HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-14TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C. ELECTION DEPARTMENT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN BUILDING North Andover, Mass. 01845 May 14, 1975 Honorable Board of Selectm~SV~.7~t~ ;z;" V~TD Town Office Building ! ~'~ ?-': '~' ~ ~ North Andover, Mass. Submitted herewith are my recordings concer~ the votes taken at o~ Tow2 ~e~t~n~ of 197~ of ~ll l~icles ;der yo~ anpervis~on in the W~rr~t. I would aopreciate your comparing them against any of yours so that we may have an opportunity to discuss any discrepancies before I put them into final record. Thank you for your many kindnesses and cooperation with this office. ARTICLE 2. VOTED that the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town Officers not required by law or by-law to be otherwise chosen. AqTICLE 3. VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. VOTED to fix the following annual salaries of Town Officials effective from July l, 1975. Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per annum of $2,000. Chairman of the Board of Selectmen $300. ARTICLE 7. VOTED to authorize bhe Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the revenue for the twelve month period beginning July l, 1975 in accordance with G.L.c.44, s.4 by issuing a note or notes payahle within one year, and to renew any such note or notes for a period of less than one year in accordance with G.L.c.44, s.17. ARTICLEll. VOTED to amend s.lO of Article ~V of the General By-Laws by striking out the first sentence thereof and inserting in its place the following sentence: A majority of a committee consisting of the Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Moderator, Highway Surveyor and after a vote of each of the following Boards or Committees the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, bhe Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the Chairman of the Board of Public Works, the School Committee Chairman, the Board of Health Chairman and the Chairman of the Planning Board shall annually in June appoint and, subject to appropriation therefor, fix the compensation of an attorney-at-law who shall be a resident of the Town and a member in good standing of the Bar of the Commonwealth, to serve as Town Counsel for the Term of one year from the first day of July next following, and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and qUalified. ARTICLE 12. VOTED under Section l, Chapter 41 of the General Laws to authorize its Treasurer hereafter to act as its Collector of Taxes, to take effect on the first Monday in March of 1976. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to authorize the Selecbmen to appoint a Study Committee for the purpose of recommending to the Town any action that can be taken to protect land around the Lake Cochichewick area. ARTICLE 21. VOTED that $75, OOO is appropriated, in addition to the $462, OOO appro- priatedunder Article 29 of the Warrant for the 1974 Annual To~nMeeting, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of construction, originally equipping and furnishing a new Town Garage facility on town-owned land at Osgood 'A. T.M. i975 -2- ~r't. 21. con't. and W~ne Streets; that to raise this appropriattion the Treasl~er with the approval of the Selectmen is authorized to borrow $75,000 under O.L.¢.44, s.7(3) as amended; and that the Selectmen are authorized to enter into aL1 such contracts and arrangements as they may determine are necessary to carry out this vote. ARTICIE 25. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5600, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of acquiring a "mini-bus" for the use of the elderly inhabitants of the Town, and to raise and appropriate $2400, to pay the annual salary o£ such person as may be appointed by the Selectmen to serve as a Town Nurse for such elderly inhabitants. ARTICLE 44. VOTED to authorize the Selectmen to dispose of the area of land, approx- imately 60' x 40'~ at the end of School Street, for a sum to be arrived at by appraisal, but not less than the sum of $1:OO. ARTICLE 81. VOTED that at the annual Town Election to beheld in the year 1976, and tri-annually thereafter, the Moderator shall be elected for a term of three years. ARTICLE 82. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $77,300 for the purpose of applying a 7.5% increase to the salaries and wages of those bargaining with the Board of Selectmen, and for the purpose of providing a stipend of $200 to those qualified as emergency medical technicians and who are assigned to ambulance duty, such sum not to exceed $3200. ARTICLE 86. VOTED to transfer from Available funds the sum of $50,000.00 to the Reserve Fund as provided by Section 6 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. ARTICLE 88. VOTED to take the sum of $400,000.00 from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Copy of Article 6 (Budget) and copy of Item 45 (Schools) attached: TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C. ELECTION DEPARTMENT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN BUILDING North Andover, Mass. 01845 May 14, 1975 Board of Selectmen. Board of ~sessorso Tow~Treasurer. Town Accountant. John Coady, Chm. Ted Phelan, Chm. Jim Dewhirst. Dave Roche. As a separate Item of our Article 6 (Budget) of our Annual Town Meeting of April 26, 1975 I submit Item 45. SCHOOLS. Salaries & Wages .......... $3,586,577.00 For defferred salaries ....... 231~632.OO 3,818,209.00 Less reimbursement of special funds. 28~O00.00 TOTAL SALARIES& WAGES ....... $3,790,209.00 Expenses .............. $ 782,79~.OO Out of State Travel ........ 2~245.O0 TOTAL EXPENSES ........... $ 785,040.00 TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES &EXPENSES $ 4,575,249.00 LESS REDUCTION VOTED ........ 110~OOO.OO TOTAL SCHOOL APPROPRIATI 0N~~/~$~,~249 .OO A true copy: ATTEST: ~.? A~UAL TOWN I~EETING. ~iPRIL 26, 1975. ~RTICLE ~. VOTED to fix the following annual salaries of the elective officers ffective from July l, 1975: Board of Selectmen and Licensing CommisSion. each per annum ..... Chairman of the Board of Selectmen ................. Board of Assessors. each per annum .................. The present Chairman of the Board of Assessors, provided that he de- votes all of his working hours to the Performance of his duties as As: Board of Health, each per annum .... Board of Public Works, each per amlum. [ [ [ [ [ ~ [ [ Tax Collector ............................ Highway Surveyor .......................... Tree Warden ............................. Moderator. For regular town meeting ................. " For each Special Town Meeting .............. RTICLE 6. See sheet (Budget) Expenses - $3,317,561. Salaries - $5,673,315.00 ~RTICLE lO. VOTED to appropriate for the use of the Stevens Memorial Library the ~hich the Town has received from the State under the provision of CH.68, S.19A. G ~RTICLE '18. VOTED to expend the sum of $32,000.00 from the Conservation Fund for ~cquiring by purchase for conservation purposes land on Great Pond Road. ~RTICLE 21. VOTED that $75,000, is appropriated, in addition to the $462,000, app ~rticle 29 of the Warrant for the 1974 Annual Town Meeting, to be expended under ~f the Selectmen, for the purpose of construction, originally equipping and furni: ~own garage facility on town-owned land at Osgood and W~ne Streets; that to rais~ ~ion the treasurer with the approval of the selectmen is authorized to borrow $75, :.44 S.7(3) as amended; and that the Selectmen are authorized to enter into all ~nd arrangements as they may determine are necessary to carry out this vote. ~RTICLE 25. VOTED toraise and appropriate the sum of $5600, to be e(pended under t~ ~he Board of SeleCtmen for the purpose of acquiring a "mini-bus" for the use of t~ mbitants of the Town, and to raise and appropriate $2400, to pay the annual sal~ ~s may be appointed by the Selectmen to serve as a Town Nurse for such elderly i~ ~RTICLE 31. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum df $38,000, to be expended und~ ~f the School Committee for the purpose of providing repairs to the Kittre~ge Elez ~afetorium and roofing, including re-roofing, refinishing and replacement of util~ ~ield investigation and repair, preparation of drawiuGgs and specifications, sub c~ ~ab testing, and anything related thereto. LRTICLE 32. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $14, OOO, to be expended und~ ~f the School Committee for the purpose of providing renovation and repair to the ~chool to include repacking, repairing, and replacing plumbing end heating, repla~ ~'overing and insulating; prime caulk, seal, pain and refurbish exterior and doors, ~imber stair entries; re-roof school, repair, replace, ~d re-cement parapet ston~ ~rackage, skylight frame, flashing, and sealage of open joints, and arching relat kRTICLE 33. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be expended und~ )f the School Committee for the purpose of providing payment for twelve (12) mont~ ~endered, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental Health Center, for or ~ome of the children of the Town, all as the Committee may determine. ~RTICLE 34. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,600, provided that the ~awrence Commm%ity Members contribute no less than fifty cents per capita amuall '~omprehensive Drug Treatment Program outlined thereby. dlTICLE 35. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $54,068.00 to amend the To~ ~y-Law by applying, a 7.5% increase to Schedules and Positions contained in the Article) except for Class Titles Working Foreman, Supervisor of pumping stations~ ~upervisor of pumping stations and w~ter station operator. ~RTICLE 36. VOTED to anend Section 7 of Schedule A of the Personnel By-Law (Cleri~ ~dding a classification of Senior-Clerk-Accounting-Machine Operator with a compem' )f S-5 and toraise and appropriate $225 for the purpose of the article. the Town $ 2,000.00 30o.oo 3,000.00 ~ssor. 500.00 500.00 15, o48.oo 2,497.00 16,370.00 2,600.00 100.00 5o.oo ~, 99 O, 876 · O0 ~m of $6,106.50 ~e purpose of ~priated under ~e direction ing a new this appropria- 300, under G.L. ~h contracts direction of elderly in- of such perso~ bitants. · the direction ~ntary School ~ies and system~ ~tract work and ~ the direction ~radstreet rheating replace rottin~ , chimney ~d thcreto. the direction of services n behalf of ~er Greater to the s Personnel 'opriation assistant Group) by ~tion grade %RTICLE 38. VOTED to amend Schedule C of Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law (relatJ.~g to the ~nnual comPensation of the Sealer of ~eights and Measures by strikiD~ out $1,260, ~d inserting iN ~ts place the sum of $1,500, and to~aise and ~propriate the sum of $240. for said I~endment. iRTICLE 39. VOTED to amend Section 13 of Personnel By-Law by striking out ($150 p~ uniformed an for Police and inserting thereof ($175 per uniformed man for Police and raise ~nd appropriate he sum of $700 for said amendment. ARTfCLE' T2 VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of .2,5OO robe expended under t direction of the Boa;d of Public Works for the purposes of ~mermanently patching water and s~ere trenches tRTICLE 73. VOTED to raise and a~propriate the sum of'$15,0OO to be expended under ~he direction Df the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of repaying the playground area sur~ ounding bhe Bradstreet School. aRTICLE 74. VOTED to raise and appropri~te the sum of $13, OOO to be expended unde~ the direction ~f the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the lime feeder and chlc 'inators at the North Pumping Station. ~TICLE 78. VOTED to ~ise and appropriate the sum of $4,500. to be expended under ~f the Board of Public Works for the purpose of renewing water services placing g~ ~ydrant branches and raising manhole frames and cofers on streets being reconstruc ~RTICLE 79. VOTED toraise and appropriate the sum of $3,400. and to ~transfer $600 ~f the 1974 A.T.M. Warrant, to be expended under the direction of the Board of P~ ~he purpose of purchasing one 3/4 ton pick-up truck, one 1PTO 1/2/ ton pick-up tr · TICLE 82. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $77,300. for the purpose of ~.5% increase to the salaries and w ages of those bargaining with the Board of Sel. ~he purpose of providing a stipend of $200 to those qualified as emergency medic. md who~e assigned to ambulance duty, such sum not to exceed $3,200. ~TICLE 83. VOTED to expend the sum of $97,958.00 under the direction of the Sele~ men. Said' ~um having been accepted under Article 33 of the 1974 Town Meeting (Provided by CI .1140 of the Acts of 1973) To be spent for the following purposes: Article 52..$75,000. ~rti~ ~e 55.$12,5OO. Article 56..$$3,458. Article 58..$3,000. Article 59..$3,000. Article 60..$1, O. ~RTICLE 84. VOTED to appropriate the sum of $99,042.00 to be expended under the d~ ?ection of bhe Selectmen, from Ch. 825. Sec. I of the Acts of 1974 (An Act to provide local ~d transporta- tion to asist Highway and Transit Development) to be expended as follows: General Maintenance, ~udget of the Highway Surveyor. ~RTICLE 85. VOTED to appropriate $350,000 from revenue sharing funds as follows: ~2OO, OOO ~ire Department Salaries and $150, O00 Police Department Salaries. ~RT~CLE 86. VOTED to t~ansfer the sum of $50,000 from .available funds to the Rese~ ~e Fund as ~rovided by Section 6 of Chapter 40 of the G.L. ~RTICLE 88. VOTED to take the sum of $400,000 from available funds to reduce the ~x rate. A true copy: ATTEST: the direction ~e valves on ~ed. ~rom Article 71 [icl "orks for ~'k traded ~pplying a ~-tmen, and for technicians ~TIC[.E' 45. VOTE~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,000. to be expended unde~ .~den ~or the p~pose of replacing a 1970 ford two-ton d~p truck, with necessar 2 way-radio, rack body and hoist to be transferred over to new truck. h6. VOiD to raise a~ appropriate the s~ of $11,1~h and tr~sfer f~8~6 f 197~ Town Meeting Warrant for the p~chase of three new 197~ cars$ three 197k ;~ned in, in trade, snd a~ equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, ~imilar accessories. ~RTICLE ~O. VOTED that $100, OOO is appropriated to be e~ended ~der the directio ~electmen for the p~ose of completing ~ases 2 and ~ of the Feasibility Study pi by purchase, eminent dom~n, or othe~ise, parcels of land for ~nitary that to raise this appropriation the Treas~er, with the ~prov~ of the Sele~ to borrow $100, OOO ~der G.L.c~, s7(3). P~cel of land describ~ ~ Town Warrant. ~l. VOT~ to raise ~ appropriate the s~ of $~,6OO to be e~ended ~er the Highway S~eyor for the p~pose of ~ engineering investigation ~d ~po~ gro~d water co~itions at the Towns Holt Road S~it~ Disposal Site. ~2. VOT~ to,se ~d ~propriate the s~ of $7~,0OO to be e~ended ~der the Highway S~e~r for the p~pose of res~faci~, oiling~ repairing ~d ~ai~ ~treet in town. ~3. VOTED to raise ~d appropriate the s~ of $~9,918 to be e~ended ~de~ the Highway S~eyor for the p~ose of m~ti~ the States shoe of Chapter (~h, 739) and in ~dition to meet the Countys shoe ~$1~,179) the total ~om , and upon receipt be restored to ~appropriated available f~ds in the T~ %RTICLE ~h. V~ tomise ~d appropriate the s~ of $16~1~ ~d transfer the s~ ~rom ~ticle 66 of the Warrant for the 19?h A.T.M., for the p~ose of purchasing not to exceed $15~ O~ with a 1968 John Deere ~ont-~d loader t o be traded. ~and spreader not to exceed $~,~O0, with one 19~6 sand spreader to ~e traded. ~5. VO~ to raise and approp~ate the s~ of $12,~. to be ~end~ und the Highway SU~eyor for the p~ose of installing ~ai~ge in problem ~eas ti ~own. 56. V~ to raise and appropriate the s~ o~ $3,9oh. and to transfer the ~ticle 31 of the 197~ To~ Meeting to be e~end~ under the direction of for the p~ose of instating new sidew~ks' and repairi~ e~sting ones. 57. V~ to raise and appropriate the s~ of 81,000. to be e~ended ~de: the Highway S~eyor for the p~pose of engineeri~ ~d recordi~ of drainage throughout the ~wn. ~8. VOTED bomise and approp~ate the s~ of $3,000. to be e~e~ ~der ~he ~ghway S~eyor for the p~ose of replacing e~sting catch basin fr~es are smaller than standard size. 59. VOTED to raise and ~ppropriate the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of the sum of $3,000. to be expended unde~ erecting and replacing guard rails thri iARTICLE 60. VO~ED to raise and appropriate the su~of $1OOO. tote expended under the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs througl 64. VOTED tor~ise and appropriate the sum of $3,000. to be expended under )f the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Johnson Ci~ )f 170' to Johnson Street, providded that no fewer than two residents are t o be cc )osed sewer extension. 67. VOTED that $95,000. is appropriated, to b e expended under the directi( 3oard o~ Public Works, for the purpose of laying a water main of not less than [iameter on Mass Ave., from Fernwood Street to the Lawrence City line, a distance 19OO feet, and of lining the old water main of 8 inches in diameter on Mas: St., a distance of approximately 2300 feet, with a lining of not less than ~nch; and that to raise this appropriation the treasurer with the approval of the ~s authorized to borrow $95,000 under O.D.c.rr, s.8(5) as amended. CLE 69. VOTE~to raise and appropriate the sum of $5, 000 to be expended under ~f the Board of Public Works for the purpose of procuring an engineering study wit ~o hhe advisability of cleaning and lining the Town's two reservoirs on Sutton Hi] 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000. to be expended und~ the Board of Public Works ~ or the purpose of extending the sewer on Chestnut St 1545 feet toward Sutton Hill Road. 71. VOTED to raise and ~propriate the sum of $2,030. and to transfer 22 of 1973 A.T.M. Warrant to be expended ~under the direction of the Board for the purpose of extending the sewer on Riverview Street from the interse~ Ma~ St. approximately 650 feet. the Tree equipment such Article 28, ~s to be ;irens and of the tns, and ~andfill Site, ,men, is .icle 49 of ;he direction of soil and he direction ;enance of any the direction Acts of 1972 ; to b e re- in TreasurY. ~f $4,400, ~ne Front End aud one the direction ~ughOut the ~um of $2,~6. Highway the direction ~sements ~he direction ~d grates the direction · ghbut Town. ae direction ~ub To~n. ~he direction ~le a distance anected to the ~ of the inches in ~f ~proxi- Ave.~ from ~/16 of an ,electmen ~he direction reference the direction ~eet a distance ~0 from ~f Public ~ion of