HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-03-19TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER
JOHN' J'. L¥ONf~, Town Clerk
'II)WIi' Burr.nI~
April ll, 1966
J~ohn J. Lyons, Town Clerk
~o~n Office Building
Nw th Andover, Mass.
Dear Sir:
I have this date posted true and attestec copies
Of the amendment to By-Laws adopted under Article 23 of the
Warrant and the amendments to Zoning By-Laws adopted under
Articles 10, 11, 1~, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 of the warrant
at The Annual Town Meeting held March 19, 1966.
Said copies having been posted at the Town Office
Building and at five or more public places in each voting
precinct of the Town.
Very truly yours,
27 Chadwick Street
North A~d over, Mass.
April 6, 1966
Mr. John J. Lyons
North Andover
Dear Mr. Lyons:
I enclose the amendment to by-laws adopted under
article 23 of the warrant and the amendments to zoning by-laws
adopted under articles 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 of
the warrant at the annual town meeting held March 19, 1966,
together with the zoning map relating to articles 17, 18, and
19, With the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon.
Very truly yours,
Carter Lee
Assistant Attorney General
cL: p
Dear Sir t
A~.TIC~; i0, To see if the Town will vote to a:~nd Se~io~ ~,)1 of
~matl~ theref;=.~ its pres.~ requireme~t, t~ ~ret~il bakeries or
" ~e ~' " ~,~.,n five perseus (~
th~ ~r.n~uKa~tu~e and sale) ~n the ~emises of bakery or oonfectione~
~c~ there ~. o .... ced, ~nclud~g Ice
VO'i~D to l~an4 Section 4.~I of ~he Z~in~ BT-Law by ~trtkia ~erefr~m
a].~ ~.~. t.e ~c~rd, follow~.~ the '.o~ aonfe~tlonarle~' contained
AkTICLE 11o To ~ee it: th~ To~n will vo~e to amend 9action ~,~ of its
Zcu~ng By-~w~ to provide
~ ui:~dlr, g~" ~y be · perm!t~ed ~se wi~h~ industrial Di~trlct,~
...... ~ ~y-Law~ re,at~ to ~.de'r'-iized ~ot~. ty adding at t~ end
t.e foLlc,~!t'~ c!a~'-~ "~d furt~r ~.rov!aea that there saell
t ~;,~ ~-,~ ~4,~In~ e~ th~ ~nd thereof the
for ea,~h dw. llln~ unit In a~y muit!~-dwel:~l~h~:
~rected upon a:~y $_~L lot.
f~ef:~ne~i Is !r,d'~str!.al
'the following
At our Annual Town Meeting held In the Veteran's Auditorl~
'0 1966 at
of ~a:r ~'~orth Ar~ o~r Hlg~ $~hool ~ Sm~d~7 March A,,
P.~M,~ the following articles ~ Z~l~ By-La~s speared ~ the Warr~t~
~YlVO~I~,^ HT~Oia ~0 ~v/OT
VOT~ Sectlon.~.8~ ?,f the
i?,TiCLi? 17., To see if the To~ will vote to ~end the Z~-bw~ By-Law ~d tho
zonlr~:;/ ~p oY the To~l of North .,ndover by changfn.,' ~ rom ~Idence
,hn, ,- E.~,,',-~riv a~ .ng a ~t~-,e wall by ~ud Low c.r .~.r
Street ~hterlIne 50 feet more or les~ to a po lng
northw~.,.~'~ ~ Lut; they'.ce t~rn!r;q and r~
t~rly ~00 fee+ more or M ss al~ng the easterly bou?darv of l~nd of
Dav!~.' ~ur~er *o a pc~r,t in ~h~ southerly ~'.- ~"
~ . ~o.~ .... ~:y ib,e of the
'%' ~'"~. a'':~'~ ~"'~ f~,e or ~c.. ......sald p~-:i~t l?Ing i~0 feet
, t': ..... .~ ,.r..o t; ce lng ~d
2~' ~.; .~,.' u:.' - ~ .... '~.,., ~ · D~ye~mond and othe~.
- - ~. · .... tho ~,'n.'n'
ar!,~-~ ' '"~:'eto the foi].owti,~ new aect,lon~ o
t~ ....... ~ majority.
~l' a,ur N~rtn Andover Ht~h School ~= S~urd~y Ma~ i~. i96~ &~ 1=30
L:, ~dd'tng ~hereto., ~f~er ~ec~Icn I~ of ~lcie i~'. tl~ fcllo~In~
~ ~:~ th~ ll~It~ oi' a~l~ble Y~ Ii' ~sy appol~t such
cle~ ~ other e~lo~'(~e~ ~s it ~ay require. :~: ~ll be tM
~,!~. ar tic le,
A t~e oo~yt ATTEST: ~ .:~ ..... :~-~
6. mlFm~ll bemsdllllMm~
Nareh l~, 1966
Jo~m J. Lyons, Town Clerk
T~oWn Building
Ncrt~ Andover, Mass.
The follow!nE petition to amemd the North Andover Zoning By-Law was heard
at! a meeting of the Yla~t-g Board on Nonday evening, Narch ?, 1966 at
th~ Town Office ~tlding. Mamhers present and voting were: James N.
B~nnan, Chairman; William Ohepulis, Sec. & Vice Chai~-=~n; Robert J.
HoWard Gilman and George B. Farley.
To insert a new Sectien; Section 4.07:: municipal
buildings, facilities and grounds designed to
further the health, safety, convenience, or welfare
of the Town may be constructed and maintained within
any Zoning District.
This _~m~ndment was presented in order to go along with the Articles in
the Warrant relating to a new fire station.
Im Executive session, Er. Burke made a motion to recc~aend UNFAVO~
action. Mr. G~lma~ seconde~ the motion and the vote was ~tm~us. The
Boar~ feels its scope is too wide and indefinite.
Very truly yours,
~ames M. B-~-~, Chairman
March 14, 1966
John J. Lyons, Town Clerk
Town Building
North Andover, Mass.
Dear Sir:
T~e following petition to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law
wais heard at a meeting of the Planning Board on Monday eventug,
~arch 7, 1966 at theTown 0ffic~ Building. Members present, and
vGting were: James M. Bannan, Chairman; William ChepUlis, Sec.
& ~ice Chairman; nobert J. Burke, Howard Gilman and George B.
To insert a new Section: Section ~.07: municipal
buildings, facilities and grounds designed to
further the health, safety, convenience, or welfare
of the Town may be constructed and maintained within
any Zoning District.
This amendment w~s presented in order to go along with the
A~ticles in the Warrant relating to a new fire station.
~Executive session, Mr. Burke made a motion to recommend
AVORABLE action. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous.
and indefinite.
A itrue copy:
The Board feels its scope is too wide
Lyons, Town Clerk
Andovor, Mass,
The following petition to emend t;he ~ortb And,vet Zonin~ By-Law
was heard at a meetln~ of the Planning Board on Mca~da2 evening,
March 7, 19~g at the To~m Offie,e ~Ild~, Me~e~m p~sen~, ~d
~ V~ce C~nl ~tobe~ ~, ~ke, Eowa~d O~l~ a~ Oeorgo B.
TO inaer~; a new ~So~;ion~ Section ~,0~= ~mnio&pal
buXldinEs, fao11Xtles and E~o~ds des~ ~o
furtMr ~o ~alth, s~ety~ o~venience, or welfa~
of ~e To~ ~y ~ constructed ~d ~a~ed
~y Z~i~ Dlst~io t.
Tg~ls amendmentwas presented in order to go along with the
Articles in the Wal~ant relating to a new fire station.
~ Executive session, Mr. Burke made a motion to fecund
t~FAVORABLE action. Mr, ~ilman seconded the me, ion and the
~ote wan unanimous. The Board feels its scope is too wide
amd indefinite,
A true oop~: ATTEST:
Maroh 29, 19&6
attach for your- approval an araendment to our Gener~l B~-Laws
the Town of North Andover,
Amendment in duplicate.
Very sincerely yours,
t~orable Edward W. B~ooke.
3~to~ney Oe~eral of The C~onwealth
State Hm~se
B~stOn, Mass,
I enclose for y~ur approval amendments to the North An~ow~r
B~-~ws: Na~ly ~TIC~S 10, ll,vl2, I55 16, 17, 18 ~d
A~ual T~ Mee~g held ~ ~e et~ s Audi~i~ of
A~ove~ Hi~ School ~ Saturday March 19, I9~6 at 1:~0 P.M,
~etlce of the ~a~r~t was gi~n by p~st~g~r~ ~d att~s~d copies
a~ five or more public places ~ each vet~ p~c~Bct o~ the T~.
~S~td copies ~V~g been posted on Feb~] ~, 1966, not ~ ss th~
~en days no~o~ ~n fifteen days b~6~_._.~ ti~ of said meet~g,
all in c~plla~oe with AP$1cle l~l, on/~ ~ ~e T~ B~wse
AdJ~rned TO~ Meet~g a~~ed f~. t~ Vo~ing List.
la. led by article n~be~~/~/
in the La~ence Eag~-Tri~e, a general ei~cu~ ti~n
T~,~ and the ~t~ck VaSty Area. Copy of Zoning By ~ws enclosed.
~ copies of thek%~~//Board deoisi~s are enclosed. A oer~ifiea~
enclosed oePti~Ing ~ameS of the members of the
Ve~ sincerely yomws,
amendments in dupl.
~2 iO°pies of warrant
2 ~copies of maps
2 'eopies of notices of public hea~ing.
2 copies of report of ?l~nning Board.
1 copy of Planning Board Members
I Copy of Zoning By-Laws.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
Honorable Edward W. Brooke
Atborney General of The Commonwealth
State House
Bos!ton, Mass.
De~r Sir:
Narch 25, 1966
Nolgl~ ANDOVR~ MAas.
~ At ou~ Annual Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of lout North Andover High School on Saturday March 19, 1966 at 1:30
P.M., the following article appeared in the Warrant:
ART~CT.~. 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws
by !adding thereto, after Section 12A of Article IV, the following new
Section 12B: There is hereby established a local council o~ aging
ccasisting of not less than seven nor more than eleven voting
~members. Of this number, the chairman, and not less than three
~or more than five persons shall be appointed by the Selectmen.
The Chairman of the council, when appointed, shall designate the
remaining members of the council from interested and representa-
:tive groups in the community. The council shall be responsible
~to the Selectmen and its me~bers whall serve without compensation,
!and within the limits of available funds it m~_y appoint such
clerks and other employees as it may require. It shall be the
dUty of the council to carry out programs designed to meet
problems of the aging in co-ordination with programs of the
iMassachusetts Commission on Aging.
Petition of the Selectmen.
under the aforesaid Article 23, it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt
the article.
A Srue copy: ATTEST: / /.. ~t
Boston, Mass. April 6, 1966
The foregoing amendment to by-laws adopted
under article 23 is hereby approved.
~~Gen~ra~ ·
O ~oH~¢ J. T,~'o~s, Town Clerk
onorable Edward W. Brooke
tgo~ney Oenoral of ~he Commonwealta~
tare House
°st on, l~ss.
~ar Sir:
March 25, 1966
: At our Annual To~ Meeting held in the Veteran' s Auditorium
~f our North And over High School on Saturday MarCh 19, 1966 at 1:30
P.M., the following articles on Zoning By-Laws appeared in the Warrant:
~o~~ ~ ~ see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.31 of its
B a as it relates to General Business Districts, by elim-
inating therefrom its present requirements that "retail bakeries or '.
~etail confectioneries" may not employ "more than five persons (in
the manufacture mud sale) on the ~emises of bakery or confectionery
~oods there produced, including Ice Cream."
etition of the Plannin~ Board. _
VOTED to amend Section ~.31 of the Zoning By Law by striking therefrom
all of the words following the word "confectionartes" contained therein.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
TICLE 1~. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.43 of its
~oning By Law, to provide that the erection and maintenance of "office
buildings" may be a permitted use within Industrial Districts.
Petition of the Planning Board.
VOTED to amend Section ~.43 of the Zoning By-Law by adding at the end
thereof the following phrase: "or business office buildings."
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
oTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.61 of its
ning By-Law, relating to under-sized lo~s, by adding at the end
thereof the following clause: "and further provided that there shall
~e a lot area of at least ],500 square feet for each dwelling unitin
any multiple-dwelling structure hereinafter erected upon any such lot.
Petition of the Planning Board.
voTED to amend Section~.61 of its Zoning By-Law, relatin~ to urger-sized
lots by adding at the end thereof the f~llowing clause: and further
provided that there shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet
for each dwelling tmit in any multipl~-dwellLug structure hereinafter
erected upon any such lot.
The vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 219. NO~ 18. A two-third majority.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section ~.8~ of its
Zoning By-Law by specifying whether the industrial district thereby
~efined is Industrial "S" or Industrial "L".
Petition of Planning Board and By-Law Revision Committee.
VOTED to amend Section 5.84 of the Zontn~ By-Law by adding thereto
the following title. "INDUSTRIAL "L" DISTRICT.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
~Hon. Edward W. Brooke. 2.
March 25, 1966
ARTICT,W. 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 5.85 of its
Zoning By-Law by specifying whether.the industrial district thereby defined
as Induistrlal "S" or Industrial "L"
Petition. o£~.the Planning Board and the By-Law Revision Committee.
VOTED~o~nd Section 3.85 of the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the follow-
ARTICL~ 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zon~i~ By-Law and the
zoning ~ap of the Town of North Andover by changing from esidence District
to IndWstrial "L" District, the following described parcel of 1snd:
A certain parcel of Land situated on the Easterly side of the Salem Turnpike
near ~ts intersection with Dartmouth Street in North Andover, ~assachusetts
and is~ further bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest
corner of the parcel at a point in the masterly sideline of the Salem Turnpike
said Point being llO feet South of the intersection of the Easterly sideline
of the Salem Turnpike with the Southerly ~ideline c~ Dartmouth St., THENCE
Running Easterly along a stone wall by ]and now or formerly of Isaiah R. Kim-
ball, a distance of 734 feet to a corner of the wall; THENCE turning and runn-
ing SOUTHERLY along a stone wall by land now or formerly of Isaiah R. Eimball
a distance of 521.5 feet to land now or formerly of Ellen P. Driscoll; THENCE
TURNING AND RUNNING WESTEELY by land now or formerly of Ellen P. Driscoll, a
distance of 662 feet toa point in the Easterly sidelineof the salem Turnpike:
TRF2~CE, Turning and running N-~2°-30'-00"-W along the Easterly sideline of the
Salem Turnpike, a distance of 62.64 feet to a stone bound; THENCE Running
NGtTBERLY in a curved line having a radius of 4000.00 feet along the Easterly
sideline of the Salem Turnpike, an arc distance of 504 feet to the point of
beginning. Said Parcel contains 8.7 acres more or less.
Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others.
Under ~he aforesaid Article 17 it was VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: Section 3.86 INDUSTRICAL "L"
DISTRICT as described in the article.
The vote was: AFFIR~ATIVE 365. NEGATIVE 14. A two-third majority.
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North ~nd over Zoning By-
Law by changing from Rural Residential to Gene ral Business the following De-
scribed parcel of land. A certa~_n tract of land with the Buildings thereon,
contaiming 139 rods, more or less, on the westerly side of the Salem Turnpike,
situated in North And over, Essex County, Commonwealth of Massachusets, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning on the Westerly side of said Turnpike at
land .omce of Moses Foster; thence runnign South 40 d~egrees West by the wall 16
links, thence North 66 degrees ~est by a town way l~ rods to land once of David
Foster$ then North 8 and 1/2 degrees East by said Foster laud and the wall l0
rods amd ~ links to a corner in the wall; thence Neath 62 degrees East by the
wall and land nor or onceof Caroline Gray 4 rods and 14 links to said Turnpike;
thence Southerly by the Turnpike 22 rods and 21 links to the ~p~nt of begging.
Excluded frcm the abovedescribed parcel is that portion of said l~nd taken by
the Co~onwealth of Massachusetts under an order of taking recorded in Book
689, Page 281, North District Essex Registry of Deeds.
Petition of fred A. Buthmann and others.
Under the aforesaid Article 18 it was V(~ED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: Section ~-77 (15): as described in
the article. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICI~ 19. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by chang-
ing an Industrial District to a Village Residence District the following de-
scribed parcel of land: Beginning at a point in the center line of May St.,
s aid point being 150 feet southwesterly from the center line of Main St.,
thence running southwesterly by the center line of May St., 108 feet more or
less to an intersection of the easterly line of Hodges Street; thence turning
and running southwesterly, but more southerly,
,~on. ~dward ~. Brooke
~ar 25, 1966
Art. 19 Co~t:
along the icenter line of Nay street ~570 feet more or le ss to a point; thence
turning arid rmmuing southeasterly 250 feet more or ~ ss along a line parallel
to and 20G feet easterly frc~ Patriot Street center line between Nay Street
and BelmoNt Street~ thence turning and running southwesterly along Belmont
Street ce~terline ~0 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running
northwesterly 500 feet more or ~e ss along the easterly boundary of land of
Davis & Furber to a point in the southerly line of the Boston & Nair~Railroad;
thence tu~ning and running northeasterly along the southerly line of the Boston
& Naine Railroad 825 feet more or ~ ss to a point, said point being 150 feet
southwesterly from the center line of Nain Street; thence turning and running
southeasterly 155 feet more or less to the point of beginning.
Petition of William J. Deyermond and others.
Under the aforesaid article 19 it was VO~ED to amend the Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the following new section: Section 5.57 as described in the
The vote was AFFIRNATIVE 295. NEGATIVE ~9. A two-thirds majority.
A true copy: ATTEST: .~~~~.
Boston, Mass. April 6, 1966
The foregoing amendments to zoning by-laws
adopted under articles 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17,
18, and 19 are hereby approved.
]%ttorney ~enera±
the to
h'iai its Zo~in~
"S"2. ~tri~ &t/- ?6'
~h 1~, 1966
To _-_,~nd Section 3.85.
To a~e~d Section ~31.
To amend Section 4.43.
It was u~mAusly voted to define Section
as ~udustriel ~I~.
It was unani~o~ voted to ree~mmend approval
to amend Section ~31.
It was una~tmou~ voted to recomnd approval
to amend Section 4.43.
To ~mend Section 6.61, relating to undersized lots. It was unanimou~
voted to recc~m~_~d unfavorable action because the Board feels that tho
present Zoning By-Law requirements are adequate. There was no represemta~ic~
at the hearing and noth~g presented to +.~ Board to shew reasc~ to a~end
said 3eetion. The full Board was presen~
Zoning By-Lawa
To -~md the ~ By-Law to authorize the Board of Appeals to grant a
special permit, in the Rural Residence District, for a golf corpse, %o-
gether with complementary structures, including restaurant and bar facilities.
It ~ unauim~ voted to reec~nd approw~l.
All of the above reeowa~ndations for approval of a~and~ents to ~he
ware unanimous for the follow~,E reas~ns$
The Board considers these amendments proper zo-~-g matters.
These amendments are for the genera! goc~ of the town of North Andover.
Very truly
being ll0 (eel ~o_u..,~[~'~e of the
Tt-tEflC~t the
JX.-M~ M. BANN.~A~, Chairman
Ww.~x~ CHEPU~, JR., Secretary
& Vice Chairman
HowxP, O L. G~
Ro~r J. BURK~
Eareh ~/..~ 1966
~ohn J. Lyons, To~m Clerk
Nor~ Andowr,
Dear Sir:
Th~ follff~Ing petition was heard at a meeting of the PI---~-E Board on
Monday evemtug, Febr---y 28, 1966, at the Town Office Building. Members
present a~d votimg were: Ja~ee M. Ba~xn~l~, C½~trma~; ~11ta~ Che~11o,
See. & Vice Chairman; Robert J. Burke, Howard Gil~a~-~ George B. Farley.
Stewart Wilson and others petitioned to *w~ud the North Andover Zo-~ng By-
LaW by changing f--~a Residence District to Industrial eL~ District a parcel
of~ land situated on the Easterly side of the Salem Turnpike near its inter-
section with D~th Street; cont~-4~g 8.7 acres more or less.
Atty. Joseph Bacigalupo spoke on behalf of Eagle-Trib~n__e Publishing Co.,
who have an option on this parcel with the ~ethodist Church, who plan ~o
buLld a church on the adjoining parcel. The Eagle-Tribune would cc~strumt
a new plan~ with all facilities necessary in the operation of their news-
paper if this particular parcel were re-~oned at Town Meeting. There was
no opposition to the petition.
Nr; Burke made a motion to recommend approval of the re-zoning. Mr. G~l~an
seconded the motion and the vote was
A~PROVAL recommended unanimously by the Board for the following reasons:
The Board believes that the re-zoning of this area is for the general
good of the to~n of North Andover.
2~ It is not detr~ntal to the health,
~ the neighborhood.
safety and general welfare of
Very truly yours,
J--~s F~ Banuan, Chairman
Town Ott~Ce Building
6n i~Aondav, .,Febr~u-?~l~f i'n~'er~ted in the
fo~o~: -~ on the ~terW side ~f
8 ond ~ d~r~,~u~ ~nd 3 links 1o
d~re~ E~t ~..~e~,, 4 r~s ond
~et~int of beginnlng~ ~-cel
1/ereh 14~ 1966
Jolm ,7. Lyons, Town Clerk
~o:edfl~: And. over,
The following petition ~as heard at a meeting of the Planning Board on
Mo~day eye-thE, Fehm,~y 28, 1966, at the Town Office B~. ~hers
present and voting were: ~-~s F, Barman, Cb_=~rmen; ~11~m Che~]~s,
See. & Vice Ch~man; Robert J. Burke, Howard Cjlm~ and George B. Farley.
FRED A. BUTHNANN and others petitioned to amend the North Andover Zoning
By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business a parcel of
land on the westerly side of Salem Turnpike, cont~n~n_= over one acre and
owned by Fred A. Bu+.~n~.
Atty, ~alph E. Finek represented the petitioner and e:,p.l~ned that he plans
to conduct an antique business on this parcel of land. There ~as no
opposition to the petition~
Burke w~de a motion to rec~w~d approval of the re-zoning.
seconded the motion and the vote was
AP~VAL rec~maended un~t~usly by the Board for the follow, nE reasons:
1.; The Board believes that the re-zoning of this area is for the general
good of the t~n of North Am/over.
It is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of
the neighborhood.
Very truly yours,
~amos 1~. Barman, Chairman
J~ M. B~N/~, Chairman
WII,T,I.~ ~Z, Ja., Secretary
How~ L. G~
GEO~ B. F~
March 19 6
Joltn J. Lyons, Town Clerk
To~n Building
Nom~h Andover, Mass.
Dear Sir:
The following petition was heard at a meeting of the PI~-~4~E Board on
Nonday evening, February 28, 1966, at the Town Office Building. F~mbers
present and voting were: James M. Ba~A~ Ch~t~m~; William Chel~,l~s,
See. & Vice Chairman; Robert J. Burke, Howard G~_lma~ amd George B. Farley.
WILLIAM J. DEYERNOND and others petitioned to ~-~ud the North Audover
Zo~ By-Law by changing from an Industrial tL~ District to a V411-ge
Residence District a parcel of land on May Street.
Atty. Ralph E. Fiuck represented the petitioner and a group of people that
re~e in the area. They feel this area should be residential because the
street is congested and too narrow for any type of business. People that
liVe there now have invested Lifels savings on their property. There ~as
no!opposition to the petitio~
In E~ecutive session, Mr. Burke made a motion to rec~nd unfavorable
action. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
UNFAVORABLE action was recommended by the Board because=
1, The Board feels that this area should remain Industrial.
2. There are not enough residences in the area to warrant the re-zo,~g
of it.
Very truly yours,
~ames M. Bannan~ Ck~4rman
Oq-�IVAC 4-
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O �v0�4r'�NOOV R
5 Boston, Mass.
April 6, 1966___ --
The within zoning map is hereby approved. (Arts. 17,
12. 19)
. c%W-