HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-23THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL JDHN W, MC ~ORMAnK ~TAT~' OFF'II~E~ BUll. DINm Town Clerk Town Hall North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 December 16, 1976 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under Article 9 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held November 23, 1976, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon and on the zoning map pertaining thereto. Very truly yours, O ' Conne 11 Assistant Attorney General HFO'C:mg Enclosures December 21, 1976 Certified the above statement with a%%ached copies filed in twenty-five (25) places in the Town. Five (5) in each Precinct and Ln To~ Office B .utldin~ , ( /jOHNU'J. LYO Sh C.M.C. ~'~ T~WN CLERK I',10. ANDOVER, MASS. 01845 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C. ELECTION DEPARTMENT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Honorable Francix X. Bellotti Attorney General of The Commonwealth. State House. Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: TOWN BUILDING Nolrr~ AN~OV~, MASS. 018415 November 26, 1976 it a Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on TUESDAY Evening November 23, 1976 at 7:30 P.M., the following article appeared in the ~arrant. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Map by changing from R3, Residence 3 District and General Business District to Industrial 2 District the following described parcel of land: Easterly by the Andover By-Pass, Route 125, 253.6 feet, more or less; Southeryby land now or formerly of Naomi Trombly 184 feet, more or less; Easterly by land now or formerly of Naomi Trombly, 110.3 feet mcr or less; Southerly by land now or formerly of Trombly Motor Coach Service, Inc. 340 feet, more or less; Southwesterly by other land of TromblyMotor Coach Service, Znc. 535 feet, mcr or less; and Northerly bylandnow or formerly of the Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley 682 feet, more or les. Fetition of Francis J. Trombty and others. Under the aforesaid article(Article 9,)the vote was UNANIMOUS and so declared. A true copy: ATTEST: ~~ December 16, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted under Article 9 of the warrant for the Town of North Andover is hereby approved. F'RANr'II~ X. B£LLrlT'rl THE COMMONWEALTH OF IV~ASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL -JOHN W, Mc ~ORMACK =TAT= OFFICE: BLIILOINI~ ONE: A~HBURTON PLAICE, BOBTON O21OB December 16, 1976 Town Clerk Town Hall North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws 'adopted under Article 9 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held November 23, 1976, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon and on the z. pning map pertaining thereto. ~ Very truly yours, Assistant Attorney Gemeral HFO'C:mg Enclosures TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOIIN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C. ELECTION DEPARTMENT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Honorable F~ancix X. Bellotti ittorney General of The Commonwealth. State House. Boston, Dear Sir: TOV~ ]~UILDING NORTH AI~DOVER. MA55. 01~4~ November 26, 1976 At a Special Town Meetin~held in the Veterau's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on TUESDAY Evening November 23, 1976 at 7:30 P.M., the followinE article appeared in the Warrant. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to ~mend its Zoning Map by changing fro~ R3, Residence 3 District and General Business District to Industrial 2 District the followinE described parcel of land: Easterly by the Andover By-Pass, Route 12~, 2~3.6 feet, more or less; Southery by land now or formerly of Naomi Tro~bly 18h feet, ~ore or less; Easterly by land now or formerly of Naomi Trombly, llO.) feet mot or less; Southerly by land now or formerly of Tro~bly Motor Coach Service~ Znc. ~hO feet~ more or less; Southwesterly by other land of Tro~bly Motor Coach Service, Inc. ~3~ feet, mo¥ ~ less; and Northerly by land now or formerly of the Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley 682 feet, more or les. Petition of Francis J. Tro~bly and others. Under the aforesaid article(Article ~, )the vote was UNANIMOUS and so declared. A true copy: ATTEST: ~~~. December 16, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted under Ar%icle 9 of the warrant for the Town of North Andover is hereby approved. F'RAI,4C:II~ X. BE:I..I-O'~'I THE CO~,f~.IONVV~ALI*'H OF IVIA$$ACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN W, NC COF1MACK BTAT;' OFFICE BUILOIhi'G OhlE AGHBURTOhl PLACE, BOSTOhl OZ]OI=1 December 16, 1976 Town Clerk Town Hall North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendment to zoning by-laws adopted under Article 9 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held November 23, 1976, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon and on the zoning,r map pertaining thereto. ~ Very truly yours, Henry F/. O'Connell Assistant Attorney General HFO'C:mg Enclosures TO' VN OF NORTH ANDOVER go,Ix J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C. £LECTION DEPARTMENT Honorable F~ancfx Xo Bsllotti Attorney General of The Commonwealth. State House. Boston, ]'~ss. Dear Sir: TO~N BUILDING NORTH ANDOVER, M'A$5. 0154§ November 26, 1976 At a Special Town Meet±ng held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on TUESDAY Evening November 23, 1976 at ?:30 P.M., the following article appeared in the Warrant. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Map by changing from R3, Residence 3 District and General Business District to Industrial 2 District the following described parcel of land: Easterly by the Andover By-Pass, Route 125, 253.6 feet, more or less; Southery by land now or formerly of Naomi Trombly 184 feet, more or less; E~sterly by land now or formerly of Naomi Trombly, llO. 3 feet For or less; Southerly by land now or formerly of Trombly Motor Coach Service, !nc. 340 feet~ Fore or less; Southwesterly by other l~nd of Trombly Motor Coach Service, Ync. 53fl feet, mo~ o¥ less; and Northerly by land now or formerly of the Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley 682 feet, more or les. Petition of Francis J. Trombly and others. Under the aforesaid article(Article 9,)the vote was UNANIMOUS and ~o declared. i true copy: ~TTEST: ~~,~. December 16, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted under Article 9 of the warrant for the Town of North Andover is hereby approved.