HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-14 JOH.~ J. LYONt% Town ~.~m Eural aesident' ' ~', .. leto I~:r;;pi~u, ~aid ~o~t beginning al, cut 61~.0 feet ~'.~,~erly or t. he~e~ter~y l~e of Wt.ll.~w ~treet, at its ~ecti0n with ~aid so~therl~ line of S~em T~npike; ~hence more ,',? !e~s :o t~e hOrSefly ,l~e of Wiilo~ Street; thence tuft:l:,/ '~::U r,~:;~Lug northwe~ter!~ O~ ~ald nertkerl~ l~e of n: ~:':~' ~li .low 8t~,::s ~2~.~ fee~ mO~ cr i~ to t.h~ ~outheliT ,'~- :f ':~:eu T~ynpl~e) t.h~ns~ t-urnlL; ~r,d ~:nnln~ l:7 a:::',~:~: :r, eretc, the fcllal~t new paragraph~ Begir,~i_~ at ~he most e~ster~v corner th~recf at a po~t in t~ s~herly l~e ~' ~ · ";,-,'~ sald po~t being ab~t 616..0 feet nor~eaterly of the westerl2 l~e of tiillow Stree$~ at its h~teraeotlon s~d ..~uth~r17 i!ne of S<~lem Turnplke~ thence ~lr~ ~.d ' wa~ ~ nd~ 60~ 2~ feet ~ore or le~s tn: the -,a,eu: :'~,nF~k~ ts the pc,~' t o? . .-:, JOHN J. LYONS. NOJPI~ ANI~JVI~L MA Whom It May Concern: .',.' Gu: Anmml Adjourned To~n Meeting held in the Veteran's '. ..... ~ ..... ~ of o~r No:.tA ~dover H~h ~chool ~ Sa~da~ March i...~ ~'~64 at 1~:50 P.M,; ~e follo~ng article appe~ed In tho 54. To see if the Tomn will vote to amend the Zonlr~ rom Rural Ree£dence to General ~alnes~ ~ the feilc~Ing A parcel cf land on the so~thwesterly side of S:.lem being bounded and described as follows: North~eter~y Turnpike 1,}60 feet southeaa~rl2, southweateri2 ~d by land of Jo~ C. ~, $75 feet, 200 feet ~r:,i 1~ ~ r.~hw-stertT :~y l~d n~ or fo~erly of William ~erid~u Jg~ feet :~.crth, esterly by l~d ~w ~ f~rly of Wllll~ ~rla~ ~d ~, S~, 1,2OO feet, all ~asure~ts being more or le~. ~,~:O~CEL 2,, A p~rc?l of land on the northeasterly side of Salem :,:,-::!~,lk!~ t:,e~,a~ ~O1ArAdsd ~.d descirbed as follows~ S~;wester:~y .~ :~ai~ h~.~.4em 'k~rnpike ~70 ~eet; northwesterly by lana of Jo~ :.::'r,~L. ~.~ ~ wart ~o Th~p~cn~ 1,~5~ feet, northeasterly. ~y :~rn~ '~-:e'. ~/~'~,~ fee~; ~d scu~e~sterl~ b~ :~ooa Street 1~.o00 leek, .,.~ ....... aforesaid article the following was voted: ~,.~D Fi,~ ~.~END Section ~-77 of the North Andover Zoning by-Law by adding thereto the followl~ new par~apn~ l] ) .:ha~!ng from Rural Residence to 3eneral ~slness ~ke P~L i. A parcel of ~nd on the $outh~sterly side of Salem :,,rn;i~:o, being o~ded ~d described as follows: ~;y Salem ~plke~ 1,~60 feet southeaaterly~ aou~westerly and ~,...Le'~./ by 1~ of Jo~ C. ~i~,m~ }75 feet, 200 feet and l~d southwesterly by land now or f~rl2 of ~iillam ~erid~ ~7 northwesterly by la~ n~ or f~rll ~ Willl~ Sheridan ~d '.', ,-(, r~,t ~, .~lm~ 1,200 feet~ all meas~emer:ts being more or 'AP. CEL 2. A paro,i of ~nd on ~e nor~easterl~ side of Sale= ~ ~rrm~lk~, being bounded aha described as followe: Southwesterly · f ~fd S~L~m Turnpike 970 feeti northwesterly by ~nd .:f J~,~ , ::Lree~ ~U ~eet~ and w~theascerly by ~ook Street i~,., ."e~ ~'; mea~,~re~I~ s being more or lasso ,,~e vot~ was ~FIR~TI~ 176~ NEOATi~ 85 3~N J~ LYO~ ' TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Jt~lt~'~.l I.I()NN. ~'~wr CJerk the Town will vote ~o amend its ~eneraA s~k~ng ~he~e~r~ ~ee~'o~ ~ of Art~0"' of t~ B~-~w Re.~Isl~ C~mi~tee,, A~t~oLe o~. tt wa~ ~anl~cu~lv VofigD to ' .' ..:: ,:;., see if the Toga will vote to amend its '}enera: i:y-Law~ by strikln~ therefrom Section 2 of iY, and inaertlng tn place thereoff, ~e foilowX~ sec~lon~ ~TIOM ~: ~e ~leet~n s~ll a~lly cause a re~ort to be ~d which shall c~ta!n a~tateme::~ of'their do~a ~ri~ the preceding f!na~clal to~ether wi~h a repor~ of the School of ~sh officers, b~rds ~d co~ittees flexi,hate.. Such reports shal~onta~ deta!~ fcrmatl~ as to the acti~ of the To~ ...r ~-: :r.e 'low~? ~7 vote ~¢. have ~r~clu~ed ~2. see '2 tJxe Town ~ I1 ~ote to amend Ar=lcle :; ." ~ SECT1ON 12~ ~,e ~elec~en shall fix~ ~d fr~.m :i=.e ~lme b2 their order ~y ~end, a eohedu~ of fee~ t. be charged for elee~rioal ~apeo~i~s bY ~e Inspeo:o? of w~res.. Pett~l~ of ~he By-~w Re,sion Co=i:~ee. afore~aid article 82, i~ was =~an~ously V0~D :c article,, TOWN OF NORTH ^NDOVER Clerk Con oe l'n ,' March 26..~.,~a"L. r. ,e~ if the Town will vote f.o .~end Ar~lcle ~'a .,snerai By-Laws by add~n~ thereto the foli~:vJ~ .~.,(,:~(N i~: ~n7 board or officer la c~rge of the To~ wlth~ its possession c~ wkiCh ha~ be~:om~ cb~olet~ or ffhicL I.-: ", lor~er r~qul~d for the u~e of parvenU; pro.ideal, ~at the recor:J~ the 8elec~en shall c~t;a~ fui~ p~t~nt head for authority to such ~oper~y, a~ thei~ ~eas~s for ap~ov~g such ~equeat~ Pe~lti~ of ~-~w revl~[~ the aforesaid A~tiole 8~, It was ~i~ousl2 V~D ,-, ,.u~. cc, ~ee '" the I'cm~ will vote to amend its :~ ;Lc ~'P~llding Law" by a~d~g to fc, l~ ~ , · .... w.nE p~ra~raph: . c,~o., wko shall, a':,~c~c6 or Inability of ~he, Bulld~ In~cto:' cf the Bating Inspector ~der this Selectmen ~y direct. Petition of t~e By-~w aevlal~ ~b~!e~ ~he aforesaid Article 8~ It was ~lmou~ly V~D the article. ", ~'~ h.~md~,d and ninety-two ~glaterd vote~ were A~ ?ESTo JOHN J,, LYON8 ~ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~I~C~ION ])]~pAIfI'ME~TT To ~hom It May Concern.' TOWN BUILDING NORTH A.NDOVER, MASS. At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of cum North Andover High School on Saturday Narch 1~, 1964 at 1:50 P.N., the following article appeared in the Warrant: ARTICL~ 5~- To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law from Rural Residence to General Business Sn the following described parcels of land: PARCEL 1. A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Salem Turnpike, being bounde, d and described as follows: Northeasterly by Salem Turnpike 1,560 feet southeasterly, southwesterly and southerly by l~od of John C. Farnum, 575 feet, 200 feet and 1,095 feet; southwesterly by land now or formerly of William Sherid~ 998 feet; northwesterly by land now or formerly of William Sheridan and Margaret R. Simon, 1,200 feet, all measurements being more or less. PARCEL 2. A parcel of land on the northeasterly side of Salem Turnpike, being bounded and descirbed as follows: Southwesterly by said Salem Turnpike 970 feet; northwesterly by land of John ~. Lynch a~d Howard M. Thomps~u, 1,855 feet, northeasterl, y by Farnum Street ~7 feet; and southeasterly by B~ook Street 1,$00 fee~, all measurements being more or less. Petition of John C. Farnum and others. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: VOTED TO A~END Section 5-77 of the North Andover Zoning By-Law y a. dding thereto the following new paragraph: ll) Cha~ing from Rural Residence to General Business the following described parcels of l~nd: PARCEL 1. A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Salem Turnpike, being ounded and described as fellows: NORT~STERLY by Salem Turnpike, 4560 feet southeasterly, southwesterly and southerly by land of John C. Farnum, 575 feet, 200 feet and 1,095 feet; southwesterly by land now or formerly of William Sheridan 998 feet; northwesterly by land now or formerly of William Sheridan and Margaret R. Simon 1,200 feet, all measurements being more or less. PARCEL 2. A parcel of land on the northeasterly side of Salem I~a~npike, being bounded and described as follows: Southwesterly by said Salem Turnpike 970 feet; northwesterly by land of Johm J. Lynch and Howard M. Thompson 1,855 feet; northeasterl~ by Farnum Street 887 feet; and woutheasterly by B~ook ~treet 1,$00 fee~, all measumemer~ s being more or less. Th- vote was AFFIRMATIVE 176. NEGATIVE 85. ~ A t~ue copy: ATTEST.~~' ....a .... ~ ~ .~~/ Boston, Massaehusett~ · Apri5 9,'196~ The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-laws is hereby approved. ~ . Attorney ~en~ral-_ At ou~ Annual Adjourned Tou~ Bo_ttn~ bold AudLto~um of ou~ lqo~ An~ove~ H~ School 14, 19~ at ll~0 F.M., ~he followin~ aFtlele Warr~t 1 ARTICL~ %. To soo if the T~ will vote to awnd the By-Law fr~a Rural Residence to Ochers1 ~einese ~ ~he foll~win~ described parcels of landt PAI~C~L 1. A ~areel of la~d o~ the f~thweeterl7 side of Sa~m ~p~e, berg b~d ~ demoribed am foll~ot ~0~12 by Salem ~rnp~ko 1,~60 feet m~heam~rly, 8~t~8~12 ~ a~t~rl7 ~7 l~d of Jo~ C. F~, ~7~ ~eet, 2~ Feet ~d 1,~ feet; a~t~o~rl7 ~y l~d n~ or fo~rly ~ Uilli~ ~l~ ~8 feel; nerVe,fly by 1~ ~ ~ f~rly of Willl~ ~rt~ ~d M~g~et R. S~, 1,~ feet, a~ ~as~e~nte ~ ~ ~ ~es. ~npt~ ~b~ded ~d des~ed as ~ol~o~s ~a~r~ ~ said 3~ea ~rnpl~ 970 feet, nor~,~erAy ~y l~ ~ J~ ~. L~oh a~ H~d a. ~s~, 1,~} feet, n~t~~2 b2F~ ~treet ~7 feet; ~d aou~eas~rl2 by ~o~ ~t 1,~ ~e~, all meaeuro~ni;s bein~ ~oro or lose. Petitim of J~h~ C. Farn~a aGd others. Under the. afor~said a~cle the follew~ wac ~t V~ T0 ~E~ 3ecti~ ~.~ of t~ Xor~ ~o~r ~ ~w y sdd~f ~ro~o ~ fo~o~f new ~F~ap~z~ . 11) C~g fr~ ~al Residence to OeneraA ~es8 ~ ~ollowln~ described parcels of landl PARCEL 1. A parcel of land on the south~ste~'ly side of ~urnpike, being ounded a~d described as follows~ MORT~TERLY by ~elea ~u~nplke, 1,~$0 feet southeaeterl2, southwesterly a~d s~ut~erly ~ land of John C. ~arnu~, ~7~ fee~, 200 feet and 1,0~ fee:; sou~heesterly by land now or fo~rly of lilliam ~heridaa ~$ feet; no~th~esterl2 b7 land now or formerly c~ l~llial ~hlr~d~Ja Margaret R. 8~ 1,200 feet, all ~a~e~nta bel~ ~e ~ leas. P~ 2. A ~reel of ~nd ~ ~ a~o~rly al~e er ~em bY u~d hlu ~pi~ ~70 ~eet} n~w.~17 o7 M~ S~eet~7 feot~ ~d w~basterly b2 ~o~ S~ee~ 1,~ mea~emm~ a ~g ~ro o~ leas, Fo~ ~red ~d nlnet?'-i:wo (k92] registered ~rl JoBW J. Ll'owm, Te,a~ ~ lu, w,m, Sm,P,m~mr, Mu, eli ~', 1~ To ~ It Ma~ Cmoer~ ARTICL~ ~. To see if the To~ will vote to a~end the Zc~ll~ By-Law frc~a Rural Residence to General l~ueinese ~ the folle~in~ described parQela of land~ PARCEL 1. A pareel of land on the southwesterly el~e of Salem · urnpike, being bounde, d a~d deaQribed aa follow?? .Ik. et~.eaete..rl7 by Sales ?urnpike 1,}S0 feet southeasterly, e~u~nwee~erA2 s~utherlv by land of John C. Yarmu~, }7~ feet, ~0~_ feet and aouthwes~eriy ~,y land now or for~aerlI of Willia~ -~heridan ~ fee~; northwesterly by land now or formerly of lllllima ~herida~ ai~d Margaret R. Since, 1,200 feet, all ~easure~nte bein~ ~ore or leas. PARCEL 2. A parcel of la~d ~ the northeasterly side of l~irnPike, betn~ bounded and deaQirbed aa followa~ b7 s~ld ~alea Turnpike ~70 feet; northwesterly by ~ of J_ol~a Lynch and Howard M. T~apece~, 1,b~} feet, norl;he&s~erl.~ b~ Street ~7 feet; and aout. heaaterly by Brook 5~reet 1,$O0 fee~, measurements being ~ore or leal. Petiti~ of John C. Yarnu~ and others. 9nder ~he aforesaid article the followin~ was vote~t VO~ED TO lElfD Section 3.7? of the Mor~ i~over Zm~tng B~-Law adding thereto the following new paragraphl_ (11) Chan~ing fro~ Rural Residence to General t~ueinesa the followi.~ described parcels of lands PARCEL 1. A pareel of Land on the southwesterly si~e of Turnpike, being ounded m~d deecrlbed ae follows! MORTHEAeT~Y by Sales Tu~npike, 1,}$0 feet southeasterly, southwesterly southerly b7 land of John C. Parnu~, }7~ fee~, 2OO feet a~d 1,09} feet; southwesterly bl land now or formerly of Williasa 3berida~ 998 feet; northwesterly by land now or for~erl! of 1~illia~ .~herid~,,a sad Margaret R. 51~ 1,200 feet, all aeasure~ents bein~ ~ore or less. PAI~C~L 2. A parcel of ~nd on the northeasterly aide of Sale~ Turnpike, being~ounded and described aa followal b~ sa' d $~le~ Turnpike 970 feet; northwesterly by land of L~nch' _a_n~__ Howard. ~. Lm ~ ~ S ~ 1 ' 8 ~ } feet; northeaeterl~ Street ~I~7 feet, and wou~heasterly bl Brook Street 1,600 f~, el~l aeaeure~r~ m being ~re or lees. The vo~e was AFFIRMATIV~ 17~. I~EGATI~ ~.-. Pour hundred and ninetT-two (1~92) registered ~ere A time ee~7~ ATTEST s 02133 April 9, 1964 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Lyons: I am happy to enclose the amendments to Zoning By-laws a~opte5 under Articles 53 an5 54 of the warrant, the zoning map relating thereto, and the amendments to General By-laws aSopte~ under Articles 80, 81, 82, 32 and 84 of the warrant at the Annual Town Meeting held March 14, 1964, with the approval of the Attorney General enSorseO thereon. Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General CL/is Encs.(Y) TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk I~.L~CTION ~)EI~AI~TM BNT April 16, 1964 TO V*rN BUILDING NORTH ANDOVEIL MASS. 0FFI CEE ~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in elections and Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of the amendments to the Zoning By-Law adopted under Articles 5~ and 5~ of the warrant, and the amendments to General By-Laws adopted under Article s 80,~ 81, 82, 85 and 84 of the warrant at the Annual I'OWZA Meeting held March Said copies having been pOsted at the Towz~ Office and five or mo~e public p~a ces in each of the four voting precincts of the Town. North And over, Mass. ATTE8 By-laws is hereby approved. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk P-,LEC~OS March 27, 196~ TOV~N' BUIIA)ING NOlgl~ ANDOVEH, MASS. To Whom It Nay Concern: At our Annual Adjourned Town MeeH~tng held in the Veteran's A.uditorium of our North Andover .igh School ~n Saturday March 14, 1964 at 1:50 ~.M., the followmng article appeared in the Warrant: ARTICLE 55. To see if the To~wnRwill 'Vote to amens its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural esidential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at the most easterly corner thereof at a point in the wutherly line of Salem Turnpike, said point beginning about 618.0 feet north- westerly of thewesterly line of Willow Street, at its inter- section with said southerly line of Sd em Turnpik, e; thence turning a~d running westerly as the wall stands 605.22 feet more or less to the northerly line of Willow Street; thence turning and running northwesterly by said northerly line of Willow Street, as the wall now stands 605.9 feet more or less to a co~ner of said wall;, thence turning and ~mnning easterly as the wall now stands 524.7 feet mozeor less to the southerly llne of ~alem Turnpike; thence turning amd r~uing south- easterly ~25.0~ feet more or less by said southerly line of Balem Turnpike to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. McLay and others. Under the aforesaidarticle the following was voted: (VOTED TO AMEND Section 5.77 of the North Andover Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following new paragraph: (10) Changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Begin~t_~g at the most easterly corner thereof at a point in the southerly line of Salem Turnpike,said point being about 618.0 feet northwesterly of the westerly line of Willow Street, at its intersection with said southerly line of Salem Turnpike; thence turmi~g and running westerly as the wall stands 605.22 feet more or less to the northerly line of Willow Street; thence turnimg and runnimg northwesterly by said northerly line of Willow Street, as the wall now stands 605.9 feet more or less to a corner of said wall; thence turning and running easterly as the wall now stands 52|~.7 feet more or less to the southerly~line, of Salem Turnpike; thence turning and running southeasterly 625.04 feet more or less ~y said southerly line of Salem Turnpike to the point of begirn~ing. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 210 NEGATIVE 72. Four hundred and ninety two (492) r~gistered ~oters were present. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Town Clerk arch 26, 1964 TO'W~T BUrLVIING NOI~I'H ANDOVER, MASS. To Whom It Nay Concern: At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Ar~over High School on Saturday March 1~, 196~ at 1:~0 P.M., the following Articles appeared in the Warrant: ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by striking therefrom Section 7 of Article 1~;, which constitutes the selectmen and the Auditor as a "Finance Committee," with duties which duplicate those of the Town's Advisory Board. Petition of the By-Law Revision Committee. Under the aforesaid Article 80, it was unanimously VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Towm will vote to amend its General By-Laws by striking therefrom Section 2 of Article II, and inserting in place thereof, the following section: SECTION ~: The ~electmen shall annually cause a report to be p~inted which shall contaLu astatement of their doing s during the preceding financial year, together with a report of the School Committee, and of such officers, boards and committees as they may designate. ,~uch reports shal~onta~-n detai~ d in- formatima as to the action of the Town taken at Town Meetings held since the Ia st such report, and data as to such other ma~ters as they may deem expedient or as the Town ms.vote to have included therein. Such Annual Town ~eport shall be bound in pamph~ t form, and shall be ready for distribution to any interested person prior to the Annual Town Meeting in each year. Petition of the By-~ Revision Committee. Under the aforesaid article 81, it was unanimously VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town WLll vote to amend Article IV of its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new section: SECTION 12~ The Selectmen shall fix, and from time to time by their order ~-y amend, a schedule of fees to be charged for electrical inspections by the Inspector of wires. Petition of =he By-Law Revisiom CommitSee. Under the aforesaid article 82, it was unanimously VOTED to adopt the article. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ~'° JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~ ~ ELECTION DI~PARTMR3~I' To Whom It ~ay C~oe~: ARTICT~. 83. To see if the Town will vote to .mend Article IV of its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following New section: SECTION 13: Any board or officer in charg® of any department of the Town may, with the approval of the Selectmen, sell or other- wise dispose of any personal property of the Town within its possession or control which has become obsolete or which is no longer required for the use of such de- partment; provided, that the records of the Selectmen shall cc~taim full informa- tion concerning the request of such de- partment head for authority to dispose of such property, and their reasons for approving such request. Petition of By-Law revision Committee. Under the aforesaid Article 83, it was u~animously VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to amend its By-Law known as the "Building Law" by adding to Section 2thereof, the following paragraph: The Board of Selectmen shall~ at the time of their appointment of the Building Inspector, also appoint an Assistant Building Inspector, who shall, in the absence or inability of the Building Inspector, per- form his duties, and who shall, otherwise, perform and exercise such duties, consistent with the duties of the Building Inspector under this By-Law, as the Selectmen may direct. Petition of the By-Law Revision Committee. Under the aforesaid Article 8~ it was unanimously VOTED to adopt the article. Four hundred and ninety-two regi~terdvot~ers were present. A true copy: ATTEST. ~¥~ ..... J'f -.~. Boston, Massachusetts April 9, 1964 The foregoing amendments to General By-laws are hereby ap'proved. Attorney General ~oh~ ~. Lyca~s. Town Clerk Tom Bu~ldin~ No, th Andover~ Mass. ~OHN C. FARNUM petitioned ~o amend the North_ Andove~ Zoning By-Law by changlng ~ Rural Residence to oeneral ~usines~ two pa~els of land on Turnpike Streetj one paroel now contains the Ski Tow and the other paroel is dll-eotly aoross the street~ both contain approximately ~ asres eash. Attorney Charles T. T~o~bly represented the: petitioner, who was present. Robert D~nn~ ~a~ager of the Beaten Hill Sk~ Tow wac also p~esent. It la p~posed ~o ~ve ~ l~hole Golf C~Se ~ ~ a~ea ae~oss t~ 8~e~ ~ ~e Ski Tow, ~y wo~d lg~ to ~ a ye~d ~c~eati~al a~eae ~ wore ap~o~ma~ly 20 ~ople p~esent. Sacral of ~e a~t~$ were opposed ~ ~- z~ ~e ~ea to business, bu~ were not opposed to t~ go~ e~ae~ as p~d. Or, rs p~aen~ Just questl~ed t~ ~titl~ra. ~ow i~d~a~e a~ut~Ps were not opp~ed. M~. I~rke makdo a motic~ to app~v~ the ~e-~c~lng. M~, Gll~d ~eo~ded ~ mo~i~. ~mbe~s ~ke, 0~, Farley ~d xn x'a~r. O~l~ ~n voted ~e ~oause he did not belle~ the present Business Zc~ng Law is suffiotently restrictive. Reasons for approval 1. These passels of land are c~ a heavily travelled hAgh~y that does not lend itself to residential 2. T~re is a g~eat need for b~inems loea~l~ ~. T~ ~*~ of ~hts ~ea la fo~ bhe general JMB lad A~ST~ ~eb~uar~ 2~, 1~ The £ollowing p~ titi~ was heard at a ~eeting of the Plar~d~g Beard ~ M .~d. aT evening, February 17, 19g~ at the Town 0ffise Building, Members p~sent and voting were~ Jams M, Be_~nan, Chairman{ Robert J. B~rk.e! See~eta~-y! Howard Oil~en, Oeomge Farley and W~lliam 0h~puAAs, JOHN J. MoLAY petit ironed to a~end the ~th ~A~ ove~ Z_c~Lu~ B~-Law b2 changing f~cm Rural Residential To Oen~ral ~asineee, a ~ reel of land ~n Turnpike Street nea~ Will~ ~t~.eet, assess f~o~ land of ~e~ege Rea, containing app~oxi~atel2 6,7 ae~ee. John J. MoLa~ explained that he wants to have a ~urael~y, eisting of ~ees, shrubs, o~c., c~ that paroel. ~e~e were apprexXmatel2 six people p~esent, but ther~ was no OppOsltic~ to the petition. M~, Oilmn made a mo~l~n to approve ~e ro-s~ing, M~ ~Arke seconded the motic~, ~embe~s Burkeo ~llman, ~aFle~ and Chepulis voted in favc~, Chair~ Barman voted ~o because he did not believe the present Business Zc~ing Law is suffiolently reetrletive. Reasons £c~ approval ax.et 1, This paroel of land is on a heavtl2 travelled highwa2 that does not lend itself ~o residential development, ~, Ther~ is a greed need fo~ business loeatic~s ~n to~a. ~, The ~e-aoaing of this area is for the general good of the JMB~ad. A t~.ue o opy~ A'I*~STI Ver~y t~ul~ yours, PLANNING BOARD, JAMES M, BAI{NAH, In oo~apllanoe with the requlPe~enta of Chap~eP ~A., of the General Laws, The at~aehed A~tieles 5~ and 54 ~f amendmnts te ou~ Zoning b~-Laws are sub~tt~d fo~ ap~o~l. Ail ~~n~s ~~~ ~oo~ed with, Fo~ ~ed ~ n~~ (~2) ~egistered voters were p~sent at the ~et~g, ~~ the ~equi~d./.~~ MORSE DICKINSON GOODWIN -!�Mwo�jl I( Olann;ng 8oarai worm f-%nQovt--r- �'' Q Plannins Board