HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-08-09Mrs. Olive M. Regan, Secretary. for the Board of Selectmen and Agent
for the Board of Public Welfare tendered her resigmat, ion. at this
meeting to take effect at the earliest convenience of the Board.
Mr. Thomson,after making several remarks concernin~ the',',services
rendered by Mrs. Regain, made a motion that the resignation be
accepted with regret. Mr. Finneran said his feelings were much the
same as Mr. Thomson's and he .seconded the motion that the resignation
he accepted with deep regret. Mr. Foster said he Could add nothing
to what had been said and the motion was unanimously-voted.
The matter of making an appointment was-taken ~under ~advisement"
on'. the motion of Mr. Thomson and seconded by Mr., Firmer. am.
Mr. Thomson, advised the meeting that :he,had been told[of an
accident between.a. Town truck driven by Ed. Caltbrop and~the:,'~ · -
'Wedge boy. Mr.-Wedge ,said his boy was' riding.on his ,Bic~le
when he was in collision with the truck. He said kis ~boy's
bicycle was .damaged and that, h~was, going ,to. make 'a~ clai~..~agai~st"
the town. On the motion of ,'Mr.' Thtma0~; it was voted roi'refer the .
ma~ter to Mr. Carry for a report.
,Mr. James HargreaVes, Fire Chief, same Before the Board i in i,reference
to the need for more men on the Department. Where there~h~S~"alwnys
been four, spare drivers, there is now .only oma.~. , when' thai ambulance
goes out,it leaves the station underm~m~ed with only ong~man[~o',cover.
John Walsh is now in service, and ~David Roberts who wn~,,~a:sp~i
driver has now been put in as a military substitute for,~D0nald'Thomson.
Mr. Finneran, asked if-the [matter~ would straighten out.,'af, tar vaeatio2s
were over and Mr. I~argreaves said it would be better.but';~theytwould
.still be short; · There should Be a man who live~haniyi:itO ghee,station
who could ,take, the truck: right out when, an alarm comes i2 Mr~ ~ar-, ,
greaves, said. Mr. Walsh, has always
store and home near,~by.
In answer to questioning Mr.. ~argreaves said he wou~d
: a per,~ent man rather tha~,a:~ sparsman..
He saidhe has about $500. available, now, from money
ulated ,by having, no spare, drivers, and he
anoth~r~,,-mam, The rate of pay for a regular man, h~
!, $35~00 .par week' and for a. temporary ,man' $38;00,per~,week:~?'
~ It' was suggested that ~ Mr.l~argrsaves take': over the~ Job. hi,,self,,;,
maid. the,two members,of the engineers:,b0ar~
· it 'over hut he thought there~ ndght i he'.,criticism~-if~,he~didJ~;'~:?(~
,After further[discussion of the mattar~he was advise'd;',b~,~t~;~.B~grd
to ase his own discretion in the matter amd. the. Board
him up on,what he:did.~ . .
A communication dated~ July 23, 1~43 is received· from,
of Public Works, Edgar, F., Oopall, Traffie,~,Engineer,
Roard'of. Executive Order'#55 of~the ,Governor,, in,.which'he ~has seen
fit to remove the obligation of shielding
in dimout in Massachusetts
,'areas · . - ·
. .. ,-,,. ~ Meeting: adJ
State- Aid. ret~u~n-.for.-the month- o~
in the ,amount .of $20.00 for the following persons~
Sophia,, Eano, $10.00 ~,~.'RUth 'Carey $1q..oo. ,.~...,
The hi-monthly meetimg of'the Btax~ Was ~eld this. date wi h :'all
memhers present~ ........ ~ '
The- weekly,bills were, approved f~r ,pa2ment.
Mrs. l~elene 'l~chardson[ and her,daughter- ~rene 'were/rpre, s~nt for,~the
hearing Scheduled-fur~,~='30 :P.M. on herl land".d~vision;.
She .advised 'the Board that? Since.:the last meeting ':~th~/s~Ale .which.
Brought about' this hearing had .been~ ca'celled ~ut she'::~i'shed~:to, have
the matter 'straightened. out for future business.
A new pla-' of the lay out which, was, tentatively agreed Upon atftl~e
last meeting was prese~te~the Board for their .perusal~and~decision.
It was fimallu voted On theUmotion of Mr. Thomson~, and .~ec~nded by
~. ,~l~ule~aa ths~the_Bsard.'.approve the ,sub division, of land as
,,. shown on Plan drawn by Clinton Goodwin July 19, 1943,of,'lamd
.owned by Irene C. Richardson'by- authority ~ted-in tha~','~by the
:Board of Appeals, so:that-the-property as divided will' contain
~ pieces, fr0nting.:~n-Main- Street~ one,containing 67.6t and
the ,other. containing~ 92.40 ~,
Unanimous vote~. The above approval applies only ,to-that portion
of land that fronts on-Main~Street~
Mr. Harold Bolt, a membe.r of"the Advisory Board, came in. to the
meeting to explain the-delay-of his Board in returning two' sets
of transfers sent"'to~em:~for-their consideration, and approval. .
,,Be-said that .three.~of..the. ~membe~~ had resigned~ and,-one, of tha fo~r
remaining memhars:'was~ away. on-,vacation- so, that: the papers ~would
have to await his return ~,for the signature which ,is necessary to
..make the,appro , ma 'o e boa .
A report was rec.ei~e'd.::from':~r;, ~ra D. Oarty explaizi~g tho"accident
which occurred between one of the teen t~ucks, driven by Edmund
Calthrope, and .~e';Wed~e Boy who was riding on a bicycle. Bis father
~' reported the ac'cident at the previous meeting but has not presented
,. a hill covering'it,s damages so that no action was taken at this time.
The Board of Appea~s was appointed at this me,ting and is as follows~
Attorney Charles T~ombly and Donald BUchan members of the Pla~rd~g
~_: Board; Mr. ~enr7 Lund, Mr. ~rving ~owes And Mr.. John Alter.
Mr. Thomson moved for th~ appointment of Mr. Trembly and Mr.~ LU~d,
M~. 'Foster moved for. the appointmamt of ~rving Bowes,and Mr. Finneraz
moved for, the' appointment; of,Mr. John Alter ..... .,~.. .~,., ~
Ail appointments were. mede-,~y.unandmous vote..
It,' was unanimously,voted to' record the ~sstng of Mrs. Mary McDonough
who was employed ~ the Town of ~orth Andover 'for' the past eleven
,years, on the records of this Board. ,She will he missed hy all'who
.j::.., ~knew. and w.orked wi~h her. . .
Finneran~ spoke of the condi.tion at the e~d:. of the Shawsheen.
. 'A~d. Over 'which is .very hazardous to persons walking
p~ayxng around there..:.- ~The. City of Lawrence~,hasJerected;: ,
a fence on ,their'Side of the ,bridg$- since- the: ~ci~en~ Occurred. ~hich
...... , . , . ,,, . , pa' ~ . .expens~,of arectin .a:fence
.,At the re.q.u, est' of,two of: thejpo,lice office~S; it wa~, unanimouslY,
VOted on th~ .motion. of Ml;.'[Thomson, .secOnded by Mr..Finnera~ to:
i.wa~'ve the enf~'~amin~ .0f.~ulei#25. of, the'Rules:;and Regulations
~f,or ~he .durkt,i.0n.: .~_~!' cha~ge ,will~. be -~'de' in the rule...
,~ ,A,~: was aecide~[,to,,advise/Chief :Mcgee' of 'th~ action of the,Board.
~t"was unanimously 'voted to rescind the' vote taken at the 'last '
m~eting of the'Board with:reference-to the-resignation of,Mrs.
Olive Began,'. Secretary.. of: the.' Board of Selectmen, and Social ~orker
,~.f, the Welfare Department;an~'to. grant :her a leave-{~f,,ahsence, efor
six, months, ~ubJect-,to-t. ha aPProval of the Commissioner of 'Civil
Service.. The motion' was 0ffered~ Mr. Thomson and seconded by
: .M~,~..: .F.inneran; '.,~M~.s. Began :will' e6n~inue as Part-ti~ Welfare Agent
x-or:, ~ne' present' ~ 'n0~ action ~wa~ ~en with reference to this
~:t~e: re?ti?n: of-Mr." ~omso~' it' was u~mous!7 vo~d ~ ask ~s.
ue~e~.~o ~a~e' over· in.tha, absence,of Mrs. Began-a~.to: ~7 hsr
,$2. oo additio~l sala~ ~r week' fo~. atte~ing the Selectmen
Me,tings in tha-eve ..' .
,,~ , , . ~ngs. ~ieincreame. is' subject, ~ the
the Oo~xsslommr of 'Ci~'Se~- ,': ~- ....
~e .appointment of additio~ cleric~ help was dis~ssed but,~
ap~intment ~s ~de, at this' meetly.
[acation money ~s' approved-'for ~s. Dea~en a~ this meetly. Shs
w~l not t~e time off ~t will receive e~ra compensation at her
re~ sal~.