HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-07W A E R A N T
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ~nd tn, accordance
with Chapter 272 of ~e Acts of 1976, you are hereby directed to notify and warn
the inhabitants of the To~n of North Andover who are qualified to vote in To~n
Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School
on Monday evening, November 7, 1977 at 7:30 P.M., for a Special Town Meeting,
then and there to act upon the following Articles.
ARTICLES 1 to 11 Incl.
m~A ~r~e copy: ATTEST:
~nd you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posti · and
attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at fi~e or more
public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted
not less than fourteen (14) days before the time of said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings
thereon at the time and place o2 said meeting to the Town Clerk.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 17th
of October in the year of Our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven.
THOMAS J. McEVOY Selectmen
JO~PH A. GUTHRIE. North Andover, Mass.
ATTEST: ................ ·
,.RTICLE 1 To see if the To~m wi{1 vote to ~a and con-
~{~{-~---~l{~-act of the Selectmen in executing for and on behalf
of the To,m, in connection with an application by the North
Andover Housing Authority for a grant of Federal funds in the
amount of $1,582,875.00 for construction of 45 units of ]ow '
rental housing for the elderly, a cooperation agreement with
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development~
doted on or abo~t J~ly 15, J9'77, ~aid cooperation agreement
(a copy of which is on f~le at the office of the Selectmen),
having been executed by the Selectmen with the Department of
[Io~s~ng m)d Urban Development, as required by the Housing Act
of 1937.
Petition of the Selectmen and the Housing Authority
ARfIC E 2. To see if the Town will vote to accept the pro-
Visions ~-f Chapter 808 of the Acts of 1975.
Petition o.f the Planning Board
2,,RF/[CLE 3. To see if the To~.vn ~,,~1l vote to ~mend its Zoning
Gy 1.,,,~ ,.~s Fo] lows.
1. 23y ', - '
c~a~:l~ng the ch;sigoatlon of tho concl, udlng para-
S,.~,pa~- .... ' of °o "9" "l " and by inserting
a,'--af'~;nph:, "9 controlling
before 'it l_he following new p o
the rose of bodies of water~ includ.ing water cources."~
By amending Section 2.38 to read as follows: "2.38
Frontag4q ~he distance between lot sidelines measured
~-l-~-"-tT{e street line. This frontage must be contijm-
uous and useable for access to the lot. The minim~n
frontage required in any zoning distri_ct shall also
be measured at a distm~ce back froze the street line
equal to the minimum front setback rcquiFcment for
that district."
Section 2.59 Add: "The Planning Board shall act as
the Special Permit Granti.ng Authority.
4. Section 2.62 Amend the wording "Section 4" to read
"r~ectJ.on 9".
5. Section 2.63 Amend the Wording "Board of Appears" to
"PI~ '
read ~nn~ng Board".
6. Strike therefrom Section 2.66 and ;_'en~mber the follow-
ins sections accordingly.
7. Amend SecLio~}s 2.67, 2.68, and 2.69, as so renu[a~
bered, by adding "(setbmzk)" after the phrases
fined thereby.
8. SectiOn 4.121 (5) amend as follows: "Real estate
signs as regulated b~, Article IX of the Ceneral
By-Laws of the Town
Section 4.~22(5) m~d Section 4.].23(5) to read the
same as Secti_on 4.1_21(5).
Strike theref~:om Section 4.123(14) and r,_mumber
the fol]_owlng sect:~ons accordingly.
Section 4. 125(15) strike therefrom the words "and
t OI~B~IOUS e $
Section 4.130(6) change to read as follows: "~blic
building or use, public service corporation, and
energy or resource recovery facility".
Amend Table 1 (following Sec. 4) by striking therefrom
hhe refereuce to To~¢mhouses and the listed regulations
re].ating thereto.
Sect.i_on 5.2(5) emend to ,;e;~d 'lSuar;d: PI~rning 2oard"
Section 6.1(2) amend by striking therefrom the phrase
"otherwise by the Board of A~,peals" and inserting
in place thereof the phrase otherwise by the pro- ,,
visions of a variance granted by the Board of Appeals
,:~,._.L~_on 6.2 Add at the e~}d of the f rat sentence
thee:eof, the phrase subject to the provisions of
Section 2.38".
Section 6.4 strike frou~ the last sentence the words
permission o and insert in place thereof t~e wo[-ds
"a variance gr~nted by",
Section 6.8(2) strike therefrom the words "a Special
Permit from" at~d insert itl pi_ace thereof the words
"a variance gran_e~ ?y ·
Table 2 (following Section 6): A)str].~<e the first
se~}tence of Footnote 5; B)st-,'~ke Footuote 6 and
renumber the remaining Foohuotes ~3. ccordingly; C)
strike from the fir~st se~}t~uce of the former Footu01'e
7' t.he words "or tow. nbouse co,,.p]exes"~.. ; D)strike frum
,.~.e foz,~,~r Footuote '7 paragraph (b)tmfreof and
uumber the remaining Footnotes accordingly; E)str~e
from the final item appearing in the colu:,n in
'Fable having to do with the Resider, ce 5 District the
refer-ende to Townhouses.
Section 8.1 strike out the concluding six words of
the section and insert in place thereof the words
a Spec] al Permit". ~ ~
Section 8 2(l) i' " ..
· str_.~e the words approved by the
~oard of ,~;.peals and [ns~rt in place tae~.'eof the
words "allowed on]_y by the issuance of a .:puczal
Pe rmit".
23. Section 8.3 strike the words othe~w~_se.. ~...Ch.40A
~nd insert in place thereof the wolds b~pec~al Permit .
24. Section 9.1 amend by adding after the secottd sentence
thereof the following sentence: "If the Building
Inspector is so informed in writing and declines to
act, he shall within fourteen (14) days of his receipt
of such ~nforrnat~on give to his infor[-~ant, in writing,
his reasons for regr~ni.~g from taking ~my ~ ' "
25. S~3ctlo,t 9.].1 st'tike Lh~'ef~:o,a the ~¥ords ~--I. Lon of the
Lh~.~.'- ,,--~o. of- the words "a duly ~raated variance or Special' _. '
26. Section 9.23 from the first sentence strike therefrom
"Special Permits and".
27. Section 9.3 strike therefrom "Board of Appeals" and
insert in place thereof r~.~tm ng Board".
28. S~tc[iiyn 9.~1 (1), Secti. on 9.31 (2) and Section 9.4
st,-Jke ther~fr~m Jx. ard of Appe~ls "aud insert in
29. Sect[on 9.5 add after the ~.,ord var~_~nc~ in first
line the phrase "except a use var~_ga~ce ,; add :hLrd
paragraph as follows: "If the rights authorized by
a variance are not-exercised within one year of the
date of grant of such variauce they shall lapse."
30 Section 9 6 strike the vords Senti_or ~.~nd insert
in place thereof "Section 5".
3].. Sect/on 9.62 strike the words "Section 11" and insert
in place thereof "Section 6".
32. Section 9.63 s. tr~.<e" from '-uhe last line "i.n....la. ws"
and ~asert in place thereof "by sta~:ut~, specifically:
that construction or operations under a B~i!dlng or
Special Permi. t shall conform to any st, bsequo~]t
~toJ]t ~ll].QSS t}]Q ~]Se O~ COllStrPch]Ot]
a.pariod of r. ot ls~s'J-l~,,~.n sT.x ~'ao,~l-b.s..~ft'el: the
un].~ss such conshnmh~og is continued hh~-oush ~o co;s-
pletion as co~tinuously and expadit;ously as ~s
Petition of the Planning Board
ARTICLE 4. To see if the To~n~ will vote to appropriate the sum
'o--f--$10]~0~0.00 from the Anti-Recession Assistance Fund(Title 11
under the Public ~,~orks E~r~91oy~c~ent Act of 1976) to be expeuded
m~der the dj.faction of Lhe Sel.,-ctm,:n for l_l~e pu-,_'pose of reno-
vat.lng addition;al office sg~ce ~n the 'Fo~n Office Gu~lding.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Totem will vote to appropriate the sum
~i]]~0U.00 ($7,300.00 from the Anti-Recession Assistance
Fund and $5,700.00 from available funds) to the salary acconnt
of the Fire Department for the purpose of implementing arbitra-
tion'awards rendered against the To~m in collective bargaining.
_Petition of the Seleceaen
ARTTC[,I{ 6. To sc,n ~17 Ihe Tos.,a will vol. a to ;ama,nd A~:t~c!e III
... ~,} peYson o{..~ing or operating a Sasol. ine
fi].l~eg st;iLion shall al.].ow the p~,'nping of gasoline for retail
sale without an attendant amp].oyedkby the station present to
hold the gas nozzle while gaso].h~e .rs being pumped into the
tank of the vehicl, e.
Petition of James G. Winning and others
ARTICLE 7. 'Fo see if the Town will w~te to accept i.:he convey-
.~-{~&--['~- NYe Town f,:on~ Wo:rcoster Couuty NatJ .0ual Bank of a par-
cel of !and co:nprising a portion of the-uaw s~nitary laudfJll
site cst~b].i, slk~d by tl~e Town by its vote u.~der Arti. cle 50 of
the Wa:~:ua,~t for the t. 975 Adjou~_uad Anuual Town ~4eeting, which
convayaace is evi. dt~ncad by that deed recorded at the Registry
of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex County
in Dook 1266, page 609.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will w)te to accept the convey-
ance to the Town from the United States of America of certain
prsrcels of land co:uprising the so--call, ed "H]ssile Site Road"~
which co~]veyance is evidenced by that deed recorded at the
Registry of Deeds for the Northern Registry
County.:in ~ook ]2] 5, page 117.
Petl_t~.on of the t{~ghw,'~y S~rv
ARTICLE 9. 'Fo see if the Town will vote to sell to the ' ~
~$~i--~-~U~-o f ~' ~ .....
mas..acnusetts, land ox~ned by the Town, x,a~zc~l is
presently used for a sanitray landfill.
Petition of the Selectmen
ART'[C[E ]0. To see i.f the 'Fo;Yet wi_]l vote 1. o appropriate a
~:([/i{'bf u(;~[fJy for a,:qvi/i.ng by em[ocmt domain, pu~-cha~;e
o~Inerw~se, for co~serv~tio~ p~rpoues, all or pa~:t of
so-*called Campion Hall property; to detez~nine whether su~:h
appropriation shall be ~:aised by borrowing or otherwise; or
to take any other action relative thereto.
Petition of Concetta C. Bernal and others
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Toxm wJ].l vote to appropriate a
sum of money to be expended under the direction of the Select*-
men for the operating expenses (insurance, securi_ty, heating,
etc.) of ~l~e Campion Hall property under the precedJ~g Article.
To either of the Constables of the T~n of 1,brth Art'.over.
Tn the name of the Commor~ealth of Massachusetts, ~nd in.accordance
with Chapter 272 of the Acts of 1976, you are hereby directed t o notify and warn
the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town
Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School
on Monday evening, November 7, 1977 at 7:30 P.M., for a Special Tm.~n Meetiug,
then and there to act upon the following Articles.
ARTICLES. 1 to ll In~.
A'nd you are hereby directed to serve~this Warrant by postin~tZrue and
attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Ofzice Building and at five or more
public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted
not less than fourteen (l~) days before the time of said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings
thereon at the time and place o~ said meeting to the Town Clerk.
Given m~der our l~ands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the l?th
of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven.
~A ~rue copy: ATTEST:
J;:3~N J. LYO1 , TOWN
OCTOBER 1977 ·
THOI.U~S J. McEVOY Selectmen
JOSEPH A. GUTflRIE. North Andover, Mass.
A'fTEST: ................
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to ratify and con-
~1~ the act of the Selectmen in executing for and on behalf
of the Town, in connection with an application by the North
Andover Housing Authority for a grant of Federal funds in the
amount of $1,582,875.00 for construction of 45 units of low
rental housing for the elderly, a cooperation agreement with
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development,
dated on or about 3uly 15, 1977, said cooperation agreement
(a copy of ~]ich is on file at the office of the Selectmen),
having been executed by the Selectmen with the Department of
Housing and Urban Develo~nent, as required by the Housing Act
of 1937.
Petition of the Selectmen and the Housing Authority
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to accept the pro-
visions of Chapter 808 of the Acts of 1975,
Petition of the Planning Board
ARTICLE 3. To see if the To~ wSll vote to amend its Zoning
By-Law as follows:
1. By changing the designation of the concluding para-
graph of Section 1 from "9" to "10", and by inserting
before it the following new paragraph:~ "9 comtrollipg
the use of bodies of water, including water cources.
By amending Section 2.38 to read as follows: "2.38
Frontage ~he distance between lot sidelines measured
along the street line. This frontage must be contiB-
uous and useable for access to the lot. The minimum
frontage required in any zoning district shall also
be measured at a distance back from the street line
equal to the minimum front setback requi~ement for
that district."
3. Section 2.59 Add: "The Planning Board shall act as
the Special Permit Granting Authority.
4. Section 2.62 Amend the wording "Section 4" to read
"Section 9".
5. Section 2.63 Amend the wording "Board of Appeals" to
read "Planning Board",
6. Strike therefrom Section 2.66 and renumber the follow-
ing sections accordingly.
Amend Sections 2.67, 2.68, and 2.69, as so renum-
bered, by adding "(setback)" after the phrases de-
fined thereby.
Section 4.121 (5) amend as follows: "Real estate
signs as regulated b~ Article IX of the General
By-Laws of the Town
Section 4.122(5) and Section 4.123(5) to read the
same as Section 4.121(5).
Strike therefrom Section 4.123(14) and renumber
the following sections accordingly.
Section 4.125(15) strike therefrom the words "and
Section 4.130(6) change to read as follows: "~ublic
building or use, public service corporation, and
energy or resource recovery facility".
Amend Table 1 (following Sec. 4) by striking therefrom
the reference to To~houses and the listed regulations
relating thereto.
Sect on 5.1 (7) strike therefrom "offense, and Two
I{undred ($200.00) dollars for" and substitute the
~¢ord "algal".
Section 5.2(5) amend to read "Board: Planning Board"
Section 6.1(2) amend by striking therefrom the phrase
"otherwise by the Board of Appeals" and inserting
in place thereof the phrase "otherwise by the pro-
visions of a variance granted by the Board of Appea'ls".
Section 6.2 Add mt the end of the f~rst sentence
thereof, the phrase "subject to the provisions of
Section 2.38".
Section 6.4 strike from the last sentence the words
"permission of" and insert in place thereof the words
"a variance granted by".
Section 6.8(2) strike therefrom the words "a Special
Permit from" and insert in place thereof the words
"a variance granted by". [6.8(3) )
Table 2 (following Section 6): A)strike the first
sentence of Footnote 5; B)str~.ke Footnote 6 and
ren~nber the remaining Footnotes accordingly; C)
strike from the first sentence of the for~ner Footnote
7 the words "or to~mhouse complexes" ; D)strike from
~he former Footnote ~7 paragraph (b)thereof and re-
number the remaining Footnotes accordingly; E)strike
from~the final item appearing in the cohm~n in said
Table having to do with the Residence 5 District the
reference to Townhouses.
21. Section 8.1 strike out the concluding six words of
the section and insert in place thereof the words
"a Special Permit".
22. Section 8.2(1) strike the words "approved by the
Board of Appeals" and insert in place thereof the
words "allowed only by the issuance of a Special
23. Section 8.3 strike the words "otherwise_.~_..Ch.40A"
and insert in place thereof the words "b~Pecial
24. Section 9.1 amend by adding after the second sentence
thereof the following sentence: "If the Building
Inspector is so informed in writing and declines to
act, he shall within fourteen (14) days of bis receipt
of such information give to his informant, in writing,
his reasons for refraining from taking any action".
25. Sect[on 9.11 str~ke therefrom the words "action of the
North Andover Board of Appeals" and insert in place
thereof the words "a duly granted variance or Special
26. Section 9.23 from the first sentence strike therefrom
"Special Permits and".
27. Section 9.3 strike therefrom "Board of Appeals" and
insert in place thereof "Planning Board".
28. Section 9.31 (1), Section 9.31 (2) and Section 9.4
strike therefrom "Board of Appeals "and insert in
place thereof "Planning Board".
29. Sect]~on 9.5 add after the word "variance" in first
line the phrase "except a use variance",; add third
paragraph as follows: "If the rights authorized by
a variance are not exercised within one year of the
date of grant of such variance they shall lapse."
~0. Section 9.6 strike the words "Section 6" and insert
in place thereof "Section 5".
31. Section 9.62 strike the words "Section 11" and insert
in place thereof "Section 6".
32. Section 9.63 strike from the last line "in .... laws"
and insert in place thereof "by statute, specifically:
that construction or operations under a Building or
Special Per~,it shall conform to any subsequent amend-
sent unless the use or construction is com~nenced within
a.period of not less than six months, after the issuance
of the permit, and, in cases involving construction,
unless such construction is continued through to com-
pletion as continuously and expeditiously as is reason-
Petition of the Planning Board
ARTICLE 4. To see if the To~,~ will vote to appropriate the sum
o--f--~l~O.00 from the Anti-RecessionAssistance Fund(Title 11
under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976) to be expended
under t~e direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of reno-
vating additional office space in the To~ Office Building.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the s~n
~.00 ($7,300.00 from the Anti-Recession Assistance
Fund and $5,700.00 .from available funds) to the salary account
of the Fire Department for the purpose of implementing arbitra-
tion awards rendered against the Town in collective bargaining.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to am~¢nd Article III
-o~"['[~-~eral By-Laws by a~ding thereto the following nc~w
section: Section 12. No person o~,ming or operating a gasoline
filling station shall allow the pumping o~ gasoline for retail
sale without an attendant employed by the station present to
hold the gas nozzle while gasoline is being puraped into the
tank of the vehicle.
Petition of James G. Winning and others
ART!(]LE 7. To see if the To~,,~% will vote to accept the convey-
~{:~{~'"'~-0---[t{e Town f~:on~ %~o_',~c. ester Co~nty National Bank of a p~r-
cel of ]and co~nprising a po~'tion of the new sanitat'y landfill
site ~stabli. shed by the 'Fow~ by its vote u'~tder Article 50 of
the Varrant for the 1975 Adjou~'ned Annual To~n Meeting, which
conveyance is evidenced by that deed recorded at the Registry
of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex County
in Book 1266, page 609.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to accept the convey-
ance to t-~e Town from the United States of Anerica of certain
parcels of land comprising the so-called "Missile Site Road",
which conveyance is evidenced by that deed recorded at the
Registry of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex
County in Book 1215, page 117.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to sell to the Com-
mo~~of Massachusetts, land owned by the To~en, which is
presently used for a sanitray landfill.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a
sum 6~ money for acquiring by eminent do,hain, purchase or
otherwise, for conservation purposes, all or part of the
so-called Campion Hall property; to determine whether such
appropriation shall be raised by borrowing or otherwise; or
to take any other action relative thereto.
Petition of Concetta C. Bernal and others
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a
sum of money to be expended under the direction of the Select-
men for the operating expenses (insurance, security, heating,
etc.) of the Campion Hall property under the preceding Article.
Petition of the Selectmen
OrOI~N' or. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M:C.
NORTH AI~DOVER, ~[AS~. 01845
9, 1977
Board of Selectmen.
North Andover, Mass.
At our Special Town Meeting held Monday evening November 7, 1977 at 7:30
P.M., in the Vbterans Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School the
following was voted:
ARTICLE 1. VOTED to ratify and confirm the act of the Selectmen in ex-
ecuting for and on behalf of the Town, in connection with an applicatiom
by the North Andover Housing Authority for a grant of Federal Funds in the
amount of $1,582,875.00 for construction of 45 units of low rental housing
for the elderly, a cooperation agreement with the United States D~partment
of Housing and Urban Development, dated on or about July 15, 1977, said
Cooperation agreement (a copy of which is on file at the office of the
Selectmen), having been executed by the Selectmen with the Department of
Housing and Urban Development, as required by the Housing Act of 1937.
ARTICLE 4. VOTED to appropriate the sum of $10, O00. OO from the Anti-
Recession Assistance Fund (Title 11 ~mder the Public Works Employment Act
of 1976) to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the pur-
pose of renovating additional office space in the Town Office Building.
ARTICLE 5. VOTED to appropriate the sum of $13, OO0oOO ($7,300.00 from the
Anti Recession Assistance Fund and ~5,700.00 from available funds) to the
salary account of the Fire Department for the purpose if implementing
arbitration awards rendered against the Town in Collective bargaining.
ARTICLE 9. VOTED that~he Selectmen are hereby anthorized to act for the
Town, and to execute in its behalf all necessary implementing legal documents,
in the matter of selling to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or such
Department or Agency thereof as may properly be designated by the Commonwealth,
those land areas in the vicinity of Holt Road and Clark Street presently used
by the Town as a sanitary landfill site, for the sum of $71,800.00, retaining
the Town's right to continue to use said areas as it has used them in the
past, for a period of time to be determined by the Selectmen, subject to
proper rules and regulations promulgated by the Commonwealth regulating such
A true copy: ATTEST:~<- ·
cc: Assessors.
Town Accountant
Town Treasurer
ARTICLE 9 Motion:
That the Selectmen are hereby authorized to act for the Town,
and to execute in its behalf all necessary implementing legal
documents, in the matter of selling to the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, or such Department or Agency thereof as may
properly be designated by the Commonwealth, those land areas
In the vicinity of Holt Road and Clark Street presently used
by the Town as a sanitary landfill site, for the sum of $71,800
(?), retaining the Town's right to continue to use said areas
as it has used them in the past, for a period of time to be
determined by the Selectmen, subject to proper rules and re-
gulations promulgated by the Commonwealth regulating such use.
ARTICLE 9 Motion:
That the Selectmen are hereby authorized to act for the Town,
and to execute in its behalf all necessary implementing legal
documents, ~n the matter of selling to the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, or such Department or Agency thereof as may
properly be designated by the Commonwealth, those land areas
in the vicinity of Holt Road and Clark Street presently used
by the Town as a sanitary landfill site, for the sum of $71,800
z~, retaining the Town's right to continue to use said areas
as it has used them in the past, for a period of time to be
determined by the Selectmen, subject to proper rules and re-
gulations promulgated by the Commonwealth regulating such use.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
Board of Selectmen.
North Andover, Mass.
November 9, 1977
At our Special Town Meeting held Monday evening November 7, 1977 at 7:30
P.M., in the V~terans Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School the
following was voted:
ARTICLE 1. VOTED to ratify and confirm the act of the Selectmen in ex-
ecuting for and on behalf of the To~n, in connection with an application
by the North Andover Housing Authority for a grant of Federal Funds in the
amount of $1,582,875.00 for construction of bSunits of low rental housing
for the elderly, a cooperation agreement with the United States Department
of Housing and Urban Development, dated on or about July 15, 1977, said
Cooperation agreement (a copy of which is on file at the office of the
Selectmen), having been executed by the Selectmen with the Department of
Housing and Urban Development, as required bythe Housing Act of 1937.
ARTICLE 4. VOTED to appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 from the Anti-
Recession Assistance Fund (Title 11 ~nder the Public Works Employment Act
of 1976) to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the pur-
pose of renovating additional office space in the Town Office Building.
ARTICLE 5. VOTED to appropriate the sum of $13, O00.00 ($7,300.00 from the
Anti Recession Assistance Fund and ~5,7OO. OO fromavailable funds) tot he
salary account of the Fire Department for the purpose if implementing
arbitration awards rendered against the Town in Collective bargaining.
cc: Assessors.
Town Accountant
Town Treasurer
ARTICLE 9. VOTED that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to act for the
Town, and to execute in its behalf all necessary implementing legal documents,
in the matter of selling to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or such
Department or Agency thereof as may properly be designated by the Commor~eealth,
those land areas in the vicinity of Holt Road and Clark Street presently used
by the Town as a sanitary landfill site, for the sum of $71s800.00, retaining
the Town's right to continue to use said areas as it has used them in the
past, for a period of time to be determined by the Selectmen, subject to
proper rules and regulations promulgated by the Commonwealth regulating such
use. ~
A true copy: ATTEST: ~ '~
$o~ J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
November 14, t977
The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti.
Attorney General of Massachusetts
One Ashburton Place.
Boston, ~ss. 02108
Dear Attorney General:
I submit herewith and request approval
of the amendments to general by-laws adopted under Article 6,
of the W arrant for the Special Town Meeting held on Monday
Evening November 7~ 1977 in the Yeterants Auditorium of our
North Andover }.Hddle School.
The following doCument are enclosed to
prove that all procedural requirements for the adoption of
such general by-laws have been complied with:
One Certified copy of the Warrant with officers return on reverse
One certificate of vote.
Two certified copies of the final vote with all infor2ation thereon.
Very truly yours,
Jo~~ J. LYO.~S, Town Clerk C.M.C.
November 14, 1977
This is to certify that by its action upon Article 6,
of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting of November
7, 1977 the Town of North Andover VOTED to amend the
written text of the 1977 General By-Laws (as heretofore
amended from time to time) by amending as described in
Statement of Meeting with vote of same herwith attached.
An attested copy of our General By.Laws as adopted is on
file in your office.
JOHN ~T. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
November 14, 1977
The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti.
Attorney General of Massachusetts
One Ashburton Place.
Boston, Mass. 02108
Dear Attorney General:
At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of o~r North Andover Middle School on Monday Evening November
7, 1977 at 7:30 P,M., the following Article appeared in the
Warrant for same.
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article III of
its General By-Laws by adding thereto, the following new section:
Section 12. No person owning or operating a gasoline filling station
shall allow the pumping of gasoline for retail sale without an
attendant employed by the station present to hold the gas nozzle
while gasoline is being pumped into the tank of the vehicle.
Petition of james G. Winning and others.
Under the aforesaid Article it was VOTED to ADOPT the article.
Four hundred and eighteen (418) duly registered voters were present,
more than the one,hundred and fifty (150) required quorum.
A true copy: ATTEST: · JOHN J. LYONS.
Jol{~ J. LYON'S, Town Clerk C.M.C.
NORT~ ANDOVEI~, ~$~. 01845
November 14, 1977
The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti.
Attorney General of Massachusetts
One Ashburton Place.
Boston, Mass. O2108
Dear Attorney General:
At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our North Andover Middle School on MondayEvening November
7, 1977 at 7:30 P.M., the following Article appeared in the
Warrant for same.
ARTICLE 6o To see if the Town will vote to amend Article III of
its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new section:
Section 12.~No person owning or operating a gasoline fillf~g station
shall allow the pumping of gasoline for retail sale without an
attendant employed by the station present to hold the gas nozzle
while gasoline is being pumped into the tank of the vehicle.
Petition of James G. Winning and others.
Under the aforesaid Article it was VOTED to ADOPT the article.
Four hundred and eighteen (418) duly registered voters were present,
more than the one~hundredaB~ ~ifty (150) required quorum.
A true copy: ATTEST:~~'~~
John J. Lyons
Town Clerk
Town of North Andover
North Andover, MA 01845
February 2, 1978
Dear Mr. Lyons:
I enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under
Article 6 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town
Meeting held November 7, 1977, with the approval of the
Attorney General endorsed thereon.
Feb 6 & &, 1978.
Posted, Town Office Bldg.
Five places ~ea~h Precinct
HFO ' C/jmc
V_e~ry tr~uly yours,
Henry F. 0'Connell
Assistant Attorney General
Boston, MassaChusetts
February 2, 1978
The foregoing amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article
6 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town Meeting held
November 7, 1977, is hereby approved.
JOI{N J'. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
November lb., 1977
The Honorable Francis X. Bellotti.
Attorney General of Massachusetts
One Ashburton Place.
Boston, k~ss. 02108
Dear Attorney General:
At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium
of onr North Andover Middle School on Monday Evening November
?, 1977 at ?:30 P.M., the following Article appeared in the
Warrant for same.
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to a~end Article III of
its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new section:
Section 12.~No person owning or operating a gasoline fill~ station
shall allow the pumping of gasoline for retail sale without an
attendant employed by the station present to hold the gas nozzle
while gasoline is being pumped into the tank of the vehicle.
Petition of James G. Winning and others.
Under the aforesaid Article it was VOTED to ADOPT the article.
Four hundred and eighteen (blS) duly regist~ered voters were present,
more than the one~hundr~_nd/~y. (l~O).equired quorum.
A true copy: ATTEST: ~~5~ -.
February 2, 1978
John J. Lyons
T~wn Clerk
Town of North Andover
North Andover, MA 01845
Dear Mr. Lyons:
I enclose the amendment to general by-laws adopted under
Article 6 of the warrant for the North Andover Special To~n
Meeting held November 7, 1977, with the approval of the
Attorney General endorsed thereon.
Feb 6 & &, 1978.
Posted, Town Office Bldg.
Five pla ~~t
Of Town: ..~
HFO ' C/jmc
Very truly yours,
Assistant Attorney General
Boston, Massachusetts
February 2, 1978
The foregoing amendment to general by-laws adopted under Article
6 of the warrant for the North Andover Special Town Meeting held
November 7, 19 77, is hereby approved.