HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958 ADVISORY REPORTAd, v~sory Board
North Andover, Massachusetts
Town of North Andover,
Your vote is only good at TOWN MEETING,
Introductory Remarks ................... Page 1
Overall Budget Considerations .... Pages 1- 2
West Side Trunk Sewer Line ........... Page 2
Request for Additional Fire and Police
Personnel ....................... Pages 2 - 3
Transfers from Reserve Fund During 1957 _ Page 3
Conclusion ....................... Page 4
Your Tally Sheet ............... Pages 5- 6- 7
Town Warrant ................... Page 8
Recommended Appropriations for
Regular Town Departments _ Pages 11 to 22
Report of the North Andover
Advisory Board
Your Advisory Board respectfully submits its Report with
recommendations for action on the Warrant for the Annual
Town Meeting to be held in the North Andover High School
Auditorium on Saturday, March 15, 195S. We have held
lengthy discussions on the many Budget Items and have in-
vestigated the merits of the numerous Articles. Our recom-
mendations are based on what we consider to be in the best
interest of the town.
The spending authorized by your vote at this Town
Meeting will dete~Tnine your tax levy for this year. We there-
fore urge you to familiarize yourselves with the issues at stake
and make a determined effort to participate actively in mak-
ing the decisions that will affect you directly this year and
in years to come.
This year it is determined that each $19,000.00 appro-
priated at Town Meeting will account for $1.00 on the tax
This year's Budget, as recommended, totals close to a
million-and-a-half dollars, an increase of about $145,000 over
last year's Budget or $7.62 on the tax rate.
Of this amount, $103,000 is due to Salaries and Wages~
and $42,000 is due to increased expenses. $55,920.00 of the
total Salaries and Wages increase is in the School Budget,
and $47,049.$0 is distributed over the remaining department
Budgets for a grand total of ~5.7% increase in total Salaries
and Wages to be paid this year, or $5.44 on the tax rate.
Although expenses increased about $42,000, we shall be
paying approximately $51,000 more than we did last year in
redemption and interest of our bonded indebtedness due to
the new Franklin School and last year's twelve inch water
main program. Our total funded debt as of January 1, 1958
totalled $1,958,000.00.
In view of the fact that the new Route 110 will cross
this area, it is highly desirable to be ready to put this sewer
extension in without delay. Therefore your Advisory Board
recommends as the initial step that $9,000.00 be raised and
appropriated to make the necessary engineering and survey
plans to put in this sewer extension suggested by Article 56.
It is, however, the opinion of the Advisory Board that the
Town cannot afford the Bond Issue this year, hence actual
installation of the sewer extension would have to be postponed.
This year the Board of Selectmen, in cooperation with
the Highway Department, have inserted an article ~n the
Warrant calling for an appropriation to start a program of
resurfacing the streets. Your Advisory Board believes this
program should be carried on as a long term plan. This will
result in good streets which will require a minimum of main-
tenance expense.
In evaluating the needs of our Fire and Police Depart-
ments we fully appreciated the excellent, effective perform-
ances of these two organizations. However, we feel that this
has been recognized in allowing their expenditures to be sub-
stantially increased since 1954 as shown in the following table:
Police Department
Fire Department
1954 1958 Increase
$42,051 $64,638 54 %
47,645 75,] 26 58 %,
In view of the foregoing, the Advisory Board recommends
unfavorable action in regard to increasing the personnel of
the Fire and Police Departments since it is their opinion that
these two departments are adequately staffed with aid of
their reserve forces to meet the Town's needs.
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40,
Section 6, of the Generals Laws:
Itemized To~vn Reports .............. $ 17.04
Selectmen Clerk Salary ............. 1,325.56
Memorial Day .................. 125.00
Advisory Board Expenses ............. 135.80
Bond Premiums .................... 1,311.33
Article 66, 1957, Police Officers
at Bathing Beach ............. 250.00
Road Painting ..................... 400.00
Contingent Fund ................ 995.69
Forest Fires ....................... 2,200.00
Board of Appeals .................... 200.00
Police Salaries ..................... 150.00
Police Sergeants Salaries ............ 373.8S
Selectmen's Expenses .............. 135.00
Article 65, 1957, Playground Supplies _ _ 1.59
Sealer of Weights and Measures ........ 5.09
Veterans Day .................. 15.00
Town Building Janitor Salary .......... 25.00
Town Accountant Clerical Expenses _ __ ]47.00
Town Employees Group Insurance ...... 278.46
Board of Health Expenses ............. 600.00
Town Building Expenses ............ 176.73
Total $ $,868.17
Balance of Account Returned to Treasury 1,131.83
Amount of Original Appropriation ..... $10,000.00
BOARD ARE FOLLOWED, increased revenue to the Town,
together with estimated receipts from the State and County,
will make it possible to keep the present tax rate approxi-
mately the same as in 1957.
Your Advisory Board has met with members of other
Boards of the Town of North Andover; has, in many instances,
met with Town officials and has called upon them for assist-
ance. In every instance, all officers and others serving the
Town have been most co-operative and helpful at all times,
and your Board extends to them its sincere thanks.
Respectfully submitted:
Charles Still~vell, Chairman
Antoine Dubois, Clerk
George Dupont
R. Ashton Smith
James Poor
Carl Hanson
Kenneth Brett
Daniel Valpey
Raymond Broadhead
REMEMBER: Each time the Town votes to raise and appropriate
appro×imately $19,000.00 means an ir, crea~e of $1.00
in your tax rate (per $1,000.0O of as;essedva!uat!on).
Description of Article
Bill due to St. ~lnne's
Orphanage ..... $ 1,023.25
13ill due to Theodore Smolak 74.00
Town Infirmary Maintenance,
Repairs and Equipment __
Disposal of Johnson High School
Appointment of Town Counsel
Water Extensions
Salem St. to 168 Summer St.
Poor Ave from Sutton St. _
Moody St. toward Prescott St.
Hemlock St. from Spruce St.
Server Extensions
600 feet to 153 Chadwick St.
Moody St. from Prescott St.
Poor Ave. from Sutton St.
Hemlock St. from Spruce St.
Surface Drain on Waverly Rd.
Pleasant St. Surface Drainage
Pleasant St. Surface Drainage
Park Street Surface Drain
Addition of Permanent
Lieutenant, Fire Dept.
Yes --
Yes --
1,500.00 Yes ....
1,000.00 No _ -
12,000.00 Yes .....
1,150.00 Yes .....
900.00 Yes .....
550.00 Yes ....
5,000.00 Yes __ -
3,400.00 Yes _ -
1,600.00 Yes ....
2,300.00 Yes
4,560.00 No .....
6,300.00 No
300.00 Yes
3,500.00 No
33. Addition of Three Permanent
Firemen .......... 7,590.00 No _ _
34. Purchase of New Ambulance 10,000.00 Yes
35. Purchase of Fire Hose ..... 1,500.00 Yes _
36. Purchase of Two New Police
Cruisers .............. 2,500.00 Yes .....
37. Street Painting and Placing
Signs ................ 600.00 Yes
38. Addition of Three Permanent
Patrolmen ............ 8,482.50 No .....
39. Purchase of Highway Dept,
Truck Chassis ......... 6,000.00 Yes
40. Purchase of Refuse Disposal
Truck ............... 10,945.00 Yes _ __
41. Purchase of Town Dump
Tractor .............. 17,000.00 No .....
42. Maintenance of Town
Disposal Site .......... 1,000.00 Yes _ __
43. Chapter 90 Maintenance .... 4,000.00 Yes _ _
44. Chapter 90 Construction,
Dale Street .......... 7,500.00 Yes
45. Painting and Replacing Street
Signs .............. 200.00 Yes
46. 50/50 Sidewalk Project ..... 2,000,00 No
47. Balance due on Sand Spreader 900.00 Yes
48. Purchase of Two Highway
Department Pumps ..... 300.00 Yes
49. Chapter 90, Salem Street ........... No
50. Temporary Town Garage
Changes and Repairs .... 15,000.00 Yes ___
51. Resurfacing Street ........ 25,000.00 Yes
52. Purchase of Lawn Mower
Tractor ............... 1,500.00 Yes .....
53. Purchase of New Public
Works Truck ........ 1,800.00 Yes
54. New Twelve Inch Water Mains 80,000.00 Yes .....
55. General Water Extensions __ 2,500.00
56. West Side Trunk Sewer .... 148,000.00
57. Tree Department Sprayer ___ 2,650.00
58. Purchase of New Tree Dept.
Truck ................. 3,300.00
59. Purchase of Tree Department
Power Saw .............. 250.00
62. Brooks School Skating ..... 1,700.00
63. Aplin Playground Fence ___ 1,200.00
64. Hot-topping Basketball
Courts ................. 3,700.00
65. Steel Pier at Beach ......... 1,700.00
66. Aplin Playground Benches __ 100.00
67. Playground Activities and
Trips .................. 800.00
68. Bathing Beach Po]ice Officer 650.00
69. Playground Instructors ..... 1,888.00
70. Aplin Playground Amusements 500.00
72. Increasing American Legion
Allowance to $800.00 .... 200.00
73. Overlay Surplus Transfer ___ 10,000.00
74. Water Works Improvements _ 9,824.75
75. Stabilization Fund
76.. Sum to Reduce Tax Rate ..... 106,000.00
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes ....
Yes .....
Yes .....
Yes .....
No .....
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Essex ss.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North
In the name of the Commomvealth of Massachusetts,
you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants
of North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town
affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct One,
the new St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precinct Two,
the Albert Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Kit-
tredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four in said North
Andover, on Monday, the third day of March, 1958 at nine
o'clock in the forenoon, and there to act on the following
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer,
Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three
Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public Welfare,
and five constables for one year. One Assessor, one member
of the Board of Public Works, one member of the Board of
Health, two members of the School Committee for three
years, one member of the Planning Board and one member
of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon
the question, "Shall the water supply of the town of North
Andover be fluoridated?"
All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall open at
9 A. 13/[. and shall be closed at 8 P.M.
After final action on the preceeding Article One, the
said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4,
Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 15,
1958 at one-thirty o'clock P. M., in the North Andover High
School Auditorium then and there to act on the following
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required
by law to be elected by ballot.
Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen
for action.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the To~vn will vote to accept
the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the
Recommended that the report be accepted.
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as
to its unexpended appropriations.
Recommended thai all unexpended appropriations be
returned to the Treasury, with the exception of the follow-
ing amounts as of January 1, 1958. which were originally
appropriated under the Articles indicated:
Article 72, 1959- Kittredge School Fence .... $ 268,83
Article 19, 1952--Y~ew High School ......... 5S9.15
Article 64, 1953- Reserve for Appropriation
from Stabilization Fund,
Water Department ........ 9,000.00
Article 3, 1954--Lining Water Mains ....... 11,914.43
Article 13, 1954- Publishing Town History ___ 3,028.29
Western Electric Interest Account 1,614.59
Article 2, 1956--Planning Board, Printing of
Zoning Laws ........... 514.84
Article 29, 1956-- Lights Outside High School_ 627.74
Article 53. 1956- East Side Sewer ........... 3,907.67
Article 34, 1956--Chapter 90 Construction,
Dale Street ................ 28.443.0~
Article 4, 1956 -- Planning Board ............. 80~3.00
Article 6, 1956-- Charles Melamed,
Land Takin ............... 12,000.00
Article 8, 1957- New School "Franklin" __ - 437,780.89
Article IA, 2/4/57--Charles Melamed,
Land Taking ............. 625.00
Article IB, 2/4,/57 -- Charles Melamed,
Land Taking .............. 500.00
Article lB1, 2/4,/57--Gordon Chamberlin,
Land Taking ........... 100.00
Article lB2, 2/'4/57--Antonio Colizza,
Land Taking ............. 150,00
Article 29C, 1957 -- Sewer, Pleasant and Osgood
Streets ............. 975,59
Article 38, 1957-- 12 Inch Water Mains ___ 26,386.30
Article 46, 1957--Chapter 90, Construction,
Dale Street ................ 30,000.00
Article 68, 1957--Planning Boa~d, Section 701,
Federal Government ..... 4,0I~0.00
Article 69, 1957-- Planning Board, Town Zoning
Maps, By-Laws ..... 1,590.0~)
Article 9, 7/22/57--Water System-
Merrimack College ....... 549.82
Article 12, 7/22/57- Sewer Beacon Hill ...... 693.52
Article 5, 10/17/57--Brooks School,
Skating Rink ............ 1,700.00
Civil Defense -- 1957 ............... 177.09
U. S. Grant Old Age Assistance ............... 4,485.69
U.S. Grant A. D. C. Aid ............... 2,810.93
U. S. Grant Disability Assistance ............ 3,271.39
U. S. Grant-~Old Age Assistance, Administration 4,310.01
U.S. Grant -- A, D. C. Administration ...... 1,160.03
U. S. Grant- Disability Administration ....... 486.50
Employees Group Insurance Deduction ....... 12.79
Employees -- Blue Cross, Blue Shield Deductions 48.24
School Lunch Account ............... 4,195.61
North Andover High School Athletic Association 34.00
Total ....... $598,641.94
ARTICLE 5. To see if the own will vote to fix the
salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town
as provided for by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General
Laws, as amended, effective from January 1, 1958.
Board of Selectmen--each per annum $500.00
Board of Public Welfare--each per annum 150.00
Board of Assessors -- each per annum 1,150.00
Town Treasurer--per annum 5,500.00
Tax Collector- per annum 1,800.00
Highway Surveyor--per annum 5,490.00
Tree Warden--per annum 400.00
Moderator-- per annum 50.00
Board of Health -- each per annum 300.00
Board of Public Works -- each per annum 150.00
Favorable action recommended. These are the salaries
that have been provided for in the Budget Items.
ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take
as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board.
Recommended that each item of the proposed budget
be considered separately. (See following twelve pages.)
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ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the To~vn Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to
borrow money, from time to time in anticipation of the
revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1959
and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one
year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a
period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17,
Chapter 44, General Laws.
Favorable action recommended,
ARTICLE 8. To consider the report of all special com-
Recommended that the xeports of all special commit-
tees be heard.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the
position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his com-
pensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41 of the
General Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount o! $950~00 for the year of 1958,
This amount has been included in the Board of Health
Budget recommended by your Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the
position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in
accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $1,50~3~0/~ for the year of 1958.
This amount has been included in the School Department
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the North Andover Zoning By-Law by striking out the pre-
amble words under par. 4.11 between the nmnerals 4.11 and
the numerals 4.11 (a), and by substituting in place of them
the following preamble words:
4.11 Single, duplex or two-family dwellings and gar-
dens, including the right to convert in accordance with the
standards set forth below any one-family structure built
prior to January 1, 1950, to accommodate not more than
two families, or, if approved in accordance with the stand-
ards hereunder by the Board of Appeals after a public
hearing with due notice given, not more than four families,
Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F.
Nicetta, Chairman.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the North Andover Zoning By-Law by striking out para-
graphs 6.61 and 6.62 and by substituting in place of them
the following paragraphs 6.61 and 6.62:
6.61 The residential lot areas and lot widths above re-
quired under paragraph 6.3 of this By-Law shall not apply
in any residence district to any lot of less area or less width
than above required if such lot be not adjoined by other
land of the same owner, vacant and available for combina-
tion with or use in connection with such lot, provided that
the applicant for a building permit on any such lot shall
show by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds
incorporated in or attached to such application that such
lot was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed
prior to the effective date of said paragraph 6.3 (December
6, 1956) and provided that on such a lot there shall be kept
open and not built upon a front yard and a rear yard each
not less than 20 feet deep, and two side yards, each not less
than 12 feet wide.
6.62 In Village Residence Districts only, two, or more
vacant lots, mutually adjoining, may by the Board of Ap-
peals be permitted to be combined into a new lot or lots not
less than 10,000 sq. ft. area each and not less than 100 ft.
width at the street frontage, provided it be shown to the
Board of Appeals that each of said vacant lots before com-
bination was of less area or less width than required under
the aforesaid paragraph 6.3 and, by citations from the Essex
County Registry of Deeds, that each such lot was lawfully
laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to the
effective date of said paragraph 6.3 (December 6, 1956)
and the Building Inspector shall pemnit the construction of
one single-family dwelling on each such 10,000 sq. ft. lot.
Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F.
Nicetta, Chairman.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Law by rescinding the action taken by the
Town upon Article 7 in the warrant for the Special Town
Meeting of October 7, 1957, which purported to re-zone a
certain parcel of land lying to the north of Hillside Road
between the Salem Turnpike and the Andover By-Pass, so
that said parcel will be zoned as it was prior to said action.
Said parcel is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the
Salem Turnpike with the northerly line of Hillside Road;
thence southwesterly by the northerly line of Hillside Road,
467.89 feet to an iron pipe marking an angle in the said
street lille; thence again southwesterly but more westerly by
the northerly line of Hillside Road, 384 feet to an iron pipe
at the intersection of the northerly line of Hillside Road
with the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass; thence
northerly by the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass,
620.19 feet to an iron pipe; thence northeasterly 465.53 feet
to an iron pipe in the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike;
thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of the Salem
Turnpike, 437 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
5.27 acres, more or less.
Petition of the North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas
F. Nicetta, Chairman.
Favorable action recommended,
ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the next to last sentence of Paragraph 9.1 in the North An-
dover Zoning By-Law, relating to the mailing of notices of
public hearings before the Board of Appeals, by striking
out said next to last sentence and inserting in place thereof,
the following sentence:
The Board shall notify by registered mail or certified
mail all such o~vners of property as the Board of Appeals
may deem affected thereby, as they appear on the most re-
cent local tax list, and to the Planning Board.
Petition of the North Andover Board of Appeals, Donald
F. Smith, Chairman.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend
section 9 of the North Andover Zoning By-Law as amended
and adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June 30, 1956,
by striking out of that portion of the By-Law numbered
section 9.1 in the last sentence of section 9.1. Further pro-
vided that two of the said Board of Appeals members and
one of the said associate members shall be appointed from
among the members of the North Andover Planning Board.
Such that the amended By-Law will read as follows, sec-
tion 9.1: There shall be a Board of Appeals of five mem-
bers and not more than three associate members which
shall have and exercise all the powers provided under the
General Laws, Chapter 40A as amended, and which shall
hear and decide all matters specifically referred to the
Board of Appeals by the North Andover's Zoning By-Laws
and other matters referred to such Board by statute. The
Board of Appeals members and associate members shall
be appointed by the Selectmen in the manner provided for
by statute.
Petition of Dominic Giarusso and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. Illegal.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town xvill vote to amend
the By-Law governing the %Vage and Salary Administration
Plan for the employees of the Town of North Andover
adopted on July 22, 1957 at a special town meeting, pursuant
to the provisions of the General Laws, Chapter 41, Section
108A and 108C, as amended, in the following manner:
The comments between the articles and the Advisory
Board recommendations are Personnel Beard explanations
for requesting these changes.
(A.) Amend Part 1, Section 2, by striking out sen-
tence two in its entirety and inserting therein the follow-
ing: Those positions of offices and employees in the service
of the Town, whether that service be on the basis of full
time, part time, seasonal, casual, special, Civil Service, or
any other basis, and which are classified herein, other than
position filled by popular election or positions under the
direction and control of the School Committee are hereby
referred to by titles in Schedule A, which schedule is en-
titled Classification Schedule, and is attached hereto and
made part thereof.
(A.) The purpose of this amendment is to remove
reference in the By-Law to employees o! the School De-
partment. The School Committee voted not to include
school department personnel in the Wage and Salary Plan.
Favorable action recommended.
(B,) Amend all parts of the By-Law wherein reference
is made by title or otherwise to school personnel by strik-
lng out all references therein so that the By-Law shall ex-
clude all school department personnel.
(B.) This amendment further strikes out all references
within the By.Law to school department employees for
the same reason as given for "A".
Favorable action recommended,
(C.) Amend Part 3, Installation, Section 3 by st~'iking
out sentences 2, 3 and 4 in their entirety so that said para-
graph shall read as follows: Progression. Each regular
employee of the Town shall be progressed to the rate for
his job or position as per Schedule "B', corresponding to
the appropriate classification in Schedule "A" consistent
with his years of continuous service from the date of his
last hiring, promotion or transfer to that job or position.
However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall
be eligible for his step rate from the rate below the maxi-
mum for his position to the maximum for bis position.
(C.) To change the date from which years of service
shall be calculated from last annual town meeting to the
actual date of hiring.
Favorable action recommended.
(D.) Amend Schedule "C", Fringe Benefits, Overtime,
by striking out sentence one in its entirety and inserting
therein the following: Overtime shall not be paid to De-
partment Heads, Professional Personnel, persons on occupa-
tions classified in the A. T. P. Schedule, nor to any persons
classified in Code-R of the I. T. S. Schedule.
(D.) This amendment specifically excludes Supervi-
sory Foreman from the overtime provisions of Code I.T.S.
Favorable action recommended.
(E.) Amend Schedule "C", Fringe Benefits, Special
Differentials, paragraph one, by adding the words "who
are paid on an hourly rate" so that said paragraph so
amended shall read as follows: Employees on jobs classi-
fied in the I. T. S. Schedule who are paid on an hourly rate
shall receive (and so forth to end of said paragraph all
exactly as previously adopted).
(g.) Same reason as given for "D".
Favorable action recommended.
(F.) Amend Schedule "C", Fringe Benefits, Special
Differentials, by striking out paragraph two in its entirety
and inserting therein the following sentence so that said
paragraph shall read as follows: Any employee working in
any capacity during snow removal shall receive an added
10 cents per hour for each hour so spent beyond the com-
pletion of the regular work day; but no one shall receive
more than one special differential at any one time for any
(F.) To simplify the By-Law in regard to snow re-
moval differential and make said provisions equitable to
all employees.
Favorable action recommended.
(G.) Amend Code P. F., Rate of Progression, by insert-
ing thereto the fol]owing: Six months probationary_ period
shall be waived for any employee appointed to position of
Regular Patrolman or Regular Firefighter who has previ-
ously served for a greater period of time as a Reserve Police
Officer or a Call Fireman.
(G.) In recognition of time served on the reserve and
call forces.
Favorable action recommended.
(H.) Amend Code I. T. S., Classification Schedule "A",
by inserting Civil Service titles for existing titles so that
said classification shall read as follows:
Code I.T.S.--A: Utility Laborer
Highway Laborer
Public Works Laborer
Forestry Laborer
Code I.T.S.--N: Public Works Maintenance Man
Forestry Maintenance IVlan
Playground Maintenance Man
Motor Equipment Operator
Code LT.S.--D: Public Works Maintenance Craftsman
Tree Climber
Heavy Motor Equipment Operator
Special Heavy Motor Equipment Operator
Forestry Maintenance Craftsman
Motor Equipment Operator
Tree Climber and Surgeon
Water Meter and Hydrant Repair Man
Working Foreman
Code I.T.S.--H: Jr. Custodian
(H.) State statutes require that Civil Service titles
be recognized.
Favorable action recommended.
Code I.T.S.--V:
Code I.T.S.---E:
Code I.T.S.--R:
Code I.T.S~--T:
(L) Amend Code I.T.S., Compensation Schedule "B",
by removing the asterisk in Code I.T.S.--A and Code
I.T.S.--N, under Step 5, so that said designated rate shall
become permanent.
(I.) The Personnel Board recommends that these rates
remain in the By. Law to avoid disparity in the various
classifications of Code I. T. S.
Favorable action recommended.
(J.) Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A",
by changing Superintendent of Public Works title from
Code A.T.P. ~fl0 to Code A.T.P.--500:
0'.) This amendment is entered into the Warrant upon
recommendation of the Board of Public Works.
Unfavorable action recommended.
(K.) Amend Code A.T.P.--75, Compensation Sched-
ule "B', by inserting part time yearly rates for the Sealer
of Weights and Measures, Building Inspector and Wiring
Inspector so that said rates shall read as follows:
Building Inspector $1,000.00 per year
Wiring Inspector 750.00 per year
Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 per year
(I~.) The duties attached to these appointed positions
have increased with the rapid growth of the town. How-
ever. the rate of pay has remained the same for a number
of years. It is the feeling of this board that the pay rates
we have recommended should be adopted,
Unfavorable action recommended. Budget Item recom-
mendations provide for twenty percent increases in sal-
aries for both Building and Wiring Inspectors. and about
eighteen percent salary increase for the Sealer of Weights
and Measures.
(L.) Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A",
and Compensation Schedule "B", by inserting the following
title, code and rates:
Moth Superintendent 72 77.50 82.50 87.50 90.00 95.00
(L.) This action is recommended because the original
classification pays the Department Head the same salary
as his foreman.
Favorable action recommended.
(M.) Amend Code A.T.P,, Classification Schedule "A",
by inserting in Code A.T.P.--70 the following title: "As-
sistant Librarian".
(M.) To rectify an inequity in the classification of
Assistant Librarian who has all supervisory duties during
the absence of the Head Librarian. Present classification
pays a salary rate that is less than rates paid to subordin-
ate library positions.
Unfavorable action recommended.
(N.) Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A",
bY Changing the title "Town ACcountant" from Code A.T.P.
--50 to Code A.T.P.--70.
(N,) To classify title of "Town Accountant" in the
schedule commensurate with the responsibilities of the
Favorable action recommended.
(O.) Amend Code 00, Classification Schedule "A", by
striking out all present titles and inserting therein the fol-
lowing titles:
Code 00-90: Assistant Assessor
Deputy Tax Collector
Code 00-80: Secretary
Senior Clerk
Code 00-70 Clerk
Code 00-60:
Code 00-50: Jr. Clerk
(O.) To clarify the titles of the various jobs classified
in Code 00.
Favorable action recommended.
(P.) Amend Non-Classified Jobs and Positions, Sched-
ule "B", by striking out "$300.00 per year" accorded the
Health Inspector and insert therein the word ~'non-com-
pensating" thereby placing the duties of this service within
the job content of the Board of Health Nurse.
(P.) The duties of this job are performed :concurrently
with the duties of the Public Health Nurse during regular
work hours.
Favorable action rec°mmended.
Petition of Personnel Board
ARTICLE 17. To see if the ~own will vote to appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand-Twenty-three Dollars and
Twenty-five Cents, ($1,023.25) to be paid to Ste; Anne's
Orphanage for board, room and care rendered to children
during the year 1956~ This bill remained unpaid at the end
of the year ending December 31, 1956.
Petition of Board of Public Welfare.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $1,023.25 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to appro-
priate the sum of Seventy-four Dollars ($74.00) for the pur-
pose of paying Theodore Smolak for services rendered at
the Town Infirmary during the years 1954 to 1956 inclusive.
Petition of Board of Public Welfare.
Fa~,orable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $74.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to adopt
the following fees for Electrical Permits to become effec-
tive April 1, 1958:
New dwelling: rough wiring range and burner $5.00
Hot water tank 1.00
Rewire old building 5.00
Temporary service (plus meter installation) 3.00
Service charge 3.00
Conversion burner 3.00
Range 3.00
Hot ~vater tank -- single installation 3.00
Gas station 5.00
Commercial stores 5.00
Carnivals and expositions 5.00
1/6 HP motor up to 1 HP 1.50
Manufacturing (plus .25 each 1 HP motor) 10.00
Signs -- Neon -- transformer 3.00
(.50 each additional transformer, special
equipment welding, x-ray and generators.)
i to 3 outlets 1.50
4 or more outlets 5.00
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended. Any and all fees col-
lected are to be turned in to the Town Treasury.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
($1,500.00) for necessary repairs to the Town Infirmary and
for the maintenance of the Infirmary equipment.
Petition of Board of Public We]fare.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,500.fl0 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate a sufficient sum of money to pay for the cost of
disposing and removing from the land upon which it is
located the building known as the Johnson High School,
upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Selectmen
may determine.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) to be used by the Board of Selectmen for the
appointment of a Town Counsel from year to year.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 23. To see whether the Town will approve
the construction of a new housing project by the North
Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Housing Project
for Elderly Persons pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
667 of Massachusetts Acts of 1954, and acts in amendment
thereof and in addition thereto, to be known as State-'
Aided Housing Project 667-1.
Petition of North Andover Housing Authority.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Town By-Laws so as to prohibit consideration, at a
special town meeting, of any article which appropriates
funds, unless such article and the expenditure authorized
therein are of an emergency nature and are so certified by
the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, and or
Advisory Board.
Petition of John J. Willis and others.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote a motion
for a secret ballot on an article in a Town Warrant which
has been properly made and seconded shall be put to a
standing vote. If the motion upon such standing vote is
approved by twenty-five per cent (25%) or more of the
members present and voting, ballots approved by the Mod-
erator as to form shall be used for voting on the article.
Ballots shall be in the possession of the Moderator at the
call to order of the meeting and it shall be the responsibility
of the Moderator to make certain that they are in his pos-
session before he calls the meeting to order.
Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
water systems on the following streets on petition of the
persons named and others.
(A) From Salem Street on Summer Street to 168 Sum-
ruer Street (Mandry Residence).
Petition of Allan A. Lowell and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $12,000.00 be raised and appropriated, to
be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose
of this Article, subject to the following condition: That
on or before August 1, 1958, the petitioners and/or owners
make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works.
of six percent of $9,$00,00. the estimated cost of a six
inch main, as water rates for a period of fourteen years.
(B) Approximately two hundred and forty feet on
Poor Avenue from Sutton Street.
Petition of Anthony Furnari and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1.150.90 be raised and appropriated, to
be expended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose
of this article, subject to the following conditions: That on
or before August 1, 1958, the petitioners and/or owners
make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works
of six percent of the actual cost of construction, as water
rates, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or before
August 1. 1958, the construction of at least one house
shall have been started.
(C) On Moody Street approximately T~vo Hundred
Twenty-Five Feet (225) toward Prescott Street.
Petition of Benjamin Kalinowski and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $900.00 be raised and appropriated, to be
expended by the Board of Public Works., for the purpose
of this article, subject to the following conditions: That
on or before August 1, 1958, the petitioners and/or owners
make a guarantee acceptable to the ]~oard of Public Works
of six percent of the actual cost of construction, as water
rates, for a period of fourteen ~'ears: and that on or before
August 1, 1958, the construction of at least one additional
house shall have been started.
(D) Appropriate the sum of Five Hundred and Fifty
Dollars ($550.00) to extend the water system
southeasterly on Hemlock Street approximately
one hundred and twenty feet from Spruce Street.
Petition of Louis DiFruscio and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $550.0/) be raised and appropriated, to be
expended by thee Board of Public Works, for the purpose
of this article, subject to the following conditions: That on
or before August 1, 1958. the petitioners and/or owners
make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works
of six per cent of the actual cost of construction, as water
rates, for a period of fourteen years: and that on or before
August 1. 1958, the construction of at least one additional
house shall have been started.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer systems on the following streets on petition of the
persons named and others.
(A) On Chadwick Street approximately to and includ-
ing house number 153, or approximately 600 feet.
Petition of William F. Moran and others.
Favorable action recommended, It isrecommended that
the sum of $5,000.00 be raised and appropriated to be ex-
pended by the Board of Public WOrks for the purpose of
this Article subject to the assessments or betterments
charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of
1906 as amended.
(B) On Moody Street from Prescott Street.
Petition of Benjamin Kalinowski and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $3,400~00 be raised and appropriated to be
expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of
this Article subject to the assessments or betterments
charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of
1906 as amended.
(C) Approximately two hundred and l~orty feet on
Poor Avenue from Sutton Street.
Petition of Anthony Furnari and others.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $1,60~.00 be raised and appropriated to be
expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of
this Article subject to the assessments or betterments
charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts
of 1906 as amended.
(D) Appropriate the sum of Twenty-three Hundred
Dollars ($2,300.00) to extend the sewer system
on Spruce Street and Hemlock Street.
Petition of Josephine DiFruscio and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $2,300.0D be raised and appropriated to be
expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of
this Article subject to the assessments or betterments
charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of
1906 as amended.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Dol-
lars ($4,560.00) to construct a surface drain on Waverley
Road from Green Street southerly toward the Andover line.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of
Six Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($6,300.00) to relay
the surface drain on Pleasant Street, between Davis Street
and Lincoln Street, and extend it along Davis Street ex-
tension from Pleasant Street to the existing 24" drain at
East Water Street.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer from avail-
able funds a sufficient sum of money to install an under-
ground drain to take care of the surface water for a required
distance from a point on Pleasant Street, so that Town
drainage will no longer flow on privately owned land bor-
dering on said Pleasant Street. And further that the
Selectmen be hereby empowered to take whatever steps are
necessary to effect the accomplishment of said article in-
cluding the obtaining of necessary easements. And further
that the amount of money appropriated under Article 30 of
the Annual Town Warrant in 1957 be carried forward to be
used with an amount of money to be appropriated under
this article in order to complete the project.
Petition of John J. Lynch and others.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) to in-
stall a surface drain on Park Street. One hundred feet of
ten-inch pipe and one catchbasin to be needed to complete
this project.
Petition of Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $30~1.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
($3,500.00) to be added to the Fire Department Appropria-
tion to provide for the appointment of one (1) Lieutenant
from an eligible Civil Service List.
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate tbe sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred
and Ninety Dollars ($7,590.00) to be added to the Fire De-
partment Appropriation to provide for the appointment of
three (3) competent and qualified men under Civil Service
Rules to be regular fire fighters.
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to be used with the
present 1947 ambulance to purchase a new ambulance.
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $10,090.0~] be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00) for the purchase of five hundred (500)
feet of new 2!?' hose and five hundred (500) feet of new
1~" hose.
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,500.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for the purchase
of two new 1958 12 volt system cars. Two present cars to
be turned in, in trade. All equipment to be changed over,
such as police radios, sirens, etc.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $2,500,00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum
of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) for the purpose of placing
of Signs and the painting and repainfing of several streets
in Town.
Petition of Alfred IL McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $600,00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Eight Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-two Dollars and
Fifty Cents ($8,482.50) for the appointment of three (3)
regular patrolmen, fully qualified, who have passed the
Civil Service physical and mental examination, all in ac-
cordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
Petition of Alfred II. McKee, Chief of Po]ice.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the To~vn will raise and ap-
propriate thc sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for
the purchase of a chassis for a truck only, as the Town
owns the body. The agreement must also include the in-
stallation of the body on the ne~v chassis. A 1949 Mack
Truck to be turned in, in trade.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $6,000.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Ten Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-five
Dollars ($10,945.00) for the purchase of an enclosed Refuse
Disposal Truck, for the use of the IIighway Department.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $10,945.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17,000.00)
for the purchase of a scoop dozer for the use of the High-
way Department, at Disposal Site. A 1948 Oliver tractor
to be turned in, in trade.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the su~n of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for
the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street.
Petition of thc Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,0110 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for the
maintenance of any streets in Toxvn under Chapter 90 of the
General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with
money which may be alloted by the State or County, or
both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $4,003.03 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article, to be expended by the Highway
Surveyor under Chapter 93 of the General Laws, and in ad-
dition, the sum of $2,000.00 be transferred from unappro-
priated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the
State and County shares of the cost of the work, the re-
imbursement from the State and County to be restored
upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the
ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00)
for the further rebuilding of Dale Street under Chapter 90
of the General Laws, said money to be used with any
money which may be allotted by the State or County, or
both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $7,500.00 be raised and appropriated to meet
the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Con-
struction, and that in addition, the sum of $22.500.00 'be
transferred tram unappropriated available funds in the
Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares oi the
cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and
County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated
available funds in the Town Treasury.
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town wi]I raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the
purpose of painting and replacing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $203.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to be
used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one-half the
cost and the applicant to pay the other half.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) for the
balance due on a hydraulic sand spreader for the use of the
Highway Department. The total cost being Fifteen Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00) but Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) has
been paid on the spreader for rental.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $900.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
AI~TICLE 48. To see if the Town will raise and
propriate the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) for the
purchase of two pumps For the use of the Highway
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $300.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purchase of one pump for the use of the Highway Depart~
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town ~vill raise and
propriate, or take from available funds a sum of money
for the rebuilding of Salem Street under Chapter 90 of the
General Laws, said money to be used with any money
lotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose, or
take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of Eugene Royce Bodge and others.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate from available funds the sum of Fifteen Thou-
sand Dollars ($15,000.00) for the purpose of making altera-
tions and building additional garage space at the present
Town Garage.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $15,00D.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to appro-
priate or take from available funds the sum of Twenty-
five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) to be used for resur-
facing streets.
Petition of Board of Selectmen and Ira D. Carry, High-
way Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $25,000.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer fi'om available funds Fifteen Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00) to be used with a 1950 Massey-HalTis
Tractor to purchase an International Low-boy Cub Tractor.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,$00.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Eighteen Hundred
Dollars ($1,800.00) to be used with a 1951 Ford Truck to
purchase a new pick-up truck.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the ~um of $1,8flfl.09 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) or
any other sum for the purpose of installing the following
twelve-inch water mains: Sutton Street from High Street to
Main Street; Johnson Street, from Andover Street to Res-
ervoir Right - of - way, and Reservoir Right - of - ~vay from
Johnson Street to the Reservoir, and determine whether
the money shall be provided for by taxation, by appropria-
tion from available funds in the treasury, and by borrowing
under Authority of Chapter 44 of the General Laws or take
any action in relation thereto.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $80,030.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article, and that to meet this appro-
priation, the sum of $25,00~ be transferred from the unex-
pended appropriation under Article 38 of the 1957 Annual
Town Meeting, and that the Treasurer,, with the approval
of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow
from time to time a sum of up to $55,009.00 and to issue
bonds or notes of the Town therefor, under authority of
Chapter 44 of the General Laws as amended, each issue to
be paid in not more than 15 years from its date or at such
earlier time as the Treasurer and Selectmen may determine.
ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars
($2,500.00) to make such extensions of the water main sys-
tem, under the regulations voted at the annual town meet-
ing as the Board of Public Works, on October 1st, considers
most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned
for at the annual meeting.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $2,500.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of One Hundred and Forty-Eight Thou-
sand Dollars ($148,000.00) or any other sum for the purpose
of extending the West Side Trunk Sewer from Massachu-
setts Avenue at Beechwood Street to Greene Street by way
of Beechwood Street, Shawsheen Avenue and certain rights
of way, along Greene Street to Massachusetts Avenue, Wood
Lane to Woodstock Street and Waverley Road to Dryad
Street in accordance with the survey of Camp Dresser &
McKee, Consulting Engineers, and determine whether the
money shall be provided for by taxation, by borrowing
under authority of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, or take
any action in relation thereto.
Petition of Dr. Philip L. Hyde and others.
U.n'~avorable action recommended~ However. because
of the re~xsons stated in the prerxmble on page 2, it is
recommended that the sum el $9D00,110 be raised and ap-
propriated to meet engineering costs o! this project.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or' transfer from available funds the sum
of Twenty-six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,650.00) for the
purchase of a Mist Shade Tree Sprayer for the Department
of Pest Control. A 1948 Mist Blower to be turned in, in trade.
Petition of John J. Conners, Moth Superintendent.
Favorable oction recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $2,65~1.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($3,300.00) to pur-
chase a two ton Stake Body with Hoist for the Department
of Insect Pest Control.
Petition of John J. Conners, Moth Superintendent.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $3.3110.0tl be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the stun of
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) to purchase a power
saw for the Tree Department.
Petition of John J. Conners, Tree Warden.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $259.00 be raised and appropriated tot the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to instruct
the Town Treasurer or the Board of Selectmen to sell at
public auction or private sale land now owned by the Town
and being lots numbered 18-23 inclusive on Plan of Land
known as Beacon Hill, dated October, 1906, said plan being
recorded in the North District Essex Registry of Deeds as
Plan No. 0381. Said lots of land border on unopened street
known as Phillips Brooks Road, running between Chickering
Road and Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of Anthony L. Galvagna and others.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to accept
Chapter 427, Section 1 and 2 of the Acts of 1957. An act
increasing the amount of Pension of certain retired Police
Officers and Fire Fighters, in the amount of Three Hundred
Dollars ($300.00) provided, however, that the total amount
of any such pension as so increased shall not exceed twenty-
five hundred dollars.
Petition of Peter H. Martin and others.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will authorize the
Recreational Council appointed by the Selectmen to lease
from the Brooks School certain land owned by it which is
used as a skating rink, and to authorize the Recreational
Council to promote and conduct ice skating thereon for
residents of the Town, and to appropriate the sum of Seven-
teen Hundred Dollars ($1,700.00) therefor from available
funds in the treasury, all in accordance with the provisions
of Section 14, Chapter 45 of the General Laws.
Petition of Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $1,7011.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the To~vn will raise and appro-
priate a sufficient sum of money to erect a chain-link fence
on the west side of Lamere Street at the Alpin Playground.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Unfavorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate or transfer from available funds Thirty-Seven
Hundred Dollars ($3,700.00) to hot top the basketball courts
on the town playgrounds.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $3.70fl.0~) be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate or transfer from available funds Seventeen Hun-
dred Dollars ($1,700.00) to provide a steel pier for the
American Legion Beach at Stevens Pond.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
Unfavorable action recommended.
AI~TICLE 66. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for
four benches for the Aplin Playground.
Petition of the Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $100.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) for
playground supplies, this amount to include expenses, spe-
cial trips and general playground activities for the children
of North Andover.
Petition of the Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $800.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appro~
priate the sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($650.00)
for the services of a police officer at the Bathing Beach,
four hours daily, eight hours on Saturdays, Sundays and
Holidays for a ten week period to enforce parking for resi-
dents of North Andover, this figure to include cost of car
Petition of Recreational Couneil.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $650.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Eighteen Hundred Eighty-eight Dollars
($1,888.00) for eight playground instructors and one super-
visor for an eight week period.
Petition of Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,888.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 70. To see if the To~vn will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for
one (1) set of six See Saws and Two Basketball Standards
for the Aplin Playground.
Petition of Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to accept
the extension of Sutton Hill Road from its present accepted
terminus a distance of 250 feet past land of Hyde and Chaps
Petition of Lanson J. Hyde and others.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to increase
the rental allowance for Quarters of the American Legion
Home from Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to Eight Hun-
dred Dollars ($800.00).
Petition of Post 219, American Legion.
Unfavorable action recommended. 47
ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to trausfer
the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) from the
Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $I0~000,00 be transferred from the Over-
lay Surplus to the Reserve Fund.
ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will appropriate from
available funds, the sum of Nine Thousand Eight Hundred
Twenty-four Dollars and Seventy-five Cents ($9,824.75)
being the amount of water department receipts in excess
of water department operating expenses for 1957 to a stabil-
ization fund as provided for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of
1945, with the understanding that it is to be used by the
town for capital improvements in the water works system
under the provisions of the above act.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $9,824.75 be appropriated for the purpose
of this Article.
ARTICLE 75. To see if the Toxvn will raise and appro-
priate, or transfer from available funds, a stun of money to
he added to the Stabilization Fund, authorized under Chap-
ter 124, Acts of 1945, and established under' Article 36 of
the Warrant by the vote of the Annual Town Meeting held
March 16, 1946.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $__,000.00 be raised and oppropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to take the
sum of ......................... from available
funds to reduce the 1958 tax rate.
Petition of Board of Assessors.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $I06.000.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article.
And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by
posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office
Building and at five or more public places in each voting
precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen
days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu-
setts, the twenty-seventh day of January, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight.
A true copy,
ATTEST: ......................... Constable.
North Andover, Massachusetts, February ...... , 1958.
Printers -:- Lithographers
65 Salem Street Lawrence, Mass.