HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-19Henorable Eliot L, Riohardao~
Atte~ney ~ne~alof The
State House
ou~ N~rth Andover High School ~ Monday evening June 19, 1967 at
8~00 P.M., the ~ollowing a~tioles appeared in the Wa~rant~
ARTICLE 1, To aec if the To~n will vote to amend th~ North Andove~
zoning by-laws by the additien of the following seotle~e
8eotion ~.8 Private Recreation Areas. Private ~ecreation
~neluding swimming and/or tennis clubs shall be permitted in an~
zc~in~ district in aooordance with standards set forth by the
Board of Appeals mo am to not be detrimental to the neighborhood
where it ~m to be loeated) a~d onl~ after m publto hea~ing l~y the
Board of Appeals with due not~ee ~lven on applieeb:~on fol. a bu~ld-
~ permit and only a£te~ a site plan ~eview and approval by the
Board of Appeals endorsed in w~ltL~g o~ the site plan with
without any conditions.
Petition of Angels R. Co, ratine and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was voted to ADOPT the article as
it appeared in the ~arre~.
The vote warn AFFIRMATIVE l~. ~A~i~ ~. A two-third m~o~Ity.
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote ~o amend its Zo~nin~ B~-Law
b7 changing f~om Village Reeldenee D~st~ot to General ~ulxr~sl
District the following described ~ ~oel of land~
Beginnir~ at the northeasterly corner of the within described
premises at the ~nterseotton of Massachusetts Avenue with Dar~era
Under the aforesaid a~ticle it was voted to ADOPT the a~ticle aa
it appeared in the Warrant, and amend Section ~.77 of t~ Zcnin~
By Law b~ adding the new sub-paragraph (~0) aa described.
A t~e eopy~
Sune 2,?., 1957
Honor'able :Kevin ~[, White
Seoretau~ o£ The Co~u~nweaZth
State House
Boa toll~ ._M~__m~ ·
At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran, s Auditc~l~
of ou~ No~.th Andover High School c~ i~aud=y ~venin8 June l~w
1967 at 8.00 P.M., the following article appeared in the arrant{
ARTICr2 1~, To see if ~he Town will vote to accept the
of ~pter ~ Section ~9~ of ~e General ~w,, ~ioh ~ad~ aa foll~s~
The t~asu~er of any oi~y, to~ o~ cowry which accepts ~hia
may make advice ~ent8 in ~ ~o~ no~ to exceed ~y
allow~oe act~lly d~ 2o employees of su~ oi~, to~ or c~ty ~o
are eligible for~ ~d who ~ve filed applioati~a for, ~ti~nt,
d~g such pe~i~ as is necessary for ~he ~ ~eSs~g of such
applioati~8 for retiuement, ~d m~ll ea~bli~ rules and
gove~ni~ much paints. This section $~ll t~o effect u~n its
acceptance In a oily by vo~ of t~ cfr2 co, oil, subject ~
puovisions of i~$ charter{ in a to~ by vo~ of Zhe vo~r8 at a
to~ meet~g; a~ ~ a co~y by voZe ~ the o~ty co~isal~e~s.
Petl~i~ of the Fi~e E~ee~s.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED unanimously to accept the
provisions of Chapter 52, Section 99, of the General Laws.
A true oopy:
June 15, 1967
N~. Arthur A. Tharn~o~
/~z~lermtor, Te~m ef I~rth An~lover
Tmm Office Building
Re: The Spe~s,!,, Ta~m ~meting of June 19~ 1967
Dear Arthur:
Th;s Meeting is Special in more ways then one.
The principal difficulty has to do with the "money" ArticleS,
5, 6, 7 and 15 (Ne. t6 poses no problem: see bel~). These must,
you kno~, be recemmaended by the Selectmen ~d the Ao'visory Ca~mittee,
since this is s Specis~ Ta~m Meeting, (General By-Lmm, Article
Section 6). The sums t~hich these Articles propose that the Town "raise
and appropriate" total $14~5(X). But the Te~m has Something less then
$2,200 in its "free cash" account: ~d the 1967 tax rate ha~ no~ been
fixe~, The Special Tmm ~eetJng cannot "raise end appropriate" more
than the "free cash" amount, See G.L, c,
So frc~ Where comes the other $12,0007 [Net fro~ the
Ste~ilization Fund; we deal with that only at Annual Town ~eating$,
G.L.c. 40, 5BI
There is, of course, the Reserve Fund, and it ~s my present
understanding that the Advisory Con~ittee will move to strike Article 5
(Special Election coltl) from the Warrant, end undertake to take care of
this expenle~ liter, by a transfer from that Fund, Other "money" Art;clem
may simlisrly be disposed of: at this date, no defin;tive dec;sions have
been mede. We may have to play these problem~ by ear as the ~eet~ng goes
along. Or, h~efutly, fha C~ittee w~ll have c~e to definite conclusions
~li prior to 8 P,~. on June 19,
Another Solution to these problerns lies, of course, within the
confines of G.L. c~ 44, ~ ~SB, Which permits t .o~1..~, upo~ the recon~endation
of the Advisory C~ittee, to "transfer any amount prevlously appropriated
to any other use authorized by laW," This iS being exp!ored. [The D/rector
of Accounts, if ~ ~B iS used, l~ould welcome a m-itten "release" of such
excess funds from the municipal department for which they were originally
appropriated, although the statute requires this procedure only in cities:
pre$~ably, any such "release" shoula be forwarded to the Selectmen~ end
kept in their files,]
A further ~olut[orl may be, ~ to certain of the subject Articles,
Article I5 ~$ not a problem: the School C~ittee's budget
clu~e~ a su~a sufficient to ~eke care of the proposed rental, and all that
the ~lk~eting need ~ ~1 ~ec~fically to authorize the C~ttee to enter
~to an Agre~ent of Lea~e For fha purpo~e~ of the Article.
Another problem - the last, I hope - has to do with Article 12:
the North Andover-L~reflce boundary. As you know, fha governing statute
is G.L.c. 42, § 7, which requires the Tow~ to approve the proposed new
tine of demarcation Cwhich wilt thereafter, following similar ~proval by
the L~ce City Council, be ~u~itted to the State D~artmenf of Public
Work~ for ~tl ex~natien I~ to "cllr~ty end engineering iccur~y",
~oll~ing ~ich the ~neral Court ~itl, prea~ebly, enact a spec,al act
i~l~ent~ng the propoaed ch~ges). As ~[tten, the Article (the ~o~ of
~ch you have already approv~) pr~ae~ that ~ec~f,c rec~endat~ons
will be ~a~ at fha ~et~ng - ;n the fo~, I h~ed, and st,Ii hope, of
accurate ~tten ~eacript~on of the n~ I~ne. L~ence'~ City
en~ Dons!~ Br~leur, the T~'I r~re$~tet~ve ~n ,h~$ area. both ~sured
~ f~ ~ekl e~, that auc~ a writte~ ~lcr~pf;on ~uld be available
u~ at fha ~et~g, But the tatter ~s prele~rly ho~;tal~zed, and the
~o~er ~s off ,o a convent on o~ s~e sort, and ~ ~ub, that the des,red
delcr~pt~on prelently
Perhaps it may be next ~onday at S P.~, I she continue to do
what I can ,o get it for your use.
Again~ this is, It the moment, "by ear."
I suppose there a~e other problems0 too.
Very truJy yours.
~own Counsel
Chairmen. Board of Selectmen
Che~rman, Advisory Cowmltlee
Town Clerk
~e 20~ 1967
~, Arthu~ H, MacE~non
Director of Accounts
¢om~cmwealth off ~assachueetts
P.O. Box 2017.
Boston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Audtt~lu~
of our North Andover High School on Monday evening June
1967 at 8:00 P.M., the following article appeared in the
Warren t:
ARTICLE 1~, To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of $2~00.00 to be e~pended under the
direction of the Board of Public Works f~ the purpoee ef
extending the water system on Autran Avenue from its
present terminus to Unity Avenue.
Petition of Phillip T. Miller and others.
Under the aforesaid article the following was voted~
VO~ED that the TOW~fA appropriate $2500.00 to be expen~ed
under the direction of the Board of' Public Works for
the purpose of this article, and th&t to meet said
approprlatic~ the %¥easurer with the approval of the
Select~n is authorized to borrow $2~00.00 under
o.~;s.8 (~), and to issue bo~de c~ notes of the Town
therefor, payable in one year from their dates.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Two hundred and thirteen (215) duly registered voters were
present. One hundred and fifty (150) being the requi~ed
A true copy~ ATTEST,
.3. Thin ~ ~ aot be d~t~atal to th~ a~a,
eonatder all runi~ieatieuo. Thtf oould poaa~bl~ be aotod upea
at a reiulf~ Teua Meeting.
A~r~CLE /,. Ropmd,lUg SeotAea 6.63, as ~o umhe-eAsea tots,
· BOSTON 02133
July 11, 1967
Mr. John J. Lyons
Town Clerk
North Andover
Dear Mr. Lyons:
I enclose the amendments to general by-laws
adopted under articles 8, 10 and 11 of the warrant and
the amendments to zoning by-laws and zoning map adop%ed
under articles 1 and 2 of the warrant at the special
town meeting held June 19, 1967, with the approval of
the Attorney General endorsed thereon.
Very truly yours,
Carter Lee
Assistant Attorney General
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
June 20,
Honorable Eliot L. Richardson
Attorney Generalof The Commonwealth
State House
Boston, ~,'~ass. 02135
Dear Sir:
At the Special Town ~teeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of
our North Andover High School on ~iOnday evening.June 19, 1967 at
8~00 P.},~., the following articles appeared in the Warrant:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover
zoning by-laws by the addition of the following section:
Section 4.8 Private Recreation Areas. Private recreation areas
including swimming and/or tennis clubs shall be permitted in any
zoning district in accordance with standards set forth by the
Board of Appeals so as to not be detrimental to the neighborhood
where it is to be located; and only after a public hearing by the
Board of Appeals with due notice given on application for a build-
ing permit and only after a site plan review and approval by the
Beard of Appeals endorsed in writing on the site plan with or
without any conditions.
Petition of Angelo R. Contarino and others.
Under the aforesaid article it was voted to ADOPT the article as
it appeared in the ~arrant.
The vote was AFFIRNATIVE 164. ~GATIVE 2~. A two-third majority.
ARTICLE 2. To 'see if the Town wilI vote to amend its Zoning By-Law
by changing from Village Residence District to General Business
District the following described ~rcel of land:
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the within described
premises at the intersection of Nassachusetts Avenue with Danvers
Street thence turning and ~unning S32° 51' 36" W by Danvers Street
65 ~eet; thence turning ana running N57° 08' 24" w oy land of Chas.
D. Glennie, Inc. 72 feet; thence turning and running N32° 5l' 36" E
by land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 9 feet; thence turning
and running N83° 19' 26" E by land of the Oommonwealthp,f Massachu-
setts 81.69 feet; thence turning and running 857° 08'24' E by
Nassachusetts Avenue 9 feet. Petition of the Se~ctmen.
Under the aforesaid article it ~¥as voted to ADOPT the article as
it appeared in the Warrant, and amend Section 3.77 of the Zoning
By Law by adding the new sub-par/~g~ph ~(2~0)/~s described.
A true copy: ATTEST: ~'
\~/Boston, Mass. July 11, 1967
The foregoing amendments to zoning by-laws
adopted under articles 1 and 2 are approved.
~ttorney Genera-
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk
July 1967
To Whom It May Concern:
I have this date posted copies of amendments
to the zoning by-laws adopted under Articles 8, 10, and
ll of the Special Town Meeting of Monday, Jun~ 19' 1967'
with the approval of the Attorney General noted'~thereon.
Also Posted this date copies of amendments
to the general by-laws under articles 1 and 2 of the
Special Town Meeting of Monday June 19, 1967.
Said copieS being posted at the Town Office
Building and at five or more public places in each
vo~ing p~ectnct of the Town.~~,~ , ,
North ~ndover, Mass.
July 1~, 1967.
JO~N J. LYONS, Iown Clerk
June 23, 1967.
Honorable Eliot L. Richardson
Attorney General of The Commonwealth
State House
Bos ton, I~ss.
Dear Sir:
At The Special Town Meeting in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North
Andover High School on Monday, June 19, 1967 at 8:00 ~.~i., the following
articles appeared in the Watt,at:
~LRTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6 of its
Building By-Law by adding at the end of the following sentenc:
Nothing in this or any other section of this By-Law shall be taken to
require the issuance of ~ rmits for the construction of municipally
owned buildings or other structures. Petition of the Selectmen.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote ~ amend Article III of its
General By-Laws by adding the following new section:
Section 9: No person shall accumulate, keep, store, park, place, repair,
deposit or permit to remain upon premises owned by him or under his con-
trol, more than one unregistered or any dismantled, unserviceable,
j~uked, or abandoned motor vehicle unless he is licensed to do so under
thc General Laws or unless he receives written permission to do so from
the Board of Selectmen after a hearing. Written permission may only be
gr~ted by said Board on condition that the owner agrees to screen the
permitted vehicle or vehicles from view from neighboring land ways or
public highways for breach of which agreement said permission shall be
revoked. This by-law shall not apply to agricultural vehicles in use
on an operating farm. Whoever violates or continues to violate this
by-law after having been notified of such violation shall be punished
bya fine of not in excess of $50. Each week during which such violation
is permitted to continue shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
Petition of the Selectmen.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws
by striking out Article XIII a~d inserting in place thereof the following:
Article XIII: Any person violating any By-Law of the Town shall be pun-
ished therefor a fine of not more than fifty dollars for each such
offense. (The present designated penalty is $20 for each ciolation; a
recently enacted statute permits the Town to adopt the higher penalty.
See Acts of 1965, 0.316.) Petition of Town Counsel.
Under the aforesaid artice it was VOTED unanimously, to amend Article
XIII of the General By-Laws by striking out Section i and inserting in
place thereof the following: Section 1. Any person violating any
By-Law of the To~ shall be punished therefor by a fine of not more
than fifty dollars for each offense.
~~ JOtIN J. LYON'S, Town Clerk
Hon. Eliot L. Richardson
June 25, 1967
AHTICT, P]S 8, 10, and ll were of a unanimous vote and so declared.
true copy,' " ATTEST:
Boston, Mass. July 11, 1967
The foregoing amendments to general by-laws
adopted under articles 8, 10 and 11 are
Attorney General
~]~e 20~ 1967
Mayor and C~ty Oounoil
city Hall
Oentlemen I
At the Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran*s Audltoritma of eu~
Ncr th Andover High School on Mc~day Evening, June 19, 1967 at 8300
P.M., the following article appeared in the Warrant:
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to authorize and dlr~ct the
Selectmen to take appropriate steps to change the bounday 1L~e between
~he Town and the City of Law,enos in accordance with speolfle recommenda-
tions to be made at the meeting~ such change being made desirable by the
chmnging of the course of the Shawsheen River during the const~uotion of
Interstate Route 495. Petition of the Select,eh.
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED ~o ADOPT the Article, and to
authorize and direct the Selectmen to take appropriate steps, in
operation with representatives of the Cl~y of Lawrence, to ~edefine the
boundary line between ~he Town and the City, subject to the approval of
the .Stats Department of Public Works, substantially as indicated on a
COlby of that plan entitled "Plan showing the Relocation of City a~d
Town Line Between Lawrence, Mass., and North Andover, Maes.," drawn by
Brasseur Associates and dated September 1966, which said copy was this
date (June 19, 1967) filed with the Tewn Clerk, and a w~ltten running
description cf which proposed relocatio~ of the boundary line was alee
fil~ed, mxd is as follows:
Description of the boundary line ~etween the City of Lawn,nee and the
Town of North Andove~ frc~ cermet bound L-NA ~1 Southerly to co~ne~
bound L-NA #2 as relocated.
Beginning at corner bound ~NA ~l an urmmrked
point in the middle of the Merrimack River opposite the easterly bank of
the Shawaheen itiverl thence southerly lry said easterly bank of
sheen River to a point marking the easterly corner of the easterly line
of Route_4~5 la~.d out as a State~ Hlghw~ September 15, 1959, said point
be_lng S 57~ - 06' - 27" E 525.0~ fee~ from ~he main baas line station
9~0 of said lay curl thence southerly by said easterly line of Route
g95' as laid out as a Sta~e Highway september 15, 1959 25.00 feet mo~e
or less to a p.oint marking the northerly corner ce ~he n~c~theasterly
line of Route [~95 lald ou.t as a State Highway J~ne 6~ 1961, said point
being N ~6°-20'-~4" W, 1~.00 feet more or Ieee from auxili.a.~ ba~_e
line "B" station 1SA0} thence turning and running S~6°-20'-~.~
feet more or less in party by said northeasterly line of Route
l~id out as a State Highway June 6, 1961 and crossing ~utton
to a point in the s~utherly line of said Sutton Street as laid out aa
a State Highway ~nne 6, 19~1; thence turning and ming by said south-
erly llne of Sutton Street as laid out as a State ~ighway June 6, 1961
in seven courses 354o.0~,.~5. WlOO.0~.~ee~I o. ,
WI~0.gO feetl 862°-2~'-[~?" wgg.00 feet by a curve of ~170.02 feet
and City Council, LawrenQo. ~.
une SO, 1967
radius 67.11 feet said seven courses, comloir~ d, totaling 6~.}8
feet to a poin~ in the easterly l~e of Rou~e ~. ~id ~u~ ~. ~
State Hi,way J~e g, 1961 said po~t berg S~°-~7'-~0" El50.00
feet ~ the ~tn base l~e atatio~ ~2~69.~0 of said lay out~
thence turn~g ~d r~i~ S8~o-~2'-~0" W~I.~ feet across said
Route 49~ to a point in ~ ~aterly line of Route ~ as ~id out
aa a State High~7 ~e 6, 1~61 said po~t be~ ~°-~7,-~0~
W ~0.00 fee~ fr~ the ~in base l~e station 91A~.78 of .aid
~ Ou~ thence t~tng ~nd ~Ing Sl~°-~'-~0~ W~8.~I feet ~ laid
~terly l~e of Route ~ as lai~ ~ut as a State Hi~y J~e $,
1961 to a po~t~ said po~t berg ~°-47'-~0" ~0.00 feet fr~ ~
~in base line station 7~8.~ of said lay out~ ~nce t~ a~
r~ning ~2o-~1,-~6" W~00.00 fee,.b2 t~e ~$~erl2 l~e of Rou~e ~9~
laid out as a S~a~ Highway J~e 6, 1961 to a po~t~ ~e ~ni~
~d r~ about ~o-00' W~8.00 feet more or less ~ a po~t in
the southerly bane of the Shawsheen River~ thence oca~tinuing wester-
ly, southerly and easterly by the southerly, easterly and n.o~therl~.
bank of said Shawsheen Hiver to a point sa~d point being ~4.00 feet
southerly of the southerly lime of Mas.~ac~usetts Avenue, ther~e
turning and running S~7o.~8~.2~. E abou~ ~70.00 feet by a line
parallel with, and }}4.00 feet southerly c~ ~ ~he said southerly line
of Massachusetts Avenue, to a .point in the westerly line of Route
h95 laid out as a ~tete Highway June 6, 1961! thence turning and
l-~nning 30~o.55~.56. E10~.22 feet by.~aid.westerly lin~ of ROU~
~9~ laid out as a State Highway June 6, 1961 to a point~ said point
~eing $8}° 27~-~0" W191.97 feet from the main base line station
~SAO Of said lay out~ thence turning and trueing N8]o-27~-]0" E
590.89 feet across said Route 495 to a point in ~he easterly line
of said Route ~9~ laid out as a 8~ate Highway June 6~ 1961 said
point being N8}°-27'-}0" E198,92 feet from the -~ln base line station
58A0 of said lay out; thence turning and running ~06o-~2'-}0" E about
70.00 feet by said easterly line of Route hg~ laid out as a State
Highway June 6, 1961 to a point in =h~ northerly bank of the Shawsheen
River~ thence turnln~ and running easterly and ~ utherly by ~®
northerly and easterly bank of the Shawsheen River to a point said
point being N69O-15,-25" E about 221.00 feet from au~ lial-y base
line "D" station 20&00 of Route h95 laid out as a State Highway
December 27, 1960~ thence turning and x-unnlng S]2o-~]~-]1" E about
169.00 feet by the easterly line of a channel easement, said channel
easement being a portion of Route ~95 laid out aea S~ate Highway
December 27, 1960 to a point in ~he northerly betook of the Shawsheen
River said point being_~81o-05~-}5" E about 280.00 feet f~om
auxiliar7 base line "D~ station 20&90.00 of Route laid out as
a ~tate Highway December 27~ 1960~ thence tux=
easterly and southerl~ by the northe~l.~ and the
Shawsheen River to a corner bound L-NA #2, an ~lnt on
the easterly bank of the F~hawsheen River at the s~ of
MaTor and City Council, Lawrence.
~une ~0, 19~7
The Salem Turnpike (Rou~e 1!!,~) bridge and ~.00 feet northweste~17
fr~a the witness ma~k, a g~anite monument marked A-L situated on
the northwest side of Salem Tul-npike (Rou~e 11~),
TO~ ~MI~ ~
~t~ in elt~:
~icle I~: Tem If ~ Tw will ~te ti m~lM
li~ Ni t~ T~ i t~ City ~ ~ In ~ wt~ ~ltle
~tl~ te~I ~ ~i~ M~~I~I~
THAT the Tii thin ilIIIlly VOllEO I fiIlI~
V(II~I), IlIIIly, tl liszt
I41 direct the ~tKi to tm
~Ittl~ ef tM City ff ~~ ti ~lm ~ ~ lin
Tm Clerk, roll IVletlldlllly I1 let ferth in Ibet m, ittm dllerlptien
ef #t4 prqmled relec~t# INMMIry line ~kle~ m 81~e I~ Iii#,
I ~ CFJITI. thet t~e eq~ ~f tl~
~ld Vbte, md the ~rlttll tllll~lptl# e! ~
the I4~t~ AmJover-Lm beundlry line ~llm
f~mllved l)y my off~'~e m dune It, li~/~ prier
..... Tern cl '
T~ of #erth /memmr
~tttl~ ~ ~ City ~ ~,L le ~fi~ I~ ~
Description of the boundary line between the Olty of Lawrence
and the Town of NOrth Audover from co~er bound L-NA ~I southerly,
$o corner bound L-NA ~2 as relocated~
Beginning at corner bound L-NA ~t s.n ~-~arked point in the
middle of the Merrimack River opposite the easterly ba~k of the
Shawsheen River; thence southerly by said easterly bank of the
Shawmheen River to a point marking the easterly corner of the
easterly line of Route 495 laid out as State Highway September
I5~ 1959, said point being S 87° - 06'~ .a 27" E 525.08 feet from
the main base line station 98m0 of said lay~out; thence southerly
by said easterly bank of the ~awmheen River and of said easterly~
line of Route 495 as laid out as a State Highway September 15,
1959 25,00 feet more or less to a point marking the northerly
corner of the northeasterly line of Route 495 I~id out as a
State Highway June 6, 1961, said point being N 36° _ 20,~ . 4#"
I3#,00 feet more or less from auxiliary base line "B" station~
I8~0;' thence turning and running S 36~ - 20~ - 44"~E~188~5I
feet more or less in part by said northeasterly line of Route~
49~ Iaid out as a State Highway June 6, 196I and crossing Sutton
St. to a point in the southerly lin.e of said Sutton St!' aa laid
out as a State Highway ~une 6, ~961, thence turnins and running
by maid southerly line of Sutton St~. am laid out a~ a State High-
way ~une 6, 1961 in seven courses S 54° - 04" - 45" W 100.05 feet;
S 55~ - 32~ - 57" W 11l~.02 feet; S ~57~ - I4."~- I~"~W .102:60 fee%;
S 58~ - 28~ - 56~ W 80'20 feet; S 60 - 29"~- 23 ~W 140.~0 fee%;
S 62~ - 23!=- 4?- ~ 9~00 feet and by a curve of~3170.02 fee~
radius 67.11 feet said seven courses, combined, totaling 695~38
feet' to point in the easterly line of Route #95 laid o. ut as
~tate Highway June 6, 1961 said point being S 74~ - 47'~ - 30" E
180.00 feet from the main base line station 92~6~'30 o~ said-lay
out; thence turning and running B 86° - 52' - .~0" W 421.39 feet
across said ~ute $95 to a point in the westerly~line of Route
#95 l~aid out a.m. a ~tate Highway ~une 6, 1961 sa~ point beins_
N ~4~ - ~7"30" W 220.00 feet from the main bas~?station
of'said l~y oU~; thence turning and running S 15~- I2" - 3~"
1~98.#1 feet by said westerly line of Route #95 as laid out~am
a State Highway .J. une 6, I961 to a point; said Point being
N 7#° - ~7" - 30" W 220.00 feet from the main base line~stmtlon
76~38.37 o~ said-lay out; thence turning and rurn3, ing S ~2~ - 51~-
36" ~ 200'00 feet by the westerly line of Route #~5 laid out
a ~tate Highway June 6, 1961 to a point; thence turning and run-
ning about N 77° _ 00~ W 2~8-00 feet more or less to a point in
the southerly bank of~the Shawsheen River; thence continuing
westerly,~ southerly and easterly by the southerly, easterly
$~d northerly bank of said Shawsheen River to a point said
point being 33~*00 feet southerly of the southerly lineo of,,
Massachusetts Ave.; thence turning and running S 57 - 08 -
a~out #70.00 feet by a line parallel with , and 334.00 feet
s=utherly of, the said southerly line of Massachusetts Ave, ~o
a point in the westerly line of Route 495 laid out as a State
and running S 03° - 55' - 56" E
103#.22 feet by said westerly line of Route 495 laid out
Sta~e Highway June 6, 1961 to a point; said point being S_83-~
~v=.,, _ ~o~ W __~T~ "~ feet from the main base lineo station,. 5~*0,,
said lay-out; thence t~_~-~-~-ing and running N 83 - 27 - 30 _E
390-89 feet across maid Route $95 to a point in the-easterly
line of said Route 4R5 laid out as ~ State Highway J~une 6,~ I961
maid point being N 83~ - 27'~ - 30" E 195~92 feet from the maim
base li~e station 58~0 of said lay out; thence turning and r~u-
ni~g S 06~ - 32' - 30" E about ?0.00 feet by said easterly line
of Route 495 laid ou£~as a State Highway June 6, 1961 ko a point
in the northerly bank of the Shawsheen River; thence turning a~d
running easterly and southerly by the northerly and easterly ba~
of the Shawsheen River to a point said point being N 69~ - I5'~ - 25
about 221~00 feet from aumiliary base line "D" station 20.00 Qf
RoUte 495' lald out as a Btate Highw.a.y December 27, 1960; ~thence
turning and running S 32 o _ 53'- 31" E about- 169-00 fee~;-~ thc~-c
by the easterly line of a chanm~l easement, said channel easement
being a portion of Route 495 laid out as a State Highway December
27, 1960 ~o a point iR the northerly bank of the Shawsheen River
said point being N 81u- 05' - 35" E about 280~00 feet from
auxiliary base line "D" station 20&90 n0 of Route 495 laid
out as a State Highway. December 27a 1~0; thence turning and run-
ming easterly and southerly by the northerly .and easterly bank
of the Shawsheen River to corner bound L-NA ~2, an unmarked point~
on the easterly bank of the Shawsheen River at the northerly side
of the Salem Tui~pike (Route II4) bridge and 35-~00 feet north-
westerly from the witneas mark, a granite monument marked A-L
situated on the northwest side of Salem Turnpike (Route 114).
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Boston, Mass. April 21, 1967
The within zoning map is hereby approved. (Arts. 10, 75, 77)
Attorney General
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Boston, Mass. July 11, 1967