HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-06-14 June 14, 1943- o' The' regular'weekl~eeting' of"the' Boar~ was' held'~ this. dgte with~'all· memhers"present~,' ', The. start, of-the-'meeting Wns"delsyed"from' seven. O~clock until Seven forty-five'.because'.of'an"air'raid alert which started"before Mr. Thomson' arrived "at' the' "meeting; .... The- weekly ,billc'.'were,. approved' 'for-payment;.-:' Mrs.' William- Callahan~ 'Janitor' at" the' Town- Bali-' came".before ' the' Board-' ~in -reference' to"'the~'painti~' of' -the ~Stevens""H~.~'; ? Undex--Article 18 '" ~ Of 'the. Warrant~for''~'thX='yeax-'$~50;OO'was''voted for this-purpose. He-advised- the: Boar,'that"he felt'the~ should-call for bids immediately because of. the shortage of .help'to do-the 'work. Tbs.-Board latex~"voted to'-call' ~o~- bids."' Mr;~:Gordon GafSney%-Cit~ Clerk' of,Lawrence's-'~ before-tho'-Board in further reference to 'the tree .removal matter. He said the-City Council had been in comm,;~cation with the CAA a~ they had approved of all the conditions '~ set down in the vote of the Board. of Selectmen on MaY 24~ 1943 with '$~e ~xception of one~ ~mely the part' of 'the vote which said . ~. that the ~croes could~be~rem~ved' only'.wh~n".the, aix~ort~ w~s-:completed; He - . . -,' ' ~. that this: might-be', interpreted'. asl'meauing,.when- bu~tdi~gs"and' other - --~ - -:facilities, over-which' the' CAA have no Juriddiction,..were~.constructad. .... ~" They ,asked. that'the- City':Council have this matter' clarified' b~'- the Board .,L... :.::~ of Selectmen. - ~ ,'- · : . . . Mr; Foste~ said 'he thought' it~was the fee~in~ of'the" hoard:'that'.the:,vote -- ,' .~- - :..~ was. meant to be- when the runway under construeti$~, wam-~ completed. Upon ~..~- -:: :,,.. - check.~of.the wording-of· the~vote as' taksWat"the meeting;, ' ,: A"lettar received-from Mr. 'Hervey Law, ,Supervisor of,Airports by the City : ...... .... .' '~,-- 'of'Lawrense was-passed to the Selectmen by Mr. 6affney, a~ each one read it . - : ..... :.~. ~ ~,Mr. Gaffney'sugges.%ed'.'that~.perhape, the-board would cha~ge the vote to.. . ,'~:., read,_"if and'-whe~::th~ ~N~s:.r~-i~ -eompl~ted-'o~-' if~and"wh~n"the th~s~~' .... runw~ys~m,e~.completed~r ,, .-,., :- .:.; % . . . . ....... mutual, understanding of,~the Borated .that the"t~ees"wouXd,..be::~emoved-.when.the::rUn~ays, were .completad~ : : ':and:then. medea.motion, to modify.the vote .taken ~y,:2~.~ in r~spact to ,the tree question so that'it w~l read ,Thet'we give. authority to remove - seventeen of .%he-twenty'trees requested, but that-authority be executed -' : ::"'" .',. or~y., if --a ;-whew all the'..ru~ay~-are,completed,- amd:the-vote :to'read , :'::,otherwise? ne"recorded, "' - - · ' ~' .: .:Mr.."~FX~meran-"secunded-~chts'-motion-which'..~s¥ declared a" Unanimous 'vote. Mr. tois. Saumdere, - Chei~,,,',of-%he Flag..Week Co~Xttee~ came. in to the ~ ::..:.,/meeting and' asksd'~ ~-~ a~., was', favorable.to ,'the- Select~en. .. ,k %: c.~ ',..M~. :.'i: Thonson:'said-that~the, parade~waffle,. a~d-.elso::th~,~e~cises. But ., :.t~sk.. exception-tc-a ista~ement:'at" the -fieId. made:'by-.Mr~: Sah~lers that . the.:Selectmen:'Were"not~prssen~. '~r;'Thomson'said-'in view of the,fact ' ~.tl~t:~the Selectmen -were' nct':i~vited-'to'-taks.~part.,~ he felt '.they were : - .:expected to-~spactatorr-on~; : .... Mr.- Sau~ders~:apologtzed' for ':the" ro~ark' and"~ald."he-did' not-mean' it'to . he: offensiee~ or-, to: cast,.,reflections; .:, Mr.-~oster said', that .'he' could' not~be:'.present.mt"the-.exe'r~i, ses. Mr'; Saunders.- advised 'that' tho'.American. Legion'.paid' for- the::expanse of the .amplifier. so',that.-'thars TM would 'be'. no' expense.-for-the' .town;- ,-He 'suggested ,that a' donation', be' ~.~d.e~,to t?: Speake,~.'of-, the-. day,"R~V: ~oeeph H; ~amley. -On the :recommendation-of"Mr; Saun'ders .thet.~,domation;~of $10.00 be-made .tO~'.~e 'Hanley~ 'Mr;' Thomson' made' a'-motion,wh~ch:was, seconded by Mr. Finneran thet'$10,'OObe.paid-to'~Rev.'Joseph.'B:.'.Hanley for his speaking at ?.,the~.Flag Day-Exercises. yesterda~ .This.. amOunt:to,.be-paid- from-the Contingent Pand; Unanimously~voted:'' Mr. ;-Thomson'made%~' motion :that a vote'.of 'tb-~s .be extended to Mr. Louis Satmders for-his "capable .handling of' the--~lag Da~ Exerolees~ U~!mounly .Notice.was received-under' date of~e.gth, rfrom the:,Board--'Of 'Public .Works, W~liam'B. :Duff~',"Suptv'£or'Mro-bornard..Hughee. advieing of two ;;existing vacancies-" in'.that" Board" caused' by' the' deaths:..Of Mr. William ,,.Somerville -~4· Mr;.- C, Mason' Tucker. ~r~..Hughes- requested.-.th~t the Board meet with: him'-in- a- Joint. session 'on" Thursday, June 17, 1943. ~t 'was. decided-to"request'Mr,. Hughes to mee~ with. this Board at their ~eXt meeting~une 21, 1943 at eight o%lock. -This wasa motion by -.member Thomson~ seconded-' by Mr; Finneram, and' unanimously voted. Notice-was. received~i~om'the,.Lamrence-Gas,.&, Electric~Compan~, under date of June 7, advising that they had. installed a 100 Cnadle Power Tncan- · .~ descent Street:Light onPole2706, ChickeringRoad, as requested incur ~ .u letter ' of April 16, 1943. Two communications were received-.fros the Russion War Relief, Inc. 3¸0 requesting that the Selectmen proclaim June 22 es "Tribute to Russia Daf~. Mr. Finneran suggested that something fitting be pug in the paper and suggested that a procla~mation be drawn up. / He later suggested that the r. eporter put a piece in the paper stating that the ~oar~,a~.e in sympathy ~ with the aims of the Committee paying tribute to Russ'~a~ay. ,~e,~f£ared a motion as-fo .llowe~ .'At the 'request of the National Committee on Russian Relief :wa will declare June 22nd as Russia Day. and we are in accord with.:the aims of the Russian War Relief Committee. ..- .~ Mr. Foster reported that Mr. John Marray had complained, to,him about the condition of the street at ~the intersection of Greene Street and Massachusetts Avenue. Be asked tha~ Mr. Carty,:~e ;:asked · to do some filling in a drain that rune down Greene Ztreet. :.June..21~ 1943 - '~he'regular-mesting"of'the':Roard~Was',beld · h~s~-date .with :ull .members' present'. ............. -,.r ... The, weekly bills·' were., approved-for-payment;- .......... : . - M~~. hao-.Eane; one-of 'tbe~fiTe,,enEi~eers-cane.-~'n~-to~'auk-'if~the-f~remen could, no,, uee-the.-,'rooma., fomerly~.,~used'b3m,the-Surplus-'Commod~t3~department in: the ;. basement ·: of ~the: firsharn., They l wish 'to"~-~-^"~,store, equipment, ',~thare The-Board. had 'no'-obJectionn- mow- that- tbe.'W.P.A~?;has~ceesed~,,to- u~e'J,tbese' qm~ters. It was dacided~in view_of.' ~uly-5th' being a holiday meetings £ox~the.summer'months would -start ,in ~uly. A letter was received from' Do~ald Buck--,-Secretary/of, the Board, asking .that-the ',Board~'cons~dax-'taking' such~,steps.~si,:ara ,vidad by ~law, ,.to' cause.: the- appointment-' of-two- new-mem~,S'~f,.Lthe Planning Board..~to--ft]T, the-,vacancies.:,created~,h¥ ,the.:res~gnat~on~ . The, Board .~decided~to =~ advis e~;~M~_¢~--Buchan ,that,:tbey Wo~ld.l:mee~. With? , his Board, On June. 28, 1943 ,at:eight .o~,eloek'j, Mr.'~Daw~j~t~e~fifth · ma~ber of,,ths Ptanning Board)~s. in:the'armed'forces~ t eight o'clock Mr. the remaining~ the Board of Public ~orks 'came in and.a,,Joint .,'"~ The 'following is a list of, the ~mes ,,of :the s ~Vorbe~, Rockwell. Jr; .- MrL ,Thomson non~'L~ated ~ro ',l~arold-flolt - ' ~r. Finneran no~nated,,l~. Forbes::~ockweLT Mr. flngbes mo~ted-'Mr;"Free~un l~ateh,.,Mr.-Foster. ~o Thomson~o~ted*Mr Mr. Thomson ~o~ted'~; ~Charles~-~romhll,-,,~r;;,Hughes,, Seco~dadL,the There, were oulT-two'.votes;,cast'.m:.-hs wan:~not.,elected~,i;r,~.' ' · .~r., ,Fi~eram' non,~ted~:l~z%~.Don~ld~uchan~ ;'Mr;',,Foeter: ~'~nd~d the Mr. ~ngbe~ request~d',when,,th~!Board:,was: not~fy~ng, these';~unceeefl~l c~idates o_e,tl~eir;appeint~ent, that,'tbey,be;-~advieed,'of,'a~eet~ng of the-Board of'~'~uBlic Worl~,'-[Thursday~ '~une:,,2Z,~ ,19~3 ,~t~¢~O Mr. W~Tliem Oal~ahan ,ca~e ~nLtO~Lme~-- ~nd ,asked, th~ Board:to try a~l keep out e~ough.mo~e:F.~.u,~c.~..the~,a~ou~t appropriated fOr the painting of the Town l~a~ljfor,,the purcha.se' of?a, few, new cutters . 3t¸ The Board said they would keep this matter in mind when awarding the hide which were to be received July 2, 1943. ~-petition was received from a group of persons residing on Greene Street. and Massachusetts Avenue request2ng the Selectmen-to try and :obtain bus service for them. The potential route of the bus to be up Middlesex Street to Greene Street, down Greene Street'to Massa- chusetts' Avenue and down Massachusetts Avenue to Lawrence.' This Bus 'they suggested could 'replace the Railroad Avenue- High· Street bus and could run between the hours run on the Salem route' bus. ~lt'was decided bythe Board that Mr. Thomson would see-Mr. ~Chase, · ':Manager of the ~ster~ Massachusetts',Strest,Railway .Company . 'personally.' concerning this matter. . A';cop~ of Chapter 267, An Act Repealing The Provisions Of Law 'AU'thorizingi'The'Licensiug And~ Conducting-Of The-,Game-commonly Called BeAno, was ~eceived from the Secretary of .the Commonwealth, 'F,.W. Cook. No licenses have.'been issued in this town during' the year for Beano.~ · . Mx;~ Foster reported concerning, his' conversation with Mr. Carry about the condition of Gree~e Street ~at the corner of Massachusetts which ~,' .....was ,brought to .his attention by John Murray a' week, previous. Mr.' Carry .advised that-' he.,has 'the'piPe',already...to~pu~ in'down, on'-- . -that .street but-~he"has.'t~' wait-for~.on~:percon,who~ owns.,a, home there ' :' "' to~have.his!sewer entered. ' : Mr. Duffzsaid this work'will he done · this 's~mmer and when it is dona Mr. Carty~will do'his .work . Meeting adjourned.' . . ~un~ 25~ 1~43 · 'The .regular weekly meeting was 'held this date 'with ~: :members present; The wegkly hills, Old Age Assistance ""':'hLlls'and'A~d'to'Dependent Children hills:were approved for pay- : A'~contr~t in duplicate .was received from the Department .of Public W~rks'.~iisting the. streets' to he~ repaired'under- Chapter ~0. The following etreet~"were~entio~ed~'" · ........ -- ' .Street. ~ 9,~00~;~Main"Street'- 1,356~; Psters'Street.~ 1,2~4~ ,400~'and' .Water~ Street' - 2,~00~, .. ' Total. 21,980 .feet" cf, r'oa~way to b~-'.maintained; amdJimproved. "'~" Mr.. Carry for hisfappr0val .before it is ? to~ the- Departmen~-of. Publi~.'Wor~. .- ~' .A..letter was:.received from~Mr, Fr~n~ Nocere thanking.:tha'~Board ; ~ '~I" .: ~ . ~ onportun~tz'~o bid on' the' Pai~tiug of Stevens. ~ but.' decliniug · . ..:', ' ' ~, -beCause he. ~s !engaged in. defense work am~ w~l~ he' ,~ble to do other. ..: . ...work; -- ~ . :. . : . . . . ...'6bnsideration gXve~'him r~ce~tly on.his.~ppli .,c~..for the appoimtmen~ . :. ,.to'::the ,Public Works 'Board. ' ~ -.... ..... ;' ' '"' Hgj"also made' application to b.e appointed to one 9f the vacancies existing , in:the Planning Board. A.:,ccmmu~ication was. received from Miss Sarah; M;' Fieldi ~Couservation . n.~. :. ,:. .... ~¢hai~-~~ oS. the North A~over Garden Club enclos~-_~ a ·.circular con- ,. ;~ ~'i~ng a recent law which, was passed -With 'reference to.the growth" ".~' : .,"A~letter wgs received from the Employers Mut,,-1 Liability Insurance ComP~ of Wisconsin, 'adVising of the new rates-fo~"wsrkmen~s . pensation insurance on risks held hZ the ..town for Professors, · ' .~T,eachers, etc. ~ncl. ~.0.E. and. all other employees.,, . . : ~A;.maeting was held at eight, o'clock w~th-Mr.~.Donsld. Buc~_-~, Secretary · ,--?~ ...... :of.the Ple~ng Board... . % After careful: discussion it was. decided upon suggestion and later a ~, .. ,[.% ../~.0:t~e. of Mr. Thcmson~s that three appointments should he:made. " , :?"i M~, B~f~,~_ said.at first that his Board were. holding open the replace- ...... ~ent Of-Mr. Daws so that he would think they ware.waiting, for'him to come back. He said it was his opinion that a four-man' hoard could operate Just as well 'as a five ,~-. board could. He was agreeable to appointing, three men if the Selectmen felt they wanted three. Mr. Finneran said he thought it would be Just as well to. appoint only two men and leave the third vacancy as it ia. .. Mr;"l Thomson said it, was no discredit ~o Mr. Daws to replace him with a military substitute and the law specifically states this may be done.