HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-06-16November 21, 1947
Mr. Zoseph A. Duncan
Town Clerk
Nort~ Andover, Nass.
Dear Sir:
I enclose herewith amendment to zoning by-laws
adopted by the town of North Andover on June 16, 1947¢
under article l, together with zoning map, with the approval
of the Attorney General noted thereon.
Very truly yours,
Assistant Attorney General.
To Whom It May Concern:-
This is to certify that at the Special Meeting of the
Town of North Andover held Monday evening, June 16, 1947, the
following article appeared in the warrant for said meeting:
Article 1. To see if the town will vote to amend the
Zoning by-Law by changing the classification of a parcel of land
from an Agricultural District to an Educational District, bounded
and described as follows:
Starting at the southeasterly corner ef the Salem Turn-
pike and Andover Street at the Massachusetts highway boundary on
Salem Turnpike thence proceeding easterly 915.52 feet (S.~5° 25'20" E)
to the M.H.B.; thence easterly 1595.78 feet (S~5o 12'30" E) to the
M.H.B.; thence proceeding easterly 679.66 feet (Rad, lO54.06'Tan.
552.12') to the M.H.B. (which makes a turn into the Andover By-Pass
to Boston); thence easterly by south for 99.79 feet(S. 8° 16' E)
to the property line of land now or formerly owned by th~ Trustees
of Phillips Academy; thence soUthwesterly 72.15 feet (64 27' W.)
thence southwesterly 552.45 feet (S 64° 30' W) thence southwesterly
69.81 feet (S. 65° 05' 20" W) being bounded on the southeast by
land now or formerly owned by the trustees of Phillips Academy;
thence southeast 18.16 feet (S 65° 09' 20" E.) thence southeasterly
90.06 feet (S. 31o 56' ~0" E) thence southeasterly 8~.06 ~eet
(S 3~° 55' ~0" E) thence southeasterly 198.36 feet (S. 31 58' 20" E)
thence southeasterly 6~.89 feet (S.29° 3~' 50" E.) thence south-
easterly 9~.90 feet (S.21° 22' 10" E.) thence southeasterly 56.17
feet (S.15 17' 50" E.) to the center line of the old abandoned
road and being bounded on the easterly side by land now or formerly
of the Trustees of Phillips Academy; thence in a southwesterly
direction along the old abandoned road 79.37 feet (N. 87° 56' 50" W.)
thence southwesterly 105.71 feet (S85O 55' 50" W-) thence sout~-
westerly 70~65 feet (S. 85° 24' 10" W.) thence southwesterly 265.10
feet (S. 79u 56' 50" W); thence southwesterly 146.72 feet (S 76° 59'
40" W); thence southwesterly 22.87 feet (S. 80° 02' 10" W.) to the
boundary line of the Town of North Andover and Andover, being bounded
on the south by the property now or formerly of the Downing Heirs;
thence proceeding northwesterly 52.96 feet (N.28o 57' W) alo~.n~ the
above said town line; thence northwesterly 11~7.68 feet (S.2~ 16'50"E);
thence northwesterly 182.85 feet (S.59° ~l' E.) to the above said town
boundary line, being bounded on the westerly side by land now or
formerly o,~ed by Selden; thence northwesterly along the above said
town boundary line 1900 feet (N. 280 57' 66" ~) to the town line
boundary marker on the Easterly side of Andover Street and being
bounded on the southwest by property now or formerly owned by ~elden
and the property now or formerly owned by Margaret Higgins. Thence
nroceedim~ in a northeasterly direction on Andover Street 286.46 feet
~N. 27° 2~' 00" E.) to the M.H.B.; thence northeasterly 153.52 feet
(~Rad. 1319.32' Tan. 76.74') thence northeasterly 115.69 feet (Rad.
58.25' Tan. 89.35') to the M.H.B. and the point of origin of this
Under said Article 1 action was as follows:
Voted to amend the zoning by-laws of said Town by ch~ging
the classification of the following property from an Agricultural
to an Educational District:
Starting at the southeasterly corner of the Salem Turnpike
and Andover Street at the Massachusetts highway boundary on Salem
Turnpike, thence proceeding easterly 915.52 feet (S.45o 25' 20" E)
to the M.H.B.; thence easterly 1595~78 feet (S. 45° 12' 50" E) to the
M.H.B.; thence proceeding easterly 679.66 feet (Rad.1054.06' Tan.
352.12') to the M.H.B. (whiCh makes a turn into the Andover By-Pass
to Boston); thence easterly by south for 99.79 feet (S. 8° 16' E)
to the property line of land now or formerly owned by the Trustees
of Phillips Academy; thence southwesterly 72.15 feet (S. 64° 27' W.)
thence southwesterly 552.~5 feet (S. 64° 50' W.) thence southwesterly
69.~1 feet (S. 65o 05' 20 W) being bounded on the southeast by
land now or formerly owned by the trustees of Phillips lcademy;
thence southeast ~8.16 feet ~S. 65° 09' 20" E.) thence southeasterly
~0,06 ~eet (~. 51v 56' 40" E.); thence southeasterly 84.06 feet
($. 54u 55' 40" E,) thence southeasterly 198.36 feet (S. 51° 58' 20" E.)
thence southeasterly 64.89 feet (S.29° 34' 50" E.) thence south-
easterly 95.90 feet (S. 21° 22' lC" E.) thence southeasterly 36.17
feet (S. 13° 17' 50" E.) to the center line of the old abandoned
read ~ud being bounded on the easterly side by land new er formerly
of the Trustees of Phillips Academy; thence in a southwesterly
direction along the old abandoned road 79-57 feet (N. 87° 56' 50" ~.);
thence southwesterly 105.71 feet (S. 85° 55' 50" W.) thence soyth-
westerly 70665 feet (S. 85° 24' 10" W.) thence southwesterly 265~10
feet (S. 6' "
79 5 50 W.) thence southwesterly 146.72 feet (S. 76 59'
40" W.); thence southwesterly 22.87 feet (S.-80o 02' 10" W.) to the
boundary line ef the town of North Andover and A~udover being bounded
on the south by the property now or formerly of the Downing Heirs;
thence proceeding Northwesterly 52.96 feet (N. 28° 57' N) along the
above said town line; ~hence northwesterly 1147.68 feet (S. 24°
16' 50" E.); thence northwesterly 182.85 feet (S. 59o 41' E.) to
the above said town boundary line, bein~bounded on the westerly
side by land now or formerly owned by Selden; thence northwesterly
along the above said town boundary line 1900 feet (N. 28° 57' 66" W)
to the town line boundary marker on the easterly side of Andover
Street and being bounded on the southwest by property now or
formerly owned by Selden and the property now or formerly owned
by Margaret Higgins. Thence proceeding in a northeasterly direction
on Andover Street 286.46 feet (N. 27° 26' 00" E.) to the M.H.B.;
thence northeasterly 15~.~2 feet (Rad. 1~19.~2' Tan. 76.74');
thence northeasterly 115.69 feet (Rad. 5~.25' Tan. 89.~5') to the
M.H.B. and the point of origin of this description.
In witness whereof I hereby set my hand and seal of
the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts, this seventh day of
July , in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.
Boston, ~ess., November B1, 1947
The foregoing amendment to zoning by-laws is hereby approved.
Attorney General.
uly 7, 19l 7
Nathan B. Btdwell,
Assistant ,A, ttorney General,
Boston ~, ~assaohusetts.
Dear Sim-
Please find enclosed map, oertifioatoa of Town
Meeting held ~une 16, t9~7, Certificates of Planning Board,
Notice of hearir~all in duplicate, pertaining to a change
in our Zoning By.-~awa'V' as per petition of the Augustinian
College of the ~errimack Valley.
This is to certify that the notice to the ottisens
Of ~he town was by a warrant dated and posted June 5, 19[1.?.
In voting upon ~he question a votoe vote was
taken and was overwhelmingly in favor,
The ~eeting was one of the largest special
meetings we have held in m~ny years,the question of
speCial Interest being Veterans' Housing, four hundred or
more voters being present,
That Peter Ritchie, Charles W. T~ombly, ~a~es
T. Dunn and Retold C. Xay, O.D. were members of the Plannin~
Board at the time of their signin~ the maps and oerti£ioates.
The vote taken at the town meeting was in
agreement with the Notice of ~earing as published,
Town Clerk
February 28, 1955
After a duly advertised Public Hearing held on February 17, 1955 the
Plannin~ Board of North Andover voted unanimously to der~ the approval
of the petition of Leo Murph~ for a proposed amendment of the Zoning
By-Laws of the Town of North Andover to change the classification of
a parcel of land owned by Leo M~rphy~ from Single Residential District
to Business District.
The boundaries and description of the land in question were published
in the Evenin~ Tribune on February 3, 1955 and February 15, 1955.
The Reason for denial is as follows:
The Board f~ls that the approval of business uses in this area should
await the serious consideration by the townspeople of an overall study
of theproposed revision to the Zoning By-Law now being undertaken by
your Pla~ing Board.
Nicholas Fo Nicetta, Chairman '~. ~ ~.
Howard Gilman, Secretary
Ralph E. Finck, Esq.
Raymond Broadhead
Frank Driscoll
John J. Lyons
Town Clerk
North Andover, Mass
February 8, 1950
After a d~ly advertised Public Hearing held on
Monday evening, February 6, 1950, the Planning
Board of North Andover VOT~ to approve the request
of Wasil Muzichuck, for an amendment of the Zoning
By-Laws of the Town of North Andover, so las to allow
a change of classification of a parcel of property,
owned by Wasil Muzichuck, from a General Residential
to a Business District District. The above amendment
has been approved however, subject to the restriction
and condition that said property is not to be used for
any other purpose than for the erection thereon or for
the remodelling of the present existing building, for
any other use exclusively, except than for residential
purposes. The Plans presented to the Board are dated
January 12, 1950 and the description and boundaries of
the above property were published in the Evening Tribuhe
on the nights of January 28 and February 4, 1950.
NOTE: This matter was not accepted at t he Am~ual Tovm Meeting of March 16, 1950.
~';+u ~-~,~ .~ _~'a %o t::e defim' tire ~}!an of Shem,mod Henes, Inc. described
Zaa'h larb of a cer'alm .....:<,.c~e= ~ of land shown on a ~ ......... of land entitled
':[ortk Lndcver Zillside" and reccrded in Hot th Distrct Essex Registry
of ~eeds~ ?lan }~o. 3~ ? an~ rurt~,er ~%escribed as follows.
"$:,ar%ing '~.t a ~mint on Leyden gtreet and running northrr!y by land of
Charles lla!aua¢i 316 feet vo a stone ~,~all thence easterly 32~.06 feet,
thence nortber]~z 320.51 feet thence westerly by land now or for:~erly
of Halnn Coolidge !276.~? feet to a soone bound, thence by various
bcun~s tLFough lane; o~,~ed by lobert J. Ju~ke to a point on Cotuit Street
thence eastrrly on Cotuit Street and LeydeP~ to ?oint of origin 787.16."
after a ~.~__y a6vertised Pull. mc ~ea_mng Ield }~ay 2, 195~ at 8:00 p.m. in
~,o~ ~h Andcver voted unanimously
~he T~;r, i 'i!Sing~ the Flannin? }oar6 of ~'' ~*
%0 ~,~:,'m_ . . pore !ils rYfini~iv~ rgc,~ ~ae %c N~:. fact %'~'.,, ~gan_ f~:~ %0 eom-
fly ' ~-~ +~o uinim~:~ lob size requirement under the c%sngc in the ~' '
~-~=~ .... ':th r. lard to lot spzes.