HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-18TOWN OF NORTH ANDOYER Jmm J. Ltm~ ~mm 28, 1961 ATTO~.NEY GENt l~et'd to .- at lt~0 P.M.. tho foll~ ~olo ap~od IR b W~t fo~ 8.M, wl~h t~ ~oord~ ~o~ ~ro~t All mb~tMd for y~ approval. A~T~C~ ~. ?o soo ~f t~ Town will veto ~ ~nd Las Zon~ ~ -' L ~ ~ W by oh~l~ from V~llago Residential to ~M~ ~t~la~ tho described p~oel of l~d, which 1~ entirely ~r~d by hnd now zoned for ~neral A pareel of ~n~, n~ or fomrly of Ver~l l~ated on t~ I~tbao~rly aide ~ F~l't S~et, b~ed and deocr!c,e ~ as follower bfi~i~ at a po~t In ~ eout~ao~12 aide of First Street dl8t~ 210 foo~ more ~ ~oo fPm ~e s~boo~rly he.dory M~in S~eetj bnoo ~ tlo~ l~d n~ ~ f~Fl2 of ~ North ~dover Shopp~ Owner Xn a Oou~a8~rl2.dl~o~ 210 fleet Rote lees to a po~J ~neo ~rn[~ ~d ~ s~s~F1T along land of t~ oaid North ~dove~ ~oppl~ Center ~7 feo~ ~ or less.' to poin~ thence ~nl~ ~d ~nl~ nort~fterl2 to First Street 210 feet ~ ~ less, alo~ hnd ~ oaSd NoF~ ~do~ 8hopp~ Center, to a po~t ~ ~ 8out~afte~ly side ~ F~rot S~e~j b~o '~'~d r~ni~ nor~aoterly alo~ the 8~aote~ly side of First 117 feat ~ore o~ leas to the point of ~etItion of Francis B. Klttre~e and. o~s. ~,der t~ aforeoaid article 6~ a motion was ~de, duly 8econaed ~,: ' ','~ to ~end the Zonl~ B~-~wo ~y a~ing ~he~eto ~ follow!n~- seotlml 3eoti~ ~.79 ($) as described In ~ abo~ article The vote was unanInous and so declared Eight l'm.ndrod and forty-nine (8It. C)) l~,$:loterod voters ~ro shocked in to the meeting, i quor~ nos required at our Annual AdJcatrned town mae tlr~. B~aton, Nasa. April lO, 1961 The foeegoing ~aendment to Zoning By-Law hereby applt~ved. General ' -- TOWN OF NORTH ^NDOVER JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk ELECTIOI~ DIIPARTMENT TO~'N BUILDING April 15, 1961 To Town C1Brk Town Building North Ando~er, l~ass. Dear Sir: I have this day posted true and attested copies of the Zoning By Law adopted by the Town of North Andover at its adjourned Annual Town Neeting held March 18, 1961, under ArtiOle 6~ of the Warrant thereon, bearing the approval of the AttOrney General of The Commonwealth. S~id copies were posted this date in five (5) public pla~es in each precinct of the Town a_u~at the Town office building. ~-~ t' ,~ ~ WILLIAM J../LACEY. A true copF: ATTEST: ~/~1~ ~ 'r,Y~l~/~/ JOaN TOWlq BUILDING NO~TH ~NDOV KR. March 28, !962 ,,' cur A~nual AdJour.~e~ ?ow~, Meetlr~ held fn the Veter=r, · '' '"~:. :.f' our N~rth ~d:~ver :il~h Sohoo~ 3~ S~turdav M~r:h ~'.- ' : _e record, ed vc~e here<.,r'~ A[~ ~,bmitte~ fcr your .......- ...... :z~ from 'gl.,age'' He~dent!a! t:' ~]ener~l ~Ine~ '' tis:. :' F?ancla ~. Kit':re~e and ''~ :. ~._.'e:,'d the Z.on[~ ]?y-Laws ~7 addin~ t::ereto the Bo~t:,n, ~asa. April ]O, ]961 The fore~c!ng amendment to Zoning By-L~w ia hereby approved. AttoF~y Oena'ral ~. I'o~n Clerk April 10, 1961 Mr. Jo~n J. Lyons Town C~erk North ~ndover, Mass. Dear S~r: I return herewith Zoning By-Law adopte~iby the Town of North Andover at its Adjourned AnnuallTownMeeting held March 18, 1961 under Article 64 of ~he warrant therefor, together with zoning map, both bearing the approval of the Attorney General thereen. FRED W. FISEER Assistant Attorney General K TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS. Town ~erk Honorable Edward J. McCorm~ck, Jr. Attorney General of the Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass Dear Sir: TOV~I BUILDING i~OP~TH ANDOVE~. ~ASS, ~rch 28, 1961 ATTORN GENE REC'D APR 51661 Ref'd to Ans.! At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of'our North Andover High School on Saturday March 18, 1961 at 1:30 P.M., ithe following article appeared in the Warrant for same, with the recorded vote hereon: Ail submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 6~. ~o see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing f~om Village Residential to General Business, the following described parcel of.land, which is entirely surro~uuded by land now zoned for General Business. A parcel of land, now or formerly of Vernile, located on the southeasterly side of First Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly side of First Street distan$ 210 feet more or less from the southwesterly boundary of Main Street; ~hence running along land now or formerly of the North Andover Shopping Center in a southeasterly, direction 210 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly along land of the said North Andover Shopping Center ll7 feet more or less, to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly to First Street 210 feet more or less, along land of said North Andover Shopping Center, to a point in,the southeasterly side of First Street; thence turning and running northeasterly along the southeasterly side of First Street ll7 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Petition of Francis B. Kittredge and others. Under the aforesaid article 68 a motion was made, duly seconded and so VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Laws by adding thereto the following new section: Sec$ion 3.79 (6) as described in the above article The vote was Unanimous and so declared checked in A quorum not required at our Annual Adjourned Town Eight hundrediand forty-nine (8~9) registered voters were to the meeting. meeting. A true copy: Boston, Mass. The foregoir April 10, 1961 ~endment to Zoning By Attorney Genera~ 1 Jow~ J. Lvm~ 1~ ~ ~onora~le Edward ~.' Attorney ~eneral of the Oo~monweal~h State House at our Annual ldjournee '*,~,~ ~eetln~f, held in tP.e Ve~ran*~ 2..~ltcr~"~ of ~r North ~.dover !iigh School cm Saturda2 M~rch IS.. ~t ~31 P.~-~ the foll~g art!~le a;peared In ~.Wsrr~$ for same ~*~ ~e recorded vo~e hereen~ Ail submlt~ed for your approval. AETIC~ ~. TO see If ~he T~n w!l vote ~o a~nd it~ Zoning t-~' ~haagtng from Village Heside~ia~ to ~ral ~lnes~, the fclh,.~ described p~oel of l~d, which is entirely ~urro~m~ed ~y ~nd now zoned for ~nePal A parcel or land, n~ or fo~erl2 of Vernl looate'd on t~ a~t~aaterly s~de o~ Firs$ ~tree~, ~o~ded and S~reet dlst~ 210 feet more ~ leas from th~ ~outhweaterl~ Mn~ Street; ~nce=~g alo~ land n~ ~r fo~rly o~ ~ North Andover Shoppi~ Center In a ~out.heaaterly. dl~ction 210 feet ~ore ie~ t: ~ points thence ~rn!~'and r~nl~ zouthwesterl2 along ,- oho~:~nE Center 117 fee~ more or leas. c~ uno sald~North ~d~ver = ~c,!ut, thence ~rnlug ~d mAnni~ n~hwea~erl2 to Fire~ ~ree~ 210 Ie, t more or le~a, alo~ ~5~d of ~1~ Nor~,~do~r. Sh0~Pl~ Cen~er. tca poin~ In ~e aoutheasterl~ stde cf First S~ee~l ~eno t'~n~. sr~d mmu~ nort~eaaterly alor~ the ,cu~eaa~erl2 side of F~r.t i17 fee~ more er leaa to the poin~ of beginning. P.~.ion of Francis B. Ki~tre~e and ~'r,~er ~ a~o~aaid article 68 a mc~ioH waa ~e. ~ly acceded vO~ ~c ~end the ZonI~ By-Lawa ky add~g thereto the follow~ng sec~lo~,~ Beet!on $.79 (g) aa de~acr~bed In t~ above article T~ vote was ~~a ~d ~o de~!ared E~Fnt h~.mdred and forty-nine ~8~9) registered voter8 ~re soled ~ u~.e meeting. ~A quo~ no~ reGu~red aS ~ ~al AdJ ed Towr. ;. tr~e oopy~ AT ~ST ~ JO~N J. LYON~. Boeton, ~aae. April 10, 1951 The. f.o~egot~ .~.en.~aeat to hereby appr~ve~. . jom~ J. LWmm. 7m~ Ctm~ 28, 1961 ATTOR, GENERAt , At our Annual AdJourued '~,~ Meetin~] held in the %'e~ran's A..~ltc~ of our North ~dover High School ~ ~aturdav March i~ ~ ~3: P-:~., the foll~g a~!~l, a;~are~ in t~,Warr~t for wi~,. tr.e recorded vote hereo~ All ~ubmltted for your approval. ...~ vo~e to a~nd It, Zoning ~ -' :~,,~I~E ~. To see If the Tcw~ ~', ~ha~gtng fr~ Village Heside~t!aL to ~ral ~eineaa~ the foll(~. described p~cel of ~d, which Is entlrely s~rro~nded LY ~nd now z,o~ed for ~ne~a]. BwAa~eee. ps. reel of land, n~ or fo~erly of Verni.~ located on ~ s~aaterlAY s,.de of Flra~ 5tree~, b~ded and aa fc!lows~ ~gi~.lr~ at a point In t~ so,~theaaterl~ s~de of S~reet dist~t 210 fee~ more ~ less from the southwesterly M~In Street; thence,..~g alo~ land n~ ~ fo~rl2 of t~ North A::dc~vem Shoppi~ Center In · southeaaterl2, dl~ction 210 feet more l~ ~ ~ point; thence ~rni~'~d r,~nt~ southwesterly along c'f tae aaid~North ~d~ver Shopflng Center 117 feet more or less, ;::Ant' thenc$ ~niug ~xd m~nui~ n~hwes~erl2 to Fire~ $~ree~ feet more or leas, alc~ ~:-:d of ~l~ Nor~,~do~r Shoppi~ Center, ~ ~ poin~ in ~e southeasterly side cf First Streets ~ence a'-~d ~.mni~ ~ort:~easterly alor~ the ,cutheasterly side of First ~:7 fee~ more er lees to the poin.t of Deginniug. ..... ~on of Francis B. Kilt:Dele and '"~de~ ~e afforeaaid article S8 a mcpic4 was ~d~, ~1~ seceded ~L'?~ ~o ~end the Zoni~ By-~wa ky addle thereto the following Dew · , -on '.7~ (6) as described in t~ above article T~e ,:ote was u~aJ3~3a~ue and ~c ~ec!ared . F,~fn~ h-.malted and forty-nine f8[~9) registered voters were checked in '.,:, tr.e meeting. '-A quor.mm not required at ou~ Annual AdJgurned Town I GENAWA L. .0U,'/Ne5S V I L L A OR /Z455 /O9IVCC- i- 10 North Andover, Mass. March 28, 1961 A true copyt ATTEST. ! ICY :3 TOWN CLERK f NORTH ANDOVER. MASS. Apnrovad &y ipr}h Andov¢r Plannind 50ard f 6' N /2.� L SUS/N&"SS G �5"! 5�2AL B US/N1555 i ,ARBA OF PRO POS90 A M'e/YD"N7' r- 120M V' ! L L A BUSIM5SS Z lo LL sl1 s W SS lz 9 5 10 6 NC �' PLAN ro Ac<eMvAuv vs*rtIou roo_ AMENDMENT TO ZONING By - Law TOWN of NORTH ANDOVER,MASS. AS I f -rO LAND ON F�� 145T STREET. Sce1_n i'%Ao Fca. I%i 5 T. V Q W W y RALPH M B. , GRA$SEU 4o/ ✓O . s_ti Ral ph �. f3 r� ss e r, C. E. �aVzrrhiil, Mass.