HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-01-18MI~.~TES OF SELECTMEN,S ~,~EETIN~,S Jan,~arv 4. l~Z3 The regular meeting of the Board was held this date with all members present. The wee]dy bills were approved for payment. Mr. Edward Curley, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, came before the boahdin reference to a bill for legal services by Atty. C.J, Mahone¥ in.the amount of $75.00 which they had no money to pay. He said his Board had no way of determining how much such bills would.run to and said that they felt it should be paid frem the 0ontingentFund. He left the bill for consideration of the Board at a later time. The Board decided that it would create a precedent if they paid this bill.and decided to advise the Assessors to put an article in the WarrAnt for the Town Meeting. A vote was passed about two years age concerning this matter and it was voted then that each department would pay its own expense for legal services. Notification is received of a very important meeting of the Mass. Selectmen's As~55iati6~ Friday and Saturday of this week, January $ and January gth and the Board is urged to attend. Friday evening at 7:00 P.M. there will be a banquet at the Boston City Club. Mr. Henry Parkman will be the ~est speaker and it is requested that the Rationing Board Chairman be present. The meeting Friday morning is scheduled for 11:00 ~.M. at Ford ~all, 15 Asbburton Place, Boston and the meeting Saturday morning is to be at the same place a~ 10:O0 A.M. No arrangements were made at this meeting ~o attend any of the sessions. Chief Alfred McKee requested the Board to adopt an Ordinance to prohibit . all night parking during the winter months so that offenders can be pun- · ished. Mr. Foster said he was of the opinion the Board hsd done this when they had ordered the Police Department to enforce no all night parking. Mr. Thomson referred to the Town by-Laws and said he felt that section 2 of the z covered this situation, in that the Selectmen had taken a vote to have the Police ban all night parking. He said, however, it would do nc~J harm to hhve an arzicle in the warrant for it.. On the motion of Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Finneran, it was unanimously voted to open the warran~ as of tonight, January 4 and close it JanuaryS25, at 7:30 P.M. Mr..John Costello, head clerk of the Rationing Board,appeared before the~ meeting and requested a transfer from the Reserve ~nd, for the Rationing Bcard to carry them for the first three months of the ~ear. His.department is not a regular town. department and hence they can not use one-~welfth of the appropriation of last year. Mr. Thomson, Chsirman of the. Board asked how much he 'would need and he suggested250, or 300 dollars. Only one twelfthf of the Reserve Fund of last year could be transferred so' it was decided ~ voted t~mcusly.~n the motion of Mr. Thomson that $250. be transferred~ from'-the~por~iBm:of'the,Res~r~e~.Fund that is available tc the .Rationing Beard for expenses until the town meeting. Janus.fy 11 Meeting adjouzned The regular meeting of the Board was held this date, all members were present. Weekly bills were approved for payment. ~[r.-Christopber Higginbottom came before the Board in reference to the Con- tributoryRetirement Pension for the empleyees of the town. A question was submitted to be put on the Ballet in Nmvember but it was ~ecelved too late to'be considered. Mr. Higginbottom requested information as to Just what could he'done at this time, having in mind the annual town meeting warrant in March. ~he Selectmen reviewed the action taken when the petition was first received in April and decided that the ~uestion could be placed on any subsequent ballet for veto by the people after it had been once been accepted by the Board. It was decided to direct Town Clerk, Joseph Duncan t~ place the question on the ballet for the annual town meeting in March. Mr. Lee Murphy came im~te the meeting and said he heard there was an article being sponsored to do away with the Finance Committee. He said he thoughtif this article went through there should be some prevision included se that some of the town sfficials would be included on the Advisory Board. The Selectmen said they had nothing to de about the appointing ef the members of the Adviscry Board and he then stated that he would appear at the TaxPayers Association Meeting and make this suggestion. Application was made by the Lawrence Gas and Electric Cempany for Joint Locations of poles already set, (Lawrence Gas and N.E~ Tel. & Tel. Ce.), as follows: On the southerly side of Andover Street, appro×imately 345 feet easterly from Dufton Court, 1 pole. On the southerly side of Turnpike Street, from a pointapproximately 1,060 feet easterly from Hillside Avenue, easterly three?phlox. It was unanimously veted te grant the request for jcint*l$cations. Notification was received that the forest fire warden, should, be appointed during the month of January. This letter received frem the Department cf Conservation, Division of Forestry, H.0. Cook, Director. On the motion of Mr. Thomson, James Hargreaves, the present encumbent was unanimously reappointed. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion. Mr. Cemins, Chairman of the Town Finance Committees, calledte.advise of the meeting of the Association to be held in Boston January 13, 1943 at the HotelSheratcn. He requested that he be advised of the number planning to attend as soon as possible so that arrangements could be made for them. It was decided that Mr. Elliett and'Mr. Maker would attend. The Board voted, at the suggestion of Mr. Hargreaves te send letters ef thanks to the Lawrence Fire Department, Engine 9, and the Andover Fire Department for the assistance rendered by them at recent.firew. On the motion of ~. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Finneran, it was unan- imously voted te rescind the veto taken at last week's meeting te transfer $250. from the Reserve Fund to the Rationing Board because the vote was found to be in error. The Reserve Fund is not established prior te the vote at the Town Meeting inMarch. Therefore there is no money, available to transfer.at this time. Upon advice fremMr. Waddell's office it was assumed tha~the vote taken .. was in order but it was later found that the intent ef Mr. Waddell's letter was that the transfer should be made frem the 15~2 Reserve Fund if a balance was available. This letter received was dated December 28th~and.did not arraive here until after the first of the new year. Mr. Dine later recommended that money needed by the Rationing Board for the few months prior to the town meeting could be drawn from the Contingent Fund. In a telephone conversation of this ~ate the Sun 0fl Cempany requested that their permits for storage of gasoline at the Service and bulk station on Sutton Street be kept alive even though!~the station is clesed for the duration. The Board were of the opinion that if they paid theirannual fee which is required by law they would be able te held the permits. A request was received from Mr. Arthur R. Drummond fer thirty minute bus servic& te North Andover Center every evening. He advised that people working in mills and factories and getting through on the ~our had to wait for a half hour for a bus er they have to walk from Stevens Corner. On the motion of Mr. Thomson, it was voted te contact.the East. Mass. St. Rwy. and see if seme improvement could be made. . James Dawe came in to this meeting and asked if the Beard though~it could be arranged to have the artiCle the firemen:..sponsored in the warrant at the last t~wnmneting in reference to the 70 hour law be placed on the ballot this year. The Board did net knew the status of this law and suggested' that Mr. Duncan, Town Clerk be contacted about it. Meeting adjourned January. 18, 1~ - The regular meeting of the Board was held this date. All members were present. The wee]:ly bills were approved for payment. Mr. Harry Foster drew a Juror to serve at Salem Superior Court February 1, 1943. Mr. Phillip Mid,lay, 73 Davis Street was drawn te serve. Captain Howard and C~ay~on ~older~on ef the State Guard Unit of North Andover came in concerning the money needed by them to carry them through the year. They said they thought abcut six hundred dollars would be needed. Et was sug~estedb~.Mr. Thomson that they get their figures mogether during the week and present them before January25th so that an article could be drawn by the Selectmen for them. Donald Buchan, a member of the Planning Beard came before the Board and presented a copy of the Proposed Boning Yaws p~epared · by.his Board, ~ogether with an article pertaining to it for the Warrant and a large Map of the Town showing the par~s of the Town ~o be effected. He suggested that each Town Report have a copy of this map attached ~e it and asked the Selectmen te have them printed. He gave them the name of ~paulding- Morse as persons who would reduce this large map tea smaller size and fold it ~o be ready for the ~ewn R~port. Mr. Thomson suggested that the Planning Board secure the maps. Mr. Themson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Finneran that the Planning Beard be instructed to return 2500 copies of their Broposed By-Laws ~o the Board of Selectmen. This was a unanimous vote. Mr~Buchan also presented a report of the Planning Board for the year 1942. Mr. Nanscem and Mr. Brown representatives of the New England ~nsulating Campany, came before the meeting te suggest the need ef insulation in the Town Building. They efferred ~o make a survey of the building a~ ne expense to the town.and if the Board did net wish me put in imsula- tion after they had made the sum'vey, there would be no obligatfon~ Mr. Duncan came in at this point and he was asked what he thought about the ma~ter. Ne said no~hing could be done at present, and if they waited until after the T,wnMeeting ~s obtain the money for the work the coldest part of the winter would be over. Mr. Brown asked when the Board thought they would do the work, if they decided ts do it and it was thought that mid summer was the earliest date. ~ new Mr. Thomsen suggested that nothing be dena/in view of the lack of £unds; .he. S~ggeste~$~g until the summer time, when ~ome definite arrange- men~ could ~e made ~e have the survey made,an~.~e will Be bette~"Abte ~o consider having the work dena. The request of Mr. ~ames Daw to have a qu&stion put ~n the Ball~t f~r the Annual Election in March with reference to the acceptance of Chapter 48, as amended by Section 58A, as pertaining to the heurs for permanent fire was discussed at this meeting. Mr. Duncan, Town Clerksaid, in answer to a question asked concerning the matter that he did net think it c~uld go on the Ballot although he ceuldDot find anything in the laws concerning it. He said he theught~it~Ate~a.bad precedent if this question was put on. Everybody would be coming in with like re- quests. After further discussion of the~matter Mr. Thomson suggested that Attorney Mahoney be' asked te presen~ a ruling on it for the pre- tection of the Board. This course was agreed upon byall. Mr..Duncan reported to the Board that 1930 gallons of fuel oil had been further cum from our alletmen~ on Saturday, January l6th, when all commercial buildings were cut again. Executive Order #50, issued by His Excellency, Gevernor Leverett Saltonstall, acting under provisioDs of Acts of 1941, chapter 719, Acts of 1~2, ahapter 13, sections 2 and 3, and al2 other authority vesmed in:~im,as a measure necessary and expedient for meeting the supreme emergency ef the existing stste ef war between the U.S. and certain foreign countries, was received this date. The Girl Reserves requested the use of Stevens Hall February 12, 1943 'for a dance. The Board decided to ascertain Just who the group were and if they had been given the use of the hall in previous years te allow them the use of it again.