HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 ADVISORY REPORTAdvisory Board
North Andover, Massachusetts
Town of North Andover,
Your vote is only good at TOWN I~[EETING.
Introductory Remarks .............. Page 1
Expense Budget Considerations ......... Pages 1--2
Ne~v Fire Station ............................ Page 3
Resurfacing Streets .................... Page 3
Town Garage ........................... Page 3
Transfers from Reserve Fund During 1958 ..... Page 4
Conclusion ............................... Page 5
Your Tally Sheet ................... Pages 6 -- 7 -- 8
Town Warrant ........................... Page 9
Recommended Appropriations for
Regular ?own Departments .... Pages 12 to 22
Report of the North Andover
Advisory Board
The Annual Town Meeting will be held in the North
Andover High School Auditorium on Saturday, March 14.
1959, at 1:30 P.M. Your Advisory Board respectfully sub-
mits this report with its recommendations for action to be
taken on the budgets and articles of the Warrant.
We have carefully considered each budget and have
studied each article. Our recommendations are based on
what we feel to be in the best interest of the Town.
We hope that everybody will familiarize themselves
~vith the issues at hand and will come to the Town Meeting
to take an active part in making these decisions.
The actions taken at this meeting affect us all directly
this year, and more so in the future. Each $20,000.00 to be
raised and appropriated will account for $1.00 on the tax
This year's budgets of expense, as recommended, total
more than $1,620,000.00, an increase of $120,000.00 over
last year. Since each $20,000.00 spent by the town amounts
to $1.00 on the tax rate, this increase represents $6.00 on
the tax rate. The net increases are broken down as
(a) Increased expenses ................ $ 20,000.00
(b) Increased wages, regular departments 30,000.00
(c) Increased wages, school department _ 70,000.00
Total increases $120,000.00
The following comments on these increases are
(a) Regular departmental expenses decreased
$15,000.00 while school expenses increased $35,000.00,
($30,000.00 of which is for extraordinary and essential re-
pairs to the Thompson School), leaving a net increase in
town expenses of $20,000.00.
(b) The increased wages, regular departments, are
accounted for by the four firemen voted at last year's
annual meeting, two additional men for refuse disposal
and an additional man in the Public Works Department
recommended by your Advisory Board for this year, plus
understandable increases for elected officials and step rate
adjustments granted by the Personnel Board.
(c) The increased wages for the school department,
amounting to $70,000.00, deserve to be outlined carefully
so that the citizens of the To~vn xvi]] have a clear knowledge
of what they are voting for in this regard.
A little more than $3,000.00 of this amount is for a
5% wage increase to all non-teaching personnel which will
be applied if Article 18, for a 5% wage increase to other
departmental employees, is passed by Town vote.
The greater part of the remaining $67,000.00 increase
is due to the program for increasing maximum teachers'
salaries. This program consists of successive yearly salary
increases which, beginning in 1956 and continuing to 1961,
is intended to increase their maximum salaries a total of
$2,500.00 per year for some of the teachers and $2,200.00
per year for the ~st of them. Of these yearly salary in-
creases, $500.00 per year was granted last year, and $600.00.
per year is to go into effect this year.
Since our teaching staff now numbers more than 70
people, 80% of whom are already eligible for this increase,
this plus the needed yearly additions to our teaching staff
account fairly well for the magnitude of this increase in
this year's salary budget.
If we may permit ourselves to editorialize, we find that
while there has been an increase of only 11% in school
pupils since 1956, total school salaries have increased
56% during the same period. This does not take into con-
sideration the further addition to our school services which
would be occasioned by a kindergarten and the installa-
tion of school crossing guards.
Until now, we have been very fortunate that new tax-
able industrial valuation gave us enough extra revenue
each year that we could absorb these increases without
increasing the tax rate. Those days are gone now. Any
increase voted this year that will be carried by budgets
next year will all have to come directly from tax rate in-
The increase in our School services is an indication oi~
North Andover's growth, but .along with schools are many
other services which., must be expanded or improved,
examples of which are the need for new public buildings,
the constant requirement to extend the water mains fur-
ther and further into the outskirts of the Town, the con-
tinued and very desirable public pressure to extend the
Sewer mains, and the maintenance and rebuilding of roads.
All these needs must be kept in balance if we are to have
a sound fiscal policy. For these, and other reasons, your
Advisory Board strongly feels that the School Department
should hold salaries at their present levels, deferring fur-
ther increases until other pressing needs of the Town are
With respect to the additional fire station, your Ad-
visory Board recognizes that this ~vill not only be desir-
able, but essential for the future protection of the Town.
However, it is also essential to point out that this should
not be accomplished until the water mains are extended
and improved, and until adequate pressure and volume
ca~i be maintained at the outlying points of the Town. For
this reason, we strongly urge a delay in the construction
of the Fire Station until the work on the water mains is
more nearly complete.
Previous to 1958 there seemed to have been no real
program for properly rebuilding and maintaining the roads.
Last year your Board of Selectmen initiated such a pro-
gram which is being continued this year by Article 34 of
this Warrant. While the amount of this appropriation is
insignificant when compared to the needs of the Town in
this respect, it is another step in the right direction in
bringing the roads back to the condition the townspeople
would like to have them in.
The need has been growing in recent years for
adequate garage facilities for town equipment. We have
reached the point where equipment is stored in many
places and left out in all kinds of weather.
This year the Warrant presents three possible solu-
tions to this problem. There are two different plans to ex-
pand the plant behind the Town Building, both of which,
this Board feels, would take care of the Town's needs only
for a short time. We recommend that the third plan be
put into effect at this To~;n Meeting. This plans calls for
a new building to be erected on a site off Chiekering Road
above the High School. The land to be used is mostly
owned by the Town. The new site is well away from the
congested "down town" area and is more centrally located
to the Town as a whole. As a start the new building would
house the Highway and Tree and Moth Departments to-
gether xvith their offices. The Public Works Department
would be left in its present location with ample space for
all of its equipment.
The new site is large enough in area to provide for
any future expansion.
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40,
Section 6, of the General Laws:
Annual Town Meeting Expenses ......... $ 134.02
Fire Expenses ....................... 1,000.00
Highway General Maintenance Expenses __ 2,000.00
Johnson High School ................... 1,250.00
Memorial Day .......................... 125.00
Contingent Fund ........................ 1,000.00
Playground Salaries ..................... 200.00
Selectmen Clerical Expenses ............. 120.00
Town Clerk Salary ...................... 128.00
Sewer Mainten. and Construction Expenses 2,943.76
Seleetmen's Expenses ................... 175.00
Sewer Bond Premium Account ............ 373.91
Article 68, 1958 -- Police Officers,
Stickers, Legion Beach ............ 31.28
Contingent Fund ........................ 700.00
Dutch Elm Disease ...................... 500.00
Highway Refuse Disposal Salaries ........ 80.00
Police Patrolmen Salaries ................ 50.00
Street Lighting ........................ 850.00
Police Expenses ........................ 300.00
Tax Collector Expenses .................. 247.00
Board of Health Expenses ............... 800.00
Total .......... $13,007.97
Balance of Account Returned to Treasury _ 1,992.03
Amount of Original Appropriation plus
Article 4, Transfer from Available Fund
"Free Cash".
Your Advisor>, Board wishes to extend its sincere
thanks to the Members of other Town Boards, Town Offi-
cials, Department Heads and all others who have conferred
~with us and have been most helpful and co-operative in
giving information to aid us in our work.
Respectfully submitted:
Charles A. Stillwell, Chairman
Antoine Dubois, Clerk
George Dupont
P~ Ashton Smith
James Poor
Carl Hanson
Kenneth Brett
Daniel Valpey
Raymond Broadhead
REMEMBER: Each time the Town votes to raise and appropriate
approximately $20,000.00 means an increase of $1.00
in your tax rate (per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation).
15. Toxvn Counsel ............... $ 1,~0.~ No
16. Town Counsel ............. 1,000.00
lg. 5% Wa~e Increase ........... ]6,500.00
19. 3oinin~ P]annin[ District .... 1,~0.~
20. Lawrence Plate Glass Bill __- 269.00
21. Check W[~ter and Si[nar .... 661.~
22. Insulation Tester ............ 265.00
23. ~vo Po]ice C~isers ........ 2,550.00
24. Two Trucks, B. P. Works .... 5,7~.00
25. Ford Tractor, B.P. Works ___ 3,0~.~
26. Telemetering Equipment .... 2,0~.~
27. Health Department Car ..... 2,~.~
28. Fire Chief Car .............. 2,~0.00
29. Fire Hose .................. 2,0~.~
30. 4-Wheel Pick-up, Highway ___ 3,2~.53
31. Dump Scoopdozer, Highway _ 16,000.00
32. Chapter 90, Dale Street ..... 6,500.00
33. Chapter 90, Maintenance .... 2,000.00
34. Resurfacing Streets ......... 25,000.00
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
No .....
Yes .....
No .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
NO .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
No .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Work on Streets ............ 2,500.00
Widening Great Pond Road __ 50,000.00
Cement Sidewalk Project .... 1,000.00
Side~valk Project ........... 1,000.00
Sewer, Johnson Street ___ 5,200.00
Sewer, Milk Street ...... 26,400.00
Sewer, Johnson Street ___ 18,000.00
Sewer, Sutton Street ..... 19,000.00
Sewer, Chickering Road __ 23,000.00
Sewer, Woodstock Street _ 2,500.00
Sewer, Elm~vood Street __ 2,600.00
Sewer, Prospect Street ___ 2,500.00
Sewer, Poplar Street .... 1,600.00
Sewer, Chadwick Street __ 1,600.00
Water, Prospect Street ___ 500.00
Water, Poplar Street ..... 1,300.00
Water, Moody Street ..... 1,350.00
Drain, Pleasant Street ...... 2,000.00
Drain, Brightwood Avenue __ 1,500.00
Drain, Green Street ......... 16,000.00
Town Infirmary ............ 1,200.00
High School Entrance ....... 950.00
Disposal Site ............... 1,500.00
Skating Rink ............... 2,500.00
Band Concerts ............. 500.00
Kindergarten .............. 20,125.00
3 New Patrolmen ........... 8,497.50
Female Crossing Guards .... 6,000.00
No .....
No .....
No .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
No .....
No .....
No .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
No .....
No .....
No .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
53. Fire Station Study ......... 5,000.00 No
54. School Sites Survey ......... 600.00 Yes
55.--A. Garage Site, Miller ...... 66,000.00 No .....
55.--B. Garage Site, Chickering __ 68,200.00 Yes
56. Garage Expansion, Miller .... 12,000.00 No .....
57. Land Takings, School ....... 3,927.03 No
66. Overlay to Reserve Fund .... 15,000.00 Yes .....
67. Stabilization, B.P.W ......... 11,228.67 Yes
68. Stabilization ....................... Yes .....
69. Available to Reduce Tax ............ Yes .....
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants
of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town
affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium, in
Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium in Pre.
cinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct
Three, and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct
Four in said North Andover on Monday, the second day of
March 1959, at seven (7) o'clock A.M., and there to act on
the following article:
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer,
Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three
Selectmen, Three Members of the Board of Public Welfare
and five Constables for one year. One Assessor, one Member
of the Board of Public Works, one Member of the Board of
Health, one Member of the School Committee for three
years, one Member of the Planning Board and one Member
of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon
the question.
"Shall the Town of North Andover accept the
provisions of Section 47B of Chapter 31 of the
General Laws, as it applies to sealers of weights
and measures, a fair and concise summary of
which appears below?"
"Acceptance of the provisions of Section 47B of
Chapter 31 of the General Laws would place
under Civil Service the sealer of weights and
measures of the Town of North Andover."
All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at
7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article 1, the said
meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article
One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 14, 1959, at
one-thirty o'clock P.M., in the Veterans Auditorium of the
North Andover High School, then and there to act on the
follo~ving articles:
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required
by law to be elected by ballot.
Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen
for action. ..~' ']',::U-~:~/
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept
the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the
Selectmen. .~- '~:~-45
Recommended that the report be accepted.
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take
as to its unexpended appropriations.
Recommended that all unexpended appropriations
be returned to the Treasury, with the exception of the fol-
lowing amounts as of Jan. 1, 1959. which were originally
appropriated under the Articles indicated:
1. Art. 5. 10.7.57--BrOOks Skating ...... $ 403.00
Art. 62, 1958- Brooks Skating .......... 1,700.00
Art. 4, 6-30-56 -- Planning Board Extra Exp. 800.00
Art. 68, 1957- Planning Board Town Plan. 4,000.00
Art. 69. 1957--Planning Board Zoning Maps 1,474.54
Art. 6. 6-9-58- Police Wages and Election
Expenses .............................. 207.71
Art. 53. 1956- East Side Sewer .......... 933.72
Art. 56. 1958 -- West Side Trunk Sewer __ 76,339.59
Art. 34, 1956- Chap. 90 G. L. Construction 2,720.00
Art. 46, 1957 -- Chap. 90 G. L. Dale Street _ 16,327.20
Art. 44, 1958-- Chap. 90 G. L. Dale Street _ 30,000.00
Art. 19, 1958--Town Infirmary Repairs __ 639.72
U.S. Old Age Assistance ................ 13,519.20
U. S. Old Age Administration ........... 4,206.25
U.S. Aid to Dependent Children, Aid ..... 5,565.58
U.S. Aid to Dependent Children, Administ. 1,995.77
U.S. Disability Assistance ............ 4,250.41
U.S. Disability Administration .......... 1,290.80
Veterans' Benefits, Reserve for 1958 Mass.
Hospital Bills ....................... 539.70
20. Federal School Funds, P. L, 874, Chap, 413,
Acts of 1956 ........................ 4.364.36
I 21. Art. 72, 1950- Kittredge School ......... 77.83
22. Art. 19. 1952--New High School ........ $24.15
23. Art. 29, 1956--Lights Outside New High
School ................................ 627.74
24. Art. 6, 11-26-56- Melamed Land Taking _ 19.,000.00
25, Art. 1, Item A-l, 2-4.57, Melamed Land Tak, 625,00
26. Art. 1, Item A-2, 2-4-57, Melamed Land Tak. 500.00
27. Art. 1. Item B-1. 2-4-57--Chamberlain Land
Taking ................................ 100.00
Art, I, Item B-2. fi-4-57, Colizzi Land Taking 150.00
29. Art. 8, 2.4,57- New Franklin School _ _ 71,587.30
30. School Lunch ....................... 203.18
31. North Andover High Athletic Association _ 9.98
3~. Civil Defense ........................ 343.03
[~(~;L! Art.~ I3~ 1954--Publishing Town History __ 3,028.29
-~) 34~' Art, 64, 1953~ Clan ~nd C~ent Li~ Water
35, Interest on Western Electric Escrow Acct, 1,814.59
36. Art. 54, 1958- Installing 12' Water Mains 27,501.$7
37. Art. 55, 1958--Water Main Extensions ___ 2,500.00
38. Art, 8, 1958 -- Purchase of Land and Bldgs.
Great Pond ........................... 9,600.00
39. Water Mains Premium .................. 189.35
40. Art. 56, 1958. West Side Trunk Sewer ..... 14,328.87
Total ......... $320,210,87
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the
salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town
as provided for by Section ]08 of Chapter 41 of the General
Laws, as amended, effective from January 1, 1959.
Board of Selectmen -- each per annum __ $ 700.00
Board of Public Welfare--each per annum 150.00
Board of Assessors--each per annum __ 1,250.00
To~vn Treasurer- per annum ......... 5,775.00
Tax Collector--per annum ............ 1,900.00
Highway Surveyor--per annum ....... 5,765.00
Tl~e Warden--per annum ............ 400.00
Moderator-- per annum .............. 50.00
Board of Health- each per annum ..... 300.00
Board of Public Works -- each per annum 250.00
Favorable action recommended. These are the salaries
that have been provided for in the Budget Items. ,~. ~ ~
ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take
as to the recommendations of The Advisory Board.
Recommended that each item of the proposed Budget
be considered separately. (See following 11 pages.)
-- 20 1
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen,
to borro~v money, from time to time in anticipation of the
revenue of the financial year beginning JanUary 1, 1960 and
to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year,
and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a
period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17,
Chapter 44, of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 8. To consider the report of all special com-
mittees. ,~ ~
Hecommended that the reports of all special commit-
tees be heard.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the
position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his com-
pensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41 of the
General Laws.
Petition of Board of Health.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $950.00 for the year of 1959.
This amount has been included in the Board of Health
Budget recommended by your Advisory Board. ~
ARTICI,F~ 10. To see if the Town will vote to author-
ize the School Committee to appoint one of its members to
the position of School Physician and to fix his compensa-
tion in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General
Petition of School Committee.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of eom.
pensation in the amount of $L500.00 for the year of 1959~
This amount has been included in the Sch~ol~ Department
Budget. ~r~
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to accept
Section 103A of Chapter 54 of the General Laws, as amend-
ed. An Act providing for Absent Voting at Regular Town
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended.
23 '
ARTICLE ]2. To see if the Town will vote to adopt
the following amendment to the Toxvn By-Laws. "That
upon motion duly made and seconded, at any annual or
special Town Meeting, and upon the affirmative vote of at
least 25% of the voters present at said annual or special
Town Meeting, any article in the warrant :[6r the said
annual or special Town Meeting, shall be voted upon by
Australian (secret) ballot."
Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others.
Favorable action recommended. ~ ~J
ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Article I of the~ By-Laws by striking therefrom the
following: ~ ~t ~ £~[~ / ~
Section 6. No article calling for the appropriation
of funds shall be considered at any special town meet-
ing unless t~e proposed expenditure~
-e,a~.~is recommended by the Selectmen and the
Advisory Board. ]~ d.~ ~ O ~-
Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~,~c.~,~.} /wcc
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 14. To see if the To~vn will vote to amend
Article 1 of the, Town By-Laws by adding thereto the fol-
lowing: ~.~~ ~=/~.
Section,82'~ No business shall be transacted at any
special town meeting except by the unanimous vote of
those present and voting, unless there shall be seventy-
~.~2 five ~ voters present at the time; provided ho~vever,
, that a number less than such quorum may adjourn
/~ such meeting from time to time.
'~';~'~ Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended, provided that the
quorum figure be increased to one hundred and fifty (150)
voters present.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Article IV of the Town By-Laws as appearing on pages 99
and 100 of the 1957 Annual Town Report by adding at the
end thereof the following new section:
Section 10. The Board of Selectmen shall annual-
ly in March appoint and, subject to appropriation, fix
the compensation of an Attorney-at-Law who is a resi-
dent of the Town of North Andover, and a member in
-- 24 --
good standing of thc Bar of the Commomvealth of Mas-
sachusetts, to serve as Town Counsel for the term of
one year from the first day of April next following,
and until his successor shall have been duly appointed
and qualified. Said Board of Selectmen shall likewise
fill any vacancy in said office for the unexpired term
thereof. The Selectmen may employ special counsel to
assist the To~vn CounseI whenever, in their judgment,
necessity therefor' arises. The Town Counsel shall, sub-
ject to the direction of the Board of Selectmen, conduct
the prosecution, defense or compromise of all legal
proceedings to which the Town of North Andover is a
party, and the prosecution or defense as the case may
be, of all legal proceedings by or against any Town of-
fleer, board or committee. He shall prepare or approve
all legal instruments to which the Town is a party or
in which any right or interest of the Town is involved,
shall advise any Town officer, board or committee
upon and in all legal matters and proceedings effecting
the performance of his or its official duties, and shall
perform such other duties as may be imposed upon
him by these By-Laws or by vote of the Town of North
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Article IV of the Town By-Laws, as appearing on pages 99
and 100 of the 1957 Annual Town Report, by adding at the
end thereof the following new section:
Section 10.~ A committee consisting of the Chair-
man of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk, the
Town Treasurer, the Tax Collector, the Chairman of
the Board of Assessors, the Chairman of the Board of
Public Works, the Chairman of the School Committee,
the Chairman of the Board of Health and the Chair-
,nan of the Planning Board shall annually in March
appoint and, subject to apropriation, fix the compensa-
tion of an attorney-at-law who is a resident of the
Town, and a member in good standing of the Bar of
the Commonwealth, to serve as Town Counsel for the
term of one year from the first day of April next fol-
lowing, and until his successor shall have been duly
appointed and qualified. Said committee shall likewise
fill any vacancy in said office for the unexpired term
,thereof. The Selectmen may employ special counsel to
assist the Town Counsel whenever, in their judgment,
necessity therefor arises. The Town Counsel shall, sub-
ject to the direction of the Selectmen, conduct the
prosecution, defense or compromise of all legal pro-
ceedings to which the Town is a party, and the prosecu-
tion or defense as the case may be, of all legal pro-
ceedings by or against any Town officer, board or
committee. He shall prepare or approve all legal in-
struments to which the Town is a party or in which
any right or interest of the Town is involved, shall ad-
vise any Town officer, board or committee upon and in
all legal matters and proceedings affecting the per-
formance of his or its official duties, and shall perform
such other duties as may be imposed upon him by these
'"~l by-laws or by vote of the Town.
Petition of Arnold J. Salisbury and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1.000.O0) be raised
and appropriated for the purpose of this Article,
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the By-Laws governing the Wage and Salary Administra-
tion Plan for the employees of the Town of North Andover
in the following manner:
A. Amend Schedule C, Fringe Benefits, VACATIONS,
by striking out said section in its entirety and in-
serting the following:
All employees are entitled to vacations with pay
in accordance with the following:
1. Employees in the full time employment of the
Town six months shall be entitled to one week's
vacation with pay.
2. Employees in the full time employment of the
Town one year shall be entitled to two weeks'
vacation with pay.
3. Employees in the full time employment of the
Town for a continuous period of fifteen years
shall be entitled to three weeks' vacation with
4. Employees in the full time employment of the
Town for a continuous period of twenty years
shall be entitled to four weeks' vacation with
-- 26 --
Vacation time may be known as "annual leave",
and annual leave shall not be accumulated in ex-
cess of four weeks.
Each week of annual leave shall be paid for at the
employee's regular straight time rate of pay; and
in the event that one employee has worked on sev-
eral different jobs or occupations in the service of
the Town in any one year precedent to this annual
leave, he shall be paid for his annual leave at the
rate of pay for the job or occupation on which he
spent the greatest amount of working time during
the nine months prior to May 31, in the vacation
At his termination or separation from employment
by the Town, provided he has worked for the Town
in a full time capacity for not less than a continu-
ous period of twenty-four months, an employee
shall be paid a sum equal to the wage value of his
un-used annual leave, but not to exceed four weeks.
The Personnel Board may establish a vacation
program for the Board of Health Nurse and profes-
sional full time employees of the Library staff in
accordance with the the general custom for such
occupations in towns of comparable size.
Nothing in this section shall serve to reduce the
annual leave of any employee who now has fifteen
or more years continuous service.
B. Amend Schedule C, Fringe Benefits, UNIFORM
ALLOWANCES, sentence three, by striking out
"Fifty dollars ($50.00)" and inserting therein "Sev-
enty-five dollars ($75.00)" so that said sentence,
so amended, shall read: Seventy-five dollars
($75.00) per uniformed man for Police, (and so
forth to end of said sentence all exactly as previ-
ously adopted).
Petition of Personnel Board. ~/~'~' ~""~
Favorable action recommended. - ..........................
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of
money to be applied to salaries and wages in each town
department to provide a five per cent cost of living increase
to employees subject to the Wage and Salary Administra-
tion Plan, to compensate for the increase in the cost of
living since the inception of the By-Laxv. Wage and salary
schedules to remain the same.
Petition of Personnel Board.
~ S'~V~~ action recommended ~
/~ ' . It is recommended
that the sum of Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars
($16,$00.00) be raised and appropriated to be applied to the
cost of a five per cent wage increase to employees subject
to the Wage and Salary Administration plan according to
the Personnel Board recommendations.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to become
a member of the Metropolitan Lawrence Planning District
under the provisions of Chapter 40B of the General Laws
or take any action thereto.
The annual cost to the Town of North Andover shall
be an apportioned cost determined by the District Planning
~/Commission on a per capita basra as provided in Section 7
5~f Chapter 40B, not to exceed 10c per capita or the sum of
$1,000, whichever is the lesser.
ARTICLE PO. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available iunds the sum
of Two Hundred and Sixty-nine Dollars ($269.00) to pay
Lawrence Plate and Window Glass Co. for repairs to the
Town Garage in 1957.
~-~._L Petition of Board of Selectmen.
¥¥~' Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty-nine Dollars
($269.00) be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
AI%TICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum
./{of Six Hundred and Sixty-one Dollars ($661.00) for the
.~/,}purchase of a Check Writer and a Check Signer for use in
,~t,}r the Town Treasurer's Office.
'~¥ Petition of James J. Maker and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Six Hundred and Sixty-one Dollars ($661.00)
be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum
of Two Hundred Sixty-five Dollars ($265.00) for the pur-
chase of a portable insulation tester to be used by the
North Andover Wiring Inspector.
Petition of John J. Thompson, Wiring Inspector.
Unfavorable~ action recommended.
ARTICLE 23. Tn see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum
of Twenty-five Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,550.00) for
the purchase of two new 1959 12 volt system cars. Two
present cars to be turned in, in trade. All equipment to be
changed over, such as police radios sirens, etc. ] ~J
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recomn{ehded
that the sum of Two Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty
Dollars ($2,$$0.00) be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article.
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate Fifty-seven Hundred Dollars ($5,700.00) to be
used with the 1953 G.M.C. Truck, to purchase a~ dump ~/~
truck and a ~ ton pick-up truck.
Petition of Board of Public Works. ~ ~q,~'/~
ble action recommended fo~
,.,700,00 for the purchase of-em~ dump
only · ~' ~j~ %
of Public Works. ~'~/}b~, [ '
Favorable action recommended. It iS recommended
that the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) be
raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
Town will vote to raise
ARTICLE 26. To see if the
and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to provide tele-
Pumpingmetering Station.equipment and automatic controls for the Nort~h .._
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) be
raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum
of Twenty-eight Hundred Dollars ($2,$00.00) to he used
with the present 1950 Dodge to purchase a new car.
Petition of Board of Health.
~/~avornble nction recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars
($2.800.00) be raised and appropriated for the purpose
of this Article.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Two Thousand
Dollars ($2,000.00) to be used with present Chief's car to
purchase new car for use of Fire Chief. .~.~~a ~ ~.~ ,~ ~
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. -4 ~ ~ ~- j&~,
Unfavorable achon recommended.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for
the purchase of five hundred (500) feet of new 2~/.2" hose
and five hundred (500) feet of new 1¥.2" hose. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers·
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) be
raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the To~vn will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Three Thousand Two Hundred Dollars
~ and Fifty-three Cents ($3,200.53) for the purchase of a 1959
four-wheel-drive pick-up truck. A 1955 half-ton pick-up
~r~truck to be turned in, in trade.
~,'~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
· ~ Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
~ that the sum of Three Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars
and Fifty-three Cents ($3,200.53) be raised and approp-
riated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00)
for the purchase of a scoop dozer for the use of the High-
way Department, at Disposal Site· A 1948 Oliver tractor to
be turned in, in trade.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended.~
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) for
the further rebuilding of Dale Street under Chapter 90 of
the General Laws, said money to be used with any money
which may be allotted by the State or County, or both for
this purpose, or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
-- 30 --
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $6.500.00 be raised and appropriated to
meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway
Construction. and that in addition, the sum of $19,500.00
be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the.
Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of~['
the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State/'
and County to be restored upon their receipt to unapprop,
riated available funds in the Town Treasury.
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for the
maintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of
the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction
with money which may be allotted by the State or County,
or both for this purpose; or take any other action in rela-
tion thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $2,000.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article, to be expended by the HighL,
way Surveyor under Chapter 9D of the General Laws, andre
in addition, the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from un-~
appropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to
meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work,
the reimbursement from the State and County to be re-
stored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds
in the Treasury.
ARTICLE 34 To see if the Town will vote to appro-
riate or take from available funds the sum of Twenty-five
~housand Dollars ($95;600.00)- to be used for resurfacing~?~''' '
streets. ~ ]~'~ ~o~
Petition of Board of Selectmen and Ira D. Carry, High-
way Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars
be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2,50().~)/Sy~
to renew water services to the property lines, place gate
valves on hydrant branches and raise manhole frames and
covers on the streets of the Town that are to be recon-
structed this year.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of Two Thousand. Five Hundred Dollars
($2.500.00) be raised and appropriated for the purpose
of this Article,
~/ ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise
~d,~'and appropriate or transfer from available funds a suffi-
cient stun of money to widen a section of Great Pond Road
from the Junction of Pleasant Street to a point westerly,
toward the centre, for a distance of not less than a tenth of
a mile.
Petition of Charles R. Kent, Jr. and others.
Unfavorable action recommended.
~/ ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will raise and
..~i~"priate'~' the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to be
used in ~pairing cement sidewalks.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICI.F. 38. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to be
used for a sidewalk project. The Town to pay one-half the
cost and the applicant to pay the other half.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommeI~ded.
~ ~ '~RTICI.~ 39 A. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds Fifty-two Hundred Dollars ($5,200.00) to
extend the sewer system on Johnson Street from~Salem
Street to Milk Street.
Petition of Thaddeus P. Zimny, Daniel J. Grieco and
ARTICLE 39 B. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds Twenty-six Thousand Four Hundred Dollars
($26,400.00) to extend the sewer system on Milk Street
from Johnson Street to Chestnut Street.
Petition of Daniel J. Grieco and others. ,//.ff_~ ~
ARTICI,E 39 C. To see if the Town will vote to raise
an~ appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) to
-- 32 --
extend the sewer system on Johnson Street from Milk
Street to Sutton Hill Road.
Petition of Thaddeus P. Zimny and others.
ARTICLE 39 D.~ ~o see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds Nineteen Thousand Dollars ($19,000.00) to
extend the sewer system on Sutton Street from the present
terminus to Char]es Steak House. ~]~_ ~-")~ ~
Petition of Philip T. Miller and others.
ARTICI,E 39 E.f 2~0 see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, Twenty-three Thousand Dollars ($23,000)
to extend the sewer system on Chic,k_ering Road from the
present terminus southerly to Woody s Grill. ~ ~ ~
Petition of Joseph A. Gaumond and others. -
ARTICLE 39 F. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) to
extend the sewer system on Woodstock Street from Wood
Lane to Linden Avenue.
Petition of Board of Public Works. i ~;/~'
ARTICLE 39 G. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Ehnwood Street to the residence of Alcide
D. Chenard, 13 Elmwood Street. ~ '/
Petition of Alcide E. Chenard and others~ ~,:~
The cost of Article 39 G is $2,600.00~[~r ~. ~ ~?--
Unflavorable action r~commended on' Articles 3~9D.
and 39 E,
Favorable action recommend'~ ..
F and G. it is recomm~"" ~'i
be raised and
the se~v~-
each issue to be paid in not more than five years from
its date or at such earlier time as the Treasurer and
Selectmen may determine.
ARTICLE 39 H. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Prospect Street three hundred and eighty
feet from Furber Avenue toward Chadwick Street.
Petition of Edwin J. McCue and others.
~.j Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
£~'~that the sum of $2,500.00 be raised and appropriated to
be expended by the Board of Public Works for the pur-
pose of this Article subject to the assessments or better-
ments charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of
the Acts of 1906, as amended, provided that on or before
August L 1959, the construction of at least one house to
use this extension shall have been started.
ARTICLE 39 I. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Poplar Street t~vo hundred sixty (260)
feet from Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of Mary Winters and others.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $1,600.00 be raised and appropriated to
be expended by the Board of Public Works for the
pose of this Article subject to the assessments or better-
ments charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of
the Acts of 1906, as amended, prov/ded that on or before
August L 1959, the construction of at least one house to
use this extension shall have been started.
ARTICLE 39 J. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Chadwick Street from the present termi-
nus two hundred and seventy feet towards Osgood Street.
,~'~i Petition of James Curtin and others.
· ' recommended
~ Favorable action recommended It ~s
that the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00) be
raised and appropriated to be expended by the Board o!
Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to the
assessments or betterments charges under the conditions
of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as amended.
ARTICLE 40 A. To see if the Town will vote to accept
from the Meadowbrook Laundry of North Andover the sum
of Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($10,-
620.00) to be used by the Town and applied toward the
cost of relocating the East Side Trunk Sewer from Sutton
Street five hundred eighty (580) feet southerly.
Favorable action recommended. It is reco
that the Town accept from the Meadowbrook Laundry the
sum of Ten Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty Dollars
($10,620.00) to cover the cost of this sewer relocation.
ARTICLE 40 B. To see if the Town will vote to accept
from Leo Margolian of Boston the sum of Seventeen Thou-
sand Dollars ($17,000.00) to be used by the Town and
applied toward the cost of extending the sewer system on
the accepted 1908 layout of Wood Lane from/Woodstock
Street 1,610 feet southeasterly. ~
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is ~ecommended
that the Town accept from Leo Margolian of Boston the
sum of Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17,03fl.00) to cover
the cost of this sewer extension.
ARTICLE 41 A. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to extend the
water system on Prospect Street one hundred and forty-
four (144) feet from the previous terminus towards Furber
Petition of James Curtin and others·
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended \~
that the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($$00.00) be raised ~'
and appropriated, to be expended by the Board of Public'
Works, for the purpose of this article, subject to the follow-
ing conditions: That on or before August 1, 1959, the peti-
tioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the
Board of Public Works of six per cent of the actual cost o!
construction, as water rates, for a period of fourteen years:
andthat on or befare August 10 1959, the construction of at
least one additional house to use this extension shall have
been started.
ARTICLE 41 B. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
water system on Poplar Street two hundred forty (240) feet
from Massachusetts Avenue.
/ Petition of Mary Winters and others.
~ Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
'~1 ~ that the sum of One Thousand and Three Hundred Dollars
($1,300.00) be raised and appropriated, to be expended by
the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of this article,
subject to the following conditions: That on or before
August 1, 1959 the petitioners and/or owners make a guar-
antee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of six per
cent of the actual cost of construction, as water rates, for a
period of fourteen years; and that on or before August 1,
1959, the construction of at least one additional house to
use this extension shall have been started.
ARTICLE 41 C. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
water system on Moody Street two hundred and fifty (250)
feet from Chadwick Street.
Petition of Philip Clark and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty
Dollars ($1.~50.00) be raised and appropriated, to be ex-
pended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of
this article, subject to the following conditions: That on or
before August 1, 1959, the petitioners and/or owners make
a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of
six per cent of the actual cost of construction, as water
rates, for a period of fourteen years~ and that on or before
August I0 1959, the construction of at least one additional
house to use this extension shall have been started.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a suffi-
cient sum of money to install a drain on Pleasant Street
starting at a point 100 feet east of the Joseph Lawlor resi-
dence and extending along right side of the road to a point
8?6 feet east of said residence.
· _~-~' ~ Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor and others.
~} ~&~ Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00) to install a surface drain at the corner
-- 36 --
of Furber Avenue and Brightwood Avenue and to extend
approximately 500 feet on Brightwood Avenue. Petition of Clarence Walters and others,.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00)
for the rebuilding of culvert on Green Street from Waverly
Road to the Lawrence Line.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ~-~.~,
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars
($1,200.00) for the purpose of painting the Town Infirmary,
purchase of equipment, and general repairs to the Infirm-
ary buildings.
Petition of Board of Public Welfare.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00) be
raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise
and appropriate Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($950.00)
to provide a suitable entrance with steel doors to a storage
area under the Arts and Crafts rooms of the North Andover
School. ~ ~/~.~J'--
Petition of Board of Public Works. ~,,~'
Favorable action recommended. It is ~ecommended
that the sum of Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($950.00)
be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town ~vill raise and appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
$1,500.00) for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on
Clark Street. ,~ ~/
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) be raised
and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will authorize the
Recreational Council appointed by the Selectmen to lease
from the Brooks School certain land owned by it which is
I/Used as a skating rink, and to authorize the Recreational
L~ Council to promote and conduct ice skating thereon for the
residents of the Town, and to apropriate the sum of ~Tenty-
five Hundred ~)ollars ($2,500.00) therefor from a~ailable
funds in the treasury, all in accordance with the provisions
of Section 14, Chapter 45 of the General Laws.
Petition of Recreational Council.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise
~yand .appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum
of Five'People wt~t~ndt~e~d Dollars ($500.00)to provide the towns-
(lO) band concerts. Concerts to be pro-
vided through the Recording Industry and Musicians Local
No. 372, Lawrence, Mass.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
~/~appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the stun of
Twenty Thousand One Hundred T~enty-five Dollars ($20.-
125.00) to be added to the budget of the School Committee
($8,125.00 to Salaries, $12,000.00 to Expenses) for the
pose of establishing a Public School Kindergarten operat-
ing as an integral part of the North Andover Public Schools.
Petition of the Schoo~ Committee.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the stun of
Eight Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-seven Dollars and
Fifty Cents ($8,497.50) for the appointment of three (3~
regular patrolmen, fully qualified, ~vho have passed the
Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in ac-
cordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
Petition of Board of Selectmen and Alfred H. McKee,
Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, Six
Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) to provide uniformed cross-
ing guards at the various school crossings in the Town of
North Andover.
Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~(:~t ~'* e
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Six Thousand Dollars (~;08) be raised
and appropriated for the purpose o! this Article.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or take from available funds, the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to be used to finance a de-
tailed study and report to include a land survey and en-
gineering report, architects fees, land acquisition and other
similar expenses, said sum to be administered by the Board
of Selectmen all in connection with the erection of a new
fire station in the vicinity of the "Old Center".
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and. appropriate the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00),
a sum to be expended by the School Buildings Committee
for the purpose of engineering and ]and surveys of present
and/or prospective School Building sites.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) be raised
and appropriated for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds, or provide by bond
issue, a sum of money for the purpose of acquiring, by pur-
chase, taking by eminent domain or otherwise from the
owners thereof for a Town Garage and Yard site one of the
parcels or groups of parcels of land described below and
provide that the Board of Selectmen, be, and hereby is,
authorized to act for the Town in connection with this
article or take any other action in relation thereto.
A. Property abutting the present Town Yard on the
east, owned by Philip T. and Rosemary Miller, con-
taining about 12,838 square feet and described in a
deed from Chastina S. L. Gile to Philip T. and Rose-
mary Miller dated December 30, 1954 and recorded
with the Essex Northern District Registry of Deeds
in Book 806, Page 5/.
B. Two certain parcels of land lying between Beacon
Hill Boulevard and Bay State Road being (a) Lot
numbered 88 on a plan of Beacon Hill, recorded
with the North Essex District Registry of Deeds as
Plan No. 0381 owned now or formerly by Francis
Cox, containing 4,600 square feet and (b) Lots num-
bered 111 and 112 on the said Beacon Hill Plan No.
.fi, 0381 owned by Vina Garneau, containing 9,200
~ ~' square feet.
' Petition of Board of Selectmen.
' z 'Favorable action recommended ~t~ns ~e~ommended
~--the sum of Sixty-eight Thousand and Two Hundred
Dollars ($68,200.00) be raised and appropriated to be ex-
pended by the Board of Selectmen for acquiring the par-
cels of land ~escribed in Subdivision B of this Article and
for the construction of a Town Garage and Yard Site in an
area lying between Bay State Road and Beacon Hill Rood
and bordering on Chickering Road, and that to meet this
appropriation, the sum of Eight Thousand, Two Hundred
Dollars ($8,200.00) be taken from the current tax levy,
and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen,
be and is hereby authorized to borrow from time to time
a sum of up to Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) and to
issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor~ under authority
of Chapter 44, Section 7, of the General Laws as amended,
each issue to be paid in not more than six years ~rom its
date or at such earlier time as the Treasurer and Select-
men may determine~ and that the Board of Selectmen be
and hereby is, authorized to act for the Town ~n connection
with this Article or take any other action in relation thereto,
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) to
acquire the Philip T. and Rosemary Miller property adjoin-
ing the Town Yard, remove the buildings therefrom and
make certain improvements to the existing town sheds so
as to provide needed garage space for town equipment.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds a sum of money for
the purpose of acquiring by purchase, taking by eminent
domain, or otherwise, from the owners, for extension of the
present Franklin School site, the two parcels of land de-
-- 40 1
scribed below, containing a total of aproximately 2.87
acres, and provide that the Board of Selectmen be, and
hereby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection
with this article, or take any action in relation thereto.
A lot of land now or formerly belonging to Puccio
situated to the southeast of the present Franklin
School site, containing approximately 2.29 acres, and
being more particularly bounded and described as
Beginning at the northeast corner of the present
Franklin School site at land now or fQrmerly of Com-
stock, and land now or formerly of Puccio, thence
running northeasterly along a stone wall by land
now or formerly of Comstock, 25 feet to a point at
land now or formerly of Harry W. Clark; thence
turning and running southeasterly along land now or
formerly of Harry W. Clark, 225 feet to a point;
thence turning and running in a generally west-
southwesterly direction through land now or for-
merly of Puccio, 460 feet to a point in land now or
formerly of Puccio; thence turning at an angle of 90
degrees and running in a generally north~northwest-
erly direction through land now or formerly of Puc-
cio, 205 feet to a point in a stone wall at the inter-
section of the southeasterly side of Bevin Road and
the southwesterly side of Pinedale Terrace; thence
turning and ~mnning in a generally northeasterly
direction along a stone wall by land now or formerly
of Puccio, 465 feet to the point of beginning. All
measurements being more or less, and said lot herein
described containing approximately 99,750 square
feet. References may be found on Plat No. 47 in the
North Andover Town Assessors' Office.
A lot of land now or formerly belonging to Charles
and Gertrude Melamed situated to the southwest of
the present Franklin School site, containing approxi-
mately .58 acres, and being more particularly bound-
ed and described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of the present
Franklin School site at land now or formerly of
Melamed, thence running in a southeasterly direc-
tion across Farnham Road, 116 feet to a point where
the northeasterly side of Pinedale Terrace inter-
sects the southeasterly side of Farnham Road; thence
turning and running along the northeasterly side of
Pinedale Tel~race, 514 feet to a point where the north-
easterly side of Pinedale Terrace intersects the
southeasterly side of Bevin Road; thence turning and
running in a southwesterly direction along a stone
wall on the southeast side of Bevin Road, 40 feet to
a point where the southeasterly side of Bevin Road
intersects the southwesterly side of Pinedale Terrace;
thence turning and running in a northwesterly direc-
tion along the southwesterly side of Pinedale Terrace
and its extension, 600 feet to a point in land now or
formerly of Melamed; thence turning and running in
a northeasterly direction through land now or for-
merly of Melamed, 75 feet to the point of beginning.
All measurements being more or less, and said lot
herein described containing approximately 25,200
square feet. All reference to said streets, terraces,
and ways may be found on Plat No. 47 in the North
Andover Town Assessors' Office.
Petition of the School Committee and of the School
Unfavorable action recommena~.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to transfer
the care, custody, management and control of the following
described parcel of land, generally known as the old John-
son High School site, from the Board of Selectmen to the
School Committee for school purposes; such transfer being
under the authority to be found within the provisions of
Chapter 40, Section 15A, of the General Laws of the Com-
monwealth of Massachusetts:
A lot of land lying north of the intersection of Main
Street and Osgood Street, containing approximately 1.46
acres, and being more particularly bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a point at the intersection of the
easterly side of Main Street and the westerly side of Osgood
Street; thence running in a northerly direction along the
westerly side of Osgood Street 462 feet to a point at land
now or formerly of Dillon; thence turning and running in
· a westerly direction along lands now or formerly of Dillon
and others 360 feet to a point on the easterly side of Main
Street at land now or formerly of Randone; thence turning
and running in a southerly direction along the easterly side
of Main Street 420 feet to the point of beginning. All meas-
urements being more or less, and said lot herein described
containing approximately 63,750 square feet. All references
to streets and ways may be found on Plat No. 58 in the
North Andover Town Assessors' Office.
Petition of the School Comr~ittee and the School Build-
ing Committee. ~ · J- ,(~' ~ ~,~,t4;~
Unfavorable action recommenc~ed.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to accept
from the North Andover Improvement Society, a gift of all
the land no~v owned by the Society in the area bounded by
Osgood Street, Massachusetts Avenue~kp_d~ Andover Street_~
for the use and enjoyment of the people }~-f-flYe o-TS-w~h-~ a.
Public Park, or Common, but for no other purpose. ,~ ~
Petition of Edmund F. Leland, III and others. /}~ '
Favorable action recommended.
On Articles pertaining to Zoning. Articles 60 through
65. there will be no recommendations made prior to the
Annual Meeting since ~the Planning Board Hearings per-
taining to these Articles will not yet have taken place by
the time this report goes into print.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to amend
section 9 of the North Andover Zoning By-Laws as amended
and adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June 30, 1956,
by striking out of that portion of the By-Law numbered
section 9.1 in the last sentence of section 9.1. Further pro-
vided that two of the said Board of Appeals members and
one of said associate members shall be appointed from
among the members of the North Andover Planning Board.
Such that the amended By-Law will read as follows, sec-
tion 9.1: There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members
and not more than three associate members which shall
have and exercise all the powers Provided under the Gen-
eral Laws, Chapter 40A as amended, and ~vhich shall hear
and decide all matters specifically referred to the Board
of Appeals by the North Andover Zoning By-Laws and '~,¥
other matters referred to such Board by statute. The Board
of Appeals members and associate members shall be ap-
pointed by the Selectmen in the manner provided for by
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
~ ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town vote
the North Andover Zoning By-Law and Zoning Map by
striking out and deleting from that section of the North
Andover Zoning By-Law relating to country residence dis-
tricts the section therein number 3.42 and by adding to
that part of the Zoning By-Law and Zoning Map referred to
as village residential districts a new section to be num-
bered $.55, said new section to be as follows:
That part of North Andover Township bounded and
described as follows, excepting that such portions of the
within area which have previously been declared to be in
a business zone shall eontinne to be zoned as such:
1. Northwesterly by Sutton Street center line;
2. Northeasterly by Osgood Street center line between
Sutton Street and Prescott Street.
3. Southeasterly by Chickering Road center line be-
tween Prescott Street and former Salem Railroad
at Chickering Road.
4. Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
northeasterly from the location line of the former
Salem Railroad right of way between Chickering
Road and Prescott Street.
5. Northerly by Prescott Street center line to centex'
line of Chiekering Road.
6. Westerly by High Street.
Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M.
Bannan, Chairman.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town xvill vote to amend
the North Andover Zoning By-Law by striking out Section
4.5 through 4.55 inclusive and substituting therefor the
Motels shall be permitted in any zoning district but
only in accordance with the standards set forth be-
low and only after a public hearing by the Board of
Appeals with due notice given on application for a
motel building permit or for a building permit for a
m 44 --
motel expansion or alteration costing more than
$500 and only after site plan review and approval by
the Board of Appeals endorsed in writing on the site
plan with or without any conditions.
Each application for a permit to build a motel or to
alter or add to a motel at a cost of $500 or more
shall be in writing and shall include a diagram and
a statement'of the ownership, area, dimensions,
boundaries and principal elevations of the land for
which such permit is sought, the names of all ad-
joining owners as found in the most recent tax
list, the locations of existing public, or private ways
nearest such land, and a plan, profile and cross-
sections of all driveways and parking areas pro-
posed, also the true location and ground coverage
outline and dimensions of every building or struc-
tures proposed to be erected thereon. One copy of
each such application and plot plan diagram and
statement shall be kept on file in the office of the
Building Inspector.
4.52 One copy of each such application and diagram
and statement above required shall be filed with
the Board of Appeals with a letter requesting the
said Board to review the site plan attached and
to hold a public hearing therein. Notice of such
public hearing shall be given by the Board of
Appeals by publication at the expense of the ap-
plicant in a newspaper of general circulation in
North Andover and the first appearance of such
published notice shall be t~velve days (12) at least
before the date set for such hearing.
4.53 A permit to build a motel or to alter or add to a
motel at a cost of $500.00 or more shall not be
issued by the Building Inspector until he has re-
ceived from the Board of Appeals a written state-
ment of final approval by the Board of Appeals
of the site plan for such motel or addition or alter-
ation, and such statement by the Board of Appeals
shall include a recital of the date on which the
Board of Appeals held the public hearing above
required, and a recital of the findings of the Board
of Appeals after such hearing, including any con-
ditions imposed by the said Board as part of its
final approval, and the Building Inspector shall
enforce the fulfillment of such conditions.
4.54 In reviewing each such .application, the Board of
-- 45 --
Appeals shall study the motel site plan proposed
relative to the health, safety and welfare of the
prospective occupants, also the occupants of neigh-
boring properties, and users of the adjoining high-
way, and the welfare of the to~vn generally, includ-
ing amenity and pleasantness of site plans. In
addition to compliance with all of the Land Space
and Building Space Requirements set forth below,
the Board shall look for:
(a) Traffic safety and ease of access at street and
highway entrances and exits of motel drive-
ways, taking account of grades, sight distances
and distance between such driveway entrances,
or exits and the nearest existing or highway
(b) Safety and adequacy of motel driveway layout,
also of parking and loading 'areas for motel
patrons, and sufficiency of access for service
vehicles such as electricity, gas, fuel, telephone,
laundry, rubbish removal, water, sewer,, fire,
police, ambulance or other routine or emergency
(c) Safe and adequate means of sewage, of garbage,
and rubbish disposal; of water-supply and fire-
fighting while awaiting the Fire Department; of
heating and ventilating; also of cooking if cook-
ing facilities be furnished.
(d) Assurance of positive storm-water drainage
and snowmelt run-off from all driveways and
parking and loading areas. Landscaping and
building layout such as shall protect proposed
motel bedroom windows from constant night in-
vasion by automobile headlight beams or glare
from illuminated signs or driveway lights.
(e) Sound-proofing between sleeping rooms; win-
dows not looking directly from room to room;
and lobby or office space for registration, room
keys, and safe-keeping of valuables; also lounge
for waiting or writing by patrons.
4.55 Motel lot size, land coverage, yard space and build-
design regulations:
(a) The lot for any motel shall contain not less than
three (3) acres total land area excluding any
~vater bodies of one-half (½) acres water ser-
vice area or more, provided such lot be not
less than three hundred (300) feet wide at the
frontage street and throughout the first two
hundred (200) feet of depth of such lot, measur-
ing from the frontage street lot line.
(b) No part of any building on a motel lot shall be
closer than fifty (50) feet to the front lot line,
rear lot line or either side line of such lot. A
green yard space not less than twenty (20) feet
wide, measured at a right angle to each of afore-
said lot lines, shall be maintained open and
green with grass, bushes, flowers and t~'ees all
along each side lot line or rear lot line of such
a lot, and (except for entrance and exit drive~
ways) along the entire front line of such lot,
and such yard space shall not be bui]t on nor
paved ~ used for automobile parking.
(c) There shall be one (bituminous) concrete off-
street and off main driveway paved automobile
parking space, open or roofed, directly adjoining
each motel rental unit.
(d) Building on a motel lot shall not cover more
than twenty-five (25%) per cent of the land
area of such lot excluding any water bodies as
above specified. Not less than seventy-five (75%)
per cent of the land area of such lot shall re-
main open and un-built on but such open space
may be used for automobile off-street parking,
driveways, sidewalks and motel service yards,
except that such use shall not be permitted in
any part of the twenty (20) foot wide green
perimeter strip above specified.
(e) There shall not be erected more than twenty
(20) motel rental units per acre of motel lot
land area, excluding any water bodies as above
(f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than
two hundred fifty (250) square feet habitable
floor area enclosed by walls and roof, exclusive
of any adjoining portions of roofed or covered
walkways. Each motel rental sleeping room
shall not be less than fifteen (15) by fifteen
(15) feet horizontal dimensions, exclusive of
bath or kitchenette. Each such room shall have
a private bath attached.
-- 47 --
(g) Each motel structure shall contain not less than
six (6) nor more than twelve (12) individual
motel rental units, unless each section of t~velve
(12) such units be separated by an unbroken
firewall from any further additional such
units. Each motel structure shall be of fire-
proof construction. Each such structure may
be connected with other similar structures by a
covered walkway if of fire resistive materials.
Whethe:· or not so connected, the nearest parts
of the walls or corners of such structures
shall be separated by a land space otherwise
open and un-built on of not less than thirty (30)
feet, and in which, within the area bounded by
the intersecting projections of the side lines
of adjacent buildings, there shall be no auto-
mobile parking or loading.
(h) Buildings on motel lots shall be one-story and
not more than twenty-five (25) feet in height, not-
withstanding any building-height provisions in
the zoning district in which such buildings are
situated, except that not more than two apart-
ments for owner or resident manager or other
resident staff may be on a second story not to
exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
(i) On each motel lot there shall be provided at
least one apartment fer a resident owner or
manager or other responsible staff person. Each
such apartment shall be not less than eight
hundred (800) square feet floor area. Such
apartment may include the rental office of the
motel, and a lounge or other public rooms for
the use of motel patrons. Such apartment may
be on a second floor as provided in (h) above,
but only if over a lounge or office or other
public rooms or storage or supply rooms of
the motel. No second story premises shall be
located over any motel rental unit. ~
~atl~-~ ~ctlcn re}2t;.vc thc~'cto.
Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M.
Barman, Chairman.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Section 4.44 of the Zoning By-Law by striking out there-
from the words "a motel" so the same shall then read:
On petition, subject to site plan review and ap-
proval by the Board of Appeals after a public hearing
thereon with due notice given, an automobile service
and filling station, a diner, a restaurant, a retail food
store, but no other retail stores of any kind.
Petition of Board of Appeals, Daniel T. O'Leary,
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town of North Andover
will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by changing from
Village Residential, Section 3.5! of the Zoning By-Laws to
Business, Section 4.3, the following parcel of land bounded
and described as follows:
Easterly by the westerly line of Chickering Road
two hundred sixty-eight and 08/100 (268.08) feet.
Southeasterly by Trenton Street twenty-five and 88/100
(25.88) feet; Southwesterly by land now or formerly of
Nora C. Fitzgibbons et al two hundred five and 20/100
(205.20) feet; and Northwesterly by land now or for-
merly of Village Land Co. two hundred thirty-seven
(237) feet.
All of said boundaries are determined by the Court to
be located as shown on Plan No. 25601A, which is filed with
Original Certificate of Title No. 4373, book 29, page 493,
the same being compiled fl~m a plan drawn by Charles E.
Cyr, Civil Engineer, date January 1955, and additional date
on file in the land registration Office, al! as modified and
approved by the court and being shown as lot 2 thereon.
So much of the above described land as is included within
the limits of said Trenton Street is subject to the rights of
all persons lawfully entitled thereto in and over the same.
Petition of John J. McGuire and others.
o,vn o,
will vote to approve this proposed amendment to the Zon-
ing By-Law to permit the change in classification of a
parcel of land owned by J. Elaine Griffin, from Rural Resi-
dential to Country Residential. The land in question is
bounded easterly by Osgood Street; southerly by Prescott
Street; and westerly by Chickering Road.
Petition of Joseph Montgomery and others.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to trans-
fer the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars
the Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund.~?0~
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
-- 49 --
, Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the,sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($I0.000~00)be
t~ansferred from the Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund.
_. ARTICLE 67. To if the Town will appropriate
,,~ from available funds, the sum of Eleven Thousand Two
~1~/ Hundred Twenty-eight Dollars and Sixty-seven cents ($11,-
228.67) ~being the amount of water department receipts in
excess of water department operating expenses including
bonds and interest for 1958 to a Stabilization Fund as pro-
vided for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945 with the
understanding that it is to be used by the Town for capital
improvements in the water works system under the pro-
visions of the above act.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
~ Favorable action recommended. It-~nm~aded
that the su~ of ($ ) be raised ~nd appropriated
for the purpose of this Article.
~ ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
.~,~41 priate, or transfer from available' funds, a sum of money to
~, be added to the Stabilization Fund, authorized under Chap-
ter 124, Acts of 1945, and established under Article 36 of
thc Warrant by the vote of the Annual Town Meeting held
March 16, 1946..
Petition of the School Building Committee.
/'~ Favorable action recommended, tt is recommended
that the sum of ($ ) be raised and appropriated
for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the To~vn wi]l vote to take
the sum of ................... from available funds to
reduce the 1959 tax rate.
Petition of Board of Assessors.
~ Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of ($ ) be taken from Available Funds
for the purpose of this Article.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting
true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Building,
and at five or more public places in each voting precinct.
Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor
less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant
with your doings thereon to the To~vn Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu-
setts, the twenty-first day of January in the year of our
Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine.
A true copy,
RALPH E. FINCK, Chairman
Board of Selectmen
.......................... Constable
North Andover, Massachusetts ............. 1959.
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