HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-02-08~_~- Snow emergency declared at eight-forty-five A.M.
this date. Mr. Foster called and said he had talked with Mr. Thomson
and they were agreed upon the matter.
Feb_~ The regularly weekly meeting was held thi~ date
with all members present.
The weekly bills were approved for payment.
State Aid return for the month of January was signed this date. It
contained the names of Mrs. Sophia Eons, $10.00 and for Mrs. Ruth Carey
for $10.00.
The Town Warrant containing thirty-seven articles prepared by the
Selectmen was reviewed mo see that every~hing was in order. It is
now ready for the printer. . ....
g letter from the North Andover Public SafetyCommittee, Clarence
Hutton, Secretary, was received under date"of January 28th~ approving
the twelve names offered by the gelectmen as potential memberslof the
Rationing Board.
A communication received from the County Commissioners sets the amount
to ~e contributed by the Town for the .maintenance of~the Essex~C~unty
Sanitarium for.1943 to be $5,243.75. The reason-fcr'thein~r~as~ in
our share this yearis cahsed they explain to increase inthe"cest of
food per person as much as a $1.00 per week and the increase..i~ Salaries
~iven counzy employees bM the Legislature.
Meeting adJo~r, ned.
~ The regularl, weekly meeting o£ the Board ~as..held
this date. The weekly bills were approved for payment,
Mrs. John Mclntyre, Mrs. Loring Fosterand Mrs. John Cushing came
in ~e asktbe Board if they would try ~o have the bus service going
t~ thecen~er.changed so that they'wo~!d be able to get a bus.when
they get threughwork at the 0sgood Mill at 2:30 P~M. Mrs. McIntyre
Said that the 2:30 bus to the center goes by the~ mill before they get
out and in ~rder te gets bus going to the center they have~towaittan
hour. or walk frem S~evens Corner. This is a hardship on them after standin
am their work for eight hours, they said,and because they liv~,ionthe bus
l'ine they cannot use their automobiles.
The Board members .said they would contact Mr. Chasg of theE astern Mass.~ St.
Rwy. Co. and sen' if something could be arranged.
Mr. Temaso Vernille.came before the Board and asked tc have-atree removed
from'in front, of his property-at 13 Beverly Street. The roots-of theatres
is growing right in the side walk and into the~wall of hishouse~-
The Board voted to have Mr~ Conners look the ~ree over and decide'what 'should
be done.
A card was received from M~. Axel~E. getterman, Executive Secretary,..of the
Massachusetts Selectmen's Essociation~requesting the Board .to'p~esent~their
views concerning Chapter'g[ and~Ch~pter'90~ maintenan6e, app~spriations for
1943 and whether they shoud be the ~ame a~ 1941~19~2 or if;theE Sh~uld',b&.
reduced. Mr. Finneran said he thought they should ask for th~ same amount
as last year. This opinion was shared by Mr. Thomson and Mr..~ester and the
card was se marked.
As required by law, ~he name of the person chosen to be.the local ma~h
superintendent was sent into the Department of Conservation for[approva~
this date. John Conners, the presen~ encumbent was reappointed;by unani-
mous choice[ ·
The War Production Board, 17 Court Street, advised the Boardby~,, letter dated
February ~, 1943 of a'vote taken at the annual meeting of the
Selectmen's Association.~anuary 9th, in which a resoluti~,wa~.p~e~to re~est
tbs Governor to issue an executi*e order,' making it'pcssmoze zor~me mowns
dispose of their typewriters without the vote of a to~n meeting. Mr. Whitney
.Hart, Director, .Typewriter Procurement Program, New England Region, later con-
ferred with the Governor and foundhim te be 'cognizant of the ~eed of typewrit-
ers for our armed forces, and expressed tbe,',opinion that due to tbs close proxim-
ity ~f the dates for annuals town meetings, the towns should be~sllowed to vote
the necessary authority. Mr. Herb suggested that if the warrant for .townmeetings