HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948 ADVISORY REPORTP~ease Preserve This Report for Use at the Town Meeting TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Report of the Advisory Board MARCH 13, 1948 TO THE CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER:-- $660,000 is a lot of money. That is approximately thc sum which you are called npon to consider and to appropriate at this ]948 Annual Town Meeting. A portion of that sum comes out of the pockets of each and every one of you. That fact shmfid be of sufficient importance to warrant your attendance at this meeting; it is your opportunity to approve or disapprove of the manner in which yonr money ]s spent. tn many respects, the preparation of this report has been the · most difficult task with which the Advisory Board has been faced over the past several years. This statement reflects the fact that as a town, right today, you have practically no cash reserves. Snow removal costs during thc past winter have practically exhausted our surplus of so-called "free cash". This year, whatever you want to spend, you've got to pay for without direct or indirect assistance from "free cash". Your Advisory Board has felt that a Tax Rate approaching $60 rep- resents to all property owners and taxpayers, a burden which ~s almost intolerable. Ilence it has seemed advisable to dis- approve many items and articles of considerable merit. On the other hand, the decisions of the Board have been made that much easier by the very fact that those decisions had to be made not so much ou the basis of merit, but rather on what we felt reflected the ability of the taxpayer to pay. We have no right to extend approval to any expenditure unless we feel that you can pay for it; and we feel that a Tax Rate of $60 comes very close to the maximmn linfit that you can or should pay. Comparative summary for the years ]947 and 1948 is as ~o!- lows (for simplicity, all figures are to tke nearest thousand): 1947 1948 Increase Budget Appropriations $581,000 $595,000 $]4,000 Special Articles as accepted or recommended 47,000 67,000 20,000 TOTALS $628,000 . $662,000 $34,000 TAX RATE $56.00 $59.50 $3.50 $3.00 PER WEEI( COST-OF-LIVING BONUS For the past several years, this nation has been going through a period of inflation. Maybe the peak of the tionary period has been reached; maybe it hasn't; a year from now we may know the answer. In the meantine, it seems to your Advisory Board that our town employees are entitled to recognition in the face of the generally rising wage scale. Due consideration has been extended to the fact that, regular town employment reflects a somewhat greater degree of stability ,and security than is the ease with normal industrial or eom- mereial employment. Hence, and in the light of the current somewhat uncertain economic conditions, it has seemed advis- able ~o recommend as a basis for this year's pay, a raise in the amount of $3.00 per week for all regular full time employees, sneh raise to become effective with the first pay period follow- hag this Town Meeting' and to be considered as a eost-ofdiving bonus applicable to this year lf)48 only. All salary figures appearing in the various budgets have been ad.justed in con- fortuity with this recommendation, including the figures as submitted by the School Department, in the event that the School Committee may elect to extend corresponding eon sideration to the teachers and to other School Department em- ployees. Favorable action should also be considered as estab- lishing a rate of not to exceed $1.00 per horn' for temporary ot general labor on the town payroll. SC!HOOL B~JILDING PROGRAM The most significant matter before you this year concerns the school building program. We all appreciate that the need of'new school buildings is vital. Briefly, the original Reeves Report advocated the following program: 1. Addition to Thompson School Bnihling. 2. Addition to Bradstreet School Building. 3. Replacement of Center School with new four-room school. 4. High School building to supplement present building and so built that later additions to it can be con- strueted; and 5. In 25 years, a new Franklin Schoo~ of 12 rooms. Step m~rnber one, the addition to the Thompsou Sehool, yon have already authorized and have provided the requisite fi- nancing; construction has already been started. Since Dr. Reeves made his original report, the picture has changed very materially. Father Shed has expressed his ~villingness to buy the Merrimack School and run it as a Parochial School. If this eanno; be worked out, he proposes to construct a new 8 room Parochial Sehool within the ~ext few years. This changes and makes obsolete some parts of Dr. Reeves' original program. The School Building Committee, recognizing this, has asked Dz'. Reeves to come back and revise his program in the light of this new development. As this report goes to press, Dr. Reeves has arrived in town and is already at work. He hopes to have his report completed before the Town Meeting. Your Advisory Board has recommended that the sum of $,350,000.00 be appropriated for new school buildings and that the program be carried out as fast as possible. The Board feels that it should be pointed out that the present debt linfit of the Town is approximately $372,000.00, so that the sum rec- ommended means borrowing practically to the limit. It also wishes to eM1 to your attention the thought that no program should be embarked upon which jeopardizes the early con- struction of a new High School Building. Further recom- mendations will be made either before or at the Town Meeting. SNOW REMOVAl. As previously meutioned, ~he cost of snow removal during this past winter has been in excess of $30,000; about three times the amonnt expended during a normal winter. Most of this sum had to be taken from unappropriated available funds. This has meant that the surplus, or so-called "free cash", has for all practical purposes been wiped out. Normally such funds are available for desired improvements or extensions to the water system, sewer system, and in-some instances in the past, sneh funds have actually been applied, for direct reduc- tion in the tax rate. Snow re]noval eosts have eliminated any such possibilities this year. We repeat, that whatever you spend or authorize this year, you must raise and pay this year; there is no longer any cushion of "free cash". Your Advisory Board would also /ike to point out that eoa- siderable work and time is expended in plowing unaeeepted streets and private ways. No legal authority has ever been granted for so doing'. WATER AND SEWER EXTENSIONS The coming year represents a eontinnation of the x;ery sub- stantial real estate developments here in the town. It would seem to be in order to repeat and to emphasize eertain policies outlined in the Advisory Board's report a year ago. The Advisory Board expressed itself a year ago with refer- enee to water and sewer extensions to the effect that it would no longer extend its.approval to such items unless they were so financed that they would not be a burden on the town. The following paragraph is quoted from last year's report: "Starting with the year 1948, your Advisory Board places itself on record that on articles eal~ing for appropriations for water extensions, sanitary sewer extensions, storm sewer or surface drainage installations, either in new developments or on un- accepted streets, it will recommend that the town assume not more than 25% of the cost, and that the developer, abutters or owners post cash or bond for not less than 75% of the cost. This would not represent any profit to the town; it wo~tld merely reflect a fair sharing of costs and the elimination of a continuing drain on the town's cash resources". The policy as stated above has been observed this year in our consideration of all articles of the types mentioned. We shmfid like to exte~d our very sincere thanks to the various otSeials, boards and individuals who have without ex- ception given so willb~gly of their time in connection with our deliberations, and who have so heartily and sincerely co- operated with us. Respectfully submitted, FRANCIS B. KITTREDGE, Chairman S. FORBES ROCKWELL JOHN J. FITZGERALD KENNETH M. CI~AWFOI~D ARTHIJR F~. SUNDERLAND EARL L. FOSTER JOHN J. PHELAN, Jr. Advisory Board Recommendations ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen for action. A1ZTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the re- port of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Select- men. Recommended that the report be accepted. ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its nnexpended appropriations. Recommended that all unexpended appropriations be re- turned to the Treasury, with the exception of $1,090.72 appro- priated under Article 18 of the 1946 Warrant; and $1,001.08 under Article 33 of the 1947 Warrant,. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. Recommended that each item be considered separately. See Page 10. The salary figures recommended by the Advisory Board in- clude allowance for a pay raise, on a cost-of-living bonns basis, in the amount of $3.00 per week for all regular and permanent ~ull. time employees. Further detail is set forth in the first parg of this report. ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue o~ the financial year beginning' January 1, 1949 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General, Laws. Favorable acti_on is recommended. ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of ail special eom- mittces. Recommended that the reports of all special committees be heard. ARTICLE 8. To see what action the Town will take in re- gard to appointing a committee to take care of the public parks, triangles and playgrounds of the Town. No action is necessary and this article need not appear in future warrants. By action at the 1947 Town Meeting, the Board of Public Works was constituted as the PERMANENT committee to care for public parks, triangles and playgrounds. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town ~vill vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the posi- tion of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation, in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of compensation in the amount of $750.00 for the year 1948, this amount being included in the Board of Health appropriation as recommended by the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Se ~'tion 4A, Chapter 41, General Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of compensation in the amount of $750.00 for the year 1948, this amount being included in the School Department appropriation as recom- mended by the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 1]. To see if lhe Town will vote to raise and propriate the stun of Seventy-Eigbt and 30/100 dollars ($78.30) being unpaid bill for the year 19i7, due to Lawrence Plate and Window Glass Company for repairs to overhead doors in Street Department Garage. Petition of Joseph A. Duncan and others. Favorable action is recommended. Ai~T[CLE ]2. To see ir the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the stun of Three Hundred and Eleven Dollars and Fifty-Eight cents ($311.58) to take care of unpaid bills for the Town Infirmary for the year 1947. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 13. To see if tile Town will raise and appropriate th(~ sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for the purchase of a Mist Sprayer for control of Insect Pests for use in the Moth Department. Petition of John J. Connors and others. Favorable action is recommended. A necessary and greatly expanded state-wide insect pest control program is planned for the year 1948 and subsequent years. In view of such a program, savings in material and labor warrant the purchase of modern spraying equipment at this time. AI{TICLE 14. To sere if the Town will vote to raise an(t appropriate the stun of Nine Thonsand Two Hundred and Nin},ty .Dollars ($9,290) for the purpose of completing an engnmemn~ snrvey of real estate valuation of the Town. Peti- tion of the Board of Selectmen. Recommeuded that the sum of 89,290.00 be raised and appro- priated. This sum will permit completing the engineering sur- vey of the Town, started last year under the terms of Article 16 of the 1947 Warrant. The project continues to have the 6 unqualified support and approval of the Board of Assessors, the Selectmen and the Policy Committee, and is in keeping with the best modern municipal practices. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) to be used with the present Chevrolet Car to purchase a new police car. Petition of Alfred II. ~eKee and others. Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) to pur- chase one thousand feet of Forest Eire Hose. Petition of James IIar~'reaves, Fire Warden. Unfavorable action is recommended. There is about 2500 feet of serviceable Forest Fire Hose now on hand and it is hoped that with the Fire Department's ~sual care and atten- tion, this may prove adequate for this year's requirements. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to have the 5Ioderator appoint a committee to see if a Government surplus Aerial Ladder Truck can be procured for this Town. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. Unfavorable action is recommended. It is felt that it might be in order for the Board of Fire Engineers and the Chief to develop information as to availability and character of govern- ment surplus equipment, such information to be presented in due course together with full and complete date outlining the ~eed or necessity for equipment such as an Aerial Ladder Truck. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500) to purchase new ladders for Ladder Truck. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. Unfavorable action is recommended. The program implied by Article 17 should be cleared before ~e purchase of ladders which might be of only limited use with new equipment. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate .the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to re- pair roof and inside of Fire Station. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of Eighteen Ilundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,850) to purchase three units of two way radio for use of the Fire and Forest Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers and Forest Warden. Unfavorable action is recommended. The present state of the Town finances does not warrant an expenditure of this magnitude and this character at this time. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise the stun of Eighteen tInndred Dollars ($1,800) to purchase an auto- mobile for use in the Fire and Forest Fire Departments. Peti- tion of the Board of Fire Engineers. Unfavorable action is recommended. It is felt that it should be possible to utilize the present Packard utility body or the old Ambulance for the transportation of department personnel. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) to be ex- pended under the direction of the Recreational Council for instruction and supervision of children upon the playgrounds of the Town. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the reeoinmendation of the Recreational Couneih Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Ihmdred Dollars ($200) to be expended under the direction of the Recreational Conneil, for the purchase of supplies, including handicraft and other ex- pendible items, for the use of children, instructors and super- visors on the Town's playgrounds. Petition o~ the Board of Selectmen .upon the recommendation of the Recreational Corm- ell. Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 24. To see i{ the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars $750) to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purchase and installation of eqnip~nent for the playgrounds of the Town, including one heavy duty Merry-go-ronnd, one six-swing set, one heavy duty senior wave stride, and two new bench-type tables. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety-Five Dollars ($395) as estimated by the Board of Public Works, to be expended under the direction of said Board, for the seeding of an area of the pIaygronnd at Grogan's Field measuring approximately 135 feet by 85 2eet, and for the provision o~ loam, grass seed, fertilizer, and labor ~or the same. Petition o~ the Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Recreational Council. Recommended that the sum of $100.00 be raised and appro- priated, to be use~l for such portion of the work as outlined as may be most expedient. 8 ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate for transfer from available funds Five Thousand Eight Hun- dred and Seventy Dollars ($5,870) to clean and cement line water mains in the water works system. Petition of the Board of Public Works. Favorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will appropriate from available funds the sam of Fora- Thousand and Ninety Dollars and Thirty-One cents ($4,090.3]) being the amount of the water department receipts ]n excess of water department operating expenses for 1947 to a Stabilization Fund as provided for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945, with the understanding that it is to be used by the Town for capital improvements in thc water works system under the provisions of the above Act. Petition of thc Board of Public Works. Favorable action is recommended. It is felt that this pro- cedure represents sound business practice in setting aside excess receipts of this character as a cushion and in anticipa- tion of future substantial capital investments for new plant and equipment. AI~TICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available fnnds, Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500) to connect the water main from Peters Street to Andover Street on Turn- pike Street so as to provide better domestic supply and fire protection for the Wilson Corner Area in accordance w~th the recommendation of the New England Fire Insurance Rating Association. Petition of the Board of Public Works. Unfavorable action is recommended. The present state of the town finances does not warrant this expenditure at this time. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) ~or the purchase of a new Dump Truck £or the nsc of the Highway Department. A 1939 Dmnp Truck to be sold and proceeds to be turned over to the Town Treasurer. Petition of thc Highway Surveyor. Favorable action is recmnmended on the basis that a com- mittee of three, consisting of the Highway Surveyor, one member of the Board of Selectmen, and one member of the Advisory Board be authorized to act as a purchasing com- mission for a new truck at a cost of not to exceed $5,000.00. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,500) for the purchase of a No. 30 Cletrac and Cab, same to replace a 12 year old tractor. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. With the approval of the Highway Surveyor, it is recom- mended that this article be stricken from the Warrant. : ~ : ' ' ~ ~ ' ~, ~ ' ' : : : : :o · '~0.~ ' : ' : '~ '~ · : .~ .~ : : ........ ~ · : :% '~ x : -~ :~ : . :~ :~ : - : :~ ~ . ~ · -~ ~ .~B , .m . : , . .x , ,< .~ · ARTICLE 31.. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate thc sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to be used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one-half of the expense and the applicant to pay the other half of the cost. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the sum of $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose and subject to the restrictions ~ outlined in this article. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for maintenance on any street in Town under Chapter 90 of thc General Laws, sa~d money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be aJlotted by the State or County, or both for this pur- pose; or take any other section in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the sum of $998.92 be raised appropriated; and that the unexpended balance of Chapter 90 Maintenance funds per Article 33 of the 1947 Warrant in the amount of $1,001.08 be transferred to and for the purposes of this Article; said funds to be used, in conformity with Chapter 90 of the General Laws, in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County or both, but in no greater proportion than two dollars of Town money to one dollar of State or County money or both. ARTICLE 33. To see if thc Town will raise and appropriate the stun of Four Thousand I)oliars ($4,000) for the rebuilding of Main Street from the jmwtion of Main and Water Streets as far as the money will allow, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, but if not used on said street., money to be used ca Route No. 133, said mone? to be used in eonjul~etion with any money which may be allotted by the State or Cmmty, or both for this purpose; or take any otl~er action thereto. I)etit[on of Ilig'h- way Surveyor. It is recommended that the sum of $4,000.00 be raised and appropriated, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, for the purpose of rebuilding of that portion of Main St. which may be deemed most advisable; or if not used on Main St., that sum to be used on Route 133; said sum to be used in conjunction with any money which may b~ allotted by the State or County or both, but in no greater proportion than two dollars of Town money to one dollar of State or County money or both. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate a sufficient sum of money for the salaries and wages in each Town Department, except the School Department, to grant a Three Hundred Dollar ($300) increase to all full time town employees. Petition of John W. tlegarty and others. 12 Inasmuch as an increase in wages has been granted and pro- vided for in tha appropriations recommended for each Tow~ Department, it is recommended that this article be stricken from the Warrant. ART1CLE 35. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the stun of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) for the construction of a new raft at the American Legion Bathing Beach. Petition of the Bathing Beach Committee. Recommended that the sum of $200.00 be raised and appro- priated for such recoustruction or repair of the present raft as may he feasible. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred and icifty Dollars ($350) for the maintenance and expenses of Post 2104 ¥. F. ~W. for the year 1948. Petition of Martin J. Lawlor, Jr., and others. l~avorable action is recommeuded. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Public Works to purchase for the sum of One Thou- sand Dollars ($1,000) the so-called Wharfage Lot containing 0.26 (Twenty-Six Hundredths) area, situated on the northerly side of Lake Cochichewick and bonnded on thc north by Great Pond Road and on the east and west by land of the Town of North Andovcr. Petition of Stanley Stefanowiecs and others. Unfavorable action is recommended. The price named is totally unreasonable and if the property coucerned is of suffi- cient importance for the protection of our water supply, it would appear preferable that the Town exercise its powers of seizure by right of eminent domain. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to extend the street lights on Salem Street from thc present location to the corner of Salem, Boxford and Foster Streets for the safety protection. Petition of Francis C. Roche and others. Street lighting is under the jurisd/ction of the Board of Selectmen. It is recommended that this Article be referred to the Board of Selectmen for their consideration and attention. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to favor.the araendment of Chapter 380, Acts of 1906, so as to have the duties and services now performed to the ttighway Surveyor assigned to the Board of Public Works, such assignment to become effective in ]¥[arch, 1952 or whenever the present in- cumbant of the position of Highway Surveyor fails to be elected, resigns, or is incapacitated, whichever becomes the earliest date. Petition of Fred E. Pitkin and others. 13 Unfavorable action is recommended. It is felt that in a matter of this character, involving the presentation of a legis- lative bill and an amendment to the General Laws, any ex- pression or recommendation by the Town should reflect specific and immediate decision rather than an attempt to forecast what the sentiment of the Town might be two, three or four years from now. ARTICLE 40. To see if tile Town will vote to establish a reserve police force from the five duly elected constables and to petitiou the State Legislature to put them under the Civil Service Laws. Petition of Cornelius F. Donovan and or,hers. The Police Department is nnaer the jurisdiction of the Boars of -%leetmen. The Advisory Board feels that M1 matters per- taining to the duties, personnel and administration of Police Dept. affairs, should he sponsored by or carry the written approval of the Board of Selectmen, the Chief of Police, or both. Unfavorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 4]. To see if thc Town will accept a gift of a twenty foot strip of land, along the south side of Dana Street containing 5764 square feet of land, more or less, adjacent to the property of the Town of North Andover, thereby making that tract of land available for Veterans Housing', provided that a sewer and water main is installed in Dana Street without cost to the abutters on the proposed water and sewer exten- sions on Dana Street, thereby making 38,400 square feet of land available for five or more house lots, fronting (m Dana. Street. Petition of ,J. Newton Frye and others. Unfavorable action is recommended. The Veterans I~ousing Committee has full authority and the necessary funds to in- vestigate and to initiate whatever action might be in order under the terms and conditions as set forth in this Article. The Advisory Board will not consider and disapproves any and all Articles having to do with Veterans Housing unless or until such Articles are sDonsored by or carry the written ap- proval of the Veterans Housing Committee. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suflleient stun of money to install a water system on Dana Street from Beverly to Marblehead Street. Petition of J. Newton Frye and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,950.00. Unfavor- able action is recommended. See comment under Article 40, above. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer frmn available funds, a sufficient sum of money to instaI1 a sewer system on Dana Street frown Beverly to Marblehead Street. Petition of ' J. Newton Frye and others. 14 The cost of this project is estimated at $3,1)00.00. Unfavor- able action is recommended. See comment under Article 41, above. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate t~e sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to roll and oil Hamilton Road, Holbrook Road and Putnam Road for a distance of 600 feet beginning at Lyman Road. Petition of Edward W. Reinhold and others. No evidence has been presented indicating compliance with "Regulations for Layout Out Streets" as adopted by the Board of Selectmen on January 13, 1947. Unfavorable action is recommended. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town wiB vote to rs[se and ap- propriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient srtm of money to exten~ ~he sewer system 230 feet from Parker Street on"Itemloek St eet. Petition of 5lario R. Cuomo and others. The cost of ibis project is estimated at $1,200.00, In con- formity with the policy set forth in the 1947 Advisory Boaxd Report a~ld referred to on page 3 of this report, it is rec- ommended that the sum of $300.00 be raised and apvropriated for this purpose provided (1) the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948, post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $900.00, to cover the balance of the cost of this project; and (2) provided the layout and plan of the street has been approved by the Plan- ning Board. ARTICLE 4~4~To see if the Town wil! vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to install a water system on Pembrook Road, beginning at Lyman Road and for a 0is- tahoe of 550 feet. Petition of ,Joseph J. Sambataro and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,250.00. In con- formity with the policy set forth in the 1947 Advisory Board Report and referred to on page 3 of this report~ it is rec- ommended that tbs sum of $562.50 be raised and appropriated for this purpose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $1,687.50 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise anti appropriate a sufficient sum of money to install a sewer system on Pembrook Road beginning at Lyman Road for a distance of 550 feet. Petition of Joseph J. Sambataro and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,850.00. See refer- ence to policy as stated under Article 46 above. It is recom- mended that the sum of $712.5~ be raised and appropriated for 15 this purpose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the same amount of $2,137.50 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will rote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or trans£er from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system 230 f~et from Parker Street on Hemlock Street. Petition of Marie R. Cuomo and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $1,025.00. See refer- e~ce to policy as stated under Article 45 above. It is rec- ommended that the sum of $250.50 be raised and appropriated for this purpose provided (1) the petitioners and/or owners will on or before Jnne 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $769.50 to cover the balance of the cost of this project; and (2) provided the layout and plan of the street has been approved by the lalan- ning Board. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sufficient sure of money for a surface drain on Camden Street. Petition of John Kasheta and others. No evidence has been presented to the Adv/sory Board with respect to the need, circumstances, cost or public welfare in- volved in this project. Unfavorable action is recommended.. ARTICLE 50. To see Jf the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate, or transfer from available funds, an amount of money necessary to e×tond the water system, for fire pro teetion, from Boxford Street to Forest Street, and then a dis- tahoe of 1700 feet along Forest Street from Boxford Street. Petition of John J. Wilcox and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $11,870.00. It is recognized that it might be highly desirable to extend the Town's water system to ma~y of the outlying areas not now served, both for lire protection and for water supply purposes. The overall cost of an expansion or extension program of this character would run well over $100,000. Approval of this Article would establish a precedent a~d would commit you to just such a program. The Advisory Board does not feel that the Town can afford or would be able to pay for any such program. The petitioners have advised that any cost gua- rantee or percentage sharing of the cost is unacceptable to them. Unfavorable action is recommended. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a su.~eient sum of money to extend water system 250 feet on Cotnit Street from Peters Street. Petition of Arthur E. Atkinson and others. 16 The cost of this project is estimated at $1,500.00. See refer. ence to policy as stated under Article 46. It is recommended that the sum of $375.00 be raised and appropriated for this pur- pose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $1,125.00 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE.~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum of money to install a water system on Tyler Road, running frown Pembrook Road to Woodbridge Road. Petition of Sa~to A. Dii~Zauro and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,100.00. See refer- ence to policy as stated under Article 46. It is recommended that the sum of $525.00 be raised and appropriated for this ~urpose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $1,575.00 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE/~. To see if the Pown ~vilI vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to install a sewer system on Tyler Road, running from Pembrook to Woodbridge l~oad. Petiiion of Santo A. DiMattro and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,700.00 See refer- ence to policy as stated under Article 46. It is recommended that the sum of $675.00 be raised and appropriated for this ~urpose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $2,025.00 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer ~rom available funds, a sufficient sum o~ money to install a water system on Pembrook Road, running from Greene Street for a distance of 475 feet. Petition of Santo Di~Iauro and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,150.00. See refer- rence to policy as stated under Article 46. It is recommended that the sum of $537.50 be raised and appropriated for this nurpose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $1,612.50 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to install a sewer system on 17 Pembrook Road, running from Greene Street for a distance of 475 feet. Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,600.00. See refer- ence to policy as stated under Article 46. It is recommended that the sum of $650.00 be raised and appropriated for this purpose provided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $1,950.00 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for water mains of not less than 6 iuehes in diameter on En}lewood' Street from Massachusetts Avenue to 3'Iabli~ Avenue and determine whether the money st~all be provided for by issuance of a loan on taxation o~r transfer from available funds in the treasury. Petition of Sal- vatore 5iammimo and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $2,450.00. See refer- ence to policy under Article 46. It is recommended that the sum of $612.50 be raised and appropriated for this purpose pro~rided the petitioners and/or owners will on or before June 1, 1948 post cash or bond, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, in the amount of $1,837.50 to cover the balance of the cost of this project. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Si×teen Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy- Five Dollars ($16,875) to be added to the Stabilization Fur~d under Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, as created under Article 3(; of tl~e gra. rran~ for the Annual 5leering held l~iareh 16, 1946, and ~s recommended in the Reeves' School Survey. Petition of the School Building. Committee. Favorable action is recommended as such action is merely a continuance of the program of regularly setting aside each year a proportionate share of tax money for the financing of the long range school building program and conforms to the wishes and desires of the Town as expressesd by favorable action on the corresponding Articles as presented at the 1946 and 1947 Town Meetings. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a s~m~ of money for the purpose of construction and equipping the addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and the starting, and if possible the completion, of the Center School Project; and to determine whether the money shall be provided by taxation, by transfer from available funds in the treasury, by appropriation from the Stabilization or Post-War Re- habilitation Funds, or by borrowing. Petition of the School Building Committee. 18 Recommended that the sum of $350,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the beginning of construction and equip- ping of such of the following schools as the School Bailding Committee may determine: (1) addition to Brad- street School; (2) grammar school to serve all areas other than Thompson and Bradstreet district's; and (3) high school; and that the same be financed by raising the sum of $3,000.00 by taxation and $347,000.00 by the issue of notes of the Town. And that the Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized to issue such notes, in such amounts, and on such terms as may be determined and approved by the Board of Selectmen, all in accord with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will authorize the School Building Committee created under Article 34 of the Warrant, of the Annual Town Meeting held March 16, 1946, to enter into any contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying ont the vote passed under Article 58, relative to constructing and equipping the addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and the starting of the Center School Project. Petition of the School Building Committee. Recommended that the School Building Committee be and it hereby is authorized to enter into such contracts as are ne- cessary for the purpose of carrying out the vote passed under Article 58. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars to be used by the School Build- lng Committee to complete payment for the plans and specifi- cations for the addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and to provide plans and specifications for the new Center School and any other school buildings, and to authorize the School Building Committee if desirable, to borrow funds for plans for new school buildings under Title 5, Public Works, Acts of 1944, or take any other action relative thereto. Peri- tion of the School Building Committee. Recommended that the Town raise and appropriate Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars to be used by the School Building Committee to provide plans and specifications for the begin- ning of such school building or buildings as is determined in pursuance of and in conformity with Article 58, and all other expenses which may arise in connection with the School Build- ing Program as outlined. ARTICi~E 61. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the smu of Four Thousand ($4~000) Dollars to erect a Ferma- nent War Memorial for Veterans of World War 11 in front of the Town Building, consisting of bronze name plaeques and to 19 purchase a flag pole to be extended from the Town Building. Petition of thc Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of thc Permanent War iV[emorial Committee ~or Veterans of World War Favorable action is reco~r~ended. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate thc sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300) to be used for the dedication of the Memorial referred to in the previous article. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Permanent War Memoria[ Committee for Veterans World War II. Unfavorable action is recommended as it is felt that elab- orate dedication exercises should not be necessary in connection with a Memorial of this character. 2o