaurant bounde •
Southeasterly by Andover Street center line;
Southwesterly by Turnpike Street center line;
Northerly by land now or formerly of Ethel Free-
(2) The parcel of land with buildings thereon pr?s-
ently known as the Furniture Barn bounded and
described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Salem
Turnpike, said point being 280 feet northerly from
a stone bound marking the westerly end of a cuive
at the junction of Salem Turnpike and AndoNer
Street; thence northwesterly by the easterly line of
Turnpike Street 111.44 feet to a point; thence north-
easterly 391.72 feet to a point; thence southeasterly
172.03 feet to a point on the westerly line of An-
dover Street; thence southerly by the westerly lire
of Andover Street 207.95 feet to a point, said pont
being 187.50 feet northerly from a stone bound
marking the easterly end of a curve at the junctijn
of Andover Street and the Salem Turnpike; therre
westerly 295.33 feet to the point of beginning,
3.73 VOTED June 30, 1956 That the proposed revision of fie
North Andover Zoning Bylaw and the map made a p;rt
thereof be amended by striking and removing all of S!c-
tion 3.73 from the proposed revision and by deleting frpn
the map any marking of the area included in said sectbn
as a business district.
3.74 (1) Previously voted as described in Paragraph 3.12.
(2) The land in North Andover, with the buildings
thereon, presently known as Charles Steak Houe,
located on the westerly side of Osgood Street, bolp-
ded and described as follows: Northerly 200 feet ay
the southerly side of Sutton Street; Easterly by he
westerly sideline of said Osgood Street 330 fet;
Southerly 200 feet by other land of the said EffieC.
Kostandin; and Westerly 330 feet by land now of he
City of Lawrence.
(3) Land in North Andover with the buildings there>n,
presently known as Little Red School House, bojn-
ded and described as follows: Beginning at a st(ne
bound in the westerly line of Osgood Street, whjch
stone bound is at land now or formerly of Hays;
thence running westerly by land now or formerlyof
Hayes 210 feet to a stone bound; thence turningd
running northwesterly by land of said Haye25
feet more or less, to an iron pipe; thence turning aid
running southerly by land now or formerly of St�n-
berg, 141 feet to a stone bound; thence turning aid
running southeasterly by land now or formerlyof
Steinberg 156 and 5/10 feet to a stone bound; thelce
turning and running southwesterly by land now,or
formerly of Steinberg 66 feet to a stone bound;
thence turning and running southeasterly by )gid
now or formerly of Steinberg 206 feet to a shine
bound at Osgood Street; thence turning and runnpg
northerly by the westerly line of Osgood Sttet
about 285 feet to a stone bound at point of be;n-
ning, containing about 59,000 square feet.
(4) The parcel of land presently known as the Blue F;x,
in North Andover, on the more or less northely
side of Great Pond Road, being shown on Planof
Land owned by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Mk�ss
Charles E. Cyr, C. E., April 1947, which parce]is
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a stone bound in the northwesterlyn-
tersection of Osgood Street and Pond Street, ted
thence running northeasterly along said Osgbd
Street 404 and 11/100 feet to a stone bound in he
more or less southerly side of Osgood Street; th, ee
turning and running more or less southeasterlyby
lots numbered 61, and 60, as shown on said plan A3
and 36/100 feet to the westerly side of a proposed
street as shown on said plan; thence turning aid
running southwesterly along said westerly sideof
said proposed street 330 and 17/100 feet to Grat
Pond Road; thence turning and running along he
more or less northerly side of Great Pond Road 47
and 60/100 feet to a stone bound in said northely
side of Pond Street; thence turning and runnng
northwesterly 44 and 82/100 feet to the stone bouid,
the point of beginning; containing 2.2 acres, mire
or less.
(5) The land in North Andover with the buildings thae-
on presently known as Faro's Diner located on he
south side of Osgood Street, bounded and described
as follows: Southeasterly by Barker Street 590 and
15/100 feet; southwesterly in two courses by Ds -
good Street 221.85 feet and 145 feet; northerly':)y
land of Barker along the bed of an old wall [12
feet; and northeasterly again by land of Barker 8)9
feet, all of said measurements being as shown in
plan of land owned by Stefanowicz, North Andovr,
Mass., August 1947, Charles Cyr, C. E.
(6) Land in North Andover, together with the buildings
thereon, located on the southeasterly side of Chc-
kering Road presently known as the Hi -Spot, beiig
bounded and described as follows: Beginning a a
point in the northwesterly corner of the premisesin
question on the southeasterly side of Chickerag
Road; thence running southeasterly 150 feet t( a
point; thence turning and running southwestely
155 feet to a point; then turning and running norh-
westerly 155 feet to a point on the southeastely
side of Chickering Road; thence turning and rin-
ning northeasterly along the southeasterly sideof
Chickering Road 155 feet to the point of beginni,g.
(7) The land in North Andover, with the buildiigs
thereon, presently known as Woody's, bounded nd
described as follows: Northerly 226 feet, more or
less, by land now or late of Coolidge, southeastery,
280 feet, more or less, by Chickering Road, southely
30 feet, more or less, by land now or formerlyof
Schruender; and westerly, 178 feet, by land nowor
late of one Melamed.
(8) A parcel of land, with buildings thereon, presenly
used for a gasoline filling station situated in Noth
Andover, bounded and described as follows: Souh-
westerly by Massachusetts Avenue 73 feet; norh-
westerly by land now or formerly of Cahill 12456
feet; northeasterly by land now or formerly of Nbl-
loy 110.37 feet; and southeasterly by Perry Stret
66.50 feet.
And also a parcel of land with the buildings thee -
on, presently known as the Town Line Restaurant,
situated on the northeasterly side of Massachusets
Avenue in North Andover and bounded and ce-
scribed as follows: Beginning on Massachusetts Av-
nue at land now or formerly of T. E. Foye; therce
running northwesterly by the northeasterly side lne
of Massachusetts Avenue about 273 feet to he
southeasterly pier of the bridge on Massachusets
Avenue over the Shawsheen River; thence turnng
and running northeasterly, easterly and southeat-
erly by said river about 420 feet to land now Dr
formerly of said T. E. Foye, thence turning and
running southwesterly by said Foye land about 25
feet to Massachusetts Avenue at the point of le -
ginning. Containing about 44,400 square feet.
And also a parcel of land with the buildings there-
on situated in North Andover on the northeaste>ly
side of Massachusetts Avenue and bounded as fil-'
lows: Beginning on said road at the southeasterly
corner of said lot and land of John Carey; thence
northeasterly by said Carey's land 150 feet to a
point; thence northwesterly by land formerly of J,
L. Webster by a straight line to and through a made
tree standing near the edge of the Shawsheen Riper
to said river; thence up said river bounding by said
river to a line drawn from a point in the northeast-
erly line of said road to said river, which line is
parallel with and 150 feet distant northwests•ly
from the northwesterly line of said Carey's 14nd
and bound first mentioned; thence southwesterlyby
said parallel line on other land formerly of J. L.
Webster to said road; thence southeasterly by said
road 150 feet to the point of beginning,
The above three parcels are all included in one tract,
(9) Land in North Andover, together with the buildings
thereon, presently known as Bulger's Animal Hos-
pital, bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the southeasterly side of Chickering
Road in the northwest corner of the premises in
question; on, thence running southeasterly
125 feet to a
point; thence turning and running southwesterly 200
feet to a point: thence turning and running north-
westerly 125 feet to a point on the southeasterly
side of Chickering Road; thence turning and run-
ning northeasterly 200 feet along the southeasterly
side of Chickering Road to the point. of beginning.
(10) A parcel of land in North Andover with buildings
thereon presently including Hollins Service Station
and the Middlesex Market located in Middlesex
Street, Massachusetts Avenue and Perry Street,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a
point at the junction of Perry Street and Massachu-
setts Avenue and running southwesterly on Massa-
chusetts Avenue 200 feet, more or less, to the junc-
tion of Middlesex Street, thence southeasterly 83
feet;thence northeasterly 95 feet to a point; thence
northwesterly 75 feet more or less, to a point; thence
northeasterly 65 feet to Perry Street, thence north-
westerly 145 feet to the point of beginning.
(1l) A parcel of land in North Andover with buildings
thereon, now or formerly the property of C. D.
Glennie, bounded and described as follows:
Starting at Shawsheen River along Beechwood
Street 150 feet g
northeas erl
t to Beechwood wood Street•
thence easterly 300 feet to point; thence north-
easterly 335 feet to a point east by northeast 115 to
a point, thence southwesterly 85 feet to a point;
thence easterly 115 feet to a point; thence south-
westerly 640 feet to a point; thence to the Shaw -
sheen River following the town line of North An-
dover 790 feet more or less to the starting point at
Beechwood Street and Shawsheen River,
(12) A parcel of land in North Andover with buildings
thereon, presently ,the Glennie's Milk Plant, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northeasterly side of Massachusetts Avenue
in the southeasterly corner of the premises in ques-
tion, thence running northwesterly 290 feet along
Massachusetts Avenue to a point; thence turning and
running northeasterly 200 feet to a point; thence
turning and running southeasterly 268.8 feet to a
point on the westerly side of Marblehead Street;
thence turning and running southerly 28.8 feet to a
point on the northwesterly side of Williams Street;
thence turning and running southwesterly 180.5
feet to the point of beginning.
(13) Land in North Andover, together with the buildings
thereon, presently known as McAloon's Package
Store, bounded and described as follows:
A certain parcel of land at the junction of Pleasant
Street and Franklin Street, beginning at an intersec-
tion at the southerly line of Pleasant Street with the
northerly line of Franklin Street to the beginning
curve of said street line; thence southwesterly still
by said northerly line of Franklin Street by a curve
of 72.22 feet radius to the end of said curve; thence
westerly still by the northerly line of Franklin
Street 59 feet more or less to the easterly line of'.
Chickering Road; thence northerly by the easterly l
line of Chickering Road about 152 feet to the re-
maining part of Lot 59; thence northeasterly by said
Lot 59, 39 feet more or less to the southerly line of
Pleasant Street; thence by said southerly line of
Pleasant Street westerly 120 feet to the point of
A certain parcel of land situated at Franklin and
Avon Streets, North Andover, Massachusetts, being
shown as Lot #36 on a plan of land owned by
George W. Russell and recorded with the North
Essex District Registry of Deeds, Book 182, Page
600, bounded and described as follows: Northerly
by Franklin Street fifty (50) feet; Westerly by Lot,,
#37; Southerly by Lot #35 and Easterly by Avon
Street, all shown on said plan. Containing about
5,000 square feet more of less. Excepting cepting there ;
from that portion of the above described premises
taken by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by a
taking dated May 12, 1931 and recorded with said
North Essex District Registry of Deeds, Book 599,
Page 4,--- -1
_ I
(14) A parcel of land in North Andover, together withl'
the buildings thereon, presently known as Camp
bell's Market, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Wa-
verley Road 14 feet northerly from the northerly
line of Union Street; thence running northeasterly
by said Waverley Road 86 feet to land once of
Michael J. Dooley; thence turning at a right angle I
and running northwesterly by said land once of
Michael J. Dooley 63.7 feet to a point by land now'
or once of Thomas and John Dooley; thence turning
and running by said land now or once of Thomas 11
and John Dooley 107 feet to Waverley Road to the
point of beginning.
(15) First Parcel -A certain parcel of land in North An-
dover, together with the buildings thereon, pres-
ently known as the K, M. Crawford Company,
bounded and described as follows: North 50 feet
by the southerly line of Middlesex Street; thence;
east 100 feet by lot No. 42 on said plan; thence
south 50 feet by lot No. 64 on said plan; thence west
100 feet by lot No. 40 on said plan. i
Second Parcel -A certain parcel of land in North
Andover together, with the buildings thereon, owned
by Kenneth M. Crawford and Esther R. Crawford
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a
point in an easterly line of Marblehead Street 100
feet northerly from the intersection of the easterly'
line of Marblehead Street with the northerly line of
Union Street at land now or once owned by Lillian
M. Schmottlach and Alfred G. Schmottlach and
thence running northerly 190 feet more or less,
along said easterly line of Marblehead Street; thence
running easterly 287 feet by lot "A" on plan of
land designated `'Division of land belonging to heirs'
of Peter Reeves," R. H. Ellis, Engineer, April 7,
1923, recorded with Essex North District Registry
of Deeds, Plan number 502; thence running south-
erly 100 feet by Baldwin Street on plan of land of
Davis and Furber Machine Company made in 1897;
thence running westerly 97 feet by lot numbered 5
on said plan of Davis and Furber Machine Com-
pany; thence running southerly 90 feet more or less
by lot No. 10 on plan of Greene Farm recorded with
Essex South Registry of Deeds, book 708, last leaf;
thence running westerly 188 feet more or less to the
point of beginning; being a certain portion of the
premises conveyed to the said Arthur A. Reeves
and Mildred B. Reeves by deed of Andrew Reeves
dated September 16, 1939.
(16) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Farnham's Nursery, being bounded and described
as follows: Starting at the northwest corner of the
premises in question at a corner of the wall at the,
junction of Berry Street and Turnpike Street;
thence running easterly 445 feet as the wall stands
to a stone bound by said Berry Street; thence turn-
ing and running southerly 160 feet to a stone bound
on Turnpike Street. The land and premises south-
east of this bound being owned by Mr. Farnham and
his wife; thence turning and running northwesterly
by the wall on said Turnpike Street 432 feet to a
cross wall at the junction of Berry Street and said
Turnpike Street; thence northerly 16 feet more or
less together with any rights or title we may have
in the triangle north of the described premises at
Berry Street and Turnpike Street.
(17) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Saul's gasoline filling station, bounded and described
as follows: Said piece of land bounded on the north-
east by State Highway Route 114 for a distance of
364,38 feet opposite State Highway Stations #178-
179-180-181 and bounded on the northwest by Com-
monwealth of Massachusetts 29.48 feet on the south-
west 363.46 feet; and by land owned by Edward W.
Saul on the southeast 85.67 feet said bounds having
been surveyed by Mr. Brasseur and marked by iron
(18) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Louis H. McAloon s, Building Contracting, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning at a point in
the northerly line of Third Street in said North An-
dover, by land now or formerly of Stevens; thence
running westerly by said northerly line of Third
Street 80.0 feet more or less to a point which is 60.0
feet easterly of the easterly line of Lot 16 on a plan
of Moody Bridges, said plan being recorded at
Salem, Book 589; thence turning and running north-
erly in a line parallel with said easterly line of Lot
16 and 60.0 feet distant therefrom
to a point in the
southerly line of Lot 14; said point being 60.0 feet
easterly from the intersection of the easterly line of
Lot 16 with the southerly line of Lot 14 on said plan;
thence running easterly by said Lot 14 154.0 feet
more or less to land of Keniston; thence southeast-
erly about 132.5 feet; thence northeasterly 4.0 feet
both by Keniston and Stevens land; thence south-
easterly by Keniston land 206.0 feet to the point of
beginning, or however otherwise said boundary
lines run.
(19) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently utilized as a
market, bounded and described as follows: North-
erly 50 feet by Union Street; thence easterly 105
feet by land now or formerly of one McNiff; thence
southerly 75 feet by lot numbered 4, as shown on
said plan; and westerly 120 feet by Lot 2, as shown
on said plan.
(20) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Lund's Garden Center, bounded and described as
follows: Starting at the Boston & Maine Railroad
right of way onChickering
Road and
g Y
feet in a northeasterly direction to the land of lice
B. Colgate; thence northwesterly along the land of
Alice B. Colgate a distance of 250 feet; thence south-
erly a distance of 400 feet to the Boston & Maine
Railroad right of way; thence 236 feet along the
Boston & Maine Railroad right of way to the point
of beginning.
(21) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Bill's Auto Service, bounded and described as fol-
lows: Bounded easterly by Chickering Road, 250
feet; southerly by Park Street, 150 feet; westerly
by lots #13-43 and 44; thence northerly by, Franklin
Street, 225 feet.
(22) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Lakeside filling station, bounded and described as
follows: Bounded northerly ort erly 180 feet by Osgood
Street; northeasterly 70 feet by Great Pond Road;
easterly 125 feet by other land of mine; southerly
185 feet by other land of mine, and westerly, 125
feet by other land of mine.
(23 ) A certain
parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, bounded and described
as' follows: First Parcel: Being the land situated in
North Andover, and bounded northerly 30 feet by
land now of Gaumond; southeasterly 40 feet more
or less by Chickering Road; and westerly 40 feet
more or less, by land now of Melamed, being trian-
gular in shape,
Second Parcel: Being the land with buildings g
s there
on situated in North Andover, and bounded north-
westerly, 325 feet more or less by Chickering Road;
easterly, 219.25 feet more or less by Dufton Court;
southerly 45.6 feet, more or less, by land of Smith;
southeasterly, 209 feet, more or less, by land now of
Smith and McMurray; southerly, 39 feet, more or
less, by land of Nelb; and westerly 135.4 feet, more
or less, by land now of Carbonero.
(24) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildings thereon, presently known as
Mangano's, being bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the easterly line of Chickering Road
at a point about 225 feet north from the northeast-
erly line of Pleasant Street; thence running north-
erly along said easterly line of Chickering Road
305.62 feet to a stake; thence turning and running
northeasterly by land N/F of Village Land Com-
pany 35 feet to a pipe; thence turning and running
southeasterly 263.9 feet to a stake; thence turning
and running southwesterly by land of Subatch 275
feet to a stake; thence turning and running north-
westerly by land of Messina 76.18 feet to point of
beginning, containing 50,000 square feet, more or
(25) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, presently
known as Verda's Garage together with the build-
ings thereon, bounded and described as follows: Be-
ginning at an oak stake set in the westerly line of
Salem Street, 240 feet more or less north from the
intersection of the westerly line of said Salem Street
with the northerly line of Abbott Street; thence
running westerly 228.40 feet by land now or for-
merly of Victor Verda et al, to a stake set in the
ground; thence turning and running southerly by
land heretofore conveyed by us to Leopold Michal-
ski 136 feet more or less to a stake set in the north-
erly line of said Abbott Street; thence turning and
running easterly by said Abbott Street, 227.30 feet
to another stake set in the ground on the said
northerly line of Abbott Street; thence turning and
running with the curved contour of the intersection
of said Abbott Street and said Salem Street to the
left and in about a northerly direction 50 feet more
or less to another stake set in the said westerly line
of said Salem Street; thence running northerly by
said Salem Street 184,40 feet to the point of be-
(26) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together
with the buildin s thereon, presently known as the
D&F Concrete products, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at an iron pin on the northerly
side of Hillside Road at land of Frank P, and Kath-
erine Hennessy and running in a northwesterly
direction along a wire fence and a stone wall 187,62
feet to an iron pin; thence turning and running in
a southeasterly direction by other land of the gran-
tors being parcels #2 and #3 as shown on said plan
135.85 feet to an iron pin; thence turning and run-
ning in a southerly direction by a hedge and also
by lot #3 as shown on said plan 61.93 feet to an iron
pin on the northerly side of Hillside Road, which
pin is 30.95 feet westerly from an iron pin on the
westerly side of the Andover By -Pass; thence turn-
ing and running southwesterly along the northerly
side of the said Hillside Road 95.95 feet to the point
of beginning. Also the land adjoining in North An-
dover with the buildings thereon, presently known
as Trombly Service Station, bounded and described
as follows; Beginning at an iron pin on the north-
erly side of said Hillside Road by lot #1 as shown on
Plan #2674 in North Essex District Registry of
19eeds and thence running northerly 61.93 feet to
an iron pin; thence turning and running north.
westerly 135,85 feet to an iron pin in a stone wall
by land of Sarah Downing Heirs; thence turning
and running along a stone wall in a northerly direc-
tion 402.88 feet to an iron pin in at stone wall;
thence turning and running in an easterly direction
110.95 feet to an iron pin by land now or formerly
of the Trustees of Phillips Acadamy; thence turning
and running in a general southerly direction 349.0
feet by land of the said Trustees to an iron pin on
the westerly side of the Andover By -Pass; thence
turning and running in a southerly direction along
the westerly line of the Andover By -Pass 180.0 feet
to an iron din on the northerly side of Hillside
Road; thence turning and running along the north-
erly side of said Hillside Road 30.95 feet to the iron
pin first begun at,
(27) Parcel I. A certain parcel of land in North Andover
with the buildings thereon, presently known as the
North Andover Paint & Hardware and Desrosier's
Variety bounded and described as follows: Begin-
ning at a point 160 feet southeasterly from the in-
tersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Common-
wealth Avenue on the southwesterly side of Massa-
chusetts Avenue; thence running southeasterly 310
feet to a point; thence turning and running south,
westerly 100 feet to a point; thence turning and
running northwesterly 310 feet; thence turning and
running northeasterly 100 feet to point of beginning,
Parcel lI. A certain parcel of land in North Andover
with the buildings thereon, presently known as the
North Andover Paint & Hardware and Desroster's
Variety bounded and described as follows: The par-
cel of land in question is located on the southwest-
erly side of Massachusetts Avenue beginning at a
point at the southwesterly corner of land now or
formerly of one Longbottom; said point being 100
feet southwesterly from the southwesterly line of
Massachusetts Avenue and 160 feet from the south-
easterly line of Commonwealth Avenue; thence
southeasterly 249 feet more or less by land now or
Irv, NN of NORTP
Scale Feet
O 1000 2.000-500d
For distinction between g'enercd bu-sirtess 1` neighborhood bu-sirtess d fo more nearly precise
locations, outlines t dimensiort5 of areas zoned for neighborhood business t fc1r general business see
cLecompanyinq zoo scale detail sheets which by this declarciJion are hereby made a par+ of this map.
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4.51 Each application for a permit to build a motel or to alter or
add to a motel at a cost of $500 or more shall be in writing
and shall include a diagram and a statement of the owner-
ship, area, dimensions, boundaries and principal elevations
of the land for which such permit is sought, the names of
all adjoining owners as found in the most recent tax list,
the locations of existing public or private ways nearest
such land, and a plan, profile and cross-sections of all
driveways and parking areas proposed, also the true loca-
tion and ground coverage outline and dimensions of every
building or structure proposed to be erected thereon. One
copy of each such application and plot plan diagram and
statement shall be kept on file in the office of the Building
4.52 One copy of each such application and diagram and state-
ment above required shall be filed with the Planning Board
with a letter requesting the Board to review the site plan
attached and to hold a public hearing thereon. Notice of
such public hearing shall be given by the Planning Board
by publication at the expense of the applicant in a news-
paper of general circulation in North Andover and the
first appearance of such published notice shall be twelve
days (12) at least before the date set for such hearing.
4.53 A permit to build a motel or to alter or add to a motel at a
cost of $500.00 or more shall not be issued by the Building
Inspector until he has received from the Planning Board a
written statement of final approval by the Planning Board
of the site plan for such motel or addition or alteration,
and such statement by the Planning Board shall include
a recital of the date on which the Planning Board held the
public hearing above required, and a recital of the findings
of the Planning Board after such hearing, including any
conditions imposed by the Planning Board as part of its
final approval, and the Building Inspector shall enforce the
fulfillment of such conditions.
4.54 In reviewing each such application, the Planning Board
shall study the motel site plan proposed relative to the
health, safety and welfare of the prospective occupants,
also the occupants of neighboring properties, and users of
the adjoining highway, and the welfare of the town gen-
erally, including amenity and pleasantness of site plans.
In addition to compliance with all of the Land Space and
Building Space Requirements set forth below, the Board
shall look for:
(a) Traffic safety and ease of access at street and high-
way entrances and exits of motel driveways, taking
account of grades, sight distances and distance be-
tween suchdrivewayentrances or exits and the
nearest existing street or highway intersections.
(b) Safety and adequacy of motel driveway layout, also
of parking and loading areas for motel patrons, and
sufficiency of access for service vehicles such as
electricity, gas, fuel, telephone, laundry, rubbish
removal, water, sewer, fire, police, ambulance or
other routine or emergency vehicles.
(c) Safe and adequate means of sewage, of garbage, and
rubbish disposal; of water -supply and fire -fighting
while awaiting the Fire Dept.; of heating and ven-
tilating; also of cooking if cooking facilities be fur-
(d) Assurance of positive storm -water drainage and l
snow -melt run-off from all driveways and parking
and loading areas. Landscaping and building layout
such as shall protect proposed motel bedroom win-
dows from constant night invasion by automobile
headlight beams or glare from illuminated signs or
driveway lights.
(e) Sound -proofing between sleeping rooms; windows
not looking directly from room to room; and lobby
or office space for registration, room keys, and safe-
keeping of valuables; also lounge for waiting or
writing by patrons.
Motel tot size land
d coversge Yard
spaceace and building
design regulations:
(a) The lot any shall contain not less than
for Y roote1
three (3) acres total land area excluding any water
bodies of one-half (i,2) acre water surface area or
more, provided such lot be not less than three hun-
dred (300) feet wide at the frontage street and
throughout the first two hundred ( 200) feet of
depth of such lot, measuring from the frontage
street lot line.
(b) No part of any building on a motel lot shall be closer
than fifty (50) feet to the front lot line, rear lot line
or either side line of such lot. A green yard spaceace
not less than twenty (20) feet wide, measured at a
right angle to each of aforesaid lot lines, shall be
maintained open and green with grass, bushes,
flowers and trees all along each side lot line or rear
lot line of such a lot, and (except for entrance and
exit driveways) along the entire front line of such
lot, and such yard space shall not be built on nor
paved nor used for automobile parking.
(c) There shall be one (bituminous) concrete off-street
and off -main driveway paved automobile parking
space, open or roofed, directly adjoining each motel
rental unit.
(d) Building on a motel lot shall not cover more than
twenty-five (25%a ) per cent of the land area of such
lot, excluding any water bodies as above specified.
Not less than seventy-five (75%) per cent of the
land area of such a lot shall remain open and un-
built on but such open space may be used for auto-
mobile off-street parking, driveways, sidewalks
and motel service yards, except that such use shall
not be permitted in any part of the twenty (20) foot
wide green perimeter strip above specified.
(e) There shall not be erected more than twenty (20)
motel rental units per acre of motel lot land area,
excluding any water bodies as above specified.
(f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than two
hundred fifty (250) square feet habitable floor area
enclosed -by walls and roof, exclusive of any ad-
joining portions of roofed or covered walkways.
Each motel rental sleeping room shall not be less
than fifteen (15) by fifteen (15) feet horizontal
dimensions, exclusive of bath or kitchenette. Each
such room shall have a private bath attached.
(g) Each motel structure shall contain not less than six
(6) nor more than twelve (12) individual motel
rental units, unless each section of twelve (12) such
units be separated by an unbroken firewall from any
further additional such units. Each motel structure
shall be of fireproof construction. Each such struc-
ture may be connected with other similar structures
by a covered walkway if of fire resistive materials.
Whether or not so connected, the nearest parts of
the walls or corners of such structures shall be
separated by a land space otherwise open and un-
built on of not less than thirty (30) feet, and in
which, within the area bounded by the intersecting
projections of the side lines of adjacent buildings,
there shall be no automobile parking or loading.
(h) Buildings on motel lots shall be one-story and not
more than twenty-five (25) feet in height, notwith-
standing any building -height provisions in the zon-
ing district in which such buildings are situated
except that not more than two apartments for
owner or resident manager or other resident staff
may be on a second -story not to exceed thirty-five
(35) feet in height.
(f) On each motel lot there shall be provided at least
one apartment for a resident owner or manager or
other responsible staff person. Each such apartment
shall be not less than eight hundred (800) square
feet floor area. Such apartment may include the
rental office of the motel and a lounge or other
public rooms for the use of motel patrons. Such
appartment may be on a second floor as provided in
(h) above but only if over a lounge or office or
other public rooms or storage or supply rooms of
the motel. No second story premises shall be located
over any motel rental unit.
4.6 OUTDOOR LIGHTING. In all zoning districts other than
General Business Districts any outdoor lighting fixture
whether temporary or permanent shall be so placed or
hooded that the light source therein is not directly visible
to any motorist and so that the light source therein is not
directly visible to any point beyond the lot lines of the
premises illuminated by such outdoor lighting fixture,
5.1 The removal of sod, loam, soil, clay, sand ,gravel, or ston(
from any land in the Town of North Andover not in publii
use is hereby prohibited except such removal as may b4
authorized in any zoning district by a permit issued by thi
Board of Appeals and except such removal as is permitte(
by paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of this section No such permi
shall be issued except upon written application therefor
to the Board of Appeals with copy to the Planning Boarc
and after a public hearing on such application by the Boar(
of Appeals. Such application shall include a `diagram ti
scale of the land concerned, indicating existing and pro
posed elevations in the area to be excavated and statin
the ownership and boundaries of the land for which su
permit is sought, the names of all adjoining owners:
found in the most recent tax list and the approximate loc
tions of existing public and private ways nearest sub
land. Notice of said private hearing shall be given by
publication in a newspaper published in or of genera
circulation in North Andover twelve (12) days at leas,
before the date of such hearing.
5.2 A copy of any permit granted hereunder by the Board o:
Appeals, stating all of the conditions imposed, if any, in.
eluding but not limited to limitation of such removal is
(a) extent of time,
(b) area and depth of excavation,
(c) steepness of slopes excavated,
(d) distance between edge of excavation and neighbor•
ing properties or ways,
(e) temporary or permanent drainage,
(f) the posting of security or bond,
(g) the replacement of not less than six (6) inches of
top -soil over the whole of any area from whi ,
earth materials are removed where the location i
such removal is afterward to become a residenti ]
subdivision, or,
(h) in the case of continuing sand or gravel pit oper -
tions in one general locus, recovering the finishci
cut banks with a minimum of four (4) inches i
top -soil;
or a copy of the denial by the Board of Appeals of any ap-
plication for such, stating the reasons for such denial, shall
be mailed forthwith by the Board to the parties in interest,
including also the Planning Board and the Building In-
5.3 This regulation shall be deemed not to prohibit the re-
moval of such sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel or stone as
may be required to be excavated for the purposes of con-
structing foundations for building
or other allowable struc-
r c -tures
for which building permits have been issued, or for
the purpose of constructing ways in accordance with lines
and grades approved by the Planning Board or by the
Board of Appeals or for the purpose of constructing utili-
ties or other engineering works for public service. Nor
shall this regulation be deemed to prohibit the transferral
of sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel, or stone from one part
of a lot, tract or parcel of land to another part of the same
lot, tract or parcel of land in the same ownership.
5.4 This regulation shall further be deemed not to prohibit the
removal of the above specified earth materials by any per-
son, firm or corporation who on the effective date of this
regulation shall be lawfully engaged in the business of
dealing in or with any of such materials, or shall be a
party to an agreement for the removal of any thereof, and
who shall, within thirty (30) days after such effective date,
apply to the Board of Appeals for a permit for such re-
moval, provided that the period within which such re-
moval may be carried on under this paragraph shall end
on the date of formal action by the Board on such applica-
tion or, if no such application be filed, on the thirtieth (30)
day after the effective date of this regulation.
6.1 In determining the fulfillment of the minimum area and
minimum width of lot required in any zoning district,
there shall not be included any land within the limits of a
street upon which such lot abuts, even if the fee to such
street is in the owner of the lot; except that if a corner lU
corner is bounded in art b a segment of
at its street c p y gm
curved line not more than seventy-five 75)
feet in length
connecting other lines bounding such lot which if extend d
would intersect, the area and width required in such 1 t
shall be computed as if such potentially intersecting lins
were so extended; but if a curved line more than seventy-
five (75) feet in length is the whole of any one boundary
line of slot the minimum area and minimumm width re-
quired shall be determined entirely
within the lines bound-
ing such lot, including such curved line.
6.2 No lot, upon which is then located any building or with re-
spect to which a permit has been issued and is then out-
standing for the erection of any building, shall be sub-
divided or reduced in area in any manner unless said lot
shall thereafter fulfill the lot area, lot width and yard
space requirements of this Bylaw except as may be per-
mitted otherwise by the Board of Appeals. If land be sub-
divided, conveyed, devised or otherwise transferred in
violation hereof, no building permit or other permit shall
be issued with reference to any of the land so transferred
or to the lot(s) retained until all of such land and lots
meet the requirements of this Zoning Bylaw. Any land
taken by eminent domain or conveyed for a public purpose
for which the land could have been taken or was taken by
eminent domain shall not be deemed to be transferred in
violation of the provisions hereof.
01 In Village Residence Districts no principal permitted
building shall hereafter be erected except on a lot contain-
ing not less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500)
square feet area and not less than one1 hundred (100) feet
width at the street frontage, except as may be permitted
otherwise by the Board of Appeals in Village Residence
Districts as further specified in Section 6.6 below.
6.32 In Country Residence Districts no principal permitted
building shall hereafter beerected p ed exce t on a lot contain-
' t
ing not less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square
feet area and not less than one hundred twenty-five (125)
feet width at the street frontage.
6.33 In Rural Residence Districts no principal permitted build-
ing shall hereafter be erected except on a lot containing
not less than forty-four thousand (44,000) square feet area
and not less than one hundred fifty (150) feet width at the
street frontage.
6.41 Each lot shall contain not less than twenty-five thousand
(25,000) square feet area and be not less than one hundred
twenty-five (125) feet width at the street frontage, and not
more than thirty-five (35) percent of the total area of any
such lot may be covered by buildings.
6.42 Any yard space or area required to be kept open and un-
built upon on such lot may nevertheless be used for of, -
street automobile parking, if otherwise lawful, except that
a green strip not less than ten (10) feet wide on which to
grow grass, bushes, flowers or trees shall be maintained
open and green; unbuilt on, unpaved and not parked on,
all along each side or rear property line of such a lot
wherever it abuts land residentially zoned.
6.51 Both in Industrial "S" and Industrial "L" Districts each
lot shall contain not less than fifty thousand (50,000)
square feet area and not less than one hundred fifty (150)
feet width at the street frontage. Not more than thirty-five
(35) percent of the total area of any such lot may be
covered by buildings, except by the continuation in use of
industrial buildings built prior to June 1, 1956, and stand-
ing active and in 'industrial manufacturing or storage use
on June 1, 1956.
6.52 In Industrial "L" Districts any yard space or area re-
quired to be kept open and unbuilt on on such lot may
nevertheless, if otherwise lawful, be used for off-street
automobile parking, or for outdoor storage of articles, sup-
plies and materials, except that a green strip not less than
thirty (30) feet wide on which to grow grass, bushes,
flowers or trees, shall be maintained open and green, un-
built on, unpaved and not parked on, all along each side,
or rear property line of such a lot wherever it abuts land
residentially zoned,
6.61 The residential lot areas and lot widths above required
under paragraph 6.3 of this Bylaw shall not apply in any
residence district to any lot of less area or less width than
above required if such lot be not adjoined by other land
of the same owner, vacant and available for combination
with or use in connection with such lot, provided that the
applicant for a building permit on any such lot shall show
by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds in-
corporated in or attached to such application that such lot
was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed
prior to the effective date of said paragraph 6.3' (December
6, 1956) and provided that on such a lot there shall be
kept open and not built upon a front yard and a rear yard
each not less than 20 feet deep, and two side yards, each
not less than 12 feet wide.
6.62 In Village Residence Districts only, two, or more vacant
lots, mutually adjoining, may by the Board of Appeals be
permitted to be combined into a new lot or lots not less
than 10,000 sq. ft. area each and not less than 100 ft. width
at the street frontage, provided it be shown to the Board
of Appeals that each of said vacant lots before combina-
tion was of less area or less width than required under the
aforesaid paragraph 6.3 and, by citations from the Essex
County Registry of Deeds, that each such lot was lawfully
laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to the
effective date of said paragraph 6.3 (December 6, 1956)
and the Building Inspector shall permit the construction
of one single family dwelling on each such 10,000 sq. ft.
6.63 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no amend-
ment to this Zoning Bylaw shall apply to or affect the size,
shape, width or frontage of any lot shown on a plan of a
subdivision as defined in Section 81-L in Chapter 41 of the
General Laws if the plan of such subdivision has been
finally approved by the Planning Board and duly recorded
pursuant to said Chapter 41 prior to such Zoning Bylaw
amendment, for a period of two years from the date of
final subdivision approval by the Planning Board of such
plan or until any such lot is divided, whichever occurs
first, without the consent in writing of the owner of such
lot, and this provision shall apply only to subdivision
plans approved and recorded on or after the effective date
of this sub -paragraph.
7.1 In all Residence Districts there shall be provided on each
lot Y open andsP aces of not less than the number of feet
depth below stated all along the front, rear and each side
property line of such lot, except as may be permitted other-
wise by the Board of Appeals in Village Residence Dis-
tricts only, and only in cases therein where the literal en-
forcement of the number of feet yard depth stated below
as to one or more of such yard spaces would cause unusual
hardship or severe practical difficulty peculiar to the place-
-+ of a b i Ad'n on such lot but not on other lots ad -
9.1 There shall be a Board of Appeals of five Members and
not more than three Associate Members, which shall have
and exercise all the powers provided under G.L. Chapter
40A as amended, and which shall hear and decide all mat-
ters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the
North Andover Zoning Bylaw and other matters referred
to such Board by statute. The Board of Appeals Members
and Associate Members shall be appointed by the Select-
men in the manner provided by statute, further provided
that two of said Board of Appeals Members shall be ap-
pointed from among the Members of the North Andover
Planning Board.
9.2 On each appeal arising under the North Andover Zoning
Bylaw, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of
which notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation in North Andover twelve (12) days
at least before the date of such hearing. The Board shall
also notify by certified mail all owners of property within
not less than two hundred (200) feet distance from the
boundaries of each lot or lots under appeal, also owners
of property so much farther beyond the boundaries of the
lot or lots under appeal as said Board may deem affected,
if any, by such appeal. Such notices shall be mailed to such
owners at the addresses appearing for them in the most
recent town tax listing of said owners.
10.1 The Planning Board, on its own intiative, or on petition
signed by not less than fifty (50) registered voters of
North Andover, shall hold a public hearing on any written
proposal to amend the Zoning Bylaw or the zoning map
and shall report its recommendations thereon, if any, to
a North Andover Town Meeting.
10.2 Each proposal to change the zoning map shall be made in
writing and shall explicitly state the nature, extent and
location of the snap change proposed and shall be accom-
panied by:
(a) Three blackline prints of a diagram to scale 'show -
Ing and stating clearly the dimensions in feet of the
land area proposed to be changed as to zone.
(b) also a sketch or other explicit identifeation of the
location of such land in relation to the majority of
the rest of the Town.
10.3 Notice of the aforesaid public hearing on a zoning amend-
ment shall be given by publication in a newspaper pub-
lished in or of general circulation in North Andover twelve
(12) days at least before date of such hearing and by
mailing copies of such notice as published to such parties
as the Planning Board may deem interested, at the
addresses for such parties as they appear in the most
recent North Andover real estate tax records.
than five (5) feet depth of rear yard shall be required be-
tween any permitted structure and a railroad track in an
Industrial "S" District, and except that there shall be an
open yard space not less than fifty (50)feet depth on each
lot in an Industrial "S" District wherever such lot abuts
land residentially zoned, provided that any industrial
building built prior to June 1 1956 and standing ng
and in
active industrial manufacturing
or storage use on June 1,
1956, may if damaged or destroyed be restored, repaired,
or rebuilt on the location where it stood June 1, 1956, with-
out complying with the foregoing yard space requirements.
1.5 In Industrial "L" Districts there shall be provided on each
lot an open yard space of not less than thirty-five (35)
feet depth all along the front line and along each side line
of such lot, and not less than fifty (50) feet depth along
the rear line of such lot, except that an open yard space
of not less than fifty (50) feet depth shall be provided on
any lot in an Industrial District wherever such lot abuts
land residentially zoned.
1,1 In Residence Districts dwellings shall not exceed two and
one-half stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height.
1.2 In Neighborhood Business Districts dwellings and business
structures shall not exceed two and one-half stories or
thirty-five (35) feet in height.
1.3 In General Business Districts dwellings, business and other
retail or commercial structures shall not exceed three
stories or forty-five (45) feet in height.
1.4 In Industrial Districts buildings shall not exceed fifty-five
(55)feet in height.
1.5 The foregoing limitations of height in feet in the zoning
districts designated shall not apply to farm buildings on
farms of not less than ten (10) acres area, nor shall they
apply to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, tanks, bulkheads,
penthouses, processing towers and other accessory struc-
tural features usually erected at a height greater than the
main roofs of any buildings, nor to domes, bell towers or
spires of churches or other buildings, provided all such
features are in no way used for living purposes, and fur-
ther provided that no such structural feature of any non-
manufacturing building shall exceed a height of sixty-five
(65) feet from the ground nor of a manufacturing building
a height of eighty-five (85) feet from the ground except by
permission of the Board of Appeals acting under G. L.
Ch. 40A as amended,
12.1 In general this Bylaw is supplementary to other North
Andover Bylaws affecting the use, height, area and location
of buildings and structures and the use ofpremises.
g Where
this Bylaw imposes a greater restriction upon the use,
height, area and location of buildings and structures and
the use of premises than is imposed by other Bylaws, the
provisions of this Bylaw shall control.
12.2 The invalidity of any section or provision of this Bylaw
shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof.
The foregoing Bylaws have been duly adopted by the Town of
North Andover and approved by Attorney General George Fin -
gold of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
A True Copy:
Town Clerk
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: Held June 30, 1956, Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
December 6, 1956.
ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: Held March 16, 1957. Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
June 28, 1957,
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: Held October 7, 1957. Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
November 19, 1957.
ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: Held March 29, 1958. Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
April 28, 1958.
1503 DS N 4
- -
- \ -
, 7�o
2 I
1w- —
Joktr: T. blackwe(l, Plairnrzer-1, Boston:
ACApi #4y
(z6 M
(z6- I) �O4, (71
__I ----
N o r- f h Andover-, Mass.
Neighborhood Business 3.6
O 100 7A0 9p0. 766'
�-)♦ �—�—
General Business 3.74
The ,boundar-ies of each +racf- coned for busirtes5 oR i -his
map ¢re, Stated in the r-a"ing by-IcLw paragraph of +he scirrie
rt Lm6era:&on+he map b:eaide such +roc+ -.j, +he ' numbers irt.
parerfheses are numbered sub-sec+ions of paragraph 3.71.
me ui g
joining or nearby ,within the same Village Residence Zon-
ing District.
No building or structure shall hereafter be erected, al-
tered or moved so that any part thereof (except eaves,
steps or uncovered porches) shall be nearer than the num-
No building shall be erected, altered or moved in North
ber of feet below stated from the front, side or rear line of
Andover without a written permit issued by the Building
any lot in any Residence District,
Inspector. Such permits shall be applied for in writing to
the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall not
Rural Residence, thirty (30) feet.
issue any such permit unless the plans for the building and
the intended use thereof in all respects fulfill the pro -
Country Residence, thirty (30) feet front, thirty (30) feet
visions of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw, except as may
rear, and twenty (20) feet each side.
have been specifically permitted otherwise by action of the
North Andover Board of Appeals or other competent
Village Residence, thirty (30) feet front yard, thirty (30)
authority, provided a written copy of the terms governing
feet rear yard and fifteen (15) feet each side yard except
any exception so permitted be attached to the application
that if there be buildings already existing on lots adjoining
for a building permit and to the building permit issued
or within two hunded fifty (250) feet each side of any lot I
therefore. One copy of each such permit as issued, in -
in a Village Residence Zoning District and if said building I
eluding any conditions or exceptions attached thereto,
front on the same street as such lot, the front yard on such
shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector.
lot need not be deeper than the average of the front yard
or within two hundred fifty
depths of said lots adjoiningve
p Y
Each application for permit to build alter, or mo a
pp 1
(250) feet, and except that on street corner lots in Village!
building shall be accompanied by a plot plan in duplicate
Residential Districts either street frontage may be selected'
drawn to scale showing and stating the dimensions in feet
the lot owner for front yard which shall be not less than
of the lot on which such building is proposed to be erected,
thirty- (30rfeet depth across the entire width of the lot
altered or moved, and the location and ground cuveiai�e
from side line to side line and at the other street frontage
dimensions thereon of any building or structure proposed
of any lot the yard space shall be not less than twenty (20)
to be erected or moved onto such lot. Such plot plan shall
of any such lot the yard space shall be not less than
also show each street, alley or right-of-way on or adjacent
twenty (20) feet deep.
to the lot in question. One copy of each such application
and plot plan shall be kept on file in the office of the
In Neighborhood Business and in General Business Dis-
Building Inspector.
tricts there shall be provided on each lot an open yard
spaceace of not less than twenty-five(25) feet depth along
The North Andover Zoning Bylaw shall be enforced b the
the front and along each side property line of such lot
North Andover Building Inspector. The Building Inspector,
except as may be permitted otherwise (but only as to front
upon being informed in writing of a possible violation of
yards and side yards) by the Board of Appeals on petition
this Bylaw or on his own initiative, shall make or cause
of the property owner concerned after a public hearing
to be made an investigation of facts and an inspection of
thereon with due notice given. In the rear of every build-
the premises where such violation may exist. The Building
ing or structure hereafter erected in any Business Dis- I
trict there shall be an open yard space unbuilt upon of not
Inspector, on evidence of any violation after investigation
and inspection, shall give written notice of such violation
less than thirty-five (35) feet depth. No building or struc-
to the owner and to the occupant of such premises, and
ture shall hereafter be built, altered, moved, reconstructed,
the Building Inspector shall demand in such notice that
or extended so that any part thereof including loading plat-
such violation be abated within such reasonable time as
forms, covered or open, but not eaves, or steps, shall be
may be designated therein by the Building Inspector. Such
nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from the front line or
notice and demand may be given by mail addressed to the
sile line of any lot in such lots, and except that any business
owner at the address appearing for him on the most recent
building build prior to June 1, 1956 and standing in
real estate tax records of North Andover, and to the oc-
active business use on June 1, 1956, may be restored, re-
cupant at the address of the premises of such seeming
paired or rebuilt on the location where it stood June 1,
1956, without complying with the foregoing yard space
requirements, but this exception shall not apply to any
If, after such notice and demand, such violation has not
been abated within the time specified, the Building In-
spector or the Selectmen shall institute appropriate action
In Industrial "S" Districts there shall be on each lot an
or proceedings in the name of the Town of North Andover
open yard space of not less than thirty (30) feet depth all
to prevent, correct, restrain or abate any violation of this
along the front line, and twenty (20) feet depth at each
side line of such lot, and not less than thirty (30) feet
depth along the rear line of such tot, except that not more
than five (5) feet depth of rear yard shall be required be-
tween any permitted structure and a railroad track in an
Industrial "S" District, and except that there shall be an
open yard space not less than fifty (50)feet depth on each
lot in an Industrial "S" District wherever such lot abuts
land residentially zoned, provided that any industrial
building built prior to June 1 1956 and standing ng
and in
active industrial manufacturing
or storage use on June 1,
1956, may if damaged or destroyed be restored, repaired,
or rebuilt on the location where it stood June 1, 1956, with-
out complying with the foregoing yard space requirements.
1.5 In Industrial "L" Districts there shall be provided on each
lot an open yard space of not less than thirty-five (35)
feet depth all along the front line and along each side line
of such lot, and not less than fifty (50) feet depth along
the rear line of such lot, except that an open yard space
of not less than fifty (50) feet depth shall be provided on
any lot in an Industrial District wherever such lot abuts
land residentially zoned.
1,1 In Residence Districts dwellings shall not exceed two and
one-half stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height.
1.2 In Neighborhood Business Districts dwellings and business
structures shall not exceed two and one-half stories or
thirty-five (35) feet in height.
1.3 In General Business Districts dwellings, business and other
retail or commercial structures shall not exceed three
stories or forty-five (45) feet in height.
1.4 In Industrial Districts buildings shall not exceed fifty-five
(55)feet in height.
1.5 The foregoing limitations of height in feet in the zoning
districts designated shall not apply to farm buildings on
farms of not less than ten (10) acres area, nor shall they
apply to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, tanks, bulkheads,
penthouses, processing towers and other accessory struc-
tural features usually erected at a height greater than the
main roofs of any buildings, nor to domes, bell towers or
spires of churches or other buildings, provided all such
features are in no way used for living purposes, and fur-
ther provided that no such structural feature of any non-
manufacturing building shall exceed a height of sixty-five
(65) feet from the ground nor of a manufacturing building
a height of eighty-five (85) feet from the ground except by
permission of the Board of Appeals acting under G. L.
Ch. 40A as amended,
12.1 In general this Bylaw is supplementary to other North
Andover Bylaws affecting the use, height, area and location
of buildings and structures and the use ofpremises.
g Where
this Bylaw imposes a greater restriction upon the use,
height, area and location of buildings and structures and
the use of premises than is imposed by other Bylaws, the
provisions of this Bylaw shall control.
12.2 The invalidity of any section or provision of this Bylaw
shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof.
The foregoing Bylaws have been duly adopted by the Town of
North Andover and approved by Attorney General George Fin -
gold of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
A True Copy:
Town Clerk
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: Held June 30, 1956, Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
December 6, 1956.
ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: Held March 16, 1957. Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
June 28, 1957,
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: Held October 7, 1957. Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
November 19, 1957.
ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: Held March 29, 1958. Zoning By-
laws approved by Atty. General
April 28, 1958.
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Joktr: T. blackwe(l, Plairnrzer-1, Boston:
ACApi #4y
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N o r- f h Andover-, Mass.
Neighborhood Business 3.6
O 100 7A0 9p0. 766'
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General Business 3.74
The ,boundar-ies of each +racf- coned for busirtes5 oR i -his
map ¢re, Stated in the r-a"ing by-IcLw paragraph of +he scirrie
rt Lm6era:&on+he map b:eaide such +roc+ -.j, +he ' numbers irt.
parerfheses are numbered sub-sec+ions of paragraph 3.71.