HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940 PRECINCTS MEN and WOMEN Listed as Adult Inhabitants of the TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER as of JANUARY 1, 1940 Precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4 As prepared by the Board of Registrars of Voters In accordance with Section 6, of Chapter 51, as amended by Section 4, of Chapter 440 of the Acts of 1938. F'. Orris Rea BOARD OF REGISTRARS Harry F. Cunningham Patrick C. Cronin PRECINCT ONE No. ] Name of Person Listed 22 '~ ', Dola~, Age [ Occupation ] Residence, 1939 ] Nat'lt~, h~me here l~me ~e No. ] Name of Person Listed ]Residence, 1939 ]Nat'lty Residence, 1939 ]Nat'lt~ No. I Name of Person Listed 12e High [ Nar'It}* _N-~Namc of Person l~s~cd Residence, I939 Noel Name of Person Li~ted 8 ~/~ux. ph~. Emil2 8 ~'Mumphy, Occupation __ I Residence, 1939 ~ty MOR~Oll ~?REE~I' [Residence, 1939 Nat 'It), No, ! Name of Person L~sted Age Occa arian 11 N-~'. Name of Person Listed 1939 N_~.o, 1 Name of Person listed V2, ~et~t:os~, Angus 86 ~ M~iel 24~ ~ Ol~k, ~am ~'-~, Name of Per,on Listed PRECINCT TWO ]Residence, ~939 NT~;h37 _N~-~. Name of Person Listed 52 Far~agher, Tho~a s 4V hc~ue ~o_~_. Name of Person Listed I ^ge~ O¢cu pa~ion at hcm~ l Nat 'k~ Name of Person I~sted ~ BlXby Ave. 6 Blmby Ave. Davis St. Name of Person Listed Age] Occupation 23 Residence, 1939 [ N~'lty 42Lincoln St. No. ] Name of Person Listed Age ] Occupation ] Rcsidence, 1939 ] Nat'lt~, No. ] Name of Person Listed Age. Occupation clerk home home ~e h~me ~a 25 IResldence, 1939 ]Nat'lty 26 Pleasant -No. ] Name of Person Listed I Age~Occuration I ll. esld .....1939 I Nat'lt~ Residence, 1939 { l~/at 'ky -i~o.[Name of Person ~sted Age { Occupation Methuen Residence, I939 I Nar'lty ~of Person Listed ^gel Occupa~tion 28 68 Russell St. No. ] Name of Person lJs~ed Age[ Occupation__ hc~e hc~e I Residence, 1939 No. [ Name of Person Listed Age] Occopation ~0 ~den c¢, 1939 ] Nat 'lt~'i No. ] Name of Person Listed Age [ Occupation ~0 insurance ] Residet~ce, 1939 ~o. I Name of Person Listed 32 ~un~n, ~o~eph A. Age I Occupation [ Residence, 1939 N~N~. Name of Person Listed 1~ ~rm~, Charlotte Age I Occupation No. [ Name of Person Listed Age ~0~cupation 54 Residence, 1939 I Nat'lt}~ No. [ Name of Person Listed 18 Monsen, ~ulda I Ag~ I Oc~e_upatio. 31 leather worker ]Residence, 1939 73 Main St. 73 Main St. PRECINCT THREE Name of Person Listed 20 tove~o~y, '~tephen Ao Age ] Occupation Residence, 1939 Cab° ~o. ] Name of ]Person lJsced Occupation ] Resldencc, 1939 Age I Occup~ation ] Resid ..... 1939 ] Nat'lt~' No. [ Name of Person Listed I Al?l Occupation 51 engineer $~ saleaman ] R~idence, 1939 ~No. ] Nzm¢ of person Listed 12 ~ane, ~o~ph [ Age { Occup~don 29 Jeweler lRcsidence, 1939 [ Nat'lt~ Name of Person Listed Campbell, Ralph F. ] Age ] Occupation ~0 hcme 57 salesman Reside.ce, 1939 ] Nat'h¥ '~o.T~amc of Person Listed [ Age [ Occ~upado. 42 ] Residence, 1939 ~o. I Name of Person Lis~ed Age I Occupation 42 bolla~ maker 40 cooR Residence, 1939 ~ 1 Na~'~t~ty 1~ Main St. N~'~--~. Name of Perso,~ Listed Age} Occupation 52 operative 61 ~eusel, Walter 40 clerk 61 F~reusel, Eva home 62 ~alloy, George 37 operative $2 Malloy, Es%~o~ hceae Residence, 1939 [ Nat'lty Residence, 1939 Name of Person Listed ~yland~ ~ora Age I Occupation 40 operative pl~bar 56 o~eratlve h~ No_ ' I Name of Person Lisied Age ] Occupation home ] Residence, 1939 190 Middlesex 190 Middlesex I Nat'Ity Residence, 1939 I Natqt}t No. { Name of Person 54 operative Sykes, Edith Bamfo~d, Josaph Busby, Oeo:ego Age] Occupation 49 Residence, 1939 ] Natqt,y No, I ~qame of Person Listed 190 Cate, g~a~ 48V A~e~', Robe~'t 8. Age [ Occupation IRes[dence, 1939 [ Nat'lt~ 5O _N~. Name of Person Listed Age I Occupation 45 ~lerk 62 gardonel~ hone · 0 laborer clerk [ Residence, 1939 I Nat 7t~' -No. ] Name of Person Listed ] A~- ] Occupation IResldence, 1939 'No. [ Name of Per,on Listed Age [ Occupation ;rio 49 carpenter ]Rcsidence. 1939 l Nat'lty PRECINCT FOUR No. I Name of Person Listed ] Age I Occupation ABBOTT S TF(~ T ]Residence, 1939 [ Nat'lty No. I Name of Person Listed ~a?2 Mel~aed, Charles 2?2 Molmned, Get ~rude 2?2 Mel~ned, Edward Age i Occupation 61 cattle dealer h~e [ Residence, 1939 ] Nat'lty 90 Seconal Malden No. [ Name of Person Listed [ Age ] Occupation 20 office boy 50 laborer BERRY ST~ET 58 far=ie[. ]Residence, 1939 ] Nat'lt~ Polo No. [ Name of Person Listed 1160 ~dne~, 1160 ~ackaon, Prancls G. ] Age ] Occupation 2~ nurse l~mae Residence, 1939 ] Nat'h~ Lith. $8 Residence, 1959 Mass. Ave. ~i~lo, 12Varec o£ Person ISsred Taylor, John B, Janusz, Edward 12 Cook, Della IASe I Occ~upadon farmer 59 IOOA Ma~bleridge Rd. 100A Marbleridge Ed. 428 Dale St. Eng. Eng. }Residence, 1939 j Nat 'It)' ~5 .~.No. ] Name of Person Listed 14 St. Pierre, T~uothy 14 St. Pierre, George 224 Beaudoin, Lydia 224 Beaudoin, Raymond Age] Occupation 49 operative 24 operative Residence, 1939 ] Nat'lty No, [ Name of Person l;sted I .Age] Occupation 62 Residence, 1939 25 Pleaaan~ St. ~5 Pleasant St. ] Natqty I Resldenee, 1939 [ Nat'hy No.]Name of Person ~sted I Agc [ Occupation 45 Oonco~'d ~t. No. J Name of Person Listed Age ] Occupation Residence, 1939 I Nat'lt~ 6~ Pleasant St. ~ffO. I Ngmc of Person B~yant, Josephine I Age l Occup~fio. ] Rc$1dence. I~39 10~ Beverly 105 Beverly 41 Park Sro 41 Park St, 9 B~ewster I Nat 'lt,v No. [ Name of Per,on Lis~¢d Age [ Occupation [Residence, I939 ] Nat'lt~v Name of Person ~s~ed I -~ge I Occapa~on Residence, 19~9 { Nar'lt_y Soo. _No. [ N~me of Person Listed Lawlor, Helen Richardson, Charles Richa~ison, Alice HPoderlck, AP thu~ Age ] Oc?p~tion } Reslclence, 1~)39 Middleton Person LiMed 69 No- I N~me of Person Listed 1083 Gallant. Stephen g. 10S5 Gallant, Phyllis 1085 Gallant, Almira S. t Age ] Occupation B5 clerk ~? farmer Residence, I939 ] Nar'fry 0ha~lestown Cha~l e s to!rn 24 Perley Rd. 2~1 Middlesex ~91 Middlssex lSS Sutton St. 153 Sutton St. -No, [ Narn~ of Person Listed ~70 Ryan, Aut~u~n [ Age [ Occupation Residence, 1939 [ Nat'ltg Poi. No. [ Name of Person Listed ~0 BalsO~o, Guiseppi [ Age ] Occupation Residence, 1939 I Nat'lt~' ~N.o. ] Name of Person Listed Age[ Occupation ] Residence, 1939 I Nat'lt),