Charles W. Trombly, Jr., Esq.; Chairman
Donald N. Keirstead, Vice Chairman
John J. Monteiro, Secretary
William Chepulis, Jr.
Robert J. Burke
In an effort to encourage orderly and proper development of our town,
your Planning Board has been authorized by 1970 Town Meeting action to develop
a Comprehensive Planning Program. To assist in the technical aspects of this
development, a professional planning consultant, Mr. John A. Brown, has been
engaged. The cost of his services is funded in one-third part by our town and
two-thirds by federal funds administered by the Massachusetts Department of
Community Affairs, under provisions of Section 701 of the Housing Act o~ 1954.
Hence, this program is often referred to as a "701 Master Plan."
If this program is to be successful, it must consider the viewpoints
of widely diverse groups in our town. It also must be responsive to the needs
of these groups and other town departments. To this end, we have created a
thirty member Planning Advisory Committee, composed of representatives of major
town departments, social and civic groups, and other interested citizens. This
Committee is participating fully in the plan development process.
To ensure proper program development, this one must follow certain
established procedures, as do many federally assisted programs. To adequately
prepare something that will serve to guide all phases of town development for
many years, takes a substantial amount of time and effort. Our plan development
is a two year process. During Phase I (the first year) we have been gathering
data on which to base our studies, reviewing existing plans and regulations, and
developing goals and objectives for the Phase II (second year) plan development
process. In the first time ever attempted, we have developed a sketch plan
during Phase I. Agreement at this early stage on the basic concepts of this
sketch plan will simplify plan development in Phase II.
Specific studies completed in Phase I include; Population, Economy,
Regional Influence, Goals, Objectives, Sketch Plan, Housing, Existing Land Use,
Circulation and Transportation, Utilities, and Regulatory Controls. Four pre-
liminary reports have been prepared, including the results of the above studies.
Six maps depicting the following also were prepared; Regional Influence, Popu-
lation, Housing and Neighborhood Conditions; Two Existing Land Use (different
scales) and Utilities.
During Phase II we will develop the following specific plans; Future
Land Use, Circulation and Transportation, Community Facilities and Analysis
(including Schools, Recreational Areas and Public Buildings), Utilities, Soils
Survey Interpretation, Conservation and Open Space, Capital Improvement and
Regulatory Controls.
The following five maps also will be prepared; two Future Land Use
Plans (different scales), Circulation and Transportation, Community Facilities
(including Conservation and Open Space proposals), and a Recommended Zoning Map.
The final master plan report will include all of the material developed
in Phase I and Phase II of the Planning Program and will be reproduced in five
hundred copies (including forty copies for the Massachusetts Department of
Community Affairs). The report will include appropriate reduced-size maps with
one color overprinting where necessary to explain findings and proposals.
This plan will only be as valuable as town departments and groups use
it in implementing future development. We intend to maintain a constant review
and updating of this program, to provide the flexibility necessary to cope ~rlth
changing conditions.
To facilitate this program and other Planning Board activities, two
years ago we organized the Board into four committees, on a rotating membership
basis. For your information and assistance in any possible contact with Board
members, the committees and current membership are:
Long Range Planning:
Capital Improvement:
Subdivision Control:
John Monteiro and Donald Keirstead
John Monteiro and William Chepulis
Robert Burke and William Chepulis
Robert Burke and Donald Keirstead