HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-07JOHN J. ~-YONE;. TOWN CLERK TOWN CLERK NORTH AND OVER: M ASSACH USETT$ May 15, 1958 I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of North And over By-Laws adopted and voted at the Annual AdJotu~ned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Saturday April ?, 1958 at five or s in each voting preciDm~t. /~ WILLIAM A. LACEY ~/ CONSTABLE NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. NORTH ANDOVER, M~SS. MAY 15, 1958 ATTEST Copy of Listings Attached: Copy of North Andover By-Laws adopted at the Annual Adjourned Town Meeting of April 7, 1956 and approved by the Attorney General of the Commonwealth on May 12, 1958 and posted in the following places. OFFICE: OF TOWN CLERK NORTH ANDOV£R MASSACHUSETTS 15. HOLLINS SUPER SEHVICESTATION 16. FRANK' S ~UPER ATLANTIC STATION 17. PAPPALARDOS FRUIT STORE 18. PHELAN'S SUPER STORE 19. NO. ANDOVER PA6~AGE STOHE 20. McALOONS~ PACKAGE STORE 1. MESSINAt S MARKET 2. VAL'S RESTAURANT 3. TOWN BUILDING 4. FINNERAN' S DRUG STORE 5. AMERICAN LEGION HOME 6. STEVENS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 7, ~GAN~S DRUG STORE 8. VETERAN' S OF FOREIGN WARS HOME 9. MAC'S GENERAL COUNTRY STORE 10. NO. ANDOVER COM~IUNITY CENTERS ll. THE NAY SC~LRS EXCHANGE STORE 12. CAMPBELL' S MARKET 13. THE ELITE PHARMACY 14.. THE MIDDLESEX MARKET OFFICE 0F THE TOWN CLm~K, NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. P-1. April 7, 1958 At ~he Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran~ $ Auditorl,,~ of the NorSh Andover High ohool on Saturday March 29, 1958 at lt~0 P.M., the following was voted: Article as appea~ing in Warrant precede vote of same. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andov~r Zoning By-~aw by striking out the. preamble words under par. 4.11 between the numer- als 4.11 and the numerals ~.11 (a), and by substituting in place of them the follwoing preamble words: 4.11 Single, duplex or two-family dwellings and gardens, including right to convert in accordance with thestandards met forth below ~ any one-family structure built prior to ~an,,ary 1, 1950, to acco- modate not more than two families, or, if approved in accordance with the standards hereunder by the Board of Appeals after a public hearing with due notice given, not more than four families, ~rovided: Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. icetta, Chairman. Under theaforesaid article the following was voted: V0~I~D to.amend the North Andover Zoning By-LaW by striking out the preamble words uncer par. 4.11 between the nn__merals 4.11 and the numerals 4.11 (a), and by substituting in place of them the following preamble words: 4.11 Single, duplex or two-family dwellings and gardens, including the right to convert in accordance with thestandards set forth below any one-family structure built prior to January 1, 1950, to acco- modate not more tha~ t~o families, or, if approved in accordance with the standards hereunder by the Board of Appeals after a public hearing with due notice given,not more th~n fou~_a_miliem, provided: The vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 1~9. NEGATIVE 54. A two-thirds majority. ARTIC~,W. 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoniz~ By-Law by striking out paragraphs 6.~1 and 6.62 and ~.y substitut- ing in place of them the following paragraphs ~.61 and 6.61 ~The residential lot areas and lot widths above required unde~ paragraph 6.~ of this By-Law shall not apply in an2 residence district to any lot of less area or less width thau above re- quired if such lot be not adjoined by other la.~d of the same owner, vacant and available for combination with or use in connection with such lot, provided th, t the applicant for a building permit on any Such lot shall show by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds incorporated ~ or attached to much application that such Was lawfully laid out and duly reoord?d by pla~ .o~eed.prio~ to the effective date of said paragraph 6.5 (December 6, 19565 and provided that on such a lot there e~-ll be kept open and not built upem a front yard and a rear yard each not less than 20 feet deep, and two Side yards, each not less than 12 feet wide. ~.~2 tn Village Residence Districts only, two, or more vacant lots, ~u~ually adjoining, m~_y by the Board of Appeals be permitted to be combined in~o a new lot or iota not less tha~ 10,000 e~. ft. area each and not less than 100 ft. width at the street frontage, pro- vided it be shown to the Board of Appeals that each of maid vacant lo~s before combination was of less area or less width than ~e- q~ired under the aforesaid paragraph ~.~ and, by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds, that each such lot was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to th~ffective date of said paragraph 6.~ (December ~, 1956) and the Building Inspedtor shall permit the constructic~ of one single family dwellLug on each such 10,000 sq. ft. lot. P~tition of the Morth Andover pl_a~n~ng Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chai~man, ~nder the aforesaid article the fol~owing was voted: VOTED to amend the North andover ~ug By-~aw by sSriking omr paragrapha 6,61 and 6.62 aud by substituting in place of them the following paragraphm 6,61 and 6,61 The re~tdsntial lo.teas and lot widtha abow~ requtrsd under paragraphs 6.~ of this By-Law shall not apply in an~ssidence Office of Town Clerk. North Andover, Mass. April 7, 1957. Ar~. 12. Par. 6.61 & 6.62 Con't. district to any lot of less area of less width than above required if such.lot be not adjoined by other land of the same oWner, vacant and available for combination with or use in connection with such lot, pro- vided that the applicant for a building ~[e r ed show by citations from the Essex County o in o~ attached ~ such application that such lot was lawfully laid out and duly~recorded ~by plan or deed prior to the effective date of said paragraph 6.3 ~Decemberv, 1956) and provided that en sUch a lot there shall be kept open is-Kd not built upon a front yard and a rea~ yard each not less than 20 feet deq~, and two side yards, each not less than 12 feet wide. 6.62 Tn Village Residence Districts only, two, or more vacant lots, mutually adJo~ing, m~y by the Board of Appeals be .permitted to be combined into a new lot or lots not less tha~ 10,000 sq. ft. area each and not lees than 100 ~t. width at the street frmatage, provided it be show~ to the Board of Appea;.ls that each of said vacant lots before combinatic~ was of less area or less width than required under the aforesaid paragraph 6.3 and~ by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds, that each such lot was lawfully laid out and duly .recorded by plan or deed prior to the effective date of said paragraph 6.3 ~December 6, 1~56) and the Building Inspector she. ll permit the construction of one single-family dwelling on each such 10,000 sq. ft. lot. The vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 16~. NEGATIVE 16. A two-thirds majority. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by rescinding th~otian taken by the Town upon Article 7 in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting of October 7, 1957, which purported ~o re-zone a certa~ parcel of land lying to the north of Hillside Road between the Salem Turnpike and the Andover By-Pass, so that said parcel will be zoned as itwas prior to said action. Said parcel is bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line. of the Sale~m. Turnpike with the northerly line of ~illside Road., th?ncc south westerly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, [~67.~ feet to au iron pipe marking an angle in the said street line; thence again southwester.ly but more westerly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, 3~ feet to an iron pipe at the intersection of the northerly line of Hillside Road with the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass; thence northerly by the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass, 620.19 feet to an iron pipe; thence north- easterly ~65.53 feet to an iron pipe in the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike; thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike, ~37 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.27 acres, more or less. Petitl:on: of the ~orth Andover Planning Board, 1/icholas F. ~icetta, Chatrm.~. U~der the aforesaid article the following was voted~ VOTED that the Zoning By-Law and the zoning map of the Town be amended by reclassifying the following described parcel of ~ud from a General Business Distriot to ~he Country Residence and Rural Residence Districts of which it was a part prior to October 7, 1957: A certain parcel of land lying to the north of Hillside Road : between the Salem Turnpike and the Andover By-Pass, and bounded and described as follows: Be~inning at the intersection of the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike with the northerly lime of Hillside Road; thence southwesterly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, ~67.89 feet to au iron pipe m~rking au angle in the said street line; thence again southwesterly, but more westerly, by the northerly line of Hillside Road, ~8~ feet to an iron pipe at the intersection of the northerly line of Hill- Side Road with the Easterly line of the Andover By-Pass; thence northerly, by the ea.sterly line of the Andover By-Pass, feet to an iron pips, thence northeasterly, ~65.5~ f.eet to an irc~ pipe in the westerly line of the 8ales Turnpike, thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of the Salem T~rnpike, feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.~7 acres more or ~o much of said parcel as lies s~uth- easterly of a line parallel to, and 250 feet northwesterly from Office of Town Clerk. Art. 15. Con't. North Andover, Mass. April 7, 1957 P-5. the center line of Hillside Road shall hereafter be in the Rural Residence District, and the remainder of said parcel shall hereafter be in the Country nesidence District. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 179. NEGATIVE 53. A two-thirds majority. Three hundred and thirty-seven registered voters were present. (337) A true copy: ATTEST: Boston, Mass., April 28, 1958 'The foregoing amendments to zoning by-law are hereby approved. , '~'Own Meetin$ 'of Ma~oh I95g-:has now been: approved bT the lgto~n,e~ : Oene~al~ dUl7 publinhed and posted as provided in 0,~,, Ohap,~ ~$0, 2'lae l'ollowing is aut~nd.t;~ fo~ yo~r~m'~nien°e~ ARTICLE~ VOTED That Ar~iole I · . appearing on page RepoP~, be-amended following newaeot;i SeOtion 6. No B~-Laws; as own 3fete for the approprlat;ton at; any Sl~'olal To~ of ~n BostOn,_Mass. APril By-Law ,mendmen~ ~o By-Laws is hereby approvedo /o/ GEORGE FINGOL~. At; t;o~ney Generalo now oonsidered a partaker our.~ Town JOHN For Posting of- see file "Zoning By-Laws March 29, 1958" OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK NORTH ANDOV£R M A$$ AC H US="rl'S April 7, 1958 No~orable George FtngoZd Attorney General of the Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. Dea~ M~. Fingold: At the Adjourned Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorit~aof the North Andover High School on Saturday afte[~oon March Zg, 1958 at 1:~0 P.M., the following article appeared in the Warrant: To see if the Tow~ will vote to amend ~he Town By-Laws so as to prohibit consideration, at a special tow~ meeting, of any article which appropriates funds, unless such article and the expenditure authorized therein are of an emer- gencynature and are so certified by the Beard of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, and er Advisory Boa~d. Petition of John J. Willis and others. Under the aforesaid article the following was voted: VOTED that Article I of the Town By-Laws, ae appearing on page 97 of the 1957 Annual T~wn Report, be amended by adding thereto the following new section: Secti_m~ 6. No article calling for the appropriation of funds shall be considered at any special town meeting, unless the pro- posed expenditure is of an emergency nature, and is recow~ended by the Selectmen and the Advisory Beard. Three hundred ,nd thirty-Seven registered voters were present. (~57) The vote was unanimous and so declared. ATTEST ~ //~0~/~; [~. Boston, Mass., ~p~il 25/~ 19~ The foregoing amendment/ to by-law~ is he~r~ a~pr.o~ ed. TOWN C L.K~K NOI~T H ANDOYWR M A~,A C H Attorz~70eaer&l of t~ Oe~mmwealt, b ~1:) I ~,K~I ~lLIle At th~ AdJourned Te~n ~eeti~g b~ld ~n the Veteran's Audit~imof ~he North A~d~vef~l~hSeh~l m Saturday afte~n~a h~eh ~, 1958 at XtS0 P.a., the follee~ a~ticle ap~eare~ i~ th~Wa~rant8 To see If ~he To~n will vote to a~end the ~ BT-Laws so as to pr~ibtt o~sideratt~ at a a~olal to~ ~e~, of ~ ~ttole appropriates ~d8, ~eos ~ ~ttole ~ b ez~iC~e au~oFised t~ ~ 'of ~ emF- 8~07 ~e ~d'~ ~o ~rttfted by b ~' of bleo~n t~ ~e F~oe O~e, ~d ~ ~vt~ry ~. Petitim of J~ J. Wllltm ~d Under th~ aforesaid artioXe V~ ~t ~tiole l Report, be ~nded b~ ~ foll~ new oeott~l appropriatX~ of f~de ~ll~ o~aide~d posed e~it~e la of ~ eMF~na~, ~d 18 ree~nded b~ TOWN CLERK N O~"r H ANDOVER M AS~A¢ H ulrrTI Honorable George Fingold Attorney ~eneral of the Oe~acmwealth State House Bo$~o~ MSBa, Dear Mr. Ping.la1 A~ the Adjourned Town Meetlngheld Ln the Veterau'e Auditori~of the NorthmAn dover Hi~ 8~ool oa . Saturday afte~n~ Maroh ~c~ I~U at ll}O P~M., the followxng article &ppeared ~n the A~TICLE 24. To ese if the Town will vote to amend the To~n By-Laws ac as to prohibit ocmeideration, at a special town meeting, of an2 article which appropriates funds, unless such article and the expenditure &uthoriaed thereAn are of an emer- gency nature and are eo certified by the Beard of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, and or Advisory Board. ?etiticn of Joh~ J. Willie and Sthere. Under the aforesaid article the followin~ was ye ted I VOTED that Article I of the Town ~y-Laws, appearing on page 97 of the 19~? Annual Town Report, ~e amended by adding thereto the follow,nS new sectieal Seot~cn S. No article calling for the- appropriation of funds shall be considered at any special town~eet4-g, unless the pro- posed expenditure ia of an emergena2 nature, and ia recommended by the Selectmen and Advieo~ Beard. Three hundred and thirtF-devon registered voters were present. (~7) 'The vote. was ~a~imous an~ ao deolax~d. ~ A~ST t The forego '.g aa~r.~ment to 0~-lawa 1~ ~re~y ,:~ ~ Attorney Genera FWF:MOS Encl. FHED W. FISHER Assistant Attorney General TOWN CLERK NC)NTH ANDC)¥TM M AIIAC H UIIE'rTI April ?, 1958 ffonorable George Fin&old Attorne7 g~neral of the Co--wealth S~te House Boston~ ~es. At the Adjourned Teen Meeting held ~n the Veteran's Auditori~ll of the North Andover Saturday afte~n~ma Maroh ~9, 1958 at 1150 PaM., the following a~ticie appeared in the ARTICI~g 24. To eeo if the Town will vo~e to a~end the To~n B7-Laws so as to prohibit oc~sideration, at a special town meetin&, of ~ny a~ticle whleh appropriates funds, unless such article and the expenditure authorized therein are of an e~e~- genoy nature and are so eertified by the Beard of 8eleet~n amd t~e Finanoe Ceemittee, and er Advisory Board. Petitimx of John ~. Willis and Under ~he afforesaid article the follow~n& was votedl VOTED that Article I of the Town BT-Lave, aa appearing ~ page 97 of the 19~7 .A~nua~ Tmm Report, be amended by addLug t~e~e~e followin& new eeotia~s 8eetic~ $. No article eall~n~ for the appropriation of funds ihall be considered at an7 special town~eetinA, unless the pro- posed expenditure ts of an emergene7 nature, 'and is recom"ended b7 the Selectmen and the Advieoz-y Beard. ?hree hundred and thi~tT-eeven ~egietered voters were present. (~7) 'The vote. wal ~ml~llOUi and so deola21do ATTEST ~ T~e for~J~o~.~ ~m. or.~mont ~o b)--lava ~s r.~re~y ep: Attcrne2 Sen~: May 12, 1958 M~. Joh~ J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Mass. Dear Sir: I return herewithhy-law adopted by the town of North Andover on April 7, 1956, under a~tiele 11, with the approval of t~e Attorney General noted thereon. FRED W. FI~ER Assistant Attorney General FWF:MOS Encl. TOWN CLERK NORTH ANDOVER M ASSAC H USETT$ 6, 958 H~uorable George Fingold Attorney ~neral of Massachusetts Stake House Boston, Mass, Dear Mr. Fingold: At the Annual Adjourned Town Meeting held iu the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School o~ Saturday April 7, 1956 the following Article appeared in the Warrant. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following by-law as aUthorized by Section 2lA of Chapter ~0 of the General Laws; Every employee of the police, Fire and library departments as well as every employee in the town infirmary and every clerical employee of the town, except employees appointed or employed by the school committee, who has completed six months of continuous service, shall be granted leave with- out loss of pay for absence caused by siokness, injury, or exposure to contagious disease, or by serious illness or death of a member of the employee's family, provided, however, that except when ac~,mulated as hereinafter provided such leave shall not aggregate more than fifteen working days in any year, and such leave not used in a year may be accumulated up to but not exceedtngthirty days for use in a subsequent year. Such leave not used prior to termination of an employee's service shall lapse and an employee shall not be entitled to any compensation in lieu thereof. Petition of Board of Selectmen. Under the a~resaid article the following was voted: ARTICLE 11. VOTED to adopt the following by-law as authorized by Section 2lA of Chapter 40 of the General Laws; Every employee of the police, fire, and~ library departments as well as every employee in the town infirmary and every clerical employee of the town, except employees appointed or em- ployed by the school committee, who has completed six months of continuous service, shall be granted leave without loss of pay for absence caused by sickness, injury or exposure to contagious disease, or by serious illness or death of a member of the employee's family, provided, however, that except when accumulated as hereinafter provided such leave shall not aggregate more than fifteen working days in any year, and such leave not used in a year may be accumulated up to but not exceeding thirty days for use in a subsequent year. Such leave not used prior to termination of an employee's service shall lapse and an employee shall not be entitled to any compensation in lieu thereof. Thei vote was unanimous and so declared. Approximately J~}~O registered voters were present. A ~rue copy~ ATTEST ~ . Boston, Mass., May 12, 19~ The foregoing by-law~~ ~ttor~ Generg~I O~WICE OF T~ ?0~N CLF~K~ NOHT~ ~DOVER, ~$t$~ ! At the Adjourned To~n aootLng held in the VoteranJs Auditorium of the follow~ was voted! Article me app~m~4~ in waz~ant precede vote of same, A~TICLE Il, To eec if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning B~,L~. w by st~lktn~ out th~. preas~le wo~ds under pa~, ~,11 be~eeen the nunmr- als 4, Il and ~e nunmrale 4,11 (a), and by substituting in place of them the right to convert !~ accordance with thestanda~ds set forth below aun~ ~ne-famlly structure built prloP to January lp 1950, to &oeo- sedate not mo~e than two famllies~ or, i£ approved in &cco~danos with the standards he~eunder b~ the Board of &ppealS after a public hea~ln~ with due notice glven~ .not aox? than fou~ familieS, provided~ Petitio~ of Na~th Andover Fla~ning Board~ Nicholas F, ~icetta, Undm~ thmaforeeaid a~tlole ~he follow~ng was vo~da V0~ to amend ~e So~ ~do~F Z~ ~w b~ I~lk~n8 ~ t~ pre.bls w~s ~de~ par, ~.ll ~twe~ ~ n~rala ~,ll ~d ~e n~ralm ~,ll (a), ~ by ~bstl~ti~ in p~oe of ~em t~ felling p~le wordat S~61e, d~lex ~ ~f~12 dwelllngm m~ g~dmne, including ~ ~ight to o~t ~ aooo~oe with ~eat~da ~t forth ~X~ ~2 me-fa~X2 m~otu~ built prior ~ J~ 1~ 1950, to aooo- ~a~ not ~re ~ ~o f~liem, or, if append ~ aco~d~oe wi~ ~e m~dm he~deP b~ ~e B~rd of' App~al{ ~ a public he~t~ wi~ due notice 8i~n,not ~-- ~ f~~lies, provided{ The vote was~ AFFIP~TI%~ 1~9, NEOATIVE 5{,I,, A ~eo-~hirds majority. ARTICLE 1R, To see iF the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Lc~ I~L~w b~ strikir~ out par~aphs 6o61 and 6o6R and by w~betZtut- place of them the followin~ para~raph~ g.6l and 6,6Rl The residential lot areas and lot wZdt~e above required under paragraph g,~ of ~8 ~-~w o~ not appl~ ~ ~ ~aidenoe district to ~y lot of less ~ea ~d if much lot ~ not adJo~ed by such lot, p~ovided that the applicantfo~ a building per.it on may ~uoh lot shall show by citations from ~h~ Essex Count~ ~eglstl-y of Deeds incorporated in or at~ached to such applicatic~ f~at such was law~lly laid ~t and d~y ~eqorded by pl~. _o~mmd ~Zo~ to effeetl~ da~ of said ~ag~aph 6,~ ~oem~r 6~ 19565 ~d provided ~at ~ ~oh a lot the~ S~ll bm kept o~n ~d no~ ~ilt ups a fret yL~ ~d a rear ~d ea~ not less ~?_~ 20 Feet deep, ~d ~o side y~a, each not less C~ ~ feet wide, ~ Vill~e Residen~ Diatrlots ~12, ~o, or ~ ~o~t lota, ~ally adJo~6, ~y ~y ~e ~o~ of Ap~ala be ~t~d to be oo~ ~ a new lot or lots not less ~ 10~ oq, lC, each ~d no~ less t~ 100 fi, wid~ at the street ~r~, vided It be ah~ to the Boa~ ~ Ap~ale t~t mash of maid lots bef~e o~inatl~ was of lees area ~ leos wid~ ~ quired ~dep t~ ~oresaid p~a~aph ~e~ ~d, by ci~ti~m f~om EO~z C~t~ Regia~ of ~ed8, that each such lot was ~aw~ll~ ~ld out ~d d~y Peco~ed by pl~ or.deed ~rior to th~ffeetl~ date of amid ~a~aph 6.~ (~ce~oP 6, 1~) ~d t~ Ina~et~ shall pe~it t~ oons~ctl~ of ~e oi~le fa~17 dwell~ m each ou~ lOpO00 aq, fi, lot. Pot~t~ of ~he ~or~ ~d~mr P~n~g B~rd, Nicholas ~e Nioot~ ~e~ t~ aforesaid article ~ foll~ wan vo~dt VO~ to ~end t~ ~or~ ~o~ Z~g ~w by a~ik~g ~ 6'$1 ~d $.6~ ~d b2 subsoiling ~ place of ~m ~ foll~ p~qrapha 6,61 ~d 6,61 T-_~-reeldentlal lo,Areas ,.a~,d lot widths above require, d under para~ephs 6e~ Of this ~y Law stall not apply in an~esidenoe Office of TO~n Clerk, North Andovor, ~aeeo April 7~ 1957o dLst~iOt to ~n7 lot Of less ~a of Iaea width than above ~oquL~od if lot bo not adjoined b7 other land of tho sam owner, vasant and available for combination with or uae in ecnnOOtion with such lot vidod that the applicant for a buildin~ permit on ~an~ such lot shall eh_~w by citations from tho Essex CountY Resiatr~ of soda incorporated in or attached to ouch application that such lot was lawfully laid out and d~ly. reoordod by plan or deed prior to the effective date of said para,apb 80~ (December 6, 1~56) and provided that c~ such a lot ~hero shall bo kept open and not built upc~ a f~ont yard and a rea.~ yard each not lose ~han 20 feet deq~, and two side yards, each not less than 12 feet wideo 6,~ ~n Village Heoidenoe Districts onl2, two, or no~e vacant lots, mutually adJoininS, may by the Board of Appeals be permitted to be c c~b~nod into a new lot or lots not lees than 10,000 sq, ftc ar~a each and not less than 100 ft, width at tho street frontage, provided it be chows to the Board of Appeals that each of said vacant late before coubination was of lees a~ea or less width than ~oqulrod unde~ the aforesaid para~r~iph ~,~ and, by oltatlo~e from the Essex County Hogietr2 of Deeds, t~hat each such lot was lawfully laid out and du. ly .recorded b~. plan _of deed prior to tho effective date of said paragraph 6,~ tDecember 6, 1956) and the Buildin~ Inspector shall permit tho cmetructim of c~e eingle-famlly dwelling on each such lO,000 sq, ftc lot, Tho vote wae~ AFFIRMATIVE IgC, ~EOATZVE 16, A ~woothiFde ;.~CI~ 1~, To soo if the Town will vote to amend the Zonins ~yoLav bT reecindin~ thq~ction taken by tho Town upon ~tiole 7 ~n the waz~ant for tho ~peoial Town Meeting of October 70 1957, wh~._oh pu~po?.ted to re-zone a certain parcel of land lying to the north of Hillside ~oad between Salem Tu~flpike and the Andovor By-Pass, so that said parcel will be zoned as it was prior to said actions Said pa~oel is bounded and described ae follows ~ BeS~in~ at the intersection of the westerly~line of the Salo~. Turnpike with the northerly l~-ne of ~lllside ~oad~ t~noe sou~h westerly by the northerly ~ine of Hillside ~oad, ~67,8~ feet to an ~ pipe marking an angle in the said street line J thence a~ain southwester.ly ~t ~re westerly ~ t~ northerly l~e ~ ~illaide R~d, ~ feet to ~ ir~ pi~ at t~ ~r~oti~ O~ ~ n~e~12 1~e of Hillside 2sad wl~ ~ eae~rl~ l~e of the A~o~r B~Paoot ~nce hOrSefly by ~ stoutly l~e of the ~udover By-Pass, 620,19 feet to an Irc~ pipet thence north- easterly ~65.5~ feet ~o ~ iron pl~ ~ ~ weo~ly l~e of ~e Sal~ ~npi~ j ~enoe o~t~aa~rly, by the ~o~rly l~e of t~ ~alem T~piko~ ~ feet to t~ ~t of begi~g, C~a~g ~e~ ao~s~ moro o~ lease Petl~t~ Of t~ ~orth ~dour Phn~ b~ ~iohoho F, N~oet~, Cha lP~ · t~doF ~ arc. said ~ttclo b foll~S va8 veldt VO~ t~t t~ Z~t~ By-~w ~d ~ s~ug Mp of ~e T~ ~ rended b7 recla88l~ t~ foll~ descried ~Poel of hnd ~ a ~oFal ~a~eso District to the Co~ Residence ~d Ru~l RosXde~e Dis~lot~ ~ w~eh it was apaFt prl~ ~o ~to~P 7~ 1~7~ A ~P~ p~oel of 1~ 12~g to ~ no~ of ~lllside Ro~ hemes ~ 3ales ~p~o ~d ~e A~o~ B~Pas8~ ~d b~ded ~d descried aa foll~sf Beginning at the intersection OF the westerly line of the Salem ~u~pike with the northerly line of Hillside Road~ thence mouthweeterly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, ~67.89 feet to an iron pipe ma~k~ng an a~$1e in the said street line~ thence again southwesterly, but mo~o westerly, by b northerly line of Hillside Road~ ~8~ feet an i~on pipe at tho intersection of ~_~e northerly line of Hill- side Road with the Easterly line of the ~do~ B~-Paoe~ thence northerly, by the easterly line of ~_ Andovp~. B~-PaoO, feet to an iron pipej thence northeasterly, ~65,~ feet to an iron pipe in the westerly llne of the ~alom Turn~! thence feet to the point of beginning. Containing ~.~7 acres ~ore or So much of said pa~ool aS lies easterly of a line parallel to, and ~50 feet northw~oteFly from ~he eente~ line of Hillside Road ahall he~eaf~P be in the RuF&I Reeidenoe Dlatriot, and the ~emainde~ o~ ~atd pa.~oel ahall hereafter be in the Coun~,~ Aesidenoe Dia~lct, The vote waa AFFIRMATIVE 179, ~EOATXVE ~. A two-~hirda maJo~ity. TAFoe hund~od and ~h~.l, ty-oevon l, eSlo'~ez, od voters ~ ~nt. (~7) A ~ oo~ AT~STI ~0~ ~, LYO~So ~OW~ 0~' i~O~H AltDO¥~,P, 1958~AD00U~D ABB~AL TO'~ii ~J~SING FINAL '~OEI' ~ ~C0~DATIO~S 0~' PLAii~i~G ~Om.~D ~ A~ICL~; l~ 0~' SHE This article was inserted in the warran~ upon the petition ~o~ this ~oard. It proposes the rescission of an amendment ~o the Zoning ~y-Law adopted by the Town at the Special Sown ~eeting of October 7, 1957, which reclassified, fz'om ~esidence to General Business, the parcel of land described in Article 13, for the sole purpose of permitting one ~harles ~. Donovan to operate a "garden cen~er" upon it. Since that reclassification, Donovan has sold the parcel to All-States of ¥irginia, Incorporated, a construction firm which intends to erect upon it business establishments for ~ober~ Hall, Inc., a clothing concern, G. ~. Kenney Corp., a shoe m~nufacturer, and perhaps some other business enterprise. At the public hearing held on this Article on ~ebruary 3, 1958, it became clear that these proposed extensive bus~ness uses for the land were kmown to and planned b~ Donovanprior to the iown~eeting of October 7, 1957, and ~ha~ he had withheld this information from that ~eeting and Erom the Planning ~oard. -his Board unanimously recommends favorable action on Article 13. It feels that the To~n, at this meeting, should the opport~ity of determining the proper classification of this lan~, in the light of all the facts concerning its acqttisition by its present owner. ~orth Andower PIannt~ Board. COPY COPY COPY COPY OFFIC~ OF TOWN CLERK NORTH ANDOV£R~ M AS IS A C H USETT$ T0~ OF NOR~ AND0~ 1958 ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN ~TINO FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF TEE PL~dINING BOARD ON ARTICrW 15 o~T~, WARRANT. ~his article was inserted in the warrant upea the petition of this Board. It proposes the rescission of an amendment to the Zoning By-Law adopted by the Tow~ at the Special Town Meeting of October 7, 1957, which re- classified.~from Residence to General Business, the parcel of land de- scribed in Article 15, for the sole purpose of permitting one Charles W. Donovan to operate a "garden center" upon it. Since that reclassification, Donovan has sold the parcel to All-States ~f Virginia, Incorporated, a construction firm which intends to erect upen it business establishments for Robert Hall, Inc., a clothing concern, G.R. Kenney Corp., a shoe manufacturer, and perhaps some other ~uslness enterprise. At the public hearing held on this Article on February 5, 1958, it name clear that these proposed extensive business uses for the 1-~d Were k~own to and planned by Donovan prior to the Tow~x Meeting ef October ?, 1957, and that he had withheld this information from t~-t Meeting and from the Planning Board. ~his Board unanimously recommends favorable action ~n Article 15. It feels that the Town, at this meeting, should have the opportunity of determining the proper classification of this land, in the light of all ~he facts concerning its acquisition by its present owner. /s/ NICHOLAS F. NICETTA, Chai~mau. A true copy: ~ NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD. ATTEST:~jL ~~. '/ '~'~ ~/ TOWn ~Clerk~ North Andover, Mass~ i?roposed motion on Article 13: IT IS MOVED THAT ghe Zoning By-law and the zoning map I of the town be amended by reclassifying the following desoribe~ i! parcel of land fromaOeneral Business District to the Country Residence and Rural Residence Districts of which it was a part prior to October 7, 1957: A certain parcel of land lying to the north of Hillside Road between the ~alem Turnpike and the Andover By-Pass, and bounded and ~escribed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the ~alem Turnpike with the northerly line of Hillside Read; thence southwesterly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, 467.89 feet to an iron pipe marking an angle in the said street line; thence again somth~esterly, bat_more westerl~ by the northerly line of Rillsi~e Road, 384 feet to an iron pipe at the intersection of the northerly line of Hillside Road with the Easterly line of the Andover By-Pass; thence northerlE by the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass, 620.19 feet to an iron pipe; thence northeasterly, 465.53 feet to an iron pipe in the westerly 1kue of the Salem Turnpike; thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of the ~alem Tur~pike, $37 feet to the poin~ of beginning. Containing 5.2? acres more or less. $o much of said parcel as lies southeasterly of a line parallel to, and 250 feet northwesterly from the center line of Hillside Road shall hereafter be in the Rural Residence District, and the remainder of said parcel shall h~reafterbe in the Country Residence District. TOWN CLERK NORTH &NDOVER N! ASS AC H US ETTS · p~tX 7, x958 &tt~j, nOy Oenee, aZ or tho COm~AwealMa 8tare ~ AR~XCLIt ~. To lee i£ t~e Tram wtlX vo~e to amea~ t~e ~e~a geno7 na~aFe and a~o 8o oer~rted by tam tsoa~ oF $oleo~m~ and ~he Flnanee OommA~oo, and O~ Advtlor~ Boa~, Pe~t~f~n or ~oba ~. W:tXltm a~m expenditure tm ~ aa emea~ene~ nmtu~, tm FOeomnondod b7 tho fJoloe~m~ and ibm Three InmdJ~d end ~l~r~sove~ reftm~ozqd rotors voro proNn~, (~7) ~Cbo vo~o no unan~moum end mo doelaiq~e A ~ eopT8 A~I aOHM ,T. kL~i~= r~,~ ut, A~'i,JL~ 13 O~ TB~ .WA2L~A~T *nfs e~%io]~j ~as In~ert, e~ in the warran~ upon the peti~lon ~..l~ ~.oa~'.~. l~ proposes ~h~ resciso/on of ~ ~endmen~ ~o . ,~. ' ........ ¢' V~" ~Ct~ O~ C]aal r~an o North A,3do~ Pl~nX~in~ Board. has solo '~i~e ~rcel t~ feels that t~e i~-~ a% tr.lj.s mee~l;~, should h~ve Cha { ~. .~ ~ , ~';~i%~ir~z on~ ~haries ~, ~ono~ %o operate a "6arden ',~:', ~. ~'~...,, tna~ ~ee-t~)g ~d from the kl~.~ ~oard. ..... . , at this ~eet.~n~:, should Nort~h Ando'~oL* P:LttmXn~ Board. · Toh~ .T, North Afte~ a duly advertised PuhlAc Hearing ou February 17~ 2958 at 7~ PM ha the ?~m ~ the pet[tiou of the ~,~_~ Board to act ca p~oposed ~e .ad amem~ents to the Nos-th ~b~dover ~ "4.11 Single, duplex or t~o-family d~ll~ngs and garS~,_., in- eluding the right to ccavert in aeeordanee with the standards set forth helw any oue-fem~ly ~ bell% prior to JanuarT 1, 19~0, to aoocmmoda~ not more two f*.~es, or, if approved in acem~hmee with the public hea~-~ with due notiee giv~___~ not ~ore Almmtosee~f the Town will 8trikiag out Paragraphs 6.61 ]~r~raphe 6.61 and 6.62. vote to amend the ~o~th ~,~_o~mr ]~'-l.av by Bnd 6.62 ,,nd ~ 8ub~tQ't.t~ the fo11~v'la~ "6.61 The resideatial lot areas and lot widths abow~ require~ under paragraph 6.3 of this ~y-Lae ,~-~1 not apply ia any ,,,es:~de~ dist~ic% to any lot of less ar~a or less width th.. above ~equired if sueh lot be not adjoined by other 1-~d c~ the same c~or~ vaeant and available for c~abimatic~ with or use in eonneetic~ with such lot pro- vialed that the applicant for a I~,!~ld~.S pe~it ~ a~ sueh lot shall show by citatic~s fr~m the Esse~ Co, sty Registry of Deeds incorporated in or attaehed to ~uch applinatiou that such lot was lawfttlly laid out -.-~ duly ~eeorded by p~.- or deed prior to the effeoti~e date c~ · a~d pe~ 6.~ (m~ember 6, 19~6) *~ prov~ t~a% ou such a lot there shall be kept ope~ and not I~s~t ~ a front yard ~_~_d a rear yard each not les. than 20 feet deep., and two side yards~ eaeh not less than 12 feet wide.' 12, In Village Residence Districts c~ly, two or more vaeant lots, mutually adjoining, may by the Board of Appeals be pet-mitred to be ec~bined into a new lot or let~ not less than 10,000 sq. ft. area each and n~t less than 100 ft. width at the ~tree% frontage, provided it be ~ to the Board of Appeals that each of said ~aeant lots before combination ms of less area or less ~idth tha~ l~qui~ed under the aforesaid paragraph 6.3 and, by oiteti~ns from the Essex Couaty Registry of Deeds, that each such l~t ms lawl~tlly laid out and duly reeorded by plan or deed prior to the effeo%ive date of said paragraph 6.3 (Deeembe~ 6, lg56), and the ~ttlding Inspeeter shall permit the struetiou of cue si~le-family dvel~ ~g ca each Sueh sq. ft. lot.~ The Plan~ing Board reooam~e~ favorable aotica ca both ar~ielem. Nioholee Nieetta~ Chai~ Joba J. Lyres, Tom Clerk lOrth ~dove~ I~o Dear Also to $~e if the Toga will .~trikiug out ~p~s 6.61 ~,.~r'a ~.~"auBs 6.61 aud 6~6P. ~ ~tde~ d~st~ct to a~ ~ot of 1~ a~ ~r less a~im~ ~h,~% ,~lh lot, ~ ia~,~ ~td ~t ~ d~ d~F , e~ ~ a~ ~, ~t ~S ~ ~ f~~" STUDIES FOR INDUBTRY SHOPPING * HOUSING 5 BO!YLSTON PLACE, BOSTON 16, MASSACHUSETT~c PLANNING ADVISER ZONING C:OM MU NITY DEVELOPMENT · HUBBARD April 16, 19;58 Mr. John J. Lyons, Tram Clerk Town Hall ' ' Mo~th ASdover, Mass. Dear Mr. Lyens, Two prints of the maps to accompany Article 13 of the Z~ing By-law are enclosed as reqmested by the Planning Board Chairman. Yoar s truly, Jehn T. Blaekwell ~ Encl. · . . cc~ Mr. James M. Bannan STUDIES FOR INDUSTRY SHOPPING HOUSING PLANNING ADVI$£R ZONING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5 B0¥LSTON PLACE. BOSTON 16, MASSACHUSETTS · HUBBARD 2-1333 a~ril 16, 19~8 M~, J~hn J. Lyon~, To~n Clerk Towm Hall North A~doverj ~ass. Dear ~r. T~ prin~$ of the mpsto acc~any A~ele 13 of the Zm~g ~-law ~e P~in~ ~ C~n. ag c~ M~. James J~'A T. aZackweL1. TOWN CLERK NORTH & N DOYE:R M A$$AC H 1958 · . ,,,,.ot~o,g nei~ in the Veteran'~s Audltorlum ...:~..h .~-::':~r Hirer. Sckoc! on 5zturda7 AprX1 7. 1956 the followi:,-- ,'- ..... I in the ~'~rr~n%. .. -,ets to adopt the following by-.ia, a~ts. ~0 of ~he General Laws; ~ver7 ~!lce, Fire aha library department~ as well as everw -'- '-,-n inf~mary ar,:: ec~,~v clerical emolovee of th~ . ..... -~ a ,,,.~..'~ +ed, cr e~g.ov~d 07 the so~ool cp~a~It, te~, ~no '~a' , -.'::~ .l' ('.ur, ti~,~ ',~ ~r-cls~. shall os ~r~,ed. .,~,v,' - ~ ~'~. or bv S~r[,"J5 'IkLe33 O~ death of a member of .-,'-' ,':- provlded~ hc,~¥et'~r. ~qat except when accumulated '~r rr2',').dg~ such leave ~hatl not a~gre~ate more th~ fiftesr. . : : ~ ~nv 'y~e,r~ and such lekve no~ used In a year ~y be but r,:~t exc~edln~ thtrt,7 day~ for use In a sub3equ~n' . _ ~:-,,e net used pr~o~ t:, ter~,lnatlor, of ~ emplewee's - .' a ~r: em~ioy~s ~haLi - >t be entitled to ~y ocmpensatlor, ..... ' Petit.ica .cf t, , -,.,~ra cf m'iectmen. -P,~_ ul ; ~rtlcle the c,-llc~,[ni~. ., was votod~ · ,.;-..- ~r th,~ .,inet ..... ~., :,1 ;;v~ry employee of the ~cl~. f ' - · -~- :-;3rtlc..~nL3 aH w~!~ , ~ =.,,~'y employee in t~e t.c~ lnf'i~,rat:' . . ~;~rtca; em~ioS'e= cf t.'.~e town;, except employees app~Lnte~ ~r -:' . s ...... c~_ ..~, w .... ~ ..mpleted slx mont.,s cf ~e~., .... ..... :,._ t~ l~av . .... aa. .~as oI pay for abser, os ,::'y ,:r exposure to ,;,-.~tag~ous disease, or ~y ser!o~s ri'Ir ~ .:ulditted as nerelnatter provided such leave shall n~t. -. 'qAr, ~.. teen ~c,r~clr:~ :!a~s In ~y year. ~d such leave " -'' ';'q7 '3e ~.c ~umulat, e,: _:~ to ~ut not exceedina ~,frtv _:'e 3haL1 /apse an,:: ~n employee shall not b~ ~r~ltsed ' -. manlmous and so dec,ar, ed, - ' .; :..,~J re,[stared ~'oter~ were present. A'..ESi': JCH.~; Jo L'/ONS. .~ !~ her,by apprcv.~a,, /s / GEORGE F~GOLD At tc r~.ey Oe-.,r s 1 TOWN CLERK NORTH A NOOVIr I~ M AS~,A C H USerTT$ Honorable George Flngold Attormey General of the Cemnonwealtl~ ~tate House Boato~ Dear Mr. Fingold= At the Adj.~u~ned Town Meeting held ~ the Veteran's Auditorium of the Nort~ Andover Sat~rc~y aftermoon Mares ~ [q~8 aC 1~0 P.M., the following article appeared in t~e ~rr~ ' AHTI'CL/ 24° To see Lf tee ~o~n will vote to amend the Town BT-Laws ~o ~? to pr.~h.~bit consideration, at a special towo meeting~ of any article ehioh appropr:ate~ f~de~ ~ess such article and the expenditure a,;t~orized therein are of an emer- of SeleGtm*a an~ the Finance O~mml~tee, and Advisor~ Board. Petition off and ot~er4. Under the aforesaid article the followi~ voted~ VOTED that .~rticle I of the Toga B~-Lawe, am appearing on page 97 of the 19~7 Annual Report, be amended by add~ ~ereto ~e following new sectlon~ Sectl~ 6. '~c ~tic~e call~g fo~ the apprc~rla~lo~ of f'~l ~i1 be considered at ~v apec:~,:l town ~etin&, ~lea~ t~ pro- pcreed'expend:~:~re is Of ~ emergeno~ nacre, ~d la reco~en~e~ '~y ~e Seleat~n and Three hunare'l a~d thirty-seven registered ~e vo~e ~aa ~enl~ua ~d 8Q deO~4. fo~,~:.' ,~, ~[,.e~-!mer. t to o~-lawa Is kere~ :;, F:,~E CF :ghee TOWN NOi-;~TH ANDOV~i, .~t45S~ Aprti 7~ i95C .: .: ?' ,e~ if the To.'n rill vote to amend the · ~ ~"l~:~ out th~ preamble ~ord8 ~der par. 4oll be~een the humeri, ....... ;.~ ~.,~ ~m~ral~ 4oli (a}~ ~nd by su~stitut~g tn piaoe of them the ~r.K ..... ~u~i~x or ,Jeo-f~ily dweliln~:s ~ gardens, including :....:~t ~,.~ c.r,':er~ ~n a~ora~;c, ~'ith tLe~t~dards ~et forth bolzw ''" ' ~' ':'~:-~,7 ~,',~c'ure h,;,~"' ~ri:,~ to 7~nuary 1~ 1950. to moo .c~t-~ ~,.;t m~re tl.~; two famil~s~ or~ If approved in aooord~ce ~!'n tn~ e tandard.~ Leto..der by the Board of Appeals after a public '.,~;~ag ~l~n due n,:tic(, giver., not more th~ fo~ f~illea, :-.'.tCeC: Petltlo~ cf North Andcver Plann~g Board~ Nicholas F. artl~i~ the foli:wirg wa.. Voted: Ncr th =nco,?er Zcnlng By-,Law by atrlking out the pi,amble ~,ii Oet~'~(-;n the numerals 4.11 ~c ~e n~rals ~,]1 (a), ~. ,t.~t',..~.~ In place of them the following preamble words: duDlex cr tm,?famii~ dwellln.Cs anG gardens, Including the ,,:,?r':~.rt ~ ~.:.o.',rda~:ce with %hest~dards Set forth below '.,:;.~iy ~tru~ture built ~rl.3r to J~uary 1~ 1950, to accc- m:,:e th~. ~o I~amities~ or'~ if approved ~ acoord~:o. '~:d~r.c~ her'~',der t.y ~.e B~rd of Appeal~ after a public due notice given~r, ot more ~an fou~amilies, provided: APFi~TIX~ 159.. NEOATI~ ~. A two-~Irds ~Joritu. ,' ~!(:i.E 12o To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Audover ......... ,.',-Law by ~trlking ~ut paragraphs 6.~1 ~d 6.62 a~ by "~ . ]ace of them the following par~raphs 6.61 and 6.62: ~', ';':':~: re,,td-n~i~ lct areas and lot wides above required ~;'~r~t:r: 6.~ of this By-Law shall not apply in ~y ~ealdence d:~:'rlc~, to ~uy lot of less ~ea or less width ~ above re- ~ :~.~ ~f such 1ct ~ not adjoined by ot~er l~d of ~ ~ ~er, ~c~n~ and available for co~ati~ with or use ~ c~eotl~ with .~. i~' prcvlded t~t the '~' ~ .,~, ~..c~t for I building permit ~ ~y ~:~, Ici ~[~I] show by ~ltations from ~e Es~x Co~y ~egls~ D,,,~:~, ..~orTorated in cr a~taehed to such applicati~ ~at such .a~ ~a~f'uliy lald out and duly recorded by piano.ced pric~ to the e:~c~ive cate ~f said paragraph 6.~ ~c~mber ~. i95~ ~d provided tha~ on such a lot there s~ll be kept o~n ~d ~ot ~lt up~ a front ymrd and a rear ~ard each not less ~ 20 feet deep, ~d two ~i:.~ y~d~ eac~ not less t~o 12 feet wide. . ~ ~' ~'~l.a~,e Residence Districts only, two, or ~re vac~t Iota, m,~.,~e Llv aCJoLning, ~y by ~e Board of Appeals be ~r~tted to be c~mtined in~ a new lot or lots not leas th~ 10,O~ sq. ft. area ,ach ~d not less th~ 100 ft. width at the street fr~tage, pro- ~ied It be sho~ to the Board cf Ap~als t~t each of aaid.vac~t lo~s before combination was of less area or lees width than re- qu~ed under the aforesaid para,apb 6.$ ~d, by citations from the F~ C<~,m~ty He,larry of ~eds, ~at each Such lot was ~aw~lly ..a~d out ~d duly recorded by pl~ or deed prior to th~ffective c,~.~ o: maid paragraph 6.~ (~cember 6, 1956) ~d the ~lld~g ~n~?o!'or shall permit t~ const~cti~ of ~e aisle family ~*~,~ng on each such I0,000 sC. ~t. Peak:ion of the Morth ~dover Plann~g Board, Nicholas F. Nloetta, ;~'~ t~, amend the North a~ove~ Zon~g By-~w by at~ik~g ~ paragraphs ,~.~ ~d 6.62 ~d by substi~t~g In place of ~m ~e follow~g '..:~ra~,c~p~a O.61 ~d 6.62: ;~ ..~1%he resfqential lo~reas e~d lot widtha abo~ requirpd ~der ~aragra~s 6.] of this ~.~w s~ll not appl2 ~ ~esiden~e Clerk. N$rth AnJ¢,ver. Mass. -~cr.e). ~d pr,: ,Id-c ~ha~ c.n such a lot there ~r. sll : .i~- upon e front yarn and a rear yard ~ach nzt lees :~ ,:~a ~'~ ~ide' yaras~ e'~:h net ~ess ~an 12 feet wine. · ~ . ~,e r, eslden:e Di. atrio~ cnl. y~ two, or more vac~ ..' the Board of Appeals be permit~d to be c o~lned ~ .. · te~$ ~n lf~O0,[ ~o. I't. area each mud not tess · -.~ ,,a~ : :,! ~al~ wmcant I t,~ before combinati~ was .l,:'.n u.~: zeCulred ~d~r the afo;'esald ~ragr~p~ ~.3 ~do by ~" ....~a¢ Esse~ Cowry ~e~iitry of ~eds, that each such lot -. ',..~. a!.d du~y recorded by plan or deed prior to th~ effectt,..'~ vt;, ~,~ ~'PZHMkTIVE 166. N}LOATI%qE 16. A Swo-tblrde ' "ui3 Ii. T~, see if the Town will vc~e ~o amend the Zoning ~y-Law by --,,.;-~c.:r.~ :~c'tlcn taker ~y the To~ upon ~ticle 7 in the w~r~.t " :/,'~':~a~ .~,~ Neetlng cf October '7 19= ~ ~7, which purported to, ~. r.e,~ of l~d lying to ~e north of Elllsld~ Eoid between: -, ~= h~rr.~l~e ~d the ~dover 5y~,Pa~s~ so that said p~cel will be zc~d ~,= ~t ~ ~r~or to said aotl~. 5~Id parcel la bonded ~d de~crlbe~ Be~tnning at the intersection of ~e wes~rl~ line of the Sai~m T~:.nl;ike wi~h th~ norther3y line of ~illside hoad.;, ~noe wes:~rly ~y ~he northerly line of Hillside Road, ~67.89 fe~ ~ Iron oipe ~'klng ~ a~ie In t~ maid s~reet, l~el ~,'~ln s,:.u~hwe=~erl~ ~ut ':crc ~es~erly by the northerly line iilll~la~ Eoad, 5~a fee~ ~ ~ iron pipe at ~he ~,ters~ction :,~ th,. nc.tkerly l~ne Of Hlil~d~ scad ~ith the easterly line of ~,,, e~ Ey-.~ass; tLe. n~ nc.r~erAy by the easterly l~ne of the ~.r:dov~r B~-Pa~s, 62(.',1q feet to ~ iron ~,i~ thence not,L-, ~a~t~l'[ ~c>07,5 feet to ~ Iron pipe ~ t~e westerly line cf' %ne f;slem ~arnT, l~e; M~n:~ ~ou. thea~terl~, Oy the westerly line , in~ ~a:..m Turuplae~ ~7 feet to the point of b~glnnlng. "~',.~:' ~ne aforesaid article the roll,lng was vo~d: ; ...... ~'.~ :. ~he Zoning By.-L~w ann t~e ~oning ~p of ~he To~ be ., .~I~g ~ following descrlOed parcel of ~nd from a General ~ ~:'~>: ~c, l'n~ Co~ry hesid~nce ~d Rural Reaide~e Diatrle~s of 7-~,~, '" the north of Hillside Read, ' ' ,'ilmpike with the northerly lke al,,~.!de Road;< thence ~,,uth~e~t~rly by the northerly lln~ cf ,:"~',,~,~, rce~:~ ',,b7,~8:) fee.* ~c ac iron pipe ~rktn~ au angi'~ ~n. ~' ..... ~Tiv., ty the ..... '~' ', ~tn-.r~y~ by 511~ ~&~L~i .': [~re ,r t~e ~aov~r BT-~a~, lear tO ~', lr~;n pipe; ti~en,~ northeasterly, ~65.~5 feet %o ~. .... ,. p .... h we~.be:'.y .lne of the S~iem 'fm~Ike~ . . .... r.y ~,ne of the Salem ~mplke~ .e~t, to th~ point of beglnnl~. C~inlng 5.~ acre~ more ~9o 3o ~ch of said parcel aa lies scut~~ e,~,eriy of a l~e parallel to. ~d 250 fee% northwesterly Honorable. Attorney General 'of The Commonwealth Btate ~use BOS tc~ ~Ss. DeaP Mr. Bingold: Attaohed he,with are amendments ~o .Zoning BT'I~ws adopted · by the Town of North Andover cm March 15~ 1955 under ~ Articles i1, 12 ~d 15 toge~er with a~ppo~ting papers. Also attached is ~endment tO T~ B21~W~ adop~d at ~e ~Journed To~ ~eeting of M~rch 2~gde~ ~ LY 0~'~ ~ AprXX ~ne Adjou=~ed Town Meeting held in the Veterants Auditorium of the '~rs>~ A~dover High School ma Baturday March 29~ 1958 at .'/l~W~;Ag W~S voted~ Article as appearing in ~arrant precede vote of .k:,q'lTLE .!.~. ~o see if the Town will vote to amend the Morth Andover Zoning b~- sC',riklng out the pre~ble words ~der p~. ~.11 baleen ~iL ~d t~e nu~rala ~,11 (a)~ ~d by aubatitut~n~ tn place of them the ,~w~ln~ p~e~le words1 3~n~Leo ~up!ex or ~wo-fa~ly dwell~gs ~d gardenl, inoludtn~ :'~C;nt to c~nver~ In accordance with thest~d~da set forth belcw ~uy oPe-family atruot~e built prior to J~ua~ lp 19~0, to ~oc. st~ not more th~ two f~ill~s~ or, if approved In acoord~c, with th~ ~t~,dard~ heralder by the Board of Appeals after a ~,earl~ wl~ due nctlce glven~ not more t~ fo~ f~tlle~, ~ro~i,d~d: P~titlon of Nor~ Andove~ Pla~ing Board, Nl~holas '~,,~;,;rtneafor'esaid article the foll~!r,g was voted: ,' :E? to. a~en~ the North andOver Zon~g By-Law ~y att!king out the preamble ~, ,'c~ ~nde:' parc 4.11 between ~e n~erals ~.11 ~d ~e nu~rals ~.]~ (a), ~, 1 r:y su0e~i~t~g In place of them the following pre,la words: ~,,~i Sl~gle, duplex or two-fam~l~ dwellings and gardens, including ~he ri~t to convert ~ acoord~ce with thest~d~ds set forth be/ow mo~st~ not more ~ ~o fa~lies~ or~ if ~pproved ~ accords, ce with the s t~dards hero.der by ~e B~rd of Appeals after a public ~car~mg wlt~ due notice given~not ~re ~ fou~amiliea, proviCed: The k:?IC',..F 12. To see if the Town will vote to a~end the North Andover 7::r:n.~ PT-,Law by striking out paragraphs 6.61 and 6.62 by ~bst~.tut,- :: : I~ ~lace of t~em t~e following paragraphs 6.61 and 6.~2: ~ .,~ ':'ne re~,td,nti~ lot areas and lot wid~l above required ~azag~'~"P 6.5 of this By-Law s~ll not applu ~ ~2 residence ~,~::'~: t to ~uy lc~ of leas ~ea or leas width ~ above re- T,,'.re~ If such lot ~ not adhered by other l~d of ~ ~ "~cau~ and available for eo~Aa$[~ wi~h or use ~ c~eeti~ s;.,~h lat, provldod t~t tho appllc~t for a building permit ~ · ~:~.~ lot ~11 show by ~!tations from t~ Essex Co~t~ aegistry ~eds incorporated ~ or a~ta~ned to such applicatl~ ~at suah l~t w~.s Aaefull2 laid out and duly recorded by pl~ o~eed prior tc the err'active date of ~aid paragraph 6.~ (~cem~er 6, 19565 ~d provld~d thc; on such a lot there shall D~ kept o~n ~d not ~il~ up~ a f;'~nt y~d ~d a rear l~d each not less tha~ 20 feet deep, ~;d ~lds y~ds, each not less th~ 12 feet wide. {,~tt It, Village Residence Dlstrlcta ~ly, two, or mdre yacht lots, ~m~a;ly adJo~Ing, ~y by the Board of Appeals De ~r~tted ~?mtlned ~n~ a nam lot or lot~ not less tDa~ 10,000 ~q. ft. area each ~ud not less t~ 100 fi. width at the street frontage. ~lded It be aho~ to the Boa~ of Ap~ala that each of said yacht Acts before com~Inati~ was of less area or leas width than :lulled ~der the aforesaid paragraph 6.$ ~d, by citations from the Essex Gouty Registry of ~eds, ~at eaea such lot was law~ll~ lald out ~d d~y recorded bT pl~ er deed prior to th~ffectlve date of said para.apb 6.5 l~cember ~, 1956) ~d the ~ild~g [uapedror shall p~rmit the ~onatrmcti~ of ~e ai~le family 6~¢~.king on eac~ suoh']O~OOO ac. ft. lot. Petition of the ~orth ~dover Pl~n~g B~d, Bioholas ~'. Nlcetta, Ohs l_rman, k~ue~ the aforesaid article ~e foll~xg was void: :~OTED to amend the ~orth a~owe~ Z~g B~-~w by a~rik~g o~ para6rapb~ t,,~i ~d 6.62 ~d by substi~t~g ~ place of ~m ~ follow~g y,:;rag, rapns 6.61 ~d 6.62~ '~'6, The residential lo~roas ~d lot widths abo~ requirgd ~der paragra~s 6.~ of this ~-Law s~ll not appl2 ~ ~osidenoe to any lot of less area of less width than above ~equired if be ~ ad]o~ed by o~her land of ~be a~ ~er~ va~ ~ for comb~ti~ with or uae ~ c~ectlo~ with ~oh lot, pro- that t~e applicant for a b~ilding permit ~ an~. ,such lot by citations from the Essex C~ty Registry of ~eeds ~corporated ~fached ~ ~oh applicati~ ~at such lot was law~lly lat~ out ~.d ~e~orCed by pl~ or deed prior ~o the effective date of said paragraph ~'D~mber 6~ 19~6) ~d'provided that ~ such a lot there shall be ke~. ~,~ r~on built up~ a front yard ~d a re~ y~d each not leas th~ ~ d~ ~d two aide y~ds, eao~ not less ~n 12 feet wide. I~ V~lage aesidence Dfatric~s only, two~ er more yacht lo~a~ matual~ ;~'¢~ ~20y ~he Board cf Appeals be per~t~ to be c o~Ined io~ or iota not less ~ 10,000 aq~ ft. area each ~d not lees tha~ ft~ wid~ at the street ~tage~ pro~de~ It be aho~ to ~e Board of ¢.~e~ t. het each of aa~d wac~t iota before c~inati~ was of ieee area ~e~m ~idth ~ requ~re~ ~der the aforesaid ~agraph 6.~ ~d, by :~t~n~ from t~e Essex Co~ty ~egistry of ~eda, tha~ each such 1o~ was ~:~'u~ly laid out ~d duly ~c~de~ b~ pl~ or ~ee~ prior to the effective of said paragraph ~.} {~ce~er 6~ 19~$) ~ the ~ilding ~spector ~rmit ~he ccnst~cti~ ,f ~e aingle-f~ily ~well~ ~ each such sq. ft~ lot. vo~e was: ~F~TI~ 1~. ~GATI~ 15. A ~o-~s .c~ . To ~ee If ~e ?o~ will vo~ to ~n~ ~e ~g ~-~w ~-~clr~l~g th~c~lon ~aken ~y ~he Yo~ upo~ ~i~l~ 7 ~" ~e w~r~ for ~r~%~ parcel of l~d ly~g ~o ~ nor~ ~ ~illside R~ ~e~wee~ ~rnpike ~d ~he ~dover By~Pasa~ ac ~t said p~l will ~e .am prior to ~id a~i~. ~ai~ paPoel l~ ~d~ ~ ~esoPl~ed as Beglr, ning at the intersection of the.westerly.~l~e of the Salem Turnpike with the northerly line cf ~lllside moad; thence sou'th- westerly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, 467.89 feet 'to an iron pipe marking an angle in the said street line; thence ag&in southwesterly but more westerly by the northerly line of Hillside Road, ~84 feet to an iron pipe at the intersecticm of the northerly line of Hillside Hoed with the easterly l~e of the Andover By-Pass~ thence northerly by the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass, 620.19 feet to an iron pipe; thence nort~- easterly ~6~.~ feet to an iron pipe in the ~eeterly line cf the Salem ~trnpike; thence southeasterly, by the westerly line or the Salem Turnpike, 4~7 feet to the point of begir~n~ngo Containing ~.27 acres~ more or leas. ~:'~t~on of the North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta~ the aforesaid article the following was voted~ that the Zoning By-Law and the zoning map of the Town be amended by ~::~a~e!fyLng the follcw~mg described parcel of land from a General Business ~t~!~t to th~ Country Residence and Rural Residence Districts of which it part prior to October 7, 1~7: A certain parcel of land lying to the north of Hillside Road be twecn the Salem Turnpike and the Annoyer By-Pass, and bounded ~,.d described aa follows~ Beginning at the interaectio~ of westerly line of the 5alemTur~pike with t~e northerly line of Hillside R~ad~ thence mouthwesterly by the northerly line ef Hillside Road~ 467.89 feet to *m iron p~e marking an a~le in t~e said street l~ne; t~ence agaim southwesterly, but westerly, by the northerly line of H~llaide Road~ ~8~ feet to m-~ iron pips at the ~ntersection cf the northerly line of ~ill- ~!de ~oad with the Easterly line of the ~ndover By-Pass; thencs Andover northerly, by the easterly llne of the . By-Pass, 620.19 feet to an iron pips; thence northeasterly, 46~.~ feet to an iron pipe in the westerly line of the Salem ~um-np~ke; thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of t~e Salem Turnpike, 4~7 feet to the point of beginning. Containing ~.27 acres more or ~SSe So muc~ of said parcel as lies south- easterly of a line parallel to, and 2~0 feat northwesterly from ice of Town Clerk, North Andover, Con~ ~he ~enter line of ~llside Road shall hereafter Rural ~esldenoe Dlstriot. and the re~ainder of said parcel shall hereafter be in the Countr2 nesidenoe District. ~ote was AFFIRMATI~ 179. NEGATIV~ 55- A l~wo-thlrds majority° hundred and ~htrty-seven registered voters were present. ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS, Par. 6,6! & 6,62 Contr, tc any lot of less area of less width than above required if b~ ~',~t adJo~ed by o~ber land o~ the sa~ o~r, vac~ ~d for com~ion ~i~h or use tn co. eot&on wi~h ~oh lot~ pro- c.'~ ~.e appllc~t for a ~1ld~g petit ~ ~ su~ lot ?1tatl.ns from the Essex Cowry Registry of ~eeds ~corporated ~ac~ae~ to ~oh appllcats~ ~at such lot was lawfully lald out ~d ~,~o~Ced ~2 pl~ or deed prior to ~he efffeotive date of said ~Dece~e~ 6. 19~6) ~ p~vlded that ~ much a lo~ there ~all be kept not built upon a fron2 yard ~d a rear ~d each not lees ~ d~, ~d two aide yards, eao~ not 1,ess ~ 12 ffee~ wlde. Village kesidence Districts only. ~wo~ or acre yacht lots, ., .~,~, .... ~y by the Board of Appeals be per~t~d to be c o~ed ~to a or lots not less ~ 10~000 sq. ft. area each ~d not less wld~ at'the street'~t~e~ pro~ded it ~ ~o~ to ~e Board t~t eac~ of said yacht lots before oo~inati~ was of less area · ldth ~, required ~der the aforesaid p~&graph ~.~ ~d~ by rs'om t~e Essez Co~ty Re~iatry of ~eds~ that each such lot was t~!d mac ~d duly recorded by pl~ or deed prior to the effective ,~id p$~aph G.~ (~cember 6~ '19~$) ~d the ~lldlng ~spec~or ..... ~ ?."~,, conet~otion Of ~e single-~emily dwelll~ ~ eac~ such -~s~ ~PiR~TI~ 166. ~Ol~I~ 16. A ~wo-~ird~ ~Jority~ t,:Lf, i~. Tt~ see If the Town will wets to auond t~e Zoning ~y-Law b? ..:t~.tng th~ctlon taken by the To~ upon ~ticle 7 in t~e w~r~t fern S~a:lal To~ Meet~g Of October 7~ 19~7~ which purported to re-zone .~ert~ pa~c~l' o2 l~d ly~n~ ~o ~e north off ~illslde R~d between the ~rnplke ~d the ~dover By-Pass, ac that said p~cel will be zoned .~ prior to said aoti~. Said parcel ia b~ded ~d described as Beg~ning at the lntersectl~ o~ ~e wes~rlu l~e of the Salem ; ~rnpi~. ,~th the northerly line of Milleide Road; t~noe south- · ~t,erlT by the horsefly llne of Hillside Road, 467.89 feet to ~ iron pipe ~rking ~ a~le in the said street line~ ~en~e a~[n ao'~thwesterl2 but more westerl~ by the ~ortherly l~e of Hillside Hoad, 58~ feet to ~ iron pipe at the ~tersectl~ of t~e northerly line of Hillside ~oad with ~ easterly line of 'the Andover By-Pasa~ thence nor~eriy by the easterly llne of tt.e Andover By-Pass, 620.1g feet to ~ ir~ pi~S thence nortn- eaete~l.y ]~6~,.55 feet to ~ iron pi~ ~ the westerly llne of ~.e Sele'.m ~rnplke~ ~ence southeasterly, by the westerl~ line ~f t~e Salem T~npi~e, ~57 feet to the point of beg~nn~g. {~onta!nl,ng 5.27 acres, more or less. ~lt~on of the North ~dover Planning Board, Nicholas F. NicetY, Uhe aforesaid article the fell~i~ was vo~d~ t;~mt t~ Zoning By-~w ~d the ~{~g ~p of the To~ ~ ~ended bT ~ ;:,~e,a~fy~g the following described parcel of ~nd fro~ a General ~sines~ ~:{~-t~ uo the Co. try Residence ~d R~al Reside~e Districts of whl. cn part px'io~ to,October 7, 1957: A ¢~:J'~a!n parcel of land lying to the nol'~h of Hillside Road between the Salem ~urnplke and the A~o~r By-Pass, ~d bonded e~,~ ~n~tbed as ~o~lowm~ w~t~rly line of ~e Salem ~pl~ wl~ t~ northerl2 l~e of Hillside Road~ thence ~outhwesterl2 by t~ nor~erly line H~!i~[de Hoad, ~67.89 feet to ~. lr~ plpe ~rk~g ~ ~gle ~n th~ said a~reet l~e; thence ~ain sou~wea~rly, bu~ ~re wes~erl~ b2 ~he northerly llne off Hillside Road~ ~ feet mu ~ron pipe at t~e ~rsectlon of the norYherly l~e of Hill- ,S. de Ho~d wl~ ~e Easterly line of the ~dover By-Pass; r. orthe~.iy, by the e~ster~y line of t~ ~do~r By-Pass, feet tc ~ iron pipe; ~hence northeaa~rly, ~6~.~ feet to lr~, pipe ~ the westerly l~e of t~ Sale~ T~p~ke; thence south~asterl[~ b~ ~ westerly l~e of ~e ~alea ~plke, ~7 feet to the point of begi~i~. C~~g ~.~ acres ~re or ' ' So ~cA of said p~cel as lies easterly of a l~e parallel to, ~d 2~0 feet northwesterly from Of£1ee of' ?o~n Clerk. lloz,t~ And, over~ N~iI. Aprtl ?~ 195'/ ~he oen~er line of Hillside Road shall hereafter be in the ~urel hesldence District° and the remJ~der of said parcel shall a=reafter be ~n the Countr2 mesidence District. vot~ eae AFFIRMATIVE 179. NEGATIVE ~o A ~wo-~hir.ds majority° hundred and thirt2-$even re~is=e~ed voters were present. ATTESTz JOHN J. LYON~° November 2~, Hr. John J. I~ons, Town Clerk To~n of North Andover North Andover, Massachusetts We have received ~d reviewed the documents c~vering the action of the Town ~t the Special Town Meeting of October 20, 19~8. This return is in good order except that the Attorney-General's office requests that the by-laws as for- warded be covered by a specific certification as typed on the last page. Please affix your signature and the Town's seal and return both copies to us at your early convenience. Your assis+~nce is appreciated. Very truly yours, HENRY H. STOPJ~ Chief Accountant TOWN CLERK NORTH ANDOVE:R M AS:SAC H U$1~TTS COPY I hereby certify that the foregoing pages attached hereto, numbered 97 through 106, constitute all the by-laws of the Town of North Andover regulating the procedure for the calling, holding and conduct of business for all Town Meetings of the Town of North Andover, and that they were in effect at the time of the special Town Meeting held at eight o'clock P.M., October 20, 1958. Seal Town Clerk TOWN CLERK NORTH A N DOVEI~ M A$~AC H U$1rTTS I r- ..... · _.n .~.z:vcr HIZ~ ~ckoo! on 8a~arday April 7, lq56 the followi --~,.~d 'n the Warr~m', -' ,~2 , ..q t~-' of the Generai : ., -- t..' ;f ,-out[~,~o. '~ a~: ¥2=e shall be ~rante~ lea'~., .' .. '-' ~', q~v year. and m~ah aeave not use~ in ~ ~oar y~t'y r- -..:~ . ?t used pPI ~r to t.erm!na%ion of mn em~l,.w~ -: ;~]j ar, roche the f-.!l.z~Ing ~as voted: .OT~ to acoc'k the fzil~'Ing by-law as autnoria~ ...... ' ,-! th~* qene~:,l La'~;~; Every employee of the re.. - ....... ~ ~Chc~! ~r,~i~t.'-f ~ wP. 2 i'~ :~91~~ ' · E'. '-~'. 'ed ,u'"..~.~ ~'t':";it l.,ss of pa7 for abs~r,'~. ; -;-~r maw '~,;~ a-.,3,~aist~] ~;, t.c, but not exceed!n: ' ' c,~ea, ,,' ' u,l-~P. ~uoh leave not used pr~or to ter;r.!nat:. ~,e~ vlc. e snail laps~ a...~d ~n emplo~e shall not be ,.,ti:.:: in lieu tnera'3f- I 1a No. ANOOVert PLANNINa BOARD :E 1-1 AVE R 1-11 L 1, LF_oF_No D i s T n C T 5 A 4t W NA > (440A North Arai Masao April 18, 1958 A True Copy A n f AT T96 0 T 01 C No. ANDOVER, MASS. L M �jA 1,ANVQ14-,'NC`I E" ZONING N/IAP Boston, Mass., April 28, 1958 The -within zoning map is hereby approved. 0 A 7 _e, ol ,�/f/ 4*1 4 4 co C111CM 417C K I AKE A Nk 7- N, • X t . "Ar 'h . , ,• ' �; �{'fy,, `� ,� NI x, ILI '0 4C V- 40'4 e. 4t .N� 4 Ir 30A _ el A'I 46 4, 4, 4C IIC� �rl­, J; 4tJ4 4 \oI !A$ 44q Vt it Z - N r `Z ZK - - 'W 4 4 4 1, Ir 4( OF TRE TOWN OF 0 LIT f—I �\N D OV E R lk� MAS S, X)TO so! 000 AL IL L AW 11 N ('11 F GOO. OVY 1 �4 LN6IP,4 E e 9A I "Aver-ItAtLL, MA95. I -'ro ogtC. CC ?t L if ox V. A N, A lIq LAND AREA RUONeD UNOeR ;eA ARTICLE 13 OF MARCH 058 (5F.F. ENLARGED MAP ATMCIAED) L -,'i A A a 1 1 i¢ , a �y Np h An WoViDl+ Mass. �. `Apr1:`1895 A Tuber COD4, ATTB6Ti xt JOHNG. NS TOWN � N4RT..H ANDOVER, MASS. 'a.�7'�,'"ro`�'� aY�t^�,'�'?ci.'"w:^.M.^�me=w... .'-^^r,-.-�s-w.vs._.......:*wnr..,•vr(++-�..»•----.,•+..�.,.-.,.�.v.,.s.4•"•+nwa..+»+-«.«..,.«x.-._. .,.--.- ...:.+i ,.. ..,.,�..^,w..,.-� ,.-...i..-.,=.,r.�y...�.r.•.. ,.. «^s-.. 1.--,..,.,."_..._ „.. ._,. __.-_... .._. � ,........."... ....., ..,.. .,,.�.-,....�. � ,. �.�... APO s k r � aw ` �^,k.1 = •' � '.. 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