HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-20THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 March 13, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Lyons, 01845 You have submitted for approval two proposed zoning by-law amendments adopted under Articles 1 and 2 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held December 20, 1972. Also forwarded by you was a written report of the Planning Board dated December 26, 1972. Did the Planning Board make an oral report at the town meeting; and~if s~,what was the substance of its report? Very truly yours, Henry~ 0'Connell/~. Assistant Attorney General HFO'C/cmk March 15, 1975 Henry F. 0'Connell, Jr. ~s s i stant Attorney General Commonwealth of Nassachusetts State House Boston, Mass. 02133 Dear i~. O'Connell: In reply to your letter of the 13th, reoe£ved this date: At the Town Meeting (Special) held December S0, 1972 the Planning Board read out mo the meeting the attached copy of their report. (Copy of same forwarded to you with original request for aoproval on December 20, 1972) This was the only oral report they gave to the meeting by the reading of the attached. T~sting this will answer your question and an early approval will be forthcoming. ApOreciating all your past cooperation with this office, I am, Sinc,;~-ely yours, JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOYEll MASSACHUSETTS December ~6, 1972 John J. Lyons, Town Clerk Town Office Building North Andover, Mass. Dear Sir: The following petition was heard at a meeting of the Planning Board on Wednesday evening, December 13, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. at the North Andover High School auditorium. Members present and voting were: Charles W. Trombly, Jr., Esq., Chairman; Dom~ld N. Keirstead, Vice Chairman; William Chepulis and John J. Monteiro. VINCENT P. HELFRICH and others petitioned to amend the North kudover Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (1~) of Section &.122, Residence & District and inserting in place thereof a new Paragraph (l&) Section &.I22 to read as shown on the attached legal notice. Also, to strike Paragraph (15) of Section &.122, Resi- dence ~ District which presently reads: "(15) Townhouses." There were approximately 60 people present at the hearing. Paul Lamprey, Phillips Court, was the principal speaker and gave several reasons why these amendments should be made. He said conversions and townhouses are presently allowed in the most densely populated parts of town and to further allow these uses would make these areas even more densely populated. Apartments had previously been voted out of the Zoning By-law and to allow this conversion section would be allowing apartments again. There are other buildings in town that could be converted the same way that Stevens Mill is requesting conversion to apartments if thiS section was allowed to stay in the By-law. The townspeople should be given the right to vote on conversions and matters of this importance rather than the power given to a Board of Appeals. Several people were heard in favor of both articles. They felt townhouses are basically apartments and would create the same problems as apartments. The petition was taken under advisemen$. At a meeting held on December 18~ 1972 at 7:15 P.M. at the North Andover High School, at which all members were present and voting: Charles W. Trombly, Jr., Chairman; Donald N. Keirstead, Vice Ch.; Fritz Ostherr, Clerk; William Chepulis and John J. Monteiro, a vote was taken on the petitions. Member Keirstead made a motion to recommend unfavorable action upon both amendments; Member Ostherr seconded the motion and the vote was ~-1t with Member Monteiro voting against the motion. The Board gave the following reasons: Vincent P. Helfrich and others December 26, 1972 By allowing for conversions and townhouses in the Zoning By-Law, the Board feels it is a good way to provide lower cost, unsubsidized housing. Conversions ~ould prevent deterioration of buildings that are unsuitable for their original use. There are enough safeguards in the By-law to properly allow these uses to remain in the Zoning By-law. Very truly yours, Charles W. Trembly, Jr., Esq. Chairman AD ? $ /o 3,- TOWN OF NORTH ^NDOVER JoH~ J. LYo.~s, Town Clerk ~L~CTION DEPARTMENT TOWN BUrLrHNG NOH'I~ ANDOVER, MASS. 0184~ December 20, 1972 Secretary of The Commonwealth State HouSe Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Monday Evening December 18, 1972 at 8:00 P.M., the following Article appeared in the Warrant. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws, being an Act establishing a revolving fund for the payment of Police Officers for off-duty work details. Petition of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid Article 1, it was VOTED to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws- The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 148. NEGATIVE 95. A true copy: ATTEST: ~//~ ~. ^ A Majority Vote. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER $o~N $. I,¥o.,vs, Town Clerk ~L~I-IP~"TIO~I' I)EPAR'TM II:~T JUOTIC£ OF THE ~ACE TOWN ~ t 't .r~INO NOHTH AND0VEI/, MA~S. 01845 December 20, 1972 Secretary of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Monday Evening December 18, 1972 at 8:00 P.M., the following Article appeared in the Warrant. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws, being an Act establishing a revolving fund for the payment of Police officers for off-duty work details. Petition of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid Article 1, it was VOTED to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 148. NEGATIVE 95. A true copy: ATTEST: ~// ~ ~_ ~ A Majority Vote. North Andover, Mass. January 2, 1973 Duly posted, duly recorded and effective this date; ATTEST: ~'" ' TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~c~o~¢ :D~-Am~t~T TOWN I~UILDING ]'qoR'r~ .A~owm~r, M.~SS. 0184b December 20, 1972 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Msss. 02133 Dear Sir= I enclose herewith, for your approval:, all necessary p:apsrs of amendments to our North Andover Zoning By-Laws, resulting from our recent Special Town Meeting of December 20, 1972~ Enclosures as followw: 1. Statement of Meeting in Duplicate. 2. Copy of Warrants with Officer~s Return in Duplicate. 3. Certificate Of vote on Article 1, in Duplicate. 4. Certificate of vote on Article 2, in Duplicate. 5. Statement of Planning Boards decision in Duplicate. 6. Certificate of duly elected and qual~fied members of Board, in Duplicate. 7. Copy of newspaper notice in duplicate. 8. Copy of North Andover Zoning By-Laws as adopted by Special Town Meeting of June 5, 1972 and approved by your Office on August 2, 1972. Thank you for your many kindnesses and cooperation and wishing you and all a Restful1, Happy Holiday Season. Vbry truly yours, JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN OF NORTH JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~.~TlOlq D~PARTMENT Nom~ Ammv~m, Mass. 0184D D~cem~er 19, 1972 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of'The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02133 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium o£ our North Andover High School on Monday eveaing December 18, 1972 at 8:00 P.M., the following Zoning By-Law Articles appeared'*in the Warrant and was voted .upon, is herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the following new Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122 to rea4 as follows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomodate not more than five family units by special permit from Zoning Board of Appeals after a public hearing with due notice given, provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than twelve-thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet; unless otherwise per- mitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any ~wellin9 under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five family units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-Laws, including Health Codes,' Safety Codes, Building Codes, Zoning Laws, and Zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be enclosed. And to take any other action relevant to said proposed amendment. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. Under the aforesaid Article 1, it was VOTED TO ADOPT the article. The vote Was AFFIRMATIVE .250. NEGATIVE 67. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning-By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. Under the aforesaid Article 2, it was VOTED TO ADOPT the article. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 245. NEGATIVE 64. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JolIN J. LYONS, Town Clerk JUSTICE OF TH&- PEACE Noa'r~ Am~ov~m. MA~. 018&5 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. December 19, 1972 Ail requirements of the law have been complied with. The meeting opened Moderator Donald F. Smith, EBQ. presiding, meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Three hundred and twenty-seven (327) duly registered A true copy: ATTEST TOWN OF NORTI'! ANIX)VER ./OLIN 3'. LYONS, Town Clerk l~-~a'noN DEz'*zrm~t JU~TICj' OF' THI; PEACE TOW~ BU~,DI~O NORTH AN~OVm~, ]F,A~. OlS4§ December 19, 1972 CERTIFICATION OF VOTE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that by its action upon ARTICLE 1, of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting of December 18, 1972 of the Town of North Andover voted to amend the written text of the 1972 Zoning By-Law (as heretofore amende~ from time to time) by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the follow- ing new Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122 to read as follows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomodate not more than five family units by special permit from Zoning Board of Appeals after a public hearing with due notice giv~Hw provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall not be less than twelve-thousand five hun4red (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100} feet; unless otherwise per- mitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any dwelling under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five family units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-LawS, including Health Codes, Safety Codes, Building Codes, Zoning Laws, and Zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be enclosed. An attested copy of the 1972 Zoning By-Law as adopted is hereto annexed. The vote of the Town upon the adoption of this new Paragraph (14) Section 4.122 was aFFIRMATIVE 250. NEGATIVE 67. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~ECTIO~ DEPAIITM ~? JUSTICE OF THE PEACE December CERTIFICATION OF VOTE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that by its action upon ARTICLE 2, of the Warrant for the special Town Meeting of December 18, 1972 of the Town of North Andover voted to amend the written text of the 1972 Zoning By-Laws (as heretoflre amended from time to time} by striking therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122 Residence 4 District. An attested copy of the 1972 Zoning By-Law as adopted is hereto annexed. The vote of the Town upon the adoption of striking ?aragraph (15) of Section 4.122 Residence 4 District was AFFIRMATIVE 245. NEGATIVE 64. ~/~ ~~_~ ATTEST TOWN Noa'ra ~ Mass. 018~5 19, 1972 i ~ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOIIN J. LYONS, Town Clerk I~.~C'I~ON DEPA~T~E~T JUBTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN BUILDING NORTa ANI)OV~, MASS. 01845 December 19, 1972 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General Of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02133 Dear Sir: This is to certify that the following named men of the North Andover Planning Board are all duly elected and qualified for their position: CHARLES W. TROMBLY,JR. ESQ. CHAIRMAN WILLIAM CHEPULIS, JR. DONALD N. KEIRSTEAD JOHN J. MONTEIRO FRITZ ATTES~~-"~J ?he Plmm~.g Board propose. ~Mta aam~am~ tO A~tiele 1~ ~ would make it more restrictive. Application: Applica%ic~a fer ~er~it~ te eaa~ea~t ~ ~e made on a for~tobe preaeri~ed~yt~e~efAp~eals. Said application shall be made to't~e ~~M~d of Appeals. The applicatien ah*~ ce~ta~w~ The ~s of ~he A leg~ ~s~fl~i~ ~ ~ ~es. 5. The ~r of ~ts, b t~ ~ ~ e~it~ ~ t~ 6. ~ber of 7. P~t p~ sh~n 8. ~sc~ion of ~ the ~es. 9. ~sc~ion of 10. ~ch ~h~ requ~ for ~ ~i~ ~ ~o ~th ~ ~. 11. A det~l~ ~ ~ ~s~ ~s ~th s~~t~. '~Kay, ~ ~lass. 01845 No. 20653~ Mr. Jo~n Lyons To~n Clerk 120 M~n Street North Andover, Mass. Chairman Edward 3'. Scanlon BOARD OF HEALTH NORTH ANDOVER 0184~ TEL. Mr. ,John I.yons To~n Clerk No. Andover~ Massachusetts Dear Mr. Lyons, plan of applicant Vincent B. Landers through the office of his atto~eyLynch and Wil]is, 154 Pleasant St., No. Andover, Massachusetts. In a subdivision of this nature the prime concern of the Board of Health is sewage disposal. It is our under- standing that the to%m sewerage lines are already available and that any planned buildings can be i~ediately connected thereto. Very~ruly yR_urs, Chairman WARRANT · ommonwcattb et/llSaooacbuoetto ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's AuditorJnm of our North Andover High School for a Special Meeting on: MONDAY, THE 18th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1972 AT 8:00 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the following new Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122 to read as follows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomedate not more than five family units by special permit from Zoning Board of Appeals after a public hear- ing with due.notice given, provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet; unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any dwell- lng'under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five family units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-Laws, including Health Codes, Safety Codes, Building Cedes, Zoning Laws, and Zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second m' any higher floor shailbe enclosed. ~ ~ And to take any other action relevant to said proposed ~Le~.n~ndmc~t~2p~_~ % Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. 6 7 ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by stri~ing therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District. ~ ?~f, Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. ARTICLE 3. To ~ee if the Town will vote to accept the previsions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the ~_~Generai Laws~ing-a~ct~lS~nlg~ revolving t[~ payment ~ Po~dh-~-0flicers for Petition of the Selectmen. ' ~ ~/ - - And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk of the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 27th day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Two. ~ ~ ~ ~ JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE ] Selectmen of WILLIAM B. DUFFY, JR. ~gO.?~v:,~¢,~/ ARTHUR P. KIRK ~North Andover, Ma~. A tree cop~y. Attest: .............................................................. Comtable ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk December 8, 1972 North Andover, Mass. WARRANT Commonwealtb ot tlOa acbu ett ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables oi the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to noti/y and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School for a Special Meeting on: MONDAY, THE 18th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1972 AT 8:00 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see ff the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the following new Paragraph (14) ot Section 4.122 to read as to]lows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomodate not more than five family units by special permit from Zoning Board of Appeals after a public hear- ing with due notice given, provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet; unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any dwell- ing under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five family units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-Laws, including HesJth Codes, Safety Codes, Building Codes, Zoning Laws, and Zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be enclosed. And to take any other action relevant to said proposed amendment. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. ARTICLE 2. To see it the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws, being an Act establishing a revolving £und for the payment of Police Officers for off-duty work details. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk of the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 27th day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Two. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE WILLIAM B. DUFFY, JR. ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen of North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: ............................................................ ~onstable ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Cl~rk December 8, 1972 North Andover, Mass. WARRANT ommonwcaltb of dbao acbu ¢tt ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables o! the Town o[ North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are quolltled to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School for a Special Meeting on: MONDAY, THE 18th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1972 AT 8:00 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to smend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the following new Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122 to read as follows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomodate not more than five family units by special permit from Zoning Board of Appeals after a public hear- ing with due notice given, provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet; unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any dwen- ing under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five family units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-Laws, including Health Codes, Safety Codes, Building Codes, Zoning Laws, and Zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be enclosed. And to take any other action relevant to said proposed amendment. Petition of Vincent P. Heffrich and others. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws, being an Act establishing a revolving fund for the payment of Police Officers for off-duty work details~ Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk of the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Give~r under our hands a~ North Andover, Massachusetts, the 27th day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy'Two. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE ] Selectmen of " ARTHuRWH'TJAM P. K1RKB' DUFFY, JR.~ North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: constant, ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk December 8, 1972 North Andover, Mass. OFFICER ~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover wyo are qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and a ttesteC copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posteC not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. A true copy: ATTEST: DONALD B. STh~AR~ C ~ STABT,E. North Andover, Nass. December ~, l~72AT,i~ST WARRANT Commonwealth ot/Iba acbu ett ESSEX SS: To either o[ the Constables o! the Town oi North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School for a Special Meeting on: MONDAY, THE 1Bth DAY OF DECEMBER, 1972 AT 8:00 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the following new Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122 to read as follows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomodate not more than five family units by special permit from Zoning Board of Appeals after a public hear- lng with due notice given, provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet; unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any dwell- lng under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five filmily units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-Laws, including Health Codes, Safety Codes, Building Codes, Zoning Laws, and Zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be enclosed. And to take any other action relevant to said proposed amendment. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to ~mend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District. Petition of Vincent P. Helfldch and others. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 53C, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws, being an Act establishing a revolving Lurid for the payment of Police Officers for off-duty work details. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk of the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 27th day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Two. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE WILLIAM B. DUFFY, JR. ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen of North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: · . .......................... Co tab ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk December 8, 1972 'North Andover, Mass. OFFICER' S RETURN I have no~IfieG and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Tow~ Affairs by posting true and attested c opic s of uhis ~arrant at the Town Office Building and a~ five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. ~aid copies having been posted not less ~han seven days before t~e time of said meeting. A true copy: ATTEST: DONALD B. STEWART CONS TABLE December ~, 1572 ATTES k/ TOWN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 April 4, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons, I enclose the amendments to zoning by-laws adopted under Articles 1 and 2 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held December 20, 1972, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. ~~truly yours, ~enry F./O'Connell, Jr.~ Assistant Attorney Genera~ HFO'C/cmk Enclosures TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~LE~/O~ TOWN ~BUrL~I~G Nom~ A~r~o~r~, Msss. 01845 December 19, 1972 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02133 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School on Monday evening December 18, 1972 at 8:00 P.M., the following zoning By-Law Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted upon, is herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District and inserting in place thereof the following new Paragraph (14) of Section 4.122 to read as follows: (14) Duplex or two family dwellings including the right to convert any existing dwelling to accomodate not more than five family units by special permit from zoning Board of Appeals after a public hearing with due notice given, provided: (a) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than twelve-thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, and the street frontage width of such lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet; unless otherwise per- mitted by the Board of Appeals. (b) No major exterior structural changes shall be made. The right to convert shall apply to any dwelling under the ownership of one single person, partnership, or corporation to be converted for use as dwellings of not more than five family units, and meeting all requirements of the State and Town Statutes and By-Laws, including Health Codes, Safety Co,ss, Building Codes, Zoning Laws, and zoning By-Laws. (c) Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be enclosed. And to take any other action relevant to said proposed amendment. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. Under the aforesaid Article 1, it was VOTED TO ADOPT the article. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 250. NEGATIVE 67. ARTICLE 2, To see if the TOwn will vote to amend its Zoning By'Law by striking therefrom Paragraph (15) of Section 4.122, Residence 4 District. Petition of Vincent P. Helfrich and others. Under the aforesaid Article 2, it was VOTED TO ADOPT the article. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 245. NEGATIVE 64. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~J~EO~IO~ DIVESTMENT . JUSTICE OF THE ~EACE ~OllTH ANDOYER, MASS. O184fi Honorable Robert B. ~uinn. December 19, 1972 All requirements of the law have been complied with. opened Moderator Donald F. Smith, ESi at 9:35 P.M. Three hundred and twent were present and checked by the Boar~ A true copy~ ATTEST~~~ The meeting · presiding, meeting adjourned ,-seven ($27) duly registered Boston, Massachusetts April 4, 1973 The above amendments to zoning by-laws adopted under Articles 1 and 2 are hereby approved. · &/~?{ ~0 ]973 ~'~ JOHN J. LYONS ~A~~Ey GENERAJ~L '"L Romm'RT H, OUINN THE CO DEPARTMENT OF THE: ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOU~£ · ~IDBTON 02133 April 4, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons, I enclose the amendments to zoning by-laws adopted under Articles 1 and 2 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held December 20, 1972, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. HFO ' C/cmk Enclosures TOWN OF JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk JUSTICE OF TIlE P~:.ACE Honorable Robert H. Qu~nn. December 1~, lg72 111 requirements of the law have been ee~Xied with. The mee~Aag opened Moderator Donald F. Smith, lSQ. presiding, meeting adjourne4 at 9,35 P.M. Three hundred and ~waa~-aeven (337) duly registered were present and checked by.he ~oa~ o~-~egie~rare. & true copy~ &TTEST~~~ Boston, Massachusetts April 4, 1973 The above amendments to zoning by-laws adopted under Articles 1 and 2 are hereby approved. ATT RNEY GENERAL IIGBS'RT N. I~IJINN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE: HOUSE: t BOSTON 02133 November 13, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Town Building North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Dear Mr. Lyons: I enclose the amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 of the warrant at the Special Town Meeting held November 5, 1973, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. CL/alg Enclosure Very truly yours, Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER TOWN B1]~.nlNG No~r~ AN~Ova~, ~s. 018&6 Rovember 6, 1973 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02202 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our Middle School on Monday evening November 5, 1973 the following General By-Law Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted are herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, officer or Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid Article the following was voted: VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO AMEND ITS General Laws by adding thereto the following new Article= ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer or Department having charge of any surplus, personal of unneeded property belonging to The Town may dispose of the same with the prior approva! of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. Under the aforesaid it was voted UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT Section &~. b} To amend sub section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said mem-ers to expire on the thirtieth day of June." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c) To amend Section l0 of Article IV of said BF-Laws by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and i~serting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first of July next following." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. ~ the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d.) e) To amend Section leA of said Article IV by striking out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appro- priate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION e.) TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Jol~N J. LYONS, Town Clerk F~LECTION DEPAHTMENT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN BurLDINO No~rr~ A~roovrm. MASS. 01845 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. November 6, 1973 ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointments thereto rather than by their election thereto by the ~Oters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said office until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT the article. The vote on each of the Articles listed hereon were a UNANIMOUS VOTE. the requirements of our.~eneral.~y~LaWS were complied with. A true copy: ATTEST: November 13, 1953 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 are hereby approved. General ROB~'I~T H. OUINN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT Of THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 November 30, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk North Andover, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Lyons: The action taken under Article 4 of the warrant at the Special Town Meeting, and included by you in your letter of submission dated November 6, 1973, was erroneously approved as a by-law. Would you please strike the words "and 4" from the endorsement of approval sent to you on November 13, 19737 We will make the same correction in our records. Very truly yours, Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General CL/alg TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER · ]I'o~N J. ~¥0~;~, Town Clerk .JUSTICE OF THE; pF. AC~' TOVirN B~ ~DING No~rr~ A~ov~. Mass. 01845 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. November 6, 1973 ARTICLE 4. TO see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards a~d~ other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointments thereto rather than by their election thereto by the ~ters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said office until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT the article. The vote on each of the Articles listed hereon were a UNANIMOUS VOTE. Ail of the requirements of our General By-Laws were complied with. A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk TOWN ~U~x~n]EvG Nom-s ~ov~, M,ss. 0184§ {::ERTl FICATIO~, THIS tS TO CERTIFY that fha Town of l~l~rth Andmter, et · Special To~n Meeting duly called end held on N~vember 5, Ig7], rated to ~OPT Article I, which appeared in the w~r~t f~ seld~eting, a ~y of whl~ is hereto annexed, 'le~m Ct~'k, Te~m ef I~fth ROII'RT H, I~UINN THE COMMONWEALTH OF' MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · laOSTON 02133 November 13, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Town Buildin¢~ North Andcver, Massachusetts Dear P4r. Lyons: 01845 I enclose the amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 of the warrant at the Special Town Meeting held November 5, 1973, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. CL/alg Very truly yours, Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General Enclosure TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~I.ECTION DEPAITI'MF. NT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOTFN' 3]~Tr.r~i/q'G Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02202 November 6, 1973 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our Middle School on Monday evening November 5, 1973 the following General By-Law Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted are herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, officer or Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid Article the following was voted: VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO AMEND ITS General Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, officer Or Department having charge of any surplus, personal of unneeded property belonging to The Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. Under the aforesaid it was voted UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT Section al. b} To amend sub section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said mem-ers to expire on the thirtieth day of June." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of said By-LaWS by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the parase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first of July next following." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c.} d) TO amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. ~ the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d.) e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by striking out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appro- priate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Jol[N J. l,¥<)Ns, Town Clerk JUgTIC~ OF THE PEACE TOWN ~B ~ ,i.n~TO Noff£d AN'DOv~u~, M~88. 0184§ Honorable Robert H. Quinn. November 6, 1973 ARTICLE 4. To se~ if the Town will vote that all offigers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointments thereto rather than by their elect~on thereto by the ~oters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said office until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT the article. The vote or~ each of the Articles listed hereon were a UNANIMOUS VOTE. Ail of the requirements of our General B~-Laws were A true copy: ATTEST: complied with. November 13, 1973 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 are hereby approved. ROBERT H. 13UINN THE COMMONWEALTH OF' MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE I BOSTON 02133 November 13, 1973 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Town Buildinq North Andover, Massachusetts Dear ~4r. L_yons: 01845 I enclose the amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 of the warrant at the Special Town Meeting held November 5, 1973, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. CL/alg Enclosure Very truly you/Ts, Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General TOWN OF NC RTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk · LE~TIO~ DEPA~TMEN~ JUSTICE OF THE P'-~AC~' November 6, 1973 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02202 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our Middle School on Monday evening November 5, 1973 the following General By-Saw Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted are herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 2. ?o see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding tl:ereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, OffAcer or Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Under the af~resaid Article the following was voted: VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO AMEND ITS General Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-¢~. Any Board, officer or Department having charge of any surplus, personal of unneeded property belonging to The Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. ?c see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of Tuly and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. Under the aforesaid it was voted UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT Section a~. b) To amend s~b section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phra'se "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of sai~ mem-ers to expire on the thirtieth day of ~une." Under the af~resaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION b.) c) To amend $~ction 10 of Article IV of said By-LaWS by striking out the phrase "st. all annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the p~ rase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase 'to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year .from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrsse "tc serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first of JuLy next following." Under the afcresaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c.) d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting Ln place thereof the word June. ~X the afor,~said it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d.) e) TO amend Section 12A of said Article IV by striking out the phrase "The terms of ~ppointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appro- priate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION e.) TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JoI[N J. I,¥ON$, ]'own Clerk ~LECTIO~ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOW"N BUrr,DING lqo~ ~ov-~, M~ss. 01845 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. 2. November 6, 1973 ARTICLE 4. To sec if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents cf the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointments thereto rather than by their election thereto by the TOters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the auties of said office until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT the article. The vote on each of the Articles listed hereon were a UNANIMOUS VOTE. All of the requirements of our General/~kTLaws were complied with. - A true copy: ATTEST: '~~~ - ~/J0.~/J. /LY/Ns. / / / j November 13, 1973 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 are hereby approved. ARNOLD H, SALISBURY, TOWN COUNSEL TOWN OF NORTH ANOOVER, MA-~c~ACHUS£TTS :ENT~AL ~UILOING Carter Lee, Oepartmet of the Attereey State Dear Carterl ~' I#fth Amlee~ Tram CIm~ hm seat tei a ce~y ef his lettur to ye~ dst# ~ J, I~ ~ a el~y el ye#' reply thereto #ted I thln~ the faf lining ats *fl be o! i~tm~e te ~ elfin e ~11 ~te ~ T~, ~ ! ~t~gty ev~t that ~ ~lel~ with Ly~ ~ing thm~ ~ ~tlcle ~ of ~e S~clel T~ ~tJnl W~mt krtleti Xll-Cs Any beirtl, officer, er 41q.mhmmt hiving OurSe of any surplvl eno urmeede41 perB~met ~Y I~illmltn~ to the taim ~ dl&peee of the &ems with the prle~r ~at ef the selectmen. Article 4 el tt~a W#?tet etd net alii f~ m m~t te the Tm'i ~il b~lN. It w~ ~ly 8 st~ ~m~e ~1~ te ~la that t~ t~ of effi~ of ~l~t~ t~ ~ts ~~ by the ~ fiscal y~ statute. ~vi~ly~ this ~te of the T~ e~ld ~t bm · p~t el Very truly Town Ctm~ Teem THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT Of THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE HOUSE · BOSTON 02133 Mr. John J. Lyons Town Clerk Town Building North Andover, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Lyons: November 13, 1973 .~Oe~:,O,~..~ ~6~ TOWN~LERK ~ 01845 I enclose the amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 of the warrant at the Special Town Meeting held November 5, 1973, with the approval of the Attorney General endorsed thereon. Very truly yours, Carter Lee Assistant Attorney General CL/alg Enclosure TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~L~OW'N :BUTr,'nI1VG November 6, 1973 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02202 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our Middle School on Monday evening November 5, 1973 the following General By-Law Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted are herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, officer or Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid Article the following was voted: VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO AMEND ITS General Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer or Department having charge of any surplus, personal of unneeded property belonging to The Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws aS follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. Under the aforesaid it was voted UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT Section a~. bi To amend sub section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said mem-ers to expire on the thirtieth day of ~une." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of said By-LaWS by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first of July next following." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. ~ the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d.} e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by striking out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appro- priate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION e.) TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~,LECTION ]~ EPAI~Za~ENT TOWN Honorable Robert H. Quinn. November 6, 1973 ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointments thereto rather than by their election thereto by the ~ters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said office until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT the article. The vote on each of the Articles listed hereon were a UNANIMOUS VOTE. All of the requirements of our General ~-Laws were complied with. November 13, 1973 Boston, Massachusetts The foregoing amendments to general by-laws adopted under Articles 2, 3, and 4 are hereby approved. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~LEC~ION D EpAI~YM~I~ JU~iTIC£ OF THE pi/ACt= TOWN BUrr,~ING NO~ A~Dovm~, ~Ss. 0184~ November 6, 1973 Honorable Robert H. Quinn Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: I herewith submit and request your approval o£ the Amendments to our General By-Laws under Articles 2, ~, and 4 of our Special Town Meeting held in the veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on Monday Evening November 5, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. The attached documents are enclosed to prove that all procedural reqe~rements for the adoption of such General By-Laws have been complied with. Said meeting was duly opened by Moderator Donald F. Smith, ESQ., and duly adjourned, with all voters present being checked by the Registrars of Voters. Very sincerely yours, cc: copy of Warrant. JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk JU~I'IClE OF' TRE llovember 6, 1973 Honorable Robert H. Quinn. Attorney General of The Commonwealth State House Boston, Mass. 02202 Dear Sir: At our Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our Middle School' on Monday evening November $, 1973 ~he following General By-Law Articles appeared in the Warrant and was voted are herewith submitted for your approval. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Articles ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, officer or Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Under the aforesaid Articl'e the following was voted: VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO AMEND ITS General Laws by adding thereto the following new Article~ ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer or Department having charge of any surplus, personal of unneeded property belonging to The Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a} To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-LawS to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the followlng June. Under the aforesaid it was voted UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT Section &~. b} To amend sub section I of Section 5 of Article I of said By=Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the.phrase "the terms of said mem-ers tO expire on the thirtieth day of ~une." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c) 'To amend Section 10 of Article IV of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase ,shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first of July next following." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION c.} d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. ~ the aforesaid it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION d.) e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by striking out the phrase "The fferms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appro- priate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Under the aforesaid it was VOTED uNANIMOUSLY TO ADOPT SECTION COMMENTS CONCERNING WARRANT FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 ARTICLE 1. AS I had originally drafted this Article I men~ioned the sum of $8,000.00, However, the counsel with the House of Representatives sent me the Article in its present form and says this is what his office wants. He also sent me the form of bill which will be presented to the Legislature if the Article passes. The bill of course sets forth the amount in question. ARTICLE 2. This proposed amendment is specifically permitted by statute. It is pointed, at the moment, to the disposition of the extra automobile which the Board of Public Works should have traded in but did not when it acquire~ a new car. ARTICLE 3. (a) This merely establishes the new fiscal year. ~ ARTICLE ~. (b) This has to do with the term of office of the members of the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE 3. (c~ This, obviously, has to do with the term of office of Town Counsel. ARTICLE 3.. (d) This concerns the month of appointment by the Selectmen of the Inspector of Wires. ARTICLE 3. (e) This has to do with the term of office of the members of the Capital Budget Committee. ARTICLE 4. This is merely to cover the period until June 30, 1974, in most instances. However, certain appointees have two or three year terms which is why I inserted in the Article the last phrase. ARS/am WARRANT ,ommonwcaitb ot tllbassacbu ¢tts ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables o~ the Town o~ North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the in- habitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School for a Special Town Meeting on: Monday, the 5th DaY of November 1973 at 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles.- ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the provisions of Section 8 of Article 89 of the Amend- ments to the Constitution for an Act: Authorizing the Town of North Andover to pay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of The Board of Public Works and The Recreational Council. ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: '~-'~ ~ ARTICLE XII-C. An~..~d~,p_~_~fflce~r_~Department having charge of any~ ~r6'pe-q-r~-belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ~ ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July an~.dn~en, d~th the thirtieth day of the following June. b) To amend sub-section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of une." c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next following." d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. ~/~'~- e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by strik- ing out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointment thereto rather than by their election thereto by the voters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting l~'ecinct of the Town, Said copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Ni~e Hmldred and Seventy-Three. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE ] Selectmen of JOHNJOHN P.F' KIRKCOADY ~ North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: .~ ~ ~ ~2 /) ~? Constable October 23, 1973 ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk North Andover, Mass. OFFICER' B RETUKN I have notified and: wa-,~ed the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vo~e ~n T~ Affairs by post~ t~e ~d attes~d copies of this Warr~t at the T~ Office ~ild~g ~d at five or ~o~e p~lic plaeee ~ each vot~ p~eeinct of the T~. ~aid copies Bsv~ be~ posted not less ~n se~n days before the time of said ~eetlng. A t~e QoD2~ AT~ST~ ~ A~ST ~ ~C W'AR RA NT ommonwcattb ot flDa acbu ¢tt ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables ol the Town of North Andover: GREE~rlNGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the in- habitants of North Andover who are quolified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School for a Special Town Meeting on: Monday, the 5th Day of November 1973 at 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the provisions of Section 8 of Article 89 of the Amend- merits to the Constitution for an Act: Authorizing the Town of North Andover to pay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of The Board of Public Works and The Recreational Council. ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. b) To amend sub-section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of June." c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next following." d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by strik- ing out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointment thereto rather than by their election thereto by the voters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting tree and attested copies thereof at the ToWn Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Towr~ Said copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Three. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE ] Selectmen of JOHNjoHN P.F' KIRKCOADY ~.~ North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: ~/7 '~ ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk . . Con~teble October 23, 1973 North Andover, Mass. I ~mve notified and warned the inhabitants of ~he Tow~ of North Andover who are ~lified to vo~ ~ T~ Affairs by post~g ~e ~d at~s~ed copies of this ~a~t at ~e T~ Office B~ld~g and at five or ~e public places ~ each vot~g p~eo~ot of the T~. Said copies ~v~g be~ posted not lessthan se~n ~ya before the t~ of said No~th ~dover, ~ss. WARRANT mmonwcaltb ot/llbassacbusctts ESSEX SS: To either oi the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the in- habitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School for a Special Town Meeting on: Monday, the 5th Day of November 1973 at 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the previsions of Section 8 of Article 89 of the Amend- merits to the Constitution for an Act: Authorizing the Town of North Andover to pay a sum of money to Landem Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of The Board of Public Works and The Recreational Council. ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to anaend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. b) To amend sub-section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of June." c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of saidBy-Laws by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "sh~ annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the tem~ of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next following." d) To amend Section 1~ of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by strik- ing out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Petit~_on o[ the Selectmen ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently bold their offices by virtue of their appointment thereto rather than by their election thereto by the voters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Three. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE Selectmen JOHNJOHN P.F' KIRKCOADY t~ North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: October 23, 1973 ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk North Andover, Mas~ I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the To~ of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more publio places ~-each voting precinct of the Tc~n. Said copies having been posted not less th.- seven days before the time of said ~ee~ing. A truce opy.~ ATTEST, C~.~TAB~, ~~~~ North Andover, Mass, ..- ATTEST~ "J~' TO~N C COMMONWEALTH ~ A R R A N T OF MASSACHUSETTS- ESSEX 'SS: ~ TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Mas~&chusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andcver who are lified to vot~_ in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of qua orth ndo . for a special Town ,eeting on: our MONDAY, the 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1973 AT 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: And you are hereby directed to serve this Waraant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town office Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk ef the time and ~lace of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October an the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Three. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE Selectmen JOHN F. COADY of JOHN P. KIRK. North Andover, MASS. North Andover, Mass. October 23, 1973. JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK A T~ue Copy: ATTEST: CONSTABLE. JOHN J. LYONS, TOwn Clerk ~'~"~"~' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the provisions of Section 8 of Article 89 of the Amendments to the Constitution for an~ Act: Authorizing the Town of North Andover to pay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of ~e Se-t~m~-~. aPD~IAi. TC~W MEETING - NOV~2~BER 5~ 1973 - MIDDLE SCHOOL ...... .. ~'d'f - ,: - . .... ~ A~-~~ICLE:~To seei~ '~- ._ : -: _ _ - f the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: A~TICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selec t~en. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE-~'] T~o see if the Town will vote to amen0 :ts General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-taws to read as fol~ows: The financial year of the Town shell begir with the *irst day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June, b) To ~mend sub-section I of Section 5 of Art;cie i of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said rs?to expire on the f'rs! day of April", and inserti~§ in place ti"area- the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of June," c) To emend Section I0 of Article IV of se;d By-L~ws bv striking out the prhase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserti~§ in p thereof the phrase "Shall annually in June appoJnt"~ and Dy strik;nq au1 the phraSe "to serve es Town Counsel for the term of one year 'from the ;~rst day OF Apri' next following "and inserting in place thereat the pn/ase 'to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next To emend Section 12A of said Article iV by striking out the phrase "The te~rms of appointive members shall expire cn ;/arch 31 of the appropriate year "and inserting in piece thereof ~ppc~int~ve members shalI expire on June 3C of h._t.~..~__~pproprlate ARIICLE lO see if the T~n w~/I vote that ell a~f~cers, txoeras eno other' agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their office~ by virtue of their appointment thereto rather than by their election thereto by the voters of the To~, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of would otherwise expire, said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same Petition of ~' WARRANT Commonwealth ot tlba sacbu ¢t ESSEX SS: To either of th~ Constables of the Town of North In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, y6u are hereby directed to notify and warn the in- habitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School for a Special Town Meeting on: Monday, the 5th Day of November 1973 at 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the provisions of Section 8 of ArticLe 89 of the Amend- ments ~o the Constitution for an Act: Authorizing the Town of North Andover tn pay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Pe · orks ART~i~'L'E~: To s~e if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of Department having charge of any personal proper~y belong/ng to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shah begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. .~)b) To amend sub-section I of Section 5 of Article 1 ~.q' of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said ~ to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said members te expire on the thirtieth day of June." A~lover: JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE JOHN F. COADY JOHN P. KIRK A imm copy. Attest~ 8eleetm~m o! North' Andover, Mass. c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting/n place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next following." d) To amend Section 12 of Article 1V by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by strik, ing out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "Thc of appointive members shall expire on Jtme 30 of the - appropriate year." Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vo~e Ihat all oflqcers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold ~heir (~tficc~ by virtue of their appointment thereto raiher, than by their election thereto by the voters of tile Tewn, shall continue to hold and perform the duties ot' said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Pegition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve t,his Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Ofiqce Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warr~mt with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at ~e time and place of said Special Town Meeting, Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred a~ Se~nty-Three, October 23, 1973 ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerl~ North Andover, Ma~ I O TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER JO~N J. LYONS, Town Clerk ~-wCTION DEPAit111]~ 'TOWN BUILDING NmEE~ ~ ~.s. 018t5 ARTICLE 1. October 26, 1973 To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the provisions of Section 8 of Article 89 of the Amendments to the Constitution for an~ Act~ Authorizing the Town of North Andover to pay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of The ~e~n. W A R R A N'T COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. ESSEX SS: TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In tke name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our Middle School of North Andover for a Special Town Meeting on: MONDAY, the 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1973 AT 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warmant by posting true a and attested copies thereof at the Town office Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of'~ this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk ~f the time and ~lace of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred a~d Seventy-Three. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE Selectmen JOHN P. COADY of JOHN P. KIRK. North Andover, Mass. North Andover, Mass. October 23, 1973. JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK A Tnue Copy: ATTEST: CONSTABLE. SPECIAL TO~fN I~EETING - NOVEMBER 5~ 1973 - MIDDLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM - 7:30 P.M. ARTICLE:/~o see if tae Town will vote to request the General Court of the Co~aonwealth to enact special legislation authorizing the Board of Public Works of the Town to pay to Landers Electrical Co., Inc., the sum of $8000.00 for equipment, supplies and materials provided by it for the re-3_ighting of the Drummond Playground, said sum having already been appropriated for such purposes. ~ Petition of the Board~~~1~.~t~ A~2ICLE: o see if the Town Will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the folloWing new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of DePartment having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. Two (2) ARTICLES (attached) Petition of the Selectmen as roi lows:' To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws would otherwise expire. a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read es follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. b) To amend sub-section t of Section 5 of Article I of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said numbers to expire on the first day of April", and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of June." c) To amend Section IO of Article IV of said By-Laws by striking out the prhase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "Shall annually in June appoint", and by striking out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following "and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town COunsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next followinn" dl To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by striking out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year "and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate .. petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointment thereto rather than by their election thereto by the voters of the Town, shall continue to hold and perform the duties of said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same Petition!of the Selectmen E CEIVEDI WAR, RANT ¢ommonweattb ot tlSa acbu ett ESSEX SS: To either o! the Constables o[ the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the in- habit, ants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School for a Special Town Meeting on: Monday, the 5th Day of November 1973 at 7:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition in the General Court under the provisions of Section 8 of Article 89 of the Amend- merits to the Constitution for an Act: Authorizing the Town of North Andover to pay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of The Board of Public Works and The Recreational Council. ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as follows: a) To amend Section I of Article IV of said By-Laws to read as follows: The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of July and end with the thirtieth day of the following June. b) To amend sub-section I of Section 5 of Article 1 of said By-Laws by striking out the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the first day of April," and inserting in place thereof the phrase "the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of June." c) To amend Section 10 of Article IV of saidBy-Laws by striking out the phrase "shall annually in March appoint" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "shall annually in June appoint," and by st~king out the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next following." d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by striking out the word March and inserting in place thereof the word June. e) To amend Section 12A of said Article IV by strik- ing out the phrase "The terms of appointive members shall expire on March 31 of the appropriate year" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "The terms of appointive members shaH expire on June 30 of the appropriate year." Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote that all officers, boards and other agents of the Town, whether paid or unpaid, who presently hold their offices by virtue of their appointment thereto rather than by their election thereto by the voters of the Town, shah continue to hold and perform the duties of said offices until June 30 of the year in which their appointments to the same would otherwise expire. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said Special Town Meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the twenty-third (23rd) day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Three. JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE ] Selectmen of JOHNJOHN P.F' KIRKCOADY Y~ North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: , · '? l/// "' ATTEST: John J. Lyons, Town Clerk Core, able October 23, 1973 North Andover, Mass.