HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-15 ZONING BY-LAWApril 16~ 1952 Mr. John J. Lyons Tow~ Clerk Norbh Andover, Mass. Dear Sir: I return herewith zoning by-law adopted by the Town of North Andover on March 15, 1952, together with zoning map, with the .approval of the Attorney General noted thereon. Very truly yours, WILLIAM F. MARCELLA Enc. (2) THE EVE INC TRIBUNE --'LAWRENCE, MASS. --FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1952 i�ew'. Of An over News Of Ballardva i.. , Scouters To Ke ort W. 8. of C S. Met E Jgnior � eague Baseball P The regular meeting of the ". Walter Roberts, manag( r ,of the On Civil Defense local Ju for Baseball Lea- e team, A special Civil Defense report Methodist church Women's as w announ ed Friday that there will meeting will be held Wednesday ciety of Christian Service was v be continued tryouts for the ball evening at 7 in the upper hall of held Thursday evening at the v flub ate the local playst d Sat- Free Christian church for all Ex home oP Mrs. John Duke on River I urday at 9130 and Sun y at 2 piorers, Scouts and leaders. sheet. Mrs, John Wilson gave a n in the afternoon, He sta ed that Movies will be shown describing 'report of the entertainment to n oo applications will be ¢cepted the intricacies of Civil Defense be given at the spring fair ort N after" �unday and that the 141work, and an address on the sub- May 3, She stated a one -act com- n players for the squad wil be se- ject will be given by the local edy, and varied program will be';v lected rolxl those who ale regis- director, Albert Cole, Jr. Direc- presented, plus a "Western Round- t tered the close of unday s participationllin Civscuils Defense c ac- reout port of the supperoheld wn at the ve a t tryouts; During the past week anager tivit'es and e will describe in Fourth Quarterly conference, also Pobert and nis assistant ,: James Beta the wide variety of jobs concerning returns from thto e Matt, Charles Bowman a d Henry the Explorers and Scouts will be miniature aprons sent out h Porter, gave stiff wor outs to called upon to perform in' this members and friends of the 1 some 4p applicants in an attempt area in the event of an emer• church. nominating _committee was o to determine which boys ave the gency. base'ba>l ability to meet e oppo- Director Cole also will demon- appointed as foilaws: Mrs. Henry t. sitlon r the Junior Leag e. strate one of the new methods of Meyers, Mrs; James Enright and d it w 3 learned that so e excel- administering artificial respiration irs. Robert J. :McCune. . < bent posRects have bee report- and some Explorer units will give The president, Mrs. John Duke, r izg,re ularly at the pia lee ses demonstrations of general first ofaC aS. officersr in rwork shop to be slops, nd officials are f red with aid, a, big problem in sele ing the The scouting committee in held in Reading. on May 26. Plans b final 1,4 boys wbo will lriake up charge of arrangements for the were made to hold a baked bean tE the , team. This job pr ises to program include F. L. Johnson, and ham supper on May 17, e exceptionally c ifficul n view S, Anderson, ,R. Domingue and Thu e next meeting wil ,7e with N tlf' the fact that league re ulations H. B. Johnson. Airs, John Duke and" Mrs. James =� all Or only three• 13- ear-olds,as �OUr 14 -year-olds and even 13• Sportsmen's Talent Revue "Tonight Enrrigso cal evening' essfollowed the year -o ds. A large cast of local and Pro' business meeting. Refreshments w fessional talent will present the e. were served by Mrs. Henry N Ilan Sh ecial Program second annum Talent Revue ts- i. Adv$pnce notice of a c ing Ar, ing sponsored by Andover Sports- Meyers and Mrs. George Davison. 01 thug Godfrey television grogram nign's Club, Inc,, tonight at 8 in Auction Plans Com lets bas been received at the cal Civil Memorial auditorium. One of the .l' Defen$e office by Direct i` Albert featured performers will be Miss Members of the committee in m Cole, Jr. It was leaned at Tues, Beverly Arthur, talented dance charge of tha Union Congrega- . day evening from S:30 t 9, a tel- stylist, Also on the 'program will tional church auction state that in eyisioz} network will pres zit a spe- be a trio composed of Mrs. Hazel everything is in readiness for this eial, pprogram with C J. M. Stogford, Mrs. Ethel Wilson and event that will be held all day Clambers appearing a a guest Mrs. Jean Weeks, who will sing Saturday on the Andover street slid Arthur, Godfrey as narrator several songs, some of which were playground st.artinp at 10 a. M. h' and interviewer: This pr gram will written by Mrs. Stopford. Donald In the event of rainy weather it a, be one of a series enti led "De- L. Amy will be the accompanist. will be held Saturday, May 10 tense of the Nation" a d is pro- Malcolm Lundgren and Chester The women, with Mrs. Frank duced,by the Federal Ci 1 Defense Harnden are co-chairmen of the Froburg as chairman, are in J, admi "stration under th direction large committee planning the charge of the refreshments that J' ` of.' Co. Chambers, F.C. A., flub- event, the proceeds of which will will be on sale. There will be pony o licity and education he d. be used to finance the third an- rides for the children. Director Cole further fated the nual trout derby for local young A large assortment of articles Y prgr�o ra ill scfi listed11 i ,It Can H ssey's npondiaint Sha •s to sheenl Sat- eluding will be o antiquen sa-e s, the old a furniture, rl uction in p`.cY pt S Happen Dere: He adde that this urday and Sunday, May 3 and 4. radios, clocks, rugs, clothing, toys, prQgr is" of vital i terest`, to Tickets will be available at the booys, glass -ware and carpets as P every ne.and that ifs a 'licarance auditorium before the curtain welPler onsas hhavinger uart cleslto do- rr: is filo t tixr e followin as it' does hoes up tonight. nate should get in couch with any st the � omlc explosion, hick was or the televl ed. from Nevada arlier this To Install Lawrence Clan Tonight member of Chert Wa committee High mH week Deputy Royal Chief William chairstreet, .: Vannett of Clan Johnston 185, Or • gi cry Breakfast Thur�d y` der of Scottish Clans, will install' Talent Revues Tonight in Th�', annual May breakfast the newly elected ,S.C., f Clan local will attend of serve by the "Junior Woman's MacPh tonighson tatin Columbia the second annuap Talent Revue th unaorl of West Parish li irch will 'rence, TA be Neild in the vestry xt Thurs- hall in the Essex Bank building on tonight in Memorial auditorium Sports - (lay mol;ning from 5:30 a 9. Chair- Essex street, Lawrence. He will c- maspon's Cl by Inc.the There will rbe Cl en ire Mrs. William Stewart and assisted by Past Chief William Mc- man's Cluk, Mrs, John Hali, Jr. $e dining Lay of the local clan, who will act professional) and local talent. da roo will be in char e of Mrs. as deputy secretary, and William Beverly Sparks of this town will Gi Chanes Sparks. Mrs, bion John. Watt, recently installed chief of do a top dance number, Tickets son will preside at the lay basket Clan Johnston, who will serve as may be secured at the door. be tap) jY Tickets and i aservations deputy henchman, Local clansmen in M6y be obtained from Mrs. Her- planning to attend tonight's in- Broke Ankle in Fall C( bert F. Carter, The p iblic is in- stallation are requested to meet Mrs. Earl Haywood, wife of the ar bited to this annual vent, in Andover square at 7 when former pastor of the Methodist transportation will be provided. church broke her ankle in a fall v2 `of ilii AL Abp r FV1E�1T The local clan is making plans and is in a Lowell hospital, st for the annual memorial service a N$xt 1ue5 scheduled to be held 'in Lowell the hatter part of May. News of North Ai a Church Meetings Tonight Play Presented L aT F,,e� . , A The three act comedy, DELEGATE ; Free Christian church: A meet- "Smarter n ine; of Boy Scout Troop 72 will be and Smoother," was presented sl i RALPH H. BGN ILL held at 7, Thur, a' evening in Stevens hall V So utYt Congre ationl�church: A by t" dramatic club of Johnson b RdBERT H. W. V, E 'CF! �• meeting of j3oy� Scout; Troop: 73 High school, This was the second h will be held at 7;30. performance of the play, the first n ALTER -VAi Saul Pert Jr. St, Augustine s church: Novena being given Wednesday afternoon e' D�e devotions and benediction followed ,for the grade school children. The c Edith G. Gal flt by veneration of relic of St, There- third and final presentation will KIRK R, BAT HELLER, Isa at. 7:30. take place tonight at 8. 161 Lowell S .N Andover Members of thecast are Moro- t (Continued On Page 201 thy Love, Arlene" George, Nancy I Burke, George Schofield, Nancy s Lawlor, Carolyn Dushame, Betty Corcoran, Betty Duncan, Robert Thomson, Richard Buthman and c i / / ( '3fs61irfrcrtrcrxbrr' Charles Harboldt. 1 The play was directed by Miss c Margaret M. Donlan of the high I school faculty, and ,the stage mare a ger was George Knightly. Miss e Claire T, Torpey was chairman of the ticket committee. Miss Mary 1 i#fK7rting tontorro and every Buckley and Miss Katherine Saturday¢ we will carry home Sheridan conducted the candy sales. style baked bee 9-The North Andover school orch- estia, under the direction of Msie . Supervisor Clarence' Mosher, pre- pelicious Baker Products sented several numbers. Wholesale Dai Produet3 t Mariner Activities Mariners of the "Luck Lou." 0 COURTESY 0 QUALITY • SATISFACTION will attend the annual Senior Girl Scout conference in Lowell Satur- day / � Alice Dolan is receiving to rstrations, and transportation e huwj4een �u4'g p will be provided. meeting,of Shawshe•en S care Tel. 702 There will not be a q the crew Monday due to the n- ,,s,is''"'''"''''° nual school sprig vacation. Lioenses Due Holders of sunk, common vic- tualer, Sunday and dancing per- _ mils are reminded' that these li,- renes expire on April 30. In or. der to have renewals in their pos- session by May 1, licensees must make application for renewal as soon as possible at the select - '/is, P// es men's office in the town building. i f t)1I t � St, Michael's Masses d - _ An anniversary requiem Mass will be celebrated Saturday morn- °"" ing at 7 for James and Cecelia Nihan. There will be a Mass for peace at 9 in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. s # TORN 0 `NORTH A- DOS EB Cl St of i I HAPPY HA a' ,d LEE Cowkoy rides from out of the WEST into An'd6ver ontorrow morning at 11:00 O'clock- K e'll come a ridin' own S. MAIN ST, to WHEELOCK ST., down WHEELOCK 10 BARTLET ST,, then down BARTLET to PARK ST. WH' KE HAL WILL HITCH UP AT JONATHAN SWIFT. H'e'll i e here until 4:04 o'clock. Cem'e in and (cave hien brand your LEE RIDERS. P. S. AL 50,C� ME SEETHE EXCITING INDIAN WINDOW. -° "For. Country �Alears" 16_ PARK ST., ANDOVER t; del der pre pre. rets urei tor.. G Cab sery the R(( pc ilia co) I A: Cl Ai fn ChM O: Ci LN i, V( co M do NOTICE Amendment to Zoning By -Laws adopted Town Meeting held Satu;- i" at the Annual day, 12arch 15 1952, at 1:30 P. M., in Hail under Article 40 of the I the Town Town Warrant VOTED to amend existing Zoning By I Laws by changing from a general residea-' the following 1, tial to business classification described parcel of land, the Town of North' A certain area In Andover on the easterly side of Winthrop ' bounded and described' Street (Lawrence) as follows:Ii Beginning at a point in the easterly Winthrop Street., said Point line of said being 965.58 feet northerly from the line of ippter$ection of said easterly pVinthrop Street with the westerly line r of Waverley Road; thence northerly by s line of said Winthrop the easterly Street 815 feet to a point' thence east- 760 feet to a Point; t{ence souther- erly ly 660 feet to a point; which is 200 feet westerly from the westerly line of Waverley Road; thence again south- .. erly, by a curve which is at all points westerly rrom the westerly 200 feet •" ling of WaverleyRoad, 261 feet to a .�. point; thence westerly 598 feet to the point of beginning. Boston, Idaag, April 13, 1952. amendment to Zoning By' - The foregoing Laws is herebyappproved. Francis E, Kelly /s/ ,. Attorneys General •' commonwealth of 1`fassachusettr, April 17 1952, "orth Andover, :lass. A true copy: Attest: �� JOHN I. L1VN9 Town Clerk.