HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-07-12Mr..Thomson said he did not think a four man hoard could operate as well as a five man board could, if there was a difference of opinion and the vote was split it would present a problem. Mr. Finnaran suggested waiting until such'a situation presented itself and then take action but Mr. Thomson said this would de- lay matters about two weeks. Mr. Foster agreed with Mr..Thomson. Mr~ Buchan said he would be' in favor 'of appointing three, at this meeting if it was the"intention"of"the'"Roard'"t0'~aPpoiht' later. ~Mr. Foster asked, if 'they"wished"to' put' the matter"to "a vote and Mr. Thomson made a marion that three appointments be made.: ' This m~tion was seconded -,and dechared"a'ma~Jority~vote;~' M~. Finneran Not voting. Mr. Thomson said there"must"have"been~"some"specific''reas°n~f°r'' · the appointment-of'a five man."board"origizally.' He ~sked' Bucham if must~"ofi the wor~'was~comp.,l~ted''that''the Planning Board ' had to do. Mr. Buc~-~"said thet'Mr; 'Gocdwin~'~engineer:for',,the Planning Board,'was drawing up"some 'Board'~off' Survey laws"wh~.ch'~ his Board had 'Intended to ti~' in with' the.,~ni~g Laws. The appointment of.'a Board of AppeAl was also incomplete., Asked what Mr; William Russell's opinion was in the matter, Mr. Bucha~ said that they had considered the appointment'of two men only But he had nobody in mind for the appointment.' Mr. Buchan said they would go along with the' board and ,be agreeable 'to anything the board ~dcided to do. On the motion of Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Finnernn,~Dr. ~-~old Kay was unanimously appoin~e~ .to fill the military vacanc2 for ~ames Daws. Mr. Fiuaeran moved for the appointment of Charles TromBly. This motios was seconded by. Mr. Thomson and unanimously voted. Mr; Arther Thomson motioned for the appointment'of Mr; Ritchie, this motion was second by'Mr. Finneran and carried. . A State Xid'retur~ 'for ~uae was sent ~in to the'Comm/ssiOnar of Stets Aid and' Pensions- this", date- as" follows~ Spamisb 'war - .S 'phiA' ra e World .Wg ' 0.00 World War ~[, OIi~e,Ferguson, '$50.00. Mr. Donald Buc~-~ asked" tha~Boa~-'to-appoint'an Appeal.B$.~.f-°r . · the, Planning Board-w~n~eh~outd-~be'[~o~pbsed.~gf~'f,i,v,e.~ me~]~6r~ '~cwo of which would' be members of 'the Planning Board. The AttorneyGame~al has approved:the Zoning Laws as sub~it~sd; Mr; Buchan, said, ;~ amd~ this is ~h~ an appeal, board~ Should ,Be:;appointed. Some thought ough~ to he given' to the appointment he' sai~, so that the. members of tbs board ~ could Become familiar with the 'laws sad Be ~in a position to: k~ow-how'ts handle an appeal if ,one..pr~ented itself. No action was taken'at this meeting .om'thereat2ex~' '~:'~ '~:~ ~;'?. - ' · ,. Meeting adJ6urned. The regular weekly: me~eting of th~ Board was held this d~2'e~: All'members were present and the 'weekly bills were approved for ,PaYment. ' ' , ' Mr. Foster asked the Hoard to go' down to the Tow~ Infirm~, and, see the fine garden there. Mr; 0trim Foster-ex~ended an in~ita~i~,n through him tO~ the Board'to. sea, it. · At the request of Officer Myron Lewis, the: following men~ere appointed Special Oonstablee.-to serve as Auxiliary,,Police~ ~mbiehl, Roland. 19 Furbor Avenue and' Maude, ~ohn '15 F~rBer-Avenue. The Board .sig~ed .note.#641 in the.amount of~$1~,283.1~ drawn to .the Emergency Fimance~ H~rd~ the- ,~rpose- of which is"Tax' TitIes! date of issue ,7/19/43, .payable~ to'the Commonwealth cf Massaebuse~t~s, :due~d4te ?/19/Z4',and rate- of. interes~'~l%. 'payable at ,maturity. : ''~ ' A letter, of thanks *as received from Attor~ey'¢harles Trombly for his appoint, ment as a member' of the Planning Board. M~. Frank:Smith, Third Street, was the only painter to bid for the work of painting the interior of Stevens Hall. He Said he would do the work as requested for the sum of, ~500.00 33 Onthe motion .of member Thomson, seconded ~,,'Mr Finaeran, it was voted unanimously' to give the contract to ~. Smith et his specified ,pri~e of $500.00o .A communication was r®ceived from the ~.ssex County Retirement Board, 'iSale~.~Mass. advising that the following amounts will be necessary .~t0~ ca.rry out the operations of the system for the remainder of the -Pension Accumulation Fund · $1900;00 ..?F~cpe~e Fund ' 10{3;00 $2000.00 ::=The matter' of raising th~s amount was. discussed end on the motion of :i~r. ~Thomson, seconded bY ~r. Finn®ran, it was unan~mouel7 voted to transfer from the reserve fu~d $2000,00 ~o taka :are of the l~ettrement Pelion as indicated in letter of ~u17 8th from Essex Count7 Betiremsnt 'Board, providing approval is received from Mro Waddel~'s Office, · !,w,f]:t~.~as.-suggested that a letter be ~ritted to Mr. Waddell to see if The reappointment of the Precinct Officers was d~.scussed and two ~eplacemsnte were made and one held over for~ the July 26th meeting. because, it was felt that .this is a.very important: position and thought should. ~e given to the appointment.- - Mrs..Mary.McDonaugh, _Tnspector,'is·.too ill to serve and..on the.motion Finneran, seconded-.by Mr.: Thomion,: it was --~,-t-ously voted to the motio~ 'of ,Mr. ;Thomson it was .unanimously voted to .let the Clerk' s position-.ride, until July, 26th. ~0n~tha.motion of Mr.~.Finneran, seconded.~Y.Mr. ,Thomson it:was voted ~to ~.appoint: Alfred Gar~eau~ Deputy 'Ballot Clerk in Pre- ~cinct ~ to fill~...the vacancy~in that. office. :;,;The appointments to Be made in the Juror list were held~over to ,m~uimous .~ vote. ~atio~i, Bos~d came.in to. the meeting and advised~ the~Board..~hat he ~eeded-an assistant- on his Board and suggeste~ -~ ~the~-~ms ,of. ~ohn.:Finn for' the appointment; . 'He ~asked' tBet'~the Sels~ .~pprove. the ..appo~ntmant,.,which ,would..have to Be sent .in to Boston for ~endorsement.. The Selectmsn:were'fa~o~aB1e ~o ,his 'suggestion and he :,..~:~,~'lwas:advised to ,have fhis 'cler~ type. the.,lettor, and they.~,would sign it. theI Bo~rd'. in'. further reference and.. Mr. ~f~,came. Before ' " 750 gallon,pumping engine..' communication was received,from.the War Production~Board, Maury :;lMaverick; 'Director,~ he '~aid, -stating that it is regretted:that, favorable ~.-i. recommendation could not.Be given.at this time,to their:application for the~ aBove~ pumping engine due. to the' very limited number of medium:and ?:heavy pieces of fire apparatus '-to-~e' constructed ~his year..' It was suggested,', hoeever~,'that':if.?a,-500 gallom unit could~..Be~ used. favorable .~ ra commendation~ight':be given.-fox~:.~hat; ?::.:.~ Mr~..:Hargreaves. i~-answer~:.to~ a' question~.fro2.memBer-: he did~ ~,-[~ notf-feel the-~cown!:s:momsy!:should~ BeY'spent:for~this:umit. Mr; · aske~.if,.s0~e 'form: of :equ~pmen~ would Be-.needed-Before.,the war was' over ~ i~and'.,na~d,.:conaiderat'ion' ought' to~ BO- given" to~ .tli~s.~ point..-.! :,,]{e:. than! suggested- that Mr..Hargreaves~, l~:'what strings 'he could and [if.-~ha had~-'nuccemsz~he-hoard:'would"~call, a, meeting- of the co~mittee ..... Before the twenty-first. Because of the wording of the vote at the .~J.';town meeting. Mr.'-.Thomaon said nc ,m~t, less .than ?50 gallon could Be ..... Bought ~0~~ . .