HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-19 WARRANTwARR'ANT ommonwcaItb ot NbassaCbus¢ s ESSEX SS: To either of .the Constables o~ the Town of Nort~ Amtooer:- GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you ~ hereby directed to notify and warn the i~h~bitants of the Town of North Andove~- who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Vetor~n's Auditorinm of the No/ih Andover High School for a sI~isl Town Meeting on MONDAY EVENING, tim-Plqh dm~of-.IUNE 1967 .tS..00 p.m. Then and there to act upon the following articles. ARTICLE 1. To see ff the Town will vote to smend the North Andover zoning by-laws by the addition of the following section: Section 4.8 Private Recreation Areas Private recreation areas includ~g sw~mmlng and]or tennis clubs shall be per. mitred in any zoning district in accordance with standards set forth by the Board of Appeals so as to not be d.e.t, ri~. ental t? th~ ne~.ghbo~rh.oo.d whe? it.~ to be located; and only after a public nearing ny me noaro ox ~ppems vat due notice given on application for a building permit and only after a site plan review and approval by the ~.o?. rd of Appeals endorsed in w~iting on the site plan with or without any conditions. Petition of Angelo R, Contarino and other~ ARTICLE 2. TO See if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by ch..ang~, g from Village Residence District to General Business District the following described parcel of lsd. d: _ ., ~ ..... Be '~.~uing ~t the northeasterly corner of the wimm aescnoeo pre. m~sos at the mtersoction of Massachusetts Avenue w/th Danvers Street thence turn and running S 32o, 5r,76" w by nanve Street 65 lng an~t running N 57© 08 24 W by land of Chas. D. Glennie, ~nc. 'lz ~e~.~; tb~.n~ tumin~ and runnin~ N 32° 51' 36" E bY land of the Commonwealth o~-~ch---~°tts 9 feet; thence turning and nmnlng N 83° 19' 2.6" E b~ land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 81.69 feat; thence turning and nm, ning S 57° 08' 24" E by Massachusetts Avenue 9 feet. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend sub-paragraph (a) of Section 4.72 of its Zoning By-Law to read .as follows: than Multiple Or group dwe~ings, provided that there shall be not more . twelve dwelling units per structure of Class C or Class D, or eighteen dwelling units of Class A and Cqass B. And also to amend Sect.on 4.73 of the By-Law, sub-paragraph (c) to read: There shall be a lot area for eac.h, dwelling .unit in multiple-dwe...llin{~ struct- utes, in addition to the l~t area, if any, required for other penmtted uses as follows: Class A, Studio Units, not exceeding two functional rooms, 1500 square feet. Class B, One Bedroom Unit, not exceeding three functional rooms, 2000 Class C, Two Bedroom Unit, not exceeding four functionzl rooms, 3500 sqUare feet. Class D, for each functiorml room in addition to four, add 2000 square feet requirement~ Petition of the Board of Appeals. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to ~mend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Section 6,61 thereof, or to amend said Section_by specify~ lng a minimum .permitted 10t_ a~e. a~ or by ch..anging the presently r~q. ui~.~ yard space requirements, or. both, or by making .any other change m . .s~_a Section, which has to do with the use of sub-standard s~zed lots, and which presently reads as follows:, "6.61. The residential lot areas.and lot widths above required under Section 6.3 shall not apply in any residence.d/strict .to any lot of less area or less w~th than above required if such lot be not .ad- joined by other land of the same owner, vacant, and available for combination with or use in connection with such lot, provided that the applicant for a building permit on any such lot ~h .~.show by ~tations from the ..Ess.e.x Cou.~7 ty Registry of Deeds incorporated m or attached to such apphca.t~on th? such lot was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to the effective date of said Section 6.3, and provided that on such a lot there shall be kept open and not built upon a front yard and a mar yard each not less than 20 feet deep, and two side yards, each not less than 12 feet wide." Petition of the Building Inspector. ARTICLE 5. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~m of $2,500 to be used for the forthcoming Primary and Election to fill the va- cancy in the Office or Representative in General Court for the Twelfth Essex DisL, ict. Petition of the Town Clerk ami the Board of Registrars of Voters. ARTICLI~. 6' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8000 for sidewalk construction on the westerly side of Chickering Read~ Route 125, from Peters Street to Main Street, with the cooperation of the State Department of Public Works. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTIC!.E 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1500 for the new Blue Cross-Bhie Shield proposal for To~, Employees. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6 of its Build- ~g By-Law _by adding at .the end. the following sentence: in or ny. ot. uer. Uon of Sy:Law taken, tp r. . re the issuance of penmus mr me construction oz muniapauy owned buildings or other structures, Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9, To see if the Town will vote to provide that, no~wlthstandlng any e~isting provisions of .the T.o,.wn's ~b~.].laws., n~ b_uildin~, pe~rm~i~ 'ts, slm.l~! be necessary for the construction oI me anmuon m me ~'ran~nn ~cnom author- ized under Article lg of the Warrant for the lg67 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to .mmond Article III of its General By-Laws by adding the following new ,section..' , -- . Section 9: No person s~!! accumulate, Zeel,~,.s~o.m., pars, p~ce: ~ ~p~r_, deposit or permit to remain upop prem,se~., owne~.~ ny mm or. ung? ~S ?n~- trol, more than one unregistered or any ms~m-nuen, on~enuceame, pm~ea, or abandoned motor vehicle unless he is licensed to do so under the General Laws or unless he receives written permi~ion to do so from the Board of Selectmen after a hearing. Written permission may 0nly be ..gr~m. ,ted ~b~,_sa~_d Board on condition that the owner agrees to screen ~.e .pe~m~ ~ea .ve~, cae _o~r vehicles from view from neighborln~ land ways or public highways xor of which agreement said permission shall be revoked. This by-law shs]! not apply to agricultural vehicles in uSe on an' Operat- ing farm. Whoever violates or continues to violate thi~ .b.y-law after having. notified of such violation shall be punished by a fine not m excess or ~oo. Each week during which such violation is permitted to continue sh,II be deemed to be a separate offense. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town ~ vote to ~d its ..Gen.er~l.. By,Laws Article XIII: Any parson violating any ~y-~aw ~ ~me'ro.wn stun. - pun- ished therefor a fine of not more than fifty do~i.~or oacl~ such ouense. (The present designated penalty_is $29_ four .ea. ch statute permits the Town to adopt the mgner penalty. c. 316.) Petition of Town Counsel. ARTICLE 12. To see ff the Town will vote to authorize and direct the Selec~nen to take appropriate steps to change th.e_ bonn ...d?y line betwe?n..the Town and the City of Lawrence in accordance vnth s}~i.' '~c. to be made at the me~_ ~ing, such change being .mit, de des'.~bl.e, ny o~ the course o~ the ShaWsh~ River during me construction m Rou~e 4~5. Petition of the ~h~lectmen. ARTICLE 13. To ~e ff the Town will vote to accept ~om ~ and ttolen B. Yunggebauer te the Inh _bi mts of land te be u~d as an aco~ roadway to the n~w w~ ne~o m~e, an as ewoen- ced by their deed dated December 23, 1966, and recorded, at. thee Re. gi.'~s~tr~ of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex Coun~ m page 242, and to ratify and affirm the action of the Board of Public works m accepting said deed in the name and behalf of the Town. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions o! Chapter 32, Section 99, of the General Laws, which reads as follows: The treasurer of any city, town or county which a.ccepts this section may make advance payments in an smount not to exceed any retirement allow~ ance actually due to employees of such city, town or .co~. ty who ~ e.ligi~e for, and who have filed applications for, retirement: durn~.~ SUCh .perio? necessary for the proc~s.m.g of such .applica.tions for .reum~m. en~, ..a~a establish rules andregulatmns govermng sucl~ payments. 'l'ms socuon sram take effect upon its acceptance in a city by vote oi tl}e .dty c.o. until: su.bject to the provisions of its charter; in a town by vote ?.the vomrs a~ a Town meeting; and in a county by vOte of the county comrmsmoners. Petition of the Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vo..te ~ raise and appropriate bht~.c sum of $2500, to be expended u~..der the dlmcfion o! the Boa.rd of.Pu c Works for the purpose of extending the water system on aumm ~venue item its present terminus to Unity Avenue. Petition of phillip T. Miller and others. ARTICLE 16. To see ii the Town will vote to raise.and appropriate a suf- ficient sum oI money, to be e.x~ended under the direction of the School Core- ,tree tor the pun e of renting space for the L .porary the.S.u - tendent of Schools and the necessary secretarial and clerical smu oz me School Department. Petition of the School Committee¶ ARTICLR 17. To soe if the T°wn will vote to authorize the Board of Public Works to accept from Jean J. Cl~!?onr, in beha. l/. of the,Tow?.i a de~[. to a parcel of land adjoining the Chadwick Street playgrouna on me raining 26,768 square feet, more or less, and shown as Lot 21 on me sun- division plan of "North Andover Park." Petition of the Board of Public Works. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town niece Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days be/ore the time of holding said meeting. , Hereof, fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the sixth day of Jun~ in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty WI!.T.TRM FRED P. OAKES RALPH E. FINCK A tame copy. ' Attest: , OFFICERS RETI~RN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more pbulic places in each voting precinct of the of the Town. Said copies having bce~ posted not rethan fifteen days nor less than ten ~ays before ~the time of said meeting. CONSTABLE. No. Andover, Mass. ~/~ ~~ June 6, 1967. ATTEST: ~/ T0~ CIEd~K.