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ThE COMMONWEaLTh Of MassachUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN W, Mi: CORMACK BTA?£ OFFICE: BUILDING ONE: ABHBURTON PLACE:, BOSTON O21OB F'IIANCI~i X. BI'CLOT'ri Daniel Long, Town Clerk Office of Town Clerk Town Building North Andover, Massachusetts December 20, 1983 01845 Dear Mr. Long: I enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under A~ticle 6 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town Meeting held October 27, 1983, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon and on the zoning map pertaining to Article 6. Very truly yours, ~ O'Connell Assistant Attorney General enclosure HFO/ehm December 20, 1983 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted under Article 6 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town Meeting held October 27, 1983, is hereby approved. December 20, 1983 Boston, Massachusetts The within zoning map pertaining to Article 6 of the warrant for the North Andover Specia~n Meeting held October 27, 1983, is hereby TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER D.~rl~, Lo~, Town Clerk ELECTION DEPARTMENT The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti Attorney Grneral of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, Mass. 02108 Dear Attorney General: TOWN' BUILDING NORTH ANDOVER. MASS. 01845 November 7, 1983 NOv I At a Special Town Meeting held October 27, 1983 in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School the followtnf zoning article was voted upon and is hereby submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 6. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to change the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence Four (R-4) to business Four (B-4), located at 89 Turnpike Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon s~tuated on the southwesterly side of Salem Turnpike, North Andover, Massachusetts and being shown as Lot "A" on plan of land entitled "Plan of Land in Andover & North Andover, owned by Daniel J. & Katherine B. Connelly, Scale 1" = 80', March 1966, Stowers Associates Reg. Land Surveyors, Methuen, Mass. and recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5465. Said premises are more particularly bounded and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED ADDENDUM NORTHEASTERLY: SOUTHEASTERLY: SOUTHWESTERLY: NORTHWESTERLY: by Salem Turnpike as shown on said plan; two hundred fifty-two and 24/100 (252.24) feet as shown on said plan; two hundred (200) feet as shown on said plan; and two hundred fifty (250) feet as shown on said plan. Said premises contain 50,100 square feet as shown on said plan. Petition of Richard K. Mallen and others TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER D~rm~ LONe, Town Clerk ELECTION DEPAI~TMENT TOWN BUILDING ANDOVER, MAS8. 01845 November 7, 1983 ARTICLE 6. (Continued) Under the aforsaid Article it was VOTED to Adopt the Article. VOTED YES 205 VOTED NO 68 All requirements of the law have been complied with. ,AT~: A TR~ COPY / TOWN CLERK ~_~ F'~,AND)~ X. B£LLOI'TI THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN W, Mc CORMACK BTATr OFFICE: BUILOINO ONE ABI-IBURTO¥ laLACEt BOISTON O~-lOg December 20, 1983 Daniel Long, Town Clerk Office of Town Clerk Town Building North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Long: I enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article 5 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town Meeting held October 27, 1983, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Ver~ truly yours, Henry F. O'Connell Assistant Attorney General enclosure HFO/ehm December 20, 1983 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendment to the general by-laws adopted under Article 5 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town Meeting held October 27, 1983, is hereby approved. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER D~rn~ LONG, Town Clerk ELECTION DEPARTMENT TOW1V BUILDING NO~ A~DOVER, bIASg. 01845 November 7, 1983. The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti Attorney General of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, Mass. 02108 Dear Attorney General: At a Special Toen Meeting held October 27, 1983 in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School, the following Article was voted upon and is hereby submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 5. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General ByLaw, by adding a new section to be entitled "Regulation of Burglar Alarm System". Summary of the new ByLaw is as follows: a) The purpose of this-article is to make responsible for false alarms, persons who purchase, lease or rent alar~ systems that terminate at the Police Station or that sound an alarm on the outside of a building. b) Chronic false alarm violators shall be fined or-their alarm system disconnected at the Police Station. Outside alarms are to have a time limit after which they must be shut off. c) This will encourage the improvement and reliability of individual alarm systems so as to insure that police will not be unduly diverted by responding to fals~ alarms. d) Ail alarms that terminate at the Police Station shall be connected to an automatic receiving unit that will identify and record all incoming alarms. Copy of complete By Law change available at the Town Clerk's office. Petition of the Police Chief TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER DA~m~, Lo~o, Town Clerk ELEUT~ON DEPAgTM~NT TOWN BUILDING NORT~ ANDOV~R, MASS. 01845 November 7, 1983 ARTICLE 5. (Continued) It was VOTED UNANIMOUSE to Adopt the Article This By-Lawwill be numbered Section 9.2. Attached is a copy of the By-Law that was voted on. All requirments of the law were complied with. ~~~/ATT : A TRUE PY TOWN CLERK ~/ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER DANIEL LON(% Town Clerk ELECTION DEPARTMENT The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti Attorney General of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, Mass. 02108 Nov z o lgJi$ Oepartme~ of ALtomey ~eneh~J TOWN BUILDING ialOHTH ANDOVER, MASS. 0184~ November 7, 1983 Dear Attorney General: At~ Special Toen Meeting held October 27, 1983 in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School, the following Article was voted upon and is hereby submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 5. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General ByLaw, by adding a new section to be entitled "Regulation of Burglar Alarm System". Summary of the new ByLaw is as follows: a) The purpose of this article is to make responsible for false alarms, persons who purchase, lease or rent' alar~ systems that terminate at the Police Station or that sound an alarm on the outside of a building. b) Chronic false alarm violators shall be fined or.their alarm system disconnected at the Police Station. Outside alarms are to have a time limit after which they must be shut off. c) This will encourage the improvement and reliability of individual alarm systems so as to insure that police will not be unduly diverted by responding to fals~ alarms. a) Ail alarms that terminate at the Police Station shall be connected to an automatic receiving unit that will identify and record all incoming alarms. Copy of complete By Law change available at the Town Clerk's Office. Petition of the Police Chief TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER D~n~ LONa, Town Clerk ~ECTION D~PAI~N~ TOWlV BUI~DIN'O NORI~I ANDOVEH, ~AS~. 0184~ November 7, 1983 ARTICLE 5. (Continued) It was VOTED UNANIMOUSE to Adopt the Article This By-Lawwill be numbered Section 9.2. Attached is a copy of the By-Law that was voted on. All requirments of the law were complied with. ATTE/~2.~: A TRUE/~P~/~ CLERK ~ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Dmw~m LONa, Town Clerk NLE~/~ON DEPARTMENT TOWN BUILDING NO~,'~ ANDOYER. MASS, 01845 November 7, '1983 The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti Attorney Grneral of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, Mass. 02108 Dear Attorney General: At a Special Town Meeting held October 27, 1983 in the Veteran's Auditorium of our NorthAndover Middle School the followinf zoning article was voted upon and is hereby submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 6. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote'to change the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence Four (R-4) to business Four (B-4), located at 89 Turnpike Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated on the southwesterly side of Salem Turnpike, North Andover, Massachusetts and being shown as Lot "A" on plan of land entitled "Plan of Land ~n Andover & NOrth Andover, owned by Daniel J. & Katherine B. Connelly, Scale 1" = 80', March 1966, Stowers Associates Reg. Land Surveyors, Methuen, Mass. and recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5465. Said premises are more particularly bounded and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED ADDENDUM NORTHEASTERLY: SOUTHEASTERLY: SOUTHWESTERLY: NORTHWESTERLY: by Salem Turnpike as shown on said plan; two hundred fifty-two and 24/100 (252.24) feet~as shown on said plan; two hundred (200) feet as shown on said plan; and two hundred fifty (250) feet as shown on said plan. Said premises contain 50,100 square feet as shown on said plan. Petition of Richard K. Mallen and others NLE~TION DEPARTM~N~ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER TOWN BUILDING NOR~ ANDOVZR. MASS. 01845 November 7, 1983. ARTICLE 6. (Continued) Under the ~£orsaid Article it was VOTED to Adopt the Article. VOTED YES 205 VOTED NO 68 All requirements of the law have been complied with. ATTEST: A / TOWN CLERK ~_~ ;~.~T~CLF.: / POLICE DEPAR~ .?y~ Sect~ on ....... , DEFYN~TIONS: 8h~ll b~,,e the meanbngs gbven bereiB. ~,en not ~ncons~stent w~th the c~te~t, ,~ used soI;d state ,m~t which ~lu~ ~;rec~lv {nto a one hundred and ten (110) ~rolt AC arranged to 8~gn~l the ~rese~ce of a hazard requ~ng .r~ent attentfon 8nd to which police are expected to respond. F~re alarm systems and 81a~ s~stems ~ch mon{t~ te~permt-re, smoke. ]t,?,idit-, or any other cond{t~ Dot directly related to the detect'on spec~f;callv eRclt,ded from the provfs~ons of thls section. gle~ ~,~r or -~er r~eans an~- person on whose pre~ses 'an 81arm system ~s ma~ntafned w~th~ the t~ except for alar-, systems on ~ot~ vehfcles ~ proprietary Excluded from this definition and from the coverage of thbs section are centrml pexs~qel a~d persons who use alarm system8 to ~le~t or s~gnal persons ~,~th~m the p~em~se~ ~n which the alarm system ~8 located of a~ attempted unautb~ized ~ %old.p attempt. If such a system, h~ever, employs an audible s~gnal em~tt~n~ ~ m flashin~ l~ght ~ beacon des~cned to signal persons outside the prem~e~, s,,cb mect{o~, and shall be s.biect to this section. co~ed s~*~p~l ~nd~catbn~ the existence of the emergencv s~t%~atJon that the alarm desbgned to detect. Central stat4on means an office to ~hTch remote alarm 8nd supervisory sfgnal~n¢ devices a ei~al line which, tbro,~b both v~susl and audible signals, ~ndicat:ea activation of D~rect co~ect ~eans an alsr~ system ~hich has the capability of transmitting system s~gnals to and ~ece~v~n~ them at the police department alarm F~l~e ~la~ means: 1) the a~t~vat~on of an alarm SYStem thr~i~h mechanical failure~ malfunct~, improper ~nStallat~on or negligence of the user of an ala~ syste~ ~ of h~ s e~ployees ~ thepol~ce department which in fact there has been no unauth~zed int~us~ or attempt~ unauthorized intrus~ into a premises and no atte~pt~d robbery ~ bur~la~ at a premises. Excluded fr~ th~s definition are aettvati~s of als~ systems caused by p~er outo~es, hurricanes, torDadoes, earthquakes and s~mila~ c~ditions. Intexc~Deet mea~s to c~nect an alarm system to a woice~rade teleph~e line~ e~ther d~ectlv ~ tSrou~h a mechan~c81 device that utilizes a standard telepS~e, for the pu~o~e of us~n~ the teleph~e l~ne to transmit an emersency message up~ the t~ of the ala~ system. Police or ~ol~ce department ,'cans the t~ police dep~rt~e~lt, Or 8ny ~utb~zed heolth or safety of ~ considerable n.,~ber of per~on~ ~ Of an.,., c~'mun~ty Or Sect ¢ ~ ..... . ADMINIS~AT~E RU~S: The police chief ~cav pro~,ui~ate 8,,cb rules as may be necessary for the implerentation of this Secti~. A. Aut~atfc d~allns devices - ~nterconnect~ to police depert~ent: By 08-1-~3 d~ale~s shall be reproc, ra~med to interconnect to the alarm console at the Police - 3 - hmm t!~e de¥:~ce ~ntercou~ected to a telephone l~ne trmnsmittCn~ dcreetlv l) .~ centre1 station; ~) ,~n anm¢~r~ns semite; or 3) shy privately or privately oporated facility ~ Section___. D!~CT CO~CTIONS TO POLICE DEPARted: A. Almrm systems ~ay be connected to tbe al8rm console ~n the police department, B~ Se~fc~s sh~ll be s~t forth ~n the for~ of ~ ~itten contract bet%zeen the co~p~ny ~nd e~ch ~lmr~ user. ~e prov~s~s of tb~ parmgrmpk (B.) re~t~ so~ely to the aforementioned alarm' c~sole, c~neeti~s to the said console by ~Iarm for f-rndsbdn~ the ~ppropr~ate ~nterfmce eq~,~p~,ent~ ~f re,u'red, ~n ~der to prmz~de ~n ~npu~ ~¢~81 which ~s co~p~t~ble %,~tb the receJv~nC e~'~{pme~t used to operate t~e 81ar*~ .o_.~ole. users ~r p~rsons b~vin~ d;rect copnect systems, except mun~c~paI, co, tory 8fid st3te a~encies. ~t le~t two (9) other persons who c~n Be refic),e~ ~t mmv t~me, day ~ -~ht, ~n he equ{pped %~th s dev¢ce that w~l] shut off s,~h horn ~ he~ wit ~ . v _- - 4- 1~. A~, ~w,- ?~tem e~tt~n~ s e~t~n, ou~ end ,'v~nterr. pted ~nel f~ ~ore tb~n twenty, (?03 ~"tes which cmnnot be shut o~f or otbe~se curtm~led due to tho or ,.ma~.a<lab<litv of the ~larm user or o+ber persons des;~nated by h~ ',~der Sec. A o~ th~s Sect~, and ~hlch d~st.rb~ ~e peace, cor'~ or repose o~ a e~mvn~ty, ~e!~hborhood o~ a considerable nm~ber of inhabitants o~ the area ~bere the system is located, shall constitute 8 public nuisance. Up~ receivtnF c~pla~nts re~ardin~ ~ch a c~tinuo, s and .n~n~errup~ed ~fgnal, the police chief shall endeav~ to c~tact the alarm user: or members of the alarm user~ fa~:~ly, ~ those persons designated by the ala~ ~s~r ~mder paragraph A. of this section ~n an effort to abate the nut~auce. ~e police chief shall cnvse to ~e recorded the ~.ames aug addresses of all c~plainants and the time each c~plalnt was made. In the event that the police eh~e~ Cs unable to contact the ~lar~ user, or members of the alarm user'~ family ~ othe.~ persons designated by the ala~' t~ser, or members of the ala~ -ser*s family or those persovs des~ted by the zlsrm -set under pmra~raph A. of th~s or if the af~esaid pers~s cannot or will not c~rtail the audible signal being emitted by the ala~ svste~, and if the police chief f~ othe~tse unable ~o abate t~ nuisance he mmv detect a police officer ~ a f~refighter or a q.~l~fted alarm technician enter up~ ahe proper~y o. ts~de the h~e or buildin~ in which the alarm ~yste~ ts located and t~ke ~nv veas~able action ne~:essary to abzte'~be nuisance. If entry upon property o. ts~de the borne ~ b.~ldin~ ~n which the alar~ system is loeeted is ~ade tn ~ccordance w~th tB:s sect~, the perso~ so entertng up~ such property: 1) shall not conduct, en~age ~n ~ undertake any search, seizure, ~nspec~t~ ~ Cnvest4~at~on wh~l~ be ~s upon the property; part of the b~e or b.!lding; and 3) shall ~aave the property iv-~ed-~tely ~fter the audible s~gnal bas - 5 - ^fret o~ntrv ~pon property has been made ~n accordance with this scoff on, the pol~r.e eh'~f ~h~l~ h~ve the propert3, ~o~,r~d. ~f neeen~arV, The resalable costs the alarm user, said assessr.ent not tO exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). ~ithin ten (10) days after abate~ent of a n~sance .in accordance with this section, the alarm user may request a hearb ng before the board of Selectmen and n'av preseot evidence shying that the s~onsl emitted by his alarm system was not a p,,blJc nuisance at the time of the abatement; that ,,~necessary damage wa~ caused to h~s property in the course of the abatementl that the costs of the abatement should not be assessed to hew; ~. that tho req,~irev,ents of this section were not fulfilled. The board sba11 hear all ~nterested partYes and may, ~n its di8cretJ~, reim'burse the alarm user the repairs to his property, necessitated by the abatement~ ~ excuse the alarm user fro~ pa~ing the costs of abatemente No al~ aystem des,Tgned to transmit emergency messages directly to the police department shall be w~ked on, tested ~ dem~strated without obtaining fr~ the pol~ce chCef. Permfss~on 5s not re~u~red to test ~ dem~strmte al8~ devices not trsn~tt~ng emergency messm%es d:re~tly to the pol;ce department. A~ unauth~2ed Any rep~ or test of private e~ubpment that requires over twenty (20) mlnu~e8 to e~,plete w*ll req~ire that an emnloyee of the eo,'~pany doing the repair be ~n the N~th Sect ~ o~ ..... . FALSE A. ~en en~ergenc,, mess3ges ~re received b~, the police ~epsrtme~t that evfdertce f~Ise alar~s the pol~ce c?'fef shall take such ~ct~on as m~y be appropriate under B., C,, D., and E, of tb~s section, mad, ~.~hem so required by the ter~s of the ~f~e- B. After the pol'fce depsrt~ent h~8 recorded three (3) separate f~lse ~l,rms w~th~n the ~'t~ f:fteen ~15) days ~ft~ ~ce~t of such ~,ot~ce, ~ re~t d~r~b~n~ ef~ovt~ to d:sc~er ~d el~te t~e P~use oT eat,~e~ of the ~nlse ~1~r~.8. If the ~ u~er, ewtens:o~ of tf~e for f~l'nC the report, t~e po].~ce cb:el ~ay extend the f~fteen-day f~t~e~ (15) dav~ or w~t~ any ~uch extended period, the oo~.¢ce cb:el shall ~der tl~at .se of the olar~ sv~te~ be d~sc~t~aued. Any s~ch discontinuance sb~ll be effectuated w~tkln f~fteez~ (15) days fro-' the date of receipt of the police cheer's ~der. D~ In the evemt that the police departr~ent records ~ve (5) false alarms w~tb;n the calaadar year fro~ an alar~ syste~ t~e police chief shall order that the user of alar' ?ste~ d;sco~i~ue :~sa of the ala~'~ 8yste'~ for the calendar year, b,~t for les~ t~an s:x.(6) r,~ths fro~, th~ date t~e alar~ was d~sc~neeted. In the event that the pol:ce departg-ent records a~Cbt (P) false ala~ns w~tb~n the calendar year from al~r~ syste~-~ the ~o~:ce eb~ef shall order that the user of the alar~ syste:~ t~n.e ~e of the ~r~ system for ~he e~end~r 7~ar, b~ ~ not le~ th~n ~x ~'e~t, the polfce chief shall ~eT t~t, the ~,ser d~scont~nue use of the mla~' syste~. Any s,,~% d~sc~t~nuance shall be effect~,~ted w~t~n f~fteen (15) days fr~ the date rece~Dt o~ the police chief's order. F. A~v ~er ~ ~ 81~, ~vste~ who has, ~n accordance w~th t%~s sect~om~ been ~dered by the poi:ce ch~f to d{gcm~t~nue use of am almrn~ system ~y mppeml the ~der of d~scontJnumnce to the board of Selectmen. Not~ce of mn appesl s~al~ be f~led w~th the - 7- clorl~: o~ the board ~6 .%lo¢t~e~ wfthfn ten (10) d~y~ of t~ ~nte oF the ~der of dise~t!n,anee. ~esea~tor the board shall eo~st~er the ~ertt~ o~ the appeal. ~n eon~eet~ therewith ~hall !~ear evtaenee presented by all interested persons, After hear~n~ ~ch evide~ce~ the b~rd may affirm, vacate or ~fv the ~der of Sect~ o~. PENALTIES: A. ~e foll~ acts ~nd ~zis~ons sb~II c~s~itute v~ol~t~s of this Sect~ p-nishzble by f~ne of f~fty (850.00) dollars: 1)~lure to obey ~n ~der of the police chief to d~mc~tinue.uze of mn ~I~ sy~te~, mfter ~xbm.st~ of the right of 8ppezl; 2) failure to d~sc~nect mn w~t~atfc dfmlfn~ devYce fr~ 8ny ~eleph~e n~ber~ at the police depmrtment within s~x (6) m~ths ~fter the e~fectfve dzte of th~s By-~w~ ~)~nterc~nectJon of mn ~uto~t~c d~zltnp dmv~ce to nny telephone numbers at the polSce dep~rt~ent after the effective ~te of th~s A) failure to pay two (2) ~ ~,ore c~secutive fines assessed under tb~s Sect~o~ ~th~n s~xty (60) dmys fro~ the date of asze~sment; 5) fa/lure to c~ply w~th the requirements of sect~ .... of this By-Lswo ,) Esch d~y during which the ~!oressid violati~s continue sh~ll constitute n sepmrate offense. Sec~i~ .... ~ S~ERABILI~: ~e !~l~d~ty of any part ~ p~rts of th~s By-~w sh~ll no~ e!fect the validity of the rem~!nlnR partso A,5--The section refered to is: Control and curtailment of signals ~itted by alarm syst~s. 5 e5ue-,eo T wiv ti1-4,0 �`/a 7- v 01 �STay.SJ- 1 � J � � J � � 1 � 1 a `BVI N '' 3 - 5 � s�D OT I � N I.000 ate. C MEE Lf/io`c o Al h/----- 3 � ` PR oP Z o ' GVi rJ E D,e<► in.✓.a [-� E . O I 1 4Q GSALOTI SE ME�V T 0 I p ti I�9 3r1 • N Z I ,,r L, mZ4- s} -s $' -% 3 45 0 ti :Y/ TE' 2434"76, h N o� 1' o N 0 ti ,+ Du.Fcb \ o' LOCUS Ilk V (IV o � AV --- - _ -- -- - _ C; ," 20 / / / 33 / Q = q3o ° a 5 eel Dglo.00 0 30, o0 NI L 0 LOT s r= f.ocr_7a.c. ate -LOT ji ///o .o N 47 / 0 �C/o 4ti r �3 1 h� �I/ J- 'x•2.0 +,�rwN .Q,o�io7_o v, N 2 01 all N, M N i r L, mZ4- s} -s $' -% 3 45 0 ti :Y/ TE' 2434"76, h N o� 1' o N 0 ti ,+ Du.Fcb \ o' LOCUS Ilk V (IV o � AV --- - _ -- -- - _ C; ," 20 / / / 33 / Q = q3o ° a 5 eel Dglo.00 0 30, o0 NI L 0 LOT s r= f.ocr_7a.c. ate -LOT ji ///o .o N 47 / 0 �C/o 4ti r FOR REGISTRY USE THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES 8, REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS, STEPHEN E. STAPI SKI R. S. DATE APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD, -DATE F1 LED HEARING /1(1A06 C __ / 0'r- -.Q you .r 2 0 ,c ¢ ToPo� ,�,ePN y � .G o T �.e.a oic/��► 0,AOWd AX i0e0,F/1_,E 4 of OW T4 ,Sosro v s'l G�/QTEeti>aAl Z:x ILr-Al -f/O /. TES.' /, ZowE I>isTe is r iS ,2- 2 2. ,�eoPE.Q T Y GrvES To�'o 2a.%r y �e0�-1 d .0 A? Tcr4 c. 14/5G . � 5�1 v �a w s`5> _ C =30 2.OD j. /000 ,a G �y.81 3• aa� gf�2o'-5� o: #L.4/.vo T �ivr�ov of O SUBDIVISION PLAN s` L TEOMA ESTATES NORTH ANDOVER, MASS, '�o� 4,5 / DRAWN FOR S DO MENIC TEOLI a PAUL MAUS 77 COLONIAL DRIVE LAWRENCE, MASS. v 0 20 40 80 5Ei 12�1'2' 1" = 40 _ i NOVEMBER J 1984 V) �� l MERRIMACK ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 66 PARK STREET o ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01810 SHEETIOF4 �3 1 h� �I/ J- 'x•2.0 +,�rwN .Q,o�io7_o v, N 2 01 all N, M N FOR REGISTRY USE THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES 8, REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS, STEPHEN E. STAPI SKI R. S. DATE APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD, -DATE F1 LED HEARING /1(1A06 C __ / 0'r- -.Q you .r 2 0 ,c ¢ ToPo� ,�,ePN y � .G o T �.e.a oic/��► 0,AOWd AX i0e0,F/1_,E 4 of OW T4 ,Sosro v s'l G�/QTEeti>aAl Z:x ILr-Al -f/O /. TES.' /, ZowE I>isTe is r iS ,2- 2 2. ,�eoPE.Q T Y GrvES To�'o 2a.%r y �e0�-1 d .0 A? Tcr4 c. 14/5G . � 5�1 v �a w s`5> _ C =30 2.OD j. /000 ,a G �y.81 3• aa� gf�2o'-5� o: #L.4/.vo T �ivr�ov of O SUBDIVISION PLAN s` L TEOMA ESTATES NORTH ANDOVER, MASS, '�o� 4,5 / DRAWN FOR S DO MENIC TEOLI a PAUL MAUS 77 COLONIAL DRIVE LAWRENCE, MASS. v 0 20 40 80 5Ei 12�1'2' 1" = 40 _ i NOVEMBER J 1984 V) �� l MERRIMACK ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 66 PARK STREET o ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01810 SHEETIOF4 �I/ J- 'x•2.0 +,�rwN .Q,o�io7_o 2 all ' M N FOR REGISTRY USE THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES 8, REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS, STEPHEN E. STAPI SKI R. S. DATE APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD, -DATE F1 LED HEARING /1(1A06 C __ / 0'r- -.Q you .r 2 0 ,c ¢ ToPo� ,�,ePN y � .G o T �.e.a oic/��► 0,AOWd AX i0e0,F/1_,E 4 of OW T4 ,Sosro v s'l G�/QTEeti>aAl Z:x ILr-Al -f/O /. TES.' /, ZowE I>isTe is r iS ,2- 2 2. ,�eoPE.Q T Y GrvES To�'o 2a.%r y �e0�-1 d .0 A? Tcr4 c. 14/5G . � 5�1 v �a w s`5> _ C =30 2.OD j. /000 ,a G �y.81 3• aa� gf�2o'-5� o: #L.4/.vo T �ivr�ov of O SUBDIVISION PLAN s` L TEOMA ESTATES NORTH ANDOVER, MASS, '�o� 4,5 / DRAWN FOR S DO MENIC TEOLI a PAUL MAUS 77 COLONIAL DRIVE LAWRENCE, MASS. v 0 20 40 80 5Ei 12�1'2' 1" = 40 _ i NOVEMBER J 1984 V) �� l MERRIMACK ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 66 PARK STREET o ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01810 SHEETIOF4 45 Zoo X a F � ; o� � CA /. PG.4 CE E.eos/av Co.vT,eoG; Cu T .e oA D�v,4 y vEc�E TA Tio�V,' G'f//P ,FLASH-- ,2EMDYE GO y9, (l e,11e CGEA e �,3Gt/EE, s' J . Z, ,YC,A W TE�ur%OG.G P/4 —15 GOA M /00 ',d 1,VA y 7R,6A "IS/ f�W yg4GES AZ_0A1c 7//E a445 OF /W,5 101Z,5' � \ ,2EM0l1E o,e BU,e y SrU,�Ps o v .s/r6- T -A l o,e. 4 Rle- y ee t/(5,e GOsGN \ o�N Pr�E k/ilN NAY o e (7,2456 ra ,3rA y /,V pGACE TfrAA1 sA10VPA/S, EXG-A VA TE ti 2 'TD ABI P Al fe 7116 A514PW4 y TO ,�1,86,2A1�E r3 41V6W e s TB. M. � { `� � I � 3 /,v�5 ra,��,- l�,t/DE.eG.eoUrvv l/Trc/T� ES i�/f1 c�.o/.vh o'1'O,etir L3�vi•�%4yE, 0000, ,� � « ,.iv��v A fA,�,vio.v ro ,q��•.ow rf/� s re�A,Ns To �".c.ow ����L �Ev= 208.22 ' /°'� L O I W A T sll L TrME6. L/T/L/ZE 1E bWVic —s JOr N -acs �o o/vE,e<s/o�v5 lv�E��E�. /vsQrzyl� �.vE�es J - / �— LEAs ►� w o / _ Z -��'z' � P.• vV46, F 0 R REGISTRY USE. r✓ seiz 69-aA V 1 - �/,VsrArl e_ -el ea,5�o 5/p .S�aP�s /t,1,46(1 r4 /N4 1 ti�,c- U4t�iv .C. �� �a P / W� - -� GG.4" so PfZ,Of7 8 G L D �revs_. /.v pl�� /i.v 7-/4(-1 SIA -A.10 SIA-A.10of E��5 E z- Y 0 0����25 /.V 1�YStUk'_.I� tt2E48 2oAOGV4Y/DEbLOFS�It/E�fr`:S,J SX TC- �JpEV FROM 4gAe.>,24 0 t 8 -� URAY 5T. J�wti iLlq,v sr•/o -.._ �C, " v_ �. LOTG ��/-vy7e)45 v,4s�(/Ec�s34,eyQFTE� `ST Z ASE �s THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES poi' 2s \ � '` C'4it�llPl�'TECO. ESS/oat/ c'o v 7-8,01. %a h?6- t Il T /7r PZ-AcE P.�/o.e & R EGU L AT I 0 N S G F THE REGISTRY 0 F A4, .1,/a .4•voovc•,� �-�I.ss � I _ - -� \Tse � W to DEEDS. 70 l/E&Er,4 rack ,ef"ov.4,c.. e 5e�io,vreoc- To .�5 vim , V. OiG�lrf /�it//5TA�/U•t/EnpacDr l-�,��/iMV ho/vT�CIGs oPREe,ees4 i7r7�av . S MAX/IGfe1M 77ME z Z Q _-Pr STEPHEN F. STAPINR. .S. 11AYA44E5 70 N - �� �/� -w_- - - ,ae�o.e >o covg r,eciG ri .v - — � _ ��lJ.���Det,/ S✓ 0i� %�0� /ZA�. �- - \ � � ./ E,2G�5/� CONT�20.L 17E�//CSS /HCG f1�J /�l/� f/•4 ��A.�.ES � �'/G /.4 Z/Di1./ 9 je . CCS r -- 2� _ o —sre N lip - ---..� PEES ,t1�L gE yi_�cED 0,,V rslE s/ 7,'58 Y CoevsE,� Va TiatJ _ __. 7/l e ycox� 2r� � �'O1,woeV 4& rS Re /6,e To 644%401,V*, WMe5a6 S��FJG</�c/o A P P R 0 V E D BY THE TOWN OF` , -� o l b' !HE PGAaV Ati0.45 0406'GTED O Y �E PCA�t/�//�t/��-4�L' NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD. N -__2.c o0 -39"`c I Q � Tz--- I� c� Com• 2�1� f + I ; q g,- 14.41AJ 7-A/Al�D /N PG a4 � el V r/�. A .�//GG 5 �Aav,o _••.�,I. 1200 �. qa - �P , \ \\ \� •.�� G�U�,�ib o.ats ���,45 TD .a8� G014�-,E.v� SEE,DEpE- S Z �i4 SGS/fED �O�X ��4Uey/7W01_ 7'�E 5/,r,=SEFo,�E /� 5it�' /5 Sa4�p To R� � - _ r-�i�i/E OM %�/G _ D r(// l� l � E,C�IJ S /O /l! f�L•4.(1 I I "", 3 o � � . �. Tt I �b � ____ � — 216 Loft x 3 h o\ 9 � l�r\/ Yi� .�O�oGil.4• !' -? 3 G,2U5'.yE.o S Tvitl- I3EAP-"5 DATE /o �- 6 F v`!� I. o ao a.,\ 2 cs Cows re! -C yEv Gl//IES 5hbu>� i o�u rbc • !. Go,� T�1S FILE 0 C,� A rP �� t Z�ti ? .oiY�sE ��K/o.e L'OVCo l�/NAVC� HEARING lu - 4ro��o% 1'E,e.L1.4�cl,Q.v ,P IAI.4�E k6rV � rs IA) ,4 OQ '� �y� � _ .�� � 02 �' � ��' 20 / o - C / yg� moo' Ivo os, I � 2 ` �/.�s'� rO �'v��d j � ♦ c= � � - - ` .. 2� 2 0 � /OE+ 20 �` 4v l�p,V r`6"er 2 51 % - ' G O ,// 2� '����8----_.__ _ ..._. _____o--•_..__. --- 7� /,.sv f`� og... ,Zo � "' '—_ 210 U.�/GG iIDGE.' p�-i. SCT � O �IE G t_j e5X S 7- ��iFi C!>.c/7a��¢ •' o N /�I � 5-�--d�----- _ �' � 1`'lz-._` ¢ /N _ _ `w `---..__ N - ` 1 �� zct G � 5E :� ZOr� �'• D�NICFG rGflo i�G xx 3� w �� -- - _ +___ g �' a� - _ 2�0,• 20 wo5' J3 3 T:�� 2 , , �' _ ,, ,,[_ JC ... . " � f �& yJ �Ci� ZGZx 9 •. � `-"-- ; ""-• 4� x��j � -----__ _••-.._.., -' --z Ft� g --••--"'-."`.-._.... .e a'. G� ./�- / �, , �( oP 9S �, _ - _ d �G/>v�gl� 1 .. / T Zov, - - L X-X� ' . ti -- -- _ ,mol x r5 ------_\. �,- 1---- -_ - _ '--- �y � e- � - . � �• L?2Qic/ �%�rF . � XX V 4ov.4 E��iS . ` •, O .b4 oGo'`•r-r _ _ _ - -'-- ,-- � ��� � � `� o D 3 . _ �/Yo,2.4t/T . �, •�'. /3 671171-5 Q Q j-• Y� � � � l',eo/� ,�,Y : k �C • .. � , 8 , \,`� .... \� _ : ,� : 2 �° � ,� � � �, �y �•�o STav� 8�r�vo � se. "Al . ^ i T� a � .--\ /�,eoP 4A rc v�� mf x � � � � XX � 12 ' \ �' 3 Zo � � � �' � 8/�UM�,v�is �v�✓c.. B� -r. Co �� . 183 f 1 T'I ZO Gt/iv O ,3C7-S.�IIG'� S� r I �,� 210 coq y z / Qpp ,�7►�Z s? a c� % iOexxxx C }CXXX _��� f►1 1.8 8 3 4 AG . vZgl`' ♦* 0So0ol2oS3 D� 3 0�� \ (iiva cox i/ 3 I Ie_ & z 34 NQW 1�x••'r --_ �•� � DD r�'�, � /� �--�� 6� 4v�2; 77 g N 3 5Go s 102 ow Z lad ; :�� 3 A �� �� R = I.o �• --�8 P ti SUBDIVISION PLAN /.uv= TEOMA ESTATES ��: o � �? aoa do 55• g $3 /0 � � � � P pd 4,, �,� .5 PE7 Z Sto zo�d x �� u �• ,ll�/� �l" a� r, 3 I �I N ae/ GET \ 3 sGT. 3 , `� , y e �•�p.P_ ,Q CovT,�o CovsruG ri/,.J./Gr J ��� .� ter .¢ .' �'°J ► -_� �� r �o� NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. '/ �' / o r� /'� ''�. �- - / z 28 io / n DRAWN FOR -01 � ,vGsi .ate T"o-�/ � sa •• -� ) ,� Pa \ 3 C ? � •x G \ �� - �.�" � o.A �c',y��r,,s� �- �-.s / .---. �. , ' , � 2A rl \�' ` ( �% ��� /��,, � �f/'rf-10,�s E Jr \ v � �°S `�,� ..5"�E..�/• ea,o-�ff• o• 83 1/'•`��,/ 01p �°� \� / /r p ak�yG 2V�,,3 � DOMEA ICrC Ll PAUL AUL r1Uey77 COLONIAL DRIVE Twti��J� r—, ev, .o \ I�jO� LAWRENCE, MASS. ►� �; :� ;�3�` � N _ E,fi.v, � �' TOwti�T �f.1A,t/A�,Gti/� _ .� r" 9•�G _ (�. �I' y �p J, �rvrs/ate ox Z-4,V,�_ �7. o f , 0 20 4080Z10 Z10 v '' ` s� I" = 40' vg I 13xz _ NOVEMBER 1984 _ vti MERRIMACK ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 66 PARK STREET ANDOVER, MASSACHUSEtTS 01810 SHEET 20F4 e w Q c r m w I � F- a o I I i r � j I i Iz U I� �z a x o WL]Z W O U Y W W N U J nac�mvs LIJ a - r 0 m w z Z P,eop g"coo/ P 4 Ex 7E Ay '510 .c% -,5e.5 .5,41EE 7' ¢ o"- 4. Lam V, 208 ZZ ` c9%4 o tO G T. CB Ri.�.lr 20l. Z 97,-4 0-o IAIV 200. a LOT T- - - PzoP zo'G�it/V49 �2.4iN.�1�yE 41 /-15,0 �, c+g ,2 T, E.46E�EitI T /.Vf/ OUT: ( X11 ` o 12oA W 1 GAPS COD i31T -ON6. FEeM . tS'7,4 /�• ¢o. 2 3 PzOP = 30 oa GTcd Ag"'e 45, 104S57- 64 99� 5 _ zs7a� — t� O w _ O • .27C8 y0.23 / 9 T• � Dl1N Zo �g7E�571.� iNS�oU`2T'a 4fV¢Q1J7 SrA / t00/M/10 98.8 �e{z 8i S X 4o '.eT /rte r AA26o ENA SeG7io.c/ /.(�c 441x/93 � CB 2T /&pe:� L o -T ,JA f5VAW /�,20�0, v�ly.4G E � �Za' U,eA/.v,4�sE ��45F�t•+E�t/ T Tol�f/ETC,4.v�o 5- 0, 03/, SEE .Oar r41 e- I 6yeEr¢cF4 f 2•Fp Iof t -F Peof? `"t,4,eso E.vo, erA 3a 1!e'4 p9WW G 4 P.eo� S: , 0,-3 APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER PL ANNING BOARD. P/2o"o Zo 'Gsiivc St�,g 3567 EA,SEilif E rV T, /�c/v : /99, 6 LA70"o LOT 4 ------------ 2/ "2co T 5 sr4 stems(:;a G r /5p '' fc- �9T<t . 4,-30 P. �til,'t/ %vino /7-0.1'1 /2�1M : 2,117, 2 7 / '..¢e,+? /p rG,�. 1�;9 G7' ,G7- /.y � ?o S . os e'8% /z ••,e. e,o AA /so . o 0 • 0 ne:5> 4Q . ;�c - - sTA 2A6� UA? /,�-� = 200.7 0.4t00 �. �17 8x6,7�e /.vv/it/ : /Y -S 9 �/� I>Mti `A4c% " *,, TE er P,e oP �O ' z - , /¢ avT 30 „'e, cz STA z'tso � P,eoa zo'oc%�C be,v��vA c�E X730 ' EASE.t.�e v7- L/,--AC-W4 G L ' EASE - - - f- — --- -------- - -%` CG J —4-- '7 23..Zo j?G �- A k/ Lo —re \ � {Gates /8 /. O/' . • \ � � P,Q G= 44 /2 ' 1 vl td P2p�a 8 X- lc 20</CE2� . O srA %/,30 �• � STA. G> /U RIM, Zo 7.27 1�MN v= ZoZ• 77 1=322 B 50' .2/MrL'o7.L$ /.v v. IAJ 'L a Z . 37,G rx, 7- STA .5180 iNV, d UT s 20 z. / 19 DATE FILED ;NEARING FOR REGISTRY USE. THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES & REGULATIONS OF THE RE ISTRY OF DEEDS. STEPHEN E. STAPIN KI R L.S. SUBDIVISION PLAN T EOMA ESTATES I N NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 48 7424 Made in U.S.A.' SU R�ANNCEG ROADWAY 6"LOAMBSEED FOR FIN. GRAD 5'-0" E EXISTING GRADE 22 X 13" EXIST C.M. PROP RIP -RAP 15' PIPE ARCH CULVERY f S= 0.0078 PROP. LIMIT ,1�1 - OF EXCAVATIO ,i 6"GRAVEL BASE SECTION 11A -A11 7 0.. TOP OF STRUCTURE N EXIST. 24"xIS CULVERT ELEV. =182.6pi ` I„ CHAMFER EDGE 15" 0 j 8" REINFORCED WALL a3 I OPENING BARS 12 OC. EWEF IN CORC. I W/I V2" CLEARANCE INV. = 178.3 TROT I CLASS "A' CONC. (TYP FOR EACH SIDE) 4" REINFORCED 1' FLOOR W/ 6 x 6 WELDED WIRE MESH. ' CRUSHED GRAVEL :I BOTTOM OF �► I s BEDDING COMPACTED STRUCTURE, I 16"GRAVEL BASE ELEV.=175.0 _ .A% FRONT ELEV. .DETAIL OF DENTENTION POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE SCALE I"= 2,-0" x moo, e //Y, 4" LOAM 8t SEED RIP RAP STONE 12"Min 0x4„THICK SET ON A S GRAVEL BASE 61 f SWALE SECTION (N.T.S.) w F�P''Z9�32S¢ PILED STONE TO STABILIZE ON ALI- BRACES IN STONES PILED -TO (OP OF DAM IFBE 12' BALED HAY OR BALES TO BUFF TOGETHER BRACING ALL CASES I N 0 GRGUND.T STRAW DIAGONAL 6' t l BRACING 6" DIA. — PE�DING TOOHE -- - _—"_”-_ ---- Z. MAX EPNESS -EXISTING I/4 /FT ----a. F1'� I - i M 'MIN. y15' STONE LAYER TO COVER 8AL ED HAY OR TOP TIE4" D1A. MIN. _ = 2" x 2"x 3' STAKES EACH TOP OF CHECK DAM FULL STRAW. r 1� MIN. ELEC a BALE, LENGTH. VENT POSTS 6" MIN. PLAN DIA. PLAN TELE SERVICE PLAN INS TOP OF CHECK DAM'TO NAVE A LAY TYPEI BIT. CONC. 2 BINDER COAT. OF FLAT FIELDSTONE MIN.4 4„ STORM I . EMBANKMENT SLOPE'J, A. EXISTING GROUND '" " vE (2) 2" x 21 x 3 TAKES EACH BALE 6''t j MBPNL 1LOP E t— ��--__4 I .. � EXISTING % -� --- G ROUND 12" MIN. OVERLAP EDGES ELEVATION_ PAI On WAY OR STRAW EROSION CHECKS STONE LAYER 4" DIA.,TOPTIE 6" DIA . DIAGONAL BASE 6N0 TE DRIVEN SAMBD BALED HAY OR STRAW Sr` ES BE 5� MAIRN� HIGH. FANO 4N IN. GIA E' PILE TO SECTION ON AA -A. TO M USED IN ALL CASES. JIa E ROS 00 CI- EC K "A"' Y AI` = P�p�.PB"GGOI 1,v1.� rE2 MQ �N. ZIV21X2(0 � Q ;✓vECE 1'lI LIiE W w P. P 22�Si¢ 7 � � \ •,� � C�.,.�c-�r�-� c�--_-.c_�--c_r:.�=::=�-�r-._c�•C=,c�.c._��_-mac--� �c-_,.C�s .c -:.-c-. a---�.- - / 3.5 UNGf.2l.�20UNL7 `5Z`c-t4v/��'V� .4 rE ,a � S�. a 4-o" © 30" 8,-6" a 21„ SNOW FENCEWITH MIRAFI IOOX SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FABRIC'. ATTACHED (48" WIDE) FABRIC ATTACHEDTO FENCE WITH GALV. STAPLES OR HOOKS 6'-'0"METAL FENCE POST V Z � s w � MOUND A NST OFENCE 5�� _0 3 EXIST. GROUND� , ATTATCH SNOW FENCE WITH GAL`J. WIRE TO GALV. POSTS. g w U LEVE w w �" BEHIND) OLL --� J w SILTATION CONTROL FENCE DETAIL ►" CHAMFER 12" 3-#&3 BARS 3ARS 12" IOUND LINE I _ —IL 2•-* 3 BARS O N I 1— CLASS u CLEAR '— C O N C RET E FRONT ELEVATION END ELEVATION NOTES= I- ALL WATERMAIN INSTALLATIONS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN OF NO. ANDOVER WATER DEPT. REQMTS. el STANDARDS 2• ALL DISTURBED PLANTERS, GRAVEL DRIVES a GRASS AREAS i EPAIRED WITH "IN-KIND" MATERIALS. FOR REGISTRY USE THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES 81 REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS. YZI 64 18 STEPHEN E. STAPIN KI R. .S. DATE I APPROVAL BY THE NO. ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD. FITFD- F�r`AR1NG�— , TO BE R DISTURBED PAVEMENT TO BE REPAIRED TO NO. ANDOVER, DPW REQUREMENTS. PLAN ID WITH 5' MINIMUM COVER; THRUST BLOCKS TO z S 3-WATERMAIN TO BE LA _� � BE SET AS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN WATER DEPT TEOMA ESTATES 14 Vy _ / -O--4�v`�• Z/225 7F--�.Gi�-Yr�-a�"'x- Y:::�s:�..--:s-=-t-�-c_.�c_�..c�r__c_f-�`.='�"-e--�::�r_�•'=�"C�•c_f_—�cX_ a='>.__rc PLAN-WATERMAIN EXTENSION SCALE I"= 40' -- s Q v IN �o NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. DRAWN FOR W DOMENIC TEOLI DI PAUL MAUS 77 COLONIAL DRIVE LAWRENCE, MASS, Q 20 40 80 i"=40' NOVEMBER 1984 MERRIMACK ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 66 PARK STREET ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 91810 SHEET 4 OF 4 It I i TYPICAL HEADWALL NTS. 50' — Z I � T 1FF U��__�__—_ Z. MAX `� - I/4 /FT ----a. F1'� I M 'MIN. y15' ' r 1� MIN. ELEC a 6" PROCESSED GRVEEL 8" BANK RUN GRAVEL (6 MAX STONE) TELE SERVICE INS TYPEI BIT. CONC. 2 BINDER COAT. 4„ STORM TYPE I -d BIT CONC.1 1/2„WEARING SURFACE �Ftt& DRAT N BIT, OONC. CAPE COD BERM ( TYP. ) (TYP. Y 5' MIN. COVER OVER RESERVED WATER MAIN FOR 'SEW ER TYPICAL ROADWAY CROSS SECTION N.T.S. SET zoF4 ,14 oz a w— 9 '” 7 F 3 NOTES= I- ALL WATERMAIN INSTALLATIONS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN OF NO. ANDOVER WATER DEPT. REQMTS. el STANDARDS 2• ALL DISTURBED PLANTERS, GRAVEL DRIVES a GRASS AREAS i EPAIRED WITH "IN-KIND" MATERIALS. FOR REGISTRY USE THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES 81 REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS. YZI 64 18 STEPHEN E. STAPIN KI R. .S. DATE I APPROVAL BY THE NO. ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD. FITFD- F�r`AR1NG�— , TO BE R DISTURBED PAVEMENT TO BE REPAIRED TO NO. ANDOVER, DPW REQUREMENTS. PLAN ID WITH 5' MINIMUM COVER; THRUST BLOCKS TO z S 3-WATERMAIN TO BE LA _� � BE SET AS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN WATER DEPT TEOMA ESTATES 14 Vy _ / -O--4�v`�• Z/225 7F--�.Gi�-Yr�-a�"'x- Y:::�s:�..--:s-=-t-�-c_.�c_�..c�r__c_f-�`.='�"-e--�::�r_�•'=�"C�•c_f_—�cX_ a='>.__rc PLAN-WATERMAIN EXTENSION SCALE I"= 40' -- s Q v IN �o NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. DRAWN FOR W DOMENIC TEOLI DI PAUL MAUS 77 COLONIAL DRIVE LAWRENCE, MASS, Q 20 40 80 i"=40' NOVEMBER 1984 MERRIMACK ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 66 PARK STREET ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 91810 SHEET 4 OF 4 It I i