HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-02-21F]]u~r F]~m~.~ o~r TOWN PLA~NINI~' BOARD OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS * TOVv*~ OF ~OR.T~ ~DOYER ~VIA$$ ACHU5 ETT $ John J. ~vons, Town Clerk Tow~ Suild~ ~g North Andover, Mass. Dear Mr, I~'ons= ~he PI~ Board ef North Andover held a Public Hearing on Monday eveming, March 1~ 1~54 te consider the petition ef Albert A~ Steinberg, £er the approval of a proposed amendment of the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of North Andover, ~o change the classification of a parcel of lend, ewred by Albert A. Steinberg~ from a Restricted Residential to a Business district. The land in question is located on the easterly side of Barker Street, the he.aries and description of which were published in the Evening Tribune on February ~ ~ February 27, 1954. After carefully considering this petition~ a motion was m~de by Mr. ~ee~ seccmded by Mr. Driscoll and it was urmr~Lmously VOTED to der~ the approval of this petition~ The reasons for denial are as follows= intended use of this location for an open air theatre would constitute tamffic hasard because of the narrowness and contours of this heavily t~avelled road~ 2-The Board does not feel that ~he proposed use will p~omote the best interests of the inhabitants of the Town~ Ail members of the Board were present and all vote~ on the petitione Ail abutters were notified of the Public Hearing and of the decision of the Board° Very truly yours, oF Nicholas Nicetta~ Chairman Richard G. Whipple Frank W. Ice Frank G. Driscoli, Jr. Amendments &dopted at the Annual Town Mest~ag l~re~a 1916, Article ;1 Section 4, After the election of Town Offficers whose names &ppear on the official ballot~ a~d the vote m~m the question of gra.nting licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, the Annual Meeting in each year shall stand ~d~ourned for the consi~er&tlma of ~11 other matters in the Warrant to 1:30 o'clock tn the afternoon of the second Saturday next following, at a place to be designated by the 3electmen in the Warrant for sal~ Meeting. The W~rraat shall also stake the date and hour of said adjournment. Art£cAe ~ SeotiomS. The followingRules and Rs~tl&tio~ shall govern the building and inspection of dwelling house~ ~NortJa Andover, under provisions of Section X, Chapter 65~ of tl~e Acts and Resolves of 1913 ~nd Acts Zn amendment or additio~ thereto, namely3 Construction of tluilding. le~t confom to ~he followi~ specifications ~d ~'+- +~, ~~ ~h~ buXl~Xag =n=~r. ~1 roo~ must be exposed to ~e outsiAe Xight~ and there shall be no room which is to be occupied as a l~ving or sleep ing room that sH~i ~ave less ~ seven hundred ~b~c feet of ~ir .~1 bvlldin~s must be set ~t least four feet from ~e side lines every instance. Foundat i on~ Foundations for all dwelling houa~ tc be built of c~.ent or stone ~-*~ ~ = ~ ~! ~-~-'~ ~' - ..... to ~e well bonded together~ ~d ~e s~.e ~o be laid in mortar of ~e following ~roportions: One part of PortiamA cement, two p&rtm li~e with t.be prol~er ~r~rtA~ of cle~ sh~ 6~I~ ~d no cell~ to Be lesm t~ t~ feet, m~ Z~ ~e cle~, to ~ve at le~t fou~ windowm flor lZ~t ~d z~id w~ndows to be not less t2~ three ll~t 8 X lO Fr~ Fr~e for all ho~es used for dwelli~ te ~ ~corA~ to ~e following sched~e: On aimgle dwelling, ~111~ t~ be met titan s~ by seven inches, floor Joists two By seven inche~, plaC~ more +~ sixteen, lnc~m en centers; ~nd ~1 cromaeA m~llm to be ~rtim e6 and tenoned and pinned together ..... *-~ ~::~ ~.~J ~u~-~ike -~,~.~ outside studdimg two by four inchem, m~te~ inchem on centerm, eorner postm four by six lnchem, rafters two by six inches, twenty~our on center~ ~or double houaem, $~l~ six ~y ei~t in.em, center s~lll eight ~y ei~t inc~m, floor Joistm two by eight inc]mm, ~o more eighteen inches on centers, outmide mtudding ~d ~e mt~ ~er carrying p~titions to be two by four inchem, placed not more sZxteem inches on centerl, corner posts four by Iix inc~l, ceiX~ jo~ste two by six inchemt~ twenty inehem on oenterm, r~t~e twe by inches, not more th~ twenty-four inche~on centerm, platem fo~ By inches, ledger-boardm one by six inches, all nailed md l~ik~ ~ Boston, Mass., May ~4, 1916. The foregoing by-laws are hereby approved, with the exception of Construstion of Buildings. in part as indicated, l~oundations, in part as indicated, i~r~me, in pa~t as indicated, Chimneys. Pl-~bing, Approval of Inspector. Buildings to be Used for Camp 2urposes Only. in part as indicated, Alterations, in pert as indicated, Penalty. in part as indicated. which are disapproved. torney-General. ......... . .......... 77-4 1. -4 —rO PLA� P= Appi-oV 6y cor+h �. P ri i no Y -A AMENDMENT TO QZONINGY LAW jOft TOWN OF NOPTH ANIDOVEmrrt) A5 rr APPLims -ro pqoP=-q-ry 6N GIL2,=-tXr G -r. BA L DW 1 r4 S�r. 1D CN L. rr I io' r- w e;,. 11341; C. L. V I L L G LAID Co Ga jv V I L L,6kG co op ......... . .......... 77-4 1. -4 —rO PLA� P= Appi-oV 6y cor+h �. P ri i no Y -A AMENDMENT TO QZONINGY LAW jOft TOWN OF NOPTH ANIDOVEmrrt) A5 rr APPLims -ro pqoP=-q-ry 6N GIL2,=-tXr G -r. BA L DW 1 r4 S�r. 1D CN L. rr I io' r- w e;,. 11341; C. L. I 12 NO. ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD C.MA5oN TUCKER -Chairman DONALD A_ BUCHAN -Secretary .JOHN J. C05TELLO JAMES P DAW WILLIAM A. QU55ELL HAVERIiILL j cT. Cl LEGEND for DISTRICTS RESTRICTED RE51DENTIAL GENERAL RE51DENTIAL EDUCATIONAL BU31NE55 INDU5TRIAL AGRICULTURAL O f* S \. LAKE COCH/ HEW/CK o1v X. L�V-c \ ca V \ k SALEM _