HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-24F'RANr~II~ X. BI~LL.O'I'TI
ToWn Clerk
Town Hall
North Andover,
Massachusetts 01845
Dear Mr. Lyons:
August 3, 1976
I enclose the amendments to the general by-laws
adopted under Articles 33, 46 and 65 of the warrant and
the amendments to the zoning by-laws adopted under Articles
35, 36 and 86 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting
held on April 24 and 26, 1976, with the approval of the
Attorney General endorsed thereon.
Very. truly yours,
" Steven A. Rusconi
Assistant Attorney General
JOHN J, LYons, Town Clerk C.M.C.
Honorable Francis X. Bellotti.
Attorney General of The Commonwealth,
State House
Boston, Yass.
May 6, 1976
Dear Sir:
At our Annual Town ~..'eeting held Saturday April 24, 1976 in the Veteran's Auditori~um of
our North Andover Hiddle School and stood adjourned to Monday Evening April 26, 1976,
the following Articles appeared in the I;arrant:
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the
following new Section to Article IV thereof: Section 12D. The Conservation Com~,ission
shall be empo~.~ered to require a performance guarantee f~work authorized by any order
issued by said Commission under Section 40 of Chapter 131 of the General Laws. Such
work may be secured by a proper bond or a deposit of money or negotiable securities,
s~£ficient in the opinion of the Commission to secure performance of worth authorized.
Such bond or security if filed or deposited shall be ~ap. roved as to form and ma~er of
execution by the Town Counsel. Releaze of any such perfor~.~ance guarantee shall be made upon
issuance by the Commission of a certificate of uonpliance with its order.
Under the aforesaid article the vote was UNA]iIMOUS and so declared.
ARTICLE h6. To seeif the Town will vote to amend its Coneral By-Laws by striking therefrom
Article VIII, and inserting in place thereof the following Article:
ARTIC~ VIII. The following shal be the device of the official Town seal: In the center
of a double circle~ a veiw of a portion of Lake Cochichewick, showing an Indian in a
canoe upon its surface, with the words "Lake Cochichewick" appearing below the canoe,
and with the words, "Settled 1642" appearing at the top of the circuference of the
inner circle, ahd the words "Incorporated April 7, 18~" appearing at the bottom; in
the soace between the inner and outer circles appear the words "Town of ]~orth Andover"
at the top of the seal and the word "Massachusetts" at its bottom.
Under the aforesaid Article it was VO~ED TO A!~lY3 the General By-Laws by striking therefrom
Article VIII and inserting in place thereof the following Article: AP7£ICLE VIII. the
fo/lowing shall be the device of the official Town seal: In ~he center of a double circle,
a view of a portion of Lake Cochlchewick, showing an Indian in a canoe upon its surface,
with the words "Lake Cochichewick" appearing 1oelow the canoe, and with the words, "settled
1646" appearing at the top of the circumference of the inner circle, and the words
"Incorporated April 7, 1855" appearing at the bottom; in the space between the inner and
outer circles appear the words "To~,n of North Andover" at ~e top of the seal and the word
"L'assachusetts" at its bottom.
AP~ICLE 65. To see if the Town ~*ill vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto
the following new Article:
AP, TICLE )ill-F: The removal from a public sidewalk, way or any usual point of residential
rubbish pick-up, of any materials spcifically set apart from ordinary household rubbish
for the purpose of being recycled~ under the recycling program of the Tbwn, by persons
other than those properly authorized to pick up such material, is hereby expressly
Under the ~bresaid Article it was VOTED TO ~DOPT the article.
Very truly yours,
$OI{N J'. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
Honorable Francis X. Bellotti.
Attorney General of the Commonwealth
State House
Boston, Mass.
]k'Ol.rrll ANDOVER, MASS, 01845
~ay 7, 1976
Dear Sir:
At our ~nnual Town Meeting hold Saturday ~.pril 2~, 1976 in the Veteran's Auditorium
of our }~orth Andover ]~iddle School and stood adjourned to Monday Evening April 26,
1976, the following Zoning Articles appeared in the ~;arrant:
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the
last phrase of Section ~.121(4), 4,122(4) and 4,123(4) to read as follows: "dwelling,
such home ocm~ations shall be carried on by not Here than three persons, one of whom
shall be the owner of the home occupation and residing in such dwelling."
Under the aforesaid article it was VOTED UHA~MOUSLY to adopt the article.
kRTICLE 36. To see if the To~ will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by adding the
following new paragraph to Section ~.132 Industrial "S" District: "(12) 2~ny accessory
use customarily incident to any of U~e above permitted uses, provided that such
accessory use shall not be injurim:s, noxious, or offensive to the neighborhood."
Under the afo:'esaid ~rticle it was VOT~ Ui~I]I;~OUS to ad~ot the article. "
~RTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to ~end its Zoning By-Law by adding at the
end of the second sentence of Section 5, Paragraph 5.1, Subparagraph (5), the
following: Their e×Tiration date" and/or annual review."
Under the aforesaid article the following was voted:
VOTED %U'L~]~MOUSLY to amend the Zoning By-I~w by addin~ at the end of the second
sentence of Section 5, Paragraph 5.1, Subparagraph (5), the follow~ng: and/or
annual review.
August 3, 1976
Boston, Massachusetts
The foregoing amendments to the general by-laws adopted under
Articles 33, 46 and 65 of the warrant and the amendments to the
zoning by-laws adopted under Articles 35, 36 and 86 of the
warrant are hereby approved.
true copy;
d. submit on-the ;?.~.:.~i[-,r'sary date of the Torch's i~itial
eligibility an ;.~r,u~l repor~ to the A~ministrater un
progress made during the past year within the ~own ~n
development of flood plain managemen~ measures;
e. take any other action reasor~ble and proper to carry
program objectives of minimizing or eliminating flood
~rid ..... ' ..... ~HERE~S
t,~.~,.,ue of i:~s own ~y_T.~ :s ~ot in co~f].5, ct 'theze'~ith, and
the relevant provisions of qaid Code and said B'--Taws p~oh-~bit any
person, firm or corporation from erecting, constucting, e~arging, ~l.-
toting, repairing, improving, moving, or demolishing any building
,,~mt, nou~ first obtaining a separate building pez~i~ for
building or st;.ucture from the Building Inspector; and W~REAS, the
Building Inspector must examine all plans and specifications for the
proposed const~c~ion when application is made ~o him for a building
pe~i~; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED~ as follows:
That ~...e Building In~-~e
........ ' substantial impro,~eme~ ¢
aaplications for new cc,.ns o~,~c ozon or
to determine wne2ner proposed building sites w~!l be rea
ably safe from fooodi~g. I~a proposed buildi:~:g :site is
a location ~:hat has a flood hazard, a:ay p:cc,~o'. =d new con-
str',~ction or :~uLstontial improvements (ioc] ~,~g pcefabriea
:ue:nt v.'~ter ._~.:pply uj.'~- ,~- :~;~a/oz s;tnl~ary s,:-wage systems tO
be dasigr,.?d t:o ::,5,:/:M::e or el~mina'te in_fi!t:-aticn of flood
..... the systems ~:~o
~ood w&te,'s~ and
That hhe
ayst, ams to Le located so as to avoid impaiz'me:~t of them ar
contami?~tion ~ ' - '
.~ z'om
To Section 3.2 ~,:d r.~'w
is deffned as all
FRood Hazard ~oun~ax~
f~le with the Town Clerk, ~ncorporated by reference herein.
Amd new Section 4.1~ - (depending on Art. 48) tQ read as
loll ows:
4.1] Flood "~. '
- z:~za~d Df s bric~
(1) Arly o~hor by-.Jaw or :'a.yo]a~on ~o the contrax~ not-
mined that a~.l :~lzt~ .... :-,re ;.:)c:¥tcd, ele,~a~ed and
cOhstz7ected so as to minimize or eliminate flood
drainage and that methods of disposal For sewage, re--
fuse and otherv'~,.~.~tes~' and for providing drainage are
adequate fie reduca flood hazards.
Article 29.
Article 30.
ArticIe 31.
Voted by a vote of 223 to 2 to adopt the Article.
Voted, unanimously, to adopt 'bhe Article.
~:'ie !;'.,,1 of '$14,000 ;,),' i_hs ~ ,' ;:','
Article 33. Vo~ect ~o adop2 the Article.
Article 34. Voted to adopt the Article, provided that the o't~er
Greater Lawrence CoN,reunify Hembers contribute no less than f~fty coat3
per capita annually to the Comprehensive Dr~g Trealment Program out-
!~ned thereby·
35. Voted, to ~mend s~,~e'-'- Tovaa's Personnel 'q,y -!..:~:v by appl.ynng'
:,screase to Schedules and
~o ....... oNs cent,a; , d ~a %~e Article
r:~ise cud appronrfate i'.%e
'~ AS~34. S .... ~t ~7 ,,~.i
, ..;', 'L~O~.
'~,-teete 36. Voted to ~_m. end Section 'Z of Schedule A of the ~erscnnel
'y--.Law (clerical group) by adding the classification of Sen~or-Cle~'k-
?.ccounting-iJachine Operator with a compensation grade of ~-5 and to
raise a~d appropriate $225 for-the purpose of the Article.
Article 3'7.
Article 38.
ArticIe 39.
Voted to adop2 *' Article
Voted to adopt ~he Article.
Voted to adopt the Article and to r~i~se z~::d a77ev~l,rJate
the s'~a'n of ~,00 for.~ts purpezes.
: ut N e .~ ~,.,cIe
~rticle ~0. Voted to roe .
October 8, 1976
'Boston, Massachusetts
The foregoing amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted under
Article 28 of the warrant is hereby approved.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
September 17, 1976
Steven A. Rusconi
Assistant Attorney General
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
At our Annual Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North
Andover .Middle School on Saturday April 26, 1975 at 1:30 P.M., the
following ~oning By-Law Article appeared in the Warrant and was voted
upon is herewith submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town willvote to amend its Zoniug By-Law to
regulate construction in flood hazard areas shown on maps entitled
"Town of North Andover, Mass. (Essex Co.) FIA Flood Hazard Boundary
Maps" HO1-O8 dated June 28, 1974 on file with the Town Clerk.
Petition of the Planut-g Board.
Under the aforesaid Article 28, it was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY, 'that the Town's
Zoning By-Law be amended as follows:
1. To Section 1 add paragraph 10: reducing the probability of losses
resulting from floods.
2. To Section 3.1 add: Flood Hazard District.
3. To Section 3.2 add: new sentence: The Flood HaZard District is
defined as all sreas so designated on maps entitled "FIA Flood Hazard
Boundary Maps" HOl-~8 dated June 28, 1974 on file with the Town Clerk,
incorporated by reference herein.
4. Add new section 4.13 - (depending on Art.48) to read as follows:
4.13 - Flood Hazard District.
(1) Any other by-law or regulatien to the contrary notwithstanding,
no construction shall be permitted within the District unless
it has been du~7 determined that all utilities are located~
elevated and constructed so as to minimize or eliminate flood
damage and that methods of disposal for sewage, refuse and other
wastes and for providing drainage are adequate to reduce flood
A true copy: ATTEST:
October 8, 1976
Boston, MasSachusetts
The foregoing amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted under
Article 28 of the warrant is hereby approved.
October 13, 1976
Copies posted: four (4) in each
precinct of the Town and in Town
office building.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk C.M.C.
£L~CT,oH O£P^RT~zH~'
September 17, 1976
Steven A. Rusconi
Assistant Attorney General
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
At our Annual Town Meeting held in the Yeteram's Auditorium of our North
Andover Middle School on Saturday April 26, 1975 at 1:30 P.M., the
following 2oning ~y-Law Article appeared in the Warrant and was voted
upon is herewith submitted for your approval.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law to
regulate construction in flood hazard areas shown on maps entitled
"Town of North Andover, Mass. (Essex Co.) FIA Flood Hazard Boundary
Maps" HO1-O8 dated June 28, 1974 on file with the Town Clerk.
Petition of the Planning Board.
Under the aforesaid Article 28, it was VOTED ~{ANIMOUSLY, that the Town's
Zoning By-Law be amended as follows:
1. To Section 1 add paragraph 10: reducing the probability of losses
resulting from floods.
2. To Section 3.1 add: Flood Hazard District.
3. To Section 342 add: new sentence: The Flood Hazard District is
defined as all areas so designated on maps entitled "FIA Flood Hazard
Boundary Maps" HOl~8 dated June 28, 1974 on file with the Tow~ Clerk,
incorporated by reference herein.
4. Add new sectim~ 4.13 - (depending on Art.48) to read as follows:
4.13 - Flood Hazard District.
(1) Any other by-law or regulatioo to the contrary notwithstanding,
no construction shall be permitted within the District unless
it has been duly determined that all utilities are located,
elevated amd constructed so as to mi_~i~ize or e~ate flood
~amage and that methods of disposal for sewage, refuse and other
wastes and for providing drainage are adequate to reduce flood
hazard~. ~~
A true copy: ATTEST:
Town Clerk
Town Hall
North Andover,
Massachusetts 01845
Dear Mr. Lyons:
October $, 1976
I enclose the amendment to the zoning by-laws adopted
under Article 28 of %he warrant for the Annual Town Meeting
held on April 26, 1976, with the approval of the Attorney
General endorsed thereon.
On May 28, 1975, Article 28 was submitted to this office
for approval but, due to an oversight on the part of your
office the final vote under Article 28, together with the
necessary information, was not received until September 20,
1976. The original submission having been completed, Article
28 has now been acted upon and approved.
Sincerely, _
S~even A. Ruscon~
Assistant A~Corne~ General
SAR: mg