HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-13TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHi~ J. LYONS, Town Clerk E~C~ZON D~A~ Homorable Edward W. B~ooke At t;o~ney 9ChOral Commonwealth of Massachusetts State House BoSUn, Mass. 021~ Dear Sir: March 26, 1967 At our Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veterans' Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Saturday March 13, 1965 at 1:30 P.M., the following articles appeared in the Warrant and the vote of each article follows. ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By,Law by changing from Country Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: A certain parcel of land located on Win~_~op Avenue, North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point at ~he southwesterly corner of the Ir cruises, which point is at the intersection of the easterly line of Winthrop Avenue wish ~he southerly side of the Shawsheen River; thence x~j~ing easterly, westerly and northeasterly by the southerly side of ~he ~hawsheen River 1,530 feet to a stone wall,, thence turning and running easterly by a stOne Wall by l~a~.d N/F of Kenneth C. and Hannah S. Bailey ~-5 feet to a point, thence turning .and ~unning northeasterly by land of said Bailey and by land Arthur L. and Irene M. Fournier 380 feet to a point; thence ~ing and runnin~ southeasterly by land of said Fournier i$0 feet to a point; thence turning n~d running westerly by land N/F of the petitioners 50 feet to a point; thence turning and ~mnning southerly by land of said petitioner 99~ feet, the last described course being parallel and westerly 100 feet fro~ the westerly line of ~averly Road; thence turning and ~mning westerly by land of said petitioners 100 feet to a poir~; thence turning and running southerly by land of said petitioners 75 feet to a point; thence tu;~,.ing and rumming northwesterly by land of the Den Rock D~ive-In Theater, Inc. 660 feet to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly by land of said Den Rock Drive-In Theater, Inc. 700 feet to a point which is on the easterly side of ~inthrop Avenue; thence turning and runnin~ northwesterly by the easterly side of said WlnSh~op Avenue feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel of land being shown on a p2~ entitled "Plan of Land located in North Andover, Massachusetts showing prop~ ed Rezoninge d~ted November 196~ and drawn by Charles E. Cyr, Civil Engineer. Said parcel containing 22 acres ~ore or less all of said boundaries as .shown on said Pla~. Pe~!ition of John P. Shay and others. Attorney General 2. March 26, 1965 ARTICr~ 85 CON'T. VOTED to amend Seotien 3-77 of the North Andover Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following new sub-paragraph: Twelve(12) A c~rtain paroel of land loeatod on Winthrop Aven~ North. Andover Essex County, Massachusetts; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point at the southwesterly corner of the pm emises, which point is at the ~terseotion of the easterly line of Winthrop Avenue wi~h the southerly side of the Shawsheen River; thence running easterly, Westerly and northeasterl~ by the southerly side of the Shawsheen River 1,530 feet to a stone wall, thence t~rning and running easts.fly By a stone wall b.y land N/F of Kenneth C. and Hannah S. Bailey 404.5 feet to a point, thence and x-~nning northeasterly by land of said Bailey and by land of N/F Arthu~ L. and Irene M. Fou~nier 380 feet to a po.i~t; thence turning and running southeasterly by land of said Fournier 150 feet to a point; thence tucking a~d x~u~ning westerly by land N/F of the petitioners 50 feet to a point; thence turning and ru~ning southerly by land of said petitioner 993 feet, the l~st described course being parallel and westerly 100 feet frc~ the westerly line of ~averly Road; thence t~rning and runn~__~ westerly by land of said petitioners 100 feet to a point; thence turning and x~ning southerly by land of said pe- ti~i~ner=/7~5 feet to a ~oint; thence tur~ing and runn.~ ~orthwesterly by land.~.. of the Den ~ook D~ive-~u Theater, Inc., 660 feet to a point, thence tu~Ai~g and r~ng southwesterly ~y land of Said Den Reek Drive-In Theater, Inc., 700 feet to a point which is on the easterly si~e of Winthrop Avenue; thence ~urni~g and running northwesterly By the. easterly side of said Winthrop Avenue 5~5.~!~ feet to the point of Beginning. Said parcel of land being shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Land located in North A_ndover, Massachusetts showing pro- po~ed Rezoning dated November 196~ and drawn by Charles E. C~r, Civil Engineer. Said parcel containing 22 acres more or less all of said ~ou~daries as shown on said Plan. The vote of the ~eeting was a UNANIMOUS VOTE and so dec]a red. The Pl~.n~ing Board rec~mendati~ received a UNANIMOUS VOTE. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to ~nend its Zoning By-Law and the Zoning ~ap of the Town ~y changing fr~ Village residential zone to General Business, the provisions of Section 6.~1 of the Zoning By-Law no,withstanding, the following described parcel of land: The land in North Andover, all as shown on a pla~ of land known as ~Col~nial Gardens,~ recorded with the North Essex Registry of Deeds, Plan Book ~, Page 19~, bounded a~d described as foll~ws: at a point in the center line of Osgood Street at its intersection wi~h the extended center line of Wayne Street, at the boundary of the presen~Vndust~ial Zone as shown on the North Andover ~.oning Map; thence ru~ng along the cen~er line of Wayne S~eet northwesterly 21~ feet to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 120 feet to a point: thence tur~ing and running in a southeasterly directic~ 210 feet to a point ~ the center line of 0sgood Street; thence turning and x~Anning in a northeasterly direction in two courses, by the center line of Osgoo~ Street, 11~ feet to the point of ~eginni~g. Petition c~ Alfred A. Boegltm and others. V0~I~ to amend Section 3.77 of the North Andover Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following new su~-parag~aph: Thirteen (13) The land in North Andover, all as whown on a pland of ]and ~o~n ac "Colonial Gardens," recorded wi~h the North Essex Registry of Deeds, Plan Book ~, Page 195, bounded and described as fellows: Starting at a point in the center line of Osgeod Street at its interseeti~ Attorney General 3. Narch 26, 1965 ARTICLE 87 C0N' T. with the extended center line of Wayne ~treet, at the boundary of the present Industrial Zone as shown on the North Audover Zonln~ Nap; thence running along the center line Nayne Street northwesterly 215 feet to a poimt; thence t,.~,~i~g amd r-~uning s~athwesterl2 120 feet to a poimt: thence turning and x~_Ing in a southeasterl2 direction 210 feet to a point in the center line of 0sgood street; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction in ~wo courses, by the center line of Osgood Street, 115 feet to a She point of begimning. The vote of the meeting was AFFIRMATIVE 202. NEGATIVE 28. The Planning Board recommendation was APPROVED by a vote of ~ to 1. There was more t~ the required quorum at the MeetLug at which aeries on Articlee 85 and 87 was taken. Certified to be a true copy: Boston, Mass. April 30, 1965 The foregoing amendments to zoning by-laws are hereby approved. (28A, 28B, 28C, 85 and 87) TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ,IOHN ,l, LYONS, Town Clerk TOWN BUrf.r~ING 1Voa-i-~ ,A~,mov-~, MASS. March 26, 1965 Eauorable Rdwa~d W. Brooke Attorney General of The Commonwealth 5tats House BOston, Mass, Dear Sir: A2 ~rAnnual AdJommed To~n Meeting held in the Veterans Auditorin~ ef ou~ North Andover High Bchool on Saturday, March l~, 1965, at ~:~0 P.M., the following articles appeared i~ the ARTICLE 28A. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section of its Zoning By-Law, relative to ~rmitted uses upon ~otel p~o~erties, by adding thereto the following paragraph: ~k) Pe~=anently ~stalled and nc~_~mova~e swimming pools will allowed provided they are enclosed by suitable walls or fences, to be determined by the Building Inspector. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt. ARTICT.~ 28B. To see if the Towh will vote to amend Section 7.2 of i~s Zoning By-Law, relative to the maintenance of building and s~ructures upon lots in Residence Districts, by adding thereto the following sentence: A perme_.nently installed and non-movable swimming pool shall be deemed to be a "structure" within the meaning of this section. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUBLY to adopt. ARTICLE 28C. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section ~.18 of ~ta Zoning By-Law, relative to accessory uses in Residence Districts, b~ adding thereto the following sentence: Permanently installed and non-movable swimming pools, provided each s~ch pool be enclosed with a suitable wall or fence to be determined by the Building Inspector, to prevent the entrance of persons other than those residing at the pool location. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt. There was more than the require d quorum at the Meeting at which action on the above articles was taken. flertified to be a true copy:ATTEST..~/~---- I enclcee for you~ approval ~hree amendments to the Novt~ Andovev Zoning By-La.w, namely Articles 28A, 28B and of ou~ March 1~, 19&5 Annual AdJotu~ed Town Meeting, Notice of the warrant was given by posing true and a~ested o~opies a~ five o~ mor.e public places i$~each vo~ing ~eolno~ Of.the ~o~, said copies ~v~g been p~d on Feb~a~ 17~ · 1~65 not ~re t~ fifteen days nor le~d tha~ ten days befo~ the tf~. of sai~ meeting~ Ail i~i~ee wi~ A~ti~le 1, ~ere was mo~e t~ a quo~a~ldTT// ~et~g, n~ely 747 veers we~e o~oked off on ~h~~~s~./~~ A~tlcl~s 28A, 25B, ~ ~80 w~8 held on Th~sday eveni~ Fob~ua~ 25, 1~65 ~d pubti~e~.~~enoe Eagle'Tri~e, ~ general the notice wit~ ~e t~t shying no chugs in a~n~ents. A certificate e~c~~rtifies the names of t~ ~$ers of ~ Planning Bo~d. Very sincerely yours, ENC: J~HN J. LYONS amendments in dupee reports of P~an,tki. notice of public heaping, TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~ELECTION DEPAITrMENT Town Clerk North Andover, Nass. h., 196 TOWN I~U~,D~IG i~7 o 11~I~ ANDOv~. I have this date posted true and attested copies approved by the Attorney General under date of April 30, 1965of the amendments to town by-laws adopted under articles 22, 2J! and 25 of the warrant, the amendments to building by-laws adop~ ed under articles 27 and 28. and the amendments to zoning by-laws adopted under articles 28A, 28B, 28C, 85 and 87 of the warrant and the mp relating thereto, at the annual town meeting he~d March 13, 1965, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed there~n. Said copies having been posted in the Town Office Building and at five public places in each voting precinct of the Town. AUGUSTINE J. WALSH~. CONSTABT,E OF NORTH ANDOVER April 30, 1965 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover Massachusetts Dear Mr. Lyons: ! enclose the amendments to town by-laws adopted under articles 22, 24, and 25 of the warrant, the amendments to building by-laws adopted under articles 27 and 28, and the amendments to zoning by-laws adopted under articles 28A, 28B, 28C, 85 and 87 of the warrant and the map relating thereto, at the annual town meeting held March 13, 1965, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General CL:lp Enclosures TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk I~-~OTION DI~A.WI'MEN~ Honorable Edward W. Brooke Attormey General of The Comum~wealth 8tare House Boston, Mass, No~ ~_nDovge, M~ss. 26, 1965 At ou~ Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held ~n the Veterans' Auditorium of the North Anl over High School on ~aturday Ma~ch 13, 1965 at 1:30 P.M., the following articles appeared t. the ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of its General BySLaws by adding thereto the following new section: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid Town Capital Outlay Committee, which shall have a membership of seven voters of the Town, one of whom sh~ll be annually chosen by and from the Planning Board, three of whom shall be so chosen by and from the members of the Advisory Board, and three of whom shall be chosen and appointed by the Selectmen. The selection of each member of said Committee shall be made in March of each year, and his term of office shall extend to March 31 of the following year, or until his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. This Oommf tt~e shall present to each Annual Town Meeting, for its action, a proposed capital budget program for the Town. Under the aforesaid article it was VO~ED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt. ARTICL~ 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of its General By-Laws by striking therefrom Section 12, and inserting in place thereof the following : Section 12, The Selectmen shall annually, in March, appoint an Inspector of Wires who shall have the powers and duties prescribed by Section 52 of Chapter 166 of the General Laws and all other governing statutes and duly prescribed rules and re~alations. At the same time, they shall appoint an Assistant Inspector of Wires, who shall in the absence or other disability of the Inspector, perform his duties as the Selectmen m_~y direct. The Select.eh ~11 also fix, and m.y from time to time by their order amend, a schedule of fees to be ch_~_rged for wire inspections. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUBLY to adopt. ARTIO~ 25. ~o see if the To.n will vote to amend Article IV of its General By-Laws by striWt~g therefrom Section 11, and inserting in place thereof the following: Section 11: The Selectmen shall annually, in March appoint a Gas Inspector who shall enforce the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board originally established under Section 1~ of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, and who shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law. At the same time, they shall appoint an Assistan~ Gas Inspector, who shall in the absence or other disability of the Inspector, perform his duties as the Beleotmen may direct. The Selectmen shall also fix, and may from time to time by their order amend, a schedule of fees to be charged for gas inspections. TO N OF NOETH ANDOVEE Jomv J. 'r,roz~s, Town Clerk ~LEOTION DEPAI~TM~NT TO%~N BUrr.D~TG NORT~ A.z,~o~-~, ~ASS. At toe"ney General rch al, 1965 Article 25, 1965 Continued: Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt. ARTICLE2~. To see if the Tow~wiI1 vo~e.to~amend~he Town Building Law by adding thereto the following new section: tectic~ ~2A: There shall be a permanent oommlttee composed of five members, one of whom shall be the B~ilding Inspector, appointed by the Oelectmen, which shall be known as the Building Appeals Committee. The Building Inspector may, at his discretion, submit to said Committee any applications for building permits which incorporate mew methods or new materials to be used in oonstruotion. The ruling of the ~milding Appeals Committee upo~ any such application shall be fimaland binding upon the applicant. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANINOUSLY to adopt. ARTIOT~ 28. To see if the To,~ will vote to amend the Tow~ ~Ailding Law by inserting therein the following new section: Section ~AI A permanently Lns~alled and non-movalble swimming pool shall be deemed to be a "building" within the meaning of ~his By-Law. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt. There was more than the required_quorum at the Meeting at which action on Articles 22, 2~, 25, 27 and 2~ was taken. Boston, Mass. April 30, 1965 The foregoing amendments to by-laws {AFts. 22, 24, 25) and the amendments to building by-laws X27, 28) are hereby approved. ~rii 30, 1965 To~ clerk ~ozth ~over I ~c~se ~he l~n~I to t~ ~-l~I ad~ ~der a~iclel 22, 24, ~d 25 of ~e ~rr~t, the SnOt: to ~ildi~ ~-lava ado~ ~der a~icles 27 ~d 20, ~ ~e ~n~tI tO z~i~ ~-l~l adO~ ~der a~icleI 2~, 28B, 28C, 85 ~ 87 of ~e ~rr~ ~ the ~p relak~ thereto, at the ~1 t~ ~lt~ held ~rch 1~, 1~5, wl~ ~ a~r~a[ of ~e k~to~ G~eral endorsed ther~n, Ve~ t~ly y~rI, CL ~ 1p Enclosures Carter Lee Aimsstant Attorney General TOWN OF NORTH ANDOV J'oaw J. LTOmU. ToWfl Cbdc Bi. re,urn im.,umrms' Heno~abla Bivt~d W. AttorneT Gonoz, al of 'lbo 8tats House hoa~ 8L~t At o~F Annn&l Adjourned Tou~ betin~ bola in tho Veterans 1~, 1~6~ at ~t~ P.M., ~e roll~ ~t~obs app~ed ~ ARTICL~ 28A. ?o see if tho Tm will vo~e to amend Seotl~ of Las Ze~tn~ By-LaY, ~olatiu ~o p m~t~ uses up~ k)Pe~ntly ~-otalle~ ~ n~~o ~ p~lo vii1 be allo~ p~ded ~e2 ~ ~olo~d by ~ble ~ls ~ fe~ea, to be ~~ed by ~ ~1~ ~eo~. ~e~ ~ ~o~uid ~t~ele it ~l V~ ~A~8~ ~ adopt. ARTZCLB 28B. To See if the Tabu rill vote to amend 8eotie~ ?.~ of its ZcmA~ ~-~av, ~elative ~o ~he Batn~enanoe of buildir~ and e~uotu~es upen leto. ~n Residenoe Dist~lo~s, by add~ thereto the following sentenoet A permanentlT installed and nan-movable swlmmin~ pool shall be deemed to be a "ot~uoture# vithin the Beanin~ o~ thio Seotl~n. Under tho a~eeaid a~tielo it vas VO~ UHAHIM0~SLY to adop~. ARTICLE 28C. To see if the Tcen will vote ~o rand Seoticu ~.18 of its Z~nin8 By-Law, relative to aooeosory uses in Roeidenoe Dlotrie~s, bT add~ng thereto ~ foll~ sea. set Pe~entl2 ~s~led ~d ~*movable owi~S ~olo, p~flded oa~ oueh pool ~e enclosed wl~ a f~blo wall ~ fe~e to be doffed by t~ ~i~g lnl~ot~, ~ p~ ~e ontr~oe of ~FI~I Oth~ ~ ~ho~ ~id~S at ~e pool looati~. Under t~ afore~d artiole It ~ V~ U~SLT to adop~. There was more than t~e require d quorum at the Meeting at ~2~Oh aotice~ on tho above a~tioles wis taken. be a true ooP7: A'Lq'fBBTI g, ,,TOllll ;. LYON8. TOWN OF NORTH RNDOVER $olov J. LYOlVm, ?~w~ Cled~ ih.eh 26, 1967 At ou~ Annual AdJe~rned ~ ~eotlz4 held in the Veterans, Auditoriu~ of ~a~ Ne~h Andove~ Hi~h School e~ 8a~urda2 Marsh l~, 1995 at 1:~0 P.M., the fo21owtn~ articles appeared in the Warrant and the wee ef each a~tiele folloes. ARTXCII 8~. To see if tho Toun rill veto to amend ica Zming BT-Law by ohanginS f~a Cemta*y Resid_~p_tial to General Business the foll~t~g described parcel of · oer~a~_~ parcel of land located an W~thre~ Aveaue, North AI2dover, Es~ex County, Mas~aahusetSs; maid parcel being particularly described as follower ~eginnia~ at a point at the Aouthwesterl7 oor~er of abe Ir melees, which point ia at ~h~ lnte~seotl~ of the easte~12 line e£ Hlnthrop Avenue with th~ southerly side of the .5bawsheen Riv~r~ thence easterl2, westerl2 and nortt2asterl2 b2 the sou~herl2 side of the Shawaheen Rlve~ 1,5~0 feet to a at~e wall,, thence tur~in~ stc~e wall b2 l~d ~/F of Xe~neth O. e_~_~ r~nn~nS eaoterl2 .by. a . and Hannah $. Baile2 ~.~ feet ~o A point, thence ~u~nin~ .a~d running n~rthea~terl7 ~y laud of said Bailey and ~y land Arthur L. and Irene H. Fournier ~80 feet to a pOint~ thrace. turnin~ and runnin~ .moutheasterl7 by la~d of said YcurnieF lgO feet tca point; thence turnin~ and runn~ westerly b2 land N/F of th~ petitio~ers ~0 feet ~o a point; thence turniag a~d Ftln~i~g southerly by land of said pettti~or ~ feet, the last described cc~rme bein~ parallel and wemterl2 100 fee~_f~c~ the westerly line of Waverl2 Road; thence turning veste~ly by la~d of said petitl~ers 100 fleet to a polx~; thence turnin~ and ~ southerlT by land of maid petiteness 7~ feet of the Den Rock D~ive-~n Theater, %nc. 6~0 feet ~o a point; thence ~ning and r~nnin~ AouthweaterlT b~ land of said Den Rook D~Ive-l~ Theater, ~no. 700 feet to a poin~ ~hioh iA c~ th* easte~12 aide of ~hrop Avenuej thence tu~nix~ and ~unnln~. nc~thwesterlu bT the easterl2 aide ~f said Winthrop Ay,hue feet to ~e poLn~ of befin~_~. 8aid parcel of 1And being ahow~ o~ a pl~ entitled uPI~ of ~ located ~ N~ A~oVe~, Massachusetts a~g prop~ e~ Rez~n dasd November 1964 a~ dra~ by O~lea E. O~, Civil ~i~e~. 3aid parcel o~tain~g 22 acres ~ ~ leas all of maid b~ieo Petl~l~ ~ ~ p. ~y ~d o~ero. ' At~rney Oene~al 2. Maroh 2g, 1965 ARTICLE 85. cO~, T, V0~J3) to amend Seo~on ~,~P~ of b Jonah AmlowF Z~ ~-~w A oe~ ~roel ~ l~d loea~d m l~op l~ Nor~ Baoex C~ty, ~s~oettsJ 8al~ passel ~ ~e p~tio~A2 oo~er ~ ~ ~e~eeo, w~oh ~t lo at ~ ~reeotl~ eao~rl7 l~e of V~t~ A~ ~ ~ s~ly side of ~d ~~ not.de.FIT b7 ~nd of s~d ~7 ~ bT ~ L. ~ ~e H. ~eF ~ feet ~ a ~ t~e m~ o~tMaf~rl7 ~ 1~ ~ said Foxier 1~ fee~ ~ a ~t, ~0 feet ~ a po~t~ ~e t~ ~ ~~ s~17 ~id ~titl~r ~ feet, b hot deao~lb~ o~se be~ ~lel ~d ~o~rl7 1~ feet ~ ~ eesM~ly l~e ~ Ua~rl7 R~; ~e ~g ~ r~ wa~rl2 b7 h~ ~ said ~titt~ers titl~ers 2~ feat ~ a ~ ~oe ~ ~d b7 l~ ~ of t~ ~ u~k ~lve-~Thea~r, ~o., ~ ~ee~ ~oe m~ ~d ~~a~ws~17 bT hnd ~ hid ~-~ ~a~r, I~., 7~ feet ~o a po~t ~ is ~ ~M eaf~17 e~e of W~op Av~ ~moe ~ ~,4_r~ noFbeo~F~7.b7 b eas~17 si~ cf said W~ Av~M ~2~ feet to ~ be~~. Said p~oel of ~d be~~ ~ ~.pl~ e~titled ~ ~%e of %~ ~e%~ was a ~~B V~ ~ me ~ee~re~. ~e Pi~ Board reo~n~atX~ ~eoei~ a ~I~B VO~. ~C~ ~. ~o ese If t~ T~ will ~e~ to le~ ~tl ~i~ ~ a~g ~p =f the T9~ ~ e~n~ ~ ~i~age ~.ide~i~ I~e no.ithaCa., ~e follo~g ~so~lMd p~eel ef l~d: ~ ~d ~ ]~ ~r, a~ am a~ m a pl~ of ~d ~ am eOol~ial G~denn,' resided wi~ ~ ~ Esnex Regia~2 at a pe~t ~ the oenter 1~ ~ On[o~ S~eet at lan ~h ~ ex~nde~ e~r l~e ef Wa~e ~eet, at ~ b~~ ef the ~ a~ t~ ~r ~ ~ Wa~e S~et n?r~r~2 ~ feet feet to a po~t ~ tM oenMr l~e ~ OoS~ a~e~ t~me ~d ~ ~ a ~r~as~12 direotion ~ two oo~ses, bY ~e e~ter l~e ~ Osgo~ S~eot, 11~ feet to t~ po~t ~ begS. ~titi~ ~ A~ed As B~ ~ o~ra. VOiD to auend Section ~0~ of the North Andovtr WdminS B2-.Lav by adding thereto t~e followin~ new sub-para~Taphz Thirteen (13) Tho land ~ Iisi, th Andover, ell &e whown au s pland of ]and known as ~lan Boo~ La, Page 1~5, bounded and demo~ibed am' folloval 8tarring at a point in the sender line of Osgood 3t~eet at its inte~ssoticf~ 5. ,,aro :'6, 196 with .1;he extended een~er line of lathe 8~ee~, a~ t~e boundaA-y of ~ present Indus~ial Zeno as ahoun o~ t~o ~ ~o~ ~ ~; ~nee ~~ al~ ~ o~t~ l~e la~ ~ee~ nor~s~erl7 ~5 fee~ po~tt ~noe ~~ ~ ~ ~ a o~aa~rl2 di~oti~ ~0 feet ~ a ~ ~ b o~r l~e ~ Oq~ 8~etI ~noe ~~ ~d r~ ~n a n~asterl2 ~otim ~ Wo e~aea~ by W o~r l~e of Oag~ a~eet~ 11~ feet to a ~ po~t of beg~. ~ PI~ Bo~ ~a~n~ti~ vas ~~ by a ~e ~ ~ ~o 1. ~q~ere was ~?e ttma the ~equ~ed qu~ at t~e ~etXng at ~hioh aetAm em A~tl'elea 8~ and 8~ wee taken. CeFtifie4 ko be · t~ue oopy8 The ~.y-~a~ are h~ a~r~;ed. ~2~. 28B, Edward Wo Brooke TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER · o oh 26, At ou~ Annual Adjourned Tc~n Jbet~n~ hold in tho Veterans, Aud~toriua of the Ica, th Azd over H~sh School ce 8atu~lay 13, 1~6~ at lz~O P.If.. ",he following t~t~alos appeared in Wa~ran~ AR~fJ[;CLB 22. To m~o if tho Tcun wLll vote to rand ~t~ole of its ~mFa~ B~ws ~ a~ t~o~o t~ fo~o~g now 8eot~ ~A~ ~e~e ~. ~reby es~b~d ~ ~pa~ Tou Oap~t~ ~tlay C~t~e, ~e~ ~ ~ve a m~or~p ~ seven mo_B~ers of the Advimow Boe~d, and th~ee of whce shall be chosen ana appointed by the 3oleo·men. The selection of each BOmber of said Committee shall bo Bads in Jfaroh eft each year; and his ·err of OffiCe shall extend to Marsh ~l of tho following year, o~ until his successor shall have been drily appolutod and qualified. This Ccumittee shall present, to each l~ual Togs Jfeotini, For its action, a proposed aapi~al budsot pro~a~ fc~ tbs Tom. Under the af.o~eoaid ~t~ole It w8 V~ U~I~Y to adopt. O~e~al ~-~w8 by e~ik~g ~re~ ~otl~ ~, ~d ~M~t~ phce t~reof the follc~g z ~a~otor of W~of ~o ~11 hw t~ p~ers ~ dut~s preoo~ib~ b~ Seotl~ ~2 of C~_npte~ 1~ of ~ O~al ~v8 ~ all o~ governinS statutes and duly proscribed rules a~ regulatices; At the sane time, they shall appoint an Assistant rnspeotor of Wires, Who shall in the absenoe or other disability of the Znspeotor, perform his duties as th~ ~eleotmen may direct. The Selectamn also fix, and may frown time to time by thel~ order amend, · schedule of fees ~o be ~hat~ed fo~ e~re ir~speotio~e. Under the aforesaid article i~ was VO~ U~ANIMOU~LY to adop~. ART~O~ 2~o ~o see if the Town will ye.t6 to amend Article IV of its Geezers2 ~y*Laws by striking therefrom ~eoticn 11, and place thereof ~me follovlng~ Section llt Tbs Soles·men shall annually, in Ma~oh appo~_nt a Gas ~nepeotor ~ho shall enforce tho I,AIOS and regulations pr~unlgated bo~ the Boa~d originally ese&bi, shed under See·ice 12H of Chapter the Genopal ~aws, and who ~all have such other powers and d~ties aa may be pr~sorihod by law. At the 8ams time, theF shall ·ppoin~ an Assista~ Gas Inspector,~ho a_~_&ll in the &beeries or other disability of the Inspector, perform his dntiea aa the Selectmen ~a2 direst. -qeAeemen shall also fix, and ma~ from tXme to t~ue b2 their order s-~ond, a schedule of fees to be charged fol' gas TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER $o~ J. L~ONS, ~own TOWN' N~ Attorney Genera 1 A~tiole 25, 196~ Continued~ Under the afo~laid artlole it was VOTED t~l]~O~I,T to adopt. A~TICL~ 27. To ~ee if the'T~wn will veta3~mmemd f~e Toga BuLldin~ ~w by a~ thereto t~ foll~ new aeoti~ ~eotim ~l ~re a~ll ~ a ~ent ~et~rl, me ~f M i~11 be ~ ~ild~ ~ipeotor, appo~ted ~ ~eiee~, ~loh ~11 be ~ as the ~il~ Appeals C~t~e. TM Build~ T~apec~or ~y~ at h~ ~.eretim, I~it to laid C~ttee ~2 appl~oati~, for ~il~ng n~ met~da or new ~r~all to cf t~ ~ll~n~ Appeals ~ttee up~ fill a~d b~ up~ t~ Under t~ afereaaid article it was VO~ .~IMOU~ to ~opt. ARTIOL~ 28. Te .ee if the Town will vote ~o amend the To~n Butldin~ Law by ~t~g ~ere~n t~ follo~ng new aecti~ ~etim ~ A~r~n~y ~a~lle~_ ~d n~-mov~b!e .w~ ~ool ~all be deled to be a Under t~ There was more than the ~equired quo~u~ at the lleet!ng at ~ai~h actic~ cn Artlolel 22, 24. 25, 27 and 28 was taken. Ce~tlfled to bo a tr~e oop7~ .~' ~ JOHN J. LYO~ % ~% * e(. ~ ec~on, Nell. April 30, 1965 ~ /5 a~d ~he ~en~to to ~AI~J~ ~-.lawa % ~A~.t.e. 22., 24. :27, 28.! NORTH ANDOV R MASSACHUSETTS l 1101 ! shoe �Na t000 2000 3•oe A raZJ gCAL� IN FELT North Andover, Mass `\ \ ;i • March 26. 1965 Qu A true copy I ATTEST JONS�--- ti TOWN CLERK Pu mI f2c-Sioet4ce COUNTRY REs10c—Wclr \� �� VILt_A('E �ZESIOCNCC G�NEt2A�. BuSiNFSS - .• NEIG�C30f?1-1000 C3uS1 :: •. NESS• cv OusTr2y 11 Boston, Mass. April 30, 1965 The within zoning map is hereby approved. (Arts. 85, 87) cr/-) 1-4. - /4" dward W. Brooke I • SSTT L&N 0o Q'V� va I� U @2Y N LA COc141 1/ ;W/CSC ILI _.. fib.:.':. �r.■�11l1!1 LAW RBNCE " o At"N\\ MIDDLETU r sly • � - / o ��� �j •- _`�-. 'Sols;+► S•t - „v. _ • \ / - - s• - Q ?Q• � -Qb�v • o� ADove Sr • _r - -- _ --�. e � Gi�2e�o 1�oCLt�!!2 sTore! rrortfS-r 1 4Z au.. i RASSEu2 �S3Otttstt:5 t.A•r+o 5urtvt:YortS� Go'� Snit_FY ST. SJevEautr_r., ss • t �\ • o� ADove Sr • _r - -- _ --�. e � Gi�2e�o 1�oCLt�!!2 sTore! rrortfS-r 1 4Z au.. i RASSEu2 �S3Otttstt:5 t.A•r+o 5urtvt:YortS� Go'� Snit_FY ST. SJevEautr_r., ss • AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW TOWN oF N0f2TP ANDOVERIMASSe 05000O S7: ^"" Gf2EAT PONO RD. Sen�e 10 -'Loo Jnr. i)65 �.^rig..-• f3fZ,D►�U Ae3c�Cl�►c